Summer 2016 GCSE Exams Awarding Body Date 16/05/2016 17/05/2016 17/05/2016 17/05/2016 18/05/2016 18/05/2016 18/05/2016 19/05/2016 20/05/2016 20/05/2016 20/05/2016 20/05/2016 23/05/2016 24/05/2016 24/05/2016 24/05/2016 24/05/2016 25/05/2016 25/05/2016 26/05/2016 27/05/2016 Session Morning Morning Morning Afternoon Morning Morning Afternoon Morning Morning Morning Afternoon Afternoon Morning Morning Morning Morning Afternoon Morning Afternoon Morning Morning Edexcel AQA AQA Edexcel CIE OCR Edexcel Edexcel AQA AQA OCR AQA AQA AQA OCR OCR AQA AQA Edexcel Edexcel AQA Paper Code 5RS0101 46551F/H 46552F 5BI1F01/H01 0417/12 A401/01 or 02 5RS0801 5CH1F01/H01 46951H 46952F A402/01 or 02 48903 97151F/H 45701 A403/01 or 02 B322/01 90301F/H 413001 5PH1H01/F01 1MA0 1F/H 97152F/H 06/06/2016 06/06/2016 07/06/2016 07/06/2016 08/06/2016 08/06/2016 08/06/2016 08/06/2016 08/06/2016 09/06/2016 10/06/2016 10/06/2016 10/06/2016 13/06/2016 14/06/2016 15/06/2016 16/06/2016 16/06/2016 17/06/2016 17/06/2016 20/06/2016 20/06/2016 20/06/2016 21/06/2016 21/06/2016 22/06/2016 22/06/2016 24/06/2016 24/06/2016 Morning Afternoon Morning Afternoon Morning Morning Morning Morning Afternoon Morning Morning Afternoon Afternoon Morning Afternoon Afternoon Morning Morning Morning Afternoon Morning Morning Afternoon Morning Afternoon Morning Afternoon Morning Morning Edexcel AQA AQA OCR OCR OCR AQA AQA AQA Edexcel Edexcel AQA OCR AQA Edexcel Edexcel OCR AQA Edexcel AQA Edexcel AQA OCR Edexcel AQA Edexcel AQA AQA Edexcel 5HA0101 45451 ENG1F/H A405/01 or 02 A351/01 or 02 A451/01 46651F/H 46652F/H 90302F/H 1MA0 2F/H 5BI2F01/H01 413002 B354/01 44401F/H 5HA022C 5CH2F01/H01 A352/01 or 02 45601 5PH2F01/H01 48201 5BI3F01/H01 8360/1 A353/01 or 02 5HA033B 45501 5CH3F01/H01 42301 8360/2 5PH3F01/H01 Subject: Paper Religious Studies: Religion and Life French Unit 1 (Listening) Tier F/H French Unit 2 (Reading) Tier F/H Science: Biology B1 Influences on Life F/H ICT Latin: Latin Language 1 F/H Religious Studies: Religion and Society Science: Chemistry C1 Chemistry in Our World F/H Spanish Unit 1 (Listening) Tier F/H Spanish Unit 2 (Reading) Tier F/H Latin: Latin Language 2 F/H Physical Education English Literature Unit 1 Tier F/H D & T: Textiles Latin: Latin Prose Literature F/H Media Studies: Textual Analysis - Moving Image Geography A Unit 1 Tier F/H Business Studies Unit 1 Science: Physics P1 Universal Physics F/H Maths: Non Calculator F/H English Literature Unit 2 Tier F/H Half Term History: International Relations D & T: Food English/English Language F/H Latin: Sources for Latin F/H Class Civ: City Life in the Classical World F/H Computing: Computer Systems & Programming German Unit 1 (Listening) Tier F/H German Unit 2 (Reading) Tier F/H Geography A Unit 2 Tier F/H Maths: Calculator F/H Additional Science: Biology B2 Components of Life F/H Business Studies Unit 2 Music: Listening Test Environmental Science Tier F/H History: The USA 1919-41 Additional Science: Chemistry C2 Discovering ChemistryF/H Class Civ: Epic & Myth F/H D & T: Resistant Materials Additional Science: Physics P2 Physics for Your Future F/H Health and Social Care Biology: B3 Using Biology F/H Further Mathematics Paper 1 Class Civ: Community Life in the Classical World F/H History: British Society C1931-51 D & T: Graphic Products Chemistry: C3 Chemistry in Action F/H Dance Further Mathematics Paper 2 Physics: P3 Application of Physics F/H Duration 1h30 35/45m 30/50m 1h 2h 1h 1h30 1h 35/45m 30/50m 1h 1h30 1h30 2h 1h 1h45 1h30 1h 1h 1h45 1h15 Published 25.11.15 1h15 2h 2h15 1h 1h 1h30 35/45m 30/50m 1h30 1h45m 1h 1h 1h30 2h 1h15 1h 1h 2h 1h 1h15 1h 1h30 1h 1h15 2h 1h 1h 2h 1h Notes • We cannot provide an individual timetable at this stage, but this timetable lists all GCSE exams in the main exam period beginning on 16th May. • These times and dates are dictated by the awarding bodies and cannot be changed. • Practical exams in Art, Dance, Drama, ICT and Music will take place before this date. • Individual timetables will be issued for checking in February 2016. • You can use the drop-down menu in the Subject: Paper column to select the exams you are taking and thus make a personalised timetable. Session • Morning exams begin at 9:00am • Afternoon exams begin at 1.15pm. Paper code • Searching online by Awarding Body and Paper Code will easily find specification information and past papers. Subject: Paper • In many papers there is a choice between Foundation and Higher tiers (F/H) Decisions about the correct tier will be made by teachers and this information will be given to you in February. Languages exams • The Listening and Reading exams in each subject take place consecutively. Science exams • Double Science will consist of the three Science and the three Additional Science exams (six exams in total). • Triple Science will consist of the three Science, the three Additional Science and then Physics, Chemistry and Biology separate exams (nine exams in total). Clashes • Occasionally a student will have 2 or more exams scheduled for the same session. • We have to follow strict rules to resolve these clashes. If the total exam time in one session is more than 3 hours we can move an exam to the other session in the same day. • There is no need to notify us of clashes: we will resolve these routinely later in the year, in discussion with the student.