ei Magazine

the magazine of the electroindustry
Published by the National Electrical Manufacturers Association | www.NEMA.org | August 2015 | Vol. 20 No. 8
2015 Herm
es A
The world economy needs
ever-increasing amounts of
energy to sustain economic
growth, raise living standards,
and reduce poverty.
Today’s trends in energy use
are not sustainable.
—The World Bank
n The Challenge
n Technological Solutions
n The Law
n Case Studies
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The Challenge............................................................................................... 8
Assessing Energy Efficiency in Energy-Intensive Mining Operations...........................................................8
The Connected Industrial Enterprise—Why Unlocking Data Is Vital to the Future of Manufacturing.........10
Technological Solutions............................................................................... 13
Direct-Drive Cooling Tower Technology Improves System Efficiencies.......................................................13
Applying NEMA Premium® Motors Success to Power Drive Systems..........................................................14
Use of Active Magnetic Bearings in High-Speed Motors Provides “Green” Alternative................................16
Digital Enterprise Drives Fourth Industrial Revolution............................................................................18
The Law...................................................................................................... 19
Promoting Industrial Energy Efficiency in Pending Clean Power Plant Rule..............................................19
Case Studies................................................................................................ 20
Gas-Fired Cogeneration Plant Replaces Aging Distributed Control System
with State-of-the-Art Process Control System........................................................................................20
Saving Energy Is Big Business at Walmart..............................................................................................22
Early-Bird Registration for
Annual Membership Meeting
Ends August 31, 2015
See more on page 25
the magazine of the electroindustry
Published by the National Electrical Manufacturers Association | www.NEMA.org | August 2015 | Vol. 20 No. 8
2015 Hermes
“The world economy needs everincreasing amounts of energy to
sustain economic growth, raise
living standards, and reduce
poverty. Today’s trends in energy
use are not sustainable.”
—World Bank
n The Challenge
n Technological Solutions
n The Law
n Case Studies
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Publisher / Editor in Chief | Pat Walsh
Contributing Editor | William E. Green III
Economic Spotlight | Tim Gill
Codes & Standardization Trends | Vince Baclawski
Government Relations Update | Kyle Pitsor
Art Director | Jennifer Tillmann
National Advertising Representative | Bill Mambert
electroindustry (ISSN 1066-2464) is published monthly by NEMA, the Association of Electrical Equipment and Medical Imaging
Manufacturers, 1300 N. 17th Street, Suite 900, Rosslyn, VA 22209; 703.841.3200. FAX: 703.841.5900. Periodicals postage paid at
Rosslyn, VA, and York, PA, and additional mailing offices. POSTMASTER: Send address changes to NEMA, 1300 N. 17th Street,
Suite 900, Rosslyn, VA 22209. The opinions or views expressed in electroindustry do not necessarily reflect the positions of NEMA
or any of its subdivisions.
Subscribe to ei, the magazine of the electroindustry, at www.nema.org/subscribe2ei
Contact us at comm@nema.org
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NEMA Officers........................................................................................................................................................................................3
Comments from the Chairman..............................................................................................................................................................3
Peter Barry, President, WEG Electric Corporation.............................................................................................................................4
Jes Munk Hansen, CEO OSRAM Lamps............................................................................................................................................5
Hal Quinn, President and CEO, National Mining Association...........................................................................................................6
National Mining Association President and
CEO Hal Quinn says timely access to minerals
and metals is a growing concern.
We Are NEMA......................................................................................................................................................................................32
Coming in September..........................................................................................................................................................................32
Government Relations Update................................................................................................................7
ENERGY STAR® Updates Programs Affecting NEMA Products.............................................................................................................7
Electroindustry News...........................................................................................................................24
ESFI Offers Flood Safety Tips as Hurricane Season Looms..................................................................................................................24
Annual Meeting...................................................................................................................................................................................25
Code Actions/Standardization Trends....................................................................................................26
Tim Schumann sees himself as part of
what makes the world go ‘round.
NEMA Identifies Supply Chain Best Practices in Cybersecurity White Paper......................................................................................26
Recently Published Standards Available on the NEMA Website.........................................................................................................26
IEC Addresses Conformity Assessment and Cybersecurity for Industrial Automation.......................................................................27
Code Adoption and Education: The Connection for Success...............................................................................................................29
International Roundup........................................................................................................................30
Mexico Publishes Sweeping Electrical Product Regulation................................................................................................................30
TPA Sparks TPP Action while ExIm, HTF, and CBP Wait......................................................................................................................31
Export Finance Webinar Series Continues with Tips on Strengthening Applications........................................................................31
Economic Spotlight..............................................................................................................................31
Get EBCI Online....................................................................................................................................................................................31
MITA Executive Director Pat Hope wants
to create opportunities for better care,
better health, and lower costs.
NEMA’s Business Innovation Council (BIC)
Illuminations Award for Entrepreneurship and Innovation
Will be presented at the NEMA awards luncheon
Friday, November 6, 2015, in Washington, D.C.
During Annual Membership Meeting
BIC is dedicated to NEMA’s small- and medium-sized members. The award recognizes success through
entrepreneurial growth, advanced technology, and pioneered innovation. For more information and to
nominate a company, visit www.nema.org/BIC-Award
Learn more about BIC Export Finance Webinar Series on page 29.
Learn more about the Annual Membership Meeting on page 25.
Don Hendler
President & CEO
Leviton Manufacturing Co., Inc.
First Vice Chairwoman
Maryrose Sylvester
President & CEO
GE Lighting
Second Vice Chairman
Michael Pessina
Lutron Electronics Co., Inc.
Thomas S. Gross
Vice Chairman & COO
Eaton Corporation
Immediate Past Chairman
John Selldorff
President & CEO
Legrand North America
President & CEO
Kevin J. Cosgriff
Clark R. Silcox
Growth is coming.
Growth in population—and in the economy—will result in a greater demand for food,
water, and raw materials. By 2030 in some estimates, the world will need at least 40
percent more of these resources. This anticipated demand will require more electricity
and equipment that delivers and controls it from generation to end user. Many growth
areas are found in energy-intensive industries, such as resource extraction, moving and
processing water, and material processing.
This month’s issue of ei highlights how our industry can provide leadership in energyintensive industries by providing them solutions that create long-term value and savings.
In the U.S. alone, the industrial sector accounts for roughly one-third of all end-use
energy demand; it remains the largest energy user in the U.S. economy. This level of
energy consumption provides vast opportunities for successful deployment of industrial
energy efficiency. When high-efficiency drives and electric motors are combined with
sensors, intelligent process controls, and monitoring systems, 15 to 30 percent energy
savings can be attained in most industrial environments. These savings go directly to a
company’s bottom line, resulting in increased productivity, less cost per unit produced,
and lower prices to consumers.
Not only will global demand on resources create circumstances where we need to be
smarter with our energy use, but policymakers are now mandating it. Over the past
seven months, Congress took significant steps toward developing an energy-reform
package. One key area of this effort has been energy efficiency in buildings, industrial
facilities, and the grid. Along with this legislative effort, the administration is finalizing
its Clean Power Plant rule, which is expected to be completed this summer. The proposed
rule includes energy efficiency as one of the four options for states to use in reducing
carbon emissions.
Working with policymakers and our customers to convey the importance of
implementing energy efficiency across all types of energy-intensive industries achieves a
greater goal—that of increasing industrial competitiveness, productivity, and innovation.
These areas are important to NEMA members as well as our national economy.
Converting to more efficient processes and equipment will help energy-intensive
industries maintain competitiveness when anticipated resource constraints create
significant hurdles. Case in point—simply providing and treating water to a growing
population can account for upwards of 40 percent of a city’s electricity demand.
This is just one instance of challenges related to growth, but I know our membership is
ready to provide the leadership necessary to prevail. This month’s magazine showcases
NEMA members that are proving our mettle. ei
Don Hendler
Chairman, NEMA Board of Governors
NEMA electroindustry • August 2015 3 Views
ŰŰOpportunities for Energy-Intensive Industries to Improve Efficiency,
Reliability Will Drive Their Success
Peter Barry, President, WEG Electric Corporation
The need for
improved energy
efficiency in
conjunction with
system reliability
will drive the
future success of
The stakes are high; those focused
on maximizing reliability, as well as
efficiency, will reap the rewards.
As manufacturers and providers of
electrical equipment solutions, we
think of energy-intensive industries
in terms of consumption of electric
power in the manufacturing process.
More specifically, we consider the use of
electric power in machine drives. The use
of machine drives in energy-intensive
manufacturing processes accounts for
about 70 percent of total manufacturing
electric motor energy consumption.
According to the U.S. Energy
Information Administration, energyintensive manufacturing industries
(based on electricity consumed for
machine drives) include chemicals,
paper, petroleum and coal, food, primary
metals, and nonmetallic minerals.
Within these industries is a significant
focus on component and system
reliability, as the cost of downtime has
a major impact on the bottom line.
Reliability managers—at the plant
level—work in their areas of expertise
to mitigate downtime and increase
overall reliability.
In addition to the reliability of
equipment, demands are increasing to
improve energy efficiency. Regulatory
requirements, environmental needs,
and competitive pressures are raising
the importance of efficiency across these
industries. When I speak with end-user
4 NEMA electroindustry • August 2015
industry managers focused on these end
markets, I hear the specific challenges.
Each has a unique set of conditions, but
there is a common theme resulting in the
need to improve reliability and efficiency.
Historically, reliability and efficiency
did not necessarily align synergistically,
and at times appeared to be at odds
with one another. For example, a
variable-frequency drive could be
added to a pump system to create a
significant energy savings, but there
were implications creating potential
for a negative impact on reliability.
These implications ranged from the
reliability of the electronics themselves
to other unintended consequences in
the system. The reaction to these issues
was commonly to revert to the less
efficient and seemingly more reliable
solution, which created an antagonistic
relationship between energy-efficient
systems and reliability.
Over the years, the electrical equipment
industry has substantially improved the
components and related accessories to
improve the reliability of the energyefficient products. Even so, we still
too often see problems related to
inadequately designed systems, and the
results are predictable. A failure occurs
in the component that is most impacted
by the system design flaws, and that
component becomes the focus of the
problem. Time is often lost focusing on
the component, while the larger system
is ignored.
The application of motor drive systems
goes beyond the selection of matched,
compatible components, and includes
consideration for other system-related
options. Reliability in many of the
energy-intensive industries is further
complicated with the addition of harsh
environments. Energy efficiency is as
much about improving an industrial
system’s reliability as it is about reducing
energy costs. Greater efficiency reduces
wear and tear from heat and vibration—
lengthening the lifespan of equipment
and reducing downtime for maintenance
and repairs.
Through our participation with industry
associations, we learn of applications that
further expand the concept of system
efficiency to include driven equipment.
Our work with the Hydraulic Institute
training programs for pump system
optimization has generated significant
interest from industrial end users.
System optimization involves looking
at how the entire group of components
functions together and how changing
one can help improve the value of the
entire application solution. At each
interface, there are inefficiencies. The
primary objective should be to maximize
the overall cost effectiveness of the entire
system. By bringing together knowledge
of driven equipment, the drive system,
and the specific industry, exceptional
results can occur.
Opportunities for the energy-intensive
industries to improve efficiency and
increase reliability are tremendous. By
moving forward with an approach based
on proper drive system design, as well as
full system optimization, great progress
can be made. Those moving in this
direction with industry best practices
will realize significant gains and a
competitive advantage in the market. ei
See how Walmart reduced operating
costs by using VFD technology to
cut total horsepower by almost 27
percent in “Saving Energy Is Big
Business at Walmart,” page 22.
ŰŰThe Water-Energy Nexus: NEMA’s Next Frontier
Jes Munk Hansen, CEO OSRAM Lamps
We are stuck in
a vicious cycle
because energy
production requires
enormous volumes
of water and the
distribution of
water is critically
dependent on large
amounts of energy. The water-energy
nexus describes this linked relationship
between water and energy resources.
Too little attention has been given to
the interconnection between the need
for water in producing electricity and
the energy required for distributing
water. For example, water-related
energy use in California accounts for
approximately 20 percent of the state’s
electricity consumption, reflecting their
reliance on each other. Furthermore,
energy-intensive industries including
agriculture, mining, paper production,
and others are directly and indirectly
dependent on water.
The continued success and prosperity
of our businesses and society requires
clarity on the amount of energy
consumed in the generation, treatment,
delivery, and end use of water. Water
shortage is not just the next energy crisis,
it is inextricably connected to the current
energy crisis.
Having worked in various leadership
roles in the pumps industry with
Grundfos, a global leader in advanced
pump solutions and a trendsetter in
water technology, I see the parallels
between water and lighting; they have a
lot to learn from each other. We should
start with the technology in place—or
lack thereof—and identify opportunities
to improve. In much the same way
that using lighting controls can reduce
consumption by up to 60 percent without
replacing a single lamp, implementing
sensors and software to manage water
systems that otherwise run 24 hours a
day can cut electricity consumption by a
similar amount.
Managing Efficiency
However, implementing modern
technology is just one step forward in
addressing the water-energy nexus.
While it’s generally understood that
using more efficient lighting and controls
can save money and increase efficiency,
there is a huge gap in understanding
energy and water efficiency. Consumers
can read the “lighting facts” on any
bulb in the store aisle and learn about
the potential energy savings, but when
it comes to water technology, there is
simply no visibility on how efficient the
equipment is.
Water shortage is not just
the next energy crisis, it is
inextricably connected to the
current energy crisis.
stated, “There is currently no recognized
consistent methodology for the way
building systems, products, and services
are evaluated for their overall water and
energy footprint.” They recommended
that “while work should begin as soon
as possible, this is a complex issue and is
therefore a long-term effort: 5+ years”.
Concurrent with developing regulation
and standards, it will be important to
address the education gap. ENERGY
STAR® and LEED labels, which were
introduced in the U.S., are now
recognized worldwide. We know these
approaches work. A labeling system will
not only raise awareness and visibility
of the issues, it will create transparency
while educating consumers.
By exploring smart control technologies
powered by sensors and software and
collaborating on new standards and
regulations, we can ensure we’re infusing
efficiency into the next generation of
products and closing the education gap.
We need to establish regulation and
standards on minimum-efficiency
requirements for equipment installed
throughout our infrastructures,
buildings, and homes. NEMA has
experience working on initiatives like
this and it’s time to take bigger steps
with water and water management
We should learn from other industries
and geographies that are demonstrating
their solutions of new labeling and
product documentation initiatives to
make sure we are setting up tomorrow’s
professionals for success. NEMA has
driven change in multiple industries
through regulations, standards, and
education. Our members understand
when there is a sense of urgency. This
is about industry competitiveness;
further delay could create irreparable
disadvantages in international and
domestic markets.
Last year, ANSI published a
Standardization Roadmap that identified
a Water-Energy Nexus gap related to the
development of standards. In citing the
need for uniform standards, the authors
The challenge is immediate and the time
to address this is now. Fortunately, NEMA
has begun the work via a 2015 Strategic
Initiative. As an industry we need to drive
this effort forward rapidly. ei
NEMA electroindustry • August 2015 5 Views
ŰŰReform of Mine-Permitting Process Supports Manufacturing
Hal Quinn, President and CEO, National Mining Association
Three years ago,
NEMA members
had to ask the
U.S. Department
of Energy for a
two-year delay
in meeting new
energy efficiency
standards for
fluorescent tube lamps because there
weren’t enough domestic minerals
available to meet the new rules in time.
This is but one example of the challenges
facing U.S. manufacturers, who, because
of protracted delays in the minepermitting process, are struggling to
find the essential materials to supply
their factories.
A survey1 of more than 400 executives
from various manufacturing industries
shows that timely access to minerals
and metals is a growing concern. I
suspect this concern is shared by NEMA
members who rely on minerals to make
products ranging from lighting and
superconducting materials to medical
imaging technology and wind turbines.
As the U.S. manufacturing renaissance
continues to gain momentum, a
report by SNL Metals & Mining, U.S.
Mines to Market,2 finds that a gross
structural mismatch between domestic
mineral supply and demand threatens
its continued growth. This dynamic
exists despite the U.S. having $6.2
trillion worth of minerals and metals
reserves, including silver and copper,
that are essential to various technologies
developed by NEMA members.
At the root of the problem is the
U.S.’s lengthy, duplicative permitting
process. As it stands, the process takes
an average of seven to 10 years. This is
five times longer than it takes in other
developed countries, like Australia and
Canada, which have similarly strict
environmental regulations. SNL Metals
& Mining’s latest research,3 released in
June, found that an average mine loses
a third of its value due to permit delays.
This protracted process impairs mineral
development projects and discourages
investments in the U.S.—a problem that
could be solved with federal reform.
Fortunately, both the Senate and House
are working to make the U.S. minepermitting system more efficient. Sen.
Lisa Murkowski (R-AK) and Rep. Mark
Amodei (R-NV) sponsored legislation
in both houses of Congress that would
modernize the current U.S. minepermitting process and ensure access to
vast domestic mineral resources.
NEMA President and CEO Kevin J.
Cosgriff testified at a Senate hearing
in May explaining why Murkowski’s
permitting reform legislation is
necessary to ensure access to domestic
minerals and metals critical to
American manufacturing and industrial
innovation. In his testimony, he said,
“This legislation is about the government
6 NEMA electroindustry • August 2015
enabling U.S. manufacturers to compete
fairly into the future because they will
have access to the information, the
minerals, and the other resources they
need to conduct business.”
As the world’s population
grows and developing countries
embrace new technologies,
products relying on greater
combinations of minerals
will come to market, further
accelerating demand for
minerals and the need for
reliable and stable supplies here
at home.
As the world’s population grows and
developing countries embrace new
technologies, products relying on greater
combinations of minerals will come to
market, further accelerating demand
for minerals and the need for reliable
and stable supplies here at home. Now is
the time for Congress to pass legislation
that reforms our prolonged permitting
process and supports our manufacturing
companies. NMA encourages NEMA
members to join us in this call for
reform. ei
National Mining Association advocates
on behalf of America’s mining and
minerals resources.
Government Relations Update
ŰŰENERGY STAR® Updates Programs Affecting NEMA Products
This year has been a brisk one for
ENERGY STAR® programs involving
NEMA products. Some existing
programs were updated while new
ones were proposed or reached the
initial public comment stage in their
specifications drafts.
Distribution Transformers
The first effort of the year saw members
of the NEMA Distribution Transformer
Section developing comments to a
proposed ENERGY STAR Distribution
Transformers program. The proposal,
which is based on the Department of
Energy (DOE) rulemaking of 2013,
recommends extending DOE analysis
into higher performance levels in an
attempt to incent the sale of even more
efficient products.
NEMA commented against the program
proposal, citing numerous concerns and
flaws in analysis and approach. There are
two basic designs of transformer—one
is more efficient for light loading, the
other for heavy loading. Because it is
common to mandate an ENERGY STAR
product when one exists, it is critical that
the product be appropriate for the enduse situation. The typical point of sale
ENERGY STAR labeling program does
not take field situations into account, so
a less efficient transformer for the field
conditions could be the end result. The
Environmental Protection Agency (EPA)
is considering whether it can set up a
post-sale qualification program instead,
which takes installation into account.
Lamps and Luminaires
In late winter through early spring, the
ENERGY STAR Lamps and Luminaires
program specifications were updated to
v2.0. The changes were a combination
of additions to scope and program
eligibility, added requirements for new
products/classes, and some elevations of
performance requirements.
The most significant change to the
Lamps program (not yet published, but
imminent) is that the elevated efficiency
and other performance requirements
will significantly restrict the ability
of compact fluorescent lights (CFLs)
to qualify. It is safe to expect that v3.0
will eliminate CFLs entirely. This is
aligned with the slow but steady decline
in CFL rebate programs, as well as the
longstanding belief that CFLs are a
“bridge” technology to move consumers
away from less efficient incandescent
lighting, while allowing light-emitting
diodes (LEDs) extra time to fully develop.
Climate Controls
The ENERGY STAR Climate Controls
program published a draft “Connected
Thermostats Specification” for comment
in late June. NEMA members do not
support the program, due in part to
reporting requirements and technical
requirements for connectivity, but
mostly because of privacy concerns.
The program seeks to qualify a
thermostat based on evidence of
energy saved through operation,
which makes sense, but it requires
some type of reporting, thus raising
privacy issues. While EPA has promised
to attempt to mitigate individual home
energy usage information from being
publicized, it cannot guarantee this.
The potential member impact of this
program will continue to be monitored
and reported on.
Electric Vehicle
Charging Stations
EPA released for comment a first
draft specification of test procedures
for electric vehicle (EV) charging
stations. While this program would
seek to establish minimum efficiency
requirements, it is not clear whether
these are needed, though it might be
argued that a common test procedure
is useful. It is also not clear that there
is a wide range of efficiency differences
in the field—there are few charging
stations as it is. It is similarly unclear
what the longevity of this proposed
program might be. Without a wellestablished family of products to
evolve into greater levels of efficiency,
there is arguably nothing for a market
transformation program like ENERGY
STAR to do. It also begs the question of
whether there is a problem to solve; after
all a company that sells power (charging)
is automatically incentivized to not waste
power in its delivery system.
Medical Imaging
Since early 2014, NEMA and its Medical
Imaging & Technology Alliance (MITA)
have opposed the proposed creation of
an ENERGY STAR program for medical
imaging equipment. An industry-led
initiative already exists to “right size”
standby power states to the minimum
levels achievable that allow for reasonable
power-up time and equipment function.
Some imaging equipment is never fully
“off” once commissioned due to cooling
and calibration needs.
EPA has not provided any technical
justifications indicating that an
ENERGY STAR program would save any
significant energy. MITA staff strongly
advocates with elected officials against
the proposed program and have gained
increased support to question its validity.
NEMA and MITA favor the continuation
of the successful industry-led initiative in
lieu of a federal program. ei
Alex Boesenberg, Manager,
Government Relations |
NEMA electroindustry • August 2015 7 Assessing Energy Efficiency
in Energy-Intensive Mining
Tom Fowler, Product Launch and Business Development, Schneider Electric
ncompassing between 20 and 40 percent of typical mining operational
costs, energy in mining operations is a growing concern for the industry.
This concern is a complex, multifaceted variable that involves government
regulations, societal pressures, cost, and competitiveness. Managing energy
efficiency is becoming a keystone of successful companies.
One suggested energy strategy in mining and mineral processing
operations follows a well-structured approach that includes:
• understanding where energy is being used and why
• recommending and implementing energy conservation
• driving visibility to targets and results
• leveraging the energy spent across the enterprise
• developing a robust energy and sustainability strategy
Additionally, it must ensure that all decisions support the
financial and operational integrity of the business.
Self-Assessing Energy Efficiency
Before starting a systemic approach to target and execute
opportunities for energy efficiency, it is important to understand
a company’s current energy-efficiency environment through a
This approach defines the company’s overall energy-efficiency
strategy. One example would be a consumption workshop,
which is a process that identifies energy-efficiency gains and
empowers personnel to capture those opportunities. It entails
the energy efficiency team working side-by-side with mining
managers and engineers to prioritize a list of energy-efficiency
projects and execute those projects in a timely fashion.
An important concept to understand is how energy is purchased
by the company through bill verification, rate structure analysis,
energy risk management, and demand response.
It is also important to determine how energy information is
collected from the field. An energy-efficiency approach requires
constant measurements with a certain degree of granularity,
from main feeders to individual loads. This is obtained with
power and energy measurements, power quality analysis, and
water, air, gas, electricity and steam (commonly known as
WAGES) measurement.
8 NEMA electroindustry • August 2015
In order to manage energy-efficiency projects, it is necessary
to prioritize the best projects and action plans, and identify no
cost/low cost opportunities.
Performance and Results Measurement
The strategy is to select the right tools for the right people
within the corporation. The three tools described below can be
used according to the level of information and required details.
Energy-monitoring software
This easy-to-use, entry-range power monitoring solution is
suitable for small-system applications. The software helps
cut power-related costs and optimize equipment used by
remotely monitoring the electrical network and tracking
real-time conditions.
Energy-management software
This software helps to view energy in financial terms and
gain insight into the impact of power quality and reliability.
It benchmarks performance to reveal inefficiencies and
risks and then tracks the progress of the energy efficiency
initiatives, verifying the results of equipment upgrades or
other improvements. Emissions reporting helps to meet
environmental goals. Trend analysis supports strategies to avoid
demand or power factor penalties and reveals unused electrical
system capacity.
In addition, the software helps optimize procurement by
forecasting needs, comparing rates, identifying billing errors,
and validating contract compliance. Furthermore, it can
accurately allocate costs to departments or processes.
Corporate sustainability dashboards
These dashboards track energy performance, monitor markets
(from commodities process to raw materials), and measure
environmental impacts.
The Challenge:
Energy Efficiency in Energy-Intensive Industries Five Steps to Managing Energy Intensity
The following five-step approach is recommended for continuous improvement.
Step 1: Measure
The first step involves completing an energy analysis, identifying the major points of
measurement, collecting energy information, and determining the energy drivers. This
measurement can be manually performed, but the installation of metering systems is
recommended for the most critical loads.
Before starting an improvement program, measurement and benchmarking helps to
determine where and to what degree energy is wasted. It also provides a baseline for future
comparison. Measurement during the monitoring stage helps identify deviations that need
to be corrected in order to sustain the savings. In addition to metering systems,
modern motor protection relays and advanced circuit breakers are able to
deliver energy information, allowing more load granularity to
obtain energy consumption data.
Step 2: Fix the Basics
The initial results typically reveal areas that can be addressed and remedied without
external help. Often, basic housekeeping improvements can reduce waste and trim
utilization to meet basic energy-efficiency targets.
High-efficiency motors, power-factor correction, lighting, and compressed air
leaks are common starting places that can benefit from the introduction of passive
devices that by nature consume less energy.
Step 5:
Carbon Footprint
Mining organizations can be overwhelmed juggling
carbon management projects. There is an endless list of options,
including buying carbon offsets, selling emission credits, hedging
carbon-market risk, reporting on greenhouse gas emissions, and
spearheading various carbon-reduction projects.
Step 3: Automate
This step implies the use of active elements that control
processes to achieve energy efficiency, such as automation
systems to regulate energy usage.
Carbon footprint calculation and reporting is only one piece of the
sustainability puzzle, but it is one that companies struggle to
implement successfully.
Building an accurate carbon footprint requires a wide array
of data, typically pulled from various sites and requiring
coordination across several internal departments.
Step 4: Monitor
and control
Continuous improvement is necessary over
time. Achievements can be lost if a systematic
approach is not implemented and does not have the
whole company participating.
Some mineral operations cannot be optimized using
conventional control solutions. These processes are too
complex and have multivariable characteristics that require
a different approach beyond conventional control strategies.
Grinding, for example, is one of the main points for energy
savings using process optimization.
Advanced process control (APC) and optimization
techniques using neural networks, fuzzy logic,
In fact, most sustainability teams significantly
and expert systems are strong allies for energy
underestimate the time and effort
efficiency, since they deliver the optimum
required to gather this data. Energy
particle size for grinding while avoiding
Manufacturing execution systems, combined with an energy
use typically constitutes more than
overgrinding and energy waste.
management system, provide the ability to optimize energy utilization.
90 percent of an organization’s
Modern APC strategies are easy to
This approach combines the best of two worlds—mining intelligence tools, such
greenhouse emissions.
implement. After completion,
as production, maintenance, and downtime; and financials, with data contextualized
Therefore, to calculate a
they require little
to understand energy intensity. This gives users real-time data production information
carbon footprint, it is
maintenance and run
associated with energy drivers and allows them to forecast energy usage, since it generates an
necessary to have
embedded within the
energy model against production scenarios.
access to energy
control systems.
usage data.
In parallel, such technology drives dynamic objectives, where the new energy target is compatible with
new production scenarios. Fixed objectives are not always appropriate if production has new characteristics.
The energy dilemma that the world faces is clearly one of supply
and demand in the face of political and social pressures to
protect the environment. Answers will come from all fronts, but
for the short term, it is vital for companies to realize that the
best renewable energy is one that is not used.
A mining operation that is successful in energy efficiency is
synonymous with a successful company. ei
Mr. Fowler, who works in motor control product management, is
active in the NEMA Industrial Automation Section.
NEMA electroindustry • August 2015 9 The Connected Industrial Enterprise—
Why Unlocking Data Is Vital to the Future of Manufacturing
Mike Hannah, Market Development Lead, Rockwell Automation’s Smart Manufacturing Initiative
ore than 70 million people, most of them in emerging markets, are
joining the middle class every year. According to the Organization for
Economic Co-operation and Development, the global middle class will surge
from 1.8 billion in 2009 to 3.2 billion in 2020. This ballooning middle class
will translate to greater consumer spending, placing an increased demand on
manufacturing, resources, and infrastructure.
From a manufacturing or industrial operations standpoint,
meeting this demand requires a company to be more
productive, more sustainable, and more flexible. Meeting the
demands of growing consumer classes in India and China, for
example, must be balanced against the need to meet lower price
points in those countries. A company must ensure compliance
in each new country and consider if it makes sense to source
operations closer to these new consumer groups. These
considerations remove complexity from the supply chain and
reduce import costs.
Improving connectivity across an enterprise’s operations,
business levels, and supply network will be one key enabler
10 NEMA electroindustry • August 2015
for achieving goals. The connected enterprise delivers two
significant benefits:
• The ability to integrate information across informational
technologies (IT) and operational technologies (OT) enables
coordinating operations and communications.
• The ability to collect and coordinate data—and ubiquitously
share it in the form of valuable information for different
contexts—helps ensure better data-driven decision making at
all levels.
A Daunting Challenge
Establishing a connected enterprise is far more complex
than simply connecting disparate systems. Rather, it involves
seamlessly and securely connecting all control and information
levels of an organization. It also means having access to
real-time and historical operational information, wherever
it is produced, and access to all business and transactional
information that will have an impact on different plants and
their full range of operations.
The Challenge:
Energy Efficiency in Energy-Intensive Industries Having the technology and the know-how to distill this
information into working data capital that provides true
innovative value is the next frontier. This working data
capital can lead to transformations in global productivity and
competitiveness in the form of faster time to market, lower total
cost of ownership, improved asset utilization, and enterprise
risk management.
Basic integration of information and infrastructure within
manufacturing is approaching critical mass. However, a
September 2013 IndustryWeek survey of 265 U.S. manufacturing
executives, managers, and other employees revealed that the
vast majority of manufacturers still have a long way to go to
realize the connected enterprise. Only 14 percent of respondents
said their plant-floor data is fully integrated into their
enterprise systems, while only 1 in 10 respondents said that at
least 80 percent of their plant-floor machinery (not including
computers) is internet-enabled.
LNS Research asked manufacturers what their top business and
operational challenges are and found that disparate systems
and data sources ranked second behind lack of collaboration
across different departments for the top most challenging in
manufacturing today.
Achieving a True Connected Enterprise
Moving operations further into the information age, three
components are vital to achieving a true connected enterprise:
• Network Infrastructure—The Industrial Ethernet, using
standard, open, single network infrastructure, ties
manufacturing and operations data together with the rest of
the enterprise.
• Working Data Capital—Information that is mined from
across operations and distributed to employees across
systems as context-based information enables them to do
their jobs better.
• Security—Rather than a one-time event, security is an
ongoing threat-management practice, policy, and culture that
addresses gaps, reaches every level, and extends to vendors.
The connected enterprise enables the plant and operations for
the future—one that supports collaboration among a more
mobile workforce and secure access for things like virtual
environments and remote monitoring.
More than 50 percent of modern internet connections are to
devices, according to Gartner Research, and that number is only
growing. These connected devices are all part of the “Internet
of Things”—the seemingly infinite number of devices and their
interconnectedness via internet protocol (IP). Many devices
already used on the plant floor today are IP-enabled, but an even
greater opportunity awaits in the open-standard, IP-enabled
devices that can be leveraged from non-industrial settings.
To take advantage of these devices, operations must allow
machines and devices to communicate with each other via
a standard unmodified IP-centric network infrastructure.
The Ethernet Industrial Protocol (EtherNet/IP™) was
created to support this interoperability on the plant floor
and helps ensure enterprise-wide connectivity within an
infrastructure. Proprietary network technology can restrict
network architecture with gateways and specialized devices.
Conversely, EtherNet/IP enables information to flow freely to its
intended destination in even the most complex manufacturing
operations, allowing greater collaboration across people,
machines, and devices.
EtherNet/IP can also support an unlimited amount of nodes
for greater flexibility in operations and communications. This
flexibility will be critical as the number of connected devices on
the plant floor continues its upward trajectory.
Putting Data into Context
The era of big data is here. According to McKinsey & Company,
manufacturing generates more information than any other
sector, storing an estimated two exabytes (or two quintillion
bytes) of it, just in 2010 alone. Controllers, sensors, and
other devices generate data at every point in the production
process. With all this information beneath one’s fingertips, it is
important to understand how to leverage it.
Capturing information is fundamental, but information without
context is not an asset. Converting it into working data capital
and putting it into context for workers requires experienced
guidance. Understanding the operational technology of a
plant floor is essential to bridging the gap between automation
engineers and their IT colleagues to help securely identify,
Image courtesy of Rockwell Automation
Continued on page 12
NEMA electroindustry • August 2015 11 Continued from page 11
collect, interpret, and share the right data to the right people in
the right context to drive improvements that have exponential
value across organizations.
Creating working data capital across an enterprise can help
optimize lifecycle processes, better respond to changing
customer needs, and reduce inventory. Applying working
data capital is how manufacturers jump from simple linked
operations to smart connected enterprises.
Enabling technologies can capture information and share
working data capital to improve collaboration and operating
efficiencies. The following enabling technologies are the most
relevant to manufacturers:
• Cloud Computing—A recent survey of manufacturers by
LNS Research showed a doubling of planned adoption for
cloud applications in manufacturing. From an operational
standpoint, the cloud enables a company to innovate ways
to leverage data—including remote asset management and
monitoring/alerting, performance or energy monitoring,
customer and supply chain collaboration, and more.
• Mobility—More than 60 percent of businesses allow
employees to bring devices to work, according to the
Manufacturing Enterprise Communications Research
Services. While accessing manufacturing data on any tablet
or smartphone is a key benefit of mobility, the ability of
information and plant workers to be “mobile” and access
applications on the go is just as beneficial.
• Virtualization—Untethering hardware from its operating
system is increasingly used in manufacturing. This
untethering reduces dependency on physical servers and
other hardware, as well as energy costs. Virtualization also
increases machine reliability, offers lower-cost and highavailability back-up solutions, and allows multiple instances
of an operating system to run on a piece of hardware.
Perhaps the biggest concern manufacturers have when it comes
to the connected enterprise is security. Whether it’s network,
assets, or intellectual property, operations need to be secure
from potential threats—accidental or intentional. With network
convergence and the connection of previously disparate systems,
security risks naturally increase.
When done correctly, the benefits of the connected enterprise
extend to security, meaning it is possible to manage enterprise
and automation security together, all the way to the end
device. Because of this, security programs should be done
collaboratively and holistically across all operations, rather
than as a tacked-on solution. Security must be woven into
plant-floor operations—including the network infrastructure,
12 NEMA electroindustry • August 2015
new and legacy control systems, machinery, devices, and the
enterprise—and across every person, policy, and procedure.
User-access security is just one example of protecting who can
do what. This defense-in-depth approach gives multiple layers
of protection and deterrents against a diverse range of potential
security breaches.
According to the Organization for Economic
Co-operation and Development, the global middle
class will surge from 1.8 billion in 2009 to 3.2
billion in 2020. This ballooning middle class will
translate to greater consumer spending, placing an
increased demand on manufacturing, resources,
and infrastructure.
Lastly, when assessing the security of an organization, include
vendors or suppliers. An organization’s network security can be
dependent on their network security.
The benefits from a connected enterprise will extend across
• Supply Chain Integration—Greater insight into deliveries
and improved communications with suppliers regarding
scheduling changes, order increases, and other issues can help
optimize inventory management and ultimately help drive
faster time to market.
• Collaborative, Demand-Driven—Connecting manufacturing
operations with informational systems means connecting
employees across functions, empowering them to better
collaborate and work toward one common goal of meeting
customer demand.
• Optimized for Rapid Value Creation—Information can be
mined from every step of operations to help drive efficiencies,
improve quality, better manage inventories, and speed up
time to market.
• Compliant and Sustainable—Synchronizing business
processes and workflow can produce the real-time and
historical data needed to meet compliance, improve
sustainability metrics, and lower overall corporate risk.
Visit www.rockwellautomation.com/connectedenterprise for
more information. ei
Mr. Hannah has more than 30 years of experience in automation
and network solutions for industrial applications.
Technical Solutions:
Energy Efficiency in Energy-Intensive Industries Direct-Drive Cooling Tower Technology
Improves System Efficiencies
Roman Wajda, Industry Business Manager for the Air Handling Industry, Baldor Electric Company
hen energy efficiency is of utmost importance, recent developments
in motor technology have changed the playing field, especially within
cooling tower HVAC systems. The new permanent magnet (PM) / laminated
frame motor technology allows for removal of all mechanical components
of existing motors and replaces them with one direct-drive cooling tower
permanent magnet (CTPM) motor.
maintenance issue for cooling tower installations. Gearbox
failures, oil leaks, oil contamination, failed drive shafts,
misaligned drive shafts, and excessive vibration and noise are all
significant problems related to this type of system. Elimination
of these problems has been instrumental in accepting this new
cooling tower technology.
Many of the problems associated with cooling tower
maintenance and reliability are solved with CTPM motor
With the removal of mechanical components,
design. The relatively high-speed gear input shaft, which
mechanical energy losses are removed. This
typically runs at 1750 rpm, has been
decreases overall system energy
eliminated. The CTPM direct-drive motor
demands. The system also sees
runs at fan-operating speeds, which are
higher motor efficiency gains with PM
typically slow and in the range of 147 to
technology over standard induction motor
382 rpm. Vibration and noise concerns
efficiencies, particularly on towers using
have been minimized. The driveshaft and
two-speed motors that have low efficiency.
associated disc couplings have been removed,
thus eliminating problems associated
A cooling tower is a structure that extracts
with misalignment, natural frequencies,
waste heat, typically from an evaporative
or delaminating of the driveshaft itself. The
cooling process, and distributes it to the
spiral-beveled gearbox has been removed.
Images courtesy Baldor Electric Company
atmosphere. The size of a tower is commonly
Difficult maintenance associated with changing the
identified by the diameter of the fan. Fan sizes
oil, proper oil fill levels, contamination, oil leaks, and gearbox
range from six to 40 feet, with the most common applications in
failures is no longer a concern. The direct-drive adjustable
the 10- to 26-foot range.
speed system has been shown to run quieter, which is a plus at
installations such as hotels, hospitals, and universities.
The speed of the fan is limited by industry standards, which
are rated as a max fan tip speed of 12,000 fpm. This generates
Current data indicates this solution will eliminate problems
a fan speed in the range of 147 to 382 rpm. The most common
associated with the right-angle gearbox and drive-shaft design.
solution for driving the fan in current cooling tower designs
By eliminating the gearbox, which is a significant source of loss
uses an induction motor, driveshaft, disc couplings, and
in the system, improved system efficiencies can be realized.
gearbox arrangement.
Design Boosts Savings
The use of variable-frequency drives (VFDs) has become much
more commonplace on new construction due to the energy
savings associated with the fan affinity laws, which express the
relationship between variables involved in fan performance
and power. Furthermore, most towers that are upgraded or
refurbished are also being equipped with VFDs. These drives
have the advantage of a soft mechanical start, no large startingcurrent draw, and the ability to run the fan at any speed—
from zero to the maximum design. Case study evaluations
have shown a savings of 37 to 47 percent of energy use when
compared with applications without VFDs.
Historically, the mechanical components of fan-drive systems—
specifically the right-angle gearbox—have been the largest
The motor used in the design has exposed laminations for
the frame. It has a permanent magnet rotor using rare earth
magnets. Efficiency for this motor is well above that of a typical
NEMA Premium® induction motor.
PM motor technology, combined with the finned, laminated frame
design, now allows the construction of a low-speed, compact motor
instead of the existing gearbox. The benefits of this technology
can also be applied to air-cooled condensers and heat exchangers.
Technological advancements such as the CTPM direct-drive motor
might take a while to be accepted by the industry, but the benefits
to accepting them will have a positive impact. ei
Mr. Wajda has more than 20 years with ABB encompassing
various roles of R&D, application engineering, and the air
handling industry. He holds three patents and has published
several technical articles in his field.
NEMA electroindustry • August 2015 13 Applying NEMA Premium® Motors Success
to Power Drive Systems
Rob Boteler, Government Relations, Nidec Motor Corporation
he way that energy-saving equipment is applied in industrial/commercial
applications is in transition.
Since what seems like forever, the measure used by power
utilities, the Department of Energy (DOE), and manufacturers
has been efficiency expressed as percent. We have created
test methods and metrics that take losses and turn them into
an efficiency percentage denoting how much energy was not
converted by our equipment.
We promoted this measure to our customers, as well as to
regulators and utilities, as a means to compare one unit with
another. Without a doubt, this works at the component level.
Our tests and measures are at a fixed load point that allows us
great repeatability. In actual application, however, performance
can vary greatly, but the comparative metric allows our
customers—and even more so, DOE—to select compliant or
better-performing product.
Regulators, power utilities, and other industrial/commercial
programs have begun to recognize the benefits of managing
power, as opposed to the more simplistic component-efficiency
approach. This phenomenon is taking place globally with a
switch from what we term “Stage One—Component Efficiency”
to “Stage Two—Systems,” or extended product power
Premium Power Changes the Game
Using efficiency percentage as the metric, the NEMA Motor
Section (1MG) created the NEMA Premium® label in 2001
to identify premium efficient motors (NEMA Premium
Table 12-12, ANSI/NEMA MG 1-2014 Motors and Generators).
Since its inception, NEMA Premium motors have provided
1MG members with a tool that has significantly grown the
motor market.
Courtesy of Nidec Motors
Figure 1. Anatomy of a Power Drive System
14 NEMA electroindustry • August 2015
Technical Solutions:
Energy Efficiency in Energy-Intensive Industries A NEMA Premium PPDS that includes motor and
control might position the PPDS as a less costly
alternative retrofit system that could fit well into
utility programs when the replacement of the
driven load is not necessary.
NEMA Premium has been endorsed or adopted by end
users, original equipment manufacturers, International
Electrotechnical Commission (IEC), IEEE standards, and
power utility incentive programs as an identifier of the “high
performance” product.
Opportunity for NEMA Members
The list of stage-two opportunities in table 1 overlaps with
one common theme to define and identify “high performance
PPDS.” The NEMA opportunity includes adoption of the IEC
61800-9-2 standard as a recognized means for testing, creating
a metric, and setting performance levels of the PPDS based on
system losses.
Several members of 1MG have participated in the pump
regulations and are attending meetings on the current fans
regulations. Both of these regulations encompass extended
products regulation that include the motor and drive
performance within the rule.
Without going into a technical discussion, we now have moved
into an era where affinity laws, which express the relationship
between variables involved in pump or fan performance
and power, are employed to determine motor and control
performance over a set number of load points, and are
combined to produce a definition and comparative performance
metric for a “power drive system.” See figure 1.
1MG members have introduced CSA 838 and IEC 61800-9-2
as acceptable standards for PPDS measurement. Because IEC
61800-9-2 has yet to be voted on, it is difficult for DOE to have
it added to its rules process. The extended products labeling
scheme run by the American Council for an Energy-Efficient
Economy and NEMA will draw on these same federal extended
product regulations to substantiate the premium—pump/fan or
compressor—label to allow recognition as a comparative metric
by power utility incentive programs.
Historically, regulators and power programs viewed stage
two as more complex, requiring significant engineering and
application resources to justify and verify energy savings,
thus greatly limiting the support and funding for stage-two
applications to systems employing very large horsepowers. The
premium power drive system (PPDS) changes the game.
These programs are expected to incentivize extended products
that include all three components. A NEMA Premium PPDS
that includes motor and control might position the PPDS as
a less costly alternative retrofit system that could fit well into
utility programs when the replacement of the driven load is
not necessary.
The available options of energy-saving measures has led to the
realization that much greater savings can come from a hybrid
PPDS approach that moves the system from a resource-intense
application closer to the simpler motor-component approach.
There are currently several initiatives driving the NEMA
Premium PPDS opportunity. See table 1.
NEMA is in a position to recognize the IEC 61800-9-2 standard
and use it as the basis to establish PPDS performance level to
be labeled as a NEMA Premium power drive system. 1MG has
begun planning for testing to this standard as a way to verify
accuracy and repeatability.
Table 1. PPDS Initiative Opportunities
PPDS Rebate
200,000 Connected
DOE Regulations
Regs include motors and controls and
introduce non-NEMA standards
Power Utility Incentives
ACEEE extended
product labels
Power utility funding of $9 billion for
energy savings
Protection Agency
States to use energy efficiency to
achieve Clean Air Act requirements
Estimated $600 million motors and
drives market impact
Global Harmonization
Executive order to
federal agencies
President has directed federal
agencies to increase global
harmonization of standards
Should NEMA miss this opportunity, what will likely occur?
Once a PPDS standard exists, other entities will be in position to
begin establishing performance levels and identifying products
as compliant or not. Historically, power utility associations
have set and introduced efficiency performance tables to their
members as potential rebate products.
NEMA’s goal is to establish performance standards based on
international standards, including performance tables by power
rating that identify levels to be marked on the product and
licensed as NEMA Premium PPDS under a memorandum of
understanding (MOU) similar to the current NEMA Premium
Motor MOU. Once this standard exists, NEMA can promote its
use and adoption in all categories listed in table 1.
The estimated market impact to 1IS and 1MG is $600 million to
$1 billion per year. ei
Mr. Boteler chairs the NEMA Energy Management Committee.
NEMA electroindustry • August 2015 15 Use of Active Magnetic
Bearings in HighSpeed Motors Provides
“Green” Alternative
Sumit Singhal, Consulting System Engineer
Siemens Industry, Inc.
Drive Technologies
igh-speed electric motors driven by variable-frequency drives for
high-speed applications (e.g., pumps and compressors) are more
common because of increased efficiency and precise process control. An
all-electric drive compression process also helps to reduce carbon footprint.
A fully electric drive has a faster and smoother start-up process, which, in the
past, has been traditionally driven by large gas turbines.
Motors for high-speed applications require advanced
engineering and optimization methods for reliable design,
especially for rotor-bearing design, enclosures, bearing shields,
and cooling methods to meet stringent vibration and noise
requirements. These requirements are defined in specifications
such as those by the American Petroleum Institute, the
International Electrotechnical Commission, and the
International Organization for Standardization. Depending on
the end user and application—whether active magnetic bearings
(AMBs) or oil film bearings are used—the requirements
represent a challenge.
Integrating Design Requirements
High-speed motors with a wide operating speed range offer
flexibility. The motor design needs to fulfill two kinds of flexible
interface requirements. One is toward the end user; the other
is toward the interface of mechanical design. The end-user
interfaces are foundation and cooling; the design interfaces are
rotor, enclosure, mechanical, and dynamic parameters.
For revamping projects, foundations are already available
and often very restrictive regarding size. As foundations in
general—especially for revamping projects—rarely meet the
high standard regarding foundation stiffness required for highspeed motors, the motor must be designed to operate well on a
wide range of foundations with regard to stiffness parameters.
16 NEMA electroindustry • August 2015
Schematic shows a 4500 hp, 5500 rpm motor driving compressor
used in an American oil refinery. Diagram courtesy of Siemens
Instead of specifying a special foundation, the motor should be
flexible and able to adapt to various foundations. This must be
integrated in the motor design, if specified by the customer.
AMBs or oil film bearings can be used. While they require
different shaft designs, both bearing designs require a stable
mechanical shaft—one with a constant dynamic behavior over
the lifetime of the rotor and stiff integration in the bearing
shield. These design requirements must be integrated in the
motor design to obtain the highest flexibility while complying
with end-user specifications regarding the bearing concept. The
design requirements must also give the bearing design engineer
the highest degree of flexibility without being involved in the
basic motor design.
The cooling design should be flexible and allow forced- and
self-cooled versions for internal cooling, as well as other possible
cooling types such as air-to-air, air-to-water, and open design
for external cooling. After the motor has been designed and
the machine concept completed, development of the specified
bearings can begin.
Rotor Design
When designing high-speed motors, two design areas are first
considered—rotors and bearings. Because the rotor spins at
a high circumferential speed and has to withstand dynamic
forces, it is subject to high material stress. It is also a part of the
motor that generates the unbalanced forces and which must
ensure stability and serviceability over service life.
Technical Solutions:
Energy Efficiency in Energy-Intensive Industries The high-speed rotor design can employ different concepts;
each rotor design concept must comply with fundamental
• the shaft should never change its modal properties over
its lifetime;
• the rotor should never change its residual unbalance over
its lifetime;
• the rotor should be rugged to withstand the centrifugal forces;
• the rotor should have low losses (e.g., electrical and friction
losses); and
• the rotor should be rugged with respect to external influences,
such as brief overheating or very cold starting conditions.
All of these requirements must be in compliance because the
bearings, irrespective of which technology is selected, require
stable rotor parameters to fulfill their role in ensuring low
vibration levels. This is especially true for specifically designed
high-speed oil bearings, which are optimized to meet vibration
requirements over a complete speed range.
A good rotordynamic design is one of the key elements for
reliable and efficient rotating machinery. In order to meet
compressor speed requirements for variable-speed motors
operating at high speeds, the rotor bearings might have to be
designed so that the system has a separation margin from the
operating speed, or they should be well-damped so there is no
increase in vibration level if operated at the damped natural
frequency. Bearings at rotor supports play an important role
regarding the value of critical speed and damping of vibration.
Determining Value
Magnetic bearings provide superior value compared with other
types of bearings in this application. Value is a function of the
following factors:
• high reliability and uptime
• clean (“green”) environment
• speed capability
• better position and vibration control
• extreme conditions
This is also valid when an active magnetic bearing is used
where the modal parameters of the shaft are a part of the
closed-loop control system. In addition to the requirements
listed, the rotor should be easy to manufacture, machine,
repair, service, and purchase.
• equipment design, development, and testing
Bearing and Housing Design
The interface to the bearing is provided mechanically by
two components—the end shield for the outer part of the
bearing and the shaft end for the inner part. Flanged bearings
represent a good solution for high-speed motors. High stiffness
is achieved if the bearing is located in the end shield. Forces
transmitted into the end shield from the bearing are at the end
shield plane. When the forces are at a distance from the end
shield plane, a moment force is created (bearing force multiplied
by distance). This can excite higher-end shield modes, which
means dynamic stiffness decreases.
• less tolerance to overload conditions
The other interface to the bearing is the force from the motor,
which can influence the bearing sensor. No forces or disturbing
vibrations should occur here. The cooling system should provide
enough pressure difference between the suction and the blowing
area of the fan so that the bearing can be cooled. If these three
interfaces are provided, there will be enough flexibility to design
and implement a bearing that achieves required parameters and
In order to minimize the influence of the housing dynamics
on the bearings—namely the sensor position of the AMB—
the influence of the second-order excitation on the housing
vibration is minimized by decoupling the stator core assembly
from the housing using a low-pass spring suspension.
• machine diagnostics / condition monitoring
Magnetic bearings have some limitations to consider:
• much lower load-carrying capacity than oil film
• a requirement for backup bearings if the magnetic bearings
were to fail
The AMB of motors levitate the shaft and permit relative
motion without friction or wear, unlike traditional oil- or
grease-lubricated motor bearings. The AMB consists of an
electromagnetic assembly; a set of power amplifiers, which
supply current to electromagnets; a controller; and a gap sensor
with associated electronics, which provide the feedback required
to control the position of the rotor within the gap. Each AMB is
equipped with a backup bearing for emergency coast-down in
the event of a power failure.
While the electronic sensors of the AMB are located on the
shaft at the bearing positions, the backup bearings are located
directly next to the magnetic bearings in case the AMB closedloop control unexpectedly fails.
This motor concept has been applied to a series of high-speed
induction motors in the 5–15MW power range at speeds between
5,000–15,000 rpm for direct turbo compressor drive applications
with flexible interfaces, and a bearing design that meets the need
for high-speed motors in a wide range of applications. These
applications include modernization and new projects. ei
Mr. Singhal has published more than 15 technical publications
and holds five patents.
NEMA electroindustry • August 2015 17 Digital
Drives Fourth Industrial Revolution
Joe Rogers, Control Products Marketing Manager, Siemens Industry, Inc.
he Internet of Things is the extensive networking of humans and
machines and the resulting (and truly new) implicit and explicit actions
and reactions that are leading to a paradigm change.
deal with the enormously increasing technical and process
complexity, and achieve the huge increase in flexibility and
speed demanded by the internet economy. This is at the heart of
the digital enterprise.
In the past, it was humans who were the main users of the
internet and the primary generators of data. Increasingly,
however, devices and machines are generating large data
volumes. They will soon overtake humans in terms of
originating data. Soft drink machines send data requesting
to be refilled. Automobiles send diagnostic data related to
warranties. Airplane engines send flight information directly
to manufacturers. They all have one thing in common: with
internet technology, every transaction can now be processed
much more quickly than was possible even just a few years ago.
Every company will have to develop its own comprehensive
digital enterprise platform that includes machines, automation
systems, and the software tools that are playing an ever-greater
role in all these areas.
As a global real-time communications platform, the internet
acts as an enormous accelerator of business processes around
the globe and is capable of reaching out to both manufacturers
and consumers in faraway places. It enables companies—small
and large—to quickly synchronize activities with their business
partners while making possible direct contact to the end customer.
Make-to-order manufacturing and just-in-time delivery are
decisive competitive factors for industry. This development has
affected not only the manufacturers of consumer goods but
also the automobile industry, aerospace, and manufacturers of
certain types of machines and components. Mass customization
is expected as individual products are manufactured with speed,
but at mass-manufacturing costs.
These market requirements and the resulting competitive
pressure mean that manufacturing companies are faced with
unprecedented challenges. The fast-approaching upheaval can
therefore be better seen as a revolution—in this case, the Fourth
Industrial Revolution.
Because the transformation is occurring gradually, specific
technical solutions will differ from industry to industry,
and even from user to user. Individual solutions themselves,
however, will be based on joint standards and common
technological platforms—as represented by the internet itself.
Despite immense resources, it is not possible for one company
to create a complete portfolio containing all the necessary
products and technologies for this industrial revolution.
Solutions are based on a long-foreseen development that all the
value-creation steps in the industry will require end-to-end
support by software tools. This is the only way that the humans
involved—even the companies themselves—will be able to
18 NEMA electroindustry • August 2015
Machine Learning and Cybersecurity
The wide-ranging digitalization of industrial processes as well as
software tools will lead to a massive increase in data volumes. “Big
Data” is often referred to as the major challenge, but it should be
noted that this data differs significantly from the data generated
in the world of consumer goods and individual user apps.
In many cases, industrial data represents a considerable portion
of the value of the company. It is rarely made available to third
parties because they could mine it to generate profit—as can
already be seen across large swathes of the consumer world. In
addition, manufacturing industry applications represent only a
small niche in the huge worldwide data universe, meaning that
the corresponding technologies and tools can hardly be driven
or even influenced by this industry.
In spite of this, the developing and future possibilities of
machine learning will lead to optimization in industrial
processes. New business activity opportunities will result,
especially in the coupling of the internet with the areas of
remote service and predictive maintenance. Manufacturers
and customers must clearly agree on huge amounts of data
continually produced by machines and systems in order to
make the data usable. In the past, this was carried out by
hosted solutions; in the future, companies will offer
cloud-based solutions for this purpose.
Another important topic is cybersecurity. The effort needed to
ensure that data is protected, whether it belongs to a company
or a customer, can very quickly exceed any advantage that use
of this public infrastructure can bring.
It is urgent that a detailed risk analysis for internet-based IT/
control applications is undertaken, not only regarding the
potential use of such concepts but also regarding the decision
as to whether such concepts should be developed at all. ei
Mr. Rogers is the current chair of the NEMA 1IS Business
The LAW:
Energy Efficiency in Energy-Intensive Industries Promoting Industrial Energy Efficiency
in Pending Clean Power Plant Rule
Joseph Eaves, Director, NEMA Government Relations
ver the past six months, Congress put in significant effort toward
developing an energy-reform package; it is expected that Congress
will address energy legislation when it returns from recess in September.
are attainable in most industrial environments. These savings
go directly to a company’s bottom line, resulting in more
increased productivity, less cost per unit produced, and lower
prices to consumers.
One key area of this effort has been energy efficiency in
buildings, industrial facilities, and the grid. Along with this
legislative effort in Congress, the administration is finalizing its
Clean Power Plant rule, which is expected to be finalized this
summer. The proposed rule includes energy efficiency as one of
the four options for states to use in reducing carbon emissions.
Given NEMA’s member’s expertise we have been actively
involved on the Clean Power Plant rule, also known as 111(d).
Helping OMB understand the importance of implementing
energy efficiency across all types of energy-intensive
industries meets its direct goal of reducing emissions, but it
can also increase industrial competitiveness, productivity,
and innovation. Furthermore, converting to more efficient
processes and equipment will help these industries maintain
competitiveness when energy supply and prices are volatile.
NEMA recently held a meeting with staff from the Office of
Management and Budget (OMB) who are finalizing details of
the rule. The meeting allowed us to directly request and explain
in person our belief that third-party delivered energy efficiency
should be mentioned in the final rule as a compliance option for
states, especially for the industrial sector.
The reason for this is clear. The industrial sector (which includes
manufacturing, mining, construction, and agriculture) accounts
for roughly one-third of all end-use energy demand in the U.S.
and remains the largest energy user in the U.S. economy.
This level of energy consumption provides vast opportunities
for successful deployment of industrial energy efficiency.
When high-efficiency drives and electric motors are combined
with sensors, intelligent process controls, and monitoring
systems, it is estimated that 15 to 30 percent energy savings
We are hopeful that this meeting and the previous meetings and
outreach with a wide range of stakeholders will result in a final
rule that takes into account third-party delivered energy efficiency.
Besides announcing the final rule, we expect the administration to
begin comment period regarding a model federal plan that states
can use to comply with the rule. If that is the case, NEMA will
develop comments based on our earlier work.
To date, this work has been led by member companies across the
Motor & Generator Section, the Industrial Automation Section,
and several Lighting Division companies. If your company
would like to be involved or learn more about this work, contact
the NEMA staff. ei
Mr. Eaves (joseph.eaves@nema.org) has more than a decade of
legislative and government relations experience, serving members
of Congress, non-profits, and private industry, specifically on
energy and environmental issues.
NEMA electroindustry • August 2015 19 Y1
Gas-Fired Cogeneration Plant
Replaces Aging Distributed Control System
with State-of-the-Art Process Control System
Mary Burgoon, Market Development Manager, Heavy Industries, Rockwell Automation
ipon Cogeneration, a subsidiary of Veresen holding company, sells power
to one of the nation’s largest utilities, helping to supply energy to homes
and businesses throughout most of Northern and Central California. The
gas turbine at the 50 megawatt–capacity plant, located in the San Joaquin
Valley, also generates steam that is used for the production of distilled water
that is then used at the adjacent process manufacturer.
In 2012, owners of the 25-year-old plant decided to retire their
obsolete distributed control system (DCS).
“Our aging system could no longer maintain performance, and
it was too costly to repair,” said Brett Weber, operations and
maintenance manager, Ripon Cogeneration. “Also, very few
people even understood the legacy system anymore, and we had
limited vendor support. We had to do something.”
The major problem: multiple fail-safes were hard-coded into
the DCS. Even small deviations in process variables (e.g.,
temperature) would trip the entire system offline and force the
plant to shut down. Operators and technicians could only react
to the safety trips, which occurred much too often.
Restarting the gas turbine and the critical subsystems that
supported it—including the chiller, reverse osmosis and distilled
water plant—required about an hour each time the plant shut
down, cutting into the plant’s production.
The multiple startups also put the plant in danger of exceeding
its emission limits. Just as a car expels more exhaust when a
driver cranks the engine, power plants emit more combustibles
during startups. Power-plant emissions and other potential
environmental impacts are closely regulated in California. In
all, Ripon operates under permits from 12 different regulatory
bodies that monitor everything from groundwater quality to
ammonia levels.
Operating with a nearly antiquated DCS was complicated by the
lack of local support for repairs or expert maintenance.
20 NEMA electroindustry • August 2015
With real-time insight into production, personnel can easily monitor system variables. Photo courtesy
of Rockwell Automation
“Every time there was a major issue with the system, we had
to wait for support, sometimes up to three weeks,” Mr. Weber
said. The maintenance and repair issues inevitably became more
frequent, more costly, and more time-consuming.
To top things off, in 2012 Ripon completely lost its process
historian (a database software application) when the plant
server died. In addition to a failing DCS system, Ripon lost
all of its data. Just fixing the server and historian would have
been a $20,000 project, with no guarantee that the data would
be recovered.
In addition, daily production reports were being developed
manually—plant operators would record data from the controlsystem meters and manually transcribe data from web pages,
insert the data into a production report, and send the report to
the vice president in a remote location. The manual report was
taking one to two hours every day to produce.
“When the new COO of our company visited our plant and saw
what we were working with, that was the deciding factor,” Mr.
Weber said. “It only took him 30 minutes until his decision was
made—to approve the plant’s recommendation to put in a new
control system with an integrated information solution.”
Energy Efficiency in Energy-Intensive Industries Solutions
The new system includes an information-enabled, scalable,
multidiscipline control platform that combines process and
safety control with communication and state-of-the-art I/O.
The system is equipped with 750 I/O points and is able to collect
up to 1,000 points of process data. The plant’s old proprietary
network was replaced with EtherNet/IP™, allowing easy
installation of the new system and smooth integration with the
existing plant subsystems.
To eliminate the plant’s error-prone, manual data-collection
process, a Rockwell system was installed that includes data
historian software, as well as a visualization, analysis, and
reporting portal that provides role-based dashboards with realtime insight into production. The supervisory-level visualization
capabilities provide operators with optimal insight into
production information and diagnostics perfectly incorporated
into Ripon’s re-designed and upgraded operator control room.
The new system will leverage all historical data from the process
system and automate daily production reports, allowing plant
operators to focus more closely on system operations than on
manual reporting each day.
In the past, Ripon was unable to fully understand what was
causing system aberrations. Case in point: the plant’s gasturbine scenario. There is a specific control point in the gas
turbine, referred to as T2-turbine inlet air temperature. The
new system allows operators better insight into T2 temperature
and what affects it, so they can proactively respond to changes,
improving productivity.
The new system provides a single, cohesive, open
communication protocol and has enhanced overall plant
performance at Ripon. Project benefits include:
• Significant reduction in shutdowns—Nuisance fail-safes are
down nearly 90 percent with the new system.
• Regulatory compliance—Because unplanned shutdowns are
few, the plant starts up just once per day, keeping its emissions
well within check.
• Reduced startup time—Instead of needing an hour to restart
the plant, the new system takes approximately 45 minutes.
• Controllable process variables—Personnel now can easily
monitor system variables through dashboards and decide
whether to operate around small aberrations or shut down the
system if necessary.
• A single, open network—Ripon can more easily expand the
plant and take advantage of new Ethernet-based equipment
and devices. Furthermore, the nonproprietary network
simplifies the hiring and training
process because new engineers do not
need specialized expertise to operate
and troubleshoot the system.
• Production intelligence—Plant operators will be able to see
and leverage real-time system data in order to address issues
as they arise and to make sure the plant is rarely running at
full steam.
• Local vendor support—Specialists can respond quickly if the
need arises.
“From an aesthetic standpoint, Ripon’s fully integrated
automation control system offers a whole new operator
experience,” Mr. Weber said.
“Now, when you’re in the operator seat, it feels like you are
driving one complete car—rather than one with a Chevrolet
body, Ford engine, and Toyota dashboard,” Mr. Weber said.
“This project has set the standard for all future projects at our
plant and is a model for Veresen plant design.” ei
The results mentioned above are specific to Ripon Cogeneration’s
use of Rockwell Automation products and services in conjunction
with other products. Specific results might vary for other
Challenge: Cogeneration plant at risk of
process-system obsolescence
• Ripon Cogeneration was operating on a locally unsupportable legacy
DCS, resulting in unplanned downtime and extended periods of system
• Safety thresholds were hard-coded into the system, forcing nuisance
plant trips and re-starts
• Historian server failure caused Ripon Cogeneration to lose valuable
process information and operate without access to critical data for analysis
Solutions: Process control system with
integrated information solution
• Single, scalable, plantwide process control system
• New process historian for increased access to real-time and historical data,
and automated reporting capabilities
Results: Enhanced operator performance
• Reduced startup time by approximately 10 percent and nuisance trips by
90 percent
• Eased compliance with regulatory requirements
• Improved operator flexibility and ability to monitor process variables
NEMA electroindustry • August 2015 21 Y2
Saving Energy Is Big Business at Walmart
Sustainability Project Reduces Utility Costs and Makes Retailer a Better Neighbor
Matt Asbill, Automation Specialist, Motion Industries
Kim Romo, Operations Manager, Motion Industries
The EMS worked as required but lacked the efficiency and
effectiveness desired by Walmart’s project managers.
Early attempts to improve system performance and efficiency
included the installation of VFDs to replace the function of
the motor starters. With this method, the EMS sent an analog
signal to the VFD, which then controlled the motor speed,
and continued to use internal proportional integral derivative
(PID) loops to evaluate the multiple sensor inputs to maintain a
constant pressure.
Custom products, like this inverter duty condenser fan motor, were developed and installed for the
Walmart application.
Many businesses continue to look for energy-saving
technologies to reduce their operating cost. One retailer,
Walmart, is using variable-frequency drive (VFD) technology to
take advantage of affinity laws on a variable torque application
in order to significantly reduce its utility bills. According to
these laws, which express the relationship between variables
involved in pump or fan performance and power, the
horsepower requirement will decrease proportionally to the
speed cubed. By using a VFD to lower motor speed to just 90
percent, the total horsepower required is cut by almost
27 percent.
Walmart and industrial partner Motion Industries (MI) have
worked together for several years on a VFD sustainability
project, which introduced VFD technology into Walmart’s
refrigeration system condenser motors.
Previously, these systems had been using standard starters,
controlled by a building energy management system (EMS). The
system worked by receiving inputs from pressure transducers
and temperature probes while starters cycled on and off in
an attempt to maintain the desired pressure set point. The
number of starters used and the cycle time depended on several
factors: weather, ambient temperature, existing pressure, and
refrigeration loads, all of which were constantly changing.
22 NEMA electroindustry • August 2015
Getting this to work, however, required cables from new
transducers to be installed throughout the building; it often
took longer than expected. Most of this additional wiring was
performed by panel shops, which greatly reduced installation
time and start-up issues.
Over the years, Walmart refined its installation process by
turning the transducer inputs, PID loops, and most of the
system control over to the VFDs themselves. This method
enabled the control algorithms to reside in each VFD, giving
Walmart the ability to fine tune each condenser to more closely
match the requirements for each site.
In order to accomplish this type of control, custom HVAC
software and programs were developed and installed in the
VFDs. This maximized the efficiency of each condenser, taking
into account variables that could not be anticipated at the OEM
(original equipment manufacturer) factory.
Using VFDs allows Walmart to control motor speed over a
wide range. This prevents the motors from constantly cycling
and eliminates the high current in-rush each time a starter
is pulled in. Depending on the number of motors used on a
system, Walmart’s previous control strategy used only hard set
points as potential targets. Consequently, dropping out a single
starter might have actually lowered the desired pressure too far,
resulting in a constant battle between being too high or too low
when compared with the desired set point.
Energy Efficiency in Energy-Intensive Industries By using VFDs, Walmart eliminated starter cycling, allowing
motors to run at any speed to maintain the set point, even when
the input parameters changed. The pressure in the system now
is maintained at a constant level, and the banks of compressors
do not have to run at maximum capacity to carry the
refrigeration loads. Compressors can be shut off for extended
periods of time, leaving the remaining units to carry the loads.
Walmart’s condenser motors typically run at full speed only
during the summer months, and are configured to operate at
greatly reduced speeds for the rest of the year, especially
when nighttime temperatures are cooler. Entire
banks of condenser motors can be taken
offline, reducing utility costs
and extending the life
of idle units. A
fully functional
bypass system
also exists in
conditions where
the VFD either
senses a fault or is
turned off for routine
Walmart discovered
standard OEM motors could
not handle the demands
placed on them by the VFDs.
Premature motor failures
became a nuisance, not only
requiring continuous replacement but also
placing an extra load on the remaining
motors still operating in the system.
Gradually, by working through MI and its
motor supplier, Nidec Motor Corporation,
a proprietary inverter duty condenser
motor was developed and used to replace
the existing OEM units.
Walmart enjoyed an additional benefit
with VFDs. Because nighttime air
is cooler, desired pressure can now be
maintained with fewer motors, at speeds lower
than the nameplate rpm. All of this contributes to a reduction
in the audible noise levels generated by the condensing units,
making the system neighborhood friendly.
Walmart and MI have taken equipment with
standard operating controls and transformed
them into highly efficient energy management
systems. Substantial utility savings continue
to be realized each month at each store. By
using VFD technology, condenser motors can
be run at variable speeds to maintain the
desired operating pressure without using
the traditional full on and full off control.
Constant control
This refrigeration system
shows 10 inverter duty
condenser motors
extreme highs
driven by one VFD.
and lows
associated with
motor starter
cycling, allowing
compressors to be
taken off line and
further reducing
the total energy
Inverter duty condenser motor developed by Nidec Motor Corporation for this application.
Photos courtesy of Motion Industries
These motors meet the ANSI/NEMA MG 1 Motors and
Generators, Part 31, design guidelines. This means that they
handle the internal voltage spikes and corona discharges
introduced by the VFDs, as well as the heat loads from
extreme ambient temperatures. These inverter duty motors
were constructed to higher efficiency levels than the standard
condenser motors they replaced. This higher efficiency equates
to higher energy savings and lower utility cost.
continues to
evaluate all of
its equipment
in order to
pursue more
efficient ways of
meeting system
requirements. ei
Mr. Asbill is responsible for providing technical support to
Walmart stores nationwide for products and systems sold by MI.
Ms. Romo organizes, schedules, and coordinates all MI projects
for Walmart stores throughout the U.S.
NEMA electroindustry • August 2015 23 Electroindustry News
ŰŰESFI Offers Flood Safety Tips as Hurricane Season Looms
Flooding is the leading cause of natural
disaster–related fatalities in the U.S.
and can occur from the coast to several
hundreds of miles inland. Although
flooding can occur at any time during
the year, there is an increased risk during
peak hurricane season (mid-August
through October).
24 NEMA electroindustry • August 2015
As part of its severe weather safety
resources, ESFI developed the
infographic below to remind the
public about dangers of flooding. Visit
www.esfi.org for its expanding library of
resources dedicated to protecting your
home and family from severe weather
hazards this hurricane season and
throughout the year. ei
Julie Chavanne, Communications
Director, ESFI | julie.chavanne@esfi.org
Join us for the 89th NEMA Annual
Membership Meeting:
Energizing Connections
Ritz Carlton Washington, D.C.
November 4–6, 2015
Registration is open.
Early-Bird Registration ends August 31, 2015
August 1–August 31
$850 per registrant
September 1–October 31
$995 per registrant
$250 per registrant
(early registration)
• Invited Keynote Speaker: The Hon. Penny Pritzker,
U.S. Secretary of Commerce
• “Electroindustry Economic Outlook,” by Don Leavens,
PhD, NEMA Chief Economist
• Panel Discussions with Industry Leaders
Hotel Accommodations:
Reserve your room at the Ritz Carlton, Washington, D.C., to receive the
NEMA room rate. Reservations must be made by Wednesday, October 7,
at www.ritzcarlton.com/washingtondc using the group code “NMANMAA”
or call 1-800-241-3330. Room Rate: $329 per night (plus tax)
Discover D.C.:
AAM-AD-7.5x9875.indd 1
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Code Actions/Standardization Trends
ŰŰNEMA Identifies Supply Chain Best Practices in Cybersecurity White Paper
The NEMA Cybersecurity Council
published NEMA CPSP 1-2015 Supply
Chain Best Practices to address U.S.
supply chain integrity throughout the
product lifecycle.
This white paper identifies best practices
and guidelines that electrical equipment
and medical imaging manufacturers can
implement during product development
to minimize the possibility that bugs,
malware, viruses, or other exploits can
be used to negatively impact product
NEMA CPSP 1 covers best practices
that should be considered in design,
manufacture, and delivery of products
across the supply chain.
Supply Chain Risk Management was
identified for development, alignment,
and collaboration in the NIST (National
Institute of Standards and Technology)
Cybersecurity Framework written
in response to Presidential Executive
Order 13636, “Improving Critical
Infrastructure Cybersecurity.”
CPSP 1 addresses supply chain
integrity through four phases of
a product’s lifecycle:
• recommendations that electrical
equipment and medical imaging
manufacturers should incorporate
• analysis during manufacturing and
assembly to detect and eliminate
anomalies in the embedded
components of the product’s
supply chain
Each type of manufactured product
will have some tolerance to the
risks identified in this document.
Understanding and documenting
the acceptable risk level is critical to
establishing the correct processes to
deal with risks.
• tamper-proofing to ensure that
manufactured devices have not been
altered between the production line
and the operating environment
• ways that a device enables asset owners
to comply with security and the
regulated environment
• decommissioning and revocation
processes to prevent compromised
or obsolete devices from being
used as a means to penetrate active
security networks
Information for each phase of the
product lifecycle is provided:
• identification of threats and
their relevance
An equally important, though
often unspoken, risk is the lack of
communication across the supply
chain. Depending on the expected
lifetime of a product, the requirement
for communication can be a major
source of overhead. It extends upstream
to all embedded component providers
and downstream to all manufacturers
and customers.
NEMA CPSP 1-2015 can be downloaded
at no cost on the NEMA website. ei
Steve Griffith, PMP, NEMA Industry
Director | steve.griffith@nema.org
• analysis to determine implications
ŰŰRecently Published Standards Available on the NEMA Website
26 • ANSI C136.30-2015 American
National Standard for Roadway
and Area Lighting Equipment—Pole
Vibration. Purchase in electronic or
hard copy for $50.
• LE 6-2014 Procedure for Determining
Target Efficacy Ratings (TER)
for Commercial, Industrial, and
Residential Luminaires. Download at
no charge.
• NEMA ICS 4-2015 Application
Guideline for Terminal Blocks.
Download at no charge or purchase in
hard copy for $64.
• NEMA SBP 5-2015 Considerations in
Planning Code Call Implementation in
Health Care Facilities. Download at no
charge or purchase in hard copy for $32.
• NEMA PRP 5-2015 Installation
Guidelines for Surface Nonmetallic
Raceway. Download at no charge or
purchase for $85.
• Supplement to ANSI/NEMA MW
1000 Reference Requirements for Round
Film-insulated Magnet Wire. Purchase
in electronic or hard copy for $36.
NEMA electroindustry • August 2015
• NEMA TC 3-2015 Polyvinyl Chloride
(PVC) Fittings for Use with Rigid PVC
Conduit and Tubing. Purchase in
electronic or hard copy for $74.
• NEMA TC 13-2014 Electrical
Nonmetallic Tubing. Purchase in
electronic or hard copy for $65. ei
ŰŰIEC Addresses Conformity Assessment and Cybersecurity for Industrial Automation
One area of concern for companies,
municipalities, and the general public
is cybersecurity. It impacts nearly
every segment of our lives. Serious
concerns exist that are related to
infrastructure and production, including
power generation and distribution;
water and wastewater treatment; and
petrochemical refining, distribution,
and use. Traditional data security and
protection of intellectual property are
also important.
In an effort to address concerns
and to highlight the work related to
cybersecurity standardization, members
of the industry have worked to promote
ongoing efforts at the IEC (International
Electrotechnical Commission). Ongoing
work on these standards is used as the
basis for many of the IEC standards
for industrial automation and control
systems (IACS) security.
Specifically directed to regulators,
utilities, and industry is the activity
currently underway in IEC TC 65
WG10 (Security for industrial process
measurement and control—Network and
system security) in the development of
the IEC 62443 series of standards.
Standards that have been completed,
as well as those still in development,
address cybersecurity in four main areas:
• General: terminology and concepts,
system security compliance metrics,
and IACS security lifecycle and
use cases
• Policies and Procedures / Asset
Owners: IACS security management
systems, implementation guidance
for IACS, patch management and
installation in IACS environment, and
maintenance for IACS suppliers
• System/Integrators: security
technologies for IACS, security levels
for zones conduits and system security
requirements, and security levels
• Component: product development
requirements and technical security
requirements for IACS components
Recognizing the concerns of industry and
regulatory agencies, IECEE (IEC System
for Conformity Testing and Certification
of Electrotechnical Equipment and
Components) in 2013 undertook an
effort to look at conformity assessment
related to cybersecurity for the industrial
automation sector. IECEE established
a working group to review the progress
in standardization, to assess the market
need for conformity assessment activities,
and to propose potential conformity
assessment solutions for the industrial
automation space.
Three meetings of the IECEE working
group have taken place with volunteers
from industry and conformity
assessment service providers. It
is evaluating existing conformity
assessment market offerings for security
to leverage best practices and to develop
a market-relevant solution.
Recognizing that there are cybersecurity
concerns beyond the industrial
automation environment, the IEC
Conformity Assessment Board (CAB) in
2014 established a task force to determine
which standards activities (outside of
the 62443 series of standards) that are
established or currently being pursued
within IEC might lend themselves to
some type of conformity assessment.
This working group (IEC CAB WG 17)
will be reviewing current and planned
standardization work and will liaise
with a newly formed IEC Standards
Management Board (SMB) Advisory
Committee on Security (ACSEC) and
SMB ad hoc Group 52 in an effort to
proactively design market-relevant
conformity assessment solutions as
quickly as possible. ei
Tim Duffy, USNC Vice-President, and
Manager, Conformity Assessment,
Rockwell Automation |
Many have asked why there is not more harmonization of North American (UL/CSA) and
European (IEC) electrical products standards. In fact, although there are different electrical
systems in Europe and North America, many of these product standards are harmonized. However, it has been extremely
difficult to harmonize certain product groups due to philosophical and technical differences. One such difference is the
designation and construction of metallic conductors. This has specifically affected the worldwide harmonization of wire and
cable as well as connector standards….Though differences endure, worldwide harmonization of wire and cable and connector
standards is now closer than ever. With more and more global commerce and interaction, the need continues to grow.
What the industry is saying:
USNC Current, Vol 10 No 2 (Summer 2015)
NEMA electroindustry • August 2015 27 Code Actions/Standardization Trends
IEC Updates
[Excerpts from IEC www.iec.ch/etech/2015/etech_0415/etech_04_2015.htm]
Is your workplace safe?
When people go to work, they usually
expect to carry out their activities in a
healthy and safe environment. It is up
to employers and workers to do all they
can to make the workplace safe for all
who enter it. Electric and electronic
devices and systems in the workplace
can potentially cause harm to people or
the environment, if they don’t have builtin safety mechanisms, which reduce
potential risks to an acceptable level.
IEC work ensures the dependability
and functional safety of such
devices and systems. Technical
Committees (TCs) address
systematic methods and tools
for the assessment of risks and
reliability of equipment, services
and systems throughout their
life cycles, along with helping
to identify electrical hazards
and minimum risk reduction
requirements for electric safety,
covering topics such as electric
shock, fire and burns, explosions,
biological and chemical effects,
magnetic and electromagnetic
fields, radiation, leakage of current,
mechanical and environmental
When disaster strikes
Natural disasters such as hurricanes,
earthquakes or floods are often
exacerbated by power outages. They
increase the misery of populations by
denying them basic services such as
lighting, communication, clean water, safe
food or healthcare. Power outages can also
cause additional disasters when equipment
fails to function properly for lack of
electricity. There is much that can be done
to assess and manage disaster risks, speed
up disaster recovery, and mitigate the
impact of related electricity outages.
28 NEMA electroindustry • August 2015
Electrical installations, devices and
supply are generally directly and
adversely affected by disasters or natural
phenomena such as hurricanes, extreme
cold or heat, floods, earthquakes or
lightning. When disasters strike one of
the first things to go is electricity supply
and with it healthcare, clean water, safe
food, sanitation. It is often the absence of
power that exacerbates the hardship of
populations and causes the biggest longterm economic and development losses.
The challenge is twofold: have enough
water for energy and enough energy
for water.
The work of several IEC TCs addresses
this important need for increased global
energy supplies. IEC TC 4 (Hydraulic
turbines) prepares international
standards and reports for hydraulic
rotating machinery and associated
equipment allied with hydro-power
development. IEC TC 114 (Marine
energy—Wave, tidal and other
water current converters) develops
international standards for marine
energy conversion systems.
Major energy efficiency
moves for electric motors
Globally, electric motor systems are
estimated to be responsible for 46
percent of electricity use. Electric
motors convert electrical energy
to mechanical energy; they are for
example used to rotate pumps, drive
compressors, lift and move materials
or run fans, blowers, drills or mixers.
Powering the planet with water
World Water Day was celebrated in
March to focus on water and sustainable
development. Sustained economic,
social, and environmental well-being
is not possible without water and its
inextricable link to energy. Water is used
to produce energy, such as electricity,
and energy is required to pump, use
and treat water; they go hand in hand.
Population growth and economic
development are enabled through the
harnessing of water for power and
energy, which in turn is needed for good
health, urbanization, industry, food
production and the environment.
For industrial applications alone, it is
estimated that electric motor systems
account for approximately 70 percent
of electricity consumption. Being
such a huge consumer of electricity,
small improvements can lead to huge
energy savings. The IEC has put in place
energy efficiency classes for electric
motors, known as the IE code, which
are summarized in IEC International
Standard: IEC 60034-30-1.
The IEC 60034-30-1 classification system
has stimulated competition among motor
manufacturers and generated massive
technology improvements. While IEC
international standards are voluntary, the
EU and numerous other countries have
adopted the IEC classification system. ei
Ken Gettman, International Standards
Director | ken.gettman@nema.org
Field Rep Report
ŰŰCode Adoption and Education: The Connection for Success
that this education continues to ensure
forward progress toward safety and
energy efficiency. It is also important for
the people involved in the code adoption
process in all of the states to be aware of
the important changes that occur.
Jack Lyons
At the recent National Fire Protection
Association (NFPA) Conference in
Chicago, a panel of industry leaders
presented “Safe Electrical Installations
= Effective Fire Prevention.” Topics
included the history and development of
the National Electrical Code® (NEC), its
adoption throughout the country, and
the collaboration within the electrical
industry to provide safe installation and
safe work environments.
Standards organizations, labor,
contractors, inspectors, manufacturers,
and others provided examples of the
successes the industry has had over
the past hundred years. Education,
certification, and training are key to
our industry and to the adoption of all
safety codes. The movement across the
country is to keep the electrical industry
up to date with the proper training and
education through required professional
Certification within the inspection
community and proper contracting
licensing within individual states are the
regulatory methods to ensure electrical
installations are performed to the high
standard of safety that the industry has
developed over the years. It is imperative
The Electrical Code Coalition and the
Coalition of Current Safety Codes,
both of which include NEMA as a
participating member, have worked
hard to keep the NEC adoption
process moving forward in all 50
states. While the electrical industry
works collaboratively to educate
stakeholders on new products, new code
requirements, and new work practices,
there is a disconnection between
education within the industry and
education of the public, which includes
homeowners, legislators and regulators.
The most affected parties in the code
adoption process are home and building
owners. Installation requirements
for new and improved products that
provide safer and more efficient use of
electricity have been viewed as a burden
to the consumer rather than a benefit.
The opposition to code adoption is not
necessarily on part of the homeowners,
but rather on some of the building
contractors associations.
Educating Legislators
A different problem with the ongoing
training and education in our industry
is lack of knowledge on the part of
legislators about the importance of
current codes. NEMA field reps follow
each state’s progress and work to educate
all parties involved.
It is always a surprise to hear a
legislator say at a public hearing that
“manufacturers write the code” or
“companies are only out to make more
money.” There seems to be a greater effort
to provide the right information to the
proper parties to make them understand
the benefits of current building, fire,
energy, and electrical codes. NEMA
has used its Code Adoption Strategic
Initiative to start a better dialogue
between the electrical industry and the
promulgating agencies. More work needs
to be done to continue identifying the
parties who make the informed decisions
on adoption.
In the Northeast, we see challenges
in Pennsylvania with legislative
roadblocks on code adoption, and
legislative issues with specific products
in New Hampshire. Providing the right
education and information helps clarify
some misconceptions and supports the
progress of code adoption.
The electrical industry does an excellent
job in providing training and education
to stakeholders within the industry, but
we need to expand this education outside
of our circle to make the public more
aware of the need for codes that provide
safety and efficiencies.
As an industry, can we do better? Do
we reach out even more to ensure codes
are seen as a benefit to homeowners
and building owners? Yes. The NEMA
Field Rep Program is working toward
that goal and will continue to go beyond
the electrical community to educate
the public on the products that provide
safety and efficiency. ei
Jack Lyons, NEMA Northeast Field
Representative | jack.lyons@nema.org
Follow the NEMA Field Reps on Facebook
NEMA electroindustry • August 2015 29 International Roundup
ŰŰMexico Publishes Sweeping Electrical Product Regulation
The government of Mexico, the
Directorate General of Standardization
(DGN) in particular, recently published
the landmark technical regulation Safety
Specifications for Electrical Products,
officially known as NOM-003-SCFI-2014,
after two years of technical drafting,
public comments, meetings to discuss
the comments, and revisions in response
to the comments.
This regulation impacts more NEMA
member companies and sections than
any other regulation on the books. The
current edition is the first revision in
over a decade.
Standards in Mexico are based on the
National Metrology Law, first approved
in 1992 and subsequently amended in
1997. The law establishes two specific
types of national standards—voluntary
Mexico National Standards (designated
NMX) and Official Mexico National
Standards (designated as NOM).
NOM standards are, in fact, technical
regulations that require mandatory
compliance. Many of the NOM standards
in Mexico make reference to one or more
NMX standards, making compliance to
the voluntary standards mandatory.
30 NEMA electroindustry • August 2015
NOM-003 references dozens of
NMX standards, organized into six
different product areas. (See NOM003-SCFI-2014 Electrical Products—
Safety Requirements, www.nema.org/
NOM-003-SCFI-2014.) NEMA Mexico
has conducted an exhaustive review
of this regulation during the course
of its development, and has identified
36 distinct NMX standards that cover
NEMA members’ products. Due to the
long-term investment by NEMA product
sections in NEMA Mexico, all of these
standards have, in fact, been harmonized
with the U.S. standards for the products
via the CANENA process. As a result,
compliance with the U.S. standard
ensures that the product will also comply
with the requirements in Mexico.
The new edition requires that products
undergo formal third-party conformity
assessment by a notified body accredited
by the Mexican Accreditation Entity.
Many, but not all, certification bodies
serving NEMA members in the U.S. have
received such accreditation. Certificates
of compliance must be obtained within
one year of the date of publication of the
regulation. An additional requirement
of the recent edition is the mandated use
of the formal logotype “NOM” on all
products that have received certification, a
requirement instituted to increase public
awareness of this category of products.
That said, in actual fact, during the
revision process Mexican industry
proposed the inclusion of welding
products in the regulation, the first
time that they have been included. This
presented a specific problem for NEMA
welding members with respect to the
scope of the coverage. Member companies
worked diligently with NEMA Mexico
to propose language that appropriately
covers low-quality, unsafe products that
had been entering the Mexican market
without including large industrial
equipment designed for production
lines. The final regulation included the
text proposed by NEMA members; it
also allows two years for the products to
obtain formal certificates of compliance.
For more on this particular aspect of
NOM-003, see “Mexican Mandatory
Standard to Include Arc Welding,” in the
the April 2015 edition of ei (www.nema.
org/Mexican-Mandatory-Standard). ei
Gene Eckhart, Senior Director for
International Operations |
ŰŰTPA Sparks TPP Action while ExIm, HTF, and CBP Wait
President Obama’s June 29 signature into
law of Trade Promotion Authority (TPA)
laid the groundwork for meetings of
U.S. trade negotiators with counterparts
from the 11 Trans-Pacific Partnership
(TPP) countries in July. Following midmonth bilateral talks in Japan, all 12 TPP
trade ministers, including U.S. Trade
Representative Michael Froman, were
to meet in Hawaii July 27–31 to try to
reach agreement on most of the toughest
issues remaining, including terms of
intellectual property protection and
market access for automobiles.
TPA contains negotiating objectives set
by Congress as well as procedures for
consultation on and consideration of
any trade agreements, including TPP.
Objectives include elimination of tariff
and non-tariff barriers, equal access to
markets for small and medium-sized
businesses, and recognition of the
internet’s significance in international
commerce. If negotiators can realize a
final deal soon, legislation to implement
the TPP could be sent to Congress and
acted on before the end of 2015.
At press time, Congress continued to
debate other trade-related legislation
with benefits for NEMA members.
Negotiations between the House and
Senate on differing versions of a Trade
Facilitation and Trade Enforcement Act
focused on whether to designate foreign
currency manipulation as an unfair
export subsidy and whether to reform
and reinstate a process to facilitate
suspension of import tariffs for specific
products not made in the U.S.
Both versions of the act contain
provisions to implement “single window”
import declarations and enhance
cooperation between U.S. Customs
and Border Protection (CBP) and
manufacturers to prevent importation of
counterfeit electrical products.
NEMA also worked as part of a
coalition seeking renewal of the U.S.
Export-Import Bank (ExIm), whose
charter expired June 30. NEMA and
other supporters hoped to attach an
amendment for reauthorization authored
by Sens. Mark Kirk (R-IL) and Heidi
Heitkamp (D-ND) to must-pass priority
legislation to extend federal highway
programs supported by the Highway
Trust Fund (HTF) beyond July 31.
NEMA supports legislation to set both
ExIm and highway programs on firm
ground for several years and eliminate
the need for short-term extensions. ei
Craig Updyke, Manager,
Trade and Commercial Affairs |
ŰŰExport Finance Webinar Series Continues with Tips on Strengthening Applications
NEMA hosted the first of four webinars
in June on export finance for the Business
Innovation Council (BIC), a group of
small- to medium-sized NEMA member
companies. NEMA has retained ExWorks
Capital, a specialty lender and financial
advisory firm that works on behalf of
U.S. companies to secure export finance
and trade development support from U.S.
public- and private-sector banks.
This members-only event covered
programs at the U.S. Trade Development
Agency, Overseas Private Investment
Corporate, Export-Import Bank (ExIm),
and Small Business Administration.
ExWorks provided helpful, specific
information on the financial structure of
pre-shipment working capital guarantees
and post-shipment trade finance, along
with guidance on using these programs
to grow exports.
While ExIm’s future is uncertain,
ExWorks provided interesting insights on
the export/trade finance market with or
without the bank, including private sector
options. It also reviewed and explained
the 2005 China–U.S. Framework
Agreement, an ExIm program dedicated
Economic Spotlight
exclusively to bolster U.S. shipments
to China for industries that include
industrial and medical equipment.
The next webinar, scheduled for Tuesday,
September 8, 1 p.m. (EDT), will focus on
how U.S. manufacturers can strengthen
applications for export financing from
the public and private sector.
Slides from the June workshop are
available to members only at www.nema.
Jonathan Stewart, Government
Relations Manager |
ŰŰGet EBCI Online
Visit www.nema.org/ebci for the July 2015 Electroindustry Business
Conditions Index (EBCI) for current conditions in North America.
International Roundup electroindustry • August 2015 31 We Are NEMA
I am
Part of What Makes the
World Go ‘Round
The year was
1988. That is
when I started
at SEWEurodrive. I
was fresh out
of college and
entered this
crazy business
of industrial
Tim Schumann, Corporate
Engineering, SEW-Eurodrive, Inc. automation.
One of most interesting realizations
or questions that came to mind on my
very first day was, Where do all of these
motors, gearboxes, and drives go?
Starting out in the service part of the
business, I quickly realized that these
products make the world go around,
literally, from bottle fillers, wastewater,
pumps, and conveyors to amusement
rides. Have you seen the show “How
It’s Made”? There you will find a wide
variety of applications I am speaking
of. Watch it, and see how many motors
you can find in one episode.
Fast forward a few years and a couple
of job changes later, and I became the
NEMA representative for our company
in 2006. Once again, I found myself
questioning what are all these standards
about and why do they exist.
At that time, the U.S. Department
of Energy (DOE) was deep into
regulating minimum efficiency
levels of electric motors. One of the
key points of the regulation is our
standard for Motors and Generators,
MG1. Without it, who knows what the
DOE would have used.
It became apparent very quickly that
having standards in place being used
as base guidelines was important.
As the industrial automation world
moves forward, creating power
drive system standards, which many
NEMA members are already involved
in, will be used in future rulemakings
by the DOE.
NEMA standards will continue to
help the world go around, literally.
Coming in
NEMA goes back to school next month with a look at:
• Creating high-performance schools
that set LEED standards
• Importance of proper training for
• Making schools safer
• NEMA’s “how-to” toolkits
• Seeing how member companies
encourage STEM and workforce
and more lessons on energy efficiency
and safety.
Stock art Credits
Cover, 1, 8: ©iStockphoto.com/jonmullen
9: ©theseamuss/Dollar Photo Club
32 NEMA electroindustry • August 2015
10: ©iStockphoto.com/ maxkabakov
18: ©iStockphoto.com/KrulUA
19: ©iStockphoto.com/LeoWolfert
Creating Opportunities
for MITA
Confucius is known
to have said, “Out
of chaos comes
opportunity.” In the
Chinese language,
the word “crisis” is
represented by two
symbols: “danger”
Patrick Hope, Executive Director,
and “opportunity.”
These words have
been used to describe the state of healthcare
and, in particular, medical imaging in
America and across the globe.
I choose to focus on the opportunity to better
position MITA and its members to play a
critical role in achieving policymakers’ goal
of the healthcare “triple aim”—better care,
better health, and lower costs.
I chose to come to MITA as its new
executive director because of the alliance’s
reputation in the healthcare industry and
because of the enormous opportunity we
have to influence the dialogue promoting
better access to medical imaging’s lifesaving
technologies. Our relationship within
NEMA allows MITA to use resources more
efficiently, making us even more effective.
While the political environment is always
uncertain, MITA must continue to position
itself as the preeminent organization
on such things as the development of
standards, promoting the highest quality,
and improving access to care.
We will chart a steady path of bold and
strategic initiatives with the goal to create
a positive environment for industry. MITA
will be part of the solution, and I’m excited
to have the opportunity.
20, 22: ©Aquir/Dollar Photo Club
20, 22: ©sombatkapan/Dollar Photo Club
28: ©iStockphoto.com/trendobjects
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