pn Junction Photodetectors Most detectors used in communications are based on the pn or pin junction is a semiconductor. A pn junction is formed by doping adjacent regions of a semiconductor with excess donor and acceptor atoms, respectively. © 2012 Henry Zmuda Set 8 - Detectors 1 pn Junction Detectors – Quantum Efficiency In a reverse-biased photodiode it is desired that the light be absorbed in the depletion region so that carriers can be collected before they recombine. Power absorbed elsewhere does not contribute to the overall photocurrent. Incident Light wp W –– –– –– –– –– –– p – region © 2012 Henry Zmuda wn ++ ++ ++ ++ ++ ++ The quantum efficiency is determined by the amount of power absorbed in the depletion region relative to the total incident power on the detector. n – region Set 8 - Detectors 2 pn Junction Detectors – Quantum Efficiency Reflection from the surface reduces the incident power by R, leaving (1 – R)Po The transmitted light must pass through the p-region, whose absorption coefficient αp is essentially identical to the bulk attenuation coefficient for the semiconductor material. The amount of power reaching the depletion edge is: ( ) ( ) P w p = Po 1− R e −α pw p The depletion region will absorb light depleting the power by exp[-αw] The fraction of light deposited in the depletion region is 1 – exp[-αw] The overall quantum efficiency is © 2012 Henry Zmuda η = (1− R) e Set 8 - Detectors −α pw p ( 1− e −α w ) 3 pn Junction Detectors – Quantum Efficiency It is clearly desirable to reduce reflections and absorption in the bulk region. This can be done by making wp as thin as possible, making W as wide as possible, and adding an anti-reflection coating (AR coating) to the detector substrate. Recombination of photo-generated carriers will also reduce the quantum efficiency. Recombination is increased by defects and impurities which act as recombination centers in the lattice, so these must be minimized. © 2012 Henry Zmuda Set 8 - Detectors 4 pn Junction Detectors – Quantum Efficiency – Example Determine the quantum efficiency of a Si photodiode operating at 700 nm with the following parameters: α Si = 104 cm -1 1 µm nSi = 3.5 κ = 11.7 Incident Light atoms N d = 10 cm 3 atoms N a = 1017 cm 3 ni2 = 1.96 ×1020 cm -6 at T = 300°K p – region n – region 18 © 2012 Henry Zmuda Set 8 - Detectors 5 pn Junction Detectors – Quantum Efficiency – Example Total depletion width: ⎡ 2κε o Nd W = a+b= Φ − Va ) ⎢ + ( q ⎢⎣ N a ( N a + N d ) W = 0.112 µ m ⎤ Na ⎥ Nd ( Nd + Na ) ⎥ ⎦ ⎛ Na Na ⎞ Naa = Ndb ⇒ b = a ⇒ W = a + b = ⎜ 1+ a⇒a= ⎟ Nd Nd ⎠ ⎝ W Na 1+ Nd W W a= = = 0.909W = 0.1018 µ m 17 1.1 10 1+ 18 10 © 2012 Henry Zmuda Set 8 - Detectors 6 pn Junction Detectors – Quantum Efficiency – Example Power loss due to Fresnel reflection: 2 2 ⎛ n − 1 ⎞ ⎛ 2.5 ⎞ R=⎜ ⎟ =⎜ ⎟ = 0.31 ⎝ n + 1 ⎠ ⎝ 4.5 ⎠ The transmitted light must propagate through wp = 1 – 0.1 = 0.9 µm of silicon before reaching the depletion region. This will have an attenuation of exp[-104 x 0.9 x 10-4] = 0.4 40% of the light transmitted through the front surface makes it to the depletion region. Only a fraction of the light is absorbed in the depletion region: 1 - exp[-104 x 0.112 x 10 –4] = 0.106; only 10% of the light that reaches the depletion region is actually absorbed there. © 2012 Henry Zmuda Set 8 - Detectors 7 pn Junction Detectors – Quantum Efficiency – Example The quantum efficient is: η = (1 − R ) e −α p w p −α w 1 − e ( ) = 0.69 ⋅ 0.4 ⋅ 0.1 = 0.0276 The quantum efficiency for this example is less that 3% This illustrates a major problem with pn-junction photodetectors. A large reverse bias can widen the depletion region width, but breakover becomes an issue. The preferred solution is to use a pin diode. © 2012 Henry Zmuda Set 8 - Detectors 8 pin Detectors The pin diode (p-intrinsic-n) is the most widely used detector in optoelectronic systems. It is difficult to increase the depletion region of a typical pn junction beyond 1 or 2 µm which is what limits the quantum efficiency and the capacitance. The width of the depletion region can be artificially increased by adding an intrinsic semiconductor between the doped region. © 2012 Henry Zmuda Set 8 - Detectors 9 pin Detectors Incident Light metal SiO2 p+ Intrinsic Electric Field n+ © 2012 Henry Zmuda Set 8 - Detectors 10 pin Detectors © 2012 Henry Zmuda Set 8 - Detectors 11 pin Detectors An n-doped semiconductor has a layer of intrinsic material grown on the surface followed by a thin epilayer or diffusion of p-doped material. The undoped intrinsic layer is made think enough to absorb most of the incident radiation, so that most free carriers are generated in this region. Contact is made to the p-region through an annular contact at the surface, and to the n-doped substrate through a ground plane. A thin (1000 Angstrom) layer of SiO2 is sometimes deposited on the surface of the detector to reduce reflections. Under reverse bias, a strong static field is established across the intrinsic region to rapidly sweep out any photo generated carriers. © 2012 Henry Zmuda Set 8 - Detectors 12 Anti-Reflection Coatings – A Single Layer Coating n0 Incident Light n film d film © 2012 Henry Zmuda nsubstrate Optical Component AR Coatings 13 Anti-Reflection Coatings – A Single Layer Coating n0 Incident Light n film = n0 ns d film 1 λo = n1 4 nsubstrate Optical Component No reflected wave at λo © 2012 Henry Zmuda AR Coatings 14 Anti-Reflection Coatings – A Single Layer Coating ⎛ ⎛ π λo ⎞ ns ⎞ 1− cos ⎜⎝ n ⎟⎠ ⎜⎝ 2 λ ⎟⎠ − 0 Γ (λ ) = ⎛ ⎛ π λo ⎞ ns ⎞ ⎜⎝ 1+ n ⎟⎠ cos ⎜⎝ 2 λ ⎟⎠ + 0 ⎛ n1 ns ⎞ ⎛ π j ⎜ − ⎟ sin ⎜ ⎝ n0 n1 ⎠ ⎝ 2 ⎛ n1 ns ⎞ ⎛ π j ⎜ + ⎟ sin ⎜ ⎝ n0 n1 ⎠ ⎝ 2 λo ⎞ λ ⎟⎠ λo ⎞ λ ⎟⎠ r1 ( λ = λo ) = 0 ⇒ if n0 ns = n12 , r1 = 0 © 2012 Henry Zmuda AR Coatings 15 1. If normal incidence in not assumed, the reflection with angle varies as: 2. Note that for non-normal incidence that the reflection minimum does not go to zero or even occur at the central wavelength. © 2012 Henry Zmuda AR Coatings 16 Common Coating Materials Multi-Layer Coating Materials nH Materials nL Materials Zirconium Dioxide: 2.1 Magnesium Fluoride * 1.38 Titanium Dioxide: 2.4 Cerium Fluoride 1.63 Cryolite 1.35 Zinc Sulfide: 2.32 * Very durable, hence frequently used. © 2012 Henry Zmuda AR Coatings 17 Anti-Reflection Coatings Generally d is chosen so that the electrical length is a quarterwave in the yellow-green portion of the spectrum where the eye is most sensitive. At wavelengths on either side of the central yellow-green region, the reflectivity increases and the coated optical component will appear blue-red in reflected light. Of the materials just cited, none satisfy the condition for zero reflection for an air-glass interface, but they do substantially reduce reflections (see next slide). The durability of MgF2 makes it a popular material to use. © 2012 Henry Zmuda AR Coatings 18 Anti-Reflection Coatings Glass-air interface: ns − no ns + no uncoated nM g F2 = 1.38 no ns = 1.225 © 2012 Henry Zmuda AR Coatings 19 Anti-Reflection Coatings Glass-air interface: © 2012 Henry Zmuda AR Coatings 20 Anti-Reflection Coatings Glass-air interface: ns − no ns + no uncoated nM g F2 = 1.38 no ns = 1.225 © 2012 Henry Zmuda AR Coatings 21