Milady Standard Nail Technology, 6th Edition Textbook (9781435497689) Chapter 5 6 6 12 13 15 Question Page Details 65 Heading: Active Stage: When they reach their largest size, they divide into two new cells. This division is called Binary Fission not mitosis. 102 Under the muscles of the feet: The definitions for the extensor digitorum brevis and the flexor digitorium brevis are the same and should vary. 105 The pronunciation for Key Term pulmonary Circulation should be (PUL-­‐muh-­‐nayr-­‐ee sur-­‐kyoo-­‐LAY-­‐shun). The pronunciation for Key Term systemic circulation should be (sis-­‐TEM-­‐ick sur-­‐kyoo-­‐LAY-­‐shun) 191 In the second paragraph under the Electrical Measurements header, change the third sentence to: Car batteries are 12 volts. 224 In the second paragraph, change 255°F to: 130°F. 287 Industry standard shank size should be 1/32". Exam Review (9781435497634) Chapter 5 6 Question 26 25 6 Page 29 35 145 22 22 27 28 134 134 22 22 29 30 134 134 Details Change choice d to: may contain antirust ingredients. Change choice B to: peroneurs longus. For the 5th bullet down, change sentence the sentence to: Make sure your station is set up correctly for each service. Change choice c to: 6 percent Change question to read "Which expense typically takes up about 1.25 percent of a salon's total gross income?" Change question to read "A typical salon spends about 1.0 percent of its total gross income on:" Change choice d to: 8.54 percent Student Workbook (9781435497641) Chapter 3 3 4 Question Page Details 18 The word scramble directions should read: Unscramble the key terms below and write the term on the line provided using the definitions shown. 22 The directions are missing for the quick review: Complete the multiple-­‐choice questions below by circling the correct answer to each question. 31 The directions are missing for the quick review: Complete the multiple-­‐choice questions below by circling the correct answer to each question." 5 39 Streptococci, Diplococci and Staphylococci are labeled incorrectly. All illustrations that are currently labeled Streptococci should be labeled Diplococci. All illustrations that are currently labeled Diplococci should be labeled Staphylococci. All illustrations that are currently labeled Staphylococci should be labeled Streptococci. 6 49 The following clues should be added to the crossword puzzle: DOWN 2. Clear fluid that carries waste and impurities away from the cells. 3. Body organs that control the body's vision. 4. Muscular cone-­‐shaped organ that keeps the blood moving within the circulatory system. 5. Another term for white blood cells. 6. Thick-­‐walled, muscular, flexible tubes that carry oxygenated blood away from the heart to the capillaries. 7. One of the two upper chambers of the heart through which blood is pumped to the ventricles. 6 50 6 60 6 7 7 61 63 65 7 66 8 16 74 146 Change the following in the histology double puzzle: Dendrites has the wrong letters to unscramble; replace O with D. Under Mitosis, place 7 under the S for the double puzzle code. Under Cell Membrane, place 11 under B, 12 under A, and 17 under N for the double puzzle code. Change the following in the chapter 6 Quick Review: For question 3, change choice b to: Tendons and fat. For question 7, change choice a to: Myology. For question 13 in the Chapter 6 Quick Review, change choice c to: body. In the crossword puzzle, add a square to #14 Down so that the correct answer, telangiectasia,will fit. Add stratum spinosm to the list of terms at the top of the page and correct the labeling lines as indicated in the following tear sheet. Download tear sheet. Add stratum germinativum to the list of terms at the top of the page and correct the labeling lines as indicated in the following tear sheet. Download tear sheet. Replace the chapter opener image. Under Nail Tips and Wraps header, in the instructions, change first sentence to: Use the clues to help you identify... Course Management Guide (9781435497672) Chapter Answer Key Answer Key Question Page Details 69 Delete sun from the list of words to find in the word puzzle. 18 The word scramble directions should read: Unscramble the key terms below and write the term on the line provided using the definitions shown. Answer Key Answer Key Answer Key 22 Answer Key 49 The following clues should be added to the crossword puzzle: DOWN 2. Clear fluid that carries waste and impurities away from the cells. 3. Body organs that control the body's vision. 4. Muscular cone-­‐shaped organ that keeps the blood moving within the circulatory system. 5. Another term for white blood cells. 6. Thick-­‐walled, muscular, flexible tubes that carry oxygenated blood away from the heart to the capillaries. 7. One of the two upper chambers of the heart through which blood is pumped to the ventricles. Answer Key 50 Answer Key Answer Key Answer Key Answer Key Answer Key Answer Key Answer Key 60 Change the following in the histology double puzzle: Dendrites has the wrong letters to unscramble; replace O with D. Under Mitosis, place 7 under the S for the double puzzle code. Under Cell Membrane, place 11 under B, 12 under A, and 17 under N for the double puzzle code. Change the following in the chapter 6 Quick Review: For question 3, change choice b to: Tendons and fat. For question 7, change choice a to: Myology. For question 13 in the Chapter 6 Quick Review, make the following changes. Change choice c to: body. For question 14, change answer to: a) Anatomy. For question 15, change answer to: c) Similar cells. In the crossword puzzle, add a square to #14 Down so that the correct answer, telangiectasia,will fit. 31 39 61 63 65 66 74 146 The directions are missing for the quick review: Complete the multiple-­‐choice questions below by circling the correct answer to each question. The directions are missing for the quick review: Complete the multiple-­‐choice questions below by circling the correct answer to each question." Streptococci, Diplococci and Staphylococci are labeled incorrectly. All illustrations that are currently labeled Streptococci should be labeled Diplococci. All illustrations that are currently labeled Diplococci should be labeled Staphylococci. All illustrations that are currently labeled Staphylococci should be labeled Streptococci. Add stratum spinosm to the list of terms at the top of the page and correct the labeling lines as indicated in the following tear sheet. Download tear sheet. Add stratum germinativum to the list of terms at the top of the page and correct the labeling lines as indicated in the following tear sheet. Download tear sheet. Replace the chapter opener image. Under Nail Tips and Wraps header, in the instructions, change first sentence to: Use the clues to help you identify... Course Management Guide on CD (9781435497665) Answer Key Answer Key Answer Key Answer Key Answer Key 69 Delete sun from the list of words to find in the word puzzle. 18 The word scramble directions should read: Unscramble the key terms below and write the term on the line provided using the definitions shown. The directions are missing for the quick review: Complete the multiple-­‐choice questions below by circling the correct answer to each question. The directions are missing for the quick review: Complete the multiple-­‐choice questions below by circling the correct answer to each question." Streptococci, Diplococci and Staphylococci are labeled incorrectly. All illustrations that are currently labeled Streptococci should be labeled Diplococci. All illustrations that are currently labeled Diplococci should be labeled Staphylococci. All illustrations that are currently labeled Staphylococci should be labeled Streptococci. Answer Key 49 The following clues should be added to the crossword puzzle: DOWN 2. Clear fluid that carries waste and impurities away from the cells. 3. Body organs that control the body's vision. 4. Muscular cone-­‐shaped organ that keeps the blood moving within the circulatory system. 5. Another term for white blood cells. 6. Thick-­‐walled, muscular, flexible tubes that carry oxygenated blood away from the heart to the capillaries. 7. One of the two upper chambers of the heart through which blood is pumped to the ventricles. Answer Key 50 Answer Key Answer Key Answer Key Answer Key 60 Change the following in the histology double puzzle: Dendrites has the wrong letters to unscramble; replace O with D. Under Mitosis, place 7 under the S for the double puzzle code. Under Cell Membrane, place 11 under B, 12 under A, and 17 under N for the double puzzle code. Change the following in the chapter 6 Quick Review: For question 3, change choice b to: Tendons and fat. For question 7, change choice a to: Myology. For question 13 in the Chapter 6 Quick Review, make the following changes. Change choice c to: body. For question 14, change answer to: a) Anatomy. For question 15, change answer to: c) Similar cells. In the crossword puzzle, add a square to #14 Down so that the correct answer, telangiectasia,will fit. 22 31 39 61 63 65 Add stratum spinosm to the list of terms at the top of the page and correct the labeling lines as indicated in the following tear sheet. Download tear sheet. Answer Key Answer Key Answer Key 66 74 146 Add stratum germinativum to the list of terms at the top of the page and correct the labeling lines as indicated in the following tear sheet. Download tear sheet. Replace the chapter opener image. Under Nail Tips and Wraps header, in the instructions, change first sentence to: Use the clues to help you identify...