Accelerator Physics, Astrophysics, Cosmology, Particle Physics and Nuclear Physics POSTER: AS-01 Amirnezam. Amiri* 1, Fereshteh. Memarian 1, Sara. Charmchi 1, Meysam. Honari-Jafarpour 1, Amir. Hasanzade 1,2 1 TheInternationalOccultationTimingAssociation-MiddleEast Section(IOTA-ME),Iran 2 UniversityofTehran,Iran Observation and data analysis of the newly discovered Delta Scuti variable star: GSC1489-0914 Thedifferentialtime-seriesCCDphotometryhasbeencarriedout during2013forthehigh-amplitudeDelta-ScutistarGSC1489-0914. Based upon our data and others available in the literature a comprehensive analysis has been conducted to investigate the physical parameters of the star including luminosity, distance, mass, radius, surface gravity etc. The main frequency and new ephemeriscalculationindicatesoscillatorybehavior.Notethatthis type of variables are standard candles so these analysis would guidetoitsharmonicsandpulsationmodesinthefuture. POSTER: AS-02 Qing-Yu Cai ChineseAcademyofSciences,China Recovering Lost Information in Hawking Radiation Abstracts | Posters Inbothclassicalandquantumworld,informationcannot appear or disappear. This fundamental principle, however, is questioned for a black hole, by the acclaimed “information loss paradox”. Based on the conservation laws of energy, charge, and angular momentum,werecentlyshowthetotalinformationencoded in the correlationsamongHawkingradiationsequalsexactlytothesame amount previously considered lost, assuming the non-thermal spectrumofParikhandWilczek.Thustheinformationlossparadox canbefalsifiedthroughexperimentsbydetectingcorrelations,for instance, through measuring the co-variances of Hawking radiations from black holes, such as the manmade ones speculated to appear in LHC experiments. The affirmation of information conservation in Hawking radiation will shine new light on theunificationofgravitywithquantummechanics. POSTER: AS-05 Paul Barton1, Ankur Dhar1, James Loach* 2, Alan Poon1 1 LawrenceBerkeleyNationalLaboratory,USA 2 ShanghaiJiaoTongUniversity,China A Low-Background Temperature Sensor Critical to experiments searching for neutrinoless double-beta decay or the interactions of WIMP dark matter is the control of radioactive backgrounds. It is crucial to minimize the concentrations of radioisotopes in all the components of an experiment, from the large homogeneous masses that comprise the active regions to the small components such as sensors and cablesthatareneededtoreadoutthesignals.Thecomplexityof itemsinthislatterclass,thesmallcomponents,oftenmakesthem very difficult to make radio-pure and thus gives them an importanceoutofproportiontotheirmass.Thisworkisaproofof conceptstudyofatechnologythatpromisestoreduceradioactive contaminationinaclassofsmallcomponents- electroniccircuitsthat are ubiquitous and notorious sources of background events. Resistive temperature sensors are fabricated onfilms of a vapordeposited plastic called parylene using techniques that are generalizabletoalargeclassofelectroniccircuits.Thesesensors are demonstrated to function as expected, to do so reliably and robustly,andtobehighly radio-pure. POSTER: AS-06 Pisin Chen, Yi-Shiou Duh, Lance Labun, and Yao-Yu Lin * NationalTaiwanUniversity,Taiwan Gravitational Slingshot as a Solution to Cusp-Core Problem In the Λ cold dark matter model, N-body simulation predict a power-law-like distribution in the inner regions on the galaxies, which is in conflict with observational evidence suggesting approximately constant dark matter density distribution. This is cusp-core problem. Here we study gravitational slingshot as an accelerationmechanismfordarkmatterparticlespassingneartoa massive object like a star.We calculatethe average energy gain due to slingshot, then we construct a one-dimensional model to show how the dark matter are affected. Our study shows preferentialincreasesenergyofdarkmatterinregionsofhighstar numberdensityatgalaxiescenters,whichflattensthedarkmatter distributionfromaoriginalcuspprofile. POSTER: AS-07 POSTER: AS-03 Yu Chen*, Edward Teo NationalUniversityofSingapore,Singapore A class of vacuum solutions in four dimensions We discuss a new five-parameter class of Ricci-flat solutions in fourdimensions.Itcanbeconsideredasaone-parameterfamilyof asymptotically locally flat interpolations between the Ricc-flat Plebanski-Demianski and the triple-collinearly-centered GibbonsHawkingsolutions. POSTER: AS-04 Michael R.R. Good NanyangTechnologicalUniversity,Singapore Circular Cooling C. Meng*, J.Y. Tang, A. Lombardi, R. Garoby, F. Gerigk, S. L. Pei, F. Yan, Z. H. Li ChineseAcademyofSciences,China High power proton Linac designs with non-equipartitioning method Superconductinglinearacceleratoristhetendencyinlinacdesign with the development of superconducting technology. Period phase advance less than 90 degree and equipartitioning design, verifiedbytheoryandexperiment,areveryimportantprinciplesin linac.Usually,thelongitudinalemittanceisbiggerthantransverse emittance,sothetransversephaseadvanceisbiggeraccordingto equipartitioning principle. However, the accelerating gradient of superconducting cavity is increasing with the development, the phase advance is becoming the limit to reduce the cost and accelerationefficiency.Inthispaperwepresentthedesignmethod that keepingthe longitudinal phase advance as large as possible but smaller than 90 degree to maximize the use of the available accelerating gradient. Even though this method cannot satisfied theequipartitioningcondition,wecanalsogetverygooddynamic results. In this paper the SPL and C-ADS main linac design and simulationresultswiththismethodwillbepresent. Angular momentum lowers the temperature of a black hole. A suggestedexplanationisthatcircularaccelerationremovesheat. The 8th OCPA International Conference on Physics Education and Frontier Physics | 73 POSTER: AS-08 R. Sambasivam UrumuDhanalakshmiCollege,India Nuclear EMC effect in Nachtmann variable by a statistical model Even after three decades of discovery of nuclear EMC effect, where high energy muons at CERN revealed this remarkable phenomenon,recentdevelopmentsinunderstandingtheinfluence of the nucleus on deep-inelasticstructurefunctions are reviewed. ThestandardBjorkenvariableiscommonlyusedinthediscussion of DIS processes. If one retains M2/Q2 in the kinematics, then another variable introduced by Nachtmann seems to be more appropriate to describe DIS processes. Many phenomenological models tried to account for this effect. A statistical based model knownasThermodynamicalBagModel(TBM)thatexplainsstatic anddynamicpropertiesofnucleons,isusedhereasafunctionof Nachtmann variable to account for nuclear EMC effect. Convolution model that convolutes momentum and energy distribution of bound nucleons with single nucleon structure functionisusedtostudyvariousnucleilikeBe9,Al27,Ca40,Fe56, Cu63,Ag108,andAu197.ThoughherenuclearbindingandFermi motion play thekey role and explain the EMC effect inthisinitial attempt, further studies are also required to enter deep into DIS processes. POSTER: AS-09 Ye Zou, Jingyu Tang* ChineseAcademyofSciences,China Resonant Slow Extraction in Synchrotrons by Using AntiSymmetric Sextupole Fields This presentation proposes a novel method for resonant slow extraction in synchrotrons by using special anti-symmetric sextupole field, which can be produced by a special magnet structureandwasproposedearlier.Themethodhasthepotential in applications asking for very stable slow extraction from synchrotrons and in the halo collimation of very large machines. Ourstudiesshowthattheslowextractionbyusinganti-symmetric sextupole field has some advantages compared to the normal sextupole field which is used in the usual third-order resonant extraction method. One of them is that it can work at a more distanttunefromtheresonance,sothatitcanweakensignificantly theproblemoftheintensityvariationoftheextractedbeammainly caused by the ripples of magnet supplies. The studies by both Hamiltoniantheoryandnumericalsimulationsshowthatthestable regionbyanti-symmetricsextupolefieldismuchsmallerandflatter attheproximityofthehalf-resonance,andtheparticlesoutsidethe region will be driven out in two possible directions in quite short transit time but with spiral steps similar as in the third-order resonance extraction. By gradually increasing the field strength, thebeamcanbeextractedinamorehomogeneousintensitythan the usual third-order resonant method, in the means of both smallerintensityvariationandspikein thebeginningspill. POSTER: AS-10 Wong Whye Khuin Nicholas NationalUniversityofSingapore,Singapore Fluctuation about Cosmological Instantons We studied the bounce solutions of self-interacting scalar fields coupled with gravity using a semi-classical approach. Our data suggests that bounce solutions not only have a minimum barrier curvature, but also a maximum barrier curvature. In addition, we propose a new class of bounce solutions, where the scalar field behaves like the Coleman-De Luccia bounce solutions, but the scale factor does not vanish at any finite Euclidean time. Unlike Coleman-De Luccia bounce solutions or oscillating bounce solutions, this cannot be considered a subset of the Hawking- 74 | The 8th OCPA International Conference on Physics Education and Frontier Physics Turok solution. However, like the Coleman-De Luccia bounce solutions,thequantumfluctuationaboutthisnewsolutionhasonly onenegativemode,suggestingthatitmayalsobeassociatedwith quantumtunnelling. AMO and Quantum Computing POSTER: AMO-01 POSTER: AS-11 Chi Xiong NanyangTechnologicalUniversity,Singapore On QCD String and Its Applications We apply an anomaly inflow mechanism to the study of QCD strings/flux tubes, quark creation,chiralmagnetic effect, U(1) and strongCPproblemsviatheCho-Faddeev-Niemidecompositionof the gauge potential. A phenomenological description of chromoelectric flux tubes is obtained by studying a gauged Nambu-Jona-Lasinio effective Lagrangian, derived from the original QCD Lagrangian. QCD strings may induce quantum vortices in the quark condensate. Chiral quark zero modes are then trapped in each vortex, which lead to a two-dimensional gaugeanomaly.TocancelitaneffectiveChern-Simonscouplingis needed, and hence a topological charge density term naturally emerges. This term is a coupling between a superflow of the phase of the quark condensate and the Chern-Simons current. The usual theta-parameter is replaced by the phase of the quark condensate, which becomes nontrivial due to the existence of topological defects such as vortices. This new formulation can address the U(1) problem in a similar way as in the theta-world and avoid the strong CP problem as the new topological charge term is a derivative coupling. Some interesting phenomenological applications like chiralmagnetic effects and the Josephson effect arediscussed. References: 1)arXiv:1310.8657[hep-th] 2)arXiv:1302.7312[hep-th](Phys.Rev.D88(2013)025042) POSTER: AS-12 LiTao Yang*, Qian Yue TsinghuaUniversity,China Limits on light WIMPs from the CDEX-1 experiment at the China Jinping Underground Laboratory We report results of a search for light Dark Matter WIMPs with CDEX-1experimentattheChinaJinpingUndergroundLaboratory, based on 53.9 kg-days of data from a p-type point-contact germanium detector enclosed by a NaI(Tl) crystal scintillator as anti-Compton detector. Both the event rate and spectrum above analysisthresholdof475eVeeareconsistentwiththeunderstood backgroundmodel. An order of magnitude improvement in the sensitivities of spinindependent elastic cross-section over our previous results is achieved, and this is the best sensitivity of searching WIMPs achieved by PCGe detectors in the world until now. Part of the allowed regions at WIMP mass of 6-20 GeV are probed and excluded. Budi Mulyanti1*, Lilik Hasanah1, Tommi Hariyadi1, Rischa Novitasari1, P.S. Menon2, S.Saari2, Arjuni. B. Pantjawati1, Heru Yuwono3 1 UniversityPendidikanIndonesia,Indonesia 2 UniversitiKebangsaanMalaysia 3 ArsariGroup,Indonesia The Influence of Q-factor to Resonant Wavelength Shift of Si-based Microring Resonators Microring resonators (MRRs) as a compact and multi-functioned device has become one of the potential components in silicon photonicsintegratedcircuitsdesign.Inthispaper,theinfluenceof qualityfactor(Q-factor)totheresonantwavelengthshiftofMRRs is presented. The calculation is carried out using semi-numerical method for different value of glucose concentration. The parameters used in the calculation including incident wavelength, ring radii of circular waveguide, gap sizes between circular and straight waveguides, the dimension of both waveguides, and refractiveindex of silicon, SiO2 and air. The results show that Qfactor slightly affectsthe resonant wavelength shift.The resonant wavelength shift depends on the glucose concentration. The increase of the glucose concentration causes the increase of the resonantwavelengthshift. Second,theeruptionwithoutprecededbyanimpulsive explosion. The explosion is related to low-frequency events (LF). Manifestationsoferuptionseenonthesurfaceofthecraterafew seconds after the start of the seismic recordings. This indicates thattheexplosiveeruptionatLokonprecededbytheexpansionof agaspocketorrisingmagmathathasbeenfragmentedinconduit priortoeruption. POSTER: AMO-04 Dr. Eng. Alamta Singarimbun InstitutTeknologiBandung,Indonesia Numerical Simulation of Fluid Flow in Geothermal Reservoir by using Finite Difference Method Geothermal energy is well known as a renewable and clean energy. The first step to predict geothermal potential energy can be estimated by modeling, among others physical and numerical simulation.Inthis research, the geothermal reservoir is simulated by using different parameters by some parameters such as permeability, porosity and thermal conductivity. Mathematical modelingisconstructedbasedonDarcy'slaw,massbalanceand energy balance. Then the model is calculated by using finite differencemethod.Resultsofthecalculationareobtainedinform of distribution of temperature, pressure, enthalpy and direction of fluidflow. POSTER: AMO-05 POSTER: AMO-02 Kin Sung Chan NanyangTechnologicalUniversity,Singapore Adsorbate Electric Fields on a Cryogenic Atom Chip We investigate the behaviour of electric fields originating from adsorbatesdepositedonacryogenicatomchipasitiscooledfrom room temperature to cryogenic temperature. Using Rydberg electromagnetically induced transparency we measure the field strengthversusdistancefroma1mmsquareofYBCOpatterned onto a YSZ chip substrate.We find a localized and stable dipole field at room temperature and attribute it to a saturated layer of chemicallyadsorbedrubidiumatomsontheYBCO.Asthechipis cooled towards 83 K we observe a change in sign of the electric fieldaswellasatransitionfromalocalizedtoadelocalizeddipole density.Werelatethesechangestotheonsetofphysisorptionon thechipsurfacewhenthevanderWaalsattractionovercomes the thermal desorption mechanisms. Our findings suggest that, throughcarefulselectionofsubstratematerials,itmaybepossible toreducetheelectricfieldscausedbyatomicadsorptiononchips, opening up experiments to controlled Rydberg-surface coupling schemes. POSTER: AMO-03 Dolfie Pandara*, Lilik Hendrajaya, Alamta Singarimbun BandungInstituteofTechnology,Indonesia Characteristic of Volcanic Explosions on Lokon Volcano at 910 September 2013 Lokon is one of the most active volcanoes in Indonesia and the behavior of its eruptions have explosive properties. Seismic signalscan representthe explosivity of eruptions.Investigation of theseismicsignalgeneratedfromvolcanicexplosionscanbeused tocharacterizethetypeandsourceoftheeruptionmechanism.In this study, we investigated the eruption that occurred on 9 to 10 September 2013. Based on seismic analysis, explosive eruptions that occur in Lokon can be classified into two types. First, an eruption is preceded by an impulsive explosion. The explosion is relatedtothelongperiodofprecursoreventsandvolcanictremor that appeared a few hours or a few minutes before the eruption. Dra. Fatchatul Baiyinah BATAN,Indonesia Nuclear Reactor in Indonesia The International Atomic Agency formed since 1957, after that Indonesia form LTA ( LembagaTenaga Atom), which the Indonesian health minister Mr. DR. G.A Siwabessy as a leader. The first nuclear reactor in Indonesia is TRIGA MARK II reactor, and The General Atomic in San Diego California as supplier. On 1964 LTA change the name to BadanTenaga Atom Nasional (BATAN). The first nuclear reactor in Indonesia TRIGAMARK II reactorsigned by Ir.Soekarno on February 20th 1965 with name PRAB-BATAN and operated on power 250 kilowatt. The activity are for research and vocational training, Research and development for pure material, radioisatopes and labelled compound, instrumentations and radiometric analyze techniques, andmonitoringforsafetyonradiationandenvironment. The first Nuclear medicine in Indonesia developed in Bandung nuclearfacility.Nowthisactivityheldinsomehospital.Tosupport the research and development activity, nuclear Bandung area support by some facility there are Triga Mark II reactor with 250 Kw power on 1965, and upgraded to 1000Kw on 1971, and then upgraded to 2000Kw on 2000. Other facility here are physics, chemistry and biology laboratory, isotopes productions and labelledcompound. Afterthatsomenuclearfacilityhadbuilt. - Pasar Jum‟at nuclear area Jakarta, built on 1966 on 20 ha area. Their facility are Gamma irradiator (ɣ) 60CO, electron beam machine, uranium process laboratorium, chemistry and biology laboratoriumprocessandhydrology,educationandtrainingfacility, - NuclearreactorinYogyakartahadbuilton1974on8.5haarea, In this area had Kartini reactor with 100Kw power, subkritic devices, pure material research laboratory, accelerator, physics and nuclear chemistry laboratory, work safety and health facility, library,andlaboratoryforeducationfacility. - NuclearreactorandlaboratoryinSerponghadbuilton1992on 25 ha area, in PUSPIPTEK (The centre of research and developmentforsciencesandtechnology)Serpong. Now,westudyingthefeasibilityofthesafetymarginsforplatefuel element in Bandung reactor. The cooling water flow rate was The 8th OCPA International Conference on Physics Education and Frontier Physics | 75 variatedon36m3/h,40m3/hand44m3/hforanypowerthatare 500kilowatts,638kilowatts,750kilowatts,and1000kilowatts. Summary: For stability graphic decrease faster on flow rate 36m3/hthan 44 m3/h For ONB graphic the sama shape but lower on flow rate 36m3/h than44m3/h ForBURNOUTgraphictheflowrategoingdownfasteron44m3/h than36m3/h anidealsystemtostudyandsimulatequantummay-bodyphysics. By exciting ground-state atoms in an optical lattice to Rydberg states, we can realize a lattice of Rydberg atoms which is promising to reach a system of strong correlation, strong interaction, and low temperature. In this poster, we present the currentstatusofourexperiment,thenear-futuregoalsofdetecting and probing Rydberg atoms via electromagnetically induced transparency, and our work towards the realization of a lattice of Rydbergatoms. POSTER: AMO-09 POSTER: AMO-06 Wei Feng BeijingComputationalScienceResearchCenter,China Effect of Atomic Distribution on Cooperative Spontaneous Emission Superradianceisawell-knowncooperativephenomenonthatwas firstpredictedintheorybyDickein1954.Anintriguingconclusion is thatwhenNidenticalatomsinthelimitofasmalldimensionare uniformlyexcitedbyasinglephoton,thedecayrateofthesystem is N times that of the isolated atom. Dicke called this „„the greatest radiation anomaly‟‟ of superradiance. However, for thepurposeof simplifying the discussion of this many-body problem, Dicke and subsequent researchers all ignored the details of N-atom exact locations and taken an average distance between the atoms. Recently, we have investigated the influence of the atomic distribution on the cooperative spontaneous emission. First, we select the simplest model of three identical atoms where we can obtaintheanalyticsolutionsofthedecayratesandLambshifts.It is shown that the atomic configuration (distribution) has big influence on superradiance of the system. To obtain strong superradiance requires not only the distances among the three atoms much shorter than the radiation wavelength, but also the symmetrical distribution. Next, we extend the research to the realisticmulti-atommodelbynumericalcalculation,wherewefind the similar conclusion that the uniformly atomic distribution is a necessary condition for approaching the limit of Dicke superradiance. POSTER: AMO-07 Frederic Leroux*, David Wilkowski NationalUniversityofSingapore,Singapore Geometrical Adiabatic Qubit and Artificial Magnetism in a Four-level Tripod Afour-leveltripodsystemdrivencontinuouslybythreelasershas apairofdarkstateswithzeroenergywhichcanbeusedtoencode a single qubit. We show that by tuning the phases of two lasers adiabatically the state vector of the atom stays within the dark states eigenspace.Inthis way, we can define a U(2) geometrical gate for this qubit. An optically synthesized non-Abelian Gauge potential connected to this geometrical gate emerges. We will use magnetic sublevels of one of the hyperfine state of Strontium87forthistripodconfiguration.Weexpectthedynamics of these neutral atoms in this artificial Gauge field to mimic the actionofakindofLorentzforce. POSTER: AMO-08 Jingshan Han, Thibault Vogt, Ruixiang Guo, Wenhui Li National UniversityofSingapore,Singapore Ying-Yen Liao NationalUniversityofKaohsiung,Taiwan Entanglement of Horizontally Adsorbed Polar Molecules in Electric Felds We investigate entanglement of two horizontally adsorbed polar molecules in a static electric field. A conical well with an asymmetric structure is used to capture the hindered rotation of adsorbed molecules. Numerical results demonstrate that the electric field strongly influences the rotational properties. Due to the confinement effect, the field-dependent energy spectrum shows two anticrossing features in the ground state. We employ the concurrence to measure the degree of entanglement. The concurrenceislocallyincreasedatzerotemperature.Bytuningthe hindrance angle, the concurrence further displays two features with distinct tendencies. The magnitude of concurrence is also loweredwithatemperatureincrease,dependingontheproperties oftheanticrossings. POSTER: AMO-10 M.S. Pramod, Tao Yang, Kanhaiya Pandey, Massimo Giudici, David Wilkowski NationalUniversityofSingapore,Singapore Selective Injection Locking of a Multi-mode Semiconductor Laser to a Multi-frequency Reference Beam POSTER: AMO-11 S. Seshadri* and R. Sambasivam BharathidasenUniversity,India Scaled Quantum Chemical Calculations and FTIR, FT-Raman Spectral Analysis of Indole-2,3-dione ThesolidphaseFTIRandFT-RamanspectraofIndole-2,3-dione (IDE)havebeenrecordedintheregions4000-400cm-1and3500100cm-1respectively.Thespectrumwereinterpretedwiththeaid ofnormalcoordinateanalysisfollowingafullstructureoptimization andforcefieldcalculationsbasedonthedensityfunctionaltheory (DFT) using the standard B3LYP/6-31G* method and basis set combinations. The DFT force field transformed to natural internal coordinates was corrected by a well-establishment set of scale factors that were found to be transferable to the title compound. The IR and Raman spectra were predicted theoretically and comparedwiththeexperimentalspectra. Ju-Kui Xue NorthwestNormalUniversity,China Selective coherent spin transportation in a spin-orbit coupled bosonic junction We theoretically proposed a scheme for realizing selective coherent spin transportation in spin-orbit coupled bosonic gas trapped in a symmetric double-well by fast modulation of the energy level unbalance between the two wells. The modulation can be tunedinsuch a way thatan arbitrarily, a priori prescribed spin type (singlespin, or aspin-pair with opposite spins) and the number of these spin bosons with or without spin-flipping are allowedtotunnel.Furthermore,prescribedsuperexchangeofspin bosons is also presented. This engineering provides a possible meansforspincontrol,accuratecountingorefficientfilteringofthe numberofspins. POSTER: AMO-12 Yong-Hui Zhang, Shi-Qi Tong, Dong Yin, Li-Yan Yang, TingYun Shi* ChineseAcademyofSciences,China Bethe-logarithm Calculation for Hydrogen and Helium Atoms Using B-spline Basis-set Method It is known that in the leading-order radiative contribution to the binding energy of atomic systems the most complicated quantity for numerical evaluation is the Bethe logarithm [1]. Recently, a method based on the B-spline basis set is developed which significantly simplifies the Bethe-logarithm calculations for the hydrogen atom. This method can not only calculate the Bethe logarithms of low-lying states to high precision using relatively small basis set, but also calculate the high-lying Rydberg states efficiently[2].InthisConference,wewouldpresentournewBethelogarithm calculation for hydrogen in the length and the velocity gauges. This represents the first successful attempt to calculate Bethe-logarithms of hydrogen atom in the length and velocity gauges. Furthermore, we would also present preliminary Bethelogarithmresultsforlow-lyingstatesofhelium. Injection locking is a well-known and commonly used method for coherentlightamplification.Usuallyinjectionlockingisobtainedon a single-modelaserinjectedbyasingle-frequencyseedingbeam. References: In this work we show that selective injection locking of a singlefrequency may also be achieved on a multimode semiconductor laserinjectedbyamulti-frequencyseedingbeam,iftheslavelaser provides sufficient frequency filtering. This selective injection locking condition depends critically on the frequency detuning between the free-running slave emission frequency and each injectedfrequencycomponent. 2) Y. B. Tang Z.X. ZHong, C. B. Li, H. X. Qiao, T. Y. Shi, Phys. Rev.A87,022510(2013) Stable selective injection locking to a set of three seeding components separated by 1.2 GHz is obtained. This system provides an amplification up to 37 dB of each component. This resultsuggeststhat,usingdistinctslavelasersforeachfrequency line,asetofmutuallycoherenthigh-powerradiationmodescanbe tunedintheGHzfrequencydomain. POSTER: AMO-14 POSTER: AMO-15 C.C. Kwong, Tao Yang*, M. S. Pramod, K. Pandey, D. Deland, R. Pierrat, D. Wilkowski 1.)NanyangTechnologicalUniversity,Singapore 2.)NationalUniversityofSingapore,Singapore 3.)LaboratoireKastlerBrossel,France 4.)InstitutLangevin,ESPCIParisTech,France 5.)InstitutNon,LinéairedeNice,UniversitédeNiceSophiaAntipolis,France Coherent Forward Scattering Through an Ultracold Sr Atomic Cloud The transient coherent transmission of light through an optical thick atomic medium is investigated experimentally. A high flux source for ultra-cold Strontium atoms is constructed as the researchobject.Whenaresonantlaserissentontheatomiccloud, theabruptextinctionofthelaseremitsacoherentflashinforward direction.Thepeakintensityoftheforwardscatteringisobserved morethan3timesoftheincidentsamplitude. 1)V.I.Korobov,Phys.Rev.A85,042514(2012) POSTER: AMO-13 Thi Ha Kyaw*1, Ying Li2, Leong Chuan Kwek1,3 1 NationalUniversityofSingapore,Singapore 2 UniversityofOxford,UnitedKingdom 3 NanyangTechnologicalUniversity,Singapore Measurement-based Quantum Computation with Two-body Qubits via Adiabatic Evolution A cluster state cannot be a unique ground state of a two-body interactingHamiltonian.Here,weproposethecreationofacluster stateoflogicalqubitsencodedinspin-1/2particlesbyadiabatically weakening two-body interactions. The proposal is valid for any spatial dimensional cluster states. Errors induced by thermal fluctuations and adiabatic evolution within finite time can be eliminatedensuringfault-tolerantquantumcomputingschemes. Towards a Lattice of Rydberg Atoms Rydberg atoms are highly excited atoms, having large dipole momentandhighpolarizability,whichresultinstrongdipole-dipole interactions between atoms.Thismakes a gas of Rydberg atoms 76 | The 8th OCPA International Conference on Physics Education and Frontier Physics The 8th OCPA International Conference on Physics Education and Frontier Physics | 77 Biophysics, Chemical Physics and Soft Condensed Matter POSTER: BC-01 Artem K. Efremov 1,2,*, Yuanyuan Qu 1,2,3, Hugo Maruyama 4, Ci J. Lim 1,2,5, Kunio Takeyasu 4, and Jie Yan 1,2,3,5 1 MechanobiologyInstitute,NationalUniversityofSingapore, Singapore 2 Centre forBioimagingSciences,NationalUniversityofSingapore, Singapore 3 DepartmentofPhysics,NationalUniversityofSingapore, Singapore 4 LaboratoryofPlasmaMembraneandNuclearSignaling, GraduateSchoolofBiostudies,KyotoUniversity,Japan 5 NUSGraduateschoolforIntegrativeSciencesandEngineering, Singapore Global repressor protein, TK0471, from Thermococcus kodakarensis forms a rigid nucleoprotein filament on GC-rich dsDNA regions in a K+-dependent manner, competing with histones and supressing DNA supercoiling. ArchitecturalDNAproteinsinlivingcellsplayaveryimportantrole inthegenomicDNAstructuralorganizationaswellasinregulation of the genes' accessibility to transcriptional protein machinery. While the role of architectural proteins in the chromosomal DNA shaping was intensively investigated in previous experiments, there is still a large gap in our knowledge about how the higher order chromatin re-organization driven by these proteins induces switching between different global gene expression patterns in responsetoenvironmentalchanges.StudiesofDNAarchitectural proteinsinsimpleeuryarchaeaorganismsatmolecularandcellular levels may not only reveal interesting information about the historical origin of epigenetic regulation in the earliest livingcells, but also may provide a deeper understanding of more advanced regulatory mechanisms taking place inside nuclei of eukaryotic cells,whichhavequitesimilarDNAproteinmachinery. InthisworkweusedacombinationofAFMimagingandmagnetic tweezers single-DNA manipulation experiments in order to systematicallystudyphysicochemicalpropertiesofTK0471protein – oneofthemostabundantDNAarchitecturalproteinsinvolvedin the global gene expression regulation in Thermococcus kodakarensis euryarchaeal cells. We show that TK0471 preferentially interacts with G/C-rich regions of the genomic DNA in vivo and strongly binds to dsDNAs with large positive cooperativity in a potassium ions-dependent manner in vitro, resulting in formation of rigid nucleoprotein filaments. Since our analysis also suggests that archaeal histones from T. kodakarensishaveaverysimilarG/C-preferenceinvivowepredict that these two abundant DNA architectural proteins may be involvedintodirectcompetitionforDNA-bindingsitesinlivingcells, resultinginhighlydynamicorganizationofthegenomicDNA.This hypothesis is supported by our observation of TK0471-histones mutualocclusionforDNAbindinginsingle-moleculeexperiments. Finally, it was found that a nucleoprotein filament formed by TK0471resistsdsDNAfoldingduringitspositivesupercoilingand promotes dsDNA melting during its negative supercoiling. Based on these results we propose a simple model of the functioning mechanism of TK0471 as an architectural and global gene transcription regulatory protein, which can be further tested in futurecellexperiments. POSTER: BC-02 Che Azurahanim Che Abdullah*, R.P.L Sear 1)UniversitiPutraMalaysia,Malaysia 2)UniversityofSurrey,UnitedKingdom Carbon Nanomaterials as Drug Transporter for Cancer Therapy Thereisavigorousandgrowingresearcheffortdevelopingcarbon nanotubes (CNTs) for medical applications. It is now known that nanocompositesofSingleWallNanotubes(SWNTs)canbeused to deliver anti-cancerdrugstocells.1Also,SWNTsareefficient at 78 | The 8th OCPA International Conference on Physics Education and Frontier Physics convertingnearinfrared(NIR)lighttoheat,andcandosoinacell, and so cancer cells can be targeted for destruction by NIR radiation,oncethecellshavetakenupSWNTs.SWNTsarehighly insoluble in water, but can be functionalized via physical or covalent attachment of solubilizing molecules and drugs of interest.Oncethisisdone,theyarereadilytakenupbycells.2We foundevidencethatourCNTnanocompositeswerefoundtoenter cells via endocytosis (the mechanism cells use to take up nutrients);thisagreeswithearlierworkbyDaiandcoworkers.2,3 Herein,weperformsystematicstudyoftheinternalization,delivery and subcellular localization and possible adverse effects of SWNTs dispersed in culture media and SWNTs wrapped with different fluorescently labelled peptide (FLP-SWNTs) on Chinese hamster ovary (CHO)cells andSWNTs attached with anti-cancer drug on two common cancerous cell lines, human epithelial carcinomacellline(HeLa)andcolorectalcancercelllines(WiDr). POSTER: BC-03 1 1, 2, Jin Chen *, Shimin Le Walter J. Chazin and Jie Yan 1 NationalUniversityofSingapore,Singapore 2 VanderbiltUniversity,USA 1 Zinc Induce RPA And ssDNA Complex Into a Stiff And Stable Structure That Cannot Form In Its Absence The replication protein A (RPA) is a eukaryotic ssDNA binding protein that has essential biological functions in cellular metabolism such as DNA replication and DNA damage repair. RPAconsists of threesubunits:RPA70, RPA32 and RPA14, and each of them is made up of several subdomains. Previous biochemicalstudiessuggestedthatthesequentialengagementof RPAwithssDNAinvolvessequentialengagementofsubdomains, which often yield several binding mode. We use magnetic tweezers to study the dynamic binding activity of RPA to single ssDNA. It is found that RPA‟s initial engagement with ssDNA marked by a sudden increase of ssDNA extension before steady state,whichprovidemore detailedinformationabouttherealtime interaction between RPA and long ssDNA. In addition, RPA contains a zinc-binding motif in its biggest subunit RPA70C. But theroleofzinc-binding motif in RPA‟s sequential binding to ssDNA hasnotbeenexaminedbefore.Usingmechanicalmanipulationof ssDNA,wefoundthatzincdrivetheformationofasuperstiffand stable RPA-ssDNA complex that cannot form in its absence. Besides,thestiff RPA-ssDNAcomplex result from zinccan resist digestion by Dnase to an extentmuch higher than that formed in zinc free condition. In this sense, a physiological significance of zinc on RPA‟s function is highlighted. POSTER: BC-04 Juan Cheng*, Sarangapani Sreelatha, Ruizheng Hou, Artem Efremov, Ruchuan Liu, Johan R. C. van der Maarel, and Zhisong Wang NationalUniversityofSingapore,Singapore Bipedal Nanowalker by Pure Physical Mechanisms Artificial nanowalkers are inspired by biomolecular counterparts from living cells, but remain far from comparable to the latter in design principles. The walkers reported to date mostly rely on chemical mechanisms to gain a direction; they all produce chemical wastes. Here we report a light-powered DNA bipedal walker based on a design principle derived from cellular walkers. Thewalkerhastwoidenticalfeetandthetrackhasequalbinding sites; yet the walker gains a direction by pure physical mechanisms that autonomously amplify an intrasite asymmetry intoaratcheteffect.Thenanowalkerisfreeofanychemicalwaste. It hasadistinctthermodynamicfeaturethatitpossessesthesame equilibrium before and after operation, but generates a truly nonequilibrium distribution during operation. The demonstrated design principle exploits mechanical effects and is adaptable for useinothernanomachines. POSTER: BC-05 6) Reimann, P. Brownian Motors: Noisy Transport Far from Equilibrium.Phys.Rep.2002,361,57–265. Juan Cheng*, Sarangapani Sreelatha, Long-Ying Loh, Ruizheng Hou, Zhisong Wang NationalUniversityofSingapore,Singapore 7)Howard,J.Protein PowerStrokes.Curr.Biol.2006,16,R517– R519. Autonomous Artificial Nanomotor Integrating Ratchet and Power Stroke for Efficient Utilization of Single Fuel Molecules Nanoscalemotorshavethepotentialtoutilizeorconvertenergyby extremeefficiency,whichhasimplicationsfornanotechnologyand energytechnology.Aviableroutetowardsefficientnanomotorsis to integrate ratchet-like and power stroke-like effects for complementary production of a motor‟s directional output. We demonstrate an autonomous nanowalker that couples the two effectstoits fuel consumptioncycle in astep,controlledmanner, thereby effectively channels the chemical energy of a single fuel molecule into productive directional motion before its decay into random heat. Were either effect impaired, more fuels must be consumed per productive output. Implementing both ratchet and power stroke mechanically, this rationally designed system provides clues on how purely mechanical effects enable efficient chemicalenergyutilizationatthesingle-moleculelevel. POSTER: BC-06 Meihan Liu* 1, Ruizheng Hou 1, Juan Cheng 1, Long Ying Loh 1, Sarangapani Sreelatha 1, Ju Nie Tey 2, Jun Wei 2, Zhisong Wang 1 1 NationalUniversityofSingapore,Singapore 2 SingaporeInstituteofManufacturingTechnology,Singapore Autonomous Synergic Control of Nanomotors Artificial nanomotors are inspired by biomolecular counterparts fromlivingcells.Thesebiomotorsworkinginaliquidenvironment withlargethermalfluctuations,theyconsumechemicalenergyand convert it into directional motion or mechanical work. Bipedal biomotors, such as Myosin V 1and Kinesin-1 2, can achieve 60%~70% efficiency(references), which is more than twice as efficientasman-madegasolineengines3. Theeffectivecontroloverthebiomotorsisthekeytoachievehigh efficiency. Biological nanomotors often combine a ratchet-like passivecontrol4-10withapower-stroke-likeactivecontrol5,7-9,1113tocomplementarilysuppressnonproductivechannel(futilestep) and counter-productive channel (backward step) . This synergic active-plus-passive control is critical to efficient utilization of energy.14 It remains a challenge to integrate the two differing types of control in rationally designed nanomotor systems. Recently a light-powered track-walking DNA nanomotor was developed from a bioinspired design principle9 that has the potentialtointegratebothcontrols.15 However, it is difficult to separate experimental signals for either controlduetoatightcouplingofbothcontrols.Herewepresenta systematic study of the motor and its derivatives using light operations.Theexperimentaldatasuggestthatthemotorachieves the two controls autonomously through a mechanics-mediated symmetrybreaking,inawaysimilartobiologicalnanomotors.This study presents an experimental validation for the bioinspired design principle of mechanical breaking of symmetry for synergic ratchet-plus-powerstrokecontrol. 8)Wang,Z.S.;Feng,M.;Zheng,W.W.;Fan,D.G.KinesinIsan Evolutionarily Fine-Tuned Molecular Ratchet-and-Pawl Device of DecisivelyLockedDirectionality.Biophys.J.2007,93,3363–3372. 9) Wang, Z. S. Synergic Mechanism and Fabrication Target for Bipedal Nanomotors. Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. U.S.A. 2007, 104, 17921–17926. 10)Gennerich,A.;Vale,R.D.WalkingtheWalk:HowKinesinand Dynein Coordinate Their Steps. Curr. Opin. Cell Biol. 2009, 21, 59–67. 11)Fox,R.F.RectifiedBrownianMovementinMolecularandCell Biology.Phys.Rev.1998,E57,2177–2203. 12) Vale, R. D.; Milligan, R. A. The Way Things Move: Looking under the Hood of Molecular Motor Proteins. Science 2000, 288, 88–95. 13) Mather, W. H.; Fox, R. F. Kinesin's Biased Stepping Mechanism: Amplification of Neck Linker Zippering. Biophys. J. 2006,91,2416–2426. 14) Efremov, A.; Wang, Z. S. Maximum Directionality and SystematicClassificationofMolecularMotors.Phys.Chem.Chem. Phys.2011,13,5159–5170. 15) Cheng, J.; Sreelatha, S.; Hou, R. Z.; Efremov, A.; Liu, R. C.; van der Maarel, J. R.; Wang, Z. S. Bipedal Nanowalker by Pure PhysicalMechanisms.Phys.Rev.Lett.2012,109,238104. POSTER: BC-07 Long-Ying Loh*, Juan Cheng, Artem Efremov, Zhisong Wang NationalUniversityofSingapore,Singapore A Modular Track-Walking Nanomotor Motor proteins like kinesins, dyneins, and myosins, drive many biological processes such as intracellular organelle transport, cell division, and muscle contraction. This class of molecular motors are nanomotors that bind to and walk along specific tracks, converting chemical energy to perform mechanical work. Artificial nanomotors are largely inspired by these biological counterparts and are among the most sophisticated man-made nanomachines. However, all track-walking nanomotors reported to date tend to havemovementdrivenbyasinglemolecularpart,performingboth engine-like energy-consuming switching and wheel-like binding. This contrastswithmacroscopicmotorssuchasmoderncars,with separated engine and wheels. Modular design concept used in macroscopicmotorscouldintegrateexistingsimplernano-devices with either „engine‟ or „wheels‟ function into a self-directed nanomotor.Hereweproposeageneraldesignprincipleofmodular nanomotors and present an experimental proof of concept by implementing a light-responsivebipedalDNAnanomotor. References: 1) Cappello G, et al., “ Myosin V stepping mechanism”. Proc Natl AcadSciUSA,104(39):15328–15333,(2007). 2) Carter, N.J. and R.A. Cross, “ Mechanics of the kinesin step”. Nature,435(7040):p.308-312,(2005). 3) 4) Astumian, R. D. Thermodynamics and Kinetics of a Brownian Motor.Science1997,276,917–922. 5) Oster, G.; Wang, H. Reverse Engineering a Protein: The MechanochemistryofATPSynthase.Biochim.Biophys.Acta2000, 1458,482–510. The 8th OCPA International Conference on Physics Education and Frontier Physics | 79 POSTER: BC-08 James A. K. Tan NgeeAnnPolytechnic,Singapore The Geno-Pheno Duality of Biophysics and Beyond In the context of physics in general and cosmology in particular, the author has proposed and discussed, in [1], the concept of MESTIFandtheintegrativeandmutual-influencecharacteristicof Mass-Energy(ME),Space-Time(ST)andInformationField(IF).In thatpaper,IFhasbeendefinedasthesystemoftheorganization and process of potential events. In the physical perspective, IF defineshowMESTisorwillbeorganizedandexpressed.Physical laws which are often represented with equations such as E=mc2 and F=mdv/dt+vdm/dt are representations of IF. That is, IF providesthebasisofhowMESTisorganisedanddevelopedinan integrativeconstrual. In this paper, MESTIF is discussed from the perspective of genetics, in which the DNA sequence (the genotype) is the blueprint that controls the gene expression (the phenotype). The objectives of this paper are to understand the integrative and mutual-influence (here, the term duality is used to represent this relation)ofgenotypeandphenotype(theGeno-PhenoDuality),the constant changes and interchanges that are inherent in GenoPheno Duality, and to study the extension of the Geno-Pheno Dualityintothenon-organicpartsofthemultiverse. Thestudyoftheinterlink andmutual-influencebehaviourbetween genotype and phenotype has been carried out for some time. Ridley [2] uses the term “nature via nurture” as the title of his book to imply that “genotype tells phenotype how to form, and phenotype tells genotype how to reform”. Clearly, genotype is a kind of IF and phenotype is category of MEST. Variation in genotype is a natural process in evolution, in Darwin‟s natural selectiontenet.Afishproducesthousandsofeggsthatmanyturn into offspring, i.e. small fish, with slight variation between all of them,andsomefinallysurviveandcontinuethegenerationalcycle by producing their own offspring, and so on. The environment affectsthesurvivalofthephenotype.Thoseoffspringthatsurvive certainly provide “feedback”, in probabilistic and experimental manner, to the genotype for continual changes to face the subsequent round of uncertain challenges in the future environment. It is experimental and trial-and-errorprocess,butthe Geno-Phenointer-influenceisintimateandcloselyknit. TheGeno-PhenoDualityimpliesthatwhenwestudyphenotype(a kind of MEST), we need to concurrently analyse the genotype (a typeofIF),andvice-versa.GenotypeasIFcontainstheplanand intent,andphenotypeasMESTrepresentstheeventandoutcome. The paper will also discuss the implication of the Geno-Pheno Duality vis-à-vis MESTIF from the viewpoint of on non-organic systems,withparticularemphasisondeterminism-uncertaintythat isobservableinmanyeventsinthemultiverse. 1) Tan, James A.K. (2013), MESTIF – A Study Of The Characteristics of Matter-Energy, Space-Time and InformationField, Conference in Honour of the 90th Birthday of Freeman Dyson,NTU,Singapore,26-29August2013. 2) Ridley, Matt (2004), Nature Via Nurture – Genes, Experience andWhatMakesUsHuman,HarperPerennial,London. POSTER: BC-09 Jian-Qiang Zhong 1*, Xinming Qin 2, Jia-Lin Zhang 1, Satoshi Kera 3, Nobuo Ueno 3, Andrew Thye Shen Wee 1, Jinlong Yang 2, and Wei Chen 1 1 NationalUniversityofSingapore,Singapore 2 UniversityofScience&TechnologyofChina,China 3 ChibaUniversity,Japan Energy Level Realignment in Weakly Interacting DonorAcceptor Binary Molecular Networks Understandingtheeffectofintermolecularandmolecule-substrate interactions on molecular electronic states is key to revealing the energy level alignment mechanism at organic-organic 80 | The 8th OCPA International Conference on Physics Education and Frontier Physics heterojunctions or organic-inorganic interfaces. In this paper, we investigate the energy level alignment mechanism in weakly interacting donor-acceptor binary molecular superstructures, comprising copper hexadecafluorophthalocyanine (F16CuPc) and copper phthalocyanine (CuPc), or manganese phthalocynine (MnPc)ongraphite.Themolecularelectronicstructureshavebeen systematically studied by in-situ ultraviolet photoelectron spectroscopy (UPS), low-temperature scanning tunneling microscopy/spectroscopy (LT-STM/STS) experiments and corroborated by density functional theory (DFT) calculations. As demonstrated in the UPS and LT-STM/STS measurements, the observedunusualenergylevelrealignment(i.e.,alargedownward shiftinthedonorHOMOlevelandacorrespondingsmallupward in the acceptor HOMO level) in the CuPc-F16CuPc binary superstructures originate from the balance in intermolecular and molecule-substrate interactions. The enhanced intermolecular interactions through the hydrogen bonding between neighboring CuPc and F16CuPc can stabilize the binary superstructures and modify the local molecular electronic states. The obvious molecularenergylevelshiftwasexplainedbygapstatesmediated ininterfacialchargetransfer. Reference: J.Q.Zhong,X.M.Qin,J.L.Zhang,S.Kera,N.Ueno,A.T.S.Wee, J.L.Yang,W.Chen,ACSNano,8,5941-5951(2014) POSTER: BC-10 Computational and Mathematical Physics POSTER: CP-01 *Li Chen, Z. F. Wang, and Feng Liu LinyiUniversity,China Robustness of two-dimensional topological insulator states in bilayer bismuth against strain and electrical field Using first-principles and Wannier function methods, we systematically calculate the electronic band structure and topologicaledgestatesofsinglebilayerBi(111)film(BL-Bi)asa functionofstrainandperpendicularelectricfieldtoinvestigatethe effectsinducedbylatticemismatchandinterfacialchargetransfer whenBL-Biisepitaxiallygrownonasubstrate.Wefound that the BL-Biremainswithafinitebandgapandanontrivialbandtopology for strains up to ±6% and electric fields up to 0.8 eV/A°. This indicates that the BL-Bi is a robust two-dimensional topological insulatoragainststrainandelectricalfieldon asubstrate. POSTER: CP-02 Zhensheng Zhong*, Lai Huat Soh, and Gang Chen NanyangTechnologicalUniversity,Singapore Farica E. Yosafat*, Ivonne M. Radjawane, Totok Suprijo 1)ParahyanganCatholicUniversity,Indonesia 2)InstitutTeknologiBandung,Indonesia Unravelling the Stabilizing Effect of a U∙U pair in an RNA by Mechanical Force Simulation of Marine Debris Drift on Bali Strait Using Particle Trajectory Model Watson-Crick base pairs are the major component of double helical structures in RNA; their structures and stabilities are well understood. Non-Watson-Crick base pairs are less well characterized, despite the fact that they are critical in (de)stabilizing RNA secondary structures, shaping RNA into complex tertiarystructures, and providing unique local and global structures for ligand binding. Here, we used opticaltweezers and to study the contribution of U∙U and U∙C pairs in an internal loop to the mechanical folding energy landscape of a hairpin in human telomerase RNA. Our single-molecule mechanical unfolding studies show that a U∙U mismatch is more stable than a U∙C mismatch, consistent with our ensemble thermal melting studies. The U∙U to U∙C mutation, which disrupts one hydrogenbondand is located 6 Watson-Crick base pairs away from theterminal end of the hairpin, lowers the mechanical unfolding energy barrier allosterically (by lowering the unfolding force by ~1 picoNewton (pN) per mutation) without affecting the unfolding transition state position. Themechanical folding transitionstate position fromthe moves towards the fully folded hairpin structure upon U∙U to U∙C mutation, suggests a 13-nucleotide misfolded state exists for the mechanical folding of the hairpins. Thus, a conservative single mutation within a non-Watson-Crick region may affect RNA stabilityandbiologicalfunctionsinvolvingRNA(un)folding. Particletrajectorymodelwasutilizedtosimulateseasonalmarine debrisdriftonBaliStraitandtopredictsource(s)ofthedebristhat stranded on Kuta Beach Bali. Simulations were conducted along northwest monsoon season from 1 December 2011 to 31 March 2012. POSTER: BC-11 Zicong Zhou TamkangUniversity,Taiwan Multiple-step discontinuous transitions in extension for an intrinsically curved semiflexible biopolymer We study the effect of an intrinsic curvature on the mechanical property of two-dimensional semiflexible biopolymers. We show exactly that in the ground state the extension of an intrinsically curved semiflexible biopolymer of finite length can undergo a multiple-stepdiscontinuoustransitionregardlessofbendingrigidity. Thetransitionisaccompaniedbyunwindingloops,andthecritical force reaches a limit quickly with decreasing number of loops so that, in the experiment, it is possible to observe the almost simultaneousopeningofseveralloops. 3)KersonHuang,ChiXiong,XiaofeiZhao,Scalar-FieldTheoryof Dark Matter, International Journal of Modern Physics A, Vol. 29 (2014) Two scenarios have been simulated based on Euler-Lagrangian equation. Twelve particles were released continuously from the sources, which were assumed as rivers/waterways facing Bali Strait.Inthesecondscenario,adispersiontermwasintroducedto the equation to allow particles to drift with higher degree of freedom. Analysisofmodeloutputsuggestedthatmarinedebrisstrandedat Kuta Beach Bali are more likely from Bali Island itself, especially fromBadungandTabananareas. POSTER: CP-03 Yulong Guo SouthChinaUniversityofTechnology,China Lattice Boltzmann Method Applied in Superfluid Universe Simulation The Lattice Boltzmann method is an emerging computational approach to solving many PDE systems, such as the NavierStokes equation for fluid dynamics, the wave equation for wave propagation,andtheNonlinearSchrodingerequationforquantum mechanics. A theory for superfluid universe has been formulated under a nonlinearKlein-Gordon equation that is verysuited to be solved by the Lattice Boltzmann method. In this work, the simulationiscarriedoutbyLatticeBoltzmannmethod,whichisat the same time compared to finite difference solutions, showing great consistency. References: 1) Yan Guangwu, A Lattice Boltzmann Equation for Waves, JournalofComputationalPhysics161,61-69(2000) 2)JianyingZhang,GuangwuYan,LatticeBoltzmannModelforthe Complex Ginzburg-Landau Equation, Physical Review E 81, 066705(2010) POSTER: CP-04 Syailendra Harahap SuryaUniversity,Indonesia Outdoor Riffle Simulator for SS1 & SS2 Using Infrared LASER Shootingisoneofthebasicskillinarmy.Theonlywaytomaintain shootingskillandaccuracyisbyshootingtraining.Therearesome problem in shooting training, such as safety and limitation of ammunition.Tosolvethisproblem,Idevelopedshootingsimulator using infrared LASER on a riffle (replica) for aiming and pulling trigger training. The LASER used for replace ammunition. I use micro controller for transmit the LASER with unique ID, so each riffle will have different ID. On receiver I use micro controller, infrared receiver and a modified android camera for receive LASER coordinate and riffle's ID on the target. The ID and coordinate will be processed in computer using software for calculating ballistic and other calculations and the result will be displayedoncomputer.Iusetheactualtargetforshootingtraining and only add some marking points for calibration for modified android camera. This simulator is designed for "SS1" and "SS2" riffle for indoor and outdoor use with actual target distance for shooting training. POSTER: CP-05 Hui Jiang, Christian Kloc NanyangTechnologicalUniversity,Singapore Single-Crystal Growth of Organic Semicondutcors Organic single crystals have been widely investigated in recent years due to the wide spread expectation that the transport properties measured on single crystals present the intrinsic properties of organic semiconductors. The single-crystal growth methods of organic semiconductors are discussed in our studies. Organic small molecules, such as anthracene, tetracene, pentacene, rubrene, perylene, fluorinated metal phthalocyanine, etc.,areselectedforcrystalgrowth.Organicsingle crystals charge transfer compounds with forms of one-dimensional micro/nanowires, two-dimensional platelets and three-dimensional cubesarealsosynthesizedbybothsolutionmethodandphysical vapor transport method. Field-effect transistors (FETs) based on organic single crystals arefabricated and highmobility of upto 1 cm2V-1s-1 can be obtained. Some potential applications like phototransistors and gassensordevices based on organicsingle crystalFETsarealsointroduced. POSTER: CP-06 Lilik Hasanah*, Yuyu Rahmat Tayubi, Endi Suhendi and Budi Mulyanti IndonesiaUniversityofEducation,Indonesia Tunneling Current for Simple MOS Structure of n+ Poli Si/SiO2/p-Si (100) as Anisotropic Material Simulationoftunnelingcurrentinn+poliSi/SiO2/p-Si(100)simple MOSstructurebytreatingSiasanisotropicmaterialisdoneinthis research. The calculation is done by including the effect of couplingofparallel-perpendicularkineticenergy.Theresultshows thattunnelingcurrent-voltage(IV)characteristicsissensitivetothe value of electron velocity. Tunneling current tends to decrease when the thickness of SiO2 is increased. The result is then compared with the calculation in which Si is treated as isotropic material. Fitting with experimental data proves that the result of calculationusinganisotropicmaterialassumptionissimilarwiththe data in high oxide voltage. In contrary, in low oxide voltage, the The 8th OCPA International Conference on Physics Education and Frontier Physics | 81 result of calculation using isotropic material assumption is similar withthedata. Condensed Matter and Materials Sciences POSTER: CP-07 POSTER: CM-01 Linfeng Sun , Zexiang Shen NanyangTechnologicalUniversity,Singapore A. Purwanto*, A. Fajar, H. Mugirahardjo, J. W. Fergus, K. Wang 1)SuryaCollegeofEducation,Indonesia 2)NationalNuclearEnergyAgency,Indonesia 3)AuburnUniversity,USA Probing the Spin-orbit Splitting in Single Layer MoS2 by Triply Resonant Raman Scattering Thoughthegiantspin-orbitsplittingofsingle-layerMoS2hasbeen proposed, such splitting has not been studied effectively in experiments. This Letter reports the valence band spin-orbit splitting in single-layerMoS2 firstly, probed by the triply resonant Raman scattering process. We found that upon 325 nm laser irradiation, the second order overtone and combination Raman modes of single-layer MoS2 are dramatically enhanced. Such resonant Raman enhancement arises from the electron-twophonontripleresonanceviathedeformationpotentialandFrohlich interaction. As a sensitive and precise probe for the spin-orbit splitting, the triply resonant Raman scattering will provide a new andindependentroutetostudythespincharacteristicsofMoS2. POSTER: CP-08 Jiaxu Yan*, Lei Liu, Jer-Lai Kuo, Zexiang Shen NanyangTechnologicalUniversity,Singapore Huge Excitonic Effects in a-MoO3: From Bulk to Monolayer Although a-MoO3 has been found widespread use in solid state microbatteries and heterogeneous catalysis, its electronic and particularly optical properties still have not been well established. The resulting computed in-plane polarized optical spectrum, obtained by solving the Bethe-Salpeter equation for many-body Greenfunction,isinexcellentagreementwithexperimentandhas astronganisotropy.Adetailedanalysisoftheexcitonicstructures within the band gap shows strong excitonic effects with a significantly large binding energyassignedtothe bound excitons. This provides an explanation for the observed „‟optical gap‟‟ contradictionsbetweenexperimentsandtheories. Possible Magnetic Structures on Mn0.76 Co0.58 Cr1.66 O4 Westudythemagneticstructureof Mn0.76 Co0.58 Cr1.66 O4 at 26K.Theroomtemperatureand26Kmagneticneutrondiffraction was conducted at the Neutron Scattering Laboratory, Indonesia. The crystallographic structure is based on the room temperature data which was published elsewhere. It crystallizes in the cubic spinel F d -3 m space group. At 26K, the magnetic contributions canbeindexedas(111),(220),(331)and(422)inthecubiccrystal system belonging to the parent phase. The last three reflections are pure magnetic contributions. We used the representation theorytodeducepossiblemagneticstructureswithzeromagnetic propagationvector.Aquickinspectionbasedonthemodelandthe magnetic structure factor to exclude some configurations is discussed. POSTER: CM-02 Wei-Cheng Wang 1,2, Peranders Glans 2, Jinghua Guo 2 ShihYun Chen 3, Ren-Jie Chen 3,4, Kang-Wei Fong 3 ,Chi-Liang Chen 5, Ting-Shan Chan 4 ,Ching-Lin Chang*1,Chung-Li Dong 4, Alexandre Gloter 6 , Jin-Ming Chen 4 , Jhy-Fu Lee 4 1 TamkangUniversity,Taiwan 2 LawrenceBerkeleyNationalLaboratory,USA 3 NationalTaiwanUniversityofScienceandTechnology,Taiwan 4 NationalSynchrotronRadiationResearchCenter,Taiwan 5 AcademiaSinica,Taiwan 6 UniversityofParisSud,France Effect of Fe Doping on Electronic and Magnetic Properties of Room Temperature Ferromagnetic CeO2 Nanocrystals This study reports the electronic structure of Fe doped CeO2 nanoparties (NPs) determined by coupled X-ray absorption spectroscopy (XAS)andX-rayemissionspectroscopy(XES).The oxygen K-edge shows the feature-rich spectra due to the hybridization of cerium 4f5d-oxygen 2p states and these fine structuresareverysensitivetotheoxidationstateandarestrongly dependent on the concentration of Fe doping. The change of charge state upon doping observed from O K-edge is consistent with that observed from the Ce M4, 5-edges. Moreover, the concentrationoftheCe3+/Ce4+canbeestimatedfromtheCeM4, 5-edges. The oxygen vacancies canbeinducedbytheFedoping. BycomparethelocalelectronicstructurearoundCesiteandthat aroundFesite,thechargetransferbetweenFeandCeisrevealed. Thebandgapisdeterminedbythecombinedabsorption-emission spectrum. Furthermore, the defect structure is crucial in the occurrenceofthemagnetismintheseNPs. POSTER: CM-03 Po-Tuan Chen*, Chia-Liang Sun, and Michitoshi Hayashi NationalTaiwanUniversity,Taiwan Theoretical Calculations of Edge Effects for O2 Adsorption and Dissociation on N-Doped Graphene Ribbons We have performed the calculations of O2 and dissociated O2 adsorbing on N-doped graphene nanoribbon (NGNRs) models using density functional theory to elucidatethe origin of oxidation reduction reactions of NGNRs. Our experimental X-ray photoelectron spectroscopy analysis suggests that the pyridinictype N dopants play the major function of ORR in NGNR 82 | The 8th OCPA International Conference on Physics Education and Frontier Physics electrodes. In addition, the pyridinic-type N dopants can be containedinpyridine,pyridinium,orN inthegraphenesheetwitha nearbyvacancy(NV)models.Thus,thesignificantN-dopedribbon models were constructed within 1D periodic boundary condition, andwecouldtheoreticallyexaminetheORRpropertiesnaivelyat zigzagedge(Z)orarmchairedge(A).Z-pyridineisexothermalfor dissociated O2 adsorbing, while Z-pyridinium is endothermal for dissociated O2 adsorbing. A-pyridine is poor for dissociated O2 adsorbing, and dissociated O2 can be thermally preferable adsorbing on A-pyridinium. Interestingly, both of Z-NV and A-NV display the strongest adsorption abilities. The NV models can be themostpotentialcandidateforORRapplication. POSTER: CM-04 Chunxiao CONG*, Ting YU NanyangTechnologicalUniversity,Singapore Resonant Low Frequency Interlayer Shear Modes in Folded Graphene Layers Few-layer graphene (FLG) has attracted tremendous attention owingtoitsexceptionalelectronicpropertiesinheritedfromsingle layer graphene (SLG) and new features led by introducing extra freedoms like interlayer stacking sequences or rotations. Effectively probing interlayer shear modes are critical for thoroughlyunravellingmechanicalandelectricalpropertiesofFLG and further develop its practical potential. Unfortunately, shear modes areextremelyweakandalmostfullyblockedbyaRayleigh rejecter in Raman measurements. This greatly hinders investigations of shear modes in FLG. Here, we demonstrate dramatically enhancing of shear modes by properly folding FLG. Asadirectbenefitof thestrongsignal,enhancementmechanism, vibrationalsymmetry,anharmonicityandelectron-phononcoupling of the shear modes are uncovered through studies of Raman mapping, polarization- and temperature-dependent Raman spectroscopy.Thisworkcomplements Ramanstudiesofgraphene layers, and paves an efficient way to exploit low frequency shear modesofFLGandothertwo-dimensional layered materials. POSTER: CM-05 W. L. Gan*, I. S. Kerk, D. W. Wong, W. S. Lew Nanyang Technological University 2D Transport of Superparamagnetic Microbeads on a Ferromagnetic Hexagonal Nanolattice Surface-functionalized superparamagnetic (SPM) beads have beenwidelyusedtodetectandmanipulatechemicalandbiological agentsinlab-on-a-chip systems. Recently,ithasbeenshownthat byexploitingthestrayfieldgeneratedbydomainwallsinmagnetic nanostructures,itispossibletocaptureandcoupleaSPMbeadto adomainwall.Tostorethecapturedbead,thedomainwallscan be pinned by fabricating geometrical defects on the nanotracks. Furthermore, the position of the coupled SPM bead can be pinpointedbymeasuringthemagnetoresistanceacrossnanotrack sections. However, studies on such systems have so far been limitedto1Dtransport. In this work, we develop a novel structure to manipulate SPM beads across a substrate surface. While domain wall trajectory under a constant field has been well studied, we found that by applying a biasfield in the direction of a branch,the domain wall canbeforcedtopropagateinthedirectionoftheselectedbranch. Replicatingthestructureintoalatticeof120°Y-branchessimilarto ahoneycombpattern,wecanfinallyshuttletheSPMbeadsacross a 2D surface. To verify the simulation results, the lattice was fabricated using a combination of electron beam lithography and magnetronsputtering.Toincreasethepinningforceexertedbythe domain wall on the SPM bead, we also studied the effects of applyingamagneticfieldperpendiculartothelatticeplane. The 8th OCPA International Conference on Physics Education and Frontier Physics | 83 POSTER: CM-06 POSTER: CM-09 Jian-Feng Ge*, Zhi-Long Liu, Canhua Liu, Chun-Lei Gao, Dong Qian, Qi-Kun Xue, Ying Liu, Jin-Feng Jia 1)ShanghaiJiaoTongUniversity,China 2)TsinghuaUniversity,China 3)PennsylvaniaStateUniversity,USA Lunhui Hu*, Yi Zhou, Fuchun Zhang ZhejiangUniversity,China Superconductivity in Single-Layer Films of FeSe on SrTiO3 with a Transition Temperature above 100K We report in situ 4-point probe (4PP) measurements of singlelayerfilmsofFeSegrownonconductingNb-dopedSrTiO3(001)by molecular beam epitaxy (MBE) that were found recently to show interface enhanced superconductivity marked by a large superconducting energy gap indicating a superconducting transition temperature (Tc) higher than that of bulk FeSe or any Fe-based superconductors. Using the 4PP technique we demonstrated the occurrence of superconductivity in the singlelayerFeSeatatemperatureashighas109K. POSTER: CM-07 Huang Han 1*, Wan Wen1 , Li Hui 2, Wong Swee Liang 3, Gao Yongli 1, Andrew Thye Shen Wee 3 1 TheCentralSouthUniversity,China 2 ChineseAcademyofSciences,China 3 NationalUniversityofSingapore,Singapore Incorporating isolated molybdenum (Mo) atoms into Bilayer Epitaxial Graphene on 4H-SiC(0001) The atomic structures and electronic properties of isolated Mo atoms in bilayer epitaxial graphene (BLEG) on 4H-SiC(0001) are investigated by low temperature scanning tunneling microscopy (LT-STM). LT-STM results reveal that isolated Mo dopants prefer to substitute C atoms at α-sites,andpreferentiallylocatebetween thegraphenebilayers.First-principlescalculationsconfirmthatthe embedding of single Mo dopants within BLEG is energetically favorable as compared to monolayer graphene. The calculated bandstructures show that Mo-doped BLEG is n-doped, and each Mo atom introduces a local magnetic moment of 1.81 μB. Our findings demonstrate a simple and stable method to incorporate singletransitionmetaldopantsintothegraphenelatticetotuneits electronic and magnetic properties for possible use in graphene spin devices. Numerical Study of Majorana Zero Mode We show that a thin film with spin-orbit coupling can be in a quantum topologically ordered state, supporting exotic Majorana zeromode.ThekeytoMajoranazeromodeisthecoexistenceof spin-orbit coupling with proximity-induced s-wave superconductivity. We consider the Hamiltonian under sphere symmetry,andcalculatetheeigenvalues,wavefunctionsforzero mode,andthelocaldensityofstates.Then,wearguethatwemay findMajoranazeromodeinsuchmodeanddiscussthefinite-size effect. POSTER: CM-10 Che-Wei Huang*; Tien-Tien Yeh, Hsuan-Yin Chen, Y.F. Chiang, J.C.A. Huang, Chih-Wei Luo, Chao-Kuei Lee 1)NationalSunYat-senUniversity,Taiwan 2)NationalChiaoTungUniversity,Taiwan 3)NationalChengKungUniversity,Taiwan Ultrafast Dynamics Investigation of MBE Growth Bi2Se3 Films Using Femtosecond Pump-Probe Measurement Inthiswork,ultrafastdynamicsofMBEgrowthtopologicalinsulator Bi2Se3 films were investigated using femtosecond pump probe measurement.Roleofbulk state(BS)andsurfacestate(SS)were observed clearly and discussed. Compared to relaxation time of around 1.7ps with 800nm probe beam, longer relaxation time ranging from 2ps to 4ps with increasing pump power is investigatedwith12.29umMIRprobebeam. Inter-valley scattering ofexcitedcarrierwhichisfrombulkstateonlyisobservedforMIR probebeam. POSTER: CM-11 Jeil Jung1*, Ashley DaSilva2, Allan H. MacDonald2, Shaffique Adam1 1 NationalUniversityofSingapore,Singapore 2 TheUniversityofAustinatTexas,USA POSTER: CM-08 Origin of Band Gaps in Graphene on Hexagonal Boron Nitride Xu He InstituteofMaterialResearchandEngineering,Singapore Band gaps have recently been observed in graphene on hexagonal boron nitride. Existing models for the interaction between graphene and boron nitride substrate are unable to account for this insulating phase. Motivated by very recent experimental data observing bond distortion of graphene on a boron nitride substrate, we present a new mechanism for which band gaps can be induced due to strains in graphene on hexagonal boron nitride. Using an electronic structure model applied for distorted lattices obtained from Born-von Karman elasticity theory we show that sizeable band gaps in the order of tensofmeVcanopeninthelimitoflongmoireperiods. Thin Broadband Terahertz Metamaterial Absorber A broadband terahertz (THz) metamaterial absorber (MA) with polarization-independence in x, y directions is modeled and investigated using CST Studio Suite. Its three-layer-structure designiscomposedofanickelgroundplane,apatternofsquare nickelpillar,andanN-typedopedsiliconspacerlayerinbetween. The dielectric constant ε of the spacerlayeriscalculatedfromthe transmittance in the frequency range of 1.5-7 THz of the N-type doped silicon sample, measured with a Time-Domain-Sampling spectroscopy system. By optimizing the parameters of the broadband MA through simulation, asuper broadband absorption bandwidth covering over 5 THz frequency range with absorbance over 60% is obtained. The bandwidth of the THz MA is much broaderthanthatofthosepublisheduptodate.Thetotalthickness of the absorber is less than 14 μm. The super broadbandMAcan be realized by using typical patterning and fabricating techniques includingmetaldeposition,sputteringdeposition,photolithography, electrolysis and ion milling. 84 | The 8th OCPA International Conference on Physics Education and Frontier Physics POSTER: CM-12 Ke WU, Guanggeng YAO, Wentao XU, Ziyu LUO, Wei CHEN, Andrew WEE, Xue-Sen WANG NationalUniversityofSingapore,Singapore Hydrogenation on Bi(111) Thin Films First-principles calculations predict 2D topological insulators such asBiH withextraordinarilylargebulkgaps(ZhigangSong,etal.). SoBiHthinfilmcanbetakenasagoodcandidatetoachieve2D TI. Basedonthis,wecarriedouthydrogenationon10bilayerBi(111) prepared on Si 7×7 in UHV STM system. Hydrogenation induces bucklingwithslightchangeofthelatticeofBi(111).Thebuckling, whose height differenceis at therange of ~0.3 nm, influencethe electronic structure of Bi(111). dI/dV spectrum experiments revealed that the lower regions of the buckling morphology show largerDOSatabout40meVwhilethehigherregionsbearlarger DOSatabout-40meV. POSTER: CM-13 Keola Wierschem*, Pinaki Sengupta NanyangTechnologicalUniversity,Singapore Quenching the Haldane Gap in Spin-1 Heisenberg Antiferromagnets We consider a quasi-one-dimensional system of spin-1 Heisenberg antiferromagnetic chains in 2D and 3D hypercubic latticeswithinterchaincouplingJanduniaxialsingle-ion anisotropy D. Using large scale numerical simulations, we map out the J--D phase diagram and investigate the low lying excitations of the Haldane phase in the weak coupling limit (small J). Through calculation of the newly proposed strange correlator, we provide direct evidence that the Haldane phase remains a non-trivial symmetryprotectedtopologicalstateforsmallbutfiniteinterchain coupling. POSTER: CM-14 Bo-Tsang Chen, Wei-Chen Tien, Wun-Long Yen, Yi-Jen Chiu, Ann-Kuo Chu, Chao-Kuei Lee* NationalSunYat-SenUniversity,Taiwan High Optical Quality Tantalum Pentoxide Thin Film Fabrication By Magnetron Sputter System Using RF reactive magnetron sputtering, high optical quality Ta2O5 thin film was grown and analyzed. The optimized surface roughnessaslowas0.12nmwasobtainedasannealingwiththree hours attemperature of 650C. In addition, ultra-low crack density indicatesthatthepropagationlossaslowas1dB/cmisexpectable. Thisrevealsthepotentialforphotoniccircuit. be induced and tuned by breaking the inversion symmetry of the two layers. Indeed, the interlayer asymmetry, which doesn‟t exist in monolayer graphene, between the on-site energies in two layers canleadtoasignificantmodificationofthebandstructureBLG.In this work, magnetopolariton in BLG is theoretically investigated withtheconsiderationoftheinfluenceofasymmetrybetweenonsite energies in the two layers of BLG. The results show that an ultrastronglight-mattercouplingregimecanbeachievedinahigh fillingfactorandasymmetryhasastrongeffectonit.AlthoughBLG in the low energy regime and semiconductor have a similar quadraticdispersionofquasiparticles,aremarkablydifferentcavity quantumelectrodynamics(QED)effectoccursinBLG.Inparticular, a quantum phase transition, as predicted by the Dicke model, occursinBLG in spite of theSchrodinger-like term p^2/2m in the system Hamiltonian, while such quantum phase transition doesn‟t exist in semiconductors. Most noticeably, the ultrastrong lightmatter coupling can be easily controlled by modulating the asymmetry in BLG, which provides an excellent platform to observeinterestingQEDeffectsandcanleadtotunablepolaritonbaseddevicesandcavity-controlled magneto-transportinBLG. POSTER: CM-16 Junpeng Lu*, Chorng Haur Sow NationalUniversityofSingapore,Singapore Micro-Landscaping of Au Nanoparticles on Few-layer MoS2 Films Surface modification/decoration of ultrathin MoS2 films with chemical moieties is appealing since nanointerfacing can functionalize MoS2 films with bonus potentials. In this work, we developed a facile and effective method for micro-landscaping of Aunanoparticlesonfew-layerMoS2films.Thisapproachemploys a focused laser beam technique to pre-modify the MoS2 films to achieveactivesurfacedomains.Thisisfollowedbysimplydipping the modified films into AuCl3 solution for a few minutes and Au nanoparticles are found to preferentially decorate onto the modifiedregions.Asaresult,wecanselectivelyandlocallyanchor Au nanoparticles onto designated regions on the MoS2 surface. With a scanning laser beam, micropatterns with well-defined structuresareconstructedbyself-assemblyofAunanoparticles.In addition, varying the laser power, reaction time and MoS2 thickness can control the size and density of the particles. The resulting hybrid materials are demonstrated as efficient Raman active surfaces for the detection of aromatic molecules. High sensitivity is exhibited by the as-fabricated Au nanoparticle-MoS2 hybridsurfaceenhancedRamansubstrates. POSTER: CM-15 Liu Tao* and Qi Jie Wang 1)NOVITAS, NanyangTechnologicalUniversity,Singapore 2)CDPT,NanyangTechnologicalUniversity,Singapore Tunable ultrastrong light-matter coupling in bilayer grapheme Light-mattercouplinginamicrocavityhasbeenafascinatingtopic forfundamentalstudiesofcavityquantumelectrodynamics(QED). For applications in quantum devices, enhancing and tuning the coupling strength are crucial. In the ultrastrong light-matter coupling regime, which can be achieved when the interaction strength between an excitation and the cavity photon becomes comparable to or larger than the corresponding electronic transition frequency in a high finesse cavity, a dramatic modificationtothepropertiesofquantumgroundstateisachieved. This can lead to a very interesting non-adiabatic cavity QED phenomena. Graphene,a2Dhoneycombcrystalofcarbonatoms,hasdiverse cavityQEDphenomenaforbothfundamentalandappliedstudies. Moreover, recent hybrid graphene/metamaterial devices further pavethewayforcavityQEDexperimentsingrapheneresonators. In contrast to monolayer graphene with linear dispersion, bilayer graphene(BLG),stackedintheBernalsequence(A-Bstacking),is characterized by a massive Dirac spectrum with the quadratic dispersioninthelowenergyregime.TheinversionsymmetricABstacked BLG is a zero-bandgap semiconductor with a parabolic dispersioninthelowenergyregime,butanon-zerobandgapcan POSTER: CM-17 Yao Lu* , Jie Liu , Xiongjun Liu and K.T. Law TheHongKingUniversityofScienceandTechnology,HongKong Realization of DIII Class Topological Superconductor by Using Quantum Spin Hall Material and S-wave Superconductor In this work, we show that a quantum spin Hall insulator in proximity to an s-wave superconductor can be tuned into topological superconductors in different symmetry classes. For example,intheabsenceofexternalmagneticfield,thesystemcan be a DIII class topological superconductor which respects timereversal symmetry. In the presence of magnetic field, the system can be in the BDI class which supports different numbers of localized Majorana fermions where the number of Majorana fermions depends on the strength of the applied magnetic field. We point out that the different topological classes can be distinguishedbytransportmeasurements. The 8th OCPA International Conference on Physics Education and Frontier Physics | 85 POSTER: CM-18 Ziyu Luo*, Guanggeng Yao, Wentao Xu, Feng Pan, Ke Wu, Yuanping Feng, Xue-sen Wang NationalUniversityofSingapore,Singapore STS and DFT Investigations of Surface States in Sb and Bi (111) films Bulk Sb and Bi are both semimetals. Sb is regarded to be topological nontrivial, while Bi is topological trivial because of the difference in spin-orbit coupling. We aim to investigate the difference between their surface states by scanning tunneling microscopy/ spectroscopy (STM/STS) experiments and density functionaltheory(DFT)calculations.Thequasiparticleinterference (QPI)patternsonbothSbandBifilmsaredetectedbytheFouriertransform scanning tunneling spectroscopy (FT-STS). These QPI patterns can also be simulated by the bandstructures from DFT calculations. By comparing the quasiparticle interference (QPI) patterns from FT-STS and DFT, we may obtain the spin textures andpenetrationdepthinthesurfacestates.Moreover,itmayalso helptotracktheevolutionofthesurfacestatesfromSbtoBi and demonstratetheeffectofthespin-orbitcouplingonthesesurface states. POSTER: CM-19 Lu Lyu*, Lei Zhang, Dongmei Niu, Han Huang, Haipeng Xie, Ningtong Cao, Yongli Gao CentralSouthUniversity,China The Investation on Phase Transition of CuPc Grows on HOPG Substrate The evolutions of phase and corresponding electronic structures asfunctions of the thickness of CuPc films on HOPG have been investigated with ultraviolet photoemission spectroscopy(UPS) , XPS and AFM. At a deposition rate of 0.2 nm/min, the vaccumlevel(VL) of CuPc/HOPG gradually decreases and the HOMO of CuPc in the low-binding energy region near the EF becomes broader due to the appearance of a new component. (define PA andPB!).ThePBpeakslightlyshiftstothe high-EBsideandthe PA peak is observed no apparent shift. It is consistent with previousresearch[1-3].TheresultsofXPSandAFMindicatesthat phase transition takes please in thicker CuPc films. The KFM shows the two phases have different surface potential (SP). Out results shows that on HOPG the CuPc molecular orientation changesfromflat-lying to tilted at very thin region. POSTER: CM-20 Jian-Jian Miao*, Dong-Hui Xu and Yi Zhou ZhejiangUniverisity,China Schwinger-boson Mean Field Theory of the Quantum XXZ Model with Dzyaloshinskii-Moriya Interactions ThequantumXXZmodelwithDzyaloshinskii-Moriya interactions is studied by Schwinger boson mean field theory. We find a state withlowerenergythantheRVB state near the Ising limit.This state is charactered by two order parameters. A phase diagram to describe the crossover from Ising point to isotropic Heisenberg pointistobeestablished. POSTER: CM-21 Namphung Peimyoo1*, Jingzhi Shang1, Chunxiao Cong1, Xiaonan Shen1, Xiangyang Wu1, Edwin K. L. Yeow1, Ting Yu 1,2 1 NanyangTechnologicalUniversity,Singapore 2 NationalUniversityofSingapore,Singapore 86 | The 8th OCPA International Conference on Physics Education and Frontier Physics Photoluminescence from Triangular Monolayer WS2 Synthesized via Chemical Vapor Deposition Light emission of monolayer WS2 (1L-WS2) triangle has been investigated by use of steady-state, time-resolved and temperature-dependent photoluminescence (PL) spectroscopy. 1L-WS2 triangles synthesized by chemical vapor deposition technique, exhibit non-uniform and uniform PL, respectively. The non-uniform PL features, i.e. quenching and blue-shift in certain regions, are attributed to structural imperfection and n-doping induced by charged defects. Uniform emission is found to be intrinsic, intense and non-blinking, indicating the high crystalline quality of the sample. Moreover, the binding energy of the Aexciton is extracted from temperature dependence of PL measurements,providinganevidenceofthelargeexcitoniceffect in 1L-WS2. These superior optical properties make 1L-WS2 potentially important for optoelectronic applications such as novel light-emittingdevicesandbiosensors. POSTER: CM-22 Wei Ren ShanghaiUniversity,China Multiferroic Materials from Rare Earth and Transition Metal Oxide Perovskites Multiferroicmaterialsconsistingofrareearthandtransistionmetal oxides have very unusual structural and physical properties. In contrast to the so-calledtypeImultiferroics,ferroelectricitymaybe induced by magnetic ordering or by applying external fields. The recentprogressontheexperimentalandtheoreticalstudiesoftype II multiferroics is presented, with a focus on the perovskites containing rare earth and transition metal elements. The rare earth orthoferrites, rare earth titanate under strain, and rare earth superlattices, are systematically studied to provide a broad overview on their electronic, magnetic, and structural properties. The recent experimental advances in single crystal growth by optical floating zone method are also presented. First principles investigations,eithersupportedbyexperimentalresultsorawaiting for experimental verifications, are shown to offer useful guidance fortheresearchofunconventionalmultiferroics. POSTER: CM-23 Yanlong Wang* 1, Chunxiao Cong 1, Caiyu Qiu 1, Ting Yu 1,2 1 NanyangTechnologicalUniversity,Singapore 2 NationalUniversityofSingapore,Singapore Raman Spectroscopy Study of Lattice Vibration and Crystallographic Orientation of Monolayer MoS2 under Uniaxial Strain Molybdenum disulfide (MoS2), a typical candidate of transition metal dichalcogenides (TMDs) with layered structure has been shown to possess unique optical, electrical and mechanical properties. Here we report a systematic micro-Raman spectroscopystudyofmonolayerMoS2undercontrollableuniaxial tensile strain. Our experimental observation reveals that the E_2g^1 optical phonon mode is sensitive to the in-plane uniaxial strainwhiletheA1gmodeisinerttothestrain. When the strain is sufficienthigh(i.e.>1%inthiswork)tobreakthelatticesymmetry, such doubly degenerate E_2g^1 mode splits into two subbands, named E_2g^(1+) andE_2g^(1-), according to their vibration energies. Our polarization dependent Raman spectroscopy investigationfurtherindicatesthatthepolarizationsofthescattered light from these two subbands are linear and orthogonal. Furthermore, the polar angles for the maxima and minima of the intensities of these two subbands are strongly determined by the crystallographic orientation relevant to the strain direction as predictedbythetheoreticalanalysis.TheGrüneisenparameterfor E_2g^1 phonon of monolayer MoS2 is also studied. Our findings firmly demonstrate that Raman spectroscopy is a powerful probe to monitor the amount of strain, identify the crystallographic orientation,andinvestigatemechanicalpropertiesof2Dtransition metaldichalcogenides,suchasMoS2. Acknowledgement: This work is supported by the Singapore National Research Foundation under NRF RF Award No. NRFRF2010-07. POSTER: CM-24 D. W. Wong*, M. Chandra Sekhar, W. L. Gan, I. Purnama and W. S. Lew NanyangTechnologicalUniversity,Singapore Helical Domain Wall Dynamics in Cylindrical Nanowires for 3D-Data Storage We recently reported three-dimensionalvortexmagnetizationwith clockwise and anticlockwise orientations at the opposite ends in relatively low aspect ratio cylindrical nanostructures [1]. The two vortices gradually extend towards the center of the cylindrical nanostructure and eventually are connected via a Helical domain wall(DW).Itwasfoundthatthereisachangeinstrayfieldthatcan be detected by GMR/TMR sensors as binary “1” and “0” at the HelicalDW.Hence,HelicalDWscanbeusedtostoreinformation in cylindrical nanostructures standing on the surface of a silicon wafer,whichopenstheopportunityforthree-dimensional magnetic memory devices such as race track memory [2]. Pinning sites created along the race track can define the spacing between consecutive DWs and also provide the stability to withstand peripheral disturbances, such as thermal fluctuations or stray magneticfieldsfromneighboringracetracks. Here,wereportonthedynamicsofHelicalDWinNiFediametermodulated cylindrical magnetic nanostructures. The threshold current density for Helical DW motion is found to be and Helical DW velocity increases near linearly with current density. For notch pinning site, the depinning current density increases with increasing modulation length and decreasingdiameter.ThisbehaviorisduetoacombinationofDW deformation and rotation at the pinning site. In addition, NiFe diameter-modulated cylindrical magnetic nanostructures were fabricated by pulsed electrodeposition andfollowed by differential chemical etching techniques. Magnetic force microscopy measurements performed on the diameter-modulated cylindrical magneticnanostructuresverifiestheexistenceoftheHelicalDWs. Using magnetoresistance measurements, Helical DWs dynamics intheNiFecylindricalmagneticnanostructuresunderexternalfield andcurrentwillbepresented. POSTER: CM-25 *Yafang Xu and Guojun Jin NanjingUniversity,China Controllable transformation between omnidirectional transmission and reflection of pseudospin-1 Dirac fermions in a Lieb optical superlattice We theoretically investigate the energy spectra and transport properties of the pseudospin-1 Dirac fermions in a Lieb optical lattice with modulated periodic potential, where a crossover of effectivemasscanbeachievedeasilybytuninglaserintensity.A generaltheorybasedonthelow-energyHamiltonianisdeveloped andcanbeusedtotreatoneormorebarriers. Itisfound,forthemasslesspseudospin-1particles,thepresence ofasuperlatticepotentialmodifiesthebandstructureandtransport propertyremarkably,whicharedistinctivelydifferentfromthosein graphene superlattices with pseudospin-1/2. In particular, there exists a passband instead of extra Dirac points at the incident energy corresponding to half of the potential step. The all-angle Klein tunneling and the traditional Klein tunneling coexist in the system,whichareveryrobustagainstthevariationsinthenumber andwidthsofbarriers.However,forthemassiveones,bothofthe tunneling phenomena are destroyed and an omnidirectional gap arisesduetotheassociatedeffectsofmismatchedsublatticesand multiple confined potentials. Consequently, a transformation from omnidirectional transmission to reflection, accompanied with a switch on/off of conductance can be realized easily by modifying laser intensity, andthespectral region can beselective bytuning the periodic potentials properly. As a quantum simulator, the results in this cold-atom system suggest some interesting applications in electronic or optical devices. POSTER: CM-26 Xuechao Zhai NanjingUniversity,China Photoinduced Topological Phase Transition in Epitaxial Graphene In epitaxial graphene irradiated by an off-resonance circularly polarized light, we demonstrate a phase transition taking place between band insulator and Floquet topological insulator. Considering the competition between staggered sublattice potential and photon dressing, we derive the dynamical energy gap and phase diagram in the tight-binding approximation. It is found that a threshold value of light intensity is necessary to realize a Floquet topological insulator; at the phase boundary,for each set of parameters, there is a special state with only onevalleyDiracconeclosed,buttheotherremainsopen;intheband insulatingphase,onlyonevalleyworksneartheFermienergy,and it could be switched to the other by reversing the polarization direction of light. From these results, two electronic devices are designed: one is an optical sensing np junction, where the photodriven unusual intervalley tunneling exhibits a stronger detectable signal than the intravalley tunneling; the other is a topological field-effect transistor, where polarized light is used to turnonorturnoffanonequilibriumcurrent. POSTER: CM-27 Zhifeng Zhang*, Pinaki Sengupta NanyangTechnologicalUniversity,Singapore The Plaquette State in the Anisotropic Shastru-Sutherland Model We have extended the phase diagram of the Shastry-Sutherland model to include the spin anisotropy and obtained the stability range of a generalised plaquette state. We also investigated the dispersion of the quasi-particles within the generalised plaquette phaseandfoundacriticallinearoundwhichapossiblecrossover may occur between the plaquette valence bond state and resonatingplaquettevalencebondstate. POSTER: CM-28 Linfeng Sun*, Jiaxu Yan, Zhan Da, Zexiang Shen NanyangTechnologicalUniversity,Singapore Probing the Spin-Orbit Splitting in Single-Layer MoS2 by Triply Resonant Raman Scattering Based on the giant spin-orbitsplittinginsingle-layerMoS2,ithas beenproposedthatcouldbeusedinspintronicdevices.However, suchsplittinghasnotbeenstudiedeffectivelyexperimentally.This work reports the valence band spin-orbit splitting in single-layer MoS2 firstly, probed by the triply resonant Raman scattering process.Wefoundthatupon325nmlaserirradiation,thesecond order overtone and combination Raman modes of single-layer MoS2 are dramatically enhanced. Such resonant Raman enhancement arises from the electron-two-phonon triple resonance via the deformation potential and Frohlich interaction. As a sensitive and precise probe for the spin-orbit splitting, the triply resonant Raman scattering will provide a new and independentroutetostudythespincharacteristicsofMoS2. The 8th OCPA International Conference on Physics Education and Frontier Physics | 87 POSTER: CM-29 Cheng-Wei Wang*, Jian-Biao Chen, Ai-Zhen Liao, Wei-Dong Zhu, Xu-Qiang Zhang NorthwestNormalUniversity,China Vertically aligned single-crystalline untra-thin CuO nanosheets: low-temperature fabrication, growth mechanism, and excellent field emission Thekeypointforthesuccessfulapplicationsoffieldemission(FE) devices is to develop the FE cold cathode with low turn-on and threshold electric field, high FE current density, excellent FE stabilityandlongoperatinglife.Inthisstudy,aneffective and onestep solvothermal process is developed to fabricate vertically alignedultra-thinCuOnanosheetfieldemittersonCusubstrateat lowtemperatureof90°C.Thepreparedverticallyalignedultra-thin CuO nanosheets exhibit high-quality single crystalline structure oriented along the [010] direction. The thickness and size of the CuO nanosheets can be tailored by changing reaction duration andtemperature.Onthebasisofexperimentalresults,apossible mechanismfortheformationoftheverticallyalignedultra-thinCuO nanosheets is speculated. Moreover, the prepared ultra-thin CuO nanosheets exhibit excellent FE properties, a low turn-on electric field of 2.19 V/μm and a high current density of 4.5 mA/cm2 at 8.23 V/μm can be realized from the optimized sample. More importantly,theoptimizedsamplealsoshowsexcellentFEstability with fluctuations within 2%. Based on temperature-dependent FE measurement,thestableFEpropertycanbeattributedtothelow local heating effects of sheet-like CuO emitters, originating from theirsuperiorheatdissipationabilityandlowJouleheating. POSTER: CM-30 Huichao Wang1, Haiwen Liu1,2, Cui-Zu Chang3,4, Huakun Zuo5, Yanfei Zhao1, Yi Sun1, Zhengcai Xia5, Ke He2,3,4*, Xucun Ma2,3,4, X. C. Xie1,2, Qi-Kun Xue2,3 and Jian Wang1,2* 1 PekingUniversity,China 2 CollaborativeInnovationCenterofQuantumMatter,China 3 TsinghuaUniversity,China 4 InstituteofPhysics,ChineseAcademyofSciences,China 5 HuazhongUniversityofScienceandTechnology,China Crossover between Weak Antilocalization and Weak Localization of Bulk States in Ultrathin Bi2Se3 Films Wesystematicallystudyultrathintopologicalinsulatorfilmsof5nm thickBi2Se3grownviamolecularbeamepitaxytechnique.Angleresolved photoemission spectroscopy data show that the Fermi level lies in the bulk conduction band above the Dirac point. In magneto-transportmeasurementsupto50Tesla,itisexcitingthat thecrossoverbetweenweakantilocalizationandweaklocalization of bulk states is clearly observed when the very high field B// parallels the film plane. Moreover, different magneto-resistance behaviors between B// ┴ I and B// // I configurations subtly reveal the intrinsic spin-orbitcouplingeffectinBi2Se3 films.Asasmoking gun, our work directly shows the quantum interference crossover in the bulk states, which is of great importance for a comprehensive understanding and potential application of topologicalinsulators. Three dimensional (3D) topological insulators (TIs) are band insulators with gapless linear energy dispersion surface states. Bi2Se3,Bi2Te3andSb2Te3areconfirmedastypical3DTIsdue to their simplesingle surface Dirac cone and relatively large bulk energy gap. These materials provide the possibility for the observation of novel phenomena, including Majorana fermions, magneto-electric effect, and quantum anomalous Hall effect, as well as the potential applications in quantum computation. We knowthatsemiconductorheterostructureconsistsofmaterialswith different band structures and exhibits interesting quantum behaviors, such as quantum Hall effect and fractional quantum HalleffectinGaAs/AlxGa1-xAsheterostructures.Recently,normal bandinsulator-3DTIorsemimetal-3DTIheterostructures,suchas Sb2Se3-Bi2Se3 and Bi-Bi2Se3 (Bi2Te3) heterostrctures, have attractedmuchinterestsincetheinterfaceoffersanewplatformto study topological phase. However, up to now few experiments have been carried on the heterostructure of two different TIs. AccordingtoTIbandtheory,theexistenceofgaplesssurfacestate isduetothetopologicalinvariantchangeintheinterfaceoftrivial and non-trivial insulators. Nevertheless, it is still a question that whatwillhappenwhengrowingonly1QLTIfilmonanothertype ofTIthickfilms.Inthiswork,weepitaxiallygrew1QLBi2Se3on 19 QLs Bi2Te3 and form a 1 QL Bi2Se3 / 19QLs Bi2Te3 heterostructure.InsituARPESresultsshowthatthesurfacestate oftheheterostructure1QLBi2Se3/19QLsBi2Te3issimilartothe surface state of high electron doped Bi2Se3 film. Further ex situ measurementsdemonstratethatthetransportpropertiesofBi2Se3 / Bi2Te3 heterostructure, such as linear magnetoresistance (MR) and weak antilocalization (WAL) of our Bi2Se3 / Bi2Te3 heterostructure behave totally different from that of pure Bi2Te3, but similar to pure Bi2Se3. This experiment shows that the 1 QL Bi2Se3 top layer dominates the transport properties of the heterostructureandclearlydemonstratestheeffectofthesurface stateonthetransportofaTI.StudyingonthisTI-TIheterostructure mayprovideaplatformtoartificiallymodulatethebulkandsurface electronic structures of TIs respectively and pave a way for exploring potential applications in TI devices. Doping charge carriers will causes the change of cuprates from antiferromagnetic Mott insulators to high-Tc superconductors. Continuouschangingofcarrierdensityisnecessarytounderstand the nature of such phase transition, and thus, further our understanding of cuprate superconductors. Electric field-effect doping, especially with electronic double layer transistors (EDLT) configurationwhichuseionicliquids(ILs)asthegatedielectrics,is apotentialavenueforthisinvestigationandithasbeenshownits effectiveness in inducing phase transition in strongly correlated electron system. Owing to EDLT, superconductor-to-insulator transition (SIT) has been observed in hole-doped cuprates La2xSrxCuO4andYBa2Cu3Oy.HereweuseEDLTtotunethecarrier density in electron-doped cuprates Pr2-xCexCuO4 ultrathin films and cause the sample evolves from an insulating state to a superconducting state. Compared to the hole-doped cupratesthe SIT in electron-doped system occur at critical sheet resistances much lower than the pair quantum resistance RQ=h/(2e)2=6.45 kΩ, suggesting the existence of fermionic excitations. Finite-size scaling analysis indicates that this SIT is a quantum phase transitionandthetransitionisgovernedbypercolationeffects.The presentresultscouldbehelpfultostudySITbetweenelectron- and hole-dopedcuprates. POSTER: CM-32 Shengyuan A. Yang* 1, Hui Pan 2, and Fan Zhang 3 1 Singapore UniversityofTechnologyandDesign,Singapore 2 BeihangUniversity,China 3 UniversityofPennsylvania,USA, KavliInstituteforTheoreticalPhysics,UniversityofCalifornia, SantaBarbara,USA Dirac and Weyl Superconductors in Three Dimensions We introduce the concept of 3D Dirac (Weyl) superconductors (SC), which have protected bulk four(two)-fold nodal points and surface Andreev arcs at zero energy. We provide a sufficient criterionforrealizingthemincentrosymmetricSCs withodd-parity pairing and mirror symmetry. Pairs of Dirac nodes appear in a mirror-invariantplanewhenthemirrorwindingnumberisnontrivial. Breaking mirror symmetry may gap Dirac nodes producing a topological SC. Each Dirac node evolves to a nodal ring when inversion-gaugesymmetryisbroken.ADiracnodemaysplitintoa pairofWeylnodes,whenandonlywhentime-reversal symmetry is broken. POSTER: CM-33 POSTER: CM-31 Yanfei Zhao 1*, Cui-Zu Chang 2, Ying Jiang 4, Yi Sun 1, Huichao Wang 1, Ying Xing 1, Yong Wang 4, Ke He 2, Xucun Ma 2, Qi-Kun Xue 2, 3, and Jian Wang 1 1 PekingUniversity,China 2 InstituteofPhysics,ChineseAcademyofSciences,China 3 TsinghuaUniversity,China 4 ZhejiangUniversity,China Demonstration of surface transport in a hybrid Bi2Se3/Bi2Te3 heterostructure 88 | The 8th OCPA International Conference on Physics Education and Frontier Physics S. W. Zeng1,2, *, Z. Huang1, W. M. Lv1, N. N. Bao1,3, K. Gopinadhan1, L. K. Jian1, T. S. Herng3, Y. L. Zhao1, H. J. Ma1,2, P. Yang4, J. Ding1,3, T. Venkatesan1,2,5, Ariando1,2 1 NUSNNI-NanoCore,NationalUniversityofSingapore,Singapore, 2 DeptofPhysics,NationalUniversityofSingapore,Singapore, 3 DeptofMaterialsScienceandEngineering,NationalUniversityof Singapore,Singapore 4 SingaporeSynchrotroLightSource,NationalUniversityof Singapore,Singapore 5 DeptofElectricalandComputerEngineering,NationalUniversity ofSingapore,Singapore Electric field-induced two-dimensional superconductorinsulator transition in an electron-doped cuprate The 8th OCPA International Conference on Physics Education and Frontier Physics | 89 Energy and Environmental Physics POSTER: EN-01 Arbi Dimyati1, Pudji Untoro1, Didim Prihadi2 1 SuryaUniversity,Indonesia 2 CVEiche,Indonesia Hybrid Gasoline / LPG Converter AnefficientandlowcostLPGConverterforapplicationin4stroke engines has been designed, fabricated andtested. Thekey parts oftheconverterarevacuumvalveandgasinjector.Itcanbeeasily installed into almost all the gasoline engine systems, such as moped and small electrical generator, with all cylinder sizes. The installation does not change the original design of the engine system.Theengineequippedwiththeconvertercanworkindual fuel operation modes, gasoline and lpg mode. The role of switching between gasoline and lpg mode is taken by a solenoid valve, which operates at 12Voltand about 5Watt of power. The switchcan easily be activated even during engine operation.The engineefficiencyincreaseupto4timeshigherthanwithgasoline. The acceleration behaviour at higher speed is improved. Long distance test on an 100ccm motorcycle engine have proved that the consumption about 100 km per-1kg lpg. At lpg mode the emissionoftoxicgasesandsootdecreasesconsiderably. POSTER: EN-02 Dongliang Chao, Xinhui Xia, Jilei Liu, Jianyi Lin, Hong Jin Fan, Ze Xiang Shen, NanyangTechnologicalUniversity, A V2O5/Conductive-Polymer Core/Shell Nanobelt Array on Three-Dimensional Graphite Foam: A High-Rate, Ultrastable, and Freestanding Cathode for Lithium-Ion Batteries Developmentofadvancedrechargeablelithiumionbatteries(LIBs) is one of the most important challenges of modern electrochemistry. V2O5 has been long regarded as a promising cathode material but it suffers from poor conductivity and longcycle structural stability. In order to pursue LIBs with both high energyandpowerdensitiesaswellaslonglifespan,inthiswork, we design and construct an smartly integrated system by combining V2O5/(Poly (3,4-ethylenedioxythiophene), PEDOT) core/shell nanobelts array (NBA) and self-supported ultrathin graphite foam (UGF) as a light-weight, binder-free positive electrode.BecauseofthedirectgrowthofV2O5nanostructureson UGFandsurfaceengineeringduetothemesoporousPEDOTthin shell, our integrated electrode shows superior and evidently improved Li-ion storage performance, with higher specific capacities,high-ratecapabilityandcyclingstabilityascomparedto bare V2O5 NBA without PEDOT coating and other V2O5 based nanostructure electrodes. The achieved high performance may push the promising V2O5 nanostructure LIB electrode an importantstepforwardintopracticalapplications. POSTER: EN-03 Dionisius Hardjo Lukito InstitutTeknologiBandung,Indonesia Development of a Solar Based Thermoelectric Generator System Nowadays,oneofourgreatestconcernsistheglobalenergycrisis. Worldenergyconsumptionhasbeenmultipliedbyfivetimesover 1950 – 2010, and it is still expected to be rising due to its significanceinourlife.Theimportanceofenergyhasdrivenusto excel in alternative energy. Through this research, we expect to discover an efficient solar based thermoelectric generator (TEG) system andtocompareperformanceofthedesignedsystemwith existing references and models. In the end, this research is 90 | The 8th OCPA International Conference on Physics Education and Frontier Physics expectedtobeaninnovationinsolarradiationutilization,bytaking advantage of TEG's ability to convert solar‟s thermal energy into electricity. Our problems are how to design an efficient solar based TEG system and how efficient is the system's performance in real operational condition? This research comprises modelling of module‟s performance due to temperature difference across the module‟s sides (ΔT),andtestingsysteminrealfieldcondition. To understand module‟s nature, observation of its behaviour upon exposure of ΔT is required. Opposedtothe real fieldcondition in which the thermal exposure is indeterminate, hot water as controllable source of thermal energy is used here. Through this process, electricity production were modelled as mathematical functions of ΔT, which explained system‟s nature under thermal exposure, i.e. its tendency to produce more electricity when exposed to higher ΔT. However, the models could not predict outputaccuratelyonfieldtests. System designing focuses on optimizing ΔT and using thermal energy efficiently. Solar radiation collector and thermal reservoirs of high thermal conductivity were applied to achieve optimum performance. To assist thermal energy transfer and utilization, insulationandthermalpastewereapplied. Three major apparatuses have been tested with variations on number of applied module(s), metal that is used as the hot reservoir, and/or application of insulation. Apparatus (App.) A utilized one module, 4 mm copper as the hot reservoir, without insulationonthesystem,whileApp.BisidenticalwithApp.A,with an addition of insulation system. Five modules in series circuit were implemented in App. C, with 2 mm aluminium hot reservoir andinsulationonit. Through all tests, App. C produced highest voltage of 400 mV; greatest current was 63 mA (App. A); greatest power was 12.39 mW, with efficiency of 0.0418% (App. B). Averagely, highest ΔT was experienced by App. A (5.2°C), followed by highest current productionof45.5mA.Duetohigheramountofappliedmodules, App.Cproducedgreatestvoltageaveragelyof306.7mV.Interm of average power production, App. B excelled with 6.015 mW, equivalenttoanaverageefficiencyof0.023%. System'sefficiencyisrelativelylow,duetomodule'slowreference efficiency and efficiency calculation which is based on collector area, that is greater than the effective power generating area. System requires hot and cold reservoir with high thermal conductivity; well-designed solar radiation collector, preferably a parabola; further development of the module, and; sufficient amountofmodules,toperformmoreefficiently. POSTER: EN-05 POSTER: EN-07 Ir. Matheus Souisa*, M.Si PattimuraUniversity,Indonesia Pudji Untoro*, Amir Hamzah, Arbi Dimyati SuryaUniversity,Indonesia Mapping of Lateritic Nickel Deposit Using Resistivity Method at Piru, Western Seram Regency, Moluccas Province, Indonesia Characterization of Reactor System Generator Using Low Grade Bioethanol Fuel Geophysical research has been done by using resistivity method at Piru, Western Seram Regency, Moluccas Province. This research aims to find out the existence of lateritic nickel deposit and resource estimation of lateritic nickel deposit in the research area. The area is 110.000 m2 with a total of 7 lines of survey, whose spaces between the measurement points were 10 meters andthelengthofeachlinewas210meters. ThedatawereprocessedbyusingRes2Dinvsoftwaretogenerate informationaboutthetrueresistivityin2-D section. Then the data were analyzed and correlated to the results of petrography analysis, geochemical analysis, and geological surface data. Petrographyanalysiscandeterminethecharacteristicofminerals in rocks, geochemical analysis can determine the element contents of rocks, and geological surface data prove the informationabout theexistenceoflateriticnickelanditsresistivity value in the research area. Furthermore, the 3-D modeling was made using the Geosoft to estimate the volume of lateritic nickel deposit. The result of samples analysis indicate that the average total content of elements in all lines for Co, Fe, and Ni were 0,02%, 4,70%, and 1,29%. The value of lateritic nickel resistivity in this area ranged from 40-150 ohm meter for limonite zone and from 150-400 ohm meter for saprolite zone. From result of the 3-D combinedsections of limonite and saprolite, itcan beknown that themeasurablepotentialmodelforlateriticnickelwas326.673m3, so the total of estimated lateritic nickel resources in the research area was 658.572,77 tons at the concentration of 1,29%. The measurable potential amount of lateritic nickel covers only the research area. POSTER: EN-06 Paksi Raganata, GDE ParahyanganCatholicUniversity,Indonesia POSTER: EN-04 The Effects of Plastic Addition to Asphalt Mixture Flexibility Dra. Ni Ketut Lasmi InstitutTeknologiBandung,Indonesia The research is about analyzing the effects of adding plastic into an asphalt mixture. This research itself is based on a preceding research about plastic-asphalt, a new type of asphalt mixture whichhasapurposetosolvetheplasticwasteandasphaltquality problem. The Design of Mixing Device of Biogas and Air to Produce Electrical Power Biogasisarenewableenergysourcethatcananswertheneedof electricity. It is an alternative energy that ismadebymakinguseof cow manure through anaerobic digestion process. In order to produce electric energy from biogas there are several steps that mustbedone.Firsttherateofflowthebiogasismeasuredusinga flowmeter,measuredmethanitisthen flowedintotheventuripipe andgoestoamixingdevicewhereitwillmixwithairandbecome biogas steam. When the biogas steam comes out of the device andheadstothefurnaceroom,therateflowisthesamesothe difference in pressure between the biogas and air can be measured. In the furnace room the biogas steam will spin the generatorwhichcausesenergyconversionfrombiogastoelectric energy. Theproblemwhichissuspectedtobethemaincauseofeffectsto the flexibility is the nature of the plastic. Plastics are plastomers, not elastomers, and are rigid in nature. This leads to further suspicion that the asphalt itself will contradict it's essential characteristic as a flexible pavement, becoming a rigid pavement instead. To analyze the effects, three quality control parameters which representstheflexibilityoftheasphaltwillbetested.Thetestitself will be done on five samples with various proportions of plastic withinasphalt. Bioenergy in the form of heat or electricity can be produced by usingsweetsorghumdirectlyasafuelbyconvertingittobioetanol usingfermentationprocess.Themainprocessesforutilizingthese bioetanol normally mixing with maximal 85% bioetanol content. Another technique are possible with gasification via a physical or chemical conversion process to a secondary gaseous fuel, followed by combustion in an engine, boiler or turbine. In the present study we report on the characterization of a new reactor system generator using low grade bioethanol fuel (80%) on the performance of generator with pure bioethanol from sweet sorghum.Weobservedthatinsitupowerenginestabilitywithload more than 70% leads to the substantial change of electricity frequency and decreasedstability during operation. Based on the resultsobtained,thatapplicationofgeneratorinstalledwithreactor system affected not only using bioethanol but also petroleum. Reactor behaviour distribution are strongly determined by concentration of bioethanol or bioethanol/water ratio and the electrical power. This present study shows interesting application resultsincomparisonwithreactorsystemprocessingofbioethanol as functions of the electric power, influencing the stability of the operation. POSTER: EN-08 V. Sankaran*, T. S. Mulaudzi and N. E. Maluta UniversityofVenda,SouthAfrica Evaluation and testing of different theoretical models for the estimation of solar radiation in the Vhembe District, Limpopo Province of South Africa. Many countries in Africa are experiencing energy crisis. In South Africa(SA)about90%ofelectricityisgeneratedbycoalalthough some small percentage of energy supply from other resources such as biomass, hydroelectric, nuclear energy, etc. Electricity generated by coal is non-renewable and not friendly to the environment. The provision of supply of electricity in an environmentally sustainable manner remains a major challenge across Africa. To date the bulk of power is generated from fossil fuels which are carbon intensive. Solar radiation is the useful source of renewable energy. It South Africa is one of the developingcountrieswithsomeregionsrichinsolarenergy,wind energy,etc.,foruseinreplacementoffossilfuels.CurrentlytheSA government policy is projected on increasing the use of different renewable energy technologies. Vhembe is one of the ideal sites forimplementingtherenewablesolarenergyforruraldevelopment. Globalsolarradiation(H)isanimportantparameterfordesigning and installation of the renewable solar energy technologies. BecauseofthelimitedmeasureddataavailableofHinmostofthe countries, especially the developing countries, is an estimated using a variety of model. Both the temperature and sunshine dependentmodelswereevaluatedforthefourselectedstationsin Vhembe Limpopo Province. The available regression coefficients andsunshinehoursreceivedfromSouthAfricanWeatherServices (SAWS) have been used in both Angstrom and Gracia based models. Hargreaves and Samani model as well as Gracia based models used the minimum and maximum air temperature data. Boththetemperatureandglobalsolarradiationdatawereobtained from the Agricultural Research Council (ARC), South Africa. The results revealed that the temperature and sunshine dependent models are suitable for the prediction of global solar radiation in theNorthernAridBushveldclimate.Thesemodelshaveexhibited thetendencytoperformsuitablywellsincetheirrootmeansquare error(RMSE)wasfoundtobelessthan4%. The 8th OCPA International Conference on Physics Education and Frontier Physics | 91 POSTER: EN-09 Photonics and Photovoltaics Jin Wang*, Jianyi Lin, Zexiang Shen NanyangTechnologicalUniversity,Singapore POSTER: PH-01 Self-assembly of Honeycomb-like MoS2 Nanoarchitectures Anchored into Graphene Foam for Enhanced Lithium Ion Storage A facile P123-assisted route has been rationally designed to synthesize 3D honeycomb-like MoS2 nanoarchitectures anchored into 3DGF. The as-obtained 3DGF provided a novelsubstrate for the nucleation and subsequent growth of honeycomb-like MoS2 nanoarchitectures, in which the hierarchical MoS2 nanoarchitectures are well-defined by self-assembly of ultrathin nanosheets.TheseuniqueMoS2HCs@GFarchitectureelectrode exhibits greatly improved Li+-storage properties owing to its high surface area, massive porous hierarchical structure, highly conductive substrates directly as current collector, and 3D interpenetrating structure. 3D honeycomb-like MoS2@GF display a high discharge capacityof1235.3mAhg-1atacurrentdensity of 200 mA g-1, retaining 85.8% of the initial reversible capacity after60cycle.Theseresultsclearlydemonstratetheadvantageof the MoS2 HCs@GF and we believe that the 3D honeycombstructured MoS2@graphene foam is very promising for further broad applications in electronics, sensors, catalysis, transistors andsupercapacitor. POSTER: EN-10 Changrong Zhu *, Ignacio Minguez Bacho, Dongliang Chao, Xinhui Xia, Hongjin Fan NanyangTechnologicalUniversity,Singapore Cu2O-Cu Core-shell as Anode for Lithium-ion Battery Cu2O nanowires were fabricated through a simple anodization process. After heat treatment, the hybrid core-shell structure was madeandtheCu2OnanowireswerecoveredbyathinlayerofCu. The protective Cu layer provide better passage for the electrons and ions. The core-shell structure provide an ultrahigh cyclability andratecapability. C. La-o-vorakiat*, Y. Tian, T. Wu, C. Panagopoulos, J.-X. Zhu, Haibin Su, and Elbert E. M. Chia NanyangTechnologicalUniversity,Singapore Interface-Induced Magnetic Coupling in Multiferroic / Ferromagnetic Bilayer By use of optical pump-probe measurement, we study the relaxation dynamics of a muliferroic-ferromagnetic TbMnO3/La0.7Sr0.3MnO3 (TMO/LSMO) bilayer. The relaxation dynamics of both layers are wellseparated in time allowing us to investigate themagneticcoupling across the bilayer.We observe thatthe relaxation dynamics of the individual layers in the bilayer sample are the result of the interplay between the intrinsic magneticorderandtheinducedinterfacialeffect.Ourdatasuggest theexistenceofinducedferromagneticorderintheTMOmagnetic orderintheLSMO References: POSTER: PH-04 Che-Wei Huang*; Jian-An Yao, Hsuan-Yin Chen, Chao-Kuei Lee NationalSunYat-SenUniversity,Taiwan Two-Photon Absorption Effects and Its Characteristics of Terahertz Radiation C.La-o-vorakiat,Y.Tian,T.Wu,C.Panagopoulos,J.-X.Zhu,H.B. Su,andElbertE.M.ChiaAppl.Phys.Lett.104,141602(2014)" THz radiation from photoconductive antenna (PCA) is important duetoitsefficiency.TheoutputTHzpowerfromaPCantennais stronglycorrelatedwiththephotoexcitedcarrierdensityandwillbe saturatedwhenpumpedharder. POSTER: PH-02 In this work, the characterization of the Two-photon absorption (TPA) induced extra photocurrent for Terahertz (THz) radiation underhighpeakpowerisstudiedtheoreticallyandexperimentally. Liang Cheng*, Chan La-o-vorakiat, Chi Sin Tang, Saritha K. Nair, Bin Xia, Lan Wang, Jian-Xin Zhu, Elbert E. M. Chia 1)NanyangTechnologicalUniversity,Singapore 2)LosAlamosNationalLaboratory,USA POSTER: PH-05 Temperature-Dependent Ultrafast Carrier and Phonon Dynamics of Topological Insulator Bi1.5Sb0.5Te1.8Se1.2 Bi1.5Sb0.5Te1.8Se1.2 (BSTS) is a type of topological insulator, whichisaninsulatorinbulkbutsurfacestatesaregapless[1,2]. In this work, we took optical pump-probe and optical pumpTerahertzprobedataonBSTScrystaltoanalyzethedynamicsof phonons and charge carriers. The ultrafast dynamics were obtained as a function of temperature ranging from 10K to 300K, as well as fluence ranging from 1 uJ/cm2 to 10 uJ/cm2. In additional to the coherent optical phonon mode found in other topologicalinsulators[3,4],acousticphononmodewasobserved in our experiment. We also observed phonon softening and the temperaturedependenceofcarrierlifetimeinBSTS. References: 1)J.E.Moore,Nature464,194(2010). 2),3045(2010). 3),171908(2010). 4),235306(2011). POSTER: PH-03 Daniele Cortecchia*, Herlina A. Dewi, Sabba Dharani, Tom Baikie, Cesare Soci, Nripan Mathews NanyangTechnologicalUniversity,Singapore 2D Hybrid Perovskites for Photovoltaic Application During the last years, lead-based 3D perovskites with general formula (CH3NH3)PbX3 have attracted great interest in the photovoltaic research community due to their close to ideal properties: band-gap of 1.55 eV, high absorption coefficient, low excitonbindingenergyandhighelectronandholediffusionlength. Moreover, this material can be solution processed at low temperature, and low cost devices with power conversion efficiency exceeding 16% have been recently demonstrated. This 92 | The 8th OCPA International Conference on Physics Education and Frontier Physics makes lead perovskites highly attractive for future commercialization. However, the high lead content of this sensitizerrepresentamajorobstacletoitslargescaleproduction, duetoissuesrelatedtotoxcicity,pollutionandbio-accumulationin the eco-system. Therefore, lead replacement with metals more environmentally friendly is highly desirable; bi-dimensional perovskites with general formula (CH3NH3)2MX4 based on transition metals are interesting green alternatives to the lead based perovskite however, to the best of our knowledge, studies ontheirapplicationaslightharvestersinsolarcellshavenotbeen reported yet. The following study reports on the synthesis, characterisationandopticalpropertiesof2Dperovskitesandtheir potential integration in to solar cell devices. James Lourembam 1*, Amar Srivastava 2, Chan La-o-vorakiat 1 ,T. Venkatesan 2, Elbert Chia 1 1 NanyangTechnologicalUniversity,Singapore 2 NationalUniversityofSingapore,Singapore Metallic Features in Novel VO2(B) Phase Thin Films as Revealed by Terahertz Time Domain Spectroscopy Vanadium oxide can adopt different polymorphic structures and amongst them is the metastable monoclinic VO2(B) phase. We use time-resolved terahertz spectroscopy to probe the conductivities of novel VO2(B) thin films. The experimental data show that the Drude conductivity model can account for the observed behaviour at higher temperatures whereas at low temperatures <240 K, it shows insulating behaviour. Our results reveal the presence of metal to insulator transition in VO2(B) system. POSTER: PH-06 C Liyong Jiang*, Tingting Yin, Hailong Hu, Zexiang Shen, Xiangyin Li 1.)NanjingUniversityofScienceandTechnology,China 2.)NanyangTechnologicalUniversity,Singapore Enhanced Super Resolution Obtained by Nanoscale Solid Immersion Lenses with Dark-field Illumination Thesuper resolution beyondAbbe diffractionlimit is now being a persistently hot topic in modern optics and nanophotonics. To break through the Abbe diffraction limit, several attractive and novel techniques have been proposed and extensively studied in the past couple of years, including flat perfect lens based on negative refraction effect, scanning near field optical microscope (SNOM)basedonnanoscaleapertureortips,sub-wavelengthlight focusingbyopticalsuperoscillations,andthemicroscopeimaging based on nanoscale solid immersion lenses (nSIL) or optical microspheres.Forinstance,opticalmicrospheres(refractiveindex is ns) with plane-wave illumination can generate near-field focal spot or far-field photonic nanojet with lateral resolution slightly The 8th OCPA International Conference on Physics Education and Frontier Physics | 93 beyond λ/2ns in theory and produce impressive capability to distinguishassmallas50nm-scalenanostructuresinexperiment. Alternatively,nSILwithlensedplane-waveilluminationcanpresent near-field focal spot with about 18.6% reduction in the focal spot width as compared to the optical microspheres. In the present study, we report a new super-resolution technique based upon nSIL with dark-field illumination. We have systematically investigatedthe influence of numerical aperture (NA) of dark-field source, location of nSIL, and configuration of nSIL on final full width at half maximum (FWHM) of focal spot. The simulation results show that nSIL with dark-field illumination can generally produce near-field focal spot of about 12~16% reduction in the focalspotwidthincomparisonwithlensedplane-waveillumination, while the dark-field source with relatively small inner NA, a slight move of the nSIL center to dark-field source, and an optimal diameterofnSILareusefultofurtherdecreasetheFWHMoffocal spot. In particular, when nSIL with a diameter of 1250 nm and center location shift of λ towards dark-field source, a near-field focal spot with FWHM of about 111 nm can be achieved corresponding to illumination wavelength of 400 nm. This is apparently better than previous work which reports a minimum near-field focal spot with FWHMof about 144 nm. The enhanced super resolution in this work is believed to be attributed to the combinationofangular-spectrumtechniquewithnear-fieldimaging technique. POSTER: PH-07 Ng Yi Ming*, He Mi, Lee Jung-Kun, Chia Ee Min, Elbert 1.)NanyangTechnologicalUniversity,Singapore 2.)UniversityofPittsburgh,USA Terahertz Conductivity of Indium Zinc Oxide Films Indiumzincoxide(IZO),asaclassoftransparentconductingoxide materials, has great potential in applicationssuch as photovoltaic devices and flat panel displays. In this work, the optical conductivity of IZO film and IZO film with different ratios of Ag nanoparticles (e.g. 5wt%, 10wt%) were investigated using terahertz (THz) time-domain spectroscopy at different temperatures(10K-300K).Themeasuredresultswerewellfitted theoreticallyanddiscussed. POSTER: PH-08 Kelvin J. A. Ooi*, Lay Kee Ang SingaporeUniversityofTechnologyandDesign,Singapore Graphene Optoelectronic Plasmonic Devices Graphene plasmonics emerges as a new platform for optoelectronic devices. Owing to its highly reconfigurable permittivity-function and large confinement factor, graphene plasmonicsshowspotentialinultracompact,subwavelengthactive opticaldeviceswithhighmodulationcontrast.Weshowtheuseof graphenenanoribbonplasmonicwaveguidestodesignnanometrescale modulators that have modulation contrast exceeding 30dB. These graphene nanorribon waveguides are further adapted into thedesignsofactivesplitternetworksaswellaslogicgatedevices. One of the main challenges of graphene plasmonics is the poor plasmon-excitationefficiencybyplaneelectromagneticwavesdue tothelargewave-vectormismatch.Westudiedthepossibilitiesof in-situ generation of graphene plasmons by electrical excitations through aloof-scattering and inelastic tunneling. These excitation schemesareadvantageousintheirpotentiallysmalldevicesizes, andarehighlyintegratableintochip-scaleplatforms. 1. K. J. A. Ooi, H.S. Chu, L.K.Ang, P.Bai,"Mid-infrared active graphene nanoribbon plasmonic waveguide devices," JOSA B 30(12),3111-3116(2013). 2. K. J. A. Ooi, H. S. Chu, P. Bai, L. K. Ang, "Electro-optical grapheneplasmoniclogicgates,"OpticsLetters39(6),1629-1632 (2014). 94 | The 8th OCPA International Conference on Physics Education and Frontier Physics POSTER: PH-09 correspondingfouriertransformpatterns,showninFig.4d,4eand 4f,disclosestheirrotationalsymmetry. POSTER: PH-13 Riza Muhida*, Hiroaki Okamoto 1)SuryaUniversity,Indonesia 2)OsakaUniversity,Japan This work will provide a guidance for the large-area and fast production of periodical and quasiperiodical PhC structures with highquality. Wen-Long Yan*; Yung-Hsiang Lin; Chung-Lun Wu; Chih-Hsien Cheng; Kai-Chen Lin; Gong-Ru Lin; and Chao-Kuei Lee NationalSunYat-senUniversity,Taiwan A Novel Method to Find The Optimum Texture Substrate of Thin Film Solar Cells Based on Calculation of The Power Spectrum Density of Texture Substrate. Fig.2HexagonalPhCswithdifferentperiodandcells(a-e)andthe diffractionpattern(f) Investigation Of Nonlinear Absorption Of PECVD Growth Graphene Using Femtosecond Z-Scan Technique Fig.3 Ten-fold quasicrystalline structures (a-c), FFT diagram (d) anddiffractionpattern(e) In this work, nonlinear absorption coefficient of PECVD growth Graphene was characterized using femotosecond Z-scan technique.Thetwophotonabsorption(TPA)coefficientashighas 10-5 (m/W) was observed. In addition, wavelength dependence and possible mechanism of tremendously large TPA coefficient werediscussedaswell. The light trapping in thin film poly-Si layer by using textured substrateisoneoftheimportanttechnicalissuesforachievement ofhighperformanceofsolarcells.Currently,mostmethodstofind theoptimaltexturestructureofsubstrateforthinfilmsolarcellsis usingtryanderrortechnique,wherewemustspendalotoftimeto makeseriesofexperimentsofmanytypeoftexturesaswellasto spendmaterialforfabricationsolarcellsusethesetextures. In this paper we propose a novel technique to find the best structure of texture based on calculation of power spectrum density(PSD)oftexturebeforeweusethesetextureforfabrication ofsolarcells. We used an atomic force microscopy (AFM) to characterize the texture in 3D, based on raw data of AFM, we calculate the PSD andaveragewidthofroughnessmodulationthenwecalculatethe average slope of surface texture. Based on this slope calculation wefoundthatslopeofthesubstratetextureproportionalwithlight trapping performance as well as solar cells performance from results of experiment. Based on calculation and experiments, we findthatthetexturedZnO/Ag/SnO2/glasswithslopeof0.08yields themaximumconversionefficiencyforJscandVoc. POSTER: PH-10 XiaoHong SUN ZhengzhouUniversity,China Optics Design and Fabrication of Periodical and Quasiperiodical Photonic Crystals by Using a Single-prism Interferometer Photoniccrystals(PhCs)arenanostructuredmaterialsinwhichthe dielectric constant is periodically modulated on a length scale to achieve the desired wavelength of operation. PhCs can control and manipulate the light propagation by photonic localization and photonic band gaps. The photonic band gaps exhibiting in PhCs are very attractive for three-dimensional (3D) high-capacity data storage,polymerwaveguides,reflectivedisplays,andotherrelated uses. The fabrication of PhCs has always been of great interest. Previously established methods of making PhCs include semiconductor microfabrication, colloidal crystallization, tightly focusedlaserbeamscanning,two-photonpolymerization,andselfassembly of colloidal spheres. Recently, a new technology, holographic lithography, was reported and has drawn much attention. Espectially the fabrication setup of a single refracting prismisthoughttobeverysimple,stable,andeasytoadjust. Compared to periodic PhCs, quasicrystals (quasiperiodical PhCs) have higher point group symmetry and are more favorable in achieving complete band-gaps. They exhibit long-range aperiodic order and rotational symmetries that fall outside the traditional crystallographic classification schemes. Furthermore, because of thehigherrotationalsymmetryofthequasicrystals,theband-gaps are more isotropic and thus are more favorable in achieving complete band-gaps than conventional PhCs. In recent years, a growing number of researchers are engaged in the research on quasicrystals. In this report, asingle-prism interferometer is usedto design and fabricate periodical and quasi-periodical PhCs. The experimental configuration is shown in Fig.1. Hexagonal PhC structures with differentperiodsandcellsarerealizedinphotoresistfilms,shown inFig.2a,2b,2c2dand2e.Thediffractionpattern,showninFig.2f, reveals the hexagonal symmetry. Ten-fold rotational symmetrical quasicrystals have been also fabricated and shown in Fig.3a 3b and3c.Fig.3dandeshowsFFTtransformationdiagramandtenfold symmetrical diffraction patterns. Onthe other hand, 12-, 18-, and 24-fold quasicrystals are designed in Fig.4a, 4b and 4c. The Fig.1Thesystematicconfiguration Fig.4 12-, 18-, and 24-fold quasicrystals (a-c) and correspondingFourierTransformpatterns. the POSTER: PH-11 Huanxin Xia*, Meng Zhao, Chan La-o-vorakiat, Elbert E. M. Chia 1)NanyangTechnologicalUniversity,Singapore 2)NationalUniversityofSingapore,Singapore Optical Conductivity Studies on Bi2Te3 & Single-layerGraphene in Terahertz Range Therealpartoftheopticalconductivityofthetopologicalinsulator Bi2Te3, single-layer-graphene (SLG), and Bi2Te3/SLG composite, allgrownonp-dopedSisubstrate,wereobtained usingTerahertz time-domain spectroscopy (THz-TDS), in the temperature range 15 – 300 K and frequency range 0.3 - 3 THz. Both the Drude response,andthreeRaman-infraredactiveopticalphononmodes, were observed: Eg(1) ~ 1 THz, A1g(1) ~ 1.7 THz and A1u ~ 2.7 THz.[1,2] The Drude contribution from SLG in the Bi 2Te3/SLG composite was surprisingly suppressed above 80K, whose origin was attributed to the competition of Bi2Te3 and SLG at different temperature.Besides,A1g(1)modeshowsananomalousphonon hardeningwithincreasingtemperature,whichmeansthree-phonon processdominatesinthiskindofsample. POSTER: PH-14 Huakang Yu 1,5*, Wei Fang 1, Xiaoqin Wu 1, Xing Lin 1, Limin Tong 1, Weitao Liu 2, Aimin Wang 3, Y. Ron Shen 2,4 1 ZhejiangUniversity,China 2 FudanUniversity,China 3 PekingUniversity,China 4 UniversityofCalifornia,USA 5 NanyangTechnologicalUniversity,Singapore Single Nanowire Optical Correlator References: Recentlynanowireshaveemergedaspromisingbuildingblocksfor nanophotonic circuits and devices. A single nanowire optical correlator (SNOC) is demonstrated here for ultrafast pulse characterization[1]. The operation principle of SNOC is based on imaging of the second harmonic generation (SHG) from a cadmium sulfide nanowire by counter-propagating guided pulses. The SHG spatial image can be readily converted to the temporal profile of the pulses, with only an overall pulse energy of 2 µJ neededforaclearimageof100fspulses.Webelievethatsucha correlator will find its wide applications of on-chip ultrafast optical technologyinfuture. 1)J.Appl.Phys.111,054305(2012). Reference: 2)Appl.Phys.Lett.96,153103(2010) H.Yu,W.Fang,X.Wu,X.Lin,L.Tong,W.Liu,A.Wang,andY.R. Shen, "Single nanowire optical correlator," Nano Lett., Article ASAP(2014). POSTER: PH-12 Hongyi Xu*, Xihang Shi, Fei Gao, Handong Sun, Baile Zhang NanyangTechnologicalUniversity,Singapore The Experimental Realization of a Three-Dimensional Thermal Invisibility Cloak Inspiredbytheconceptofopticalinvisibilitycloak,wepresentthe first experimental realization of a three dimensional thermal invisibility cloak, which can hidean object inconductive heat flux by recovering the distortion of eternal temperature field at three dimensions.Thevolumeratiobetweentheinvisibilitycloakandthe hidden object is 0.06, indicating that an invisibility cloak with the thickness of 100 μm is enough to hide a spherical object with the diameterof1cm.Thecloakiscapabletofunctioninbothtransient andthermalequilibriumstate. POSTER: PH-15 Xu Zhang ZhengzhouUniversity,China High-efficiency Solar Cell on Double-Heterostructure Nanopillar Arrays This paper presents a theoretical analysis of light trapping properties of InP/InGaAs/InP double-heterostructure nanopillar arrays(NPAs)solarcells.Duetothepotentialforlowercost,antireflection and light-trapping properties compared to conventional thinfilmdeviceandsemiconductornanowirearrays(NWA),NPAs are regarded as promising candidates for next generation photovoltaic devices. However, much attention has been focused on NWA based solar cell recently, the potential of optical absorption in NPAs used in photovoltaic devices has rarely been investigated. Because nanowires usually have small lateral dimension and require metal catalyst, these often degrade the material quality and restrict their applications. The growths of nanopillarsfabricatedbyChang'sgroupinBerkeleyareconducted at425°C,temperaturesevenlowerthanthatoftypicalVLSgrown nanowires, making the process ideal for silicon-CMOS processes.[1]Particularly,theircatalyst-freepropertiesmakethem ideal for photonic device application, which are sensitive to damage from temperatures above 450 °C and also to metal contamination. The absorptance of NPAs with the optimized parameters covers the wavelength range from 310nm to 2600nm, which maintains The 8th OCPA International Conference on Physics Education and Frontier Physics | 95 above 80% up to wavelength of 2000nm. This wavelength range encompassesabout95%ofsolarenergy.Wehavedemonstrated that the optical absorption can be greatly enhanced in NPAs, especially for the weak absorption in the long wavelength regime (λ>925nm) of single crystalline InPnanoneedle,duetothesmooth index transition at the air-array interface and doubleheterostructure used. The short-circuit current of NPAs with the optimizeddesigncanachieve62.4mA/cm2,whichismuchhigher thanitsnanoneedlearrays(NNAs)andthinfilmlayercounterparts with the same thickness. In addition, our double-heterostructure NPAs solar cells outperform similar cells based on core-shell nanowire structure. The reported maximum value of short-circuit current of core-shell InP nanowires with filling factor of 57% was 13.7mA/cm2,[2]thatvaluewasincreasedto24.6mA/cm2foraxial InP nanowire with filling factor of 72%, which was the best result everobtainedfornanowirebasedsolarcells.[3] References: 1)F.Ren,K.W.Ng,H.Sun,andC. Chang-Hasnain,Appl.Phys. Lett.102,012115(2013). 2) H. Goto, K. Nosaki, K. Tomioka, S. Hara, K. Hiruma, J. Motohisa,andT.Fukui,ApplPhysExpress2,035004(2009). 3) J. Wallentin, N. Anttu, D. Asoli, M. Huffman, I. Aberg, M. H. Magnusson, G. Siefer, P. Fuss-Kailuweit, F. Dimroth, B. Witzigmann, H. Q. Xu, L. Samuelson, K. Deppert, and M. T. Borgstrom,Science339,1057(2013). Physics Education POSTER: PE-01 Agus Jarwanto CansiusCollege,Indonesia Cultivate, Build Perseverance Character by Physics Learning Project Physics is not easy subject for most students. The effort of interesting physics learning is almost done. The constructivism in learningsupportthedevelopmentofcooperativelearningmethod. Learning project is one of constructivism learning models. The learning project has a lot of pluses. The positive implication of learningprojectisthedeepcharacterofstudents.Thecharacteris of main value which is very use full for the future leaders. The valueswhichdevelopinstudentsamongothersgoodcooperation, smart and creative work, perseverance, etc. Besides the positive impactforthestudents,theknowledgeandthefutureteacherare alsoenrichedthroughthelearning. POSTER: PE-02 Sheh Lit Chang*, Leiju Qiu, Nidhi Sharma NationalUniversityofSingapore,Singapore Effectiveness of Pre-lecture Reading Quiz on Academic Achievement in Calculus-Based Introductory Physics Course Attendinglecturewithapreparedmindismoreeffectiveinstudy. However, most of the students could not read the lecture notes before they attend each lecture. To encourage our students to readconscientiouslybeforeclassthroughoutthewholesemester, weintroducedpre-lecturereadingquizasaformativeassessment in calculus-based introductory physics course for engineering students. A quiz was delivered before the start of each new chapter via the Integrated Virtual Learning Environment (IVLE), which includes a few conceptual multiple choice questions. Meanwhile, we also conducted a mid-semester survey to obtain informationonthestudents'preparationforthepre-lecturequiz.To seehoweffectivethismethodis,weperformedat-testtofindout how students' test / exam scores were dependent on their preclassreadingbycontrollingseveralothervariables.Weusedafew factors to proxy the effort students put in the pre-lecture reading which includesstudents' participation/ performance scores in the pre-lecture reading quizzes, time taken to read the lecture notes and whether they attempt the quizzes alone or with friends. The controlling variables were grade point average (GPA) before this semester,numberofmodulestakeninthesemester,involvement in co-curricular activities (CCA) and year of study. The results showedthatstudentswhoputineffortinreadingthelecturenotes and attempted the pre-lecture quizzes generally have better performanceintestandexams,whichimpliesthatourmethodwas effective. With little effort to modify the conventional lectureteachingmethodbyimplementing the pre-lecturereadingquiz,we reaped great improvement in the students‟ learning. The results also showed that students with higher previous GPA, and who chose relatively more modules in the same semester could get higherscoreinbothexamandtest.Interestingly,thestudentswho were active in CCA could also get higher scores, and the juniors performedbetterthantheirseniors. POSTER: PE-03 Ivan Irawan ParahyanganCatholicUniversity,Indonesia Fun Science in Your School: Yay or Nay? According to the PISA study of science literacy, Indonesia is rankedatthebottomend.Thisreflectshowpoorscienceliteracyin Indonesia is. To cope with the issue, we introduced a science- 96 | The 8th OCPA International Conference on Physics Education and Frontier Physics learningmethodthatencouragesstudentstolearnsciencethrough funandexperimentalprojectsinseveralhighschoolsinBandung, Indonesia. A survey was then conducted to measure how effective and suitablethemethodisfortheeducationsysteminIndonesia.The surveywascarriedoutonstudentsandteacherswhoarefamiliar withthismethodorwhohaveexperiencedthemethodthemselves. Although the method has few drawbacks, the result showed that themethodaffectedthestudentspositivelyandsuggestedthatthe method might be a good way to elevate science literacy in Indonesia. POSTER: PE-04 Jutri Taruna SuryaSchoolofEducation,Indonesia At-Risk Students in Physics Education: A Qualitative Study The purpose of this qualitative study was to investigate the learning difficulties of at-risk students enrolled in Physics InstructionalDesigncourseinSpring2013. Ourdatashowedthatat-riskstudentshadnotpossessedmastery ofIndonesianlanguage,especiallyinreadingandwriting.Thelack of language skills had hampered students‟ progress in class. Students struggled with reading assignments, home works and projects. Oneoftheprojectsinthecoursewasdesigningaphysicslesson plan.Toensurethatstudentswerewellpreparedforthetask,they were required to take general Physics course prior to taking this course. However, we found that at-risk students were still struggling with thephysicsconcept.Thesefactorstogetherwithpoorstudyskills weremajorobstaclesat-riskstudentsfacedintheirstudies. POSTER: PE-05 *Dave Lommen HwaChongInstitution,Singapore Improving student engagement and understanding through Just-In-Time teaching and ConcepTests There is a saying that “college is a place where a professor‟s lecture notes go straight to the students‟ lecture notes, without passing through the brains of either. There is even scientific evidence that brain activity is lower during class or lectures than during sleep (Poh et al., 2010). It would thus appear that a large part of students‟ college time is effectively wasted. Aseparateproblem,moreparticulartothestudyingofphysics,is that students are often well able to solve physics problems mathematically, but that they just as often lack a proper understandingoftheunderlyingconcepts.Asexaminationsinclude moreandmorequalitativeexplanationsofeverydayapplications,a deeperunderstandingoftheconceptsbecomesmoreimportant. Iwillherediscusstwoweaponstoattacktheseproblems.Thefirst isJust-in-TimeTeaching(JiTT)andthesecondistheteachingof concepts through the use of ConcepTests. I discuss the implementation of these two tools in one of the top schools in Singapore. There will be a particular focus on the teaching of quantummechanicstoagroupoftalentedstudents. JiTT is a pedagogical strategy that uses feedback between classroom activities and work that students do at home in preparation for the classroom meeting (Marrs et al., 2003). The goals areto increase learning during classroom time, to enhance studentmotivation,toencouragestudentstoprepareforclassand toallowtheinstructortofinetunetheclassroomactivitiestobest meet the students‟ needs. The 8th OCPA International Conference on Physics Education and Frontier Physics | 97 For this year‟s quantum-mechanics course, students were tasked to read ahead in preparation for the lecture. They further had to answer three basic-understanding questions and provide the lecturerwithinformationonwhatpartsofthematerialwereunclear. I would use the students‟ answers to the “reading quiz” to prepare the lecture. As a result, less lecture time would be spent discussingtopicsthatwerecleartoall,whereasmoretimewould bespentondifficulttopics. ConcepTests are multiple-choice questions that require an application of knowledge, with little or no use of mathematical formulas.Studentsareforcedtothinkcriticallyaboutthequestions beforeanswering,thentodiscusswiththeirneighboursforanew roundofanswering.Implementedproperly,theConcepTestsgive the teacher immediate feedback on misconceptions that exist among the students, which can be addressed immediately or revisited at a later time. Plasma Physics POSTER: PL-04 POSTER: PL-01 Yingbin Zhu*, Lay Kee Ang SingaporeUniversityofTechnologyandDesign,Singapore Shi-Jun Liang and Lay Kee Ang SingaporeUniversityofTechnologyandDesign,Singapore A General Quantum Model for Charge Transport In The Space Charge Limited Regime ConcepTestsareanintegralpartofmyTutorialsandIalsoinclude them in my Lectures. Many students highlight them as their favourite part of the Tutorial and they claim that they help them better understand the concepts. Crouch & Mazur (2001) showed that such conceptual understanding in turn allows for a better score on regular assessments. ConcepTests further train 21st centurycompetenciessuchascriticalthinkingandcommunication. In the classictheory,twolaws,Child-Langmuir(C-L)lawandMottGurney (M-G) law, are established to descripe the space charge limited current through the vacuum and solid, respectively. Recently,researchfindinghasconfirmedanewscalingofC-Llaw in the quantumregime.Soitisofinteresttoinvestigatetheclassic M-G law also shows a new scaling when the transport length is undernanoscaleregime.Inthiswork,wedevelopageneralmodel and establish a new scaling of voltage Vg and gap spacing D. A smooth transition from classic regime to quantum regime is also demonstrated for space charge limited current in the solid and vacuum. POSTER: PE-06 POSTER: PL-02 Monica Fanny Asmarianing Tyas St.HendrikusSeniorHighSchoolSurabaya,Indonesia Chia-Hsun Wu*, Jeng-Dau Wang, Yu-Wen Chen NationalChung-ShanInstituteofScienceandTechnology,Taiwan Physics in Reality: Learning Viscosity through Ice Cream Physics Learning Model by using Integrated and Project Based Learning for Senior High School Students Design and Simulation of a Novel 4-Port Coupled Cavity KaTWT ThelessonsthatarereceivedbyIndonesianhighschoolstudents tend to befragmented (split).Students arestill difficultto see the big picture of the relationship of various disciplines without knowingitsapplicationindailylife. Theviscosityisaphysicsconceptthatisdifficulttobeunderstood by students. That‟s why the integrating learning is made to unite severalsubjectsintheformofvisitationtoPTCampinaIceCream Industry Surabaya. The subjects which are integrated in this programarePhysics,ChemistryandBiology. Inthisresearchtheproblemstatementishowstudentslearnabout viscosity in their daily life. So this research shows the students learning process in a project to understand viscosity and other conceptsinothersubjectswhichisintergratedlearning. In three subjects which are integrated (physics, chemistry and biology), the teachers determine the concepts that can be combined for the students of XI Science class. Designing the project-based learning, including choosing the place and date of observation, and explaining viscosity concept and other concpets to students are parts of project preparation. Before the visitation theteachersaskthestudentstoeaticecreamandsearchforice cream recipe. Duringavisittotheicecreamfactory,studentsdoactivitiessuch as the making of ice cream, knowing the composition of the ice creamandhowtopackageit. After the visit, the students make ice cream based on the recipe they have chosen, and then eat the ice cream together. At this time, the evaluation is conducted through the oral questions. Duringthepresentationsession,studentsareabletoconnectthe concepts of the 3 integrated subjects (physics, chemistry and biology)involvedintheprocessoficecreammaking. TheResultofthisresearchisstudentlearnaboutviscosity,colloid emulsion, about ice cream effectto the body, and about value of lifethroughmakingtheicecream. AttenuatorsandseversarecommonlyusedinhighgainTWTsto prevent oscillation. The attenuators in coupled cavity TWT are implementedbydepositingRFabsorbingceramicmaterial,sothat itbecomesdifficulttopreciselysimulatethenonlinearbeam-wave interactionduetoreducedwavelengthinattenuators.Inthispaper, a novel 4-port coupled cavity TWT is proposed to replace attenuators and severs. The simulation is modeled with the 3-D electromagnetic particle-in-cell code CST and effective oscillation suppressioncanbeobtainedwithour4-port design. POSTER: PL-03 Tingting Yin*, Albert Wan, Hailong Hu, Liyong Jiang NanyangTechnologicalUniversity,Singapore Gap Plasmons Generated from Single Silver Nanowires and Gold Nanobeams In this work, we investigate the one-photon photoluminescence from a hybrid and orthogonal configuration consisting of a Ag nanowireandaAunanobeamwithadielectricspacer(3nm-12nm) that supports a localized resonance known as the gap plasmon mode. At the intersection part, we investigate the enhanced photoluminesence of Au nanobeam and a new peak( gap plasmon).Wealsomeasurethecorrespondingdark-fieldspectra, in which the new peak has almost the same peak position with respecttophotoluminesence.Itrevealsthatthegapmodeisareal plamonic mode existing in such a hybrid structure. Besides, the gap plasmons shows distance and polarization dependence according to the dark field and photoluminescence experimental results. These observations were supported by FDTD simulation results. Novel Scaling Law of Space Charge Limited Current Space-charge-limited(SCL)electronflowdescribesthemaximum current density allowed for steady-state electron beam transport across planar, cylindrical, or spherical diode [1][2]. These current densities aregivenbythewell-knownChild-Langmuir(CL)lawand Langmuir-Blodgett(LB)law.Extensivestudieshavebeendoneto revise the 1D classical CL law to multi-dimensional models, quantum regime and ultrafast time scale. Base on a transit time model [3], it is found that the LB solutions for the SCL current in both cylindrical and spherical diodes may be approximated by a novel scaling law using the electric field on the cathode surface and the anode-cathodespacingoverawiderangeofparameters. Minor empirical corrections to the above scaling yield fitting formulas that are accurateto within 2.5 percentfor a large range 0.002 < Ra/Rc < 30000. A physical explanation of this scaling is alsogiven.Ansingleelectroncapacitormodelincludingthespace charge effect yields the LB solutions even in the Coulomb blockade regime for a nanogap [3][4], where the electron number may be inthe single digits. It isfound thatthere is athreshold of voltage (Vth) equals to one-half of the single electron charging energyforelectroninjectionassumingzerobarrierattheinterface. Forvoltageslightlyhigherthanthethresholdvoltage,thereisonly one electron inside the gap within one transit time, and the timeaverage of the single electron induce current may be equal or higherthantheclassicalCLlawandLBlawinplanar,cylindrical, orsphericaldiode.ThetransittimefrequencyisintheTHzrange whenthegapdistanceisabout100nm.Thismodelisalsoextent for electron injection intosolid,the SCL current for trap-filled and trap-freematerials are re-derived[5]. Lastly, we extend our study to multi-dimensional model for a “non-symmetry” gap with a protrusivecathodeandaflatanode[6].Twotypesofconditionsto reachtheSCLcurrentflowareconsidered.Thefirstoneissourcelimitedtype,whichistheelectronfieldemissionemittedaccording to the different cathode field on the sharp tip including space charge field, non-uniform work function on the tip surface is also considered. The second typeCLlaw-likeemission,whichistofind theprofileofSCLcurrentinordertodrivethecathodeelectricfield to zero at all locations. For both types, we conclude that nonuniformSCLcurrentisrequiredforsuchnon-symmetry geometries. Huge current enhancement over the CL law on the tip apex is observed due to the geometrical effect. The models constructed here will be useful for accurate modeling of emission physics in many codes used in non-neutral plasma, high power microwave sourceandhighcurrentbeams. References: 1)C.D.Child,Phys.Rev.(SeriesI)32,492(1911). 2)I.LangmuirandK.B.Blodgett,Phys.Rev.22,347(1923). 3)Y.B.Zhu,P.Zhang,A.Valfells,L.K.Ang,andY.Y.Lau,Phys. Rev.Lett.110,265007(2013). 4)Y.B.ZhuandL.K.Ang,Appl.Phys.Lett.98,051502(2011). 5)Y.B.ZhuandL.K.Ang,J.Appl.Phys.110,094514(2011). 6)Y.B.ZhuandL.K.Ang,Submited. The conclusion of this research is students learn about viscosity through integrated learning which is designed in form of project based learning. Students can understand the concept of an integrated through the lessons included in this model. Students can do the exploration, assessment, interpretation, and synthesis ofinformationtoproducevariousformsoflearningoutcomes. 98 | The 8th OCPA International Conference on Physics Education and Frontier Physics The 8th OCPA International Conference on Physics Education and Frontier Physics | 99 POSTER: PL-05 Zhuang Juan, Wu Dong Jiang DalianUniversityofTechnology,China Numerical Simulation of SiH4 concentration Effects on Densities of Important Species for Silicon Film Deposition at Atmospheric Pressure Based on a two-dimensional fluid model, the characteristics of homogeneous discharges of H2 diluted SiH4 and Ar at atmospheric pressure is numerically investigated. The primary processesofexcitation,ionizationandsixteenreactionsofradicals withradicalsinSiH4/H2/Ardischargesareconsidered.Theeffects of SiH4 concentration on densities of species (e, H, SiH3) are analyzed.Thesimulationresultsshowthatthehighestdensitiesof e,H,SiH3arecorrespondingtohighrelevantSiH4concentration. In the use of microcrystalline silicon films deposited with Ar/SiH4/H2 discharge process, SiH4 concentration is a very importantparameter,whichdeterminesboththestructureandthe film deposition rate.Therefore,study of SiH4 concentration effect on main deposited particle (including electron, SiH3, H) density distribution is very important. The electron density distribution plays a very important role in the reaction gas. When SiH4 concentration increases from 0.005% to 0.1%, the densities of electron, SiH3 and H atom are all increased. The peak electron density increase from 6.31×1011cm-3 to 3.48×1012cm-3, SiH3 density increases from 9.08×1011 cm-3 to 9.73×1013cm-3, and atom H density increases from 2.82 × 1012 cm-3 to 3.69 × 1013cm-3.SinceSiH3particlesaremainlymicrocrystallinesilicon thin film deposition particles, and H atoms in the deposition of microcrystalline silicon film also play an important role in the process, which not onlysignificantly affect the deposition rate but also affect the crystal orientation of microcrystalline silicon films, we can concludesthat increasing SiH4 concentration leads to an improvementoftheµc-Si:Hfilmsgrowing. This work is supported by the Liaoning Province Natural Science Foundation(GrantNo.201202037). Quantum Information & Interdisciplinary Sciences temperature case. For the SGL sample with sufficiently large Δ, however,thespikeisabsent.Thus,anabsenceinthespikecould actasapossiblesignatureofthepresenceofSGLeffects. POSTER: QIS-01 POSTER: QIS-04 Aiai Jia ShanxiUniversity,China Chang-Jian Kwong NationalUniversityofSingapore,Singapore Influence of losses on the wave-particle duality Optical Simulation of Bosonic-Fermionic in Quantum Walk with Photons Distinguishability We theoretically investigate the influence of losses on the waveparticledualityinaMach-Zehnderinterferometer.Balancedlosses (equal loss on the two paths) have no effect on the visibility and predictability(alsothedualityrelation),whileunbalancedlossesdo haveinfluenceonthem.Iftheunbalancedlossesoccurinsidethe interferometer,thelosseshaveaneffectonboththevisibilityand predictability,whilethelosseshavenoeffectonthedualityrelation. Iftheunbalancedlossesoccuraftertheinterferometer,thelosses have no effect on the visibility, but do have an effect on the predictability (also the wave-particle duality), which can lead to a result that the duality relation exceeds 1, P^2+V^2>1. The influence of losses can be eliminated by exchanging the two detectors or the two inputs (one photon and the vacuum) of the interferometer and then averaging the two results. Consequently, we have the visibility, predictability, and duality relation P^2+V^2<=1independentoftheunbalancedlosses.Theobtained P and V for the unbalanced losses in the two paths do not represent the original predictability and visibility, and the result of P^2+V^2>1 does not mean the “violation” of the original duality. POSTER: QIS-05 POSTER: QIS-02 Hua Lu HubeiTechnologyUniversity,China *Koh Chee Yeong1, Kwek Leong Chuan2 1 NanyangTechnologicalUniversity,Singapore 2 NationalUniversityofSingapore,Singapore Security of Two-way Quantum Key Distribution against Detector-Side-Channel Attacks Entanglement of a 2-qubit system coupled to a bath of quantum spin glass We study the quantum entanglement (concurrence) of a 2-qubit system coupled to a small spin glass bath of 2 to n ≥ 4 qubits. The bath is described by the quantum XX Heisenberg model with random J coupling and varying magnetic field h. We look at the dynamicsofthesteadystateaverageconcurrenceforthesystem andobtainageneralformulatodescribetheconcurrencewithJ= 0andh=0fornbathsites.Thephysicsof2-qubitsystemcoupled withnbathsitesforJ=0isanalyticallydescribedforsmalln.The resultforlargenwasnumericallyfoundtobequalitativelysimilar. For small fluctuation in J, a mean steady state average concurrenceofabout0.5isobtained. POSTER: QIS-03 Chee Yeong Koh NationalUniversityofSingapore,Singapore Probing Quantum Spin Glass Like System with a Double Quantum Dot We study the ground state properties of a 4-qubit spin glass like (SGL)chainwithprobesattheendofthechainandcompareour results with the non-spin glass like (NSGL) case. The SGL is modeled as a spin chain with nearest neighbor couplings, taking on normal variates with mean J and variance Δ2. The entanglement between the probes is used to detect any discontinuity in the ground state energy spectrum. For the NSGL case, it was found that the concurrence of the probes exhibits sharptransitionswheneverthereareabruptchangesintheenergy spectrum. In particular, for the 4-qubit case, there is a sudden changeinthegroundstateenergyatanexternalmagneticfieldB of around 0.66 (resulting in a drop in concurrence of the probes) and 1.7 (manifest as a spike). The latter spike persists for finite 100 | The 8th OCPA International Conference on Physics Education and Frontier Physics Quantum Walks has many useful applications in different fields suchasquantumcomputation,quantuminformationandcomputer science.Usinganallopticalsetup, the influence of particle statistics i.e. bosonic or fermionic on quantumwalks.Here,weinvestigatehowphotondistinguishability can affects the optical simulation of a four particle discrete quantum walks by apply a delay in one of the input port of the setup. We observe that the probability distribution of all possible outputstates after afourstep quantum walk is dependent onthe photon distinguishability and particle statistics. From the measurementprobabilityofseveralspecificoutputstates,onecan estimatethephotondistinguishabilityoftheinputstatesaswellas the particle statistics. A comparisons with the probability of classical random walk shows that the photon distinguishability doesnotaffectthe"quantumness"oftheQuantumWalks. In a two-way deterministic quantum key distribution (DQKD) protocol, Bob randomly prepares qubits in one of four states and sends them to Alice. To encode a bit,Aliceperformsanoperation oneachreceivedqubitandreturnsittoBob.Bobthenmeasures the backward qubits to learn about Alice's operations and hence thekeybits.Recently,weprovedtheunconditionalsecurityofthe final key ofthis protocol in the ideal device setting.In this paper, weprovethattwo-wayDQKDprotocolsareimmunetoalldetector side channel attacks at Bob's side, while we assume ideal detectors at Alice's side for error testing. Our result represents a step forward in making DQKD protocols secure against general detectorsidechannelattacks. POSTER: QIS-06 Meutia Wulansatiti Nursanto UniversitasKatolikParahyangan,Indonesia The Application of Radioactive Decay in Positron Electron Topography PET (Positron Electron Topography) is a mean of scanning body tissues for any malfunctions by taking advantage of positronemmitingradioactivedecay.Thepositronsemittedbyaradiotracer injectedintothebodywillcollidewiththeexistingelectronsinthe body, thus positron-electron annihilation occurs. This annihilation emits two gamma ray photons that will be detected by a ring detectorlocatedaroundthebed.Thedetectordetectstwogamma photonsthatreachtheringatthesametimebutoriginateopposite of each other. A 3D image of the body tissue will then be constructed based on these detections by means of computer analysis.AlthoughPEThastheabilitytoproduce3Dimages,one ofitsdownsideisthattheradionuclidesusedinradiotracershave extremelyshorthalf-lives.Thisforceshospitalstohavecyclotrons nearbytosupplythemwiththenecessaryradionuclides. The 8th OCPA International Conference on Physics Education and Frontier Physics | 101 POSTER: QIS-07 Lukas Knips, Wieslaw Laskowski, Tomasz Paterek, Anna de Rosier, Christian Schwemmer, Minh Cong Tran*, Harald Weinfurter. NanyangTechnologicalUniversity,Singapore Quantum Entanglement without Correlations All entangled bipartite quantum states are correlated. However, extrapolationtothemultipartitecasedoesnothold.Wefirstshow theoretically that it is always possible to erase correlations between an odd number of qubits, while this is not possible betweenanevennumberofthem.Thisallowsustoconstructan infinitefamilyofstatesthatexhibitgenuinetripartiteentanglement without tripartite correlations. We then develop experimentally friendly criterion in order to detect this entanglement and perform experiments demonstrating entanglement without correlations in polarisation entangled three photon mixed states. POSTER: QIS-08 Hailong Wang*, Derek Y. H. Ho, Wayne Lawton, Jiao Wang, Jiangbin Gong NationalUniversityofSingapore,Singapore Kicked-Harper Model versus On-Resonance Double-Kicked Rotor Model: From Spectral Difference to Topological Equivalence Recentstudieshaveestablishedthat,inadditiontothewell-known kicked-Harpermodel(KHM),anon-resonance double-kickedrotor (ORDKR)modelalsohasHofstadter'sbutterflyFloquetspectrum, withstrongresemblancetothestandardHofstadterspectrumthat is a paradigm in studies of the integer quantum Hall effect. This workmakesdetailedcomparisonsbetweenthesetwomodels.We show that there exist simple extensions of the KHM and ORDKR model (upon introducing an additional periodic phase parameter) such that the resulting extended KHM and ORDKR model are actually topologically equivalent, i.e., they yield exactly the same Floquet-band Chern numbers and display topological phase transitions at the same kick strengths. A theoretical derivation of thistopologicalequivalenceisprovided.Theseresultsarealsoof interest to our current understanding of quantum-classical correspondence considering that the KHM and ORDKR model have exactly the same classical limit after a simple canonical transformation. Statistical Mechanics and Nonlinear Physics POSTER: SM-04 POSTER: SM-01 Muhammad Yusuf UniversitasNegeriGorontalo,Indonesia Shu-Chiuan Chang *1, Lung-Chi Chen 2, Weigen Yan 3 1 NationalChengKungUniversity,Taiwan 2 FuJenCatholicUniversity,Taiwan 3 JimeiUniversity,Taiwan Independent sets on the Sierpinski gasket The number of independent sets is equivalent to the partition function of the hard-core lattice gas model with nearest-neighbor exclusion and unit activity. We study the number of independent sets m_{d,b}(n) on the generalized Sierpinski gasket SG_{d,b}(n) on the generalized Sierpinski gasket SG_{d,b}(n) at stage n with dimensiondequaltotwo,threeandfourforb=2,andlayerbequal to three for d=2. Upper and lower bounds for the asymptotic growth constant, defined as z(SG_{d,b})=lim_{v →∞} ln m_{d,b}(n)/vwherevisthenumberofvertices,ontheseSierpinski gaskets are derived in terms of the numbers at a certain stage. The numerical values of these z(SG_{d,b}) are evaluated with more than a hundred significant figures accurate. We also conjecture upper and lower bounds for the asymptotic growth constant z(SG_{d,2}) with general d, and the approximation of z(SG_{d,2})whendislarge. POSTER: SM-02 Cheryl Abundo*, Erika Fille Legara, Christopher Monterola, Lock Yue Chew NationalTechnologicalUniversity,Singapore Neutrino On Gauge Supersymmetry InthispaperstudythegeometryofsupersymmetryEinstein-YangMills, supersymmetry field theories on space time, extra gauge supersymmetry Higgs Boson-Fermion of Neutrino in cosmology andtheearlyuniverse. POSTER: SM-05 Yuanjian Zheng*, Dario Poletti SingaporeUniversityofTechnology&Design,Singapore Quantum Heat Engines We study the performance of a quantum Otto cycle driven by anharmonic trapping potentials. This family of potentials possesses a simple scaling property that allows for analytical insightsintotheefficiencyandworkoutputofthecycle.Thusfar, existingstudiesonQuantumthermodynamiccycleshaveprimarily focusedonharmonicsystems,withstudyofanharmonicpotentials limited.Here,weshowthatwhileboththemeanworkoutputand efficiencyoftwoOttocyclesindifferenttrappingpotentialscanbe made equal, the work probability distribution will still be strongly affectedbythedifferenceinstructureoftheenergylevels.Lastly, we also perform a comparison of quantum Otto cycles in various physicallyrelevantscenariosandfindthatincertain instances,the efficiencyofthecycledrivenbyanharmonicpotentialsaresuperior to harmonic ones. Estimating Travel Demand In Transportation Networks Interactions and movements in urban systems are dependent on their transportation networks. For these systems to function efficiently, there is a need to build a robust network. We present herehowwecancouplelanduseandnetworkstructuretomodel the travel demand of stations in a transportation network. This givesusinsightsastohowtransportationnetworksshouldevolve withchanginglandusepatterns.Asaninitialcasestudy,weapply the model to the Singapore Rapid Transit System RTS. We find thatconsideringthedegreecentralityofthenetworkandusingthe grossplotratioasthepotentialmeasureofhowlikelyacommuter willbeattractedtotraveltospecificareas,thepredictedvaluesof the model has a correlationof0.70 withactualdata. POSTER: QIS-09 Chih-Hung Wang and Yu-Huei Wu* 1) Spacetimebookshop,Taiwan 2) National Central University,Taiwan How can one observe gravitational angular momentum radiation near null infinity? Westudythegravitationalenergyfluxandtheangular-momentum fluxofthetwistingvacuumsolutionsofEinsteinfieldequationsat nullinfinity.Bytransformingtheoriginaltwistingvacuumsolutions tosatisfyBondicoordinateconditionsintheasymptoticalregionof the null infinity, we obtain the Bondi-Sachs news functions and also find the relationship of how does the angular momentum contribute to the news functions. We further calculate the gravitational angular-momentum flux of the twisting space-times fromKomar'sintegralofangularmomentum.Thisstudyprovidesa theoretical basis to understand the correlations of gravitational radiations neararotatingdynamicalhorizonandnullinfinity. 102 | The 8th OCPA International Conference on Physics Education and Frontier Physics POSTER: SM-03 Kalai Kumar Rajagopal*, Sithi Vinayagam Muniandy. UniversityofMalaya,Malaysia Two-mode Bose-Einstein Condensate Subjected to Noise and Dissipation. We studied the dynamics of a two-mode Bose-Einstein Condensate (BEC) subjected to phase noise and particle loss within the corrected mean-field model. Discrepancies with the mean-fieldmodelisobservedforthemediumandsmallpopulation imbalance. Coherence and purity of the system are substantially alteredbyphasenoise,whiledissipationaloneplaysminorrolein thereductionofboth.Theconcurrentpresenceofdissipationwith phasenoiseisfoundtoenhancebothcoherenceandpurityinthe system. The 8th OCPA International Conference on Physics Education and Frontier Physics | 103 Submission by High School Students POSTER: HS-01 Jau-Tung Chan* RafflesInstitution,Singapore Interdisciplinary Sciences An Investigation into the Interaction and Resulting Shapes of a Thin Liquid Jet Impacting a Soap Film, and Either Penetrating Through it or Merging with it Thisstudyinvestigatestheinteractionbetweenathinliquidjetand a soap film. Two regimes of interactions are observed: the first occurs when surface tension forces are small, where the jet passes through the film and is deflected by it (termed refraction); thesecondoccurssurfacetensionforcesarelarge,wherethejet mergeswiththefilmandformsverticalundulationpatternsonthe filmsurface(termedabsorption).Theseregimesarecausedbythe interplay between the inertia of the jet, and the surface tension forcesofboththejetandthefilm.Constructingasetup thatuses hydrostatic pressure to create the jet, the interaction was photographed and the shapes ofthe jet were obtained via image analysis.Beinganewly-investigatedphenomenon,however,there were few models in literature to describe this interaction. This study thus proposes a revised theoretical model and empirically verifiesitspredictions.Theresultsshowthattherevisedmodelis abletoaccuratelyquantitativelypredict(a)theboundaryofthetwo regimes, (b) the deflection of the jet when it refracts, and (c) the wavelength of the undulation pattern when the jet is absorbed. Besides furthering knowledge in fluid dynamics, this study presentsamethodforcontrollingthetrajectoriesofliquidjetsafter theyhavebeenreleased,anengineering problemwhichcurrently hasnofeasiblesolutions.Thisthereforepresentsnewpossibilities in areas including inkjet systems, biological encapsulation, and fiberspinning. POSTER: HS-02 Sing Teng Chua VictoriaJuniorCollege,Singapore EnergyandEnvironmentalPhysics Investigation on Metal and Metal Oxides Thin Film as Potential Low Emission Glass Coating for Window Application Multilayer coating structures that sandwiched a copper (Cu) thin film between metal oxides, namely aluminium oxide (Al2O3) and titanium dioxide (TiO2) were designed and fabricated experimentally as low-emission (low-e) glass coating that saves energy for green building window applications. The objective of this research is to optimise the optical performance of Al2O3/Cu/Al2O3 and TiO2/Cu/TiO2 as low-e structure. Low-e glass coating exhibits high visible light (VIS) transmittance while absorbingultraviolet(UV)andreflectinginfrared(IR)radiation.The main highlight is the utilisation of Cu, a low-cost metal, in replacement of silver which is applied commonly in the commercially available low-e glass. The optimisation of the multilayerstructureswasperformedusingIMDsoftwaresimulation andexperimentalmethods.Themultilayercoatingsweresputtered on the plain glass substrates, after which the thickness of the structures was measured using surface profilometer. The optical spectra, namely transmittance and reflectance exhibited by the multilayer structures were studied using UV-VIS-NIR spectrophotoscopy.Finally, X-ray Diffraction wasconducted upon the as-depositedandthermallyannealedsamplesofTiO2/Cu/TiO2 forstructural analysis.The experimental resultsshowed that both structures exhibited considerably high IR reflectance and comparatively high VIS transmittance. TiO2/Cu/TiO2 presented higher VIS and lower UV transmittance but slightly lower IR reflectance as compared to Al2O3/Cu/Al2O3. This study also showed that rapid thermal annealing has improved the optical performance of TiO2/Cu/TiO2 significantly. In conclusion, in this study, Cu has exhibited a promising potential for low-e glass coating applications. 104 | The 8th OCPA International Conference on Physics Education and Frontier Physics POSTER: HS-03 POSTER: HS-05 Lu Wenyu, Gao Yan, Gong Yan* HwaChongInstitution,Singapore NanyangTechnologicalUniversity,Singapore Kai-Yen Jee RafflesInstitution,Singapore QuantumInformation Investigating the Self-healing Pattern of Airy Beam with Perturbation of Different Materials Scientists have created a special beam which is able to bend in the air and is diffraction-free. It is named Airy Beam. The Airy waveform was described theoretically nearly 30 years ago as a surprisingsolutiontothequantumequationforafreeparticle.The beam is asymmetric, with one bright region at the center and a series of progressively dimmer patches onthe side of thecentral spot. But rather than propagating in a straight line, the entire pattern of bright and dark patches curves toward one side (selfbend). One of its most remarkable properties is its very ability to self-reconstruct after being perturbed during propagation in inhomogeneous media. Our project investigate the selfreconstruction/self-healingpropertyofAiryBeam. In our project, we first create an airy beam using digital micro mirror device (DMD). After that we make observation of the selfhealing pattern of airy beam when thin non-transparent, semitransparent and transparent obstacles with various color are placed on the propagation routine of airy beam and investigate how the pattern is affected by the material and color of the obstacles. After quantifying the data we got, we found that themain lobe of airybeam,whereenergyconcentrates,isnotaffectedbeforeand after self-reconstruction regardless of the nature of obstacles. Hence we suggestthat the airy beam has a strong ability ofselfhealing.Withthisability,weproposetwoapplications:microscopic Imagingandinformationtransportation. PhysicsEducation Investigation on the Dynamics and Apparent Interactions of Massive Balls Rolling on a Stretched Horizontal Membrane as a Model to Illustrate Gravitation A gravity well model, in particular a stretched horizontal membrane, is often used to illustrate gravitation. Massive balls placed on it cause a depression due to their weight, thereby causingnearbyballstorolltowardstheminamannerofattraction similar to gravity. We aim to investigate whether this analogy to gravityisanaccurateone,andthiswasdoneintwodifferentways. We first compared the potential of gravity and the potential representative of the stretched membrane. We found that the potential(ie.Shape)ofthemembranetakesonalogarithmicform and most accurately models gravity in a 2 dimensional universe, rather than normal 3 dimensional gravity. We were also able to obtainanexpressionoftheeffectivegravitationalconstantforthe membrane. Next we compared the dynamics and motion of balls on the membrane. We found that the motion of balls on the membrane is greatly affected by rolling friction, the vertical component of the ball‟s motion, the finite size and weight of the membrane. Thus, we concluded that the model of a stretched horizontal membrane illustrates very well a 2 dimensional gravitational potential, but not when it comes to illustrating the motionofmasses. POSTER: HS-06 semiconductor solar cells. It was found that solar cells show an open-circuit voltage of about 420 mV and short-circuit current of ~5mA/cm2.Otherfactorshavealsobeeninvestigated. POSTER: HS-08 Yong-Hui Lim RafflesInstitution,Singapore Interdisciplinary Sciences On the Rebound, Subsequent Motion and Fluid Dynamics of a Small Fluid-filled Sphere Undergoing a Vertical Impact Inrecentyears,theusageofdynamicliquiddampershasreceived much attention. Dampers designed to reduce extreme lateral motion involve using energy losses from the sloshing motion of waterincontainers.However,theusageofliquidsasdampersfor vertical impacts is a more complex phenomenon and less investigationhasbeenputtoit.Thisisduetotheinvolvementofa complexliquidjetformationprocess.Whileheavy,largefluid-filled spheres were studied in previous literature, we consider the rebound and motion of small, light fluid-filled spheres as they exhibit more interesting and useful properties. Surface tension deformsthewatersurfaceunderthezero-gravityreferenceframe, resultingincavityformation.Uponthefirstbounce,ajetisformed. A temporary velocity drop is observed after impact due to the jet formationandsubsequentjetimpactwiththesphere'stopsurface. Throughtheoreticalcalculationsandnumericalsimulation,weuse the pressure impulse model to qualitatively predict water movement immediately after impact to explain jet formation. The variation of the temporary velocity drop and restitution coefficient overfluidfillfractionisthenstudiedexperimentally.It isfoundthat the velocity drop is optimized at a fill fraction of 0.33 with a minimum velocity ratio of 0.18, while the restitution coefficient is optimizedatfillfractionsintherangeof0.4to0.6witharestitution coefficient of approximately 0.5. These values show that small fluid-filled spheres are effective in acting as vertical damping devicestoreducebouncingmotion. POSTER: HS-04 Harman Johll, Karthik Panicker*, Nicole Christie Tan, Hway Chuan Kang, Eng Soon Tok 1)NationalJuniorCollege,Singapore 2)NationalUniversityofSingapore,Singapore Xinyi He*, Yihan Zhang HwaChongInstitution,Singapore Condensed Matter and Materials Sciences Adsorption of Hydrogen at Stone-Wales Defect Sites in Silicene POSTER: HS-09 PhotonicsandPhotovoltaics An Investigation into the Relationship between the Nozzle Geometrics and Jet-mixing Behavior Using density functional theory, we show that the adsorption of atomic hydrogen on silicene opens a spin polarized band gap in the electronic density of states. This spin polarized state is no longer observed with the presence of a rotated Si-Si bond (a Stone-Walesdefect)adjacenttotheHatom.AdsorptionofHatom and2Honboth,pristinesiliceneandStone-Walesdefectsilicene is thermodynamically favourable with the chemisorption of the latter being more favourable. We discuss these findings and its implication on hydrogen storage and detection of Stone-Wales defectsinsilicene. QuantumInformationScienceandMathematicalPhysics Investigating the Self-healing Pattern of Airy Beam Over Different Materials Our project investigates into the relationship between the nozzle geometrics and the jet-mixing behaviour. This has important application inthe infrared reduction technology applied on stealth fighters. The ideal nozzle design should achieve an optimum mixingbetweenthecoldambientairandthehotexhaustproduced bythefighters.Circular,non-inclinednozzlesarecommonlyused, yet they can be significantly improved. So far, studies on nozzle modificationfocusoneitherthebasicgeometricsofthenozzles,or the inclination of the nozzle lip on the basis of circular nozzle. Therefore, our project aims to investigate improvements in both characteristics,whichhaveseldombeenstudiedtogetherbefore. We investigated three rectangular nozzles that have different inclinations at 0, 30 and 60 degrees respectively. A green laser with a concave lens fixed in front is used to shine the smoke stream generated by a smoke generator. In the process of improving the set-up, we used 3D printer to print nozzles with different inclined angles, and placed a cylindrical pipe with filters 5.0cmawaythefanstogetadiluteandsteadysmokesupply. By using Matlab image processing as well as frame-by-frame analysis,wefoundthatthejetspreadofinclinednozzlesismuch larger than that of the non-inclined one, duetomore entrainment ofambientairintothejetthateffectivelyincreasesthecontactarea between the jet and air. Therefore it is concluded that inclined rectangular nozzles can effectively improve the mixing characteristicsoftheexhaustjet. POSTER: HS-07 Wan-Qi Kee RafflesInstitution,Singapore PhotonicsandPhotovoltaics Fabrication and Characterisation Of α-FeSi2/Si Schottky Diode Solar Cells This project aimed to contribute basic information of photovoltaic propertiesofmetal-semiconductor Schottky solar cells by taking αFeSi2/Si Schottky diode as a model system. This was achieved through depositing a layer of ~35mm metallic FeSi2 on an n-Si substrate. The samples were then subjected to rapid thermalannealing(RTA)attemperaturesof700°Cfor60s.Finally,indiumtin oxide(ITO)wasdepositedatroomtemperatureonFeSi2asa top electrode and a thin film of Al/Ti is sputter deposited on the backsideofn-SitoachievealowresistanceOhmiccontact.The photovoltaic properties of the materials were measured under standard AM 1.5 illumination. The MDC CV system (Advanced Computerised Semiconductor Measurement) was employed to conduct the current-voltage tests on the prepared metal- Wenyu Lu*, Yan Gong, Yan Gao HwaChongInstitution,Singapore Inourproject,wewillfirstcreateanairybeamusingdigitalmicro mirror device (DMD).After that we make observation of the selfhealing pattern of airy beam when thin non-transparent, semitransparent and transparent obstacles with various colour and materialsareplacedonthepropagationroutineofairybeamand investigate how the pattern is affected bythematerial andcolour oftheobstacles. Wefoundtherateofrecoveryofthemainlobeofairybeam,where energy concentrates, is not affected before and after selfreconstructionregardlessofthenatureofobstacles.Also,analysis shows that the extent of recovery for allthe groups is veryclose. Hence we suggestthat the airy beam has a strong ability ofselfhealing which has strong risilience over the obstacle. With this ability,weproposetwoapplications:informationtransportation and lasercutting. POSTER: HS-10 Milla Samuel*, Koo Ruey Yi, Harman Johll, Kang Hway Chuan, Tok Eng Soon 1)NationalJuniorCollege,Singapore 2)NationalUniversityofSingapore,Singapore Condensed Matter and Materials Sciences DFT Study on Distribution of Sn in Ge(100) Surface The 8th OCPA International Conference on Physics Education and Frontier Physics | 105 GeSn crystals have attracted much research attention given their potentialasdirectbandgapsemiconductorsandhenceapplication invariousoptoelectronicindustries.Inthiswork,densityfunctional theory calculations were carried out to investigate the stability of Snatom(s)atvariouspositionsattheGe(100)2x2surface.Both clean and hydrogen passivated surfaces were investigated. Comparisons were drawn to the congruent SiGe surface. Our calculations show that Sn atoms are most stable at the surface layer,viz.inthebuckleduppositionofasurfacedimer.Instability increasesastheSngoesdeeperintothebulkofthesystem.Both these properties resemble the SiGe system. Surface hydrogenationresultsinSnbeingmoststableinthe3rdlayer(e.g. layer 1 is the surface layer) for the 2.5% Sn System. This discriminates the GeSn system from SiGe systems, in which surface hydrogenation causes the 2nd layer of the system to be most energeticallyfeasible.Inallcasestheeffectofhydrogenation istomakethesurfacedimersymmetric. POSTER: HS-11 Muhammad Arifin Dobson SMANegeri3Bandung,Indonesia EnergyandEnvironmentalPhysics EcoSol SunHarvester: Cheap, Energy Efficient, Polycarbonate Solar Thermal Collector SolarThermalCollectors(STC)competewithfossilenergy,sofar theyrepresentonlyasmallpercentageofgeneratedpowerdueto cost and high embedded energy. I have made an STC (EcoSol SunHarvester) that is inexpensive, can be mass produced, and energyefficientbyusingpolycarbonate,inspiredbysuncanopies. Why Polycarbonate? Its properties are suitable for water heating; its unique thin design makes it possible to heat water very effectively.Furthermoreithasmuchlowerembeddedenergythan copper or stainless STC, making it much more energy efficient. Lastbutnotleastpolycarbonateisrecyclable. As the income in energy for STC is proportional to their area, rather than using glass with an aluminium frame, it is better to increasethetotalareaforthesamecost.Atmanytimesoftheday a matt black surface absorbs more heat than a glazed collector which reflects the sun‟s energy at low angles of incident. Another innovation of my project is a modified passive water heating system. Pumped and thermosyphon systems need cold watertoenterthehottankinordertopushhotwaterout.Withthis system only hot water enters the tank so in the morning it is still hot.Thissystemisparticularlyimportantwhenproducingpower. EcoSol'sefficiencyreaches55-65%onsunnydays,andpaysback itsembeddedenergyinonly60days(conventionalSTCupto2.46 years)! EcoSol has many applications; dryers, desalination, pool heating, industrial pre-heating even power generation that we estimate will be cheaper to build than conventional solar power plants(PVandThermalSystem)usingpentanewithagasturbine. POSTER: HS-12 Sijia Pan*, Qinxin Wu HwaChongInstitution,Singapore Accelerator,Astrophysics,Cosmology,NuclearandParticle Physics What's Next? Jumping From 39km High! OnOct14th,FelixBaumgartner,anAustrianBASEjumper,made hisrecordjumpfromaheightof38,969.4metersabovesealevel. Hereachedmaximumverticalspeed(withoutdrogue)of377.1m/s which is around 1.25 times ofspeed ofsound. In this project, we aimed to investigated • Physics behind his jump (Gravitational acceleration, atmospheric temperature, and pressure at each level of height, air resistance, velocity,speedofandeffectofhighaltitudeonhumanbody) • Use this case study to model a jumpfrom50kmhigh. 106 | The 8th OCPA International Conference on Physics Education and Frontier Physics POSTER: HS-13 Jo-Mei Po RafflesInstitution,Singapore Condensed Matter and Material Sciences Investigating the Effect of Coating ZnO2 Nanoparticles on Polypropylene (PP) Battery Separator for Lithium-ion Batteries This research looks at the characterization of ZnO2 nanoparticle coating on PP separator, aiming to investigate the effects of coatinglayeronessentialcharacteristicsofLIBsuchaschemical stabilitycharacterizedbythickness,ionicconductivitycalculatedby MacMullinnumber,wettabilityshownbycontactangleandthermal stability demonstrated by thermal shrinkage. The novelty of this researchliesinthefactthatZrO2nanoparticleispreparedusinga commerciallyavailablesol-gel andhydrophobicityofthePPfilmis overcome, which has been proven to be problem in numerous applications of thePP film. Good adhesion of ZrO2 nanoparticles can be observed and the ZrO2 coating also makes the film hydrophilic. Thermal stability of ZrO2 coated PP film has also showngreatimprovementascomparedtoanuncoatedsample. POSTER: HS-14 Fan Bowen, Joel Tan* HwaChongInstitution,Singapore PhotonicsandPhotovoltaics External Cavity Diode Laser Our project aims to construct an external cavity diode laser with low line width and to align the system, where a Fabry-Perot Interferometerformstheresonantcavityforthelaserandthelaser is a grating-stabilisedexternalcavitydiodelaser. POSTER: HS-15 Lin Xiao Wen, Chelsea Chia Jia Hwa, Tan Hwee Ling Sharon*, Harman Johll, Kang Hway Chuan, Tok Eng Soon 1)NationalJuniorCollege,Singapore 2)NationalUniversityofSingapore,Singapore Condensed Matter and Materials Sciences DFT study of Sn Distribution in Partially Hydrogenated Ge (100) surfaces GeSnalloyshaveattractedmuchattentiongiventheirpotentialto emit mid-IR light important for communications and remote sensing.Mostcritically,GeSnistoutedtobecomedirectbandgap semiconductors at a Sn fraction between 6 to 11 atomic percent and is useful for future electronic and optoelectronic devices. (Kolodzey et al., 2011) (Tonkikh et al., 2013) In this work, we carried out density functional theory calculations using the PBE formalism for the exchange correlation and the PAW for pseudization to investigate the energetics, electronic and band structuresoftheGeSn(100)surfacewithSnpositionedinvarious configurations, and with hydrogen adsorbed at different positions at the surface. Sn was found to be the most stable in the 25% hydrogen monolayercoveragewhenhydrogenisbondedtoeithertheatom at position a‟ or position a. More importantly, the atom bonded to hydrogen would always shift in the opposite direction of its bucklingandsimilartoSiGe(100)surface,therewouldbeapartial transfer of electrons from the buckled-down to buckled-up atom. (Liu & Hoffmann, 1995) It was also found that Sn would be the most stable in all positions except position b‟ in the 50% hydrogen monolayer Ge coverage for hydrogens bonded to atoms in positions a‟ and a, whereas Sn in position b‟ would be stable with hydrogen in positions a‟ and b. Inallcases, 1.SnisalwaysfoundtobeonornearthetopsurfaceofGe(100) surface. 2.Snwillnotbebondedtoahydrogenatom. 3. Sn which has lost electron density would be pushed to a buckled-downpositioninthedimer. our methods are novel, and there is a great potential for development. POSTER: HS-18 POSTER: HS-16 Shilin Wang HwaChongInstitution,Singapore QuantumInformationScienceandMathematicalPhysics Raman Spectroscopy of Carbon Nanotubes Carbon nanotubes (CNTs) are well known for having exceptional physical properties. Their unique electrical properties and high mechanical strength have generated significant interest in many fields, and CNTs have already found potential applications in several industries. However, there is currently no established model for CNT growth, and several questions for the growth mechanism of CNTs remain unanswered. Post-synthesis characterisation of CNTs is therefore crucial for identification and isolation of carbon nanotubes with the structures and properties desired for practical use. Raman spectroscopy is an extremely powerfultoolusedtocharacteriseSWNTsduetothenatureofthe C-C bonds present in CNTs. However, speed and resolution are always the two extremes in any measurement. Improvement in oneaspectisalmostalwaysachievedattheexpenseoftheother. High resolution Raman spectral images in a large area may contain up to millions of Raman spectra depending on the parametersset,andRamanspectralimagingonsuchscalescould takeuptodays.Thisstudyhencepresentsanovelmethodforfast Ramanspectralimagingofcarbonnanotubes.SWNTsweregrown on Si/SiO2 substrate marked with trenches using the method of CVD.Scanningelectronmicroscopywasusedtoobtainanimage of the substrate surface, and the trenches allow for fast and efficient location of SWNTs on the substrate surface. Using resonantRamanscattering,theCNTswereimagedwithinminutes. Thespectralimageacquiredhasaspatialresolutionofsub-micro, andeachimagingspotcontainseveryfingerprintoftheCNT. POSTER: HS-17 Tong Hui Kang, Peh Yu Xiang AndersonJuniorCollege,Singapore ComputationalandMathematicalPhysics Generalised Euler Factorisation Method RSA is now the most popular public-key cryptosystem with wide applicationsinmoderncryptography.ThesecurityofRSAdepends onthedifficultyoffactoringlargesemiprimes,numberswhichare theproductsoftwoprimes. Given the two representations of the semiprime as a sum of two squares, the Euler‟s Factorisation Method obtains the factors. However,thismethodisneglectedbecauseitisdifficulttofindthe two representations. Hence we generalise the Euler Factorisation Method to use two representations of sum of four squares. Our approachestothemethodarebasedonthetheoryofquaternions, whichisanumbersystemthatextendsthecomplexnumbers. Assumingthatwemanagetogeneratequaternionswithacommon integral quaternion divisor PQ and PQ‟, with a norm pq the semiprime, we can implement the Euclidean algorithm to obtain the prime factors. However, it may be difficult to even find such pairofquaternionsinthe firstplace. ThesearchforthepairofquaternionsPQandQPmaybeeasier because they have the same real part. The prime factor can be obtained from the system of 7 bilinear equations of 8 unknowns. Toourbesteffort,weareabletoexpresstwoofthe components of the quaternion factor P in terms of the other two, and then a bruteforcesearchisrequired. We are pleased that we have managed to apply some theory of quaternions on the integer factorisation problem.We believe that Francis Wang, David Kum, AbdurRahmaan Al-Mubaarak NUSHighSchoolofMath&Science,Singapore AcceleratorPhysics,Astrophysics,Cosmology,ParticlePhysics andNuclearPhysics A Statistical Analysis of Dark Matter through Galactic Rotation Curves The existence of Dark Matter, non-baryonic weakly interacting particles invisible to electromagnetic radiation has been establishedbeyonddoubtoverthepastdecades,theidentity and characteristics of which are as of yet a large unknown. It is believed that every galaxy possesses what is known as a Dark Matter halo, an approximately spherically symmetric aggregation ofDarkMatterthatconstitutesthevastmajorityofthemass ofthe galaxy.Intheliterature,thereexistseveraldifferingdensitymodels to predict the distribution of galactic Dark Matter, with a limited consensus as to which models best fit the available data. In our project, we have studied three of the more popular models – namelythePseudo-IsothermalSphereprofile,theNavarro-FrenkWhite (NFW) profile and the Burkert profile. By utilizing the rotationalvelocityofstarsandgasasaprobeofthegravitational influence of Dark Matter on astatisticallysignificant population of galaxies, we have established that among the three models, the Burkert profile is least capable of explaining the observed data. ThePseudo-IsothermalSphereandNFWmodelsproducelargely similarresults,withtheformerbeingslightlyfavoured.Finally,we haveinferredrelationshipsbetweenthevariousmodelparameters and the visible characteristics of the galaxies, which serves to shedlightonthepropertiesofgalacticDarkMatter. POSTER: HS-19 Kee Sejie, Edmund Kee*, Yap, ZiQi, Dang Thi Mai, Vy 1)AndersonJuniorCollege,Singapore 2)NgeeAnnPolytechnic,Singapore Biophysics,ChemicalPhysicsandSoftCondensedMatter 2-in-1 Recyclable use of Spent Bentonite to Treat Volatile Organic Compounds in Industrial Wastewater In this study, the feasibility of the 2-in-1 recyclable use of spent Bentonitetotreatvolatileorganiccompounds(VOCs)inindustrial wastewaterthroughanovel2-stepsurfaceadsorptionmechanism is validated. Due to isomorphous inter-layer substitution of ions, raw Bentonite‟s surface is hydrophillic. Hence, raw Bentonite is an ineffectivesorbentforVOCsdespitehavinghighsurfacearea.The influence of Bentonite‟s layered expansion from wetting on adsorptionperformancewasalso explored. SpentBentonitewasgeneratedbybatchadsorptionwithsimulated waste water using TOP detergent while it‟s dried counterpart is subjected to further oven-drying and grinding processes. Adsorptionperformancewasdeterminedthroughtolueneremoval by flocculation - which is measured by GC-MS and analysed via Langmuir&Frendulichadsorptionisothermplots. Results indicate that wetted Bentonite has better adsorption performancethandriedandgrindedBentonite.SpentBentoniteis also proven to have a higher affinity to adsorb VOCs than raw Bentonite. Spent wetted Bentonite‟s affinity to adsorb toluene is demonstrated by R2 > 0.9 fits to both Langmuir & Frendulich models. Frendulich equation parameter‟s n >1 value meant that the adsorbate on the Bentonite can be removed by a similar physical reaction and thus, recyclable. 0<R<1 equilibrum parameter from the Langmuir isotherm proved that adsorption of tolueneontospentwettedBentoniteisfavourable. Hence,ourinvestigationconcludedthatourproposed mechanism isvalidandthatthewastefromoneindustrycanbeconvertedinto resource for another by using cheap and abundant Bentonite for flocculation. The 8th OCPA International Conference on Physics Education and Frontier Physics | 107