WG3- Edinburgh 2010 COST MP 0904 SIMUFER Second Meeting of the Management Committee of COST Action MP0904: “SIMUFER: Single- and Multiphase Ferroics and Multiferroics with Restricted Geometries” Progress report of the working group WG3 Carmen Galassi Edinburgh, 13th of August, 8:30-13:30 COST MP 0904 SIMUFER Introduction of the participants Working group structure WG3- Edinburgh 2010 COST MP 0904 SIMUFER WG3- Edinburgh 2010 Group leader Institution 1 ALGUERÓ Miguel AMORÍN Harvey Instituto de Ciencia de Materiales de Madrid (Spain) ICMM-CSIC, 2 BUSCAGLIA Vincenzo Institute for Energetics and Interphases, National Research Council IENI-CNR 3 CORDERO Francesco CNR-ISC Italy 4 DANZER Robert DELUCA Marco Institut für Struktur- und FunktionskeramikMontanuniversität Leoben Materials Center Leoben Forschung GmbH 5 6 EDERER Claude GALASSI Carmen Trinity College Dublin, School of Physics CNR- ISTEC Italy 7 LENDZION-BIELUŃ Zofia 8 9 MACA Karel MAGLIONE Mario ELISSALDE Cathy West Pomeranian University of Technology, Institute of Chemical and Environment Engineering Department of Ceramics and Polymers, Brno University of Technology Institute of condensed chemistry of Matter – University of Bordeaux ICMCB 10 MALIC Barbara Jožef Stefan Institute Electronic Ceramics Department JSI 11 12 MITOSERIU Liliana PINTILIE Lucian University “Alexandru Ioan Cuza” Iasi, Faculty of Physics NIMP 13 RODRIGUEZ Brian Conway Institute, University College Dublin IC-UCD 14 STOJANOVIC Biljana Institute for Multidisciplinary Research, University of Belgrade 15 SZAFRANIAK-Wiza Izabela Poznan University of Technology, Institute of Materials Science and Engineering 16 TESTINO Andrea TDK-EPC Corporation 17 18 TYUNINA (Tjunina) Marina VAN BAEL Marlies K. University of Oulu Hasselt University – Institute for materials research IMEC division IMOMEC Inorganic and physical chemistry / Oxide nanomaterialsIMO-IPC 19 VAN DIJKEN Sebastiaan NanoSpin Group, Department of Applied Physics, Aalto University, Finland WG3- Edinburgh 2010 COST MP 0904 SIMUFER ICMM-CSIC Madrid SPAIN scientific activity related to the WG3 Main interests are related with the processing of magnetoelectric bulk composites by novel preparation methods, and of thin-film multilayer/heterostructures by chemical solution deposition (CSD) methods ¾ Powder synthesis by mechanochemistry and wet-chemistry of different ferroic systems: BiScO3-PbTiO3 and MFe2O4 (M = Co, Ni, Zn), and their characterization by TEM and XRD (expertise in Project 1 – Task 1.1 and 1.2) ¾ Design and preparation of magnetostrictive-piezoelectric bulk composites with 2-2 and 0-3 connectivity by spark plasma sintering (SPS) and hot-pressing of nanopowders, and characterization of the ferro/piezo and electromechanical properties (expertise in Project 2 – Task 2.1 and 2.4) ¾ Design and preparation of thin-film multilayer composites and heterostructures by chemical solution deposition (CSD): PbTiO3, PMN-PT, (Bi1/2Na1/2)TiO3-BaTiO3, BiFeO3, and characterization of the properties, macroscopically and locally by PFM (expertise in Project 3 – Task 3.1, 3.2 and 3.4) Instituto de Ciencia de Materiales de Madrid 1 WG3- Edinburgh 2010 COST MP 0904 SIMUFER ICMM-CSIC Madrid SPAIN facilities/competencies ¾ Synthesis and chemical processing: Mechanochemistry-oriented (high energy mills including a vario-planetary mill pulverisette 4), and wet-chemistry-oriented ¾ Class 1000 clean room: CSD-oriented, UV-assisted CSD-oriented, spin/dip-coating, rapid thermal processing (RTP), sputtering for electrodes ¾ Ceramic processing: Conventional ceramic methods, SPS, hot-pressing, tape-casting ¾ Electrical measurements for films and ceramics: Complex impedance analysis (1 mHz 3 GHz and 77 K - 1273 K); dielectric characterization, ferroelectric hysteresis loops, pyroelectric characterization, complex analysis of piezoelectric resonances ¾ Characterization: TEM, XRD, dynamical mechanical analysis, strain vs electric field ¾ Nanocharacterization: Piezoresponse Force Microscopy Searching for collaboration ¾ Comparing results on the synthesis/processing by different/novel approaches ¾ Physico-chemical techniques for the characterization of precursors and materials ¾ Magnetoelectric and magnetic characterization ¾ Macroscopic piezoelectric characterization of thin films ¾ Modeling of the functional responses of CMP Instituto de Ciencia de Materiales de Madrid COST MP 0904 SIMUFER WG3- Edinburgh 2010 IENI-CNR Genova ITALY Main interests Materials synthesis of nanopowders, nanowires and nanoplatelets multifunctional composites from core-shell precursors BaTiO3, SrTiO3; ZnO, TiO2 Bi4Ti3O12 Fe2O3@BaTiO3 Also in WG 1 2 COST MP 0904 SIMUFER WG3- Edinburgh 2010 ISC-CNR Roma ITALY Main interests anelastic and dielectric investigation Also in WG 2 Materials Ferroelectrics/relaxors: PZT, PLZT, NBT-BT both bulk and film (anelasticity only bulk) 3 COST MP 0904 SIMUFER WG3- Edinburgh 2010 4 COST MP 0904 SIMUFER WG3- Edinburgh 2010 WG3- Edinburgh 2010 COST MP 0904 SIMUFER Trinity College Dublin, School of Physics Dublin IRELAND PI: Dr. Claude Ederer - edererc@tcd.ie Theoretical (first principles) investigation of epitaxial multiferroic hetero-structures consisting of combinations of magnetic and ferroelectric materials (e.g. spinel ferrites and perovskite ferroelectrics). 1) Epitaxial strain effects: Strain-induced isosymmetric phase transition in BiFeO3: Hatt/Spaldin/Ederer, PRB 81, 054109 (2010); Zeches et al., Science 326, 977 (2009) Epitaxial strain effects in the spinel ferrites CoFe2O4 and NiFe2O4 from first principles: (Fritsch/Ederer, arXiv:1006.5080) Magneto-striction constants λ100 (in ppm): CoFe2O4 NiFe2O4 calc. -220 -45 exp. -225 -36 -250 -51 -590 2) Interface effects → future/current work 5 COST MP 0904 SIMUFER WG3- Edinburgh 2010 Trinity College Dublin, School of Physics Dublin IRELAND PI: Dr. Claude Ederer - edererc@tcd.ie Facilities/Competencies: • First principles calculation for magnetic and ferroelectric oxides • VASP, QuantumESPRESSO • Calculation of electric polarization, magnetic structure, ... • LSDA/GGA, DFT+U, DFT+DMFT, hybrid functionals • General physics of multiferroic materials and magneto-electric coupling • Construction of simplified tight binding models based on first principles electronic structure WG3- Edinburgh 2010 COST MP 0904 SIMUFER Powder synthesis ISTEC-CNR Faenza ITALY Sol gel combustion Preparation of bulk dense and porous materials SSR and sintering Porous materials CoFe2O4-Pb(ZrTi)O3 Processing of multiferroic composites Preparation of thick films Electrophoretic Screen printing deposition 6 WG3- Edinburgh 2010 COST MP 0904 SIMUFER ISTEC-CNR Faenza ITALY PLZT, (PbLa)(ZrTi)O3 C B A Nb doped In collaboration with Cordero CNR Rome and Mitoseriu UNIV IASI 0,40 Porosità anisotropa 0,20 300 μm 0,00 0 -0,20 0,1 0,2 0,3 Porosità rel 0,4 0,5 Porosity gradient 20% relative difference of the dielectric constnt in perpendicular directions 0,60 Nb doped PZT powder (self combustion activated at 400°C) BiNaTiO3-0.06 BaTiO3 hot pressed piezoceramic material from powder obtained by sol-gel combustion WG3- Edinburgh 2010 COST MP 0904 SIMUFER ISTEC-CNR Faenza ITALY Facilities/competencies Processing of bulk composites •Colloidal processing (slurry formulation, rheology) •Shaping (slip casting, tape casting, extrusion) •Complex architectures Processing of thick films Screen printing (ink formulation!) Electrophoretic deposition Powder synthesis Dielectric characterization FORC measurements Searching for collaboration Comparing results on the synthesis/processing by different/novel approaches Physico-chemical techniques for the characterization of precursors and materials Magnetoelectric and magnetic characterization Macroscopic piezoelectric characterization of thick films Modeling of the functional responses of CMP Analysis of the FORC response COST MP 0904 SIMUFER WG3- Edinburgh 2010 West Pomeranian Univ Inst Chemical and Env Eng Szczecin POLAND Group: dr inż. Zofia Lendzion-Bieluń, Main interests: Ferroic nanostructures: BaTiO3 doped by s-electron or d-electron elements, Fe2O3, ferrites as nanoparticles, Composites: BaTiO3-Fe2O3 (core-shell) Synthesis methods: optimisation of the synthesis methods: combined wet chemistry, hydrothermal, sol-gel, Pechini, mechanochemical. Characterization: chemical composition, phase composition, size and shape of crystallines, specific surface area, core-shell structure 7 COST MP 0904 SIMUFER WG3- Edinburgh 2010 West Pomeranian Univ Inst Chemical and Env Eng Szczecin POLAND Laboratory of chemical synthesis and analysis : hydrothermal microwave reactor (Ertec, Plazmatronic) ICP-OES spectroscopy (Perkin Elmer, OPTIMA 5300 DV), atomic absorption spectroscopy (AAS), Laboratory of structural analysis: XRD technique (X’pert Pro Philps) with high-temperature cell (HTK 16) and reaction chamber (XRK900), FTIR spectroscopy (Jasco FT-IR 430), UV/Vis/NIR technique (Jasco V-570), Raman studies (Resonance Raman Renishaw InVia Microscope with lase length 785 nm), BET surface area and mean pore size analyzer (Quadrasorb SI, Quantachrome) Laboratory of electron analysis: surface analysis by ESCA/XPS, LEED and TPD methods, in-situ modyfications under diffreent atmospher and pressure (105Pa – 2MPa) (PREVAC), skannig elektron microscopy (SEM DSM 962, Zeiss, Germany), high resolution transmission electron microscope with STEM, detector HAADF, EDS (HRTEM, FE I TECNAI G2 F-20 TWIN) COST MP 0904 SIMUFER WG3- Edinburgh 2010 Department of Ceramics, Brno University of Technology, Czech Republic Current activities within the WG3: 1. bulk BaTiO3 and SrTiO3 (nano)ceramics and their composites 2. synthesis and sintering of core@shell ceramics bulk SrTiO3, rel. density 98%, grain size 80nm core@shell particles with dielectric core (SiO2) and magnetic shell (Ni ferrite) Current co-operation: - Stockholm University (Spark Plasma Sintering) - Institute of Physics Prague (Physical properties) Current co-operation: - University of Novi Sad (particles’ synthesis) 8 COST MP 0904 SIMUFER WG3- Edinburgh 2010 Department of Ceramics, Brno University of Technology, Czech Republic Facilities which can we offer within the WG3: 1. Synthesis of ceramic particles Sol-gel, hydrothermal, ultrasonic and microwave syntheses, spray drying 2. Shaping of ceramic particles Bulk: injection moulding, extrusion, uniaxial pressing, cold isostatic pressing (CIP) Thick layers: electrophoretic deposition (EPD), dip-coating 3. Sintering of ceramic bodies Air sintering: up to 1700°C, dilatometry sintering up to 1530°C Vacuum sintering: up to 1600°C Sintering in hydrogen: up to 1900°C Pressure assisted sintering: hot isostatic pressing (HIP) up to 1530°C (without carbon) spark plasma sintering (SPS) in co-operation with Stockholm University COST MP 0904 SIMUFER ICMCB CNRS Bordeaux FRANCE Equipments available at ICMCB (some of which are free, some are charged) (i)Coated powder synthesis : different architecture: core@shell, raspberries (ii) Design and processing of ceramics with controlled nano and microstructures. Study of size effects. Analysis of sintering mechanisms and control of interfaces. (iii) Three dimensional imaging of ceramics and composites Systems under investigation: Composites: ceramics of BaTiO3-Dielectric (SiO2, Al203, MgO) and BaTiO3@SiO2Fe2O3@SiO2 , films : multilayers BaTiO3-SiO2 WG3- Edinburgh 2010 9 COST MP 0904 SIMUFER WG3- Edinburgh 2010 JSI Ljubljana SLOVENIA Activities related to WG3 Synthesis /processing of lead-based and lead-free complex perovskites (PZT, PMN-PT, KNN, KTN) - solid state synthesis / mechanochemical synthesis / mechanochemically-activated solid state synthesis Structural /microstructural characterization Dielectric / ferroelectric / piezoelectric characterization 10 WG3- Edinburgh 2010 COST MP 0904 SIMUFER JSI Ljubljana Slovenia Analytical electron microscopy of piezoelectric ceramics and single crystals Case study: lead-free piezoelectrics based on alkali niobates. (a,c) 4 b 3 2 1 200 nm TEM BF image of the KNN single crystal with corresponding SAED patterns taken from the adjacent domains. In all examined domains the b direction is the same. Due to the small difference in a and c unit cell parameters, the a and c axes were chosen arbitrarily. a = 4.0046 Å, b = 3.9446 Å, c = 4.0020 Å, and β= 90.33278 Benčan et al., Microsc. Microanal., vol. 15, 5, 2009 COST MP 0904 SIMUFER JSI Ljubljana Slovenia Activities we offer to share Structural and microstructural analysis -crystal structure (XRD) -microstructure (OM, SEM, TEM, AFM) - chemical homogeneity (EDXS, WDXS) - domain structure (OM, SEM/EBSD, TEM/SAED) Activities we look to share RAMAN spectroscopy (also vs. T) Dielectric spectroscopy in GHz-THz range (also vs. T) WG3- Edinburgh 2010 COST MP 0904 SIMUFER WG3- Edinburgh 2010 Univ “A I Cuza Iasi ROMANIA Main interests in-situ producing of magnetoelectric CMP magnetic properties and modelling Also in WG 2 Materials Ferroelectrics: ceramics of BaTiO3-based solid solutions (Ce-BT, SnBT, Zr-BT), PLZT and PZT, films of BaTiO3 and PZT Composites: ceramics of BaTiO3-ferrites, PZTferrites and BaTiO3Fe2O3 (core-shell), films of Co-PZT. 11 COST MP 0904 SIMUFER WG3- Edinburgh 2010 NIMP Bucharest ROMANIA Main interests Materials experimental and theoretical Composites: thin films of investigation BaTiO3-ferrites, PZTThin films interfacing ferrites and BaTiO3-Fe2O3. multiferroics with semiconductors Also in WG1 and WG 2 12 WG3- Edinburgh 2010 COST MP 0904 SIMUFER University College Dublin IRELAND • Expertise in PFM and other SPM • Domain dynamics • Nanostructures • Heterostructure interfaces DOMAIN DYNAMICS BFO: LEAKAGE CURRENT MULTIFERROELECTRIC SWITCHING BFO CFO NANOFERRO SWITCHING COST MP 0904 SIMUFER WG3- Edinburgh 2010 Univ Belgrade SERBIA Main interests ferroelectric ceramics and films produced by soft chemical methods, hydrothermal and mechanochemical synthesis Synthesis of multiferroic composites Also in WG 2 Materials Composites: ceramics of BaTiO3-Ni, Zn ferrites 14 COST MP 0904 SIMUFER WG3- Edinburgh 2010 15 Poznan University of Technology, POLAND Institute of Material Science and Engineering, Engineering Poznan University of Technology (MSE PUT) pl.M. Sklodowskiej-Curie 5, 60-955 Poznan, Poland, www.put.poznan.pl Dr. Izabela Szafraniak-Wiza, izabela.szafraniak-wiza@put.poznan.pl Institute of Molecular Physics, Physics Polish Academy of Sciences (IMP PAS) M. Smoluchowskiego 17, 60179 Poznan, Poland www.ifmpan.poznan.pl Prof. Bozena Hilczer, bhilczer@ifmpan.poznan.pl Institute of Low Temperature and Structure Research Polish Academy of Sciences (ILT&SR PAS) Okolna 2, 50-422 Wrocław, Poland www.int.pan.wroc.pl Prof. Adam Pietraszko, A.Pietraszko@int.pan.wroc.pl COST MP 0904 SIMUFER WG3- Edinburgh 2010 Poznan University of Technology, POLAND Activity in WG3 - P2 Processing of and morphologico microstructural characterization of bulk composites (magnetic-ferroelectric bulk nanocomposites and thick films composites) i) Mechanochemical synthesis of nanopowders of magneto-ferroelectric composites –T 2.1. (MSE PUT), (IMP PAS) ii) Hydrothermal synthesis of nanocrystalline magneto-ferroelectric composites – T 2.1. (ILT&SR PAS) iii) Consolidation of magneto-ferroelectric nanopowders – T.2.1. (ILT&SR PAS), (MSE PUT) iv) Average, local and defect structure characterization of bulk magnetoferroelectric composites: XRD, XPS, SEM, AFM, Raman- and radiospectroscopy – T 2.2. (ILT&SR PAS), (MSE PUT), (IMP PAS) v) Functional characterization of nanopowders and bulk magneto-ferroelectric composites: dielectric and piezoelectric response, electric conductivity, magnetic properties – T 2.4. (IMP PAS), (ILT&SR PAS) Materials: Materials i) Perovskite based composites ii) Spinel-based composites COST MP 0904 SIMUFER WG3- Edinburgh 2010 Poznan University of Technology, POLAND Facilities/competenties: Technology: i) Mechanosynthesis (SPEX 8000, Fritsch Pulverisette 6) ⇒ (MSE PUT), (IMP PAS) ii) Hydrothermal synthesis ⇒ (ILT&SR PAS) iii) Consolidation (hot-pressing max T=1200°C, max P=2 GPa, vacuum/gas atmosphere) ⇒ (ILT&SR PAS) Characterization: i) Average structure, phase content by XRD (KM4CCD:80K-800K; XCALIBUR:8K-288K; X’PertPRO PANalytical:80K-550K and RT-1200K) ⇒ (ILT&SR PAS) ii) Local structure by SEM, TEM, Raman spectroscopy (FEI Nova NanoSEM, TEM Philips CM20, NIR FT Raman Bruker with Ramanscope and anvil pressure cell to 10 GPa) ⇒ (ILT&SR PAS), (MSE PUT), (IMP PAS) iii) Defect structure by radiospectroscopy, XPS (EPR Bruker ELEXSYS 500; EPR Radiopan SE/X; VG Scienta XPS spectrometer) ⇒ (IMP PAS) iv) Dielectric and piezoelectric response, electric conductivity (Impedance Analyzers HP4284A, 4192A, 4191A: 5Hz-1GHz, 10K-500K; Broad-band dielectric spectrometer Novocontrol 10μHz–1.8 GHz, 125K-575K and 10μHz–10 MHz, 125-1500 K) ⇒ (IMP PAS) v) Magnetic properties (Quantum Design PPMS System with AC/DC magnetometer: 2K-400K and VSM magnetometer 2K-1000K, 0-0.9 T; Quantum Design SQUID magnetometer: 2K-800K, 0-5.5 T) ⇒ (IMP PAS), (ILT&SR PAS) COST MP 0904 SIMUFER WG3- Edinburgh 2010 16 TDK-EPC Deutschlandsberg AUSTRIA Christian-Doppler-Laboratory Advanced Ferroic Oxides Modules within the CD-lab: Module 1: Structure-Properties-Relationships, Graz University of Technology, Institute of Chemistry and Technology of Materials Module 2: Charge Transport, Degradation and Analytics, Vienna University of Technology, Institute of Chemical Technologies and Analytics Module 3: Magnetoelectric Multiferroics, University of Birmingham Bi-Na-Titanate Systems for Piezoelectric Ceramics with High Strain: Werner Krauss (PhD) Co-Firing of Bi-Na-Titanate Cermics with Silver-Palladium-Alloys: Denis Schütz (PhD) Solid Solutions of PZT and Relaxor Materials: Andreas Mühlanger (Master) Processing of Alkali-Containing Bismuth-titanates: Alexia Aldrian (Master) Structural Investigations on Bi-Na-Titanate Single Crystals: Denis Orosel (Post-Doc) Multiferroic Systems by Phase Separation: Antonio Feteira (Senior Post-Doc) 18O Diffusion in Lead-zirconate-titanate: Till Frömmling (PhD) Resistance Degradation in Piezoelectric Multilayer Components: Elmar Völkl (PhD) Influence of Oxygen Partial Pressure on the Charge Transport in PZT: Lukas Andrejs (PhD) Project Status - Budget: ≈400K€/Y Duration: Jan 2008 - Dec 2014 COST MP 0904 SIMUFER WG3- Edinburgh 2010 TDK-EPC Deutschlandsberg AUSTRIA Facilities/Competencies at CD-lab: Structural analysis: In-situ Powder-XRD (80-1400K), Single-Crystal XRD Kappa Apex II, In-situ Raman spectroscopy (150-600K), Aberration Corrected Scanning Transmission Microscopy and Conventional Transmission Microscopy. Laboratory for electrical measurements: AC Impedance spectroscopy with microelectrode set-up, Novocontrol Concept 40, Piezoelectric Evaluation System (aixACCT) Laboratory of magnetic measurements: PPMS system Chemical analysis: TOF-SIMS, 18O-Tracer Exchange set-up Moreover at TDK-EPC: - Looking for breakthrough; - Preparation/production/characterization of ceramic devices/modules/systems; - Well established worldwide market position in electronics. COST MP 0904 SIMUFER WG3- Edinburgh 2010 17 Microelectronics and Materials Physics Laboratories Univ Oulu FINLAND G 17. Nanoferroics M. Tyunina Growth, characterization, and modeling of perovskite-based nanoferroics Epitaxial thin-film heterostructures, ultra-thin films, short-period multilayers, superlattices, self-organized nanostructures, composites; Nano-particles (new) Ferroelectric ABO3 A = Pb, La, Ba, Sr, Na, K, (Pb,La), (Pb,Sr), (Ba,Sr); B = Zr, Ti, Nb, Ta, (Zr,Ti) recently: NaNbO3, (Pb,Sr)TiO3, KTaO3, KNbO3 Relaxor PbBIBIIO3 BI = Mg, Sc, Lu; BII = Nb, Ta Conducting (La,Sr)CoO3, YBa2Cu3O7, PrBa2Cu3O7, Bi2Sr2Ca2Cu3Ox, Bi2Sr2CaCu2Ox, SrRuO3, Pt Mixtures//composites//superlattices YBa2Cu3O7:PrBa2Cu3O7, PbMg1/3Nb2/3O3-SrTiO3, PbMg1/3Nb2/3O3-PbTiO3, PbSc0.5Nb0.5O3PbTiO3, (Ba,Sr)TiO3:Ba,Sr)TiO3, BaTiO3:CoFe2O4, Pb(Zr,Ti)O3:CoFe2O4, NaNbO3:SrTiO3, (Pb,Sr)TiO3:SrTiO3 COST MP 0904 SIMUFER WG3- Edinburgh 2010 Microelectronics and Materials Physics Laboratories Univ Oulu FINLAND Growth in situ pulsed laser deposition (multi-target system allowing atomic mixing, growth of multilayers, superlattices, composites) Crystal and electronic structure XRD, SEM/TEM, EDX (room-temperature) XANES (MAX-Lab, Lund) Properties Low-frequency dielectric (hot/cold stages 80-720 K) Ferroelectric (RT 6000) Local (SPM Veeco Dimension Nanoscope IV: EFM, MFM, PFM, …) Analysis // modeling Low-frequency dielectric response of thin-film heterostructures, ferroelectric thin films, relaxors (phenomenological) COST MP 0904 SIMUFER WG3- Edinburgh 2010 Microelectronics and Materials Physics Laboratories Univ Oulu FINLAND The G17 group is involved in growth, characterization, and modeling of perovskitebased nanoferroics. Nanoferroics (here) include Epitaxial thin-film heterostructures, ultra-thin films, short-period multilayers, superlattices, self-organized nanostructures, composites. Also we start work on Nano-particles (new). Broad range of materials is studied including ferroelectrics, relaxors, conductors, superconductors, and their combinations. Main fields of competence include epitaxial growth using pulsed laser deposition, microstructural analysis, functional characterization (dielectric, ferroelectric, and local piezoelectric), and some simple modeling. Key facilities are PLD system, x-ray diffractometers, bridges and network analyzers, cold/hot stages, and scanning probe microscope with PFM option. 18 5 nm Hydro/solvothermal Precursor solution IMO-IPC UHasselt BELGIUM NP colloid Micelles/ Microemulsions IMO-IPC UHasselt BELGIUM Water based solution-gel Wide range of thicknesses and densities - ordering… Thickness and density versatility Porous thick films Thin films Ultrathin films Soft lithography 600°C Min t io a z i r u iat n J. Beusen et al. JECerS 2007 A. Hardy et al. JECS 2009 in press C. De Dobbelaere et al. JECerS 2009 36 COST MP 0904 SIMUFER WG3- Edinburgh 2010 IMO-IPC UHasselt BELGIUM • Chemical Solution Deposition methods • Deep UV micro Raman triple spectrometer (JY T64000) (244, 488 and 785 nm excitation wavelength) • Grazing angle attenuated total reflectance FTIR spectroscopy for (ultra-) thin film characterization • (In-situ high temperature) XRD (vacuum, air, Ar ambient) • X-ray reflectometry • SEM (SE and BSE, EDX, EBSD mapping), TEM (STEM-HAADF and tomography), AFM • In-situ thermal analysis coupled to evolved gas analysis COST MP 0904 SIMUFER WG3- Edinburgh 2010 19 Nanomagnetism and Spintronics Group, Univ Aalto FINLAND We study magnetoelectric interactions in horizontal multiferroic heterostructures that consist of a ferroelectric material (substrate or thin film) and ferromagnet (thin film). We are particularly interested in the coupling between domains in neighboring films with different ferroic order (coupling either mediated by strain or polarization switching) and electric-field controlled magnetism In another project we study the tunability of ferromagnetic resonance in multiferroic heterostructures. Figure: Recent experimental result demonstrating the imprinting of ferroelectric stripe domains (FE) into a continuous magnetic thin film (lower images). In this case, one-to-one copies of the ferroelectric domain pattern is obtained by efficient strain coupling Contact: Prof. Sebastiaan van Dijken: Sebastiaan.van.dijken@hut.fi COST MP 0904 SIMUFER WG3- Edinburgh 2010 Nanomagnetism and Spintronics Group, Univ Aalto FINLAND Deposition facilities: Multi-target pulsed laser deposition, magnetron sputtering (materials: BaTiO3, PbTiO3, ferrites and other ferromagnets) Fabrication: Photo- and e-beam lithography, focussed ion beam Characterization: Cs-corrected HRTEM, SEM, AFM, MFM, PFM, SQUID, pulseinductive microwave magnetometer, magneto-optical Kerr microscope, magnetotransport and ME coupling setups, highfrequency electrical characterization WG3- Edinburgh 2010 COST MP 0904 SIMUFER WG3 Structure P1 Powder synthesis and morphologicomicrostructural characterization (Novel ferroic architectures (core@shell, rods,tubes) P2 Processing of and morphologico microstructural characterization of bulk composites (magnetic-ferroelectric bulk nanocomposites) and thick films composites Task 1-3 Task 1-5 P3 Processing and morphologico microstructural characterization of thin films Heterostructures including superlattices and layered structures with different connectivity and functionalities (ferro, magnetic, piezo) Task 1-5 WG3- Edinburgh 2010 COST MP 0904 SIMUFER WG3 Structure P1 Powder synthesis and morphologico- microstructural characterization (Novel ferroic architectures (core@shell, rods,tubes) Task 1.1 Powder synthesis processes G2 ; G6, G7,G8 G9, G14, G15 G5, G17 Task 1.2 Advanced local probe characterizations: AFM, PFM, EFM, MFM Raman, HRTEM G2, G9 G1, G15 Task 1.3 Modelling WG3- Edinburgh 2010 COST MP 0904 SIMUFER WG3 Structure P2 Processing of and morphologico microstructural characterization of bulk composites (magnetic-ferroelectric bulk nanocomposites) and thick films composites Task 2.1 Processing (sintering, colloid al processing, electrophoretic deposition, screen printing, connectivity…) G6, G7, G8, G9, G10, G14, G16 G9, G11, G12, G13, G15, G16 Task 2.2 Advanced local probe characterizations AFM, PFM, EFM, MFM Raman, G3, G2, G9, G4, G1 Task 2.3 Modelling of the functional properties of bulk and thick film composites G4, G5, G11 G1, G6, G9, G11, G17 Task 2.4 Functional properties -Ferro, piezo, magnetic and anelastic charac electric and magnetic field tunability: bulk composites -Polarization switching in constrained geometries, magnetoelectric coupling G11, G19 G1, G4, G6, G8 -Electro- mechanical and mechanical testing G1,G4 , G13 Task 2.5 Interface engineering: constrained geometry, local chemistry diffusion processes WG3- Edinburgh 2010 COST MP 0904 SIMUFER WG3 Structure P3 Processing and morphologico microstructural characterization of thin films Heterostructures including superlattices and layered structures with different connectivity and functionalities (ferro, magnetic, piezo) Task 3.1 Task 3.2 Synthesis and growth of thin films G1; G9, G12, G14, G16, G17 G12, G19, G5 Advanced local probe characterizati ons: AFM, PFM, EFM, MFM Raman G1, G7 G4, G9, G10, G11, G14, G15 (nanopowder s), G16, G19 Task 3.3 Task 3.4 Modelling of the functional properties of thin film composites G4, G5, G11 G1, G6, G9, G11, G17 Functional properties if thin films Ferro, piezo, magnetic and anelastic charac including electric and magnetic field tunability: thin films composites -Polarization switching in constrained geometries, magnetoelectric coupling Electro- mechanical and mechanical testing G3, G9, G13, G17, G18 G6, G7, G10, G11, G14, G17 (magnetic) Task 3.5 Interface engineering: epitaxial strain, constrained geometry, local chemistry , diffusion processes G1,G4, G7, G9, G11, G12, G18