Dr. G W. Williams S. S. Technological Studies York Region District School Board Department Head: Mr. Williams The Ontario Curriculum, Grades 9 and 10: Technological Education, 2009 (revised) Exploring Construction Technology, Grade 9 Open Mr. Williams TCJ1O1 Credit Value 0.5 No Prerequisites Courseware Developed by Courseware Reviewed by Mr. Williams Mr. Williams (TCJ1O) This exploratory course introduces students to concepts and skills in construction technology, which encompasses plumbing, electrical wiring, masonry, heating/cooling, carpentry, and woodworking. Students will develop an awareness of related environmental and societal issues and will begin to explore secondary and postsecondary pathways leading to careers in the field. Units of study Safety and hand tools Wood Joint Project Wood Species Identification Wood Finishes Machines: Drill Press, Mitre Saw, Table Mounted Router Precious & Few (Wooden Box Project) 70% (Summative) Instructional Strategies Diagnostic, Formative, Performance, Project Management and Experiential Learning Assessment and Evaluation Practical: Shop exercises & Project Work Application Theoretical: Weekly textbook exercise and lesson Thinking & Communication Testing: Unit Tests, Tool ID Test Final summative Knowledge & Understanding 20% Practical 10% Theory Course Resources Beginning Woodworking (textbook) Shop Library Ministry of Education documents link http://www.edu.gov.on.ca/eng/curriculum/secondary/teched910curr09.pdf A1. demonstrate an understanding of the fundamental concepts and skills required in the planning and development of a product or service, including the use of a design process and/or other problem-solving processes and techniques; A2. demonstrate the ability to use a variety of appropriate methods to communicate ideas and solutions; A3. evaluate products or services in relation to specifications, user requirements, and operating conditions. B1. use problem-solving processes and project-management strategies in the planning and fabrication of a product or delivery of a service; B2. fabricate products or deliver services, using a variety of resources. C1. demonstrate an awareness of the effects of various technologies on the environment; C2. demonstrate an awareness of how various technologies affect society, as well as how society influences technological developments. D1. follow safe practices and procedures when using materials, tools, and equipment; D2. identify careers in various technological fields, and describe the educational requirements for them. LEARNING SKILLS (Abridged list of Learning Skills descriptors from Curriculum Guidelines for Grades 9 to 12) Works Independently Accepts responsibility for completing tasks Follows instructions Completes assignments on time, and with care Uses prior knowledge and experiences to solve problems and make decisions Teamwork Works willingly and cooperatively with others Takes responsibility for his or her own share of the work to be done Works to help achieve the goals of the group or the class Shows respect for the ideas and opinions of others Organization Devises and follows a coherent plan to complete a task Revises steps and strategies when necessary to achieve a goal Manages and uses time effectively and creatively Demonstrates ability to organize and manage information Work Habits/ Homework Completes homework on time and with care Puts forth consistent effort Begins work promptly and uses time effectively Perseveres with complex projects that require sustained effort Initiative Seeks out new opportunities for learning Requires little prompting to complete a task, displaying selfmotivation and selfdirection Attempts a variety of learning activities Seeks assistance when needed