ADSP-21161 ® 32-Bit SHARC DSP High Performance for Price-Sensitive Applications KEY FEATURES: ■ 100 MHz (10 ns) SIMD SHARC DSP core ■ 600 MFLOPS (32-bit floatingpoint data), 600 MOPS (32-bit fixed-point data) ■ ■ Code-compatible with ADSP-21x6x SHARC DSPs Supports IEEE-compatible 32-bit floating-point, 40-bit floating-point, and 32-bit fixedpoint ■ 1 Mbit on-chip dual-ported SRAM ■ 2.4 Gbyte/sec on-chip data bandwidth ■ systems, speech recognition, finger second member of the SHARC print recognition, digital audio DSP family of 32-bit floating-point broadcast, wireless infrastructure, programmable DSPs to be based on motor control, global positioning a SIMD core architecture that is systems, medical equipment, optimized for digital signal pro- telephony, and test equipment. cessing performance. Like all SHARCs, the ADSP-21161 is code- fixed- and floating-point data types. 14 zero-overhead DMA channels The ADSP-21161 lowers the price ■ Serial ports support 128-channel TDM frames with selection of companding on a perchannel basis for SIMD SHARC DSP perform- ■ Integrated support for SDRAM and SBSRAM external memories ■ Support for single-cycle, 100 MHz instruction execution from x48-bit wide external memories ance and is an outstanding DSP solution for many price-sensitive applications including audio, THE BEST VALUE SHARC DSP The ADSP-21161 offers the best value of any 32-bit floating-point DSP with its performance, ease of use and low cost. With a 100 MHz SIMD core, the ADSP-21161 offers 600 MFLOPs of performance balanced with 1 Mbit of on-chip memory and ADSP-21161 SHARC DSP BLOCK DIAGRAM Packing logic supports data access and instruction fetch from x8-, x16-, and x32-bit width external memories TIMER CACHE 6 DAG 1 DAG 2 JTAG 1 MBIT DUAL-PORTED MEMORY PROGRAM SEQUENCER 12 GPIO 8 Two methods of integrated multiprocessing support (external logic not required for either) ■ SPI-compatible interface ■ Supported by an optimizing C and C++ compiler ■ The ADSP-21161 DSP is the of the family, and supports both Four synchronous serial ports 2 with I S support ■ automotive PCs, automatic car compatible with all other members ■ ■ OVERVIEW PM ADDRESS BUS 32 DM ADDRESS BUS 32 PM DATA BUS 64 DM DATA BUS 64 IOP DATA BUS 64 IOP ADDRESS BUS 18 EXTERNAL PORT 24 HOST PORT MULTIPROCESSOR INTERFACE 32 5 DMA CONTROL PROCESSING ELEMENT X PROCESSING ELEMENT Y REGISTER FILE REGISTER FILE I/O PROCESSOR ® Supported by ADI’s VisualDSP Development Tools SDRAM CONTROLLER ALU MULT SHIFTER ALU MULT SHIFTER 14 ZERO-OVERHEAD DMA CHANNELS 16 SERIAL PORTS (4) 20 LINK PORTS (2) 4 SPI (1) ® ANALOG DEVICES 14 channels of zero-overhead both C and assembly debugging. Industry leading price/performance DMAs. Floating-point support Emulation support is JTAG-based will be the driver on the other path eases the design task by eliminating and ADI offers USB, PCI, and of the roadmap. In the future, these overflow problems and providing Ethernet-based emulators. SHARC DSPs will offer an increase results that match workstation simulations. The ADSP-21161 SHARC DSP ROADMAP lowers overall system cost with a There are two code-compatible high level of peripheral integration. paths that the SHARC DSP road- This minimizes the need for map will follow. One optimized for external support circuitry. high-performance multiprocessing systems, and the other for price/ DEVELOPMENT TOOLS performance. Performance is the The ADSP-21161 is supported key for multiprocessing applications by a complete set of software and and this is the reason that ADI will hardware development tools. offer 10 GFLOP SHARC DSPs in The VisualDSP tool set offered the future. On-chip memory sizes by Analog Devices includes an opti- will be balanced to match this per- mizing C/C++ compiler, integrated formance with memories increasing development environment (IDE), to unprecedented levels (64 Mbit) assembler, linker, splitter, and cycle- using newly developed technologies. ® accurate simulator that supports MP HP SHARC ¤ 10 GFLOPs ¤ 64 Mbits ¤ New MP support S CE TIP UL M RO ADSP-21160M ¤ 600 MFLOPs ¤ 4 Mbits ¤ Intergrated MP ADSP-21060 ¤ 120-198 MFLOPs ¤ 0.5 - 4 Mbits Memory ADSP-21161N ADSP-21065 ADSP-21061 CO LOW $5.00. This is required to support new technologies that demand substantial signal processing performance at consumer price points. DSP SUPPORT: Email: In the U.S.A.: In Europe: Fax: In the U.S.A.: 1 781 461-3010 In Europe: +49-89-76903-307 Web Address: WORLDWIDE HEADQUARTERS One Technology Way P.O. Box 9106 Norwood, MA 02062-9106, U.S.A. Tel: 1 781 329 4700 (1 800 262 5643 U.S.A. only) Fax: 1 781 326 8703 Worldwide Web Site: JAPAN HEADQUARTERS New Pier Takeshiba, South Tower Building 1-16-1 Kaigan, Minato-ku, Tokyo 105, Japan Tel: +3 5402 8210; Fax: +3 5402 1063 SOUTHEAST ASIA HEADQUARTERS 4501 Nat West Tower, Times Square Causeway Bay, Hong Kong, PRC Tel: +2 506 9336; Fax: +2 506 4755 Low Cost HP SHARC ADSP-21062 while decreasing price to as low as EUROPE HEADQUARTERS Am Westpark 1-3 D-81373 München, Germany Tel: +89 76903-0; Fax +89 76903-557 SHARC® DSP Roadmap G SIN in performance to 1200 MFLOPs ¤ 1200 MFLOPs ¤ $5 SHARC ¤ 600 MFLOPs ¤ Price/performance ST As the industry’s leading multiprocessing DSP platform, SHARC® DSPs offer a code-compatible roadmap from $5 to 10 GFLOPS. © 2000 Analog Devices, Inc. The ADI logo, SHARC logo, and VisualDSP logo are all registered trademarks of Analog Devices, Inc. Printed in the U.S.A H02171-10-9/00 ANALOG DEVICES