Summer Class Schedule 2016 Summer Class Schedule 2016 when do you REGISTer? • February 1: Current Graduate and Post Baccalaureate degree-seeking students • February 1: Seniors (90+ credit hours) • February 2: Juniors (60+ credit hours) • February 3: Sophomores (30+ credit hours) • February 4: Freshmen (less than 30 credit hours) • February 5: Current non-degree seeking students • February 8: Students admitted or readmitted for summer (non-freshman) Registration Information Students may register according to the schedule above. Registration for each summer session remains open through the first day of the session (see academic calendar for specific dates). Currently Enrolled Undergraduates Web registration on my.bellarmine is required for all undergraduate students who are currently enrolled in spring 2016 and are seeking their first undergraduate degree. These students will follow the same policies and procedures that are in place for spring 2016 registration, including the advisor clearance process. Refer to the Web Registration Policies and Procedures information found on the Registrar’s website for information needed to web register. Second degree nursing students will web register on a date to be determined. Post baccalaureate students in all other degree programs may register using the Registration Worksheet found on the Registrar’s Office website; an advisor’s signature is required. Current non-degree students may register directly with the Registrar’s Office beginning February 5 using the Registration Worksheet found on the Registrar’s Office website; an advisor’s signature is not required for non-degree students. Currently Enrolled Graduate Students Graduate students currently enrolled in spring 2016 in the following programs should contact their graduate program director or advisor for registration; web registration is not available in these programs: Graduate Education (all degrees); Master of Arts in Spirituality; or Doctor of Physical Therapy. Web registration on my.bellarmine is required for graduate students who are currently enrolled in spring 2016 in all other graduate programs. Students in these programs must review the Web Registration Policies and Procedures at Students Not Currently Enrolled Undergraduate and graduate students who are new to Bellarmine for summer 2016, those who have been readmitted for the session, and new non-degree students are not eligible to web register. Registration for these students is typically part of the admission or readmission process. These students should use the Registration Worksheet found at and work with their admission counselor or program director to register. Textbook Information In accordance with the requirements of the Higher Education Opportunity Act of 2008 (HEOA), textbook information for classes listed in the printed schedule can be found online. The online listing is subject to change. Students should also refer to the course syllabus for information. Textbooks can be located online at; click the Class Schedule application under Quick Links, enter the selection criteria, and click the course number to see the Course Information. Click the required material(s) button to see textbook information. Tuition and Fees • Undergraduate Tuition: $850 per credit hour • Graduate Tuition: Varies; check with applicable graduate program. • Audit: 1/3 of per credit hour tuition rate • Comprehensive Fee for Undergraduates: $55 a course • Comprehensive Fee for Graduates: $45 a course • Course Fees: Certain courses carry additional fees. See course schedule for amounts Academic Policies Review the academic policies in the most current version of the Bellarmine University catalog at catalog.bellarmine. edu. These policies apply to summer sessions. Independent Studies, Internships, Contract Courses: Registrations for independent studies, internships, or contract courses will be entered into Summer Session IV unless otherwise indicated on the course listing or on the student’s individual registration form. Withdrawal: A student who finds it necessary to drop a course or withdraw from the university after registration must provide written notification to the Office of the Registrar. Students who fail to comply with this policy will receive a grade of “F” for all courses for which they have registered and will be responsible for corresponding tuition and fees. When a student officially withdraws from the university or from any course(s), charges will be adjusted according to the summer 2016 refund schedule. The full amount of tuition will be due unless the withdrawal occurs during the refund period; all fees are non-refundable. Federal law specifies how Bellarmine University must determine the amount of Title IV program assistance that you earn if you withdraw from school. The requirements for Title IV program funds when you withdraw are separate from any institutional refund policy. The full withdrawal policies are found in the Bellarmine University catalog. Note Regarding Session Dates: Some courses are scheduled outside the date ranges of the sessions listed to the right and may be indicated as Session VI or VII in the Course Listing; for specific meeting dates see the Course Listing. The drop/add deadline and the last day for 100% refund for these courses is before the first class meeting. The last day for a 80% refund for these courses is before the second class meeting. The last day to withdraw from these courses with a grade of W is before two-thirds of the class meetings. Accelerated Nursing students must refer to the orientation handout “Accelerated BSN Withdrawal and Refund Policy” for refund and withdrawal dates. These dates differ from the dates to the right. Session I (3 weeks) Last day for full tuition refund Last day to register, add/drop classes Last day for 80% tuition refund Last day to change from credit to audit and letter grade to P/F Last day for 50% tuition refund Last day to withdraw with grade of “W” Tuition due Final grades due from faculty Grades Viewable on myBellarmine Summer degree conferral date May 9 – May 26 May 9 May 10 May 10 Session II (5 weeks) Last day for full tuition refund Last day to register, add/drop classes Last day for 80% tuition refund Last day to change from credit to audit and letter grade to P/F Last day for a 50% tuition refund Last day to withdraw with grade of “W” Tuition due Final grades due from faculty Grades Viewable on myBellarmine Summer degree conferral date May 31 – June 30 May 31 June 2 June 3 Session III (5 weeks) Last day for full tuition refund Last day to register, add/drop classes Last day for 80% tuition refund Last day to change from credit to audit and letter grade to P/F Last day for 50% tuition refund Last day to withdraw with grade of “W” Tuition due Final grades due from faculty Grades Viewable on myBellarmine Summer degree conferral date July 5 – August 4 July 5 July 7 July 8 May 12 May 13 May 19 May 25 May 31 June 1 August 9 June 6 June 10 June 20 June 24 July 5 July 6 August 9 July 11 July 15 July 26 July 28 August 8 August 9 August 9 Session IV (10 weeks) May 31 – August 4 Last day for full tuition refund May 31 Last day to register, add/drop classes June 3 Last day to change from credit to audit and letter grade to P/F June 6 Last day for 80% tuition refund June 6 Last day for 50% tuition refund June 17 Tuition due June 24 Last day to withdraw with grade of “W” July 11 Final grades due from faculty August 8 Grades Viewable on myBellarmine August 9 Summer degree conferral date August 9 Undergraduate SES COURSE # TITLE CR DAYS TIMES INSTRUCTOR DATES EST. FEE accounting S4 ACCT 101 01 Prin of Financial Accounting 3 MTWTh 10:00-11:15AM Richardson, K 06/07/16-08/04/16 S2 ACCT 102 01 Prin of Managerial Accounting 3 MTWTh 12:00-2:00PM Collins 05/31/16-06/30/16 S4 ACCT 211 01 Financial Accounting I 3 MTWTh 12:00-1:15PM Richardson, K 06/07/16-08/04/16 S4 ACCT 313 01 Financial Accounting III 3 MTWTh 1:30-2:45PM Richardson, K 06/07/16-08/04/16 S4 ACCT 317 01 Taxation I 3 MW 6:00-8:00PM Harper, A 05/31/16-08/04/16 S2 ART. 101 01 Drawing I 3 TWTh 9:00-2:30PM Corum, Jaime 05/31/16-06/30/16 $65 S2 ART. 102 01 Drawing II TWTh 9:00-2:30PM Corum, Jaime 05/31/16-06/30/16 $65 3 MTWTh 11:45-2:45PM Byrd 05/09/16-05/26/16 3 MTWTh 8:30-11:30AM Toner, J 05/09/16-05/26/16 3 MTWTh 3:00-5:00PM Collins 05/31/16-06/30/16 Art Business Administration S0 B.A. 301 01 S0 B.A. 305 01 Principles of Management Restriction: Junior or higher Principles of Marketing Restriction: Junior or higher S2 B.A. 345 01 Managing Info Technology Restriction: Junior or higher Biology S2 BIOL 108 01 Human Anat & Physiol I with Lab 4 MTWTh 9:00-11:00AM Kiser 05/31/16-06/30/16 MW 12:00-3:00PM Kiser 05/31/16-06/30/16 BIOL 109 01 Human Anat & Physiol II with Lab 4 MTWTh 9:00-11:00AM Pennington, G 07/05/16-08/04/16 MW 12:00-3:00PM Pennington, G 07/05/16-08/04/16 MTWTh 9:00-11:00AM Pennington, G 07/05/16-08/04/16 TTh 12:00-3:00PM Pennington, G 07/05/16-08/04/16 S2 S3 S3 S3 BIOL 109 02 S3 Human Anat & Physiol II with Lab 4 This section will open if needed. S2 BIOL 114 01 Human Biol: Health & Disease 3 TWTh 3:30-5:00PM Kaelin 05/31/16-06/30/16 S2 BIOL 114L 01 Human Biol: Health & Disease Lab 0 TWTh 6:00-8:00PM Kaelin 05/31/16-06/30/16 S0 BIOL 115 01 Introduction to Life Science 3 MTWTh 8:30-10:30AM Kaelin 05/04/16-05/21/16 S0 BIOL 115L 01 Introduction to Life Science Lab 0 MTWTh 10:45-12:45PM Kaelin 05/04/16-05/21/16 S6 BIOL 300 01 Pathophysiology 3 WTh 2:30-5:20PM Mefford, L 07/05/16-08/22/16 3 TW 8:00-10:50AM Mefford, L 07/05/16-08/22/16 Restriction: Accelerated Nursing Only S6 BIOL 300 02 Pathophysiology Restriction: Accelerated Nursing Only Computer Science S0 C.S. 116 01 Computer Applications Software 3 MTWTh 6:00-9:00PM Staff 05/09/16-05/26/16 S0 C.S. 117 01 Website Development 3 MTWTh 8:30-11:30AM Ali, M. 05/09/16-05/26/16 $100 $100 $100 $100 $100 SES COURSE # TITLE CR DAYS TIMES INSTRUCTOR DATES S3 C.S. 117 02 Website Development 3 TWTh 6:00-8:30PM Staff 07/05/16-08/04/16 S2 C.S. 130 01 Programming Fundamentals 4 MTWTh 9:00-11:40AM Ali, M. 05/31/16-06/30/16 EST. FEE $60 Chemistry S2 CHEM 103 01 General College Chemistry I 4 TWTh 9:00-11:30AM Sinski, Joe 05/31/16-06/30/16 S2 CHEM 103L 01 General College Chemistry I Lab 0 TTh 1:00-5:00PM Sinski, Joe 05/31/16-06/30/16 $110 S2 CHEM 103L 02 General College Chemistry I Lab 0 W 1:00-5:00PM Sinski, Joe 05/31/16-06/30/16 $110 F 9:00-1:00PM Sinski, Joe 05/31/16-06/30/16 S2 CHEM 103R 01 Gen College Chem Pre-Lab I 0 TTh 12:00-1:00PM Sinski, Joe 05/31/16-06/30/16 S3 CHEM 104 01 General College Chemistry II 4 TWTh 9:00-11:30AM Sinski, Joe 07/05/16-08/04/16 S3 CHEM 104L 01 General College Chemistry II Lab 0 TTh 1:00-5:00PM Sinski, Joe 07/05/16-08/04/16 $110 S3 CHEM 104L 02 General College Chemistry II Lab 0 W 1:00-5:00PM Sinski, Joe 07/05/16-08/04/16 $110 F 9:00-1:00PM Sinski, Joe 07/05/16-08/04/16 S3 CHEM 104R 01 Gen College Chem II Pre-Lab 0 TTh 12:00-1:00PM Sinski, Joe 07/05/16-08/04/16 S0 CHEM 109 01 Liberal Arts Chemistry 3 MTWTh 11:45-1:45PM Sinski, Joe 05/09/16-05/26/16 MTWTh 2:00-4:00PM Sinski, Joe 05/09/16-05/26/16 S2 CHEM 205 01 Organic Chemistry I 4 MTWTh 9:00-11:00AM Wightman, P 05/31/16-06/30/16 S2 CHEM 205L 01 Organic Chemistry I Lab 0 MW 12:30-4:30PM Wiesemann 05/31/16-06/30/16 $110 S2 CHEM 205L 02 Organic Chemistry I Lab 0 TTh 12:30-4:30PM Wiesemann 05/31/16-06/30/16 $110 S2 CHEM 205R 01 Organic Chemistry I Pre-Lab 0 MW 11:30-12:25PM Wiesemann 05/31/16-06/30/16 S3 CHEM 206 01 Organic Chemistry II 4 MTWTh 9:00-11:00AM Wightman, P 07/05/16-08/04/16 S3 CHEM 206L 01 Organic Chemistry II Lab 0 TTh 12:30-4:30PM Wiesemann 07/05/16-08/04/16 $110 S3 CHEM 206L 02 Organic Chemistry II Lab 0 MW 12:30-4:30PM Staff 07/05/16-08/04/16 $110 S3 CHEM 206R 01 Organic Chemistry II Pre-Lab 0 TTh 11:30-12:25PM Bernauer 07/05/16-08/04/16 Communication S0 COMM 103 01 Introduction to Public Speaking 3 MTWTh 8:30-11:30AM Fogle 05/09/16-05/26/16 S3 COMM 103 02 Introduction to Public Speaking 3 TWTh 9:00-11:30AM Spitza 07/05/16-08/04/16 S2 COMM 203 01 Business Writing 3 TWTh 9:00-11:30AM Shain 05/31/16-06/30/16 S4 COMM 444 01 Internship 3 TBA Spitza 05/31/16-08/04/16 Restriction: Form Req'd see Registrar Economics and Finance S2 ECON 110 01 Principles of Macroeconomics 3 TWTh 3:00-5:30PM Staff 05/31/16-06/30/16 S3 ECON 111 01 Principles of Microeconomics 3 MW 6:00-9:30PM Greer, M 07/05/16-08/04/16 S3 ECON 314 01 International Trade and Finance 3 TTh 6:00-9:30PM Brown, R 07/05/16-08/04/16 S0 FINA 315 01 Business Finance 3 MTWTh 11:45-2:45PM Bauer 05/09/16-05/26/16 3 MTWTh 11:45-2:45PM Saurer, M 05/09/16-05/26/16 Restriction: Junior or higher Education S0 EDUC 208 01 Schl Hlth, Nutrition & Phys Educ SES COURSE # TITLE CR DAYS TIMES INSTRUCTOR DATES 3 TWTh 12:00-2:30PM Staff 07/05/16-08/04/16 8:30-11:30AM Picken, C 05/09/16-05/26/16 EST. FEE English S3 ENGL 101 01 Expository Writing For incoming Accounting students. S0 ENGL 200 01 Reading Literature 3 MTWTh S0 ENGL 200 02 Reading Literature 3 MTWTh 11:45-2:45PM Hume 05/09/16-05/26/16 S2 ENGL 200 03 Reading Literature 3 TWTh 12:00-2:30PM Smock 05/31/16-06/30/16 S2 ENGL 200 04 Reading Literature 3 TWTh 9:00-11:30AM Blandford 05/31/16-06/30/16 S3 ENGL 200 05 Reading Literature 3 TWTh 12:00-2:30PM Picken, C 07/05/16-08/04/16 S3 ENGL 324 01 Multicultural Amer Lit: 3 TWTh 12:00-2:30PM Blandford 07/05/16-08/04/16 3 MW 9:00-11:45PM Domine/Gatrell 05/09/16-05/19/16 Environmental Studies S0 ENVS 440 01 Food, People, and Place: Peru TBA 05/20/16-06/03/16 This course is on campus 5/9 to 5/19 and in Peru from 5/20 to 6/3. Cost of trip extra. Acceptance into program is required to enroll. Contact the International Programs Office. Restriction: Instructor Permission S2 ENVS 440 02 Sustainability in Costa Rica 3 TBA Cook, K 06/05/16-06/26/16 Course is off-campus in Costa Rica 6/5/2016-6/26/206. Estimated cost of trip is $2500. A passport is required. Contact the International Programs Office. Restriction: Junior or higher Global Languages and Cultures S2 SPAN 101 01 Intro Spanish Lang & Culture I 3 TWTh 3:00-5:30PM Squires, M 05/31/16-06/30/16 S3 SPAN 102 01 Intro Spanish Lang & Culture II 3 TWTh 3:00-5:30PM Squires, M 07/05/16-08/04/16 TWTh 9:00-11:30AM Welliver 05/31/16-06/30/16 History S2 HIST 116 01 The Western World I, 1450-1870 3 S2 HIST 117 01 The Western World II, 1870-Pres 3 TWTh 12:00-2:30PM Wagner, D 05/31/16-06/30/16 S0 HIST 421 01 Nazi Germany 3 MTWTh 11:45-2:45PM Welliver 05/09/16-05/26/16 3 MTWTh 8:30-11:30AM Franz, C 05/09/16-05/26/16 3 MTWTh 11:45-2:45PM Sutton 05/09/16-05/26/16 3 TWTh 9:00-11:30AM Clark, D 05/31/16-06/30/16 3 TWTh 9:00-11:30AM Wagner, K 07/05/16-08/04/16 3 MTWTh 8:30-11:30AM Smock 05/09/16-05/26/16 3 MTWTh 11:45-2:45PM Holt 05/09/16-05/26/16 Interdisciplinary Courses (IDC) S0 IDC. 200 01 Homelessness & Nation's Health Restriction: Sophomore or higher S0 IDC. 200 02 Film Noir Restriction: Sophomore or higher S2 IDC. 200 03 Jazz, Blues and Beyond Restriction: Sophomore or higher S3 IDC. 200 04 American Family in Sitcoms Restriction: Sophomore or higher S0 IDC. 301 01 Poetry of Witness Restriction: Junior or higher S0 IDC. 301 02 The Nuclear Age Restriction: Junior or higher SES COURSE # TITLE S0 IDC. 301 05 Food People & Place: in Peru CR DAYS TIMES 3 MW 9:00-11:45AM INSTRUCTOR DATES Domine/Gatrell 05/09/16-05/19/16 TBA EST. FEE 05/20/16-06/03/16 This course is on campus from May 9 - May 19 and is in Peru from May 20 - June 3 (cost of trip is extra). Acceptance into the Peru program is required in order to enroll. Contact the International Programs Office for more information. Restriction: Instructor Permission S0 IDC. 301 06 World Christianity Intern Exper 3 MW 3:45-6:30PM Berghausen, N TBA 05/09/16-05/19/16 05/20/16-06/03/16 This course is on campus from May 9 - May 19 and is in Peru from May 20 - June 3 (cost of trip is extra). Acceptance into the Peru program is required in order to enroll. Contact the International Programs Office for more information. Restriction: Instructor Permission S2 IDC. 301 03 Native Amer Culture & Literature 3 TWTh 12:00-2:30PM Culver, M 05/31/16-06/30/16 TBA Cook, K 06/05/16-06/26/16 Restriction: Junior or higher S2 IDC. 301 07 Environ Sustainabi in Costa Rica 3 This course is off-campus in Costa Rica from June 5-June 26. Estimated cost of trip is $2500. A passport is required. Contact the International Programs Office for more information. Restriction: Instructor Permission S3 IDC. 301 04 Fandom & Geek Culture 3 TWTh 12:00-2:30PM Culver, M 07/05/16-08/04/16 TBA Wagner, K 06/16/16-08/05/16 Restriction: Junior or higher S4 IDC. 301 ON S0 IDC. 401 01 Junior Transcultural Experience 3 Restriction: RN Students only Thomas Merton & Social Justice 3 MTWTh 8:30-11:30AM Hillis 05/09/16-05/26/16 3 MTWTh 11:45-2:45PM Mazur, M 05/09/16-05/26/16 3 MTWTh 3:00-6:00PM Tudor 05/09/16-05/26/16 3 MW 3:45-6:30PM Berghausen, N 05/09/16-05/19/16 Restriction: Senior standing required S0 IDC. 401 02 S0 IDC. 401 03 Water and Society $25 Restriction: Senior standing required Death and the Corpse Restriction: Senior standing required S0 IDC. 401 06 World Christianity Intern Exp TBA 05/20/16-06/03/16 This course is on campus from May 9-May 19 and is in Peru from May 20-June 3 (cost of trip is extra). Acceptance into the Peru program is required in order to enroll. Contact the International Programs Office for more information. Restriction: Instructor Permission S2 IDC. 401 04 The Just Citizen 3 TWTh 9:00-11:30AM Henson 05/31/16-06/30/16 3 TWTh 12:00-2:30PM Golding 07/05/16-08/04/16 Restriction: Senior standing required S3 IDC. 401 05 Senior Seminar Restriction: Senior standing required Mathematics S2 MATH 116 01 Precalculus 3 TWTh 9:00-11:30AM Raymond, A 05/31/16-06/30/16 S4 MATH 117 01 Calculus I 4 TWTh 12:00-2:20PM Ali, M. 05/31/16-07/15/16 S2 MATH 118 01 Calculus II 4 MTWTh 8:30-11:00AM White, Susan 05/31/16-06/30/16 S3 MATH 125 01 Business Calculus 4 TWTh 6:00-9:20PM Saurer, M 07/05/16-08/04/16 S2 MATH 205 01 Elementary Statistics 4 MTWTh 6:00-8:30PM Goebel, J 05/31/16-06/30/16 S3 MATH 205 02 Elementary Statistics 4 TWTh 6:00-9:20PM Ward, John 07/05/16-08/04/16 SES COURSE # TITLE CR DAYS TIMES INSTRUCTOR DATES EST. FEE Medical Laboratory Science S4 MDLS 320 01 Medical Lab Science Seminar I 1 T 12:00-2:00PM Golemboski, K 05/31/16-08/04/16 $100 S4 MDLS 430 01 Medical Lab Science Seminar II 1 T 12:00-2:00PM Golemboski, K 05/31/16-08/04/16 $100 S4 MDLS 435 01 Leadership and Management 3 TTh 9:00-11:50AM Wardrip 05/31/16-08/04/16 S4 MDLS 436 01 Body Fluids 3 MW 12:00-2:00PM Seaton, A 05/31/16-08/04/16 MW 2:30-4:30PM 9:00-11:50AM Golemboski, K 05/31/16-08/04/16 $200 05/31/16-08/04/16 S4 MDLS 437 01 Clin & Molecular Immunology 3 MW S4 MDLS 438 01 Clin & Molecular Immunology Lab 1 Th 12:30-4:30PM Seaton, A 05/31/16-08/04/16 $300 S4 MDLS 440 01 Medical Lab Science Seminar III 1 T 12:00-2:00PM Golemboski, K 05/31/16-08/04/16 $100 S4 MDLS 450 01 Medical Lab Science Seminar IV 1 T 12:00-2:00PM Golemboski, K 05/31/16-08/04/16 $100 S0 MUSC 103 01 Music in Amer Popular Culture 3 MTWTh 8:30-11:30AM Hildreth 05/09/16-05/26/16 S0 MUSC 200 01 Music Literature 3 MTWTh 3:00-6:00PM Barnsfather, S 05/09/16-05/26/16 S6 MUSC 444 01 Internship I 3 TBA Burchard 05/09/16-08/04/16 S6 MUSC 445 01 3 TBA Burchard 05/09/16-08/04/16 Music Restriction: Form Req'd see Registrar Internship II Restriction: Form Req'd see Registrar S6 MUSI 100 01 Beginning Piano 1 TBA George, D 05/09/16-08/04/16 $250 S6 MUSI 111 01 Applied Piano 1 TBA George, D 05/09/16-08/04/16 $250 Foundations of Nursing 4 TW 12:00-1:50PM Minton, L 05/09/16-06/27/16 $247 ThF 7:00-7:00PM Minton, L 05/09/16-06/27/16 05/09/16-06/27/16 Nursing, Accelerated S6 S6 S6 S6 NURA 205 A1 NURA 205 A2 NURA 205 A3 NURA 205 A4 Foundations of Nursing Foundations of Nursing Foundations of Nursing 4 4 4 M TBA Minton, L TW 8:00-9:50AM Minton, L 05/09/16-06/27/16 ThF 7:00-7:00PM Minton, L 05/09/16-06/27/16 M TBA Minton, L 05/09/16-06/27/16 ThF 12:00-1:50PM McNeeley 05/09/16-06/27/16 M TBA McNeeley 05/09/16-06/27/16 TW 7:00-7:00PM McNeeley 05/09/16-06/27/16 ThF 8:00-9:50AM McNeeley 05/09/16-06/27/16 M TBA McNeeley 05/09/16-06/27/16 TW 7:00-7:00PM McNeeley 05/09/16-06/27/16 $247 $247 $247 S6 NURA 206 A1 Transcultural Comm in Healthcare 3 TW 8:00-10:50AM Lindsay, T 05/09/16-06/27/16 $35 S6 NURA 206 A2 Transcultural Comm in Healthcare 3 TW 3:30-5:50PM Lindsay, T 05/09/16-06/27/16 $35 S6 NURA 206 A3 Transcultural Comm in Healthcare 3 ThF 8:00-10:50AM Bone, B 05/09/16-06/27/16 $35 S6 NURA 206 A4 Transcultural Comm in Healthcare 3 ThF 2:30-3:50PM Bone, B 05/09/16-06/27/16 $35 S6 NURA 221 A1 Gen Prin Drug Classifcation I 2 ThF 11:00- :50AM Masters 07/05/16-08/22/16 $10 S6 NURA 221 A2 Gen Prin Drug Classifcation I 2 ThF 8:00-9:50AM Masters 07/05/16-08/22/16 $10 S6 NURA 221 A3 Gen Prin Drug Classifcation I 2 MT 3:30-5:20PM Staff 07/05/16-08/22/16 $10 SES COURSE # TITLE CR DAYS TIMES S6 NURA 221 A4 Gen Prin Drug Classifcation I 2 MT 1:00-1:50PM S6 NURA 230 A1 Nursing Process with Adults I 5 WThF S6 S6 EST. FEE 07/05/16-08/22/16 $10 8:00-9:50AM Webb, C 07/05/16-08/22/16 $193 MT 7:00-3:00PM Webb, C 07/05/16-08/22/16 11:00-12:50PM Webb, C 07/05/16-08/22/16 Nursing Process with Adults I 5 WThF MT 7:00-3:00PM Webb, C 07/05/16-08/22/16 NURA 230 A3 Nursing Process with Adults I 5 MTW 12:00-1:50PM Minton, L 07/05/16-08/22/16 ThF 7:00-3:00PM Minton, L 07/05/16-08/22/16 MTW 2:30-5:20PM Minton, L 07/05/16-08/22/16 S6 S6 DATES Staff NURA 230 A2 S6 S6 INSTRUCTOR $193 $193 NURA 230 A4 Nursing Process with Adults I 5 ThF 7:00-3:00PM Minton, L 07/05/16-08/22/16 S6 NURA 311 A1 Health Assessment 3 TW 3:30-5:20PM Broderick 05/09/16-06/27/16 $55 S6 NURA 311 A2 Health Assessment 3 TW 11:00-12:50PM Broderick 05/09/16-06/27/16 $55 S6 NURA 311 A3 Health Assessment 3 ThF 3:30-5:20PM Schloemer, B 05/09/16-06/27/16 $55 S6 NURA 311 A4 Health Assessment 3 ThF 11:00-12:50PM Schloemer, B 05/09/16-06/27/16 $55 3 TThF 3:00-5:50PM Beran 07/05/16-08/04/16 $135 TThF 8:00-11:00AM Beran 07/05/16-08/04/16 TThF 3:00-5:50PM Beran 07/05/16-08/04/16 TThF 11:30-2:30PM Beran 07/05/16-08/04/16 3 MTWTh 8:30-11:30AM Burd 05/09/16-05/26/16 $10 4.5 TTh 9:00-11:20AM McEachron 05/31/16-08/04/16 $50 W 7:00-2:00PM McEachron 07/06/16-07/27/16 TBA McEachron 06/21/16-06/28/16 MTWTh 8:30-11:30AM Masters 05/09/16-05/26/16 Weitendorf 06/20/16-08/05/16 S6 $193 Nursing, Traditional S3 NURS 110 01 Introduction to Nursing S3 NURS 110 02 Introduction to Nursing Reserved for students taking BIOL 109. S0 NURS 200 01 Nutrition S4 NURS 305 01 Nursing Process with Children 3 Dominican Republic trip. S0 NURS 312 01 Health Care Research 3 S7 NURS 313 ON Pharmacology for RN's 3 TBA $135 Online course. RN Students Only. Restriction: RN Students only S2 NURS 350 01 Nurse Externship 3 S6 NURS 435 01 Nurs Ldrshp and Mgmt for RN's 4 MTWThF 8:00-5:00PM Cronin 05/31/16-06/30/16 TBA Spurlock 05/09/16-06/24/16 MTWTh 8:30-11:30AM Golding 05/09/16-05/26/16 $55 Online course. Philosophy S0 PHIL 160 01 Introduction to Philosophy 3 S2 PHIL 160 02 Introduction to Philosophy 3 TWTh 9:00-11:30AM Mosley 05/31/16-06/30/16 S0 PHIL 301 01 Ethics 3 MTWTh 8:30-11:30AM Speliotis 05/09/16-05/26/16 S3 PHIL 301 02 Ethics 3 TWTh 9:00-11:30AM Golding 07/05/16-08/04/16 Physics S0 PHYS 105 01 Introduction to Astronomy 3 MTWTh 9:30-11:30AM Mahmood 05/09/16-05/26/16 S0 PHYS 105L 01 Introduction to Astronomy Lab 0 MTWTh 11:45-1:45PM Mahmood 05/09/16-05/26/16 $90 SES COURSE # TITLE CR DAYS TIMES INSTRUCTOR DATES S3 PHYS 106 01 Exploration of the Universe 3 TWTh 3:30-5:00PM Mahmood 07/05/16-08/04/16 S3 PHYS 106L 01 Exploration of the Universe Lab 0 TW 5:10-7:10PM Mahmood 07/05/16-08/04/16 S2 PHYS 201 01 College Physics I 4 MTWTh 8:30-10:30AM Brown, S 05/31/16-06/30/16 S2 PHYS 201L 01 College Physics I Lab 0 MW 12:00-2:00PM Mahmood 05/31/16-06/30/16 S2 PHYS 201R 01 College Physics I Recitation 0 TWTh 10:40-11:30AM Brown, S 05/31/16-06/30/16 S3 PHYS 202 01 College Physics II 4 MTWTh 9:30-11:30AM Brown, S 07/05/16-08/04/16 S3 PHYS 202L 01 College Physics II Lab 0 M 12:00-2:00PM Brown, S 07/05/16-08/04/16 W 1:00-3:00PM Brown, S 07/05/16-08/04/16 S3 PHYS 202R 01 College Physics II Recitation 0 TWTh 11:40-12:30PM Brown, S 07/05/16-08/04/16 S2 PHYS 205 01 University Physics I 4 MTWTh 8:30-10:30AM Mahmood 05/31/16-06/30/16 S2 PHYS 205L 01 University Physics I Lab 0 TTh 12:00-2:00PM Mahmood 05/31/16-06/30/16 S2 PHYS 205R 01 Univ Physics I Recitation 0 TWTh 10:40-11:30AM Mahmood 05/31/16-06/30/16 S3 PHYS 206 01 University Physics II 4 MTWTh 9:30-11:30AM Mahmood 07/05/16-08/04/16 S3 PHYS 206L 01 University Physics II Lab 0 TTh 1:00-3:00PM Mahmood 07/05/16-08/04/16 S3 PHYS 206R 01 Univ Physics II Recitation 0 TWTh 11:40-12:30PM Mahmood 07/05/16-08/04/16 EST. FEE $90 $90 $90 $90 $90 Political Science S2 P.S. 101 01 American Government 3 TWTh 6:00-8:30PM Baugher, C 05/31/16-06/30/16 S0 P.S. 331 01 Politics & Film 3 MTWTh 6:00-9:00PM Hoffman 05/09/16-05/26/16 Psychology S2 PSYC 103 01 Introductory Psychology 3 TWTh 6:00-8:30PM Church-Nally, M 05/31/16-06/30/16 S3 PSYC 230 01 Psychology of Learning 3 TWTh 9:00-11:30AM Wilson, T 07/05/16-08/04/16 Respiratory Therapy Science III 3 MTF 8:30-11:00AM Kane, C 05/31/16-07/01/16 $10 3 MTF 8:30-11:00AM Kane, C 07/05/16-08/02/16 $10 3 MTF 8:30-12:30PM Kane, C 05/09/16-05/27/16 $20 3 W 6:30-7:00PM Vogt 05/11/16-08/03/16 $315 3 Th 6:30-7:00PM Vogt 05/12/16-08/04/16 $100 3 MT 11:30-1:30PM Kane, C 05/31/16-08/02/16 $300 Respiratory Therapy S2 RTH. 420 01 Restriction: R.T. Accel Students Only S3 RTH. 440 01 Cardiopulmonary Monitoring Restriction: R.T. Accel Students Only S0 RTH. 450 01 Neonatal/Pediatric Resp Care Restriction: R.T. Accel Students Only S6 RTH. 460 01 Resp Therapy Clinical Educ III Restriction: R.T. Accel Students Only S6 RTH. 485 01 Resp Therapy Clincial Educ IV Restriction: R.T. Accel Students Only S4 RTH. 490 01 Respiratory Therapy Seminar Restriction: R.T. Accel Students Only SES COURSE # TITLE CR DAYS TIMES 3 MW 9:00-11:45PM INSTRUCTOR DATES Domine/Gatrell 05/09/16-05/19/16 Domine 05/20/16-06/03/16 EST. FEE Sociology S0 ANTH 241 01 Food, People Place: Sustain Peru TBA This course in on campus from 5/9-5/19 and is in Peru from 5/20-6/3 (trip cost is extra). Acceptance into the Peru program is required to enroll. Contact the International Programs Office for more information. Restriction: Instructor Permission Theatre S2 THEA 110 01 Acting I: Beginning Acting 3 TWTh 12:00-2:30PM Ross, Z 05/31/16-06/30/16 $60 S0 THEA 202 01 Experiencing Theatre 3 MTWTh 11:45-2:45PM Salerno, M 05/09/16-05/26/16 $60 Theology S3 THEO 200 01 Ultimate Questions 3 TWTh 9:00-11:30AM Becker 07/05/16-08/04/16 S0 THEO 307 01 World Religions 3 MTWTh 8:30-11:30AM Hillis 05/09/16-05/26/16 S0 THEO 422 01 World Christianity 3 MW 3:45-6:30PM Berghausen, N 05/09/16-05/19/16 TBA 05/20/16-06/03/16 This course is on campus from 5/9-5/19 and is in Peru from 5/20-6/3 (cost of trip is extra). Acceptance into the Peru program is required in order to enroll. Contact the International Programs Office for more information. Graduate SES COURSE # TITLE CR DAYS TIMES INSTRUCTOR dates TF 6:00-10:00PM Gubser, B 6:00-10:00PM Gubser, B TTh 6:00- 8:45PM Wagoner, R 05/31/16-06/30/16 S 9:00- 2:00PM Wagoner, R 06/04/16-06/11/16 Analytics See online schedule for exact meeting dates S6 ANLY 540 01 Prof Skills for Analytics II 2 S6 ANLY 570 01 Analytics Meth and Appl III 5 Communication, Graduate S2 COMM 605 01 Communication Theory and Lit 3 S2 COMM 633 01 Aging and Communication 3 TWTh 6:00- 8:30PM Henson 05/31/16-06/30/16 S0 COMM 692 01 Strategic Communication 3 MTWTh 6:00- 9:00PM Strawser, M 05/09/16-05/26/16 S0 COMM 692 02 Intl Technical Communications 3 TWTh 6:00- 9:00PM Apostel, S 05/10/16-05/12/16 TWTh 6:00- 9:00PM Apostel, S 05/24/16-05/26/16 TBA Apostel, S 05/16/16-05/20/16 W 6:00- 9:00PM O'Keeffe, M 05/31/16-05/31/16 M 6:00- 9:00PM O'Keeffe, M 07/18/16-07/18/16 T 6:00- 9:00PM O'Keeffe, M 08/02/16-08/02/16 TTh 6:00- 9:00PM O'Keeffe, M 06/02/16-06/09/16 Class travels to Costa Rica May 16-20. S4 COMM 692 03 Visual Ethnography 3 Class also meets online 5/31 and other times via Moodle. Education, Graduate See online schedule for exact meeting dates S2 EDAD 701 01 Ldrshp & Role of Schl Principal 3 MW 8:30- 3:30PM Sizemore, John 06/06/16-06/22/16 S7 EDAD 701 02 Ldrshp & Role of Schl Principal 3 MW 8:30- 3:30PM Schultz, W 06/13/16-06/29/16 3 MW 8:30- 3:30PM Davis, A 06/20/16-07/13/16 Bullitt County Cohort only. S7 EDAD 701 03 Ldrshp & Role of Schl Principal Oldham County Cohort only. S3 EDAD 702 01 Data Mgmt & Schl Leadership 3 MW 8:30- 3:30PM Staff 06/27/16-07/19/16 S3 EDAD 702 02 Data Mgmt & Schl Leadership 3 TTh 8:30- 3:30PM Schultz, W 07/12/16-07/27/16 3 MWF 8:30- 3:30PM Cheek 07/15/16-07/26/15 Th 4:30- 9:30PM Bullitt County Cohort only. S3 EDAD 702 03 Data Mgmt & Schl Leadership Oldham County Cohort only. S2 EDAD 703 01 HR Function of School Principal 2 Armour, T 06/02/16-06/30/16 S4 EDAD 704 01 Field Exp - Appl of Found Ldrshp 1 TBA Sizemore, John 05/31/16-08/04/16 S4 EDAD 704 02 Field Exp - Appl of Found Ldrshp 1 TBA Sizemore, John 05/31/16-08/04/16 1 TBA Sizemore, John 05/31/16-08/04/16 Cooter, K 05/09/16-05/25/16 Bullitt County Cohort only. S4 EDAD 704 03 Field Exp - Appl of Found Ldrshp Oldham County Cohort only. S0 EDAD 709 01 Admin Issues Special Populations 3 MTWTh 5:00- 7:30PM EST. FEE SES COURSE # TITLE CR DAYS TIMES INSTRUCTOR DATES S3 EDAD 710 01 Parents, Commty, Schl Principal 2 MWF 8:30- 3:30PM Minnis, B 07/11/16-07/19/16 S2 EDAD 711 01 Financial, Legal, Ethical Resp 3 MTW 8:00- 1:00PM Sizemore/Heyburn 06/06/16-06/22/16 S7 EDAD 711 02 Financial, Legal, Ethical Resp 3 MW 8:00- 1:00PM Staff 06/13/16-06/29/16 S7 EDAD 711 03 3 MTW 8:00- 1:00PM Staff 06/20/16-07/13/16 Bullitt County Cohort only. Financial, Legal, Ethical Resp Oldham County Cohort only. S4 EDAD 712 01 S4 EDAD 712 02 Field Exp - Applying Leadership 1 TBA Sizemore, John 05/31/16-08/04/16 Field Exp - Applying Leadership 1 TBA Sizemore, John 05/31/16-08/04/16 1 TBA Sizemore, John 05/31/16-08/04/16 Bullitt County Cohort only. S4 EDAD 712 03 Field Exp - Applying Leadership Oldham County Cohort only. S4 S4 S4 S4 EDAD 851 01 EDAD 852 01 EDRE 805 01 EDUG 601 01 Principles of Leadership District Planning and Developmt Advanced Topics in Research Rsch Methodology for School Ldrs 3 S 8:00-12:00PM Wells, W F 5:00- 9:00PM Wells, W S 1:00- 5:00PM Wells, W S 8:00-12:00PM Wells, W S 1:00- 5:00PM Wells, W F 5:00- 9:00PM Wells, W F 5:00- 9:00PM Smith, G S 1:00- 5:00PM Smith, G S 8:00-12:00PM Smith, G W 5:00- 8:30PM Block, C 06/01/16-08/03/16 3 TBA Brown, D 05/31/16-07/27/16 3 3 3 Teacher Leader Candidates only. S4 EDUG 601 ON Rsch Methodology for School Ldrs On-Line Course. S6 EDUG 612 01 Advanced Field Placement 3 TBA Young, R 05/09/16-07/27/16 S6 EDUG 613 01 Advanced Professional Placement 3 TBA Young, R 05/09/16-07/27/16 S4 EDUG 648 01 Technology Across the Curriculum 3 Th 5:00- 8:30PM Staff 05/31/16-08/02/16 S2 EDUG 670 01 Imprvmt thru Assmt, Eval, Data 3 TTh 5:00- 8:30PM Staff 05/31/16-06/30/16 S4 EDUG 670 ON Jury, J 05/31/16-07/27/16 Teacher Leader Candidates Only. Imprvmt thru Assmt, Eval, Data 3 TBA On-Line Course. S2 EDUG 671 01 S3 EDUG 672 01 Tchr Ldr Improve Stu Achievement 3 TTh 5:00- 8:30PM Young, R 05/31/16-06/30/16 3 TTh 9:00-12:30PM Castner, D 07/05/16-08/04/16 Staff 05/31/16-07/27/16 9:00- 1:00PM Castner, D 06/08/16-08/03/16 Teacher Leader Candidates Only. Dynamic Teacher Leadership Teacher Leader Candidates Only. S4 EDUG 672 ON Dynamic Teacher Leadership 3 TBA On-Line Course. S4 EDUG 697 01 Applying Research to Practice 3 W Restriction: Contract Crs Form Req'd S4 EDUG 803 01 Communications and Leadership 3 S 8:00-12:00PM Brown, Richard F 5:00- 9:00PM Brown, Richard S 1:00- 5:00PM Brown, Richard EST. FEE SES COURSE # TITLE S4 EDUG 858 01 Int'l or Cross-Cultural Exper S4 EDUG 860 01 CR DAYS TIMES 3 TBA INSTRUCTOR DATES Dinkins, E 05/31/16-08/04/16 Travel between June 23 and July 12. Final papers due on July 30. S4 EDUG 900 01 Field Research Practicum Dissertation 3 F 5:00- 9:00PM Staff S 1:00- 5:00PM Staff S 8:00-12:00PM 1 TBA Staff Smith, G 05/20/16-07/30/16 Restriction: Contract Crs Form Req'd S4 HRED 810 01 S2 LITR 621 01 S4 LITR 621 ON Assmt, Account, Afford High Ed Literacy Assmt & Instruction I 3 3 F 5:00- 9:00PM Rhodes, F S 1:00- 5:00PM Rhodes, F S 8:00-12:00PM Rhodes, F TTh 5:00- 8:30PM Staff 05/31/16-06/30/16 TBA Staff 05/31/16-07/27/16 Literacy Specialist Candidates only. Literacy Assmt & Instruction I 3 On-Line Course. S0 LITR 627 01 Tchg Wrtg: A Workshop Approach 3 MTh 5:00- 9:00PM Dinkins, E 05/09/16-06/09/16 3 MWF 9:00- 1:00PM Morgan, M 06/15/16-07/06/16 3 MWF 9:00- 1:00PM Morgan, M 07/05/16-07/27/16 5:00- 8:30PM Staff 07/05/16-08/04/16 S 8:00-12:00PM Paige F 5:00- 9:00PM Paige Literacy Specialist Candidates only. S4 LITR 630 01 21st Cent Literacies & Tech Literacy Specialist Candidates only. S3 LITR 640 01 Second Language Learners Literacy Specialist and ESL Endorsement Candidates only. S3 LITR 645 01 Tchr Ldr Practices Acad Literacy 3 TTh Teacher Leadership Candidates only. S4 LITR 820 01 Socio-cognitive Litrcy Theories 3 S 1:00- 5:00PM Paige S6 MAT. 501 AC Adv Field Placement/Observation 1 T 5:30- 9:00PM McGee 05/10/16-07/26/16 S6 MAT. 501 SC Adv Field Placement/Observation 1 T 5:30- 9:00PM Willis 05/10/16-07/26/16 S6 MAT. 502 SC Foundtns Middle & High Schl Educ 3 T 5:30- 9:00PM Willis 05/10/16-07/26/16 S 8:00- 5:00PM Willis S6 MAT. 505 SC Curr Dsgn & Meth for Middle Schl 3 T 5:30- 9:00PM Willis 05/10/16-07/26/16 S6 MAT. 507 SC Curr Dsgn & Meth Secondary Schl 3 T 5:30- 9:00PM Willis 05/10/16-07/26/16 S6 MAT. 509 SC Classroom Management Strategies 2 T 5:30- 9:00PM Willis 05/10/16-07/26/16 S6 MAT. 520 AC Fndtns of Elem Educ Grades P-5 3 05/10/16-07/26/16 S6 S6 T 5:30- 9:00PM McGee S 8:00- 5:00PM McGee S6 MAT. 525 AC Advanced Child Development 3 T 5:30- 9:00PM McGee 05/10/16-07/26/16 S6 MAT. 600 AC Research Methodology 3 W 5:30- 9:00PM McGee 05/11/16-06/15/16 F 5:30- 9:30PM McGee 06/10/16-06/10/16 S 8:30- 4:30PM McGee 06/11/16-06/11/16 Th 5:30- 9:00PM McGee 05/12/16-06/16/16 F 5:30- 9:30PM McGee 06/10/16-06/10/16 S 8:30- 4:30PM McGee 06/11/16-06/11/16 Must register with MAT 615 AC. S6 MAT. 600 AX Research Methodology Must register with MAT 615 AX. 3 EST. FEE SES COURSE # TITLE S6 MAT. 600 SC Research Methodology CR DAYS TIMES INSTRUCTOR DATES 3 T 5:30- 9:00PM Block, C 06/21/16-08/02/16 F 5:30- 9:30PM Block, C 06/17/16-06/17/16 S 8:30- 4:30PM Block, C 06/18/16-06/18/16 Th 5:30- 9:00PM Block, C 06/23/16-08/04/16 S 8:30- 4:30PM Block, C 06/25/16-06/25/16 F 5:30- 9:30PM Block, C 07/15/16-07/15/16 T 5:30- 9:00PM Block, C 06/21/16-08/02/16 F 5:30- 9:30PM Block, C 06/17/16-06/17/16 S 8:30- 4:30PM Block, C 06/18/16-06/18/16 Th 5:30- 9:00PM Block, C 06/23/16-08/04/16 S 8:30- 4:30PM Block, C 06/25/16-06/25/16 Must register with MAT 614 SC. S6 MAT. 600 SX Research Methodology 3 Must register with MAT 615 SX. S6 MAT. 614 SC Adolescent Psychology 3 Must register with MAT 600 SC. S6 MAT. 614 SX Adolescent Psychology 3 Must register with MAT 600 SX. S6 MAT. 615 AC Computer Applications in Educ 3 Must register with MAT 600 AC. S6 MAT. 615 AX Computer Applications in Educ 3 Must register with MAT 600 AX. S6 MAT. 615 SC Computer Applications in Educ 3 Must register with MAT 600 SC. S6 MAT. 615 SX Computer Applications in Educ 3 Must register with MAT 600 SX. S4 SPED 515 ON Speech & Lang Devlp, & Culture F 5:30- 9:30PM Block, C 07/15/16-07/15/16 W 5:30- 9:00PM Thomas, K 06/22/16-07/27/16 F 5:30- 9:30PM Thomas, K 07/08/16-07/08/16 S 8:30- 4:30PM Thomas, K 07/09/16-07/09/16 Th 5:30- 9:00PM Thomas, K 06/23/16-07/28/16 F 5:30- 9:30PM Thomas, K 07/22/16-07/22/16 S 8:30- 4:30PM Thomas, K 07/23/16-07/23/16 T 5:30- 9:00PM Thomas, K 05/10/16-06/14/16 F 5:30- 9:30PM Thomas, K 05/20/16-05/20/16 S 8:30- 4:30PM Thomas, K 05/21/16-05/21/16 Th 5:30- 9:00PM Thomas, K 05/12/16-06/16/16 F 5:30- 9:30PM Thomas, K 06/03/16-06/03/16 S 8:30- 4:30PM Thomas, K 06/04/16-06/04/16 Staff 05/31/16-08/04/16 3 TBA EST. FEE Online Course S0 SPED 520 LB Special Education Transitions 3 MW 5:30- 8:30PM Richardson, B 05/09/16-06/16/16 S7 SPED 530 LB Teaming and Collaboration 3 MW TBA Richardson, B 06/22/16-07/29/16 S7 SPED 540 ON Educational Measurement 3 TBA Richardson, B 06/22/16-07/28/16 05/16/16-07/25/16 Online Mathematics (for Education) S6 MATH 523 01 Foundations of Math 4 Th 5:30- 9:45PM Watkins, J 8:30-12:00PM Bauer Masters Business Administration See online schedule for exact meeting dates S7 MBA. 705 X Financial Mgmt for Strategy 3 S F 7:05-10:00PM Bauer S7 MBA. 706 X Marketing for Strategy 3 F 7:05-10:00PM Toner, J S 1:00- 4:30PM Toner, J S2 MBA. 707 01 Legal and Regul Env for Strategy 3 F 6:30-10:00PM Brown, Richard S 8:30- 4:30PM Brown, Richard $100 SES COURSE # TITLE S7 MBA. 713 X Business Creativity CR DAYS TIMES 1 F 5:30- 7:00PM INSTRUCTOR DATES EST. FEE $2,000 Luthy Course meets in the Private Dining Room in Koster's. Restriction: Executive Students Only S0 MBA. 720 01 International Management 6 TBA Thornton 05/21/16-06/01/16 6 TBA Thornton 05/21/16-06/01/16 6 TBA Deck/McCrickard 05/21/16-06/01/16 6 TBA Deck/McCrickard 05/21/16-06/01/16 Trip to Rome, Italy. Restriction: Register thru MBA Office S0 MBA. 720 02 International Management Trip to Rome, Italy. Restriction: Register thru MBA Office S0 MBA. 720 03 International Management $2,000 Trip to Paris, France. S0 MBA. 720 04 International Management Trip to Paris, France. S3 S2 MBA. 721 01 MBA. 751 01 Issues in Global Mgmt Financial Statement Analysis 6 3 F 6:30-10:00PM Brown, R S 8:30- 4:30PM Brown, R MW 6:00-10:00PM Collins 06/06/16-06/30/16 This class will begin 6/6/16. S3 MBA. 774 01 Negotiations 3 MW 6:00- 9:30PM Brown, Richard 07/05/16-08/04/16 S0 MBA. 778 01 Mergers and Acquisitions 3 MTWTh 6:00-10:00PM Staff 05/09/16-05/12/16 MW 6:00-10:00PM Staff 05/16/16-05/17/16 S3 MBA. 791 01 Project Management 1 TTh 6:00- 9:30PM Brown, Richard 07/05/16-08/04/16 S0 MBA. 792 01 Seminar in Tech & Innovation 3 MTWR 6:00-10:00PM Ryan, M 05/09/16-05/17/16 S2 MBA. 792 02 Brand Strategy 3 TTh 6:00-10:00PM Toner, J 06/06/16-06/30/16 S0 This class will begin 6/6/16. S4 MBA. 792 03 Applied Consulting 3 TBA Brown, R 05/31/16-08/04/16 S4 MBA. 793 01 MBA Project 1 TBA Collins 05/31/16-08/04/16 6:00-10:00PM Collins 07/29/16-07/29/16 F Course meets independently in Session 4 with presentations on July 29. Master of Science in Taxation S4 MTAX 720 ON Taxation of Indiv & Partnerships 3 TBA Harper, A 05/31/16-08/04/16 $100 3 TBA Selvy 05/31/16-08/04/16 $100 3 TBA Furlan, E 05/31/16-08/04/16 $100 Online course. S4 MTAX 725 ON State and Local Taxation Online course. S4 MTAX 780 ON Accounting for Income Taxes Online course. Nursing, Graduate See online schedule for exact meeting dates S6 NURS 605 01 S6 NURS 605 02 Clin Prevention & Population Hlt 2 M 6:00- 9:00PM Staff $20 3 M 6:00- 9:00PM Cain $35 Restriction: FNP Track Students Only Clin Prevention & Population Hlt SES COURSE # TITLE CR DAYS TIMES 2 M 6:00- 9:00PM INSTRUCTOR DATES EST. FEE Administration & Education Track Students S6 NURS 605 03 Clin Prevention & Population Hlt Cain $20 $35 Course will open if other sections fill. Restriction: FNP Track Students Only S6 NURS 607 01 Healthcare Prof Edu Practicum II 2 W 4:00- 6:00PM Jackson, B S4 NURS 608 01 Healthcare Administration 3 S 9:00- 5:00PM Cain S6 NURS 611 01 Adv Physical Assessment 3 M 9:00-10:30AM Galloway 05/09/16-08/01/16 M 11:00-12:30PM Galloway 05/09/16-08/01/16 S6 NURS 611 02 Adv Physical Assessment 3 M 9:00-10:30AM Galloway 05/09/16-08/01/16 M 12:30- 2:00PM Galloway 05/09/16-08/01/16 TBA Galloway 05/09/16-08/24/16 Adv Physical Assessment 3 $20 $70 $70 S6 NURS 611 03 $20 S4 NURS 618 01 Healthcare Admin Practicum I 2 W 3:00- 5:00PM Cain S6 NURS 635 01 Nursing Administration Project 4 Th 5:00- 8:00PM Cain S6 NURS 640 01 Project 2 F 6:00- 8:00PM Jackson, B 05/20/16-05/20/16 $50 S6 NURS 663 01 4 M 6:00- 9:00PM Galloway 05/09/16-08/01/16 $125 TBA Galloway 05/09/16-08/01/16 Education and Administration Track students only. $40 $115 Other meeting time TBA. Comprehensive FNP Practicum Clinical meetings arranged individually. S4 NURS 802 01 S4 NURS 804 01 Foundations of Grant Writing 1 S 9:00-12:30PM Staff $20 3 S 9:00- 4:00PM Lindsay, T $20 Restriction: DNP Students Only Healthcare Informatics Restriction: DNP Students Only S6 NURS 816 01 Managerial Epidemiology 3 TBA Rinker 05/09/16-08/01/16 $20 3 TBA Staff 05/09/16-08/01/16 $35 Restriction: DNP Students Only S6 NURS 841 01 Selected Topics in Healthcare Restriction: Form Req'd see Registrar S6 NURS 891 01 Practice Immersion I 1 TBA Staff 05/09/16-08/01/16 $40 S6 NURS 892 01 Practice Immersion II 1 TBA Staff 05/09/16-08/01/16 $35 S6 NURS 895 01 Residency 4 TBA Staff 05/09/16-08/01/16 $35 Restriction: Form Req'd see Registrar Doctorate of Physical Therapy S4 P.T. 505 01 Tchg & Lrng in PT Practice 2 MTW 10:30-11:50AM Ennis 05/31/16-07/07/16 S4 P.T. 516 01 Psychosocial Responses 3 MTW 1:00- 2:20PM Hall-Bibb, D 05/31/16-07/07/16 S4 P.T. 524 01 Introduction to Acute Care 3 MTW 2:30- 4:50PM Danzl, M 05/31/16-07/07/16 Th 2:00- 4:50PM Hall-Bibb, D 05/31/16-07/07/16 S4 P.T. 532 01 Applied Clinical Anatomy 3 MTWTh 8:30-10:20AM Lonnemann, Paul 05/31/16-07/07/16 S4 P.T. 548 01 Neurology for P.T. 3 MTWTh 10:00-11:50AM Danzl, M 05/31/16-07/01/16 S4 P.T. 605 01 Research II 3 MTWTh 8:00- 9:50AM Kerr, L 05/31/16-07/01/16 $25 S4 P.T. 690 01 Prin of Community Partnerships 1 TTh 1:00- 2:20PM Brosky 05/31/16-07/01/16 $20 S4 P.T. 699 01 Orientation to Clinical Educ 1 MW 1:00- 2:20PM Hawkins, C 05/31/16-07/01/16 $20 SES COURSE # TITLE CR DAYS TIMES INSTRUCTOR DATES EST. FEE S4 P.T. 700 01 Clinical Clerkship 5 MTWThFS TBA Hawkins, C 07/05/16-08/12/16 $150 S4 P.T. 710 01 PT Practice Experience I 10 MTWThF TBA Hawkins, C 06/13/16-09/02/16 $200 S4 P.T. 785 01 Prof and Legal Issues in P.T. 2 MTWTh 1:00- 3:50PM Ennis 05/31/16-06/10/16 $10 F 8:00-11:00AM Ennis 06/03/16-06/03/16 T 6:00- 9:00PM Johnson, K 06/28/16-08/02/16 Philosophy S4 PHIL 543 01 Bioethics 3 S6 PHIL 543 O2 Bioethics 3 TBA Johnson, K 05/09/16-08/24/16 3 TBA Johnson, K 05/09/16-08/24/16 Online course. S6 PHIL 543 ON Bioethics Online course.