cse citation style

McNally Library, Department of Learning Resources
Based on the 7 edition (2006) of Scientific Style and Format: The CSE Manual for Authors, Editors, and Publishers.
Print sources
Book ......................................................................................................................................................................2
Journal article ........................................................................................................................................................3
Electronic sources
Journal article from library subscription database .................................................................................................4
Electronic book from library subscription database ..............................................................................................6
Website .................................................................................................................................................................8
Important: Always check with your instructor about his or her preferences.
1. Book
Citation-Sequence & Citation-Name System
Citations are numbered in the text and reference list.
10. Author(s) (if editor include “editor” after name). Title. Edition. Place of publication: Publisher; Year.
One author
10. Hames GG. Thermodynamics and kinetics for the biological sciences. New York:
Wiley-Interscience; 2000.
Name-Year System
Author(s) (if editor include “editor” after name). Year. Title. Edition. Place of publication: Publisher.
One author
Hames GG. 2000. Thermodynamics and kinetics for the biological sciences. New York:
To clarify a city, supply the state or province 2-letter abbreviation in parentheses. For example, Paris
Last revised: July 12, 2010
2. Journal article
Citation-Sequence & Citation-Name System
Citations are numbered in the text and reference list.
11. Author(s) Article title. Journal Title. Year;volume number(issue number):inclusive pages.
Three authors
11. Greenland D, Hayden BP, Magnuson JJ. Long-term research on biosphereatmostphere interactions. BioScience. 2003;53(1):33-45.
Name-Year System
Author(s). Year. Article title. Journal Title. volume number(issue number):inclusive pages.
Three authors
Greenland D, Hayden BP, Magnuson JJ. 2003. Long-term research on biosphereatmostphere interactions. BioScience. 53(1):33-45.
Abbreviate multiple-word journal titles according to ISO 4 of the International Organization for
Standardization. Consult page 750 of the CSE manual for additional help.
Month or season is included in citation only if the journal does not have a volume or issue number.
Last revised: July 12, 2010
1. Journal article from library subscription database
Citation-Sequence & Citation-Name System
Citations are numbered in the text and reference list.
12. Author(s). Article title. Journal Title. Year;volume number(issue number):inclusive
pages. In: Name of Database [database on the Internet]. Edition or Release.
Place of publication (State or country if necessary): Publisher of database; date of publication
or copyright [date of update/revision if found; cited year Month day]. Number
of pages [include in brackets if surmised or not stated such as about 300 lines or about 3
screens]. Available from: article URL; Accession No.: XXXXXXXX.
Three authors
12. Greenland D, Hayden BP, Magnuson JJ. Long-term research on biosphereatmosphere interactions. BioScience. 2003;53(1):33-45. In: Biological & Agricultural Index Plus
[database on the Internet]. Release 3.0. New York: H.W. Wilson; c2002-2008 [cited 2008 Feb
8]. 13 p. Available from: http://vnweb.hwwilsonweb.com.libdbauth.nait.ab.ca/hww/
07b4dde82833d5232652&fmt=P; Accession No.: 200300104220010.
Last revised: July 12, 2010
Name-Year System
Author(s). Year. Article title. Journal Title. volume number(issue number):inclusive
pages. In: Name of Database [database on the Internet]. Edition or Release.
Place of publication (province, state or country abbreviation if necessary): Publisher of
database; date of publication or copyright [date of update/revision if found; cited year Month
day]. Number of pages [include in brackets if surmised or not stated such as about 300 lines or
about 3 screens]. Available from: article URL; Accession No.: XXXXXXXXX.
Three authors
Greenland D, Hayden BP, Magnuson JJ. 2003. Long-term research on biosphereatmosphere interactions. BioScience. 53(1):33-45. In: Biological & Agricultural Index Plus
[database on the Internet]. Release 3.0. New York: H.W. Wilson; c2002-2008 [cited 2008 Feb
8]. 13 p. Available from: http://vnweb.hwwilsonweb.com.libdbauth.nait.ab.ca/hww/
07b4dde82833d5232652&fmt=P; Accession No.: 200300104220010.
Abbreviate multiple-word journal titles according to ISO 4 of the International Organization for
Standardization. Consult page 750 of the CSE manual for additional help.
Month or season is included in citation only if the journal does not have a volume or issue number.
Last revised: July 12, 2010
2. Electronic book from library subscription database
(e.g. CRCnetBASE, AccessEngineering, Knovel, Safari, Gale Virtual Reference Library, ebrary, Oxford
Reference, Referex)
Citation-Sequence & Citation-Name System
Citations are numbered in the text and reference list.
10. Author(s) (if editor include “editor” after name). Title. Edition. Place of publication: Publisher; Year.
In: Name of Database [database on the Internet]. Edition or Release. Place of publication
(State or country if necessary): Publisher of database; date of publication or copyright
[date of update/revision if found; cited year Month day]. Number of pages [include in brackets if
surmised or not stated such as about 300 lines or about 3 screens]. Available from:
URL; Accession No.: 000000000 (if applicable).
Two editors
10. Kreith, F., Goswami, DY, editors. The CRC handbook of mechanical engineering. 2nd ed.
New York: Wiley-Interscience; 2005. In CRCnetBASE [database on the Internet]. [place
unknown]: CRCnetBASE; c2010 [cited 2010 Jul 12]. [various pagings]. Available from:
Last revised: July 12, 2010
Name-Year System
Author(s) (if editor include “editor” after name). Year. Title. Edition. Place of publication: Publisher.
In: Name of Database [database on the Internet]. Edition or Release. Place of publication
(State or country if necessary): Publisher of database; date of publication or copyright
[date of update/revision if found; cited year Month day]. Number of pages [include in brackets if
surmised or not stated such as about 300 lines or about 3 screens]. Available from:
URL; Accession No.: 000000000 (if applicable).
Two editors
Kreith, F, Goswami, DY, editors. 2005. The CRC handbook of mechanical engineering. 2nd ed.
New York: Wiley-Interscience. In CRCnetBASE [database on the Internet]. [place unknown]:
CRCnetBASE; c2010 [cited 2010 Jul 12]. [various pagings]. Available from:
Last revised: July 12, 2010
3. Website
If you are not able to find all of the information identified below, provide as much information as is
Citation-Sequence & Citation-Name System
Citations are numbered in the text and reference list.
13. Title of homepage [Internet]. Edition if given. Place of publication (province, state or
country abbreviation if necessary): Publisher; Date of publication [updated year Month day;
cited year Month day]. Available from: URL
13. AIChE [Internet]. New York: American Institute of Chemical Engineers; c2005 [cited 2006
Dec 20]. Available from: http://www.aiche.org/.
If URL ends in a forward slash, include period after the slash.
Name-Year System
Title of homepage [Internet]. Date of publication. Edition if given. Place of publication
(province, state or country abbreviation if necessary): Publisher; [updated year Month day; cited
year Month day]. Available from: URL
AIChE [Internet]. c2005. New York: American Institute of Chemical Engineers; [cited 2006 Dec
20]. Available from: http://www.aset.ab.ca
Last revised: July 12, 2010