Angle Dispersive X-ray Diffraction Beamline (BL-12) for Materials Research A. K. Sinha ( Indus Synchrotron Utilisation Division (ISUD) Raja Ramanna Center for Advanced technology Indore, India Acknowledgements ISUD Colleagues Plan of Talk 1. Introduction (Creating Synchrotron Radiation) 2. Angle Dispersive X-ray Diffraction beamline 3. Applications of the beamline for Materials Research (Some Results) Creating Synchrotron Radiation SR Properties SR Spectrum • broad spectral range – X-rays-VUV-visible & beyond • highly collimated – ~ milli-radian divergence • • • • very high flux and brightness linear polarization calculable characteristics Time structure Ec (keV ) 0.665BE 2 Flux photons/sec/mrad/0.1% BW brightness Flux/ mm2/mrad2 Schematic View Of Indus Complex TL-1 Microtron (20 MeV) TL-2 TL-3 Indus-2, 2.5 GeV SRS Indus-1 (450 MeV) Optical Layout of ADXRD beamline (top view) (side view) Advantages of using adaptive optics 1. Various operation modes of the beamline 1. High energy resolution , low flux mode (collimated mode) 2. High energy resolution, moderate flux mode 2. The photon beam can be focused at desired point making it convenient for use of multiple experimental stations Measured beamline specifications Range: Energy resolution (E/ΔE): Flux: @2.5GeV, 100mA : Beam size : 5 – 20 keV 8000 (at 8keV) 3x 10 9 ph/sec (at 11 keV) 0.7mm(h) x 0.5 mm(v) Applications Powder X-ray Diffraction Single Crystal Diffraction X-ray absorption spectroscopy XRD at extreme conditions Low Temperature XRD (3K – 400K) High Temperature XRD (900K) High pressure XRD Photograph of the beamline in radiation hutch EXPERIMENTAL STATIONS Six circle diffractometer with scintillation detector Angular resolution: Powder Sample: 0.015 degree (sigma in 2 theta) Single Crystal: 14 arc sec (FWHM) Image plate area detector Angular resolution: Powder Sample: Time taken for one pattern: 0.03 degree (sigma in 2 theta) Few Minutes EXPERIMENTAL STATIONS Powder diffraction at the image plate area detector Powder diffraction at the Diffractometer I / Io (normalised ) 1.0 Sample : LaB6 ( nist ) DCM Energy : 11.0 keV 0.8 0.6 0.4 0.2 0.0 19 th 10 15 20 25 30 35 40 45 50 55 60 65 70 M ay 10 L a B 6 P o w d e r w ith I m a g e P la te P la te d is ta n c e : 2 0 0 m m N o . o f P ix e l s : 2 3 0 0 X 2 3 0 0 P ix e l S iz e : 150X 150m 20000 Counts/Pixel IR 37m A , 2G eV , 15000 D C M E n erg y 14 keV F itte d E n e r g y 1 4 .4 5 k e V Powder diffraction at the diffractomer with scintillation detector 10000 5000 0 5 10 15 20 25 2 30 35 40 AIP conf proc. 1349 (2011) 503 J. Phys.: Conf Series 425, 072017(2013) Applications of the beamline • X ray Diffraction (XRD) • Anomalous XRD • X-ray Absorption Near Edge Structure (XANES) • High Pressure XRD • Low temperature XRD • High Temperature XRD Applications of ADXRD beamline X-ray Diffraction Single Crystal Polycrystalline Amorphous Bulk Powder Thin Film Bulk Epitaxy X-ray Diffraction Normal omega – 2theta scan Grazing incidence XRD Anomalous XRD X-ray Diffraction under extreme conditions of temperature and pressure Applications of the beamline •Single Crystal Diffraction •Powder diffraction •Amorphous phase scattering and RDF •Anomalous XRD •X-ray Absorption Near Edge Structure (XANES) • High Pressure XRD • Low temperature XRD Applications of the beamline 1. Single crystal diffraction J. Crystal Growth 351 (2012) 88. (a) Rocking curve for (4 2 2) plane of 0.1 mole% Tl doped CsI and (b) 2ϴ position of same plane. (energy- 9750 eV). with Al absorber 180000 (400) 6000 160000 Intensity (arb. unit) 140000 4000 2000 (600) Intensity (arb Units) 16.66 Appl. Optics, 50 (2011) 6006. 120000 100000 80000 60000 40000 25.09 20000 0 0 15 20 25 2 30 35 8.30 8.35 8.40 8.45 8.50 (a) ϴ-2ϴ scan for (100) plane of monoclinic Ga2O3 single crystal (b) Rocking curve of the (400) peak of (100) plane GaP epitaxial layer on Ge (111) 150000 175 C layer peak scan only (RT) 100000 120000 1000 Intensity (AU) Intensity (AU) 10000 full scan RT 100 90000 60000 30000 10 0 1 60 61 62 63 64 (2 theta) 61.8 62.0 62.2 62.4 62.6 62.8 63.0 63.2 63.4 63.6 63.8 2 Theta GaP (111) grown on Ge (111) substrate. Full (444) scan shows Ge and GaP peaks. Two domains with 60 degree angle between them High temperature shift in peak may be because of change in lattice parameter and Strain. 2. Powder Diffraction X-ray diffraction studies of Gd1-xCaxBaCo2O5.5 system (0 x 0.30) The crystal structure of GdBaCo2O5.5 from the refined values of lattice and structural parameters obtained from the Rietveld refinement of XRD data obtained at ADXRD beamline. J. Appl. Phys. 113 (2013) 104101 2. Powder Diffraction 10 20 30 2 theta 40 obs_500C cal obs-cal Intensity(A.U.) Intensity(A.U.) obs_800C cal obs-cal 10 50 20 30 40 50 2 theta 5 10 15 20 25 2 theta 30 35 40 obs_300C cal obs-cal Intensity(A.U.) Intensity(A.U.) obs_as grown cal obs-cal 45 10 20 30 40 50 2 theta Multi-phase Rietveld refinement of various phases of coblat oxide nanoparticles J. Phys. and Chem. of Solids 75 (2014) 397 The XRD data along with the Rietveld fitting of relaxor ferroelectric [Pb(Mg1/3Nb2/3)O3] obtained on the Angle dispersive XRD beamline (BL-12) 2. Powder Diffraction (Nano-particles) Image Plate data Williamson-Hall Plot Powder XRD on Cobalt oxide nanoparticles (β measured)2 = (β instrumental)2 + (β strain)2 + (β size)2 Β (strain) = 2. ε. tanθ (220) (111) (111) (220) (222) (400) (311) CoO (511) (440) (422) Β (size) = (0.9 x λ)/(D cosθ) 900 Mixed 2.4 800 Co3O4 400 Co3O4 350 Co3O4 10 30 20 Microstrain (%) Intensty (AU) (311) (220) 900 2.0 1.6 1.2 40 Angle (2) 0.8 14 16 18 20 22 24 Particle size (nm) Appl. Phys. A 108 (2012) 607 26 28 30 3. Amorphous phase scattering and RDF 7000 120 6000 100 5000 RDF(r) Intensity(I(q)) 80 4000 3000 60 40 2000 1000 2 k.bcoh 2 k.bcoh.S(q) 2 2 k.bcoh+k.bincoh 20 0 0 2 4 6 8 q(1/) 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 0 0 2 4 6 8 10 r(A) Take XDR data with highest possible q range Correct the data for absorption correction, correction for sample holder etc Normalize the such that I(q) = 1, at q tending to infinity and I(q) = S (0) at q = 0 S(0) may be calculated by thermodynamic limit This gives static structure factor (S(q)). FT of S(q) gives Radial distribution function (RDF), which is the atomic distribution of atoms in real space J. Appl. Phys. 111 (2012) 113518. J. Alloys and Compounds (2014), In Press Measurement (2014), In Press 4. X-ray absorption spectroscopy (XANES) Information 1. Oxidation state of selected atom in a compound 2. Electronic energy levels 3. Geometry of at atom in the lattice I = Io x exp (- abs.t) Measurement Modes 1. Transmission 2. Fluorescence 3. Photoelectron yield Io IC1 S I IC2 Energy dispersive detector 4. XANES XANES at Cu edge XANES at Cr edge Intensity (arb. units) 10000 x=0.15 x=0.10 5000 x=0.05 A 0 5980 6000 6020 6040 Energy (eV) (Na0.5Bi0.5TiO3)(1-x)(BiCrO3)x J. Mat. Sci. 47 (2011) 2011 Fe72.9Cu0.9Nb3.1Si13.1B8.9 (Finemet) J. Appl. Phys. 110 (2011) 933537 4. XANES 11520 160000 11540 11560 11580 11600 11620 11580 11600 11620 140000 Pt K-edge XANES Intensity (AU) 120000 100000 80000 60000 40000 20000 0 11520 11540 11560 Photon nergy eV) The relative intensities and position of Eu2+ and Eu3+ states were determined by fitting XANES spectra with a two component model consisting of an arctangent step function and a Lorentzian peak for each valence state. From fitting, the valence state population for Eu2+ is about 82% Phys. Rev. B. (2012) 00510 J. Appl. Phys. 113 (2013) 104101 5. Anomalous XRD 2000 1000 0 -1000 Diffraction intensity (AU) Intensity (AU) 3000 500 Diffraction peak intensity (AU) 7702eV 7704 eV 7706 eV 7708 eV 7710eV 7712eV 7714eV 7716eV 7718eV 7720eV 7722eV 7724eV 7726eV 7728eV 7730eV 7732eV 7734eV 7736eV 7738eV 600 400 400 300 7.64 7.68 200 0 7.64 7.68 7.72 Photon Energy (KeV) 10 20 30 40 7.72 7.76 Photon Energy (keV) 50 2 (degrees) DANES in Cobalt oxide nanoparticles 7.76 Normalised XRD Intensity (Arb. units) 5. Anomalous XRD GaAs single crystal 10300 10400 10500 Photon energy (eV) Normalized XRD intensity for Ga ended (blue) and As ended (red) faces of GaAs single crystal. The (100) superlattice reflection, obtained using anomalous XRD at 7112 eV (Fe Kedge), is indicative of ordered structure. J. Appl. Phys. 111 (2012) 113518 6. High pressure XRD HPXRD pattern of LaGa with Ag as an internal pressure calibrant. Phil. Mag. (2013) 7. Low Temperature XRD Measurements Liquid He based flow type cryostat Temperature Range - 3K – 450K PID Temperature Controller (Lakeshore 331) Temperature ≈ 0.15K stability XRD pattern for Ru doped LiMn2O4 at various ) temperatures between 289K and 200K showing phase transition from Cubic to orthorhombic phase. Structural transition temperature as a function of increasing Ru concentration XRD pattern for BaTiO3 Thank You for your kind attention