GCSE/IGCSE EXTERNAL CANDIDATES ENTRY FORM 2017 – EDEXCEL / OCR / AQA WINTER/SUMMER 2017 (Please tick as appropriate) January Exams 2017: Deadline to register: October 14th 2016 Summer Exams 2017: Deadline to register: February 15th 2017 SURNAME _____________________________________________ (Mr/Mrs/Ms) ______________ FIRST NAME(S) ______________________________ MIDDLE NAME(S)_____________________ CURRENT ADDRESS ______________________________________________________________ External candidates affix a passport photo here ____________________________________________POSTCODE___________________________ DATE OF BIRTH____________HOME TEL.__________________MOBILE____________________ EMAIL:___________________________________________________________________________ UNIQUE CANDIDATE IDENTIFIER NUMBER (UCI) _________________________________________________ If you sat GCSE/iGCSE exams in the past you should have a UCI number. If you do not have one please leave blank and we will generate one for you. UCI numbers consist of 12 digits plus 1 letter (e.g. 697440104565K) Exam Board Subject and Code GCSE/ iGCSE Unit Codes (Only for modular GCSEs) GCSE FEES: IGCSE FEES: £115* per subject (single award) £115* per subject £200* per subject (double award) £150* per subject (modern languages) *These fees include local and board fees. Please note that if you cancel your exams or transfer them to a different exam diet an administration fee of £25.00 will be charged. Number of subjects that you want to do: Total amount to pay in exam fees: ___ £_______ Payment No entry can be accepted until fees have been paid in full. Payment can be made by cheque, credit/debit card or cash (at the college). Please make cheques payable to: Basil Paterson Secondary School. Credit / Debit Card: Cheque (enclosed) Credit Card Number: CSV number: Valid from: ……………. Expires: ……………. (Issue number: …………….) Please note: It is the responsibility of all External Candidates to check current syllabuses and to know the exact requirements contained therein. Coursework options, practicals and orals are not normally available to External Candidates without prior consultation with our Examinations Officer/Principal. This form should be sent to: Exams Department, Basil Paterson Secondary School, 66 Queen Street, Edinburgh EH2 4NA SIGNATURE _______________________________ DATE ________________________ Basil Paterson Tutorial College 66 Queen Street Edinburgh EH2 4NA Telephone: +44 (0)131 225 6070 Fax: +44 (0)131 2266701