Homelearning Policy 2012

Sonning CE Primary School
Home Learning Policy
This home learning policy has been reviewed in the light of comments on current practice, through discussions
with staff and children and parental consultations; and also in response to national changes and guidance on
home learning.
We believe home learning should:
 consolidate key skills
 reinforce skills and understanding in numeracy, literacy and across the curriculum,
 help raise the level of achievement of individual pupils,
 provide opportunities for parents and children to work together thereby fostering an effective
partnership between home and school.
We further believe that home learning is valuable in teaching children time management skills, personal
responsibility and prepares children for the next stage of their learning journey.
We value the support of parents/carers and we believe that this policy will be successful if there is a strong
partnership between home and school which is reflected in the Home-School Agreement. This document states:
School will give Home learning in line with the school’s policy.
Parents will support with reading and other home learning activities.
Children will work hard and do their classwork and home learning as well as they can
We recognise that all children need leisure time and believe that our policy reflects a balance so children can
extend and consolidate their learning with parental support while still allowing ‘down time.’
A breakdown of how home learning is structured is provided below. This has been designed to encourage a
gradual progression of skills and expectation so by the time children reach Year 6 they have established a clear
routine in preparation for secondary school.
Home learning i.e. reading, mental maths, spellings/phonics are proven to be better when completed in shorter
daily sessions (see below). For older children other home learning is provided for completion over the course of a
week, fortnight or term so it can be made to fit around family lifestyles and commitments.
Key Stage One
(Years 1 and 2)
 Children have phonic sound/word cards. New sounds are added to learn. These should be
practised daily for 5 mins.
 Children should read at home daily for approximately 5 mins and this should be recorded in the
reading record.
 Mathematics learning may be sent home in addition as appropriate.
 Children will take home a Newsbook which they will be encouraged to contribute to and then
share with other children who are encouraged to ask and answer questions.
 Children will be given a list of sounds to learn which will follow the spelling patterns taught in their
phased groups. They will be given them on a Monday/Tuesday and tested on the following
Monday. All children will receive a feedback sheet with their mark and an indication of the words
they still need to learn (as with previous practice).
 Children will be given a mental maths activity which parents/carers are expected to provide
weekly feedback using the proforma provided.
 Children are expected to read AT LEAST three times a week at home. The reading record should be
completed each time. Adults should read to children as frequently as possible.
 Once each term children may be asked to prepare for a Speaking and Listening task which will be
assessed in class.
Year 5 & 6
Junior English
(Years 3-6)
Junior Maths
(Years 3-6)
Year 3, 4 and 5 will be expected to learn/practise a key mental maths skill each week e.g. x4 times
table or properties of 2d shapes etc. Sometimes this will be a whole maths group objective and at
other times it will be specific to the child. Children should practise for a weekly test (at least three
times during the week). Parents will be informed of their child’s score.
 Year 6 (and children working at level 4b and above) will be asked to complete mixed mental
maths activity weekly.
 Children in Years 5 & 6 will be given an additional maths activity weekly This piece of work should
take approximately 45 minutes. If the child is in a mixed year 4/5 maths group, the Year 4s will not
be expected to complete the written element of the homelearning.
 For all Juniors a spelling list will be provided for each taught unit (every 2 weeks) and will be
tested within school. Parents will be informed of their child’s score and the words they spelled
incorrectly. Children are expected to practise at least three times a week.
 Children are expected to read AT LEAST three times a week at home. Parents are expected to
read to their children as frequently as possible and question them about independent reading.
 Once each term children may be asked to prepare for a Speaking and Listening task which will be
assessed in class.
 Children may bring home their ‘Big Writing’ planning to talk through and think about the night
before they are asked to complete their extended writing.
 Children in Year 5 and 6 will be given an additional English activity weekly. This piece of work
should last approximately 45 minutes.*
In addition to the activities above, and in recognition of the need to prepare these children for
secondary school, children Years 5 and 6 will:
 Be provided with a termly recommended reading list to encourage a breadth of reading across
the genres and subjects.
 May be set an additional ‘Learning Log’ task to allow children to demonstrate their learning in
a more independent and creative way.
(The time spent on mental maths may vary depending on how easily the child finds the objective; however the suggestion is about 1015mins per practice session).
If parents/carers of children in Year 4 or even Year 3 are keen for their child to undertake written home learning
work, there is a wealth of available material online and to purchase. Teachers will not provide extra work as this
would not be in line with current policy.
ALL children may from time to time be asked to bring in things from home e.g. brochures, examples of different
materials for science, recipes for instruction writing etc to aid their learning.
*Year 5&6 If each piece of written work is taking longer than the time suggested yet the child is keen to
complete the work and parents are happy to let them continue, then they should be encouraged and praised. If
they have not finished after spending the allotted time (in a concentrated and focussed manner), and want to
stop, then they should stop, with the parent recording that this has been the case on the Parent/Carer feedback
box on the sheet.
A child in Year 5 and 6 who hands home learning in a day late will receive a late mark. Three late marks in a term
may result in the child losing a playtime. If the home learning is not handed in after two days, the child will be
asked to stay in at break time and or some of lunchtime to complete the work.
A child would not be penalised if work is unfinished and parents have written to explain that it has taken longer
than 45 minutes. In signing the home school agreement, all parents and children have committed to following
the school’s Home learning Policy. There is an element of parental responsibility to ensure that the child gets into
a good home learning routine. Home learning is partly about self-discipline and they need to be well used to it by
the time they get to secondary school.
We endeavour to set home learning which is appropriate to the child’s level of ability. This may be through
differentiated tasks/questions, extension tasks for the more able or through the child working at his or her level
against success criteria. If the work is too difficult or too easy, this information too can be relayed to the teacher
in the feedback box.
E schools
Homelearning for Years 5 & 6 will be available to view and print (in the class homework page) on each individual
child’s login. Paper copies will also be available. Paper copies will also be given.
As we become more familiar with our new Eschools system there will be opportunities for children to submit their
learning electronically.
Phonics, spelling lists and mental maths topics/suggested websites will also be available in the GROUP areas when
pupils are logged on rather than the CLASS homework page.
Roles and Responsibilities of key stakeholders
Role of the
Governing Body
Role of the
Role of the
Role of
The Governing Body has:
 responsibility for the effective implementation, monitoring and evaluation of this
 delegated powers and responsibilities to the Achievement and Standards Governor
Team and to the Headteacher to oversee the development of this policy;
 nominated link governors for each class to visit the class /school regularly, to liaise
with the Headteacher and to report back to the Governing Body;
The Headteacher will:
 promote this policy by raising its status and importance within the whole school
 ensure that home learning is built into teachers’ planning;
 provide supportive guidance for parents;
 keep up to date with new developments with regard to home learning;
 regularly monitor the quality and quantity of home learning throughout the school
to ensure continuity and progression and that standards are upheld.
 feedback to the Governors’ Achievement and Standards Team with regards to the
implementation of this policy.
 Work with teachers in monitoring parental / carer feedback and responding to any
arising issues.
This will be done in conjunction with Senior Leadership team, Teaching and Learning
Leader or all staff.
Teachers must:
 integrate home learning into their planning;
 set interesting tasks or activities;
 set home learning appropriate to each child;
 explain when, what and how the work is to be done so that each child clearly
 provide feedback in line with the school’s Marking and Feedback policy
Parents/carers are asked to:
 sign the Home-School Agreement indicating their support for home learning;
 praise the value of home learning to their children;
 provide a suitable space in their home where their children can concentrate on
their home learning;
 establish a home learning routine such as no television;
 provide materials pens, pencils etc as relevant to the task(s) set;
 go through the home learning before their child starts and discuss the completed
work when finished;
 find time to work with their child or be at hand if a problem arises;
 discuss, encourage and praise their child’s efforts;
 contact the school if they are not sure of some aspect of the home learning or if
their child is experiencing difficulties in doing it;
 contribute comments to their Link Forum representative with general feedback
about home learning so the school can monitor and evaluate its effectiveness
 fill in the feedback comment section on the home learning indicating time taken,
effort, attitude etc.
Role of Children
Types of Home
Children are asked to:
 listen carefully in class to make sure they understand what is asked of them;
 remember to take their home learning activities home on the day they are set;
 complete their home learning and hand it in on time;
 contribute to pupil interviews and pupil questionnaires on home learning for the
school to monitor and evaluate;
 make sure they understand any feedback on their home learning;
 highlight to the School Council any ideas they may have about home learning
 complete their home learning using appropriate writing materials
 have a go at all their home learning activities
 complete all home learning activities to the very best of their ability producing
work of a good standard.
All home learning tasks and activities are designed to consolidate and reinforce skills and
understanding in numeracy and literacy and enhance cross curricular teaching.
All children receive prompt feedback on their home learning in a variety of forms such as:
 verbal
 written
 class discussion
 praise and recognition during an achievement assembly
Parents are asked to:
 give teachers any feedback they feel might be useful;
 encourage their children to talk about the feedback they have received;
 contact the school if they have any concerns
Monitoring the Effectiveness of the Policy
As there are significant changes to our policy and procedures, this document will be reviewed in July 2013 by all
key stakeholders.
Reviewing Team: Achievement and Standards Team (Governors) /Link Forum (Parents) /School Council (Children)
December 12
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