AP Physics C Course Guidelines Semesters: 1 & 2 Teacher: Mr. Amoroso Room Location: SB217 Email and phone extension: matthew.amoroso@thorntonacademy.org : voicemail extension - 8101 Home Phone: 207-776-5847 After School Help Available: in room SB217. Class Website: Go to your eBackpack app. Introduction What is AP Physics C? An Advanced Placement course is designed by the College Board to be equivalent to an introductory college course in that subject area. Category C courses build on the conceptual understanding attained in a first course in physics. These courses normally form the college sequence that serves as the foundation in physics for students majoring in the physical sciences or engineering. The sequence is preceded by mathematics courses that include calculus. Methods of calculus are used in formulating physical principles and in applying them to physical problems. The sequence is more intensive and analytic than in Category B courses. Strong emphasis is placed on solving a variety of challenging problems, some requiring calculus, as well as continuing to develop a deep understanding of physics concepts. AP Physics C is intended to be equivalent to part of a Category C sequence and covers two major areas: mechanics, and electricity and magnetism, with equal emphasis on both. The AP Test Student Expectations • • • All students are expected to sit for the College Board AP Physics C exam. TA will continue to financially support families who request financial assistance. See Appendix A for more about AP Physics C and the College Board Exam. Grading Percentage System • • • • Exams – 30% ConcepTests – 30% o 3 points per question – 2 regular and 1 extra credit Other Assignments 30% o Book Problems – 5 points per problem. o Ranking Task Exercises – 20 points Each o Pencasts – 25 points o Nightly Video – 20 points Lab Reports & Projects – 10% Late Work • • • All in class assignments for each unit should be completed before the test for that unit. Late work that is received within one week of the due date will usually earn half credit. Any work turned in later than that will not receive any credit. Academic Dishonesty • • • • All work that you receive points for must be your own. If copy anyone else’s work you will receive a zero for that assignment and your transgression will be recorded according to the school policy. If you cannot tell the difference between having someone help you and having someone give you the answers in a certain situation, please let me know and I will help you figure it out. This is not always easy, but it is a very important skill to learn and I will be very happy to help you. Exams Timed Exam • • • • • There will be a 70 minute timed exam at the end of each chapter. This exam will be as much like the AP Exam as possible. There will be a multiple-choice section and a free response section. You may not leave the room while still working on either part of the exam. You may step out between the two parts if necessary. You may use a calculator on any part of the exam. You will be supplied formulae and may use a calculator for both parts. You will be allowed to use a notebook only during the multiple choice section of the exam ONLY if it meets the requirements outlined in Appendix F. Practice Exam • • As a courtesy a Practice Exam is available online for each unit. This exam is not worth any points but is designed to be very similar to the timed exam for the chapter. Make-up Exam • • • If you miss the timed exam for the unit, you may take a Make-Up Exam after school. You will not receive any accumulated extra credit points. You will not receive any scale used on the in class exam. Homework Video Lectures • • • • • Each Unit is divided into several days, each with a few sections from the book. There is a video lecture posted for each of those days. Check the Assignment Calendar in eBackpack regularly for constantly updated due dates. Before and/or after reading those sections, you should watch the accompanying video lecture. Use the Pause and Rewind features to go at whatever pace works best for you. Notes should be taken as you see fit, but be sure that your notebook meets the requirements outlined in Appendix F. Book Reading • • • You are expected to spend time reading and understanding the material in the assigned sections before we begin work on them. Reading quiz questions will be given occasionally to verify this. You may use your notebook on every reading quiz ONLY if it meets the requirements outlined in Appendix F. Labs Lab Notebook • • • You should keep a digital copy of all of your Lab Reports and Demo worksheets. You can use eBackpack to make a portfolio for yourself. Note! The college that you attend may require you to present these materials before they give you credit for this course, regardless of your Exam results. Lab Reports • • • • Unless otherwise specified, all labs require a completed Lab Report. Lab Reports should be done using the SparkVue HD Template available on eBackpack. See Appendix C for more details. They are normally due about one week after the lab that was performed. Each student must complete their own Lab Report, though the file containing the experimental data taken may be shared. Pencast Problems • • • • Pencasting is using Explain Everything to record what you are saying as you are writing. The purpose is to get you to focus on your thought processes while solving free response problems. You may choose any problem in the packet, but you must choose a different problem than the other members of your team. A few of your solutions will be posted and a problem very similar to one of those will be in the Free Response section of our next timed exam. See Appendix G for more about Pencasting. Ranking Task Exercises • • • • • • • • • Some units will have Ranking Task Exercises, which we will work on together in class. You may work with your group, but your answers and explanation should be your own. Open the appropriate .pdf file in Explain Everything. Your explanation must be written or typed and must have a recorded audio to accompany it. Upload your completed file as a movie file to eBackpack. See Appendix H for more about Ranking Task Exercises. See Appendix G for more about Pencasting, which apply to this type of assignment. The Ranking Task Exercises are graded more on the thoroughness of your explanation than on the correctness of your answer. Pay particular attention to the section marked “Please carefully explain your reasoning.” ConcepTests • • • Most University level Physics textbooks incorporate some form or Peer Instruction as designed by Harvard professor Eric Mazur. Group discussion is the most important part of this exercise and is a very important part of learning physics in my class. 1 out of every 3 points available through these rather tricky conceptual problems is Extra Credit. Text & Supplements Sears and Zemansky’s University Physics – 13th Edition • • • By Hugh D. Young & Roger A. Freedman This text will be provided to all students for use during the course but must be returned at the end of the semester. Being a college textbook, this is a very expensive book to replace so please take good care of it! Topics Covered Textbook Chapters • • The textbook is designed to fit the needs of the AP test and meet the standards of a first year college calculus based physics text. You can see a detailed chapter outline in Appendix D AP Physics Objectives • • The College Board gives a very detailed outline of the learning objectives of an AP Physics C course. See Appendix E for the complete outline. Section Schedule Unit Days • • • • • There will be anywhere from 1 to 6 days were sections of the book for that unit are covered. There will be a video lecture and assigned reading due on each of these days. Reading Quizzes may be given on any of these days to encourage you to keep up with the reading and lectures. Your number one priority should be watching the assigned lectures and reading on time! In class we will do Book Problems, ConcepTests, and Ranking Task Exercises, and Pencast Problems on these days. Unit Finish Day • • • Each unit will have at least one Finish Day. While there is no lecture video or reading due for this day, you should make sure that you are caught up by this day at the latest. Students may work on any uncompleted assignments from the Unit Days or they may work on the Practice Exam. Lab Days • • • • • • There will usually be several Lab Days before each unit exam to give students some time to look at the Practice Exam outside of class and to study and review for the exam. Students should be working on designing or performing the lab that is current for their section. Groups of 3 or 4 students unless the amount of available equipment forces larger groups. All students should be working for the entire class. If you finish the lab early you should begin working on your Lab Report or start the next lab. Lab Reports should be done using the SparkVue HD Template available on eBackpack. See Appendix C for more details. Each student must complete their own Lab Report, though the file containing the experimental data taken may be shared. Exam Day • • • • • Timed Quiz: 70 minutes, with 2 timed parts similar to the AP test. (45 minutes) Multiple Choice section – formula sheets may be used. Notebooks may be used ONLY if they meet the requirements outlined in Appendix F. (25 minutes) Free Response section –formula sheets may be used, but notebooks may not be used. Approved calculators may be used for either section. Other devices may not be used, even if they have a calculator function. Extra Help Mr. Amoroso is available to assist you via email: matthew.amoroso@thorntonacademy.org or before or after school most days in room SB217. Appendix A – More about AP Physics C The College Board The College Board is a not-for-profit membership association whose mission is to connect students to college success and opportunity. Founded in 1900, the College Board is composed of more than 5,700 schools, colleges, universities and other educational organizations. Each year, the College Board serves seven million students and their parents, 23,000 high schools, and 3,800 colleges through major programs and services in college readiness, college admission, guidance, assessment, financial aid and enrollment. Among its widely recognized programs are the SAT®, the PSAT/NMSQT®, the Advanced Placement Program® (AP®), SpringBoard® and ACCUPLACER®. The College Board is committed to the principles of excellence and equity, and that commitment is embodied in all of its programs, services, activities and concerns. For further information, visit www.collegeboard.org. AP Course and Exam Descriptions AP Course and Exam Descriptions are updated regularly. Please visit AP Central® (apcentral.collegeboard.com) to determine whether a more recent Course and Exam Description PDF is available. Welcome to the AP® Program AP® is a rigorous academic program built on the commitment, passion and hard work of students and educators from both secondary schools and higher education. With more than 30 courses in a wide variety of subject areas, AP provides willing and academically prepared high school students with the opportunity to study and learn at the college level. Through AP courses, talented and dedicated AP teachers help students develop and apply the skills, abilities and content knowledge they will need later in college. Each AP course is modeled upon a comparable college course, and college and university faculty play a vital role in ensuring that AP courses align with college-level standards. For example, through the AP Course Audit, AP teachers submit their syllabi for review and approval by college faculty. Only courses using syllabi that meet or exceed the college-level curricular and resource requirements for each AP course are authorized to carry the “AP” label. AP courses culminate in a suite of college-level assessments developed and scored by college and university faculty members as well as experienced AP teachers. AP Exams are an essential part of the AP experience, enabling students to demonstrate their master y of college-level course work. Strong performance on AP Exams is rewarded by colleges and universities worldwide. More than 90 percent of four-year colleges and universities in the United States grant students credit, placement or both on the basis of successful AP Exam scores. But performing well on an AP Exam means more than just the successful completion of a course; it is the gateway to success in college. Research consistently shows that students who score a 3 or higher typically experience greater academic success in college and improved graduation rates than their non-AP student peers. AP Exam Scores The Readers’ scores on the free-response questions are combined with the results of the computerscored multiple-choice questions; the weighted raw scores are summed to give a composite score. The composite score is then converted to a score on AP’s 5-point scale. While colleges and universities are responsible for setting their own credit and placement policies, AP scores signify how qualified students are to receive college credit or placement: AP SCORE 5 4 3 2 1 QUALIFICATION Extremely well qualified Well qualified Qualified Possibly qualified No recommendation AP Exam scores of 5 are equivalent to A grades in the corresponding college course. AP Exam scores of 4 are equivalent to grades of A–, B+ and B in college. AP Exam scores of 3 are equivalent to grades of B–, C+ and C in college. Credit and Placement for AP Scores Thousands of two- and four-year colleges and universities grant credit, placement or both for qualifying AP Exam scores because these scores represent a level of achievement equivalent to that of students who have taken the comparable college course. This college-level equivalency is ensured through several AP Program processes: • College faculty are involved in course and exam development and other AP activities. Currently, college faculty: o Serve as chairs and members of the committees that develop the Course Descriptions and exams for each AP course. o Are responsible for standard setting and are involved in the evaluation of student responses at the annual AP Reading. The Chief Reader for each AP exam is a college faculty member. o Lead professional development seminars for new and experienced AP teachers. o Serve as the senior reviewers in the annual AP Course Audit, ensuring AP teachers’ syllabi meet the curriculum guidelines for college-level courses. • AP courses and exams are reviewed and updated regularly based on the results of curriculum surveys at up to 200 colleges and universities, collaborations among the College Board and key educational and disciplinary organizations, and the interactions of committee members with professional organizations in their discipline. • Periodic college comparability studies are undertaken in which the performance of college students on a selection of AP Exam questions is compared with that of AP students to ensure that grades earned by college students are aligned with scores AP students earn on the exam. For more information about the role of colleges and universities in the AP Program, visit the Value of AP to Colleges and Universities section of the College Board website at http://professionals.collegeboard.com/higher-ed/placement/ap. What are the goals of this course? The AP Physics Development Committee recognizes that curriculum, course content, and assessment of scholastic achievement play complementary roles in shaping education at all levels. The committee believes that assessment should support and encourage the following broad instructional goals: 1. Physics knowledge — Basic knowledge of the discipline of physics, including phenomenology, theories and techniques, concepts and general principles 2. Problem solving — Ability to ask physical questions and to obtain solutions to physical questions by use of qualitative and quantitative reasoning and by experimental investigation 3. Student attributes — Fostering of important student attributes, including appreciation of the physical world and the discipline of physics, curiosity, creativity and reasoned skepticism 4. Connections — Understanding connections of physics to other disciplines and to societal issues The AP Physics Exams are designed to test student achievement in the AP Physics courses described in this book. These courses are intended to be representative of courses commonly offered in colleges and universities, but they do not necessarily correspond precisely to courses at any particular institution. The aim of an AP secondary school course in physics should be to develop the students’ abilities to do the following: 1. Read, understand and interpret physical information — verbal, mathematical and graphical 2. Describe and explain the sequence of steps in the analysis of a particular physical phenomenon or problem; that is, a. describe the idealized model to be used in the analysis, including simplifying assumptions where necessary; b. state the concepts or definitions that are applicable; c. specify relevant limitations on applications of these principles; d. carry out and describe the steps of the analysis, verbally or mathematically; and e. interpret the results or conclusions, including discussion of particular cases of special interest 3. Use basic mathematical reasoning — arithmetic, algebraic, geometric, trigonometric, or calculus, where appropriate — in a physical situation or problem 4. Perform experiments and interpret the results of observations, including making an assessment of experimental uncertainties. Appendix B – ClassCraft Getting Started Introduction Classcraft is a role-playing game designed for teachers and students to play together in the classroom. By playing, you will get to be a Warrior, a Healer, or a Mage — each with special powers that can be used in real life and will let you do things like get extra time on an exam or listen to music in class. These powers can be unlocked by participating in class. The more you participate, the more powers you get! The purpose of the game is to make coming to class fun! In this section, you'll find tutorials and videos that will help you understand how to play and, eventually, how to master the game. Signing the Hero Pact The Hero Pact represents your commitment to playing Classcraft until the end of your class, be it the semester or the school year. You can't play Classcraft unless you sign the pact, and you can't stop playing once the pact is signed. In signing the Hero Pact, you recognize the authority of the Gamemaster (your teacher) and can't contest his/her decisions at any point in the game. You must also accept any changes he/she might make to the game rules even if you are not happy with them. If you do not want to play, you are free not to. However, if you change your mind later in the year, you can still sign the Hero Pact at anytime to join the rest of your classmates. Basic game rules There are some basic rules you will need to know in order to play. We will review them in this section. Health Points (HP) Every player has HP. When you lose all of your HP, you will fall in battle and will then be subject to potentially negative consequences. You lose HP when you behave negatively in class. Below is a list of what some of those behaviors could be: • Arriving late to class : -10HP • Being negative or slacking off in class : -15HP • Late Homework per assignment, per day. : -10HP • Incomplete assignment : -10HP • Bad Form : -5HP Experience Points (XP) You also have XP. XP allows you to level up in the game and unlock powers. To earn XP, you must behave in a positive way in class. Here's a list of some behaviors that can earn you XP: • Great ConcepTest or group work contribution. : +50XP • Asking a good question about last night's video. : +60XP • Being on task during a random check. : +30XP • Notebook check : +40XP • Turning in an assignment a day early. : +20XP • Attendance : +100XP • Being positive and hard-working in class : +100XP Action Points (AP) In addition to HP and XP, you also have AP. AP enables you to use the powers you've earned. For example, if a Healer wants to use the "Heal 1" power, it will cost them 15 AP. When you don't have enough AP, you can't use any powers. Regeneration of HP and AP The only way to regain HP is by using powers. By default, all players automatically gain 4 AP per day (at midnight) even when there is no class. It's with these AP that you can then use powers to regenerate your or your teammates' HP. Power Points (PP) At the beginning of the game, every player starts at Level 1. To level up, you must earn 1,000 XP. Every time you do, you will earn a PP. It's with PP that you can buy powers! Powers can cost between 1 and 3 PP depending on how strong they are. See the chart in the "Choosing your character" section to learn specifics. Gold Pieces Gold pieces are used to buy gear that you can equip to customize your character and make it look awesome! There are three ways you can get gold pieces: You can earn some every time you level up (Free and Premium), You can train your pets (Premium version), or Your teacher can reward you with gold pieces if you do well in class. Logging in to Your Classcraft Account Get your log-in info and download the Classcraft app from the free app store. If your teacher collected your email address in class, check your inbox for a message from Classcraft with all the info you'll need to log in. If your teacher assigned you a username and password, use it to log into the mobile app or visit game.classcraft.com. Get to know the interface The easiest way to learn how to navigate the game interface is to jump in and start using it. Once you're in the game interface, you'll be able to: • View your character's stats, • Learn powers by spending your PP, • Use powers that your character has learned, • Monitor other players on your team and in your class, • Checkout lessons and discuss with your fellow students (Premium version), • Get updates of the game to see what's happening, • Customize your avatars, • Train pets, and • Change your password. Choosing Your Character Before you begin playing Classcraft, you'll have to decide if you want to be a Healer, Mage, or Warrior. Get to know the differences between them all. You may have a preference going in, but ultimately, you'll want to make a decision that's best for your team. You'll also want to talk with your teammates before picking your character so you can make sure you have a balanced team of Healers, Mages, and Warriors. Your team's strategy is very important. Take your time in choosing. Once your choice is made, there's no turning back! Healer Max HP:60 | Max AP:50 As the name suggests, the Healers perform healing functions in the game. When a team member takes damage, they can use different powers to restore HP to that player. They can also use these powers on themselves. The Healer has a maximum of 50 HP and 35 AP, giving it an edge on strength and survival. This character class likes to help others, and team members will frequently call on them to use the "Heal' and "Revive" powers during the game. The "Revive" power is the Healer's most significant power since it can save other players from falling in battle, thereby preventing damage to the rest of their team. Mage Max HP:40 | Max AP:70 Mages are the game's AP suppliers. Mages are the strongest class in terms of powers because they can acquire a maximum of 50 AP. They can also use powers like the "Fountain of Mana," which enables them to give AP to another team member, which in turn allows them to use their powers more frequently. Mages are also more at risk of falling in battle since they can only acquire a maximum of 30 HP. The Mage class is recommended for students who are confident that they can survive on just 30 HP with the help of their teammates. Warrior Warriors are the game's protectors. When a team member is about to lose HP, Warriors can use their powers to absorb the damage for the player while simultaneously neutralizing it so that the Warrior loses fewer HP. These powers can save a team member from falling in battle and spare the rest of the team from the damage caused by it. If a student might be at risk of losing a lot of HP, the Warrior class is an ideal choice for them because Warriors can acquire a maximum of 80 HP and can even heal themselves using the "First Aid" power. However, because they can only acquire a maximum of 30 AP, Warriors don't have very strong powers and can't use them very often. Playing in a Team Setting up your team Teamwork is crucial in Classcraft. Start creating your team by getting together with your teammates and choosing your team's name, crest, and background. Balancing your team There are many things to consider when putting your team together: Do you want the most balanced formula (e.g., two of each character class), or would you prefer more Healers? There are many possibilities, but the golden rule is to have at least one of each character class on your team so you can access all the different powers. Because each player has already decided which character he/she prefers, make sure your strategy reflects who your teammates want to play as much as possible. If your team can't come up with a formula that follows the golden rule, some team members may have to select another character. Establishing strategic roles Being part of a team is one thing; surviving as a team is another. To get the most out of the game, your team needs to establish a strategy right from the start. Without one, the team could face many critical consequences. Once you've chosen your characters, you must determine what role you're going to play on your team. Your role is determined by what powers you can use. It should reflect how you'd like to contribute to rest of your team. Each character has two roles to choose from. If you do well in the game, you can eventually get enough powers to play both roles, but at the beginning of the game, you can only choose one. Here are the two suggested roles each character can play: Mage Mana Provider: Uses Mana powers to help the team's AP Power Mage: Uses powers that help the team gain special bonuses Warrior Protector: Uses powers that offer protection from damage Tactician: Uses offensive powers that help the Warrior and his/her team Healer Healer: Uses healing powers Reviver: Uses the "Revive" power We strongly recommend balancing out your team by making all the roles available where possible. So if you have two Healers on your team, give one of them the healer role and have him/her get the "Heal" powers. Then make the other a reviver so that he/she tries to get "Revive" as soon as possible. One of the two could later try to get enough powers to play both roles. It isn't mandatory to determine your role at the start, but we recommend it because the choice of roles sometimes affects the choice of character. That said, choosing a role at the beginning makes choosing your first power easier. Choose your first collaborative power Now that you've chosen your character class and your role, it's time to choose your first power! It's smart to choose a collaborative power — one that helps someone else. Survival will be easier that way since someone will always be on hand to save a team member from falling in battle. You also get XP when you use a collaborative power. Getting more XP will help you unlock more powers faster. Consider these things when choosing your first power and study the power chart paths carefully. Select a team captain (optional) When a team member falls in battle or when several teammates lose HP, typically the team gets together to discuss which powers to use to solve the problem. Sometimes, ideas can clash and it can be tough to figure out how to proceed. Team captains can be helpful in these situations as they will have the last word on these decisions, which ultimately lets the whole team take action and move forward quickly. The team captain should be someone who really understands the game rules and mechanics, which makes their decisions most effective during critical situations. It is not mandatory to choose a team captain — alternatively, you could even have two. Whatever suits your team best! Dealing with Damage and Falling in Battle Dealing with damage Taking damage is a normal part of the game. At some point, we all get to class late or have a hard time with an assignment. It's important to learn how to work together as a team to manage that damage. Here are some ways you can deal with damage as a team: • Healers can use "Heal 1, 2, 3" and "Healing Circle." If a teammate loses all his/her HP, they can also use "Revive" to make sure the player doesn't fall in battle. • Warriors can use "Protect 1, 2, 3" to help others and "First Aid" on themselves. • Mages can use "Mana Shield" on themselves to avoid taking damage. Falling in battle When players lose all of their HP, they fall in battle and must roll the cursed dice to come back into the game. The cursed dice contains six sentences. These are: • Gulag - You may not sit in class until you have regained 15 HP. • Detention - You owe the GM one hour of the work of his choosing after school. • Recitation - You must record yourself reading aloud the book section of the GM's choice. • • • • • • • • • Fine - You must pay 100 GP. Pencaster - You must do one extra pencast for this unit. Classcraft Studios Inc. 7 Deadline - You have one day less to hand in the book problems for this unit. Community Service - You must make and post a 4 minute YouTube video that explains well a difficult physics concept. Ghost - No one in the class can see or hear you except for the GM. Tested - Your Exam will have an extra free response question on it. Exile - You must sit away from your group until for a time. Nothing! - You escape penalty... this time. If a teammate has the right power and chooses to use it, he/she can save another player who has lost all HP. If no one saves a player with 0 HP, the player must roll the cursed dice and deal with what is written on it. Once this is done, the player is brought back into the game, but with only 1 HP! In addition, all his/her fellow team members lose 10 HP because he/she fell in battle. If one of them falls as a result of this penalty, the remaining team members lose another 10 HP! This can continue for a while, so be careful! That said, the same player can't fall twice as a result of the original incident. Customizing Your Character: Buying Equipment, and Training Pets Customizing your character You can customize your character in Classcraft by buying equipment. As you level up, you will have access to new sets, giving you epic new looks to choose from. You can mix and match pieces from different sets to create your own unique look. Go to the equipment section to customize your look. Unlocking, training, and equipping pets If you get a complete set of equipment, you will unlock a pet. Each set of equipment has a corresponding pet. Once you have unlocked it, you can go to the pet section and begin training it. Each time you send your pet on mini training missions, you will earn gold pieces. Once your pet is fully trained, you will get a big gold piece bonus and be able to display your pet alongside your character by equipping it in the equipment section. Gold Pieces As mentioned in the basic game rules section, gold pieces can be earned in three ways: • You can earn some every time you level up (Free and Premium), • You can train your pets (Premium version), • If your class is playing the Premium version, your teacher can reward you with gold pieces if you do well in class. Random Events Random events are a great way to begin each class, so make sure your teacher doesn't forget to generate them! These events make the game more fun. There are an equal number of good and bad events, and everyone has to live with the consequences, even the Gamemaster. Some events are beneficial, like the "Healing" event, which gives each player 5 HP. Others are unfortunate, like the "Feeble" event, where everyone loses twice as many HP during the period. There are even some events that can happen outside of the class. For example, the "Thirst of the Healers" event enables Healers to leave the classroom to go drink water. Some events are just funny, like the "Chant of the Master," which forces the Gamemaster to sing a song chosen by the player who has the least XP. Tips and Tricks Choose a cooperative power as a first power If most or all your teammates start the game with a cooperative power, they will give themselves an advantage because they'll be better equipped to avoid falling in battle. Plus, using a cooperative power enables team members to gain XP, which makes it possible to get new powers more quickly. Teams that start the game off with cooperative powers survive much longer than the teams that don't. Don't underestimate the Mage when choosing character classes The Mage may seem like a risky character to play as because of its low maximum HP. However, the Mage has access to the strongest powers in the game, so it will be an asset to any team. Work together to protect your Mages and get the benefits of their powers. Monitor your HP If you have only a few HP left, avoid doing anything that might make you lose them. You can also ask a Healer to help so you can avoid falling in battle. Monitor your AP If your AP is at maximum, you should use at least one of your powers. Otherwise, you won't be able to take advantage of the daily increment in AP or of game events that might generate AP. Use the Warrior's "Protect" power Many players think protection powers aren't as useful as healing powers, but this isn't true. The "Protect" power enables you to prevent a player from falling in battle. Plus, using "Protect" means less damage overall, which makes it easier to keep your team members alive. Healers should heal someone else as often as possible Even if healing powers can be used on the Healers themselves, these players only gain XP when they use healing powers on one of their teammates. If there are two Healers on your team, the best strategy is to heal each other so that you can gain XP and restore your HP. Use the Mage's "Mana Shield" in critical situations This will help Healers and Warriors do their job and focus on other players. Don't overuse this power since your team could also ask you to use cooperative powers like "Mana Transfer." Before using "Mana Transfer," assess the situation Make sure that the players who are at their maximum level of AP spend some of them first, ideally on a cooperative power, so that they'll get the most out of the "Mana Transfer." Before using "Fountain of Mana," assess the situation Regardless of how many AP a player starts the game with, his/her maximum doesn't change. Before using "Fountain of Mana," make sure that the player you are using it on has spent as many AP as possible, ideally by using cooperative powers to gain more XP. This way, he/she will get the most out of the "Fountain of Mana." If you can help your team avoid damage, check your AP first The damage-absorbing powers can consume a lot of AP. If you have an upcoming exam, you're going to need as many protection powers as possible. It's best to save up your AP ahead of time to make sure you can use them when the grades go into the game. FAQ Does the maximum amount of HP and AP increase when players level up? No, because if players had access to more HP and AP by leveling up, the game would become too easy since the risk of falling in battle would go down considerably. Earning more PP and new powers are the real rewards of leveling up. Is there an end to Classcraft? Can players finish the game? Yes and no. In theory, the game ends when you gain all the powers available to your character class. You must reach Level 18 to gain all those powers, which makes Level 18 the "end of the game," so to speak. That's why Level 18 often becomes famous among players. So for all players, Classcraft ends when the course does. What powers save players from the cursed dice? When a player falls in battle and must roll the cursed dice, only two powers can save him/her: the Healer's "Revive" power and the Warrior's "Protect" power. If a team member uses one of these two powers, the player will avoid the cursed dice. The Healer's "Heal" powers cannot rescue a player from the cursed dice. The "Heal" powers can only be used after a player has rolled the cursed dice or after he/she has been saved by "Revive" or "Protect." The Mage's "Cheat Death" also won't save a player from the cursed dice, but it enables the player to roll the dice a second time so that he/she might suffer a lesser sentence. Will there be events throughout the whole course? Yes, and no matter which event the game randomly generates, you have to go through with it. This might seem easy, but some events are particularly detrimental, like the "Welcome to the Jungle" event, which causes all the players on a randomly chosen team to lose 25 HP. Still, there are also lots of beneficial events, so don't get discouraged when you get an unfortunate one. Appendix C – Lab Reports Lab Reports for this class will all begin by downloading a template form designed for the app SparkVue HD. There is plenty of room for you to change this template and add pages including pictures and data. But be sure that the final lab report includes the following elements. Save and upload the file in the appropriate place. Your group may share pictures and data, but all other parts of the report should be done independently. (1a) Title and Author (1b) Abstract The goal of an abstract is to set down clearly and concisely what experiment was performed should include the basic numerical result obtained. It is easiest to complete this section last, even though it should be on the title page. Don’t forget to include units!! (2) Background Explain the purpose of the lab, clearly and concisely. (3) Procedure For full credit this section should include the following: (a) a detailed narrative description of how the experiment was carried out (b) a labeled sketch of experimental setup, referred to in the above narratives. (4) Analysis For full credit this section should include the following: (a) A table of experimental data, including the conditions under which the measurement was made; (b) A discussion of the data, including one or more graphs and their interpretation; (c) A description of your error analysis procedures and their results. (d) A table or graph of all results. *Make sure you include units for each measured quantity! (5) Conclusions What conclusion do you draw from your experiment? Include your final (best) values for the quantities measured. How might your procedure be improved? What additional questions should the next group doing the experiment ask? This is the place for that personal insight or creative thought. Some Tips • Write your lab report so that you would be able to look at it five years from now and understand what you did. Consider your audience to be other physics students. • Add pictures with your iPad! • Take measurements as accurately as the equipment allows. • Try to develop the habits of asking yourself questions and doing measurements or calculations as you proceed to make sure your data makes sense. • Make sure your graphs are clearly labeled with axis labels and units. • Concise if good, but clear is better! Lab Report Grading Rubric Points Given 0 1.a 1.b. 0 Points Possible (10) Title and Author Title 2 3 Author 2 3 (10) Creative Descriptive Your Name (above the other names) The Names of Your Group Members Abstract Experiment 5 A brief description of the experiment Result 5 2 0 (10) The final numerical result with correct units and standard error. Background Purpose 5 Explain why the lab was performed and what you are trying to measure Define Terms 5 3 0 (20) Explain any unusual terms or important ideas Procedure Narrative 10 Tell the story of your experiment in your own words Paragraph Form 5 NOT as numbered steps Photo/Video 5 4 0 (30) Photo or video of your setup and proceedure. Analysis Data Table 10 A table of your raw data Results Table 10 A table and/or graph of your final results Error 10 Describe your error analysis procedures 5 0 (20) Conclusions Summary 10 What did you discover and learn? Results 5 State your results Improvements 5 0 (100) How might the experiment be improved Total Score Appendix D – Textbook Chapter Outline ! ! !!MECHANICS! ! !!!!1!!!Units,!Physical!Quantities,!And!Vectors!!!!!!1! !!!!!!1.1!The!Nature!of!Physics!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!2!! !!!!!!1.2!Solving!Physics!Problems!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!2!! !!!!!!1.3!Standards!and!Units!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!4!! !!!!!!1.4!Unit!Consistency!and!Conversions!!!!!!!!!6!! !!!!!!1.5!Uncertainty!and!Significant!Figures!!!!!!8!! !!!!!!1.6!Estimates!and!Orders!of!Magnitude!!!!!!!!10! !!!!!!1.7!Vectors!and!Vector!Addition!!!!!!!!!!!!!!10! !!!!!!1.8!Components!of!Vectors!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!14! !!!!!!1.9!Unit!Vectors!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!19! !!!!!!1.10!Products!of!Vectors!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!20!! !!!!!!!!Summary!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!26!! !!!!!!!!Questions/Exercises/Problems!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!27!! ! !!!!2!!!Motion!Along!A!Straight!Line!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!35!! !!!!!!2.1!Displacement,!Time,!and!Average!Velocity!!!!!!!!!36! !!!!!!2.2!Instantaneous!Velocity!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!38! !!!!!!2.3!Average!and!Instantaneous!Acceleration!!!42! !!!!!!2.4!Motion!with!Constant!Acceleration!!!!!!!!46! !!!!!!2.5!Freely!Falling!Bodies!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!52! !!!!!!2.6!Velocity!and!Position!by!Integration!!!!!55! !!!!!!!!Summary!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!58! !!!!!!!!Questions/Exercises/Problems!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!59! ! !!!!3!!!Motion!In!Two!Or!Three!Dimensions!!!!!!!!!!!!69! !!!!!!3.1!Position!and!Velocity!Vectors!!!!!!!!!!!!70! !!!!!!3.2!The!Acceleration!Vector!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!72! !!!!!!3.3!Projectile!Motion!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!77! !!!!!!3.4!Motion!in!a!Circle!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!85! !!!!!!3.5!Relative!Velocity!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!88! !!!!!!!!Summary!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!94! !!!!!!!!Questions/Exercises/Problems!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!95! ! !!!!4!!!Newton's!Laws!Of!Motion!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!104! !!!!!!4.1!Force!and!Interactions!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!105! !!!!!!4.2!Newton's!First!Law!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!108! !!!!!!4.3!Newton's!Second!Law!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!112! !!!!!!4.4!Mass!and!Weight!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!117! !!!!!!4.5!Newton's!Third!Law!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!120! !!!!!!4.6!Free[Body!Diagrams!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!124! !!!!!!!!Summary!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!126! !!!!!!!!Questions/Exercises/Problems!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!127! ! ! ! !!!!5!!!Applying!Newton's!Laws!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!134! !!!!!!5.1!Using!Newton's!First!Law:!Particles!in!Equilibrium!!!!134! !!!!!!5.2!Using!Newton's!Second!Law:!Dynamics!of!Particles!!!!!140! !!!!!!5.3!Frictional!Forces!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!146! !!!!!!5.4!Dynamics!of!Circular!Motion!!!!!!!!!!!!!!154! !!!!!!5.5!The!Fundamental!Forces!of!Nature!!!!!!!!!159! !!!!!!!!Summary!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!161! !!!!!!!!Questions/Exercises/Problems!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!162! ! !!!!6!!!Work!And!Kinetic!Energy!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!176! !!!!!!6.1!Work!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!177! !!!!!!6.2!Kinetic!Energy!and!the!Work[Energy!Theorem!!!!!181! !!!!!!6.3!Work!and!Energy!with!Varying!Forces!!!!!!187! !!!!!!6.4!Power!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!193! !!!!!!!!Summary!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!196! !!!!!!!!Questions/Exercises/Problems!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!197! ! !!!!7!!!Potential!Energy!And!Energy!Conservation!!!!!207! !!!!!!7.1!Gravitational!Potential!Energy!!!!!!!!!!!208! !!!!!!7.2!Elastic!Potential!Energy!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!216! !!!!!!7.3!Conservative!and!Nonconservative!Forces!!!!!221! !!!!!!7.4!Force!and!Potential!Energy!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!225! !!!!!!7.5!Energy!Diagrams!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!228! !!!!!!!!Summary!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!230! !!!!!!!!Questions/Exercises/Problems!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!231! ! !!!!8!!!Momentum,!Impulse,!And!Collisions!!!!!!!!!!!!241! !!!!!!8.1!Momentum!and!Impulse!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!241! !!!!!!8.2!Conservation!of!Momentum!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!247! !!!!!!8.3!Momentum!Conservation!and!Collisions!!!!!251! !!!!!!8.4!Elastic!Collisions!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!255! !!!!!!8.5!Center!of!Mass!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!258! !!!!!!8.6!Rocket!Propulsion!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!262! !!!!!!!!Summary!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!266! !!!!!!!!Questions/Exercises/Problems!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!267! ! !!!!9!!!Rotation!Of!Rigid!Bodies!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!278! !!!!!!9.1!Angular!Velocity!and!Acceleration!!!!!!!!278! !!!!!!9.2!Rotation!with!Constant!Angular!Acceleration!!!!!!!!!!283! !!!!!!9.3!Relating!Linear!and!Angular!Kinematics!!!285! !!!!!!9.4!Energy!in!Rotational!Motion!!!!!!!!!!!!!!288! !!!!!!9.5!Parallel[Axis!Theorem!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!293! !!!!!!9.6!Moment[of[Inertia!Calculations!!!!!!!!!!!294! !!!!!!!!Summary!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!297! !!!!!!!!Questions/Exercises/Problems!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!298! ! !!!!10!!!Dynamics!Of!Rotational!Motion!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!308! !!!!!!10.1!Torque!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!308! !!!!!!10.2!Torque!and!Angular!Acceleration!for!a!Rigid!Body!!!311! !!!!!!10.3!Rigid[Body!Rotation!About!a!Moving!Axis!!!!!314! !!!!!!10.4!Work!and!Power!in!Rotational!Motion!!!!!320! !!!!!!10.5!Angular!Momentum!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!322! !!!!!!10.6!Conservation!of!Angular!Momentum!!!!!!!!325! !!!!!!10.7!Gyroscopes!and!Precession!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!328! !!!!!!!!Summary!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!331! !!!!!!!!Questions/Exercises/Problems!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!332! ! !!!!11!!!Equilibrium!And!Elasticity!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!344! !!!!!!11.1!Conditions!for!Equilibrium!!!!!!!!!!!!!!345! !!!!!!11.2!Center!of!Gravity!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!345! !!!!!!11.3!Solving!Rigid[Body!Equilibrium!Problems!!!!!!!!!348! !!!!!!11.4!Stress,!Strain,!and!Elastic!Moduli!!!!!!352! !!!!!!11.5!Elasticity!and!Plasticity!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!357! !!!!!!!!Summary!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!359! !!!!!!!!Questions/Exercises/Problems!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!360! ! !!!!12!!!Fluid!Mechanics!–!Not!Covered!in!this!Course! ! !!!!13!!!Gravitation!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!402! !!!!!!13.1!Newton's!Law!of!Gravitation!!!!!!!!!!!!!402! !!!!!!13.2!Weight!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!406! !!!!!!13.3!Gravitational!Potential!Energy!!!!!!!!!!409! !!!!!!13.4!The!Motion!of!Satellites!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!411! !!!!!!13.5!Kepler's!Laws!and!the!Motion!of!Planets!!!!!!414! !!!!!!13.6!Spherical!Mass!Distributions!!!!!!!!!!!!418! !!!!!!13.7!Apparent!Weight!and!the!Earth's!Rotation!!!!!!!421! !!!!!!13.8!Black!Holes!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!423! !!!!!!!!Summary!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!427! !!!!!!!!Questions/Exercises/Problems!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!428! ! !!!!14!!!Periodic!Motion!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!437! !!!!!!14.1!Describing!Oscillation!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!437! !!!!!!14.2!Simple!Harmonic!Motion!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!439! !!!!!!14.3!Energy!in!Simple!Harmonic!Motion!!!!!!!!446! !!!!!!14.4!Applications!of!Simple!Harmonic!Motion!!!!!!!!!450! !!!!!!14.5!The!Simple!Pendulum!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!453! !!!!!!14.6!The!Physical!Pendulum!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!455! !!!!!!14.7!Damped!Oscillations!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!457! !!!!!!14.8!Forced!Oscillations!and!Resonance!!!!!!!459! !!!!!!!!Summary!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!461! !!!!!!!!Questions/Exercises/Problems!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!462! ! ! ! WAVES/ACOUSTICS!–!Not!Covered!in!this!Course! ! ! THERMODYNAMICS!–!Not!Covered!in!this!Course! ! ! ! ELECTROMAGNETISM! ! !!!!21!!!Electric!Charge!And!Electric!Field!!!!!!!!!!687! !!!!!!21.1!Electric!Charge!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!688! !!!!!!21.2!Conductors,!Insulators,!and!Induced!Charges!!!!!691! !!!!!!21.3!Coulomb's!Law!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!693! !!!!!!21.4!Electric!Field!and!Electric!Forces!!!!!!698! !!!!!!21.5!Electric[Field!Calculations!!!!!!!!!!!!!703! !!!!!!21.6!Electric!Field!Lines!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!708! !!!!!!21.7!Electric!Dipoles!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!709! !!!!!!!!Summary!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!714! !!!!!!!!Questions/Exercises/Problems!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!715! ! !!!!22!!!Gauss's!Law!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!725! !!!!!!22.1!Charge!and!Electric!Flux!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!725! !!!!!!22.2!Calculating!Electric!Flux!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!728! !!!!!!22.3!Gauss's!Law!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!732! !!!!!!22.4!Applications!of!Gauss's!Law!!!!!!!!!!!!!736! !!!!!!22.5!Charges!on!Conductors!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!741! !!!!!!!!Summary!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!746! !!!!!!!!Questions/Exercises/Problems!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!747! ! !!!!23!!!Electric!Potential!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!754! !!!!!!23.1!Electric!Potential!Energy!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!754! !!!!!!23.2!Electric!Potential!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!761! !!!!!!23.3!Calculating!Electric!Potential!!!!!!!!!!767! !!!!!!23.4!Equipotential!Surfaces!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!771! !!!!!!23.5!Potential!Gradient!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!774! !!!!!!!!Summary!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!777! !!!!!!!!Questions/Exercises/Problems!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!778! ! !!!!24!!!Capacitance!And!Dielectrics!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!788! !!!!!!24.1!Capacitors!and!Capacitance!!!!!!!!!!!!!!789! !!!!!!24.2!Capacitors!in!Series!and!Parallel!!!!!!!793! !!!!!!24.3!Energy!Storage!in!Capacitors!and!Electric[Field!Energy!!!!!!796! !!!!!!24.4!Dielectrics!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!800! !!!!!!24.5!Molecular!Model!of!Induced!Charge!!!!!!!805! !!!!!!24.6!Gauss's!Law!in!Dielectrics!!!!!!!!!!!!!!807! !!!!!!!!Summary!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!809! !!!!!!!!Questions/Exercises/Problems!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!810! ! !!!!25!!!Current,!Resistance,!And!Electromotive!Force!!!!!818! !!!!!!25.1!Current!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!819! !!!!!!25.2!Resistivity!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!822! !!!!!!25.3!Resistance!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!825! !!!!!!25.4!Electromotive!Force!and!Circuits!!!!!!!!828! !!!!!!25.5!Energy!and!Power!in!Electric!Circuits!!!834! !!!!!!25.6!Theory!of!Metallic!Conduction!!!!!!!!!!!838! !!!!!!!!Summary!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!841! !!!!!!!!Questions/Exercises/Problems!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!842! ! !!!!26!!!Direct[Current!Circuits!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!850! !!!!!!26.1!Resistors!in!Series!and!Parallel!!!!!!!!850! !!!!!!26.2!Kirchhoff's!Rules!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!855! !!!!!!26.3!Electrical!Measuring!Instruments!!!!!!!!860! !!!!!!26.4!R[C!Circuits!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!864! !!!!!!26.5!Power!Distribution!Systems!!!!!!!!!!!!!!868! !!!!!!!!Summary!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!873! !!!!!!!!Questions/Exercises/Problems!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!874! ! !!!!27!!!Magnetic!Field!And!Magnetic!Forces!!!!!!!!!!883! !!!!!!27.1!Magnetism!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!883! !!!!!!27.2!Magnetic!Field!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!885! !!!!!!27.3!Magnetic!Field!Lines!and!Magnetic!Flux!!!!!889! !!!!!!27.4!Motion!of!Charged!Particles!in!a!Magnetic!Field!!!!!!!892! !!!!!!27.5!Applications!of!Motion!of!Charged!Particles!!!!!896! !!!!!!27.6!Magnetic!Force!on!a!Current[Carrying!Conductor!!!898! !!!!!!27.7!Force!and!Torque!on!a!Current!Loop!!!!!!901! !!!!!!27.8!The!Direct[Current!Motor!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!907! !!!!!!27.9!The!Hall!Effect!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!909! !!!!!!!!Summary!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!911! !!!!!!!!Questions/Exercises/Problems!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!912! ! !!!!28!!!Sources!Of!Magnetic!Field!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!923! !!!!!!28.1!Magnetic!Field!of!a!Moving!Charge!!!!!!!923! !!!!!!28.2!Magnetic!Field!of!a!Current!Element!!!!!926! !!!!!!28.3!Magnetic!Field!of!a!Straight!Current[Carrying!Conductor!!!!!!!!!928! !!!!!!28.4!Force!Between!Parallel!Conductors!!!!!!!931! !!!!!!28.5!Magnetic!Field!of!a!Circular!Current!Loop!!!932! !!!!!!28.6!Ampere's!Law!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!935! !!!!!!28.7!Applications!of!Ampere's!Law!!!!!!!!!!!!938! !!!!!!28.8!Magnetic!Materials!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!941! !!!!!!!!Summary!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!947! !!!!!!!!Questions/Exercises/Problems!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!949! ! !!!!29!!!Electromagnetic!Induction!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!957! !!!!!!29.1!Induction!Experiments!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!958! !!!!!!29.2!Faraday's!Law!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!959! !!!!!!29.3!Lenz's!Law!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!967! !!!!!!29.4!Motional!Electromotive!Force!!!!!!!!!!!!969! !!!!!!29.5!Induced!Electric!Fields!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!971! !!!!!!29.6!Eddy!Currents!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!974! !!!!!!29.7!Displacement!Current!and!Maxwell's!Equations!!!!!975! !!!!!!29.8!Superconductivity!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!979! !!!!!!!!Summary!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!981! !!!!!!!!Questions/Exercises/Problems!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!982! ! !!!!30!!!Inductance!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!991! !!!!!!30.1!Mutual!Inductance!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!991! !!!!!!30.2!Self[Inductance!and!Inductors!!!!!!!!!!!994! !!!!!!30.3!Magnetic[Field!Energy!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!998! !!!!!!30.4!The!R[L!Circuit!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!1001! !!!!!!30.5!The!L[C!Circuit!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!1005! !!!!!!30.6!The!L[R[C!Series!Circuit!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!1009! !!!!!!!!Summary!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!1012! !!!!!!!!Questions/Exercises/Problems!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!1013! ! !!!!31!!!Alternating!Current!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!1021! !!!!!!31.1!Phasors!and!Alternating!Currents!!!!!!!!1021! !!!!!!31.2!Resistance!and!Reactance!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!1024! !!!!!!31.3!The!L[R[C!Series!Circuit!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!1030! !!!!!!31.4!Power!in!Alternating[Current!Circuits!!!1034! !!!!!!31.5!Resonance!in!Alternating[Current!Circuits!!!!!!1037! !!!!!!31.6!Transformers!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!1040! !!!!!!!!Summary!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!1043! !!!!!!!!Questions/Exercises/Problems!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!1044! ! !!!!32!!!Electromagnetic!Waves!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!1051! !!!!!!32.1!Maxwell's!Equations!and!Electromagnetic!Waves!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!1052! !!!!!!32.2!Plane!Electromagnetic!Waves!and!the!Speed!of!Light!!!!1055! !!!!!!32.3!Sinusoidal!Electromagnetic!Waves!!!!!!!!1060! !!!!!!32.4!Energy!and!Momentum!in!Electromagnetic!Waves!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!1064! !!!!!!32.5!Standing!Electromagnetic!Waves!!!!!!!!!!1069! !!!!!!!!Summary!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!1073! !!!!!!!!Questions/Exercises/Problems!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!1074! ! ! !!OPTICS!–!Not!Covered!in!this!Course! !!!!! ! !!MODERN!PHYSICS!–!Not!Covered!in!this!Course!until!after!the!AP!Exam! ! !!!!37!!!Relativity!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!1223! !!!!!!37.1!Invariance!of!Physical!Laws!!!!!!!!!!!!!1223! !!!!!!37.2!Relativity!of!Simultaneity!!!!!!!!!!!!!!1227! !!!!!!37.3!Relativity!of!Time!Intervals!!!!!!!!!!!!1228! !!!!!!37.4!Relativity!of!Length!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!1233! !!!!!!37.5!The!Lorentz!Transformations!!!!!!!!!!!!!1237! !!!!!!37.6!The!Doppler!Effect!for!Electromagnetic!Waves!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!1241! !!!!!!37.7!Relativistic!Momentum!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!1243! !!!!!!37.8!Relativistic!Work!and!Energy!!!!!!!!!!!!1246! !!!!!!37.9!Newtonian!Mechanics!and!Relativity!!!!!!1249! !!!!!!!!Summary!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!1252! !!!!!!!!Questions/Exercises/Problems!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!1253! ! !!!!38!!!Photons:!Light!Waves!Behaving!As!Particles!!!!!!!!!!!1261! !!!!!!38.1!Light!Absorbed!as!Photons:!The!Photoelectric!Effect!!!!!!!!!1261!!!!!! !!!!!!38.2!Light!Emitted!as!Photons:!X[Ray!Production!!!!!!!!1266! !!!!!!38.3!Light!Scattered!as!Photons:!Compton!Scattering!and!Pair!Production!!!1269! !!!!!!38.4!Wave[Particle!Duality,!Probability,!and!Uncertainty!!!!!!1273! !!!!!!!!Summary!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!1280! !!!!!!!!Questions/Exercises/Problems!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!1281! ! !!!!39!!!Particles!Behaving!As!Waves!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!1286! !!!!!!39.1!Electron!Waves!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!1286! !!!!!!39.2!The!Nuclear!Atom!and!Atomic!Spectra!!!!!1292! !!!!!!39.3!Energy!Levels!and!the!Bohr!Model!of!!the!Atom!!!1297! !!!!!!39.4!The!Laser!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!1307! !!!!!!39.5!Continuous!Spectra!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!1310! !!!!!!39.6!The!Uncertainty!Principle!Revisited!!!!!1314! !!!!!!!!Summary!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!1318! !!!!!!!!Questions/Exercises/Problems!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!1319! ! !!!!40!!!Quantum!Mechanics!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!1328! !!!!!!40.1!Wave!Functions!and!the!One[Dimensional!Schrodinger!Equation!!!!!!!!!1328! !!!!!!40.2!Particle!in!a!Box!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!1338! !!!!!!40.3!Potential!Wells!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!1343! !!!!!!40.4!Potential!Barriers!and!Tunneling!!!!!!!!1347! !!!!!!40.5!The!Harmonic!Oscillator!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!1350! !!!!!!!!Summary!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!1355! !!!!!!!!Questions/Exercises/Problems!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!1356! ! !!!!41!!!Atomic!Structure!–!Not!Covered!in!this!Course! ! !!!!42!!!Molecules!And!Condensed!Matter!–!Not!Covered!in!this!Course! ! !!!!43!!!Nuclear!Physics!–!Not!Covered!in!this!Course! ! !!!!44!!!Particle!Physics!And!Cosmology!!!!!!!!!!!!!!1480! !!!!!!44.1!Fundamental!Particles[[[A!History!!!!!!!1480! !!!!!!44.2!Particle!Accelerators!and!Detectors!!!!!1485! !!!!!!44.3!Particles!and!Interactions!!!!!!!!!!!!!!1490! !!!!!!44.4!Quarks!and!the!Eightfold!Way!!!!!!!!!!!!1496! !!!!!!44.5!The!Standard!Model!and!Beyond!!!!!!!!!!!1499! !!!!!!44.6!The!Expanding!Universe!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!1501! !!!!!!44.7!The!Beginning!of!Time!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!1508! !!!!!!!!Summary!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!1517! !!!!!!!!Questions/Exercises/Problems!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!1518! ! !!APPENDICES! ! !!!!!!A!The!International!System!of!Units!!!!!!!!!!1!!! !!!!!!B!Useful!Mathematical!Relations!!!!!!!!!!!!!!3!!! !!!!!!C!The!Greek!Alphabet!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!4!!! !!!!!!D!Periodic!Table!of!Elements!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!5!!! !!!!!!E!Unit!Conversion!Factors!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!6!!! !!!!!!F!Numerical!Constants!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!7!!! ! Learning(Objectives(for(AP(Physics(C( ! ! The!objectives!listed!below!are!generally!representative!of!the!cumulative!content!of!recently!administered! Physics!C!exams,!although!no!single!exam!can!cover!them!all.! ! It!is!reasonable!to!expect!that!future!exams!will!continue!to!sample!primarily!from!among!these!objectives.! However,!there!may!be!an!occasional!question!that!is!within!the!scope!of!the!included!topics!but!is!not!specifically! covered!by!one!of!the!listed!objectives.!Questions!may!also!be!based!on!variations!or!combinations!of!these! objectives,!rephrasing!them!but!still!assessing!the!essential!concepts.! ! The!objectives!listed!below!are!continually!revised!to!keep!them!as!current!as!possible!with!the!content!outline! and!the!coverage!of!the!exams.!!! ! You!will!notice!that!parts!of!the!outline!are!missing!because!they!are!intended!for!the!AP!–!B!course.! I.(NEWTONIAN(MECHANICS( A.(Kinematics((including(vectors,(vector(algebra,(components(of(vectors,(coordinate(systems,( displacement,(velocity(and(acceleration)( 1.(Motion(in(one(dimension( a)!Students!should!understand!the!general!relationships!among!position,!velocity!and!acceleration!for! the!motion!of!a!particle!along!a!straight!line,!so!that:! (1) Given a graph of one of the kinematic quantities, position, velocity or acceleration, as a function of time, they can recognize in what time intervals the other two are positive, negative, or zero and can identify or sketch a graph of each as a function of time. (2) Given an expression for one of the kinematic quantities, position, velocity or acceleration, as a function of time, they can determine the other two as a function of time, and find when these quantities are zero or achieve their maximum and minimum values. b)!Students!should!understand!the!special!case!of!motion!with!constant!acceleration,!so!they!can:! (1) Write down expressions for velocity and position as functions of time, and identify or sketch graphs of these quantities. (2) Use the equations v = v0 + at ; x = x0 + v0t + ½ at2 ; and v2 = v02 + 2a(x – x0) to solve problems involving one-dimensional motion with constant acceleration. c)!Students!should!know!how!to!deal!with!situations!in!which!acceleration!is!a!specified!function!of! velocity!and!time!so!they!can!write!an!appropriate!differential!equation!and!solve!it!for!v(t)!by! separation!of!variables,!incorporating!correctly!a!given!initial!value!of!v.! 2.(Motion(in(two(dimensions,(including(projectile(motion( a)!Students!should!be!able!to!add,!subtract!and!resolve!displacement!and!velocity!vectors,!so!they!can:! (1) Determine components of a vector along two specified, mutually perpendicular axes. (2) Determine the net displacement of a particle or the location of a particle relative to another. (3) Determine the change in velocity of a particle or the velocity of one particle relative to another. b)!Students!should!understand!the!general!motion!of!a!particle!in!two!dimensions!so!that,!given! functions!x(t)!and!y(t)!which!describe!this!motion,!they!can!determine!the!components,!magnitude!and! direction!of!the!particle’s!velocity!and!acceleration!as!functions!of!time.! c)!Students!should!understand!the!motion!of!projectiles!in!a!uniform!gravitational!field,!so!they!can:! (1) Write down expressions for the horizontal and vertical components of velocity and position as functions of time, and sketch or identify graphs of these components. (2) Use these expressions in analyzing the motion of a projectile that is projected with an arbitrary initial velocity. B.(Newton’s(laws(of(motion( 1.(Static(equilibrium((first(law)( Students!should!be!able!to!analyze!situations!in!which!a!particle!remains!at!rest,!or!moves!with!constant! velocity,!under!the!influence!of!several!forces.! 2.(Dynamics(of(a(single(particle((second(law)( a)!Students!should!understand!the!relation!between!the!force!that!acts!on!an!object!and!the!resulting! change!in!the!object’s!velocity,!so!they!can:! (1) Calculate, for an object moving in one dimension, the velocity change that results when a constant force F acts over a specified time interval. (2) Calculate, for an object moving in one dimension, the velocity change that results when a force F(t) acts over a specified time interval. (3)!Determine,!for!an!object!moving!in!a!plane!whose!velocity!vector!undergoes!a!specified!change! over!a!specified!time!interval,!the!average!force!that!acted!on!the!object.! b)!Students!should!understand!how!Newton’s!Second!Law,!ΣF!=!Fnet!!=!ma,!applies!to!an!object!subject! to!forces!such!as!gravity,!the!pull!of!strings!or!contact!forces,!so!they!can:! (1)!Draw!a!wellTlabeled,!freeTbody!diagram!showing!all!real!forces!that!act!on!the!object.! (2)!Write!down!the!vector!equation!that!results!from!applying!Newton’s!Second!Law!to!the!object,! and!take!components!of!this!equation!along!appropriate!axes.! c)!Students!should!be!able!to!analyze!situations!in!which!an!object!moves!with!specified!acceleration! under!the!influence!of!one!or!more!forces!so!they!can!determine!the!magnitude!and!direction!of!the!net! force,!or!of!one!of!the!forces!that!makes!up!the!net!force,!such!as!motion!up!or!down!with!constant! acceleration.! d) Students should understand the significance of the coefficient of friction, so they can: (1) Write down the relationship between the normal and frictional forces on a surface. (2) Analyze situations in which an object moves along a rough inclined plane or horizontal surface. (3) Analyze under what circumstances an object will start to slip, or to calculate the magnitude of the force of static friction. e) Students should understand the effect of drag forces on the motion of an object, so they can: (1) Find the terminal velocity of an object moving vertically under the influence of a retarding force dependent on velocity. (2) Describe qualitatively, with the aid of graphs, the acceleration, velocity and displacement of such a particle when it is released from rest or is projected vertically with specified initial velocity. (3) Use Newton's Second Law to write a differential equation for the velocity of the object as a function of time. (4) Use the method of separation of variables to derive the equation for the velocity as a function of time from the differential equation that follows from Newton's Second Law. (5) Derive an expression for the acceleration as a function of time for an object falling under the influence of drag forces. 3.(Systems(of(two(or(more(objects((third(law)( a)!Students!should!understand!Newton’s!Third!Law!so!that,!for!a!given!system,!they!can!identify!the! force!pairs!and!the!objects!on!which!they!act,!and!state!the!magnitude!and!direction!of!each!force.! b)!Students!should!be!able!to!apply!Newton’s!Third!Law!in!analyzing!the!force!of!contact!between!two! objects!that!accelerate!together!along!a!horizontal!or!vertical!line,!or!between!two!surfaces!that!slide! across!one!another.! c)!Students!should!know!that!the!tension!is!constant!in!a!light!string!that!passes!over!a!massless!pulley! and!should!be!able!to!use!this!fact!in!analyzing!the!motion!of!a!system!of!two!objects!joined!by!a!string.! d)!Students!should!be!able!to!solve!problems!in!which!application!of!Newton’s!laws!leads!to!two!or! three!simultaneous!linear!equations!involving!unknown!forces!or!accelerations.! C.(Work,(energy,(power( 1.(Work(and(the(workRenergy(theorem( a)!Students!should!understand!the!definition!of!work,!including!when!it!is!positive,!negative!or!zero,!so! they!can:! (1) Calculate the work done by a specified constant force on an object that undergoes a specified displacement. (2) Relate the work done by a force to the area under a graph of force as a function of position, and calculate this work in the case where the force is a linear function of position. (3) Use integration to calculate the work performed by a force F(x) on an object that undergoes a specified displacement in one dimension. (4) Use the scalar product operation to calculate the work performed by a specified constant force F on an object that undergoes a displacement in a plane. b)!Students!should!understand!and!be!able!to!apply!the!workTenergy!theorem,!so!they!can:! (1) Calculate the change in kinetic energy or speed that results from performing a specified amount of work on an object. (2) Calculate the work performed by the net force, or by each of the forces that make up the net force, on an object that undergoes a specified change in speed or kinetic energy. (3) Apply the theorem to determine the change in an object’s kinetic energy and speed that results from the application of specified forces, or to determine the force that is required in order to bring an object to rest in a specified distance. 2.(Forces(and(potential(energy( a)!Students!should!understand!the!concept!of!a!conservative!force,!so!they!can:! (1) State alternative definitions of “conservative force” and explain why these definitions are equivalent. (2) Describe examples of conservative forces and non-conservative forces. b)!Students!should!understand!the!concept!of!potential!energy,!so!they!can:! (1) State the general relation between force and potential energy, and explain why potential energy can be associated only with conservative forces. (2) Calculate a potential energy function associated with a specified one-dimensional force F(x). (3) Calculate the magnitude and direction of a one-dimensional force when given the potential energy function U(x) for the force. (4) Write an expression for the force exerted by an ideal spring and for the potential energy of a stretched or compressed spring. (5) Calculate the potential energy of one or more objects in a uniform gravitational field. 3.(Conservation(of(energy( a)!Students!should!understand!the!concepts!of!mechanical!energy!and!of!total!energy,!so!they!can:! (1) State and apply the relation between the work performed on an object by non-conservative forces and the change in an object’s mechanical energy. (2) Describe and identify situations in which mechanical energy is converted to other forms of energy. (3) Analyze situations in which an object’s mechanical energy is changed by friction or by a specified externally applied force. b)!Students!should!understand!conservation!of!energy,!so!they!can:! (1) Identify situations in which mechanical energy is or is not conserved. (2) Apply conservation of energy in analyzing the motion of systems of connected objects, such as an Atwood’s machine. (3) Apply conservation of energy in analyzing the motion of objects that move under the influence of springs. (4) Apply conservation of energy in analyzing the motion of objects that move under the influence of other non-constant one-dimensional forces. c)!Students!should!be!able!to!recognize!and!solve!problems!that!call!for!application!both!of! conservation!of!energy!and!Newton’s!Laws.! 4.(Power( Students!should!understand!the!definition!of!power,!so!they!can:( a)!Calculate!the!power!required!to!maintain!the!motion!of!an!object!with!constant!acceleration!(e.g.,!to! move!an!object!along!a!level!surface,!to!raise!an!object!at!a!constant!rate,!or!to!overcome!friction!for!an! object!that!is!moving!at!a!constant!speed).! b)!Calculate!the!work!performed!by!a!force!that!supplies!constant!power,!or!the!average!power! supplied!by!a!force!that!performs!a!specified!amount!of!work.! D.(Systems(of(particles,(linear(momentum( 1.(Center(of(mass( a)!Students!should!understand!the!technique!for!finding!center!of!mass,!so!they!can:! (1) Identify by inspection the center of mass of a symmetrical object. (2) Locate the center of mass of a system consisting of two such objects. (3) Use integration to find the center of mass of a thin rod of non-uniform density b)!Students!should!be!able!to!understand!and!apply!the!relation!between!centerTofTmass!velocity!and! linear!momentum,!and!between!centerTofTmass!acceleration!and!net!external!force!for!a!system!of! particles.! c)!Students!should!be!able!to!define!center!of!gravity!and!to!use!this!concept!to!express!the! gravitational!potential!energy!of!a!rigid!object!in!terms!of!the!position!of!its!center!of!mass.! 2.(Impulse(and(momentum( Students!should!understand!impulse!and!linear!momentum,!so!they!can:( a)!Relate!mass,!velocity,!and!linear!momentum!for!a!moving!object,!and!calculate!the!total!linear! momentum!of!a!system!of!objects.! b) Relate impulse to the change in linear momentum and the average force acting on an object. c) State and apply the relations between linear momentum and center-of-mass motion for a system of particles. d) Calculate the area under a force versus time graph and relate it to the change in momentum of an object. e)!Calculate!the!change!in!momentum!of!an!object!given!a!function!F(t)!for!the!net!force!acting!on!the! object.! ! 3.(Conservation(of(linear(momentum,(collisions( a)!Students!should!understand!linear!momentum!conservation,!so!they!can:! (1) Explain how linear momentum conservation follows as a consequence of Newton’s Third Law for an isolated system. (2) Identify situations in which linear momentum, or a component of the linear momentum vector, is conserved. (3) Apply linear momentum conservation to one-dimensional elastic and inelastic collisions and twodimensional completely inelastic collisions. (4) Apply linear momentum conservation to two-dimensional elastic and inelastic collisions. (5) Analyze situations in which two or more objects are pushed apart by a spring or other agency, and calculate how much energy is released in such a process. b)!Students!should!understand!frames!of!reference,!so!they!can:! (1) Analyze the uniform motion of an object relative to a moving medium such as a flowing stream. (2) Analyze the motion of particles relative to a frame of reference that is accelerating horizontally or vertically at a uniform rate. E.(Circular(motion(and(rotation( 1.(Uniform(circular(motion( Students!should!understand!the!uniform!circular!motion!of!a!particle,!so!they!can:( a)!Relate!the!radius!of!the!circle!and!the!speed!or!rate!of!revolution!of!the!particle!to!the!magnitude!of! the!centripetal!acceleration.! b)!Describe!the!direction!of!the!particle’s!velocity!and!acceleration!at!any!instant!during!the!motion.! c)!Determine!the!components!of!the!velocity!and!acceleration!vectors!at!any!instant,!and!sketch!or! identify!graphs!of!these!quantities.! d)!Analyze!situations!in!which!an!object!moves!with!specified!acceleration!under!the!influence!of!one!or! more!forces!so!they!can!determine!the!magnitude!and!direction!of!the!net!force,!or!of!one!of!the!forces! that!makes!up!the!net!force,!in!situations!such!as!the!following:! (1)!Motion!in!a!horizontal!circle!(e.g.,!mass!on!a!rotating!merryTgoTround,!or!car!rounding!a!banked! curve).! (2)!Motion!in!a!vertical!circle!(e.g.,!mass!swinging!on!the!end!of!a!string,!cart!rolling!down!a!curved! track,!rider!on!a!Ferris!wheel).! 2.(Torque(and(rotational(statics( a)!Students!should!understand!the!concept!of!torque,!so!they!can:! (1) Calculate the magnitude and direction of the torque associated with a given force. (2) Calculate the torque on a rigid object due to gravity. b)!Students!should!be!able!to!analyze!problems!in!statics,!so!they!can:! (1) State the conditions for translational and rotational equilibrium of a rigid object. (2) Apply these conditions in analyzing the equilibrium of a rigid object under the combined influence of a number of coplanar forces applied at different locations. c)!Students!should!develop!a!qualitative!understanding!of!rotational!inertia,!so!they!can:! (1) Determine by inspection which of a set of symmetrical objects of equal mass has the greatest rotational inertia. (2) Determine by what factor an object’s rotational inertia changes if all its dimensions are increased by the same factor. d)!Students!should!develop!skill!in!computing!rotational!inertia!so!they!can!find!the!rotational!inertia! of:! (1) A collection of point masses lying in a plane about an axis perpendicular to the plane. (2) A thin rod of uniform density, about an arbitrary axis perpendicular to the rod. (3) A thin cylindrical shell about its axis, or an object that may be viewed as being made up of coaxial shells. e) Students should be able to state and apply the parallel-axis theorem. 3.(Rotational(kinematics(and(dynamics( a)!Students!should!understand!the!analogy!between!translational!and!rotational!kinematics!so!they!can! write!and!apply!relations!among!the!angular!acceleration,!angular!velocity,!and!angular!displacement!of! an!object!that!rotates!about!a!fixed!axis!with!constant!angular!acceleration.! b)!Students!should!be!able!to!use!the!rightThand!rule!to!associate!an!angular!velocity!vector!with!a! rotating!object.! ! ! c) Students should understand the dynamics of fixed-axis rotation, so they can: (1) Describe in detail the analogy between fixed-axis rotation and straight-line translation. (2) Determine the angular acceleration with which a rigid object is accelerated about a fixed axis when subjected to a specified external torque or force. (3) Determine the radial and tangential acceleration of a point on a rigid object. (4) Apply conservation of energy to problems of fixed-axis rotation. (5) Analyze problems involving strings and massive pulleys. d) Students should understand the motion of a rigid object along a surface, so they can: (1) Write down, justify and apply the relation between linear and angular velocity, or between linear and angular acceleration, for an object of circular cross- section that rolls without slipping along a fixed plane, and determine the velocity and acceleration of an arbitrary point on such an object. (2) Apply the equations of translational and rotational motion simultaneously in analyzing rolling with slipping. (3) Calculate the total kinetic energy of an object that is undergoing both translational and rotational motion, and apply energy conservation in analyzing such motion. 4.(Angular(momentum(and(its(conservation( a)!Students!should!be!able!to!use!the!vector!product!and!the!rightThand!rule,!so!they!can:! (1) Calculate the torque of a specified force about an arbitrary origin. (2) Calculate the angular momentum vector for a moving particle. (3)!Calculate!the!angular!momentum!vector!for!a!rotating!rigid!object!in!simple!cases!where!this! vector!lies!parallel!to!the!angular!velocity!vector.! b)!Students!should!understand!angular!momentum!conservation,!so!they!can:! (1)!Recognize!the!conditions!under!which!the!law!of!conservation!is!applicable!and!relate!this!law! to!oneT!and!twoTparticle!systems!such!as!satellite!orbits.! (2)!State!the!relation!between!net!external!torque!and!angular!momentum,!and!identify!situations! in!which!angular!momentum!is!conserved.! (3)!Analyze!problems!in!which!the!moment!of!inertia!of!an!object!is!changed!as!it!rotates!freely! about!a!fixed!axis.! (4)!Analyze!a!collision!between!a!moving!particle!and!a!rigid!object!that!can!rotate!about!a!fixed! axis!or!about!its!center!of!mass.! F.(Oscillations(and(Gravitation( 1.(Simple(harmonic(motion((dynamics(and(energy(relationships)( Students!should!understand!simple!harmonic!motion,!so!they!can:( a)!Sketch!or!identify!a!graph!of!displacement!as!a!function!of!time,!and!determine!from!such!a!graph!the! amplitude,!period!and!frequency!of!the!motion.! b)!Write!down!an!appropriate!expression!for!displacement!of!the!form!Asinωt!or!Acosωt!to!describe! the!motion.! c)!Find!an!expression!for!velocity!as!a!function!of!time.! d)!State!the!relations!between!acceleration,!velocity!and!displacement,!and!identify!points!in!the! motion!where!these!quantities!are!zero!or!achieve!their!greatest!positive!and!negative!values.! e)!State!and!apply!the!relation!between!frequency!and!period.! f)!Recognize!that!a!system!that!obeys!a!differential!equation!of!the!form!d2x/dt2!=!Tω2x!must!execute! simple!harmonic!motion,!and!determine!the!frequency!and!period!of!such!motion.! g)!State!how!the!total!energy!of!an!oscillating!system!depends!on!the!amplitude!of!the!motion,!sketch!or! identify!a!graph!of!kinetic!or!potential!energy!as!a!function!of!time,!and!identify!points!in!the!motion! where!this!energy!is!all!potential!or!all!kinetic.! h)!Calculate!the!kinetic!and!potential!energies!of!an!oscillating!system!as!functions!of!time,!sketch!or! identify!graphs!of!these!functions,!and!prove!that!the!sum!of!kinetic!and!potential!energy!is!constant.! i)!Calculate!the!maximum!displacement!or!velocity!of!a!particle!that!moves!in!simple!harmonic!motion! with!specified!initial!position!and!velocity.! j)!Develop!a!qualitative!understanding!of!resonance!so!they!can!identify!situations!in!which!a!system! will!resonate!in!response!to!a!sinusoidal!external!force.! 2.(Mass(on(a(spring( Students!should!be!able!to!apply!their!knowledge!of!simple!harmonic!motion!to!the!case!of!a!mass!on!a! spring,!so!they!can:( a)!Derive!the!expression!for!the!period!of!oscillation!of!a!mass!on!a!spring.! b) Apply the expression for the period of oscillation of a mass on a spring. c) Analyze problems in which a mass hangs from a spring and oscillates vertically. d) Analyze problems in which a mass attached to a spring oscillates horizontally. e) Determine the period of oscillation for systems involving series or parallel combinations of identical springs, or springs of differing lengths. 3.(Pendulum(and(other(oscillations( Students!should!be!able!to!apply!their!knowledge!of!simple!harmonic!motion!to!the!case!of!a!pendulum,!so! they!can:( a)!Derive!the!expression!for!the!period!of!a!simple!pendulum.! b) Apply the expression for the period of a simple pendulum. c) State what approximation must be made in deriving the period. d) Analyze the motion of a torsional pendulum or physical pendulum in order to determine the period of small oscillations. 4.(Newton’s(law(of(gravity( Students!should!know!Newton’s!Law!of!Universal!Gravitation,!so!they!can:( a)!Determine!the!force!that!one!spherically!symmetrical!mass!exerts!on!another.! b)!Determine!the!strength!of!the!gravitational!field!at!a!specified!point!outside!a!spherically! symmetrical!mass.! c) Describe the gravitational force inside and outside a uniform sphere, and calculate how the field at the surface depends on the radius and density of the sphere. 5.(Orbits(of(planets(and(satellites( Students!should!understand!the!motion!of!an!object!in!orbit!under!the!influence!of!gravitational!forces,!so! they!can:( a)!For!a!circular!orbit:! (1) Recognize that the motion does not depend on the object’s mass; describe qualitatively how the velocity, period of revolution and centripetal acceleration depend upon the radius of the orbit; and derive expressions for the velocity and period of revolution in such an orbit. (2) Derive Kepler’s Third Law for the case of circular orbits. (3) Derive and apply the relations among kinetic energy, potential energy and total energy for such an orbit. b)!For!a!general!orbit:! (1) State Kepler’s three laws of planetary motion and use them to describe in qualitative terms the motion of an object in an elliptical orbit. (2) Apply conservation of angular momentum to determine the velocity and radial distance at any point in the orbit. (3) Apply angular momentum conservation and energy conservation to relate the speeds of an object at the two extremes of an elliptical orbit. (4) Apply energy conservation in analyzing the motion of an object that is projected straight up from a planet’s surface or that is projected directly toward the planet from far above the surface. III.(ELECTRICITY(AND(MAGNETISM( A.(Electrostatics( 1.(Charge(and(Coulomb’s(Law( a)!Students!should!understand!the!concept!of!electric!charge,!so!they!can:! (1)!Describe!the!types!of!charge!and!the!attraction!and!repulsion!of!charges.! (2)!Describe!polarization!and!induced!charges.! b)!Students!should!understand!Coulomb’s!Law!and!the!principle!of!superposition,!so!they!can:! (1) Calculate the magnitude and direction of the force on a positive or negative charge due to other specified point charges. (2) Analyze the motion of a particle of specified charge and mass under the influence of an electrostatic force. 2.(Electric(field(and(electric(potential((including(point(charges)( a)!Students!should!understand!the!concept!of!electric!field,!so!they!can:! (1)!Define!it!in!terms!of!the!force!on!a!test!charge.! (2) Describe and calculate the electric field of a single point charge. (3) Calculate the magnitude and direction of the electric field produced by two or more point charges. (4) Calculate the magnitude and direction of the force on a positive or negative charge placed in a specified field. (5) Interpret an electric field diagram. (6) Analyze the motion of a particle of specified charge and mass in a uniform electric field. b)!Students!should!understand!the!concept!of!electric!potential,!so!they!can:! (1)!Determine!the!electric!potential!in!the!vicinity!of!one!or!more!point!charges.! (2)!Calculate!the!electrical!work!done!on!a!charge!or!use!conservation!of!energy!to!determine!the! speed!of!a!charge!that!moves!through!a!specified!potential!difference.! (3) Determine the direction and approximate magnitude of the electric field at various positions given a sketch of equipotentials. (4) Calculate the potential difference between two points in a uniform electric field, and state which point is at the higher potential. (5) Calculate how much work is required to move a test charge from one location to another in the field of fixed-point charges. (6) Calculate the electrostatic potential energy of a system of two or more point charges, and calculate how much work is required to establish the charge system. (7) Use integration to determine electric potential difference between two points on a line, given electric field strength as a function of position along that line. (8) State the general relationship between field and potential, and define and apply the concept of a conservative electric field. 3.(Gauss’s(law( a)!Students!should!understand!the!relationship!between!electric!field!and!electric!flux,!so!they!can:! (1) Calculate the flux of an electric field through an arbitrary surface or of a field uniform in magnitude over a Gaussian surface and perpendicular to it. (2) Calculate the flux of the electric field through a rectangle when the field is perpendicular to the rectangle and a function of one coordinate only. (3) State and apply the relationship between flux and lines of force. b)!Students!should!understand!Gauss’s!Law,!so!they!can:! (1) State the law in integral form, and apply it qualitatively to relate flux and electric charge for a specified surface. (2) Apply the law, along with symmetry arguments, to determine the electric field for a planar, spherical or cylindrically symmetric charge distribution. (3) Apply the law to determine the charge density or total charge on a surface in terms of the electric field near the surface. 4.(Fields(and(potentials(of(other(charge(distributions( a)!Students!should!be!able!to!use!the!principle!of!superposition!to!calculate!by!integration:! (1) The electric field of a straight, uniformly charged wire. (2) The electric field and potential on the axis of a thin ring of charge, or at the center of a circular arc of charge. (3) The electric potential on the axis of a uniformly charged disk. b)!Students!should!know!the!fields!of!highly!symmetric!charge!distributions,!so!they!can:! (1)!Identify!situations!in!which!the!direction!of!the!electric!field!produced!by!a!charge!distribution! can!be!deduced!from!symmetry!considerations.! (2) Describe qualitatively the patterns and variation with distance of the electric field of: (a) Oppositely-charged parallel plates. (b) A long, uniformly charged wire, or thin cylindrical or spherical shell. (3) Use superposition to determine the fields of parallel charged planes, coaxial cylinders or concentric spheres. (4) Derive expressions for electric potential as a function of position in the above cases. B.(Conductors,(capacitors,(dielectrics( 1.(Electrostatics(with(conductors( a)!Students!should!understand!the!nature!of!electric!fields!in!and!around!conductors,!so!they!can:! (1) Explain the mechanics responsible for the absence of electric field inside a conductor, and know that all excess charge must reside on the surface of the conductor. (2) Explain why a conductor must be an equipotential, and apply this principle in analyzing what happens when conductors are connected by wires. (3)!Show!that!all!excess!charge!on!a!conductor!must!reside!on!its!surface!and!that!the!field!outside! the!conductor!must!be!perpendicular!to!the!surface.! b)!Students!should!be!able!to!describe!and!sketch!a!graph!of!the!electric!field!and!potential!inside!and! outside!a!charged!conducting!sphere.! c)!Students!should!understand!induced!charge!and!electrostatic!shielding,!so!they!can:! (1)!Describe!the!process!of!charging!by!induction.! (2)!Explain!why!a!neutral!conductor!is!attracted!to!a!charged!object.! (3)!Explain!why!there!can!be!no!electric!field!in!a!chargeTfree!region!completely!surrounded!by!a! single!conductor,!and!recognize!consequences!of!this!result.! (4) Explain why the electric field outside a closed conducting surface cannot depend on the precise location of charge in the space enclosed by the conductor, and identify consequences of this result. 2.(Capacitors( a)!Students!should!understand!the!definition!and!function!of!capacitance,!so!they!can:! (1) Relate stored charge and voltage for a capacitor. (2) Relate voltage, charge and stored energy for a capacitor. (3) Recognize situations in which energy stored in a capacitor is converted to other forms. b)!Students!should!understand!the!physics!of!the!parallelTplate!capacitor,!so!they!can:! (1) Describe the electric field inside the capacitor, and relate the strength of this field to the potential difference between the plates and the plate separation. (2) Relate the electric field to the density of the charge on the plates. (3) Derive an expression for the capacitance of a parallel-plate capacitor. (4) Determine how changes in dimension will affect the value of the capacitance. (5) Derive and apply expressions for the energy stored in a parallel-plate capacitor and for the energy density in the field between the plates. (6) Analyze situations in which capacitor plates are moved apart or moved closer together, or in which a conducting slab is inserted between capacitor plates, either with a battery connected between the plates or with the charge on the plates held fixed. c)!Students!should!understand!cylindrical!and!spherical!capacitors,!so!they!can:! (1) Describe the electric field inside each. (2) Derive an expression for the capacitance of each. 3.(Dielectrics( Students!should!understand!the!behavior!of!dielectrics,!so!they!can:( a)!Describe!how!the!insertion!of!a!dielectric!between!the!plates!of!a!charged!parallelT!plate!capacitor! affects!its!capacitance!and!the!field!strength!and!voltage!between!the!plates.! b)!Analyze!situations!in!which!a!dielectric!slab!is!inserted!between!the!plates!of!a!capacitor.! C.(Electric(circuits( 1.(Current,(resistance,(power( a)!Students!should!understand!the!definition!of!electric!current,!so!they!can!relate!the!magnitude!and! direction!of!the!current!to!the!rate!of!flow!of!positive!and!negative!charge.! b)!Students!should!understand!conductivity,!resistivity!and!resistance,!so!they!can:! (1) Relate current and voltage for a resistor. (2) Write the relationship between electric field strength and current density in a conductor, and describe, in terms of the drift velocity of electrons, why such a relationship is plausible. (3) Describe how the resistance of a resistor depends upon its length and cross-sectional area, and apply this result in comparing current flow in resistors of different material or different geometry. (4) Derive an expression for the resistance of a resistor of uniform cross-section in terms of its dimensions and the resistivity of the material from which it is constructed. (5) Derive expressions that relate the current, voltage and resistance to the rate at which heat is produced when current passes through a resistor. (6) Apply the relationships for the rate of heat production in a resistor. 2.(SteadyRstate(direct(current(circuits(with(batteries(and(resistors(only( a)!Students!should!understand!the!behavior!of!series!and!parallel!combinations!of!resistors,!so!they! can:! (1) Identify on a circuit diagram whether resistors are in series or in parallel. (2) Determine the ratio of the voltages across resistors connected in series or the ratio of the currents through resistors connected in parallel. (3) Calculate the equivalent resistance of a network of resistors that can be broken down into series and parallel combinations. ! (4) Calculate the voltage, current and power dissipation for any resistor in such a network of resistors connected to a single power supply. (5) Design a simple series-parallel circuit that produces a given current through and potential difference across one specified component, and draw a diagram for the circuit using conventional symbols. b)!Students!should!understand!the!properties!of!ideal!and!real!batteries,!so!they!can:! (1) Calculate the terminal voltage of a battery of specified emf and internal resistance from which a known current is flowing. (2) Calculate the rate at which a battery is supplying energy to a circuit or is being charged up by a circuit. c)!Students!should!be!able!to!apply!Ohm’s!law!and!Kirchhoff’s!rules!to!directTcurrent!circuits,!in!order! to:! (1) Determine a single unknown current, voltage or resistance. (2) Set up and solve simultaneous equations to determine two unknown currents. d)!Students!should!understand!the!properties!of!voltmeters!and!ammeters,!so!they!can:! (1) State whether the resistance of each is high or low. (2) Identify or show correct methods of connecting meters into circuits in order to measure voltage or current. (3) Assess qualitatively the effect of finite meter resistance on a circuit into which these meters are connected. 3.(Capacitors(in(circuits( a)!Students!should!understand!the!t!=!0!!and!steadyTstate!behavior!of!capacitors!connected!in!series!or! in!parallel,!so!they!can:! (1) Calculate the equivalent capacitance of a series or parallel combination. (2) Describe how stored charge is divided between capacitors connected in parallel. (3) Determine the ratio of voltages for capacitors connected in series. (4) Calculate the voltage or stored charge, under steady-state conditions, for a capacitor connected to a circuit consisting of a battery and resistors. b)!Students!should!understand!the!discharging!or!charging!of!a!capacitor!through!a!resistor,!so!they! can:! (1) Calculate and interpret the time constant of the circuit. (2) Sketch or identify graphs of stored charge or voltage for the capacitor, or of current or voltage for the resistor, and indicate on the graph the significance of the time constant. (3) Write expressions to describe the time dependence of the stored charge or voltage for the capacitor, or of the current or voltage for the resistor. (4) Analyze the behavior of circuits containing several capacitors and resistors, including analyzing or sketching graphs that correctly indicate how voltages and currents vary with time. D.(Magnetic(Fields( 1.(Forces(on(moving(charges(in(magnetic(fields( Students!should!understand!the!force!experienced!by!a!charged!particle!in!a!magnetic!field,!so!they!can:( a)!Calculate!the!magnitude!and!direction!of!the!force!in!terms!of!q,!v,!and!B,!and!explain!why!the! magnetic!force!can!perform!no!work.! b)!Deduce!the!direction!of!a!magnetic!field!from!information!about!the!forces!experienced!by!charged! particles!moving!through!that!field.! c)!Describe!the!paths!of!charged!particles!moving!in!uniform!magnetic!fields.! d)!Derive!and!apply!the!formula!for!the!radius!of!the!circular!path!of!a!charge!that!moves!perpendicular! to!a!uniform!magnetic!field.! e)!Describe!under!what!conditions!particles!will!move!with!constant!velocity!through!crossed!electric! and!magnetic!fields.! 2.(Forces(on(currentRcarrying(wires(in(magnetic(fields( Students!should!understand!the!force!exerted!on!a!currentTcarrying!wire!in!a!magnetic!field,!so!they!can:( a)!Calculate!the!magnitude!and!direction!of!the!force!on!a!straight!segment!of!currentTcarrying!wire!in!a! uniform!magnetic!field.! b)!Indicate!the!direction!of!magnetic!forces!on!a!currentTcarrying!loop!of!wire!in!a!magnetic!field,!and! determine!how!the!loop!will!tend!to!rotate!as!a!consequence!of!these!forces.! c)!Calculate!the!magnitude!and!direction!of!the!torque!experienced!by!a!rectangular!loop!of!wire! carrying!a!current!in!a!magnetic!field.! ! ! 3.(Fields(of(long(currentRcarrying(wires( Students!should!understand!the!magnetic!field!produced!by!a!long!straight!currentTcarrying!wire,!so!they! can:( a)!Calculate!the!magnitude!and!direction!of!the!field!at!a!point!in!the!vicinity!of!such!a!wire.! b)!Use!superposition!to!determine!the!magnetic!field!produced!by!two!long!wires.! c)!Calculate!the!force!of!attraction!or!repulsion!between!two!long!currentTcarrying!wires.! 4.(BiotRSavart(law(and(Ampere’s(law( a)!Students!should!understand!the!BiotTSavart!Law,!so!they!can:! (1) Deduce the magnitude and direction of the contribution to the magnetic field made by a short straight segment of current-carrying wire. (2) Derive and apply the expression for the magnitude of B on the axis of a circular loop of current. b)!Students!should!understand!the!statement!and!application!of!Ampere’s!Law!in!integral!form,!so!they! can:! (1) State the law precisely. (2) Use Ampere’s law, plus symmetry arguments and the right-hand rule, to relate magnetic field strength to current for planar or cylindrical symmetries. ! c) Students should be able to apply the superposition principle so they can determine the magnetic field produced by combinations of the configurations listed above. E.(Electromagnetism( 1.(Electromagnetic(induction((including(Faraday’s(law(and(Lenz’s(law)( a)!Students!should!understand!the!concept!of!magnetic!flux,!so!they!can:! (1) Calculate the flux of a uniform magnetic field through a loop of arbitrary orientation. (2) Use integration to calculate the flux of a non-uniform magnetic field, whose magnitude is a function of one coordinate, through a rectangular loop perpendicular to the field. b)!Students!should!understand!Faraday’s!law!and!Lenz’s!law,!so!they!can:! (1) Recognize situations in which changing flux through a loop will cause an induced emf or current in the loop. (2) Calculate the magnitude and direction of the induced emf and current in a loop of wire or a conducting bar under the following conditions: (a) The magnitude of a related quantity such as magnetic field or area of the loop is changing at a constant rate. (b) The magnitude of a related quantity such as magnetic field or area of the loop is a specified nonlinear function of time. c)!Students!should!be!able!to!analyze!the!forces!that!act!on!induced!currents!so!they!can!determine!the! mechanical!consequences!of!those!forces.! 2.(Inductance((including(LR!and(LC!circuits)( a)!Students!should!understand!the!concept!of!inductance,!so!they!can:! (1) Calculate the magnitude and sense of the emf in an inductor through which a specified changing current is flowing. (2) Derive and apply the expression for the self-inductance of a long solenoid. b)!Students!should!understand!the!transient!and!steady!state!behavior!of!DC!circuits!containing! resistors!and!inductors,!so!they!can:! (1) Apply Kirchhoff's rules to a simple LR series circuit to obtain a differential equation for the current as a function of time. (2) Solve the differential equation obtained in (1) for the current as a function of time through the battery, using separation of variables. (3) Calculate the initial transient currents and final steady state currents through any part of a simple series and parallel circuit containing an inductor and one or more resistors. (4) Sketch graphs of the current through or voltage across the resistors or inductor in a simple series and parallel circuit. (5) Calculate the rate of change of current in the inductor as a function of time. (6) Calculate the energy stored in an inductor that has a steady current flowing through it. 3.(Maxwell’s(equations( Students!should!be!familiar!with!Maxwell’s!equations!so!they!can!associate!each!equation!with!its! implications.! ! ! LABORATORY(AND(EXPERIMENTAL(SITUATIONS( These%objectives%overlay%the%content%objectives,%and%are%assessed%in%the%context%of%those%objectives.% 1.(Design(experiments( Students!should!understand!the!process!of!designing!experiments,!so!they!can:! a)!Describe!the!purpose!of!an!experiment!or!a!problem!to!be!investigated.! b)!Identify!equipment!needed!and!describe!how!it!is!to!be!used.! c)!Draw!a!diagram!or!provide!a!description!of!an!experimental!setup.! d)!Describe!procedures!to!be!used,!including!controls!and!measurements!to!be!taken.! 2.(Observe(and(measure(real(phenomena( Students!should!be!able!to!make!relevant!observations,!and!be!able!to!take!measurements!with!a!variety!of! instruments!(cannot!be!assessed!via!paperTandTpencil!examinations).! 3.(Analyze(data( Students!should!understand!how!to!analyze!data,!so!they!can:! a)!Display!data!in!graphical!or!tabular!form.! b)!Fit!lines!and!curves!to!data!points!in!graphs.! c)!Perform!calculations!with!data.! d)!Make!extrapolations!and!interpolations!from!data.! 4.(Analyze(errors( Students!should!understand!measurement!and!experimental!error,!so!they!can:! a)!Identify!sources!of!error!and!how!they!propagate.! b)!Estimate!magnitude!and!direction!of!errors.! c)!Determine!significant!digits.! d)!Identify!ways!to!reduce!error.! 5.(Communicate(results( Students!should!understand!how!to!summarize!and!communicate!results,!so!they!can:! a)!Draw!inferences!and!conclusions!from!experimental!data.! b) Suggest ways to improve experiment. c) Propose questions for further study. Science Notebook Rules ! Your notebook must have permanently attached pages (not a binder). I recommend avoiding notebooks with perforated pages because they tend to fall out. ! Your name must be written in permanent ink in large letters on the front and back covers of your notebook. ! You may not use a notebook without a cover, or use loose pages as if they were a notebook. ! You may use your notebook for all quizzes and exams except for the Free Response section of the Timed Exam. Under no circumstances may you use someone else’s notebook during a quiz or exam. ! You may write anything in your notebook, but everything in your notebook must be in your own handwriting. ! You may not staple, glue, clip, tape, rivet, sew or otherwise attach anything into your notebook unless instructed to do so by me. ! If a page gets torn out you will have to rewrite it. If your notebook is lost or stolen, you will have to start over again. ! If your notebook contains loose pages or anything that is not in your handwriting during a test, you will not be able to use your notebook for that quiz or test. Appendix G – Pencasts ! ! Creating!a!Pencast!–!Explain!Everything! ! ! ! ! 1. Choose!a!problem!from!the!Google)Drive)Folder.! 2. Create!a!rough!draft!of!the!problem!on!ordinary!paper,!with!an!ordinary! pencil.! 3. Open!the!.pdf!page!you!want!in!Explain)Everything.! ! ! 4. Select)the!correct!tool!to!move,!write,!and!zoom!as!needed.! 5. When!you!are!ready,!press!the!Record!button!on!the!screen.! ! ! 6. Begin!speaking!and!follow!the!rubric!to!create!a!proper!Heading.! 7. Pause!as!often!as!you!wish!to!gather!your!thoughts.! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! 8. You!can!Rewind!and!Rewrite!as!needed.! 9. Craft)a!good!solution!but!don’t!worry!about!little!mistakes!is!writing!or!audio.!! It!does!not!have!to!be!perfect,!just!helpful!to!your!classmates.! 10. When!you!are!finished,!press!the!Stop!button.! 11. Upload!the!finished!movie!as!to!the!assignment!in!eBackpack.! Pencast Grading Rubric Points Given Points Possible (5) Heading Location 2 Upper Right Hand Side Details 3 (10) Full Name, Problem Number! and Block Written Solved 5 Solution is clear and easy to follow Correct 5 (10) Correct Answer Spoken Explanation 5 Audio explains what you are thinking Value 5 (25) Adds something useful to the written work Total Score Appendix H – Ranking Task Exercises The idea of ranking tasks arose from research into students’ conceptions using a technique called rule assessment, developed by Robert S. Siegler (1976). The rule-assessment technique involved having subjects make a comparative judgment about a large variety of arrangements of a specific situation. The ranking tasks were conceived as a shorter format for eliciting such comparative judgments. A ranking task is a paper-and-pencil exercise that presents students with a set of variations on a particular physical situation. The students are supposed to rank the variations on a specified basis. After explicitly writing out their ranking sequence or choosing the option that all of the variations are equivalent, the students are asked to write out an explanation of their reasoning. Finally, students are given an opportunity to identify how sure they were of the reasoning they used in the task. As explained in the original ranking tasks article (Maloney, 1987) the basic structure of RT has four elements: 1. The description of the situation, including the constraints and the basis for ranking the arrangements 2. A set of figures showing the different arrangements to be compared 3. A place to identify the response sequence chosen or to indicate that all of the arrangements have the same value for the ranking basis 4. And a place to explain the reasoning for the answer produced. Ranking tasks contain few clues about how they should be worked. In addition, they require students to think about the situations in an unusual manner. Although most of the ranking tasks in this manual contain numerical values for two variables, we think of RTs as conceptual exercises. One might wonder how this works. The reason for our contention is that experience has shown that students often use the numerical values in inappropriate ways. Such use reveals one of several problems. One common problem is that the students do not understand the relations they are using, but rather just know to plug whatever numerical values are available into whatever relation is available. A second common problem is for students to apply the wrong relation to the situation. A fairly obvious question at this point is why an instructor would want to use ranking tasks. One strong reason for using them is the fact that they frequently elicit students’ natural ideas about the behavior of physical systems rather than a memorized response. This ability of the ranking tasks to elicit students’ natural ideas provides instructors with a way to gain important insights into students’ thinking. With the help of those insights the instructor can help the students adapt to the scientifically accepted ideas. From: RANKING TASK EXERCISES IN PHYSICS edited by Thomas L. O'Kuma Lee College Baytown, Texas David P. Maloney Indiana University-Purdue University Fort Wayne Fort Wayne, Indiana Curtis J. Hieggelke Joliet Junior College Joliet, Illinois Ranking Task Exercise Grading Rubric Points Given Points Possible (2) Heading Location 1 Upper Right Hand Side Details 1 (5) Your Full Name and Class Block Ranking Complete 2 All situations have been ranked Correct 3 (13) Correct Answer Reasoning Explanation 5 3 5 (20) Clearly written and easy to follow Relates to the Ranking Situation Audio Accompanyment is good. Total Score