Texas Higher Education COORDINATING BOARD Planning and Accountability P. O. Box 12788 Austin, Texas 78711 ● 1200 East Anderson Lane 78752 Susan E. Brown Assistant Commissioner Planning and Accountability 512/ 427-6153 susan.brown@thecb.state.tx.us FAX: 512/ 427-6147 Gary W. Johnstone Deputy Assistant Commissioner Planning and Accountability 512/ 427-6139 gary.johnstone@thecb.state.tx.us FAX: 512/ 427-6147 MEMORANDUM June 9, 2014 To: Institutional Research (IR) Directors and Chief Reporting Officials, Texas Community Colleges Julie Eklund, Ph.D. Deputy Assistant Commissioner Planning and Accountability 512/ 427-6533 julie.eklund@thecb.state.tx.us FAX: 512/ 427-6147 From: Julie Eklund Subject: Updated Success Points Data and Explanatory Materials Ginger L. Gossman, Ph.D. Director Planning 512-427-6452 ginger.gossman@thecb.state.tx.us FAX: 512-427-6147 After a careful review, the Coordinating Board has updated the computer programs used for calculating success points. A detailed description of that review and reasons for the update are included in the file titled “Success Points Review and Update 6.6.14.” Linda L. Hargrove, Ph.D. Director Research and Evaluation 512/427-6122 linda.hargrove@thecb.state.tx.us Fax: 512/ 427-6147 Thomas E. Keaton Director Finance and Resource Planning 512/ 427-6133 thomas.keaton@thecb.state.tx.us FAX: 512/ 427-6147 Doug Parker Director Educational Data Center 512/ 427-6287 doug.parker@thecb.state.tx.us FAX: 512/ 427-6147 Kathy Cox Assistant Director Educational Data Analysis Support Center 512/ 427-6286 kathy.cox@thecb.state.tx.us FAX: 512/ 427-6147 Additional documents related to Community College Success Points are attached, including an Excel spreadsheet that provides updated point totals (weighted and unweighted) for FY 2010, FY 2011, and FY 2012 along with a three-year average weighted total. These updated point totals have been posted online in the Texas Higher Education Accountability System under http://www.txhighereddata.org/AccountabilitySuccessPoints. Success Points funding for the 2014-2015 biennium will not change as a result of these updates, but the new point totals included in the spreadsheet will be used for future calculations. FY 2013 points have been calculated using the same methodology as the points included in these files and will be posted and provided to institutions later this month. For an overview of the methodology for determining success points, refer to the file titled “Success Points Data Flow 6.6.14.” This is an update of a previously released document which provides explanations of how points are derived using CBM data and a one-page flow-chart overview of the process. Institutions that would like to request a copy of the updated SAS statistical analysis software programs used to calculate points may direct those requests to me. In addition, Coordinating Board staff will be working with members of the Texas Association of Community College (TACC) Success Points Task Force this summer to create a logic document that is more detailed than the flow chart but does not require knowledge of SAS for interpretation. The attached materials will be posted in the Accountability System at http://www.txhighereddata.org/Interactive/Accountability/Measures.cfm, along with a CBM to SAS crosswalk. We will also post a “previously awarded points” spreadsheet which will help IR staff to better reconcile CBM data submissions with success point totals for first college-level course completion and readiness. The previously awarded points spreadsheet will show points that an institution did not AN EQUAL OPPORTUNITY EMPLOYER AND SERVICE PROVIDER Updated Success Points Data and Explanatory Materials June 9, 2014 Page 2 receive because a student reached the milestone first at a different institution or at your institution in an earlier semester. Upon notification that the attached information has been provided to you, Don Hudson from TACC will provide leadership at your institution with an overview of the changes and a copy of these materials. Feel free to contact me if you have any questions. Attachments: Excel spreadsheet Success Points Review and Update 6.6.14 Success Points Data Flow 6.6.14 c: CTC Liaisons Rey Garcia Donn Hudson Steve Johnson David Gardner Susan Brown John Wyatt