External Examination 2014 2014 GEOGRAPHY FOR OFFICE USE ONLY SUPERVISOR CHECK ATTACH SACE REGISTRATION NUMBER LABEL TO THIS BOX RE-MARKED Wednesday 19 November: 9 a.m. Time: 2 hours Pages: 24 Questions: 28 Core Topic: Population, Resources, and Development Examination material: one 24-page question booklet one two-sided sheet of additional material one SACE registration number label Approved dictionaries and calculators may be used. Instructions to Students 1. You will have 10 minutes to read the paper. You must not write in your question booklet or use a calculator during this reading time but you may make notes on the scribbling paper provided. 2. This paper consists of twenty-eight short-answer and extended-answer questions. Answer all questions in the spaces provided in this booklet. Remove the tear-out sheet on pages 11 and 12. Refer to page 11 when answering Questions 15 to 19 on page 13. Refer to page 12 when answering Question 22 on pages 15 to 17. 3. The total mark is 60. 4. Attach your SACE registration number label to the box at the top of this page. STUDENT’S DECLARATION ON THE USE OF CALCULATORS By signing the examination attendance roll I declare that: • my calculators have been cleared of all memory • no external storage media are in use on these calculators. I understand that if I do not comply with the above conditions for the use of calculators I will: • be in breach of the rules • have my results for the examination cancelled or amended • be liable to such further penalty, whether by exclusion from future examinations or otherwise, as the SACE Board of South Australia determines. 2 Answer all the questions. Write your answers in the spaces provided after each question. Refer to the topographic map EAST LACHLAN RIVER, scale 1:250 000, on Side 1 of the separate sheet of additional material, where appropriate, when answering Questions 1 to 12. 1. Give the straight-line distance, to the nearest kilometre, between the railway station at Forbes (area reference 9990) and the railway station (now abandoned) at Geradon (area reference 0388)? kilometres 2. The grid bearing of Eugowra (area reference 0290) from Cargo (area reference 0690) is closest to which one of the following values? Tick the appropriate box. 0° 3. 90° 180° 270° (1 mark) The area of the Back Yamma State Forest (area reference 0191) is closest to which one of the following values? Tick the appropriate box. 10 sq. km 4. (1 mark) 50 sq. km 500 sq. km 1000 sq. km (1 mark) Prior to European settlement, the area shown on the map was inhabited solely by Indigenous people known as the Wiradjuri. Choose one resource that can be found in this area and suggest how the Wiradjuri may have perceived this resource. Compare their perception of this resource with that of the current inhabitants. ____________________________________________________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________________________________________ (2 3 marks) PLEASE TURN OVER 5. Refer to the following sketch map, which shows selected roads in the area between point X (area reference 0785) and point Y (area reference 0782) on the topographic map: X A Y E WA STON HAIL REG YS DARB OA FALLS R D B bridge C D Y Which one of the sections of road labelled A, B, C, and D most closely follows a watershed? Tick the appropriate box. A B C 4 D (1 mark) 6. Refer to Box P on Side 1 of the separate sheet. Within Box P, the distribution of buildings has which one of the following associations? Tick the appropriate box. A weak positive association with the distribution of forest/scrubland A strong negative association with the distribution of gilgai (clay soil) A perfect positive association with the distribution of watercourses A perfect negative association with the distribution of roads 7. (1 mark) Which two of the following terms describe the commodity being transported between the points labelled L (area reference 9783 ) and M (area reference 9982) on the topographic map? Tick two appropriate boxes. Gas Water Electricity Recyclable resource Renewable resource Non-renewable resource 8. (1 mark) The township of Canowindra (area reference 0588) is how many degrees and minutes east of the prime meridian (Greenwich meridian)? degrees minutes 5 (1 mark) PLEASE TURN OVER Refer to Side 1 of the separate sheet and to the following satellite image, where appropriate, when answering Questions 9 and 10 opposite: Satellite image of Canowindra township (area reference 0588) and surrounding area F Site 1 Site 2 Source: NSW Government, NSW Natural Resource Atlas, SPOT 5 satellite image © CNES 2004–05, viewed 27 May 2014, <http://www.nratlas.nsw.gov.au> 6 9. (a) According to the topographic map, what is the name of the feature labelled F on the satellite image? _____________________________________________________________________________________________ (1 mark) (b) Explain why an oblique aerial photograph is not as useful as a satellite image for calculating the area (in square kilometres) of a township. _______________________________________________________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________________________________ (1 mark) 10. (a) Assuming the ground is not already saturated, describe and explain the difference in the amount of infiltration to be expected at Site 1 compared with Site 2 on the satellite image, for the same rain event. _______________________________________________________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________________________________ (1 mark) (b) Refer to the following diagrams, which show what happens to water after a rain event: Diagram A Diagram B Diagram C Diagram D Evapotranspiration 40% Evapotranspiration 20% Evapotranspiration 1% Evapotranspiration 1% Run-off 10% Infiltration 50% Run-off 50% Run-off 98% Infiltration 30% Infiltration 1% Run-off 24% Infiltration 75% Assuming the ground was not already saturated, which one of the diagrams best describes what is likely to happen to water after a rain event at Site 1 on the satellite image? Tick the appropriate box. Diagram A Diagram B Diagram C 7 Diagram D (1 mark) PLEASE TURN OVER 11. Refer to Side 1 of the separate sheet and to the following information: During times of high flow in the Lachlan River, water levels may rise approximately 1 to 2 metres, causing flooding as shown in the photograph. Aerial view of flooded Forbes August 1960 A 1.46-metre flood Source: NSW Water Resources Commission 1977, ‘Aerial view of flood, Forbes, August 1960’, Flood inundation map: Lachlan River at Forbes, National Library of Australia, viewed 27 May 2014, <http://www.nla.gov.au/nla.map-vn201510> (a) Explain why the topographic map would not be useful in determining precisely which areas of Forbes (area reference 9990) are likely to flood. _______________________________________________________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________________________________ (1 mark) (b) From Cowra (area reference 0585), the Lachlan River flows north-west towards Forbes. Explain how one of the features of the area along the river between Cowra and Forbes helps to reduce flooding at Forbes. _______________________________________________________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________________________________ 8 (1 mark) 12. Refer to the location map on Side 1 of the separate sheet and to the following information: The highest ever recorded flood at Forbes occurred on 18 June 1952 following two days of heavy rainstorms in the Lachlan River catchment upstream from Forbes. Weather map for 17 June 1952 This weather map cannot be reproduced here for copyright reasons. Source: Adapted from The Sydney Morning Herald, (NSW: 1842-1954), ‘“Herald” Weather Map’, Tuesday 17 June 1952, page 7, Trove, National Library of Australia, viewed 27 May 2014, <http://nla.gov.au/nla.news-article18269230> Explain how the weather on 17 June 1952 was favourable to producing high rainfall in the Lachlan River catchment. Refer to processes that occur within the water cycle in your answer. ____________________________________________________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________________________________________ (2 marks) No further questions refer to Side 1 of the separate sheet of additional material. 9 PLEASE TURN OVER 13. (a) Techniques used to gather attribute data for geographic information systems (GIS), such as satellite imagery and aerial photography, are collectively known by which one of the following terms? Tick the appropriate box. Layer technology Remote sensing Geographical positioning Numerical modelling (1 mark) (b) Give one advantage of GIS over traditional mapping when analysing data. _______________________________________________________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________________________________ (1 mark) 14. Refer to the following diagram, which shows a hypothetical cross-section with a vertical exaggeration of 10: metres 0 0 5 10 15 20 kilometres Complete the scale on the vertical axis by writing the correct number of metres in the two boxes provided. (1 mark) 10 Remove this page from the question booklet by tearing along the perforations. Refer to the information below, where appropriate, when answering Questions 15 to 19 on page 13. Figure 1: Lachlan River flood-plain communities and ecosystems precipitation main channel billabong alluvial soil X groundwater River levels Plants floodwaters following prolonged rainfall over catchment rushes, sedges temporary flows from brief intensive rainfall river red gum (roots shown for one tree only) normal river flow ۷ Source: Adapted from Riverina Environmental Education Centre 2014, River Red Gum Study Study notes, page 7, <http://www.riverina-e.schools.nsw.edu.au/worksheets/river-red-gum-study> © State of New South Wales through the Department of Education and Training Figure 2: Food webs for communities and ecosystems shown in Figure 1 — selected species River red gum ecosystem food web Billabong ecosystem food web long-eared bat Some species are more active during flooding. boobook owl leaves brush-tailed possum straw-necked ibis (nomadic) christmas beetle leaves fox frog antechinus worms, slaters, cockroaches dead leaves and animals squirrel glider algae mouse seeds royal spoonbill (nomadic) tadpole juvenile fish aquatic insects detritus yabby billabong ۷ Source: Adapted from Riverina Environmental Education Centre 2014, River Red Gum Study Study notes, pages 20, 21, <http://www.riverina-e.schools.nsw.edu.au/worksheets/river-red-gum-study> © State of New South Wales through the Department of Education and Training 11 PLEASE TURN OVER Refer to the information below, where appropriate, when answering Question 22 on pages 15 to 17: SOURCE A — Estimated total fertility rates in China 1950–2030 no. of children/woman 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 20 30 20 25 20 20 20 15 20 10 20 05 20 00 19 95 19 90 19 85 19 80 19 75 19 70 19 65 19 60 19 55 19 50 0 year Source: Gu, B. & Dai, Y. 2009, ‘Fertility Prospects in China’, United Nations Expert Group Meeting on Recent and Future Trends in Fertility, New York, 2–4 December, p. 18 (figures for 1950–2005); Geoba.se 2014, ‘The World: Total Fertility Rate – Top 100+ Rankings’, China from 2010 to 2030 SOURCE B — China: Estimated total population 1950–2050 1 400 000 000 population 1 200 000 000 1 000 000 000 800 000 000 600 000 000 400 000 000 20 50 20 40 20 30 20 20 20 10 20 00 19 90 19 80 19 70 19 60 19 50 0 year Source: Adapted from www.data360.org 2006, ‘Population China’ graph; data from US Census Bureau, International Data Base, <http://www.census.gov/ipc/www/idbsprd.html> SOURCE C — Estimated percentage of China’s population aged over 65 years This bar graph cannot be reproduced here for copyright reasons. Source: Adapted from Chan, C. 2013, ‘China’s one-child policy and population estimates — graphic of the day’, The Knowledge Effect, Thomson Reuters, viewed 12 August 2014, <http://blog.thomsonreuters.com/index.php> 12 Refer to Figure 1 and Figure 2 on the tear-out sheet (page 11), where appropriate, when answering Questions 15 to 19. 15. What term is used to refer to the boundary labelled X in Figure 1? __________________________________________________________________________________________________ (1 mark) 16. Refer to the following diagram, which shows four trophic levels: level 4: consumer level 3: consumer level 2: consumer level 1: producer biomass Squirrel gliders belong to which one of the trophic levels shown in the diagram? Give a reason for your choice. ____________________________________________________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________________________________________ (1 mark) 17. Why it is rare for food chains to have more than four or five steps? ____________________________________________________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________________________________________ (1 mark) 18. In the river red gum ecosystem, worms are prey. Identify one other role of worms in this ecosystem. ____________________________________________________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________________________________________ (1 mark) 19. Identify one benefit of floods for flood-plain ecosystems, apart from replenishment of water for plant growth. ____________________________________________________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________________________________________ 13 (1 mark) PLEASE TURN OVER 20. Refer to the following map: Selected land uses of the Lachlan River catchment Willandra Creek Hillston downstream an hl c La Lake Cargelligo Lake Brewster R. Forbes Belubula R. Lake Cowal Cowra Brewster Weir Wyangala Dam upstream Key town direction of flow weir native vegetation irrigation N dryland cropping, horticulture, grazing site of major River Red Gum or wetland ecosystem 0 100 200 kilometres Source: Adapted from CSIRO 2008, Water availability in the Lachlan. A report to the Australian Government from the CSIRO Murray-Darling Basin Sustainable Yields Project, CSIRO, Australia, p. 16 <http://www.clw.csiro.au/publications/waterforahealthycountry/mdbsy/pdf/Lachlan-Report.pdf> (a) Long-term changes have occurred on the Lachlan River system due to human intervention. Which one of the following phrases describes the most likely effect of irrigation and related infrastructure on the Lachlan River system downstream from Brewster Weir? Tick the appropriate box. Increased annual volume of flow Less variability in river levels Increased duration of floods Increased sedimentation (1 mark) (b) Irrigation can change the amount of water available and the time when water is available to communities downstream. Suggest one other negative effect of irrigated agriculture, or other forms of agriculture, on Lachlan River flood-plain communities downstream. _______________________________________________________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________________________________ 14 (1 mark) 21. Which one of the following formulas can be used to calculate population change? Tick the appropriate box. (births deaths) (in-migration out-migration)population change (births deaths) ( in-migration out-migration)population change (births deaths) ( in-migration out-migration)population change (births deaths) ( in-migration out-migration)population change (1 mark) 22. Refer to the sources on the tear-out sheet (page 12), where appropriate, and to the following information: Between 1979 and 2013 the One-Child Policy in China restricted parents who live in urban areas to one child. In 2007, these rules affected approximately 35% of the population. In 2013 the rules were relaxed, allowing parents to have two children if either parent is an only child. (a) Refer to Source A on the tear-out sheet (page 12). Which one of the following time periods had the largest rate of decline in China’s fertility rate? Tick the appropriate box. 1950–55 1965–70 1970–75 1985–90 (1 mark) (b) Suggest one reason why the population of China is expected to grow between 2001 and 2030, as shown in Source B, even though the total fertility rate is forecast to stay below replacement rates. _______________________________________________________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________________________________ 15 (1 mark) PLEASE TURN OVER Refer to Sources A, B, and C on the tear-out sheet (page 12) and Sources D and E below when answering question (c): SOURCE D — China: Estimated dependency ratio, 1950–2050 90 dependents per 100 workers 80 70 60 50 40 30 20 10 20 50 20 40 20 30 20 20 20 10 20 00 19 90 19 80 19 70 19 60 19 50 0 year Source: Adapted from Weinschenk, M. 2010, ‘The Dependency Ratio: Use this number to find the best international investments’, Investment U, viewed 12 August 2014, <http://www.investmentu.com/article/detail/13044/the-dependency-ratio> SOURCE E — China: Population structures 1980 and 2030 (projected) 1980 Population: 984 million Male 2030 Population: 1450 million Female Age (years) Male Female 100+ 9599 9094 8589 8084 7579 7074 6569 6064 5559 5054 4549 4044 3539 3034 2529 2024 1519 1014 59 04 7.5% 5% 2.5% 0% 2.5% 5% 7.5% 7.5% 5% 2.5% 0% 2.5% 5% 7.5% Source: United Nations Department of Economic and Social Affairs, Population Division 2013, ‘Population by five-year age group and sex, On-line Database: Detailed Indicators’, World Population Prospects: The 2012 Revision, <http://esa.un.org/unpd/wpp/index.htm> 16 (c) Describe the likely social and economic effects of the population trends shown in Sources A to E. _______________________________________________________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________________________ (5 17 marks) PLEASE TURN OVER 23. Refer to the following information about the City of Orange in New South Wales: City of Orange fact file Total population: 40 108. Mild climate with four distinct seasons and rainfall of 895 millimetres per year. Only 260 km by road (3.5 hours by car) from Sydney. Home prices are approximately 56% lower than Sydney. Average age is 35 years (2 years less than the Australian average). Education facilities include twelve primary schools and seven high schools alongside a university campus and TAFE. Facilities include three major shopping centres, twelve hotels, thirty-four restaurants, and four hospitals. Range of job vacancies from unskilled to postgraduate level. Source: ‘Orange Facts’, Evocities, viewed 16 June 2014, <http://www.evocities.com.au/locations/orange/> City of Orange population pyramids 1996 and 2011 Age (years) Males Male 1996 Male 2011 4 3 Females 85 8084 7579 7074 6569 6064 5559 5054 4549 4044 3539 3034 2529 2024 1519 1014 59 04 2 1 0 0 Percentage Female 1996 Female 2011 1 2 3 4 Source: Australian Bureau of Statistics 1996 Census of Population and Housing, Orange (C), NSW (SLA), Basic Community Profile, B03 Age by Sex; 2011 Census of Population and Housing, Orange, NSW (SA2), Basic Community Profile, B04 Age by Sex; <www.abs.gov.au/websitedbs/censushome.nsf/home/data> 18 (a) Identify two ways in which the population structure for the City of Orange has changed between 1996 and 2011. (i) __________________________________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________________________ (ii) (1 mark) __________________________________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________________________ (1 mark) (b) The City of Orange has become a popular destination for migrants from Sydney. Use the fact file on page 18 to identify one push factor and one pull factor for this migration. Push factor: _________________________________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________________________________ Pull factor: (1 mark) __________________________________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________________________________ (1 mark) 24. Refer to Sources 1 to 4 on Side 2 of the separate sheet of additional material and to the following information: A range of alternative water sources, including rainwater tanks, water restrictions, and stormwater recycling are currently used in the City of Orange. A pipeline from the Macquarie River catchment to the City of Orange is also under construction. (a) Why is a water pipeline the preferred option for the City of Orange? Refer to specific data from Source 4 in your answer. _______________________________________________________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________________________________ 19 (1 mark) PLEASE TURN OVER (b) Stormwater recycling and water restrictions are two possible responses to water shortages in the City of Orange. Explain the potential environmental, social, and economic effects of each of these responses. Support your answer with evidence from Sources 1 to 4 and your own knowledge. _______________________________________________________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________________________ (6 20 marks) 25. Refer to the following maps of mobile phone subscriptions in Africa in 2004 and 2009: Number of mobile phone subscriptions per 100 people in Africa 2004 2009 A N B N C Key >100 60 – 80 < 40 80 – 100 40 – 60 No data Source: Adapted from StatSilk: Interactive Maps and Visualisations, StateWorld, Africa, ‘Mobile cellular subscriptions per 100 inhabitants’, 2004, 2009, StatPlanet, viewed 16 June 2014, <www.statsilk.com/maps/world-stats-open-data> (a) Which country — A, B, or C — had the largest increase in the number of mobile phone subscriptions from 2004 to 2009? Tick the appropriate box. A B C (1 mark) (b) Which two of the following statements are possible effects of the increase in mobile phone usage in less economically developed countries? Tick two appropriate boxes. There will be a decrease in the amount of waste generated. There will be an increase in the amount of waste generated. The demand for energy in the form of electricity will rise. The demand for energy will fall. (1 mark) 21 PLEASE TURN OVER 26. The distribution of the world’s population is uneven. Explain the effect of any three specific factors on this distribution. Support your answer with examples. ____________________________________________________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________________________________________ (5 22 marks) 27. Refer to the following diagram: Global Energy Consumption in 2012 Crude oil 37% Nuclear 6% Coal 25% Solar heat 0.5% Wind 0.3% Biomass 4% Geothermal 0.2% Natural gas 23% Hydro-electricity 3% Biofuels 0.2% Solar photovoltaic 0.04% Source: Adapted from ‘File: World energy usage width chart.svg’, Omegatron, 19 June 2014 <http://commons.wikimedia.org/wiki/File:World_energy_usage_width_chart.svg> (a) Which one of the fossil fuels shown in the diagram contributes least to global energy consumption? _____________________________________________________________________________________________ (1 mark) (b) Choose one non-renewable source of energy from the diagram and suggest two advantages of using it. Type of energy _____________________________________________________________________________________ Advantage 1:________________________________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________________________________ (1 mark) Advantage 2:________________________________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________________________________ 23 (1 mark) PLEASE TURN OVER 28. Refer to the following table: Country Australia China Denmark United States of America Zimbabwe Estimate of GDP per person in 2012 ($US equivalent)† Ecological footprint in 2008 (global hectares per person)‡ Internet users in 2012 (% of population)* 22 42 500 6.68 89 1343 9 100 2.13 40 5 37 800 8.25 90 313 52 400 7.19 78 12 600 1.17 16 Total population in 2012 (millions)* Sources: *Internet World Stats: Usage and Population Statistics, 2012, ‘World Internet usage and population statistics’, viewed 23 June 2014, <http://www.internetworldstats.com/stats.htm> † CIA World Factbook, ‘Country Comparison to the World, Field Listing: GDP – per capita (PPP) (2012 estimate)’, viewed 23 June 2014, <http://www.cia.gov/library/publications/the-world-factbook/fields/2004.html> ‡ WWF 2012, Living Planet Report 2012, WWF International, Gland, Switzerland, pp. 140–5, <www.wwwf.org.au> (a) Explain the meaning of the term ‘ecological footprint’. _______________________________________________________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________________________ (2 marks) (b) What is the relationship between the level of economic development of countries and the size of their ecological footprint? _______________________________________________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________________________________ (1 mark) (c) Suggest one reason why an increase in the percentage of Internet users might reduce the size of a country’s ecological footprint. _______________________________________________________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________________________________ © SACE Board of South Australia 2014 24 (1 mark) GEOGRAPHY 2014 ACKNOWLEDGMENT Question 11, page 8, photograph: Copyright in this photograph is owned by NSW Trade & Investment. Question 28, page 24: The website for the second source has moved to www.cia.gov/library. The website for the third source is www.wwf.org.au The SACE Board of South Australia has made every effort to trace copyright holders. If however, any material has been incorrectly acknowledged, we apologise and invite the copyright holder to contact us.