t h e u n i v e r s i t y of t e x a s at aus t i n Winning with Integrity Intercollegiate Athletics Strategic Plan t h e u n i v e r s i t y of t e x a s at aus t i n Winning with Integrity Intercollegiate Athletics Strategic Plan s e p t e m be r 2011 f or e wor d Message from the Athletics Directors As students are the heart of every university, student-athletes define and validate the very existence of intercollegiate athletics. They bring to campus gifts of physical prowess and competitiveness and the drive and desire to achieve success. More than 500 young men and women represent the Texas Longhorns in varsity sports. They inherit a daunting legacy: passionate supporters and expectations for championship success. Away from sports venues, they compete in a rigorous and world-renowned academic environment, and they awake each day in the cultural mecca known as Austin, a community envied for its diversity, arts, and music. Our goal to prioritize the health, well-being, development, and success of our student-athletes is unwavering, constant, and nonnegotiable. In the true spirit of team, our staff dedicated themselves to a year-long effort to D E LO S S D O D D S m e n ’s a t h l e t ic s di r e c t or determine priorities essential to sustaining the successful future of UT Athletics. Also influential were loyal alumni and constituents who contributed thoughtful advice and expertise and presented this consummate challenge: to ensure that UT Athletics always reflects the excellence, integrity, and vision of our campus at large. We are grateful for the time and participation of every member of the Strategic Planning group. Their work was diligent and thorough. What has resulted is a clear, concise document, one that will guide us in our administrative decisions regarding our athletics framework for future student-athletes, coaches, and staff. We were fortunate to be led in this process by Kenny Jastrow, who previously chaired UT’s Commission of 125. That report’s contents were never far from our discussions, and Kenny kept our group intently focused. Thanks are also due to Geoff Leavenworth, master wordsmith. His writing and revisions brought us closer C H R I S P LO N S K Y w o m e n ’s a t h l e t ic s di r e c t or to perfection after every discussion session. Most of the individuals responsible for this plan will be able to participate in and witness its implementation. We want UT Athletics to continue to serve as an asset to our great University and continue transforming the lives of the students we serve. 1 t h e u n i v e r s i t y of t e x a s a t au s t i n v i s ion, c or e pu r p o s e, a n d va l u e s The University of Texas Vision Statement of the UT Commission of 125 The University of Texas will be the best in the world at creating a disciplined culture of excellence that generates intellectual excitement, transforms lives, and develops leaders. The University of Texas will define for the 21st century what it means to be a university of the first class. UT Core Purpose To transform lives for the benefit of society. UT Core Values L E A R N I N G 2 DISCOVERY FR E E D O M LE A D E R S H I P A caring community, all of us students, helping one another grow. Expanding knowledge and human understanding. To seek the truth and express it. The will to excel with integrity and the spirit that nothing is impossible. I N D I V I D U A L O P P O R T U N I T Y Many options, diverse people and ideas, one university. R E S P O N S I B I L I T Y To serve as a catalyst for positive change in Texas and beyond. t h e u n i v e r s i t y of t e x a s a t au s t i n 3 t h e u n i v e r s i t y of t e x a s a t au s t i n v i s ion, c or e pu r p o s e, a n d va l u e s The University of Texas Athletics Vision Statement of UT Athletics UT Athletics will define what it means to be the world’s best intercollegiate athletics program, instilling the passion, knowledge, and character for all student-athletes to compete to win, to succeed academically, to achieve their dreams in life, and to contribute to society. UT Athletics Core Purpose Our mission is to prepare students to win with integrity — in academics, in athletics, and in life. UT Athletics Core Values 4 I N T E G R I T Y Play by the rules and do what’s right. E X C E L L E N C E We play to win, and we are in relentless pursuit of the highest level of intellectual, personal, and athletic achievement. T E A M W O R K We’re stronger together. D I V E R S I T Y Many distinct voices, one university. C R E A T I V I T Y Foster innovation. Welcome new ideas. A C C O U N T A B I L I T Y To yourself, to your team, to your University, and to society. L O Y A LT Y Welcome to the Longhorn family: a bond that lasts a lifetime. t h e u n i v e r s i t y of t e x a s a t au s t i n 5 t h e u n i v e r s i t y of t e x a s a t au s t i n i n t roduc t ion The University of Texas has the nation’s premier broad-based intercollegiate athletics program. Today, approximately 550 student-athletes compete in 20 sports programs. UT student-athletes have won 48 national team championships, more than 500 individual national championships, and more than 480 regular-season team conference titles. Moreover, UT Athletics has been a leader in the advancement of student development, facilities management, women’s sports, and community service. UT Athletics enhances the academic mission of the University by being one of the few collegiate athletics programs that is self-sustaining and contributes financially to student and faculty programs and academic initiatives. UT Athletics engages the institution’s friends and alumni and provides one of the most effective platforms for promoting the University, its values, and its brand. In many situations throughout the year, intercollegiate athletics is the face of the University of Texas. UT Athletics is committed to diversity. Approximately half of UT’s student-athletes represent the first generation in their families to attend college. Our recruitment and hiring practices will continue to recognize the importance of diversity in our drive to be the best. Since 1993 – 94, UT Athletics has invested more than $396 million in facilities construction, renovation, and other capital expenditures. Ticket sales, private gifts through the Longhorn Foundation, sponsorships, media, and trademark and licensing revenues have grown significantly in recent years. The UT Longhorn logo is the nation’s most recognized university-affiliated brand, and it adorns apparel and consumer products on every continent. UT Athletics is supported by the 70,000-member campus community, 450,000 alumni, the Longhorn Foundation’s 13,000 donors, and fans around the world. Implementation of this strategic plan aligns UT Athletics with the vision, purpose, and core values of The University of Texas — and sets the standard for excellence in intercollegiate athletics. 6 t h e u n i v e r s i t y of t e x a s a t au s t i n 7 t h e u n i v e r s i t y of t e x a s a t au s t i n s t r at e g ic i n i t i at i v e s The goals of UT Athletics must align with its vision, purpose, and values. 1 Attract and retain the best people who exemplify 6 our values — student-athletes, coaches, and to strengthen relationships — internally, staff. Maintain an environment that supports throughout the campus, and throughout collaboration and welcomes innovation. the Longhorn family. Athletics is integral Affiliate with institutions that share our values. to the life of the University. 2 Demand and foster a culture of integrity. 3 Provide the best and most efficient support 7 The role and responsibilities of every person in the organization must be well defined. Every student-athletes. staff member is held accountable for his or her performance. Respect our traditions — Honor those traditions that support our values. Create and embrace 8 new traditions that strengthen and expand the Promote diversity — Our programs will reflect Enhance the financial independence and sustainability of Athletics to foster excellence and Longhorn family. 5 Continuously evaluate performance throughout UT Athletics on the basis of results. systems, processes, and facilities to serve our 4 Communicate and collaborate effectively contribute to the mission of the University. 9 the face of Texas and the world beyond. Develop a successful UT television network. 10 Provide the best fan experience in the nation. 11 Continue to integrate sustainability into the culture of UT Athletics. t h e u n i v e r s i t y of t e x a s a t au s t i n 1 1 ac t ion pr ior i t i e s 1 Attract and retain the best people who exemplify our values — student-athletes, coaches, and staff. Maintain an environment that supports collaboration and welcomes innovation. Affiliate with institutions that share our values. ++ Establish and communicate expectations for success on the field, in the classroom, in the workplace, and in the community. ++ Invest in coaching and staff talent, and provide opportunities for personal growth, career development, and innovation. ++ Nurture and encourage everyone involved in UT Athletics to strive to be the best. ++ Seek ways to promote innovative thinking and the willingness to bear reasonable risk among our employees. 2 Demand and foster a culture of integrity. ++ Hire and retain people who exemplify our values. ++ Recruit student-athletes who exemplify our values. ++ Ensure that compliance programs are effective, efficient, and user-friendly. ++ Student-athletes, coaches, and staff must uphold the principles of amateur athletics. t h e u n i v e r s i t y of t e x a s a t au s t i n 1 3 3 Provide the best and most efficient support systems, processes, and facilities to serve our student-athletes. ++ Build and maintain the best facilities for competition, training, sports medicine, and academic support. ++ Ensure that student-athletes understand their enhanced public visibility and their responsibility as representatives of the University. ++ Provide first-class housing and nutrition for all student-athletes. ++ Ensure that our student-athletes understand all the resources available — inside and outside Athletics — to help them succeed. ++ Continuously assess whether our physical environment supports the collaboration, communication, and decision-making that we need to succeed. ++ Annually evaluate our programs that connect student-athletes to faculty, mentors, and non-athletics activities on the campus to review their effectiveness. 4 Respect our traditions — Honor those traditions that support our values. Create and embrace new traditions that strengthen and expand the Longhorn family. ++ Continuously communicate the vision, purpose, and values of UT Athletics to all student-athletes, coaches, and staff. ++ Preserve traditions that promote winning, ethics, graduation, community service, leadership, pride, loyalty, and a sense of ownership — while upholding our values. ++ Live up to the responsibility that comes with representing The University of Texas and the Longhorn tradition. ++ Cultivate bonds for student-athletes and staff that last a lifetime — with UT Athletics and the University. 14 t h e u n i v e r s i t y of t e x a s a t au s t i n 5 Promote diversity — Our programs will reflect the face of Texas and the world beyond. ++ Emphasize diversity in recruiting and hiring. ++ Ensure that all employees recognize the role of diversity in our long-term success and the fulfillment of our vision. ++ Measure progress toward our diversity goals. ++ Connect with campus and community diversity programs and activities. 6 Communicate and collaborate effectively to strengthen relationships — internally, throughout the campus, and throughout the Longhorn family. Athletics is integral to the life of the University. ++ Share appropriate information freely with employees and constituents to promote collaboration and enhance relationships. This includes students and student-athletes (current and former), colleagues in academics and the administration, donors, alumni, fans, and the community. ++ Continue to seek forums for collaboration between organizational units. ++ Leverage advanced technology to improve internal communications. ++ Coordinate schedules and events to avoid conflicts and enhance success. ++ Actively embrace digital and social media and new technology to share the UT story with our constituents and the world. t h e u n i v e r s i t y of t e x a s a t au s t i n 1 5 7 Continuously evaluate performance throughout UT Athletics on the basis of results. The role and responsibilities of every person in the organization must be well defined. Every staff member is held accountable for his or her performance. ++ Employ metrics that best measure success. Reward success and promote accountability throughout the organization. ++ Maintain concise descriptions of roles and expectations for every employee. ++ Ensure that the right people and plans are in place for management succession. ++ Encourage and provide development opportunities for employees to achieve their highest potential. 8 Enhance the financial independence and sustainability of Athletics to foster excellence and contribute to the mission of the University. ++ Maximize revenue, evaluate the return on investment on all expenditures, and reduce costs wherever possible. ++ Plan for continued team success and financial stability in a changing collegiate sports environment. ++ Continue to strengthen and leverage the football enterprise and develop the revenue potential in all other sports. ++ Continuously develop new ways to maximize our brand. ++ Engage external partners where appropriate to leverage the brand and maximize economic opportunities. ++ Leverage the collective strength of Austin’s creative culture, including its innovation, technology, and entrepreneurship, to develop new opportunities for UT Athletics. t h e u n i v e r s i t y of t e x a s a t au s t i n 1 7 9 Develop a successful UT television network. ++ Build the Longhorn Network and develop innovative programming that showcases UT Athletics and the people and programs of UT. ++ In cooperation with ESPN, develop outstanding production facilities, a world-class organization, and robust distribution for the Longhorn Network. ++ Optimize the value of sponsorship opportunities on the Longhorn Network. 10 Provide the best fan experience in the nation. ++ Continuously embrace our fan base, the lifeblood of UT Athletics. ++ Reach out to fans of all backgrounds and generations to increase a sense of belonging to the Longhorn family. Review and enhance marketing and communications practices. ++ Invest in facilities, amenity areas, concessions, infrastructure, and innovative services to ensure the most positive, convenient, and personal experience. All fans should feel at home here. ++ Encourage all working staff to be ambassadors of UT Athletics by positively interacting with Texas fans and by welcoming the fans of our opponents. ++ Create a more effective connection between UT Athletics and the fans; solicit and consider their feedback. ++ Provide opportunities for affordable fan participation. 11 Continue to integrate sustainability into the culture of UT Athletics. ++ Make sustainability a priority and communicate its importance. ++ Adopt or establish a benchmark process for measuring the sustainability practices of UT Athletics. ++ Participate in campus sustainability initiatives. 18 t h e u n i v e r s i t y of t e x a s a t au s t i n 19 t h e u n i v e r s i t y of t e x a s a t au s t i n m e t r ic s Develop and monitor metrics that measure the effectiveness of these strategic initiatives and adherence to the vision, purpose, and values of UT Athletics. t h e u n i v e r s i t y of t e x a s a t au s t i n 2 1 24 t h e u n i v e r s i t y of t e x a s a t au s t i n ac k now l e d g e m e n t s ST R AT E G I C PL A N N I N G ST E E R I N G C O M M I T T E E DeLoss Dodds Amy Folan Rebecca Haden Kenny Jastrow Elida Lee Mary Ober Chris Plonsky Julian Read E X T E R N A L C O N S U LT A N T S Howard Chalmers Sylvie Crum John Fainter Kevin Hegarty Jeff Heller Jeff Hunt Pike Powers Martha Smiley Larry Temple Pam Willeford TA S K F O R C E M E M B E R S Jim Baker Tina Bonci Michael Bos Kim Brackin Rich Burns Michael Center Jennifer Colley Brian Davis Stephanie DeMunbrun LaGwyn Durden Jimmy Earl Ed Goble John Graham Lori Smith Allen Hardin Craig Helwig Jerry Johnson Donnie Maib Cathy McDonald David McWilliams Doug Messer Teri Pierce Martha Richards Randa Ryan Mario Sategna Jill Sterkel Nick Voinis Craig Westemeier Lynn Wheeler Butch Worley TA S K F O R C E C O O R D I N A T O R S Charles Branch Erin Pinegar Glyn Rogers James Barr Jason Nellis Liz Land Merrick MyCue Rachel McGruder Rob Heil Trace Wilgus C O N S U LT I N G E D I T O R Geoff Leavenworth PHOTOGRAPHERS Jim Sigmon Susan Allen Sigmon Matthew Hempel DESIGN Sibley/Peteet Design, Austin a partner company with Sherry Matthews Advocacy Marketing OT H E R CO N T R I B U T O R S GSD&M Purpose Institute INSIDE BACK COVER t h e u n i v e r s i t y of t e x a s at aus t i n p o b o x 73 9 9 | a u s t i n, t e x a s 7 871 3