Indian Journal of Radio Space Physics Vol. 34, April, 2005, pp. 131-134 Parametric study of temperature sensitivity for microstrip patch antenna Surendra Kumar Roy 1, Santosh Kumar Jha 2 & Lalan Jha 1 2 1 University Department of Physics, L N Mithila University, Darbhanga 846 004 Department of Electronics Engineering, UNS lnstituie of Engineering and Technology YBS Purvanchal University, Jaunpur (U.P.) Received 28 November 2003; revised 19 August 2004; accepted I November 2004 Microstrip substrates were exposed to large temperature variations and their temperature dependent properties were measured. A parametric study of the temperature sensitivity for circular microstrip patch antenna utili sing a substrate with a lower dielectric constant and thermal coefficient is found to be less sensitive to the temperature variations. Key words: Environmental conditions, Microstrip patch antenna, Temperature sensitivity PACS No.: 84.40 Ba IPC Code: HOIQ9/00; H01Q21/00; H01Q23/00 1 Introduction Due to their significant merits, microstrip patch antennas have widely been used in various communication systems. These antennas, being low profile and light-weight, are becoming popular for various applications. In some of these applications, a patch antenna is required to operate in an environment that is close to what is defined as room or standard conditions. However, antennas often have to work in harsh environments characterized by large temperature variations. The result is that the electrical properties of microstrip patch antennas suffer from unwanted variations. In the common approach to the design of microstrip antennas, the designers rely on data provided in the manufactures' specifications, even though such specifications are confined to standard environmental conditions. In practice, the electrical parameters of the substrates may deviate from the manufacturers' data, thus making the antenna designer adopt a deficient design strategy. In thi s paper mjcrostrip substrates were exposed to large temperature variations and their temperature dependent properties were analyzed for the analysis of characteristic behaviours of microstrip patch antennas. A parametric study of the temperature sensitivity for microstrip patch antenna for different types of substrates has been carried out. 2 Theoretical analysis The resonant frequency of a microstrip antenna is sensitive to large temperature variations. There are two major factors affecting the resonant frequency of a microstrip radiator exposed to large temperature'. 2.1 Metallic expansion or contraction The metallic expansion or contraction of the radiating patch due to a change in temperature affects the resonant frequency. With an increase in temperature, the metallic patch expands, making the effective resonant dimension longer and, therefore, decre~sing the operating frequency. The relative frequency change for dimensional changes may be expressed in terms of linear dimensions or in terms of 2 temperature change as follows ·3 : of I fo =- oL I L = ad oT .. . ( I ) where of oL ad oT Change in resonant frequency Change in effective resonant dimension Thermal coefficient of expansion Temperature change in °C. 2.2 Effective dielectric constant change Most of the substrates which are generally used for microwave applications like polytetra fluroethyl ene based materials, teflon/fiberglass reinforced materials and ceramic powder filled TFE (epsilam) materials exhibie a decrease in dielectric constant with an increase in temperature. The change in operating frequency of a microstrip antenna due to a small change in E, can be expressed as follows 2 : INDIAN J RADIO & S PACE PHYS, APRIL 2005 132 8flfo=-1128E,!E,=+ 1/2ae 8T ... (2) where, OE r is the change in E r and ae the thermal coefficient of dielectric constant. The change in resonant frequency due to a temperature variation 8T is given b/-6 8f/ fo =(-ad + 1/2 oF) 8T 3 Temperature parameters dependence ... (3) of substrate Of the various materials used in microstrip ceramic and polystyrene technology, teflon, laminates, dielectric foams and honey comb composites have already found wide acceptance. The investigated substrates were divided into four categories, namely, A, B, C and D according to the composition of the material and the temperature dependence of dielectric constant. Categories A and B included teflon-glass microwave laminates. Substrates of category A were characterized by dielectric constants whose values decrease with temperature where the drop had approximately constant gradients, which varied slightly when a phase transition of glass occurred. We note that th e phase trarlSltron phenomenon involves changes in molecular thermal mobility , which is associated with transformation s of th e amorphous phase of mate rials from a glassy to a rubbery state 6 . Phase transition in g lass occurs at 20300C (68-86"F) and is accompanied by a variation in th e dielectric constant and di ss ipati o n factor and by an increase in the thermal expansion coefficient. Category B laminates were characterized by a dielectric constant with a grad ie nt val ue diffe ring markedly in, at least, two tem perature subranges of the diel ectric constant plot. Regardless of this effect, the laminates experienced phase transition. It is worthwhile to menti on that th e category 8 lam inates had dielectric constants, which were almost independe nt of temperature in th e lower temperature subrange and showed a re markable temperature dependance in the upper subrange. Category C materials were laminates with uniformly dispersed ceramic filter in a teflon matrix. Typical examples of this category are RT/duroid 60 I 0 and AR I 000. The measured dielectric constant value changed by 6.9%. There was negligible variation in the dielectric constant with frequency in the temperature range of -60°C to +25°C (77"F) and a slight variation with frequency in the higher temperature range, reaching a maximum of 0.8 % at +SO"C. One of the recently recommended category D materials for use in microstrip antennas is a quartzbased composite, which consists of short quartz fibres bonded together. The development of this material was originally stimulated by the needs of thermal insulation engineering. Compared to the materials of category A, B, or C, the dielectric constant value of the category D material varied only slightly, i.e. from 1.718 at 120"C to 1.645 at + 160°C (4.3%). The dissipation factor turned out to be ultra low, varying from 0 .00043 at- 120"C to 0.0005 at+ 160"C. 4 Results and discussion In the analysis, E, is used for smaller hlr and Edyn is used for larger h/r since the capacitive effect of a circular microstrip antenna (CMSA) increases with lzlr (h being substrate thickness and r the radius of CMSA). Simulations have been carried out for different radii and substrate parame ters for th e CMSA. The reported 6 8 and simulated results are shown in Table I. The feed point locat ions are spec ified only for the last four cases in the reported results and hence, the feed point locations are calculated for the other cases to match a 50 Q input impedance. The measured temperature characteristics of th e dielectric constant for two laminates representin g categories A and 8 , respectively , are plotted in Fig. I. As shown in Fig. I, the measured values for material A ranged from 2 .82 at -60°C to 2.56 at +80°C. There was a noticeable phenomenon of g lass phase transition as observed at 23 °C. For the material representing category 8, th e measured dielectric constant ranged from 2.46 at -60°C to 2.45 at +20"C and 2.27 at + 80"C. The changes in the dielectric constant as a function o f frequency for laminates A and 8 were less noticeable. The relative change in th e dielectric constant as a function of frequency was less than 0.15% for material A and less than 0.5 % for material B. The measured temperature c haracteristics of the dissipation factor for both laminates are presented in Fig. 2. The measured value for laminate A approached 0.005 and was almost frequency independent. This value was much lowe r than the one quoted in the manufacturer's specification. The highest measured value of the dissipation factor for la minate B was close to 0.0017 at temperatures between + 30"C and + SO"C and compiled with the data sheets only for a limited temperature range. 133 ROY et a/.: PARAMETRIC STUDY OF TEMPERATURE SENSITIVITY FOR MICROSTRIP PATCH ANTENNA Table I--Comparison of results for CMSA Case no. 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 II 12 13 em h em Feed point em 3.493 1.270 3.493 13.894 4.950 3.975 2.990 2.000 1.040 0.770 6.700 3.000 4. 190 0. 1588 0.0794 0.3 175 1.2700 0.2350 0.2350 0.2350 0.2350 0.2350 0.2350 0.1590 0. 1590 0.1590 2.43 1.65 2.30 9.00 3.75 3.03 2.25 1.48 0.73 0.51 5.02 2.05 3. 17 r E, 2.50 2.59 2.50 2.70 4.55 4.55 4.55 4.55 4.55 4.55 2.62 2.20 2.50 %error Simulated Reported frequ ency, MHz frequency, MHz 1570 4070 1510 378 825 1030 1360 2003 3750 4945 798 1920 1304 - 1.53 +0.98 +1 .65 - 1.06 - 1.2 1 -2.33 +0.51 +0.45 -0.93 - 1.23 +0.88 - 1.1 5 -0.46 1547 4111 1536 375 816 1007 1368 2013 3716 4885 806 1899 1298 0.002 0. ---- ----------------- - -- - ------Material A (specifKalion I f- ~ VJ z f- z 0 0 u u ;::: !-- Vi Ul i5 Cl.0012 < 0.. ~ u Vl _J 0.001 Ul 5 0. Material Malorial 0 B tspeciicalion I A 20 LO 60 eo TEMPERATURE , •c TEMPERATURE. "C Fig. 1-Measured di electric constant for two categori es (A and B) of glass-reinforced teflon laminates Hav in g meas ured the values of th e dielectric constant for lam inates A and B, it was interestin g to compare them with the values specified by the manufacturers. 5 Conclusions The parametric study of c ircul ar microstrip patch antenn a has been carri ed out. The simulated resonant frequency values are in good agreement with the reported values. The error in the resonant frequency for most of the cases is around I%, however, the error in the worst case is 2.33%. A thorough study is made to see the performance of microstrip patch an tenn as th at are exposed to large temperature variations . The obtain ed results allow the following general comments. For microwave Fig. 2-Measured dissipation factor (tan 8) for two categories (A and B) of glass-re inforced tefl on laminates laminates, the measured dielectric constant and dissipation factor often differ from the values reco mmended in the data sheets. What is more, in all of the investigated cases the measured dielectric constant value was greater than the one specified in tne data sheets. In general, the man ufacturers' specifications are valid only for a limited temperature range. Hence, the values provided by re levant data sheets are inadequate when the substrate is exposed to large temperature variations. This deficiency is the temperature depende nce of the dielectric constant of th e microwave laminates studied. In consequence, the electrical characteristics of microstrip patch antennas that involve layered dielectrics are considerably influenced by temperature. A microstrip patch antenna utili sing a INDIAN J RADIO & SPACE PHYS, APRIL 2005 134 substrate with a lower dielectric constant and thermal coefficient is less sensitive to the temperature variations. Acknowledgement The authors are thankful to CSIR, New Delhi, for sponsoring the project. 2 3 4 5 6 7 References I Weiss M A, in /£££Antennas Propag, Soc. Int. Symp. Dig., Loss Angeles, CA, USA, 1981 p. 337. 8 Carver K R & Mink J W, 1£££ Trans. Amemws & Propag (USA), 29 (1981) 2. Roy S K, lnt/"an J Pure & Applied Phys, 39 (200 1) 603. Roy S K,lndian J Radio & Space Phys, 32 (2003) 177. Traut G R, in Handbook of Microstrip Antennas, edited by J R James and P S Hall (S tevenage, UK Peter Peregrinus, Institute. Elect. Eng.), 1989, Ch. 15. Kumprasert N & Kiranon W, 1£££ Trans Antennas & Propag (USA)43(1995) 1331. Richards W F eta/, /£££Trans Antennas & Propag (USA), AP 29 ( 1981) 38. Suzuki Y & Chiba T, 1£££ Trans Antennas & Propag (USA). AP-32 ( 1984) 585.