PDA TSWD Flyer 11-23-15

Online Professional
Learning Module
Teaching Students with Disabilities – REGISTRATION OPEN!
The focus of the FREE Teaching Students with Disabilities module is to provide educators with introductory information
about the foundations of exceptional student education in Florida, the provision of services, and appropriate instructional
practices for students with disabilities. FDLRS is providing this independent study module to meet the 20-hour ESE
training requirement for all Professional Certificate Renewals of Senate Bill 1108.
How do I access the Teaching Students with Disabilities independent study module?
Please register for the module at www.fl-pda.org. In the Independent Study section, click the “Sign In” button. Next click
the “Register Here!” button. Fill out all fields, then submit your registration. You will need to complete the demographic
survey in order to enroll in the module.
How many inservice credits will I receive for completing Teaching Students with Disabilities?
Upon completion of all requirements, 20 inservice credits will be awarded to BPS educators. No partial credit will be given.
How is the module organized?
The module has five content units, an overview, and a conclusion. Each unit includes objectives, content, activities, check
your knowledge questions, additional reading, supplemental resources, and external links. It is self-directed and users must
complete all requirements in 16 weeks.
What are the Teaching Students with Disabilities module requirements?
Part 1 - Complete module content, including readings and applications to check your understanding; Check Your Knowledge
Quizzes (with 80% accuracy); Final Assessment (with 80% accuracy).
Part 2 – Complete one Follow-up Activity, including verification by immediate supervisor. Participants must upload a
scanned copy of the follow-up verification form with the administrator’s signature. If you have technical problems with the
upload, contact support+TSWD@fcim.org Complete the Satisfaction Survey. Print a copy of the Certificate of Completion.
How long do I have to complete the Teaching Students with Disabilities module?
From your registration date, you have sixteen (16) weeks to complete both Part 1 and Part 2 requirements.
How will my inservice credits get recorded?
The FDLRS/East PDA Coordinator in Brevard, Cindy Wickham, will submit Brevard Public School (BPS) inservice credits on
ProGOE quarterly. IMPORTANT: BPS educators who need 20 ESE inservice credits to renew their teaching certificate by
June 30 MUST complete the entire module by March 31 to meet Brevard’s May 1st renewal deadline.
Brevard Public Schools (BPS), please read this important information: Brevard Public Schools can verify completion of BPS
workshops/courses (including the PDA online courses) to the Florida Department of Education (FL DOE) for recertification
for Brevard Public School educators only. You MUST ask your private school or previous employer if they will accept the
BPS workshop/course according to their Master Inservice Plan (MIP) AND when it comes time for your recertification, the
private school or previous employer MUST complete and submit a CT-116 form (Verification of Inservice Points, Renewal
of the Professional Certificate) to the Florida Department of Education (FL DOE). If they say no, they will not submit the
CT-116 form for the BPS workshop/course to the FL DOE, then you must use college credit to renew your certificate.
Questions? Please contact Cindy Wickham, FDLRS/East, at 633-1000, ext. 559 or Wickham.cindy@brevardschools.org
Rev. 11-23-15