Curriculum Vitae - North

Curriculum Vitae of Prof MP Wissing
1. General information
Title, name and surname:
Date of birth:
Professional registrations:
Contact details
Organisation where based:
Faculty or School:
Work telephone number:
Work fax number:
Cell phone number:
E-mail address:
Website address:
Work postal address:
Work physical address:
Prof Maria Philipina Wissing
HPCSA (Clinical Psychologist)
North-West University (NWU)
Faculty Health Sciences: Africa Unit for Trans-disciplinary Health
+27 (0)18 299 1721
+27 (0)18 299 1730
+27 (0)82 924 8297
North-West University (NWU)
Private Bag X6001
North-West University (NWU)
Potchefstroom Campus
11 Hoffman Street
3. Qualifications (Start with most recent)
Qualification type:
Field of study:
North-West University (PU for CHE)
Year obtained:
Qualification type:
Field of study:
Year obtained:
Drs. Phil.
Clinical Psychology
Free University at Amsterdam
Qualification type:
Field of study:
Year obtained:
North-West University (PU for CHE)
4. Employment history (From current backwards. Not more than five)
Appointed from – to:
Researcher, Africa Unit for
North-West University (NWU)
January 2013 - Current
Trans-disciplinary Health
Researcher, School for
North-West University (NWU)
January 2010 - December
Psychosocial Behavioural
Sciences and Africa Unit for
Trans-disciplinary Health
Director: School for
North-West University (NWU)
November 1998 - 2009
Psychosocial Behavioural
Associate Professor,
North-West University (NWU)
1986 - November 1998
Professor (Psychology)
Lecturer, Senior Lecturer,
North-West University (NWU)
1972 - 1986
Associate Professor
(Industrial Psychology)
Scientific Collaborator and
Free University at Amsterdam
1970 - 1971
5. Research expertise
Scientific domain:
Main research field:
Fields of specialization:
NRF rating and year rated:
Social Sciences / Health
Positive Psychology, Psychosocial Health, Neuropsychology,
Multi-disciplinary research in health and well-being
C2 – 2002; 2007
6. Publications (List publications over the last three years)
International publications:
1. Della Fave, A., Wissing, M.P. Brdar, I., Vella-Brodrick, D. &
Freire, T. (2012). Perceived meaning and goals in adulthood:
Their roots and relation with happiness. In A. Waterman
(Ed.). The best within us: Positive psychology perspectives
on eudaimonic functioning. Washington DC: American
psychological Association.
2. Delle Fave, A., Brdar, I., Vella-Brodrick, D., & Wissing, M.P.
(2012). Religion, spirituality and well-being across nations:
The eudaimonic and hedonic happiness investigation. In H.
Knoop, & A. Delle Fave (Eds.). Cross-cultural studies in
positive psychology. Selected papers from the 5th ECPP.
Volume in series Cross-cultural advancements in positive
psychology. Dordrecht: Springer.
3. Wissing, M.P. & Temane, M. South Africa's truth and
reconciliation process as applied positive psychology in
nation building. In. H. Marujo & M. Neto (Eds.), Positive
nations and communities. (In press).
4. Wissing, M.P., & Temane, Q.M. Feeling good, functioning
well and being true/good: Reflections on selected findings
from the FORT- research programme. In M.P. Wissing (Ed.),
Well-being research in South Africa. Volume in series Crosscultural advancements in positive psychology with A. Delle
Fave as editor in chief. Dordrecht: Springer. (In press)
5. Wissing, M.P., Temane, Q.M., Khumalo, I.P., Kruger, A., &
Vorster, H.H. Psychosocial health: Disparities between urban
and rural areas. In M.P. Wissing (Ed.), Well-being research in
South Africa. Volume in series Cross-cultural advancements
in positive psychology with A. Delle Fave as editor in chief.
Dordrecht: Springer. (In press).
6. Khumalo, I.P., Temane, Q M., & Wissing, M.P. Further
validation of the General Psychological Well-being Scale
among a Setswana-speaking group. In M.P. Wissing (Ed.),
Well-being research in South Africa. Volume in series Crosscultural advancements in Positive Psychology with A. Delle
Fave as editor in chief. Dordrecht: Springer. (In press)
7. Thekiso, S.M., Botha, K.F.H., Wissing, M.P., & Kruger, A.
Psychological well-being, physical health and the quality of
life of a group of farm workers in South Africa: The FLAGHstudy. In M.P. Wissing (Ed.), Well-being research in South
Africa. Volume in series Cross-cultural advancements in
Positive Psychology with A. Delle Fave as editor in chief.
Dordrecht: Springer. (In press)
8. Koen, M.P., Van Eeden, C., Wissing, M.P., & Koen, V.
Resilience in a group of South African professional nurses. In
M.P. Wissing (Ed.), Well-being research in South Africa.
Volume in series Cross-cultural advancements in Positive
Psychology with A. Delle Fave as editor in chief. Dordrecht:
Springer. (In press)
9. Van Schalkwyk, I., & Wissing, M.P. Evaluation of a
programme to enhance flourishing in adolescents. In M.P.
Wissing (Ed.), Well-being research in South Africa. Volume in
series Cross-cultural advancements in Positive Psychology
with A. Delle Fave as editor in chief. Dordrecht: Springer. (In
10. Wissing, M.P. A framework for future research and practice.
In M.P. Wissing (Ed.), Well-being research in South Africa.
Volume in series Cross-cultural advancements in Positive
Psychology with A. Delle Fave as editor in chief. Dordrecht:
Springer. (In press)
11. Brink, A.J.W., & Wissing, M.P. (2012). A model for a positive
youth development intervention. Journal of Child and
Adolescent Mental Health, 24(1), 1-13.
12. Brink, A.J.W., & Wissing, M.P. (2012). Towards a theorybased positive youth development intervention. Journal of
Child and Adolescent Mental Health, 24(2). (In press)
13. Malan, L., Hamer, M., Reimann, M., Huisman, H., Van
Rooyen, J., Schutte, A., Schutte, R., Potgieter, J., Wissing,
M., Steyn, F., Seedat, Y. & Malan, N. (2012). Defensive
coping, urbanization and neuroendocrine function in black
Africans: The THUSA study. Psychophysiology, 49, 807-814.
14. Kruger, A., Wissing, M.P., Towers, G.W. & Doak, C. (2012).
Sex differences independent of other psycho-sociodemographic factors as predictor of body mass index in black
South African adults. Journal of Health, Population and
Nutrition, 30(1):56-65.
15. Khumalo, I. P., Temane, Q.M. & Wissing, M.P. (2011,
psychological well-being and the mental health continuum.
Social Indicators Research. Advance online publication.
16. Koen, D., Van Eeden, C., Wissing, M.P., & Du Plessis, E.
(2011). Resilience through the eyes of professional nurses in
South Africa. Australian Community Psychologist, 23(2), 103120.
17. Delle Fave, A., Brdar, I., Freire, T., Vella-Brodrick, D., &
Wissing, M. P. (2011). The eudaimonic and hedonic
components of happiness. Social Indicators Research,
100(2), 158-207.
18. Wissing, M.P., Khumalo, I.T., Oosthuizen, C.M., Nienaber, A.
W., Kruger, A., Potgieter, J.C. & Temane Q.M. (2011).
Coping self-efficacy as mediator in the dynamics of
psychological well-being in various contexts. Journal of
Psychology in Africa , 21(2), 165-172.
19. Khumalo, I.P., Temane, Q.M. & Wissing, M.P. (2011). Wellbeing in the Batswana cultural context: Constructs and
measures. Journal of Psychology in Africa, 21(2), 277-286.
20. Koen, D., Van Eeden, C., Wissing, M.P., & Koen, V. (2011).
Guidelines with strategies for enhancement of resilience and
psycho-social well-being in professional nurses. Journal of
psychology in Africa, 21(4), Dec.
21. Maré, L., Wissing, M.P., Watson, M., & Ellis, S.M. (2011).
Psycho-social health of an African group before awareness of
HIV status: A comparative study. Journal of Psychology in
Africa, 21(1), 7-14.
22. Van Schalkwyk, I. & Wissing, M.P. (2010). A mixed method
study of psychological well-being in a group of South African
adolescents. Journal of Psychology in Africa, 20(1), 53-60.
23. Khumalo, I.P., Temane, Q.M. & Wissing, M.P. (2010).
Development and initial validation of a general psychological
well-being scale (GPWS) in an African Context, Journal of
Psychology in Africa, 20(1), 13-22.
24. Wissing, M.P., Thekiso, S.M., Stapelberg, R., Van
Quickelberge, L., Choabi, P., Moroeng, C., Nienaber, A.,
Temane, Q.M. & Vorster, H.H. (2010). Validation of three
Setswana measures of psychological well-being. South
African Journal of Industrial Psychology, 36(2): 86-93.
25. Williams, S-A., Wissing, M.P., Rothmann, S. & Temane, Q.M.
(2010). Self-efficacy, work, and psychological outcomes in a
public service context. Journal of Psychology in Africa, 20(1),
26. Williams, S-A., Wissing, M.P., Rothmann, S. & Temane, Q.M.
(2009). Emotional Intelligence, work, and psychological
outcomes in a public service context. Journal of Psychology
in Africa, 19(4), 531-540.
27. Malan, L., Malan, N.T., Du Plessis, A., Wissing, M.P.,
Potgieter, J.C. & Seedat, Y.K. (2010). Editorial: The cost of
coping – a cardio-neuro-metabolic risk for black South
Africans? Cardiovascular Journal of Africa, 21(4), 183-185.
28. Vosloo, C., Wissing, M.P. & Temane, Q.M. (2009). Gender,
spirituality and psychological well-being. Journal of
Psychology in Africa, 19(2), 153-160.
National publications
1. Koen, D., Van Eeden, C., & Wissing, M.P. (2011). The
prevalence of resilience in a group of professional nurses.
Health SA Gesondheid 16(1).
2. Williams, S-A., Wissing, M.P., Rothmann, S. & Temane, Q.M.
(2010). Explanatory style, work, and psychological outcomes
in a public service context. SA Journal of Industrial
Psychology, (In press)
3. Coetzee, H.K., Wissing, M.P., & Temane, Q.M. (2010). Die
belewing van betekenisvolheid deur ʼn groep Suid-Afrikaners
(Meaningfulness as experienced by a group of South
Africans). Tydskrif vir Geesteswetenskappe/Journal of
Humanities, 50(3), 293-312.
7. Papers delivered (List papers over the last three years)
International papers:
1. Wissing, M.P. (2012, July). Challenges, paradoxes and
possibilities in positive psychology. 30th International
Congress of Psychology, Cape Town, South Africa.
2. Boshoff, L., Wissing, M.P. & Khumalo, I.P. (2012, July).
Validation of the questionnaire for eudaimonic well-being in
South African samples. 30th International Congress of
Psychology, Cape Town, South Africa.
3. Rothmann, S., Williams, S-A., Wissing, M.P., & Temane,
Q.M. (2011, Aug-Sept). Positive psychological assessment:
Self-efficacy, emotional intelligence, learned optimism and
well-being in South Africa. Symposium at the 11th European
Conference on Psychological Assessment, Riga, Latvia.
4. Wissing, M.P., & Coetzee, H. (2011, July). What is wellbeing?
Flourishers and languishers differ in perspectives: Findings
from the Eudaimonic- Hedonic Happiness Investigation
Conference, Philadelphia.
5. Khumalo, T., Temane, Q.M., & Wissing, M.P. (2011, July).
Comparison of models and measures of psychosocial wellbeing in an African context: The Mental Health Continuum
and General Psychological Well-being models. Second
International Positive Psychology Conference, Philadelphia.
6. Wissing, M.P. & Temane, M. (2010). South Africa's truth and
reconciliation process as applied positive psychology in
nation building. Invited Keynote address at the Positive
Nations - 1 Portuguese Positive Psychology Conference.
7. Wissing, M.P. (2010, June). Convener of Symposium: The
Eudaimonic-Hedonic Happiness Investigation: Cross-country
comparisons of findings on well-being. 5th European
Conference on Positive Psychology, Copenhagen, Denmark.
8. Wissing, M.P. (2010, June). A Cross-country comparison of
the experience of meaningfulness. 5 European Conference
on Positive Psychology, Copenhagen, Denmark.
9. Van Schalkwyk, I. & Wissing. M.P. (2010, June). A mixedmethod study of psychosocial well-being in a group of South
African adolescents. 5 European Conference on Positive
Psychology, Copenhagen, Denmark.
10. Van Schalkwyk, I. & Wissing, M.P. (2010, June). Evaluation
of a programme to enhance flourishing in adolescents. 5
European Conference on Positive Psychology, Copenhagen,
11. Vella-Brodrick, D. & Wissing, M.P. (2010, June). Spirituality
and satisfaction with life: A cross-country investigation. 5
European Conference on Positive Psychology, Copenhagen,
12. Oosthuizen, C.M. & Wissing, M.P. (2010, June). Psychosocial
well-being, socio-demographic factors and academic
performance. 5
European Conference on Positive
Psychology, Copenhagen, Denmark.
13. Wissing, M.P., Temane, M., Khumalo, T., Kruger, A. &
Vorster, E. (2010, June). Urbanization and psychosocial
wellbeing: the case of rural versus urban health. Paper at the
European Conference on Positive Psychology,
Copenhagen, Denmark
14. Wissing, M.P. (2009, June). Meaning and other facets of wellbeing. First World Congress on Positive Psychology,
Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, USA.