Personal Protective Equipment

Health, Safety, Environment and Community
Management System
Personal Protective Equipment
Petroleum HSEC Procedure No: PHSE-13-P12
Date: June 14, 2012
Revision: 2.1
Owner: Kim Phillips, Occupational Health and Hygiene Manager
Approver: Kristen Ray, Vice President HSEC
Signature On File
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Health, Safety, Environment and Community
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Personal Protective Equipment
1.0 PURPOSE.................................................................................................................3
2.0 SCOPE .....................................................................................................................3
3.0 REFERENCES ..........................................................................................................3
4.0 DEFINITIONS ...........................................................................................................4
5.0 PROCEDURE ...........................................................................................................5
5.1 Risk Assessment ..................................................................................................5
5.1.1 Site Risk Assessment ....................................................................................5
5.1.2 Job Risk Assessment.....................................................................................6
5.2 Head Protection ....................................................................................................6
5.3 Eye Protection ......................................................................................................7
5.4 Face Protection ....................................................................................................7
5.5 Hearing Protection ...............................................................................................8
5.6 Protective Clothing...............................................................................................8
5.7 Hand Protection.................................................................................................. 10
5.8 Foot Protection ................................................................................................... 11
5.9 Respiratory Protection ....................................................................................... 11
5.10 Personal Fall Protection................................................................................... 11
5.11 Maintenance...................................................................................................... 12
5.12 Audit and Review.............................................................................................. 12
5.13 Training .............................................................................................................13
6.0 RESPONSIBILITIES ............................................................................................... 14
6.1 Senior Site Manager ........................................................................................... 14
6.2 Local HSE Manager/Supervisor......................................................................... 14
6.3 All Personnel ...................................................................................................... 14
7.0 RECORDS ..............................................................................................................14
8.0 VARIANCES ........................................................................................................... 15
9.0 UPDATES TO THIS DOCUMENT ........................................................................... 15
10.0 ATTACHMENTS ................................................................................................... 15
10.1 Personal Protection Standards ....................................................................... 16
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Health, Safety, Environment and Community
Management System
Personal Protective Equipment
This document describes the minimum Personal Protective Equipment (PPE)
requirements associated with Petroleum field activities.
This procedure applies to the entire lifecycle of Petroleum activities, processes and
products, including exploration and planning, development, operations, closure,
marketing and acquisitions and divestments. Partners, suppliers and contractors are
encouraged to adopt this procedure. Where there is a conflict between legislation and
Petroleum requirements, the more stringent standard prevails while ensuring legal
compliance requirements are met.
The requirements mandated by this Procedure apply to any work activity that takes
place outside of the office. This Procedure does not apply to sites at which activities are
entirely office based.
This procedure is used in conjunction with:
Petroleum HSE Management System Element 3 – Hazards and Risks
Petroleum Hearing Conservation Procedure
Petroleum Respiratory Protection Procedure
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Personal Protective Equipment
Contractor – A person employed either directly or indirectly by a company contracted to
BHP Billiton Petroleum to provide equipment and/or services to a BHP Billiton Petroleum
JRA – Job Risk Assessment
MSDS – Material Safety Data Sheet
New Start – A person that has never been to the site before, or has not been on the site
for at least 12 months, or is an infrequent, short duration visitor regardless of when they
were last on site.
Person in Charge – The senior person on site responsible for overall site activities and
PPE – Personal Protective Equipment
PTW – Permit to Work
Shall or Must – Means a mandatory requirement.
Visitor – A person visiting a BHP Billiton Petroleum controlled site who is authorized to
do so by the senior-most BHP Billiton Petroleum Site representative.
Work Site – Activities associated with petroleum exploration, drilling, construction,
production and logistics that have been risk assessed and determined to necessitate the
use of PPE. Work sites may include, but are not limited to, areas outside the facility
living quarters and office buildings, such as seismic vessels, drilling rigs, construction
sites, production facilities, storage terminals and logistics bases.
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Health, Safety, Environment and Community
Management System
Personal Protective Equipment
This Procedure outlines the minimum PPE requirements for Petroleum field activities.
Depending on the location of the operation, the following standards for PPE design and
maintenance shall apply:
Americas (default standard) - ANSI (American National Standards Institute)
Australia – AS/NZ (Australian New Zealand Standards)
UK –British Standards
EN – European Standards
Other standards as applicable
5.1 Risk Assessment
5.1.1 Site Risk Assessment
Responsible persons must conduct an initial work-site risk assessment to determine the
minimum required PPE. The risk assessment must also determine if hazards exist that
require the use of additional specialized PPE. Hazards shall be identified during walkthrough surveys, review of occupational baseline exposures, industry standards, and
chemical safety data sheets, making observations of the following basic hazard
a) Impact
b) Penetration
c) Compression
d) Chemical
e) Heat
f) Harmful dusts, mists, fibers, fumes or vapors.
g) Light (optical radiation)
h) Ionizing and Non-Ionizing Radiation
i) Biological Hazards
j) Vibration
Refer to OSHA 29 CFR Part 1910, Subpart I, Appendix B or an equivalent standard for a
work site PPE risk assessment methodology. The PPE risk assessment shall be
updated as needed and reviewed every two years.
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Personal Protective Equipment
5.1.2 Job Risk Assessment
Prior to each planned work activity at the site, a Job Risk Assessment or JRA shall be
conducted to identify job-specific hazards and determine the appropriate PPE to be
used. The PPE requirements shall be adequate for the specific tasks being performed.
The risk assessment may identify PPE requirements over and above the minimum
standards identified in this procedure. Employee provided PPE is not permitted.
Unplanned or planned work activities where significant change has occurred must also
conduct or revise a previous JRA.
Properly fitted PPE is considered the lowest level of control option under the Hierarchy
of Controls. It is the last line of defense.
5.2 Head Protection
Hard hats, or safety helmets, which meet the requirements listed in Section 10.1, shall
be worn in all designated work areas. Hard hats shall be made of plastic or other nonmetallic/non-conductive materials and designed to hold chin straps. When working at
heights the use of chin straps shall be considered in the JRA. Metal hard hats do not
meet the standards for electrical resistance and therefore shall not be permitted.
Hard hats shall be inspected per Section 5.11. A hard hat shall be replaced immediately
if it becomes brittle, cracked or is otherwise damaged. Suspensions and shells shall be
replaced per the manufacturer’s recommendation.
All new starts and visitors shall wear a specialty color hard hat when entering the work
site to distinguish them from experienced workers. Where required, these hats shall be
worn for a minimum of 3 rotational cycles (or 3 months, whichever is longer) to ensure
greater visibility during the orientation period and allow experienced site personnel to
provide additional support.
In extreme cold, full head insulation or suitable liners for hard hats may be worn. These
shall be made of material consistent with the Flame Resistant Clothing requirements
noted in this procedure.
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Personal Protective Equipment
5.3 Eye Protection
Safety glasses, with side impact protection, or goggles shall be worn in all designated
work areas as outlined in the site risk assessment. Glasses and prescription glasses
shall be designed and constructed to meet the requirements listed in Section 10.1.
Where regular prescription glasses are required to be worn, these must be ANSI
approved, or equivalent, or be worn with overprotection such as goggles. Detachable
side shields must only be used for site visitors whose prescription glasses otherwise
meet established standards.
Both clear and tinted lenses shall be made available and must have ultraviolet protective
coated lenses. Tinted lenses shall not be used indoors or other areas of reduced
ambient light.
Personnel have responsibility to maintain eye protection in a safe condition. Antifogging
compounds for safety glasses/ lenses shall be available and used to maintain clear
vision when work conditions are impacted by fogging.
Contact lenses are permitted, but their use shall not interfere with or be compromised by
the work activity. Contact lenses do not provide eye protection and the wearer may have
increased risk of eye injury from exposure to dusts and chemical vapors. Eye protection
shall be worn in addition to the contact lenses.
Personnel working with chemicals, degreasers, detergents, or equipment that contains a
hazardous or pressurized liquid or gas (e.g. wet cell batteries), where exposure is
identified as a risk, shall wear non-vented, splash resistant goggles.
Special lenses are required when oxygen fuel cutting. Splash resistant goggles are
required when working with chemicals or in dusty conditions
5.4 Face Protection
During work activities that involve grinding, chipping, and buffing, or where material
could separate and become a projectile, a face shield shall be worn in conjunction with
either safety glasses or goggles. Face shield shall be designed and constructed to meet
the requirements listed in Section 10.1.
For exposure to hot or corrosive materials, a face shield shall be worn over the goggles.
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Personal Protective Equipment
A welding hood, with non-glass visor, shall be worn over standard safety glasses when
welding. Personnel engaged in sandblasting, water blasting or spray painting shall wear
eye protection under the face shield or air supplied hood to protect the eyes and face
from known hazards.
5.5 Hearing Protection
Hearing protection shall be worn in all designated high noise areas or other demarcated
area. Hearing protection shall meet the requirements of the Petroleum Hearing
Conservation Procedure.
A quantitative noise survey shall be completed around all machinery and equipment
located at the site to document sound level readings and identify areas that require
hearing protection. The assessment shall include both permanent and temporary
Signs shall be posted at each work location where continuous noise levels are at 80
dB(A) or greater over an 8 hour time-weighted average. Various forms of hearing
protections shall be made available, such as disposable/ reusable ear plugs or hard hat
mounted ear protectors, and shall be worn in posted areas. Hearing protection shall also
be worn during operations that generate noise in excess of 80 dB(A).
5.6 Protective Clothing
The wearing of Flame Resistant Clothing is required for all personnel and visitors when:
Located on a production facility with hydrocarbon-containing process equipment
and working in PPE required areas.
Loading/ unloading or transferring hydrocarbons where vapors are present in the
atmosphere that present a flash fire potential.
Repairing active hydrocarbon piping, tankage or equipment that is outside the
production facility and the potential for a flash fire has not been completely
Performing hot work activities on active hydrocarbon equipment and piping (hot
Working on hydrocarbon piping or other related equipment that is below grade or
defined as a confined space, and the potential for a flash fire has not been
completely eliminated.
Performing high voltage switching operations and maintenance.
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Personal Protective Equipment
An employee or supervisor identifies a site-specific job and/ or area with potential
exposure to flash fire/ arc burn injuries, such as through an electrical circuit.
Specified by local regulation or policy.
Flame Resistant Clothing (FRC) shall comply with the following requirements:
Flame Resistant Clothing material shall comply with NFPA 2112 and be tested to
ASTM F 1930 (or equivalent standard).
All Flame Resistant Clothing and non-Flame Resistant Clothing shall be worn and
maintained accordingly:
Personnel shall wear Flame Resistant Clothing as the outer-most garments
except when other personal protective clothing is required (e.g. Chemical
resistant suits, welder’s leather, personal flotation devices, increased visibility
Personnel should not wear synthetic blends such as nylon, polyester, rayon,
polyethylene, etc under the protective clothing. Only natural fibers such as
cottons or wools are recommended to be worn underneath FRC.
Only long sleeved FRC shall be worn in designated Flame Resistant Clothing
areas/ jobs. FRC shall be worn in such a manner as to completely cover the
torso, arms and legs (sleeves rolled down and body fully zipped or buttoned up).
Clothing should be laundered, repaired and taken out-of-service per the
manufacturer’s recommendations.
Where there is a risk of exposure to heat stress, FRC should be constructed of
3M Nomex® IIIA 4.5 oz or Milliken Amplitude® 6oz material. Light colors are
recommended, such as Gray, Khaki/Tan, and Light Blue. These selections can
reduce the impacts that lead to heat illness.
Where there is risk of exposure to extreme cold, insulated work suits or parkas
may be worn. When FRC is required, winter clothing can be worn underneath the
Flame Resistant Clothing layer.
Rain gear worn over Flame Resistant Clothing can negate the effectiveness of
the protective layer, especially if the material would melt in a flash fire. Where the
working conditions require FRC then Flame Resistant rainwear is also required
and must comply with the ASTM F2733 standard.
High Visibility and Reflective Stripes
When working in the vicinity of light vehicle traffic and mobile equipment, work
clothing worn on site must be made from or have applied high visibility material
and deflective strips that conform to the requirements listed in Section 10.1.
Hi-Vis class 1 vests must be used over existing work clothing to increase visibility
where work clothing does not meet the Hi-Vis standard.
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Personal Protective Equipment
5.7 Hand Protection
All personnel shall wear suitable hand protection (gloves) on the work site that comply
with the requirements listed in Section 10.1. Exceptions to this requirement, such as
performing tasks that require additional finger dexterity, shall be approved by a
supervisor and captured on a JRA or through the Permit to Work system.
The selection of hand protection shall be based on the following:
• the specific task being performed
• conditions present
• duration of exposure
• potential hazards identified
• performance characteristics of the glove material
The use of fit for purpose protective gloves is mandatory when:
• welding
• oxygen fuel cutting
• grinding
• blasting
• working with chemicals
• performing specific electrical functions
• using hand tools
Personnel shall use hand protection when performing work that exposes the hands to
any of, but not limited to, the following:
• absorption of harmful substances
• cuts or lacerations, abrasions
• punctures
• vibration
• burns (chemical or thermal)
• harmful extremes in temperature
Leather gloves, or other suitable material, are required when rigging or handling
materials. Gloves shall be free of holes and defects.
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Personal Protective Equipment
5.8 Foot Protection
Safety-toed boots are required in all designated work areas outside the site office.
Footwear shall meet the requirements listed in Section 10.1. Protective footwear shall
have leather or rubber uppers that extend above the ankle, an oil resistant sole, and a
distinctive heel (raised 3/8 to ½ inch across the entire heel) for climbing stairs and
Site specific risk assessments shall determine whether lace-up or pull-on footwear is
used by persons on site.
Chemical resistant foot protection is required when handling or working with hazardous
or corrosive materials.
5.9 Respiratory Protection
At each Petroleum operational unit Respiratory protection devices shall meet the
requirements outlined in the Petroleum Respiratory Protection Procedure and shall be
worn in all designated areas, or during identified tasks as outlined by the JRA.
The following work environments must be addressed in the Respiratory Protection
• For firefighting or confined space entry, or when there is a risk of insufficient
• For protection against H2S or other hazardous atmospheres.
• For protection against hazardous dusts, mists, vapors, gases or particulates.
5.10 Personal Fall Protection
Personal fall protection shall be worn in all designated areas and as required by the job
risk assessment and Permit to Work. Fall protection shall be worn where there is a risk
of falling from a height of 2 meters or more, or to gain access to within 2 meters of an
open edge where there is the potential to fall 2 meters or more, or as detailed by the
Where there is a conflict between legislation and Petroleum requirements, the more
stringent standard prevails while ensuring legal compliance requirements are met. Fall
protection shall conform to the requirements set out under Petroleum Fatal Risk Control
7 – Working at Heights.
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Personal Protective Equipment
The components of the personal fall protection system include:
An engineered and appropriately rated anchor point.
Automatic and/or self locking connecting mechanisms.
A lanyard with deceleration capability.(Must prevent personnel from striking the
A full body harness.
All connectors shall be at least double-locking to prevent roll out.
All fall protection equipment shall be inspected before each use and maintained
according to the manufacturer’s recommendations. A register of fall protection
equipment shall be maintained, including records of inspections for new and
replacement equipment.
5.11 Maintenance
All PPE shall be maintained and stored in accordance with the manufacturer’s
specifications. All PPE shall be inspected by the wearer prior to use, with regular
inspections performed by competent personnel on a recurring schedule where required
by regulation. Inspection logs must be maintained where required by local regulation.
5.12 Audit and Review
Each Petroleum operational unit must monitor compliance with PPE requirements
including the following elements:
The schedule for PPE compliance auditing should take into account infrequent
activities. Observations are conducted by HSEC and line supervision.
Provide positive reinforcement for correct use of PPE and coaching for people
where incorrect use is observed.
PPE compliance must include these observations:
o Personnel observed are wearing required PPE
o PPE in use is appropriate for the exposure and adequately fitted / worn
PPE compliance is calculated as a percentage of the number of correct
observations versus the total number of observations. Site PPE compliance is
the average of all observations on site over the defined period.
The PPE procedure must be reviewed on a recurring basis to verify compliance and
identify areas for improvement. The schedule for reviewing this procedure shall be at
least every three years.
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Personal Protective Equipment
5.13 Training
Requirements to wear PPE shall be reviewed during site HSE inductions. All employees,
and contractors required to wear PPE shall be trained to know the following:
When PPE is required?
Which PPE is required?
How to properly wear, remove and adjust the PPE.
The limitations of the PPE.
Proper care, maintenance and disposal of PPE.
Personnel shall demonstrate an understanding of the training and show their ability to
use PPE properly before being allowed to perform work. Retraining is required if:
There are changes at the work site that impacts the previous training.
There are changes to the PPE used at the work site.
Inadequacies in the individual’s knowledge or use of the PPE are identified..
An accredited trainer shall be used for training on specialized PPE, such as fall arrest
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Personal Protective Equipment
6.1 Senior Site Manager
The responsibility for ensuring compliance with this procedure rests with the Site
Manager (Person in Charge) to ensure that:
All activities at the work site have been risk assessed to determine PPE
Designated work areas requiring PPE are clearly and correctly marked.
The PPE requirements have been communicated to all employees, visitors and
contractors working at the site.
The PPE identified by risk assessment is available on site and properly stored.
Personnel are trained in the selection, maintenance and use of the PPE.
6.2 Local HSE Manager/Supervisor
The local HSE Manager/Supervisors are responsible for verifying compliance with this
procedure through periodic assessments and reviews. All non-compliances shall be
brought to the attention of the Site Manager.
6.3 All Personnel
All employees, contractors and visitors are responsible for learning the site PPE
requirements, wearing and using the PPE appropriate for a work activity, and complying
with the requirements set out in this standard.
The following records shall be maintained:
• Records of risk assessments that identify hazards and job risk assessments
(JRA’s) for identifying specific PPE requirements.
Records of personnel training.
Signage indicating required PPE.
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Personal Protective Equipment
Any planned deviations from the requirements of this procedure shall be recorded on
Petroleum HSEC Variance Form and submitted to Petroleum HSE Systems Support.
Variances to this procedure must be approved by:
1. HSEC Manager/Supervisor
2. Senior Line Manager
3. Vice President HSEC
This is a Petroleum HSE Controlled Document. Requests for updates to Petroleum HSE
Controlled Documents shall be documented on the Petroleum HSEC Document
Proposal and Review Form and sent to the Petroleum HSE Systems Support email in
the GAL.
10.1 – Personal Protection Standards
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Personal Protective Equipment
10.1 Personal Protection Standards
Head Protection
Standard (or
ANSI Z89.1
Standard For Industrial Head Protection
AS/NZ 1800/1801
Occupational Protective Helmets - Selection,
Care And Use; Occupational Protective
CSA Z94.1
Industrial Protective Headwear Performance Selection, Care, And Use.
ANSI Z87.1
Occupational And Educational Eye And Face
Protection Devices
CSA Z94.3
Selection, Use And Care Of Protective
Personal Eye Protection - Specifications
AS/NZS 1336/1337
Recommended Practices For Occupational
Eye Protection; Eye Protectors For Industrial
Petroleum Hearing
Flame Resistant
NFPA 2112 & ASTM
Flame-Resistant Garments for Protection of
Industrial Personnel Against Flash Fire
Flame Resistant
ASTM F2733
Specification For Flame Resistant Rainwear
For Protection
Against Flame Hazards
High Visibility
ANSI/ ISEA 1072004 class1/level 2
High Visibility Public Safety Vests
EN 471
High Visibility Garments
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Health, Safety, Environment and Community
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Personal Protective Equipment
Flame Resistant
High Visibility
Hand Protection
Foot Protection
Standard (or
ASTM F1506
Performance Specification For Flame
Resistant Textile Materials For Wearing
Apparel For Use By Electrical Workers
Exposed To Momentary Electric Arc And
Related Thermal Hazards
Classification And Performance Requirements
For Chemical Protective Clothing
Hand Protection Selection Criteria
EN 420
Protective Gloves - General Requirements And
Test Methods
EN 388
Gloves Giving Protection From Mechanical
EN 407
Gloves Giving Protection From Thermal
EN 12477
Welding Gloves
EN 374
Gloves Giving Protection From Chemicals And
EN 10819
Mechanical Vibration And Shock
EN 60903
Live Working – Gloves Of Insulating Material
ASTM F2413-05
Standard Specification For Performance
Requirements For Foot Protection
EN 345-1
Requirements For Safety Footwear Fitted With
Toecaps Designed To Give Protection Against
Personal Fall
Petroleum Fatal
Risk Control 7 –
Working at Heights.
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