Leccture--2 5.3 Exccitation tecchniques: Microstrip p antennas haave radiating elements on one side of a dielectric suubstrate, and thus the RF ppower may be feed directly to the t radiating patch using a connecting eelement such as microstripp line or coaxial prrobe. Matchin ng is usually y required bettween the fedd line and thee antenna, beecause the anntenna input imp pedance diffeers from the customary 50 ohm line impedance. M Matching maay be achieveed by properly selecting s the location l of the feed line. In an ano other approach h the microsttrip antenna can be exciteed by couplinng the electroomagnetic waave to transfer power p betweeen the micrrostrip line an nd the radiatting patch, w without actuaally contactinng the radiator. Such S techniqu ues are the ap perture coupliing and proxiimity couplingg techniques. 5.3.1 Miicrostrip Line L Feed In this typ pe of feeding g technique, a conducting strip is connnected directlly to the edgee of the micrrostrip patch as shown s in Figu ure 5.5. The conducting c sttrip is smallerr in width as compared too the patch annd this kind of feeed arrangemeent has the ad dvantage that the feed can be etched on the same subbstrate to provvide a planar stru ucture. Fig 5.5 Microstrip M Linee Feed For imped dance matchiing between the t antenna input i point an and feeding liine, sometimees a cut is maade at the feedin ng edge of thee antenna (see Fig. 5.9 a). The purposee of the inset cut in the patch is to matcch the impedancce of the feed d line to the patch p withou ut the need foor any additioonal matchinng element. T This is achieved by properly controlling the inset possition. Hencee this is an easy feedingg scheme, sinnce it e of fabriccation and sim mplicity in modelling as w well as impedance matchinng. However as the provides ease thickness of the dielectric substrate being used, increases, surrface waves aand spurious feed radiationn also increases,, which hamp pers the bandw width of the antenna. Thee feed radiatioon also leads to undesired cross polarized radiation. 5.3.2 Co oaxial Feed d The Coax xial feed or prrobe feed is a very common technique used for feeding microstrrip patch anteennas. As shown n in Figure 5.6 6, the inner co onductor of th he coaxial coonnector extennds through thhe dielectric aand is soldered to t the radiatin ng patch, whille the outer co onductor is coonnected to thhe ground plaane. Fig 5.6 Co oaxial Fee Probe fed Rectaangular Micro ostrip Patch A Antenna The main advantage of this type off feeding scheeme is that thhe feed can bee placed at anny desired loccation on the pattch in order to o match with its input impedance. This feed method is easy to fabbricate and haas low spurious radiation. r However, its maajor disadvan ntage is that itt provides naarrow bandwidth and is diffficult to model since a hole has to be drrilled in the substrate s and the connectoor protrudes ooutside the ground us not making g it completely y planar for th hick substratees ( h > 0.02λλ0 ). plane, thu 5.3.3 Ap perture Coupled Feed d In this typ pe of feeding g technique, the t radiating patch and thhe microstrip feed line aree separated bby the ground pllane as shown n in Figure 5.7 7. Coupling between b the ppatch and the feed line is m made through a slot or an aperrture in the grround plane. Fig 5.7: Aperture-coup A pled Feed The coup pling aperturee is usually centred c under the patch, leading to loower cross ppolarization ddue to symmetry y of the configuration. Thee amount of coupling c from m the feed linne to the patchh is determinned by the shape, size and loccation of the aperture. a Sincce the groundd plane separaates the patchh and the feedd line, spurious radiation r is minimimum. m Generally, a high dielectrric material iss used for the bottom subbstrate and a thicck, low dielecctric constantt material is used u for the ttop substrate to optimize radiation from the patch. Th he major disaadvantage of this feed tech hnique is thaat it is difficuult to fabricaate due to muultiple layers, wh hich also increeases the anteenna thicknesss. This feedinng scheme alsso provides narrow bandw width. 5.3.4 Prroximity Co oupled Feeed This type of feed tech hnique is also o called as thee electromagnnetic couplinng scheme. A As shown in F Figure bstrates are used u such th hat the feed lline is betweeen the two substrates annd the 5.8, two dielectric sub pper substrate. The main advantage oof this feed teechnique is tthat it radiating patch is on top of the up a provides very high ban andwidth (as hhigh as 13%)), due to an ooverall eliminatess spurious feeed radiation and increase in n the thickness of the micrrostrip patch antenna. Thiss scheme alsoo provides chhoices betweeen two different dielectric media, one for the patch and one forr the feed liine to optim mize the indivvidual nces. performan Fig 5.8: Proximity-cou P upled Feed Matching can be achieeved by conttrolling the leength of the feed line andd the width-tto-line ratio oof the he major disad dvantage of this t feed scheeme is that itt is difficult tto fabricate bbecause of thhe two patch. Th dielectric layers which h need properr alignment. Also, A there iss an increasee in the overaall thickness oof the antenna. 5.4 Critteria for Substrate S Selection: S While ch hoosing substtrates for fab bricating miccrostrip antennnas, followiing characterristics have to be focussed on: o 1) Surfacee-wave excitaation 2) Disperssion of the dieelectric consttant and loss tangent t of thee substrate 3) Copper loss 4) Anisotropy in the substrate 5) Effects of temperature, humidity, and aging 6) Mechanical requirements: conformability, machinability, solderability, weight, elasticity, etc. 7) Cost The first 3 factors are of special concern in the millimeter-wave range (f> 30 GHz). ELECTRICAL PROPERTIES OF COMMONLY USED SUBSTRATE MATERIALS FOR MICROSTRIP ANTENNAS Material Dielectric Constant Unreinforced PTFE, Cuflon 2.1 Reinforced PTFE, RT Duroid 5880 2.20 (1.5%) Fused Quartz 3.78 96% Alumina 9.40 (5%) 99.5% Alumina 9.80 (5%) Sapphire 9.4, 1.6 Semi-Insulating GaAs 12.9 Loss Tangent 0.0004 0.0009 0.0001 0.0010 0.0001 0.0001 0.0020 5.5 Radiation mechanism of microstrip antenna: Radiation from microstrip antenna can be understood by considering the simple case of a rectangular microstrip patch spaced a small fraction of a wavelength above the ground plane as shown in the fig.5.9(a). Assuming no variation of the electric field along the width and the thickness of the microstrip structure, the electric field configuration of the radiator can be represented as shown in the fig 5.9(b). The field varies along the patch length which is about half a wavelength. Radiation may be ascribed mostly to the fringing fields at the open circuited edge of the patch. The field at the end can be resolved into the normal and tangential component with respect to the ground plane. The normal components are out of phase because the patch line is λ/2 long. Therefore the far field produced by them cancel in the broadside direction. The tangential components which are parallel to the ground plane are in phase and the resulting fields combine to give maximum radiated field normal to the surface of the structure. Therefore the patch may be represented by two slots λ/2 apart excited in phase and radiating in half space above the ground plane. Fig.5.9(a)) Rectangular microstrip paatch antenna Fig.5.9(b)) Side view