1 – Worthe Revised Map/Discussion Questions posed to Worthe by BAC: ? Potential for all of “A” Bldg retained? 13,000 sq. ft. currently Worthe Response: Splitting up the “A/D/C” Buildings increases overall site access, light and flow. If we keep all of Building “A” it will reduce the total amount of gallery + creative office space (Map C 1- 3) for the site ? Where is the theater/cultural + performing arts? Worthe Response: Yellow = “Galleries/Cultural Arts” ? What is proposed for upper floor of proposed “D” Building? Worthe response: “Arts related uses” – 9k sq. ft. (Upper floor – Map D2) ? Underground museum included in the FAR? City response: No, underground buildings are not counted in overall site FAR (but they do have parking requirements, still) ? For the underground museum, what would be the construction impacts? How invasive to site? Worthe Response: We’d properly screen off and contain to reduce disruption ? Total Subsidized space – 61,600 sq. ft. Need to categorize as “non-profit arts + galleries”. Would new galleries pay market rates? Subsidized vs. “below market rents”? ? Estimated timing? Worthe Response: 6-7 years w/ City Yards shared parking. Worthe Group would assume management of the site in 2018 Current BERG I incl. 10k sq. ft. that could be deemed “market rate uses” and 54,000 sq. ft. of gallery/cultural arts uses Preserve existing businesses Distinction btw. Galleries + nonprofits is important – Council transparency Flip Chart p. 2 – Worthe Revised Map Discussion (cont.) Community space – indoor/outdoor – design challenge w/ hardscape Open Space - total of 131,000 sq. ft. of open space (total site) with 20,000-25,000 sq. ft. of open space adjacent to the Community Space so can be used as “outdoor” community space (e.g. next to Buildings “B” + “A”) ? Construction Phasing Worthe response: Prioritize existing tenants into available space (especially if they are currently located in a building that will not be preserved) Need to review on-site parking (e.g. community center parking requirements) ? Parking on-site – it’s important to maintain delivery access to tenants Worthe response: There are 21 stalls near “B” bldg. We’ll make it work when needed + disappear when not so it can then become active community space. The hotel will have underground parking on-site with understanding that the Zoning Code requires 1 parking space per hotel room. Need to clarify the parking for conference/meeting room/ restaurant space. ? Is there potential in the short-term for the City/Wayne to only lease to existing tenants? Worthe/City response: The current ground lease expires in 12/31/17. Lease terms can’t extend beyond 12/31/17 BAC Response: this will reduce the appeal to new tenants ? Is there potential to increase the proposed sq.f.t of the museum building to include additional cultural uses? Worthe response: Depends on tenants(s) demand but would consider “split” museum better for project – visibility EXPO will hopefully free up some site parking for arts center/hotel staff. Having parking available for visitors + community events is a HUGE ASSET Hotel – concern long delay would be detrimental to project. The hotel is important for overall site activationWorthe response: Our development team loses $ until hotel gets built; it’s a critical part to project economically Flip Chart—p.3. Worthe Revised Map/Discussion (cont.) ? Construction Impacts. Bergamot Tenants have already dealt with major Expo construction impacts. If construction not phased, it’d be too much for BAC tenants to survive. Bergamot Tenants Association wants to see the Expo Light Rail operational impact/use/benefits before a hotel is built. Akin to “Major Surgery” 1 @ a time. ? Future of the “T” Bldg Worthe Response: it will serve as temporary/short-term occupancy for Berg tenants until the hotel construction starts. Once hotel construction starts, “T” Building will need to be demolished. It’s a good location for a hotel – for both Bergamot Arts Center and the city overall Restaurant/Community Center—both have good synergies w/ outdoor space 2- Mix of Uses Discussion Motion 1: Approve 4,000 sqft. For community space w/ ability to expand into adjacent outdoor space. Support “H” building at proposed location w/ adjacent 5,000 sq. ft. of flexible outdoor space Request for neighborhood input re. types of events- Art shows, art wall, child + adult classes, theatre, dance, music events, flash mob/outdoor performance, food trucks, etc. Potential for a marketing committee to help coordinate + plan events w/ all tenants Frees up more gallery space in Bldg. C ARTS RELATED USE See Council Guidelines Reminder that Bergamot is a city property with policy trade-offs. Safe harbor for art + non-profit culture uses in SM who have all been impacted by increasing rents throughout Santa Monica Potential market rate, art-related uses? .e.g. talent agencies, writers, graphic designers, Jazz Bakery Writers Boot Camp would need some theater/meeting space, approx. 2,500 sq. ft. on ground floor w/ offices upstairs We need to attract visitors + help activate site – e.g. dance, music performances, Jazz Bakery EXISTING NON PROFIT ART USES @ BERGAMOT (I + II)--Sculpture Foundation, City Garage, Building Bridges Art Foundation--- 5,100 sq. ft. Flip Chart p. 2 – Mix of Uses (cont.) Galleries @ 65,700 sq. ft. = “Galleries + non-profit cultural arts” Motion 2(a): Endorse DT/2, C1/2/3 sq. ft. + preserve “A” bldg. in entirety. ? Cantilever over “A” Bldg or another urban design solution. WITHDRAWN Balance Berg I + II. Not going to make everyone happy. We need a long-term vision for the Arts Center (e.g. 50+ years). Worthe proposal preserves the greatest amount of buildings. Is the goal to save the façades or the tenants? The goal should be to minimize construction + disruption Clarification: Loss in portion of “A” Building Gain of 17,000 sq. ft. in gallery and creative arts space in the “C” Bldg. *Mobility, good foot traffic in SE corner Office space generates revenue for the project, it has less evening parking needs/traffic impact Motion 2b: Approve Building “C” w/ no more than 30,000 sq. ft. devoted to creative office space + support Building “D” w/ at least 9,000 sq. ft. of art-related uses on the 2nd floor The ground floor of Buildings “C” and “D” shall be devoted to art galleries + non-profit uses. ? Potential for flexibility with tenants using 2 floors? ? Galleries as “service organizations” to artists”non-profit” status potential. A concern that “Motion 2” (above) limits uses that can be subsidized. Flip Chart p. 3 – Mix of Uses (cont.) Motion 2c: (The development should provide) galleries, non-profit cultural and creative arts @ minimum 65,700 sq. ft. Priority to be offered to existing + present Berg 2 tenants if space @ Berg 1 is available. Set a maximum of 30,000 sq. ft. for creative office. (Request to include the current list of tenants in the meeting minutes). APPROVED 2nd Floor/upper levels works for performance rehearsal use. (Theater should be on ground floor). Worthe reminded the group that to make the development feasible, the upper floors need to be market rate uses. MUSEUM – Proposed 21,100 sq. ft. including 12,100 sq. ft. below grade (approx. 10k sq. ft. ground floor x 2 bldgs.) Is there demand for 21,000 sq. ft. museum? Solvency concerns. If not SMMoA, what type of museum?e.g. UCLA, Whitney, something unique to region + site (v. Ocean Ave Worthe project) SMMoA – City subsidized desire to keep them here ? If not SMMoA &/or museum is not needed, could there be more gallery/cultural space? (COUNCIL GUIDELINES: “permanent home for a museum or other significant cultural institution”) RESTAURANT/BAR/RETAIL: 7,000 sq. ft. including central location + museum (café/shop?) Opportunity to activate site + attract Expo commuters early am/lunchtime/after work ? Multiple spaces – same vendor, different cuisine/hours Flip Chart p.4—Mix of Uses (cont.). BAC RECOMMENDED + APPROVED MIX OF USES (to date): 65,700 sq. ft.: Galleries/nonprofits cultural + creative arts (at minimum) 4,000 sq. ft.: Community space with adjacent 5,000 sqft. outdoor flex space 30,000 sq. ft.: Creative office (maximum) 21,100 sq. ft.: Museum/ significant cultural institution 7,000 sq. ft.: Restaurant/bar/retail BERGAMOT STATION SANTA MONICA CALIFORNIA