THECB 101 What is the Texas Higher Education Coordinating Board and how does it work? April 16, 2014 SLIDE 1 Session Purpose A comprehensive overview of the mission, purpose and authority of the THECB. Learning Outcomes: • • • • Articulate the role, purpose, and authority of the THECB Identify the major divisions of the THECB Access and navigate the THECB website Utilize various tools and resources available from the THECB SLIDE 2 THECB History • Texas Commission on Higher Education, 1953, Governor Allan Shivers • Created in 1965, Governor John Connally • Founded as the “Coordinating Board, Texas College and University System” • Texas Charter for Public Higher Education adopted by the 70th Legislature • Renamed “Texas Higher Education Coordinating Board” SLIDE 3 THECB History “To make education of this extent and quality possible, we must husband every one of our resources. Nothing can be wasted in the realms of money, personnel, time, or buildings and equipment. No one institution could handle such a job alone. What we must demand and get is an outstanding, well coordinated, mutually reinforcing system of higher education, composed of relatively independent State colleges and universities.” Address of GOVERNOR ALLAN SHIVERS To Texas Commission on Higher Education Senate Chamber, Austin, Texas Wednesday, September 23, 1953 SLIDE 4 THECB History “For the first time, junior colleges under your direction become full partners in our total higher educational endeavor, and I urge you never to forget that the best classroom instruction may well exist in these institutions. They are unfettered by elaborate administrative structures, extensive research commitments, and faculty promotions dependent upon scholarly publications, the junior college instructor can devote his full energy and enthusiasm to teaching the student. He can demonstrate a personal interest. In short, he is certainly the equal of his fellow faculty members in four- year institutions and should be treated as such.” SLIDE 5 CHARGE TO THE COORDINATING BOARD TEXAS COLLEGE AND UNIVERSITY SYSTEM By GOVERNOR JOHN CONNALLY September 20, 1965 THECB Mission “…to work with the Legislature, Governor, governing boards, • Dramatically increase the number of postsecondary completions; higher education institutions and other entities to help Texas • Keep college affordable and accessible for all Texans; and meet the goals of the state's higher education plan, Closing the Gaps by 2015, and thereby • Align higher education outcomes with current and future workforce needs. provide the people of Texas the widest access to higher education of the highest quality in the most efficient manner.” Mission Statement SLIDE 6 THECB Purposes The Texas Higher Education Coordinating Board's responsibilities fall into three major areas: Coordination • Develops long-term higher education plan • Reviews and approves academic and technical degree programs offered by public institutions of higher education Information Provides data and information on higher education to state policy makers and citizens Administration Administers state and federal programs such as: • Hinson-Hazlewood College Student Loan Program • Graduate Medical Education Grant Programs • Carl D. Perkins Technical Vocational Funds Compact with Texans SLIDE 7 Mission Critical: Closing the Gaps 2015 Closing the Gaps 2015 • Adopted in 2000 • Four goals related to closing the gaps in Texas as well as between Texas and other states: • Student Participation • Student Success • Excellence • Research • Strategies for addressing the goals • Annual performance measurement SLIDE 8 THECB is not SACSCOC THECB SACSCOC State agency Regional accrediting body An extension of Texas Government “Voluntarily” membership Implements laws for public higher education institutions Implements accreditation standards for members – private and public Texas Education Code & Texas Administrative Code forms basis of work “Standards of Accreditation” forms basis of work State reporting/funding 10-year site-visit/5th year interim report SLIDE 9 THECB Structure • 6-years terms • No member may be employed in education • Cannot be a college or university trustee or regent SLIDE 10 Organizational Structure Dr. Rex Peebles Susan Brown Commissioner Dr. Raymund Paredes Dr. David Garner THECB Staff and Organization Dr. Judith Laredo SLIDE 11 Organizational Structure Dr. Rex Peebles Dr. Garry Tomerlin SLIDE 12 THECB Academic Affairs Advisory Committees THECB Advisory Committee SLIDE 13 Academic & Workforce Oversight • Lower Division Academic • Guidelines for Instructional Course Guide Manual Programs in Workforce • Texas Core Curriculum • Dual Credit Education (GIPWE) • Workforce Education Course • Course & Degree Program Inventory Manual (WECM) • Program Accountability • Field of Study • Low Producing Programs • Texas Tuning Project • Carl D. Perkins Career & • Course Redesign Project Technical Education SLIDE 14 P-16 Oversight • Texas Success Initiative (Developmental Education) • College & Career Readiness Standards • Student Success Initiatives • AVID Postsecondary Project • Adult Education Transition Programs SLIDE 15 THECB Rules & Policies • Bacterial Meningitis Vaccination • Common Calendar • Transfer Policies • Civil Rights Compliance SLIDE 16 Practical Matters: THECB Website Tools & Resources THECB Home Page: • Workforce, Academic Affairs and Research • P-16 Initiatives • Texas Higher Education Data SLIDE 17 Dr. Lee Ann Nutt Vice President of Instruction Lone Star College-Tomball 281-351-3378 SLIDE 18 SLIDE 19