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[I 1I] A.Nabae, I.Takahashi, and H.Akagi, "A new neutral-point clamped PWM inverter", IEEE Transactions on Industry Application, vo1.17, pp.518-523, SeptemberIOctober 1981. [I 121 J.S.Lai and F.Z.Peng, "Multilevel converters-A new breed of power conveners", IEEE Transactions on Industry Applications, vo1.32, no.3, pp.509-517, MayIJune 1996. [I 131 J.P.Lavieville, P.Carrere, and T.Meynard, "Electronic circuit for convening electrical energy and a power supply installation making use thereof', U.S. Patent 5 668 711, September 1997. [I 141 Gui-Jia Su "Multilevel dc-link inverter", IEEE Transactions on Indushy Applications, vol.41, no. 3, pp.848-854, MaylJune 2005. LIST OF PUBLICATIONS Published: I. "A novel modified carrier PWM switching strategy for single-phase full-bridge inverter", Iranian Journal of Elecrrical and Computer Engineering, Summer Fall -Special Section on Power Engineering, vo1.4, no.2, pp. 101- 108, Tehran, Iran, 2005. 2. "Novel single-phase to single-phase cycloconversion strategies: Mathematical and simulation studies", Inrernarional Journal of Power and Energv Systems, ACTA Press (In press: Manuscript no. 203-3821). 3. "Area equalization PWM techniques for single-phase full bridge inverter with fluctuating dc input". Journal ELEKTRIKA. Universiri Teknologi Malaysia, Malaysia (In press: Manuscript no.:JEIPAPER/2006/07). 4. "A novel amplitude modulated triangular carrier gain linearization technique for SPWM invener". Songklanakarin Journal ofscience and Technology. Thailand (In press: Manuscript no.: EI17-28). 5. "A unified time ratio recursion (TRR) algorithm for SPWM and TEHPWM methods: Digital implementation and mathematical analysis", Technical Re~icw~~ournul qf lnsrirurion c!f Elecrronics und Telecommunicarion Engineers. vo1.22. no.6. pp.423-442. Januaryffebruap. 2006. 6. "SPWM-An analytical characterization. and performance appraisal of power electronic simulation softwares". Proceedings of lnrernarional Confirence on Power Elecrronics and Drive .~vstems IPEDS2OOS). pp.681-686. NovemberiDecember. Kulala Lurnpur. Malaysia. 2005. 7. "State-of-the-art of multi-carrier modulation techniques for seven level inverter: A critical evaluation and novel submissions based on control degree of freedom". Proceedings v f Inrernarional Confirence on industrial Technology (IC'IT '06).pp. 1269-1274. December 2006. 8. "Design and implementation of an FPGA-based high performance ASIC for openloop PWM inverter", Proceedings qf India International Confirence on Power Electronics (llCPE2006). pp.62-67. Chennai. 2006. Communicated: 9. "A new PWM strategy for inverters with fluctuating dc input", IEEE Transactions on Industrial Electronics (Revised: Paper no.:TIE-005682006.Rl). 10. "Novel multilevel inverter topology", IEE Proceedings on Elecnic Power Applications (Manuscript no.:EPA-2006-0252). 1 1. "Inverted sine carrier for fundamental fortification in PWM inverters and FFtA based implementations",Serbian Journal of Electrical Engineering. VITAE S.Jeevananthan born in Nagercoil, India in 1977. Received his B.E degree in Electrical and Electronics Engineering from Madurai Kamaraj University, Madwai in 1998 and subsequently his M.E degree from Bharathiyar University, Coimbatore in 2000. He is presently working as a Senior Lecturer in the Department of Electrical and Electronics Engineering, Pondicherry Engineering College, Pondicherry. He is a life member of the Institute of Electronics and Telecommunication Engineers (IETE), Indian Society for Technical Education (ISTE), Society of EMC Engineers (India) and System Society of India and Institute of Engineer (India). He has to his credit over thirty papers in national/international conference proceedings/joumals. His area of interest includes Power Converters and Intelligenr Controllers.