St Matthew’s RC High School KS4 Curriculum Plan Subject: GCSE History OCR Specification B Yr Autumn 1 Autumn 2 Spring 1 Spring 2 Summer 1 Summer 2 10 International Relations 19191939 International Relations 19191939 Independent Enquiry USA: 1919-1941 Independent Enquiry USA: 1919-1941 Independent Enquiry USA: 1919-1941 End of WWI Aims of the Big Three Terms of the Treaty of Versailles How satisfied were the Big Three with the Treaty? Other Peace Treaties Aims of LoN Structure and organisation of the LoN Successes in the 1920s Invasions of Manchuria and Abyssinia Hitler’s aims British policy of Appeasement Hitler’s actions 1936-1939 Causes of the economic boom Effects of the boom Changing social attitudes in the 1920s Depth Study The USA, Land of Freedom? 19451975 Racism and the Ku Klux Klan US foreign policy The Wall St. Crash The Great Depression The Red Scare in the 1950s The rise and fall of McCarthyism The position of black Americans at the end of WWII Brown v Topeka Board of Education Little Rock Nine Rosa Parks and the Montgomery Bus Boycotts 11 Depth Study The USA, Land of Freedom? 19451975 The development of the civil rights movements in the 1960s Malcolm X Martin Luther King The role of the Presidents in creating change Other groups who campaigned for civil rights British Depth Study British Depth Study How was British society changed, 1890−1918? How was British society changed, 1890−1918? Working and living conditions for the poor in the 1890s. Liberal reforms Women’s social, political and legal position in the 1890s. Suffragettes Live on the home front during WWI Revision Revision