2011 CEOAS Faculty and Student Outreach Activities Abbott, Mark

2011 CEOAS Faculty and Student Outreach Activities
Abbott, Mark
March and July 2011 – Visits to Oregon Congressional delegation, Washington, D.C., Presentations on
CEOAS science.
Evergreen Air and Space Museum, Board of Directors, member.
Ocean Networks Canada, International Science Advisory Board, chair.
Barth, Jack
Jan. 11, 2011 – "Coastal Ocean Dynamics as Related to Oil Spills," OSU Academy for Lifelong Learning,
Corvallis, Oregon.
May 15, 2011 – "X-Ray Earth," National Geographic Channel,
Aug. 8, 2011 – Communication Partnership for Science and the Sea (COMPASS) Legislator Field Trip,
Netarts Bay and Pacific City, OR.
Benoit-Bird, Kelly
2011 – Acoustics for Kids, profiled scientist for the poster and guidebook for middle school students,
Acoustical Society of America.
Feb. 2011 – SmartPlanet.net, Feature scientist profile.
Feb. 2011 – Song for the Blue Ocean: Science, Arts, & Ethics, Spring Creek Project co-speaker with
writer Julia Whitty.
April 2011 – The Scientist Magazine, Scientist to Watch story.
May 2011 – Intel International Science and Engineering Fair, Awards Ceremony Remote Speaker.
Brook, Ed
March 7, 2011 – Interview with Daily Barometer about Climate Change issues.
June 13-15, 2011 – Google Science Communication Fellow Seminar
Aug. 18, 2011 – Interview for Antarctic Sun (Newsletter for Polar Programs) at National Ice Core Lab.
Oct. 21, 2011 – Evening (Dinner) Lecture for NW Chapter of American Physical Society.
Chaffin, B.C.
Nov. 2011 – Presented "Geography, Maps and Place" at the Hoover Elementary Geography Night,
Corvallis, OR. Interactive presentation and exercise for elementary school students.
Campana, Michael
April 6, 2011 – Salem Rotary Club, Salem, OR. Spoke on hydrophilanthropy and its role in alleviating
need for potable water and sanitation in developing regions.
Aug. 16, 2011 – City Club of Eugene, Eugene, OR. Spoke on water rights and water issues in Oregon.
Nov. 15, 2011 – Salem Progressive Film Series, Salem, OR. Led discussion on hydraulic fracturing, shale
gas, and commented on film ‘Gasland’.
Chelton, Dudley
Worked with middle school student Clarissa Steele from Adam Stevens Middle School in Salem on her
science fair project.
Colwell, Rick
Jan. 2011 – CEOAS Martin Luther King Day of Service volunteer.
Feb. 2011 – Salmon Bowl Tournament volunteer.
Jul. 2011 – Hands-On DNA Extraction Activity at the Corvallis da Vinci Days Annual
Celebration of Science and Arts.
Jul. 2011 – Outreach lecture to students at the Xiamen University Affiliated Keji (Science and
Technology) High School, Xiamen, China.
Davis, Curt
Feb. 22, 2011 – ‘HICO data: Life after Level 1b’, First HICO Data Users meeting, Alexandria, VA.
Feb. 22, 2011 – ‘HICO data distribution at OSU’, First HICO Data Users meeting, Alexandria, VA.
Mar, 2, 2011 – Davis and Tufillaro, N. B., ‘Sensing of Coastal Waters from the International Space
Station and Satellites’, OSU College of Engineering Invited lecture.
Dello, Kathie
Jan. 11, 2011 – McMinnville City Club, Topic: OCAR, 75 people, lots of questions, good feedback.
Jan. 12, 2011 – DLCD Board, Salem, Topic: OCAR.
Jan. 20, 2011 – OWEB Board, Corvallis, Topic: OCAR.
Jan. 25, 2011 – OGWC/OSB, Salem, Topic: OCAR.
Feb. 7, 2011 – Lane Community College, Eugene, Topic OCAR.
March 31, 2011 – DEQ managers climate change training, Portland, Topic: Climate Change 101 and
April 7, 2011 – ODOT Conference, Bend, Topic: OCAR and Adaptation.
April 25, 2011 – Siuslaw Estuary Partnership, Topic: OCAR.
May 13, 2011 – PNW Weather Workshop, Seattle, Topic: Overview of PNW heatwaves and 2009 event
case study.
June 28, 2011 – NASA funded Oregon teachers & climate change seminar series, Corvallis, Topic:
Kickoff – Climate Change 101.
July 19, 2011 – AMS Conference on Adaptation, Asheville, NC, Topic: connecting OCAR to framework.
July 21, 2011 – AASC annual meeting, Topic: Oregon state update.
Aug. 26, 2011 – Oregon Coast Marince Science Partnership Kickoff, Lincoln City, OR, Topic: OCCRI
overview/climate science.
Sept. 16, 2011 – Math Camp – incoming CEOAS students, HMSC, Topic: PNW Climate.
Sept. 19, 2011 – Cascadia Field Trip – incoming CEOAS students, Columbia River Gorge, Topic:
Cascadia Climate.
Nov. 2, 2011 – WERA 102, Davis, CA, Topic: Oregon climate activities.
Dec. 2, 2011 – NCA workshop, Portland, Topic: Ocean Acidification.
de Silva, Shanaka
Nov. 25, 2011 – Evergreen Aviation and Space Museum, Mars Science Lab/Curiosity Launch – Keynote
Outreach website: VolcanoWorld http://volcano.oregonstate.edu
Dilles, John
Session Co-Chair and Presenter AGU, & SGA conferences.
Presented seminar at University of Geneva.
Grunder, Anita
Jan. – Oct. 2011 – Service on board for Muddy Creek Charter School, administration of a place-based,
project-based curriculum for K-5.
Haggerty, Roy
Jan. 27, 2011 – Introduction to geology for elementary school students, Wilkinson 129 (OSU).
Sept. 12, 2011 – Lecture to US Dept. of Agriculture Agricultural Research Station at Fort Collins, CO
regarding nitrate contamination in streams, Ft. Collins, CO.
Sept. 21-23, 2011 – Meeting with Middle Fork John Day River stakeholders to discuss stream
temperature changes in Middle Fork John Day River under warming climate, John Day, Oregon.
Oct. 7, 2011 – Meeting with CH2M Hill engineers and geologists to recommend and discuss use of
numerical modeling of solute transport in groundwater contaminant problems, Corvallis, Oregon.
Meeting with Dan Sobota and others from EPA to transfer and teach use of STAMMT-L (software
written by Haggerty).
Harris, Rob
May 18-20, 2011 – Member IODP Detailed Planning Group, "Rapid Response Drilling Following the
Tohoku Earthquake", Tokyo Japan. Presented "Drilling the Tohoku Fault Zone: Thermal considerations".
Aug. 1-3, 2011 – Presented "The Hydrogeologic Setting of Subduction Zone Slow Earthquakes,” at IODP
International Workshop, "Using Ocean Drilling to Unlock the Secrets of Slow Slip Events", Gisborne,
New Zealand.
Sept. 22-24, 2011 – Talk at Alaska Site Planning meeting, "Heat flow measurements and the thermal state
of the Alaska subduction zone,” Portland, Oregon.
Managing U.S. Marine Heat Flow Capability for US scientific community.
Ocean Leadership Lecturer: Drilling Subduction Zones: Temperature, Fluid Flow, Sediments and
Presented lecture at OSU, Syracuse University, Univ Montana Butte, Washington University, University
of Missouri Columbia, University of South Carolina Columbia, University of Illinois Carbondale,
University of Pennsylvania Edinburgh.
Supervising IDES student Andrea Jacobo 2011-2012 on project to develop lessons for middle school
science students on climate change.
Jarvis, Todd
January – June, 2011 – Partnership for Coastal Watersheds Collaborative Learning Workshops, Coos
Bay, OR, Monthly Meetings.
June 22, 2011 – Invited Guest Speaker, Finding Water the ol’ Timey Way: The Geography, History and
Science of Water Witching, AWWA Oregon Subsection Water Works School, Clackamas Community
November 21-25, 2011 – UNESCO PCCP “Train the Trainer” Water Conflict Management Training for
Arab Countries Water Managers, Amman, Jordan.
Governor-appointed Board Member, Oregon State Board of Geologists Examiners.
Invited Guest Speaker on Bottled Water and the Environment, Ashbrook Independent School, Corvallis.
Kent, Adam
Donated geological tour of Mount Hood for Corvallis Montessori school fundraising auction.
Gave lecture on geology to Corvallis Montessori School Gingko (elementary) room students.
Answered miscellaneous public calls and emails about rock identification.
Klinkhammer, Gary
March 20-22, 2011 – Identifying Laurentide ice sheet freshwater discharge in the western Labrador Sea
during the 8.2Ka cold event, Jeremy Hoffman, Anders E. Carlson, Gary Klinkhammer and Jeffry C.
Strasser, Northeastern (46th Annual) and North-Central (45th Annual) Joint Meeting of the American
Geological Society.
Summer 2011 – Termination I coastal thinning and retreat chronology of the southwestern Greenland Ice
Sheet using 10Be exposure dating, K. Windsor, A.E. Carlson, M. Caffee and G.P. Klinkhammer, INQUA
Conference, Bern.
Collaborative project between COAS, ONAMI, ZAPS Technologies, and Oregon State University to
explore the potential of continuously monitoring the quality of natural water bodies continued. Project has
demonstrated potential for expanded outreach to the local community and extended public education.
Equipment started being used in local communities: Corvallis and Albany as well as a collaborative
project at Oak Creek.
Kosro, Mike
May 16-20, 2011 – Member, Scientific Committee, Bureau of Ocean Energy Management, Outer
Continental Shelf Environmental Science Program. Annual Meeting, Hyannis, MA.
NANOOS, Northwest Association of Networked Ocean Observing Systems, Pacific Northwest Regional
Association for IOOS (Integrated Ocean Observing System). Member of Executive Committee. Also on
organizing committee for workshop “Pacific Northwest Waters: Gateway to our Future” at Microsoft
Conference Center.
Scientists and Fishermen Exchange (SAFE).
Publish daily maps of ocean surface currents to the web (bragg.coas.oregonstate.edu).
Levy, Joe
Guest speaker, Linn-Benton Community College Science Outreach Series. “Walking to Mars: What
Antarctic Geology and Climate Teaches Us About the Red Planet”.
Guest speaker, “Energy Stewards of Clackamas County.” Explained the basics of climate science to a
group of county-trained public educators using hands-on activities and interactive lecture.
Lintz, Heather
Gave two NPMR workshops to 25 participants, one at the National Meeting for the Ecological Society of
America, and the other jointly to dam operation scientists in Eastern Washington and scientists from the
Pacific Northwest National Laboratory.
Mayorga, Gabriela Adame
Participated as a volunteer in the CEOAS booth at Da Vinci Days.
Mix, Alan
Jan. 2011 – IODP SASEC – representative of IGBP/PAGES, RSMAS, Miami.
March 2011 – Operational Review Task Force – IODP Expedition 318, LDEO, New York.
March 2011 – Alumni Visit. Hewitt Jeter, Mass Spec Services, Division of GeoNuclear Inc.
Orangeburg, New York.
April 2011 – Chair, Board of Advisors, MARUM, Univ. Bremen, Germany.
June 2011 – Microbiology Initiative on Low Oxygen off Chile and Oregon, Paleo Perspectives – host
scientists from Univ. Concepcion, Chile, Corvallis.
July 2011 – Invited Speaker, INQUA, Bern, Switzerland.
July 2011 – IGBP/PAGES science steering committee, Oberhofen, Switzerland.
Sept. 2011 – Invited Speaker, IODP Expedition 323 Postcruise, Salamanca, Spain.
Nov. 2011 – Invited Speaker, NSF, IGBP-PAGES, Ocean Leadership Greenland
Workshop, Corvallis.
Nov. 2011 – Participant, Microbiology Initiative on Low Oxygen off Chile and Oregon,
Synthesis, with Gordon and Betty Moore Foundation, Corvallis.
Dec. 2011 – Co-Chair, NSF Workshop on Ice-Ocean Interactions, San Francisco, CA.
Dec. 2011 – Invited Speaker, AGU, San Francisco, California.
Mote, Phil
2011 – Numerous speaking engagements to various audiences re: climate, climate change, OCCRI,
OCAR, etc. in several locations: Washington DC, OSU, UW, UO, Corvallis, Salem, Portland, Newport,
Seattle, etc.
Nielsen, Roger
July 2011 – Helped staff the daVinci Days booth.
Conducted a number of tours of the mineral collection for school groups – ranging from 8th grade Earth
Science Classes to the pre-K kids from Bates.
Nolin, Anne
April – Guest presentation, Climate and climate change at the HJ Andrews: A story of elevation and
complexity, Andrews Forest Partners Meeting.
April – Article OSU Terra magazine and on OSU website profiling my group's research,
http://oregonstate.edu/terra/2011/04/a-slippery-slope/ .
June – Guest presentation, Climate and climate change at the HJ Andrews, HJA Day.
July – Guest Lecture, Research Experiences for Undergraduates Program. Water connects all: climate
change, mountain hydrology, and water scarcity in awatershed context.
Sept. – Geography Fall Seminar, Oral presentation: Melting snow and glaciers: A geographer's recent
research and some insights on climate science communication.
Oct. – Guest Lecture, GEO 320 (Man's Impact on Climate), Cryosphere and Climate Change.
Ruggiero, Peter
Oct. 2011 – Invited Public Lecture: ‘The Relative roles of sea level rise and increased storminess in
Pacific Northwest Coastal change and flood hazards’, organized by Oregon Shores, Newport, OR.
Schmittner, Andreas
March 16, 2011 – Lecture for high-school students “The Science of Climate Change”, Crescent Valley
High-School, Corvallis, Advanced Placement Environmental Science Class, Teacher Pam Cornell.
Aug. 24, 2011 – Public lecture “Global Ocean Circulation” at Science, Music and Marshmallows
event, Philomath OR.
Nov. 7, 2011 – Two lectures “The Science of Climate Change” at West Linn High School, West
Linn, OR.
Interviews with journalists:
June 14, 2011 – Interview with Heather Turner (KEZI 9 News), (Aired at 6 pm, June 14th, 2011).
Nov. 21, 2011 – Interview with Ralf Nestler, “Der Tagesspiegel”, Redaktion Wissen & Forschen, Berlin.
Nov. 21, 2011 – Interview with Liz Kalaugher, http://environmentalresearchweb.org.
Nov. 21, 2011 – Interview with Lauren Morello, climatewire.net.
Nov. 22, 2011 – Interview with Tim Cross, The Economist.
Nov. 22, 2011 – Interview with Dan Vergano, USA Today.
Nov. 22, 2011 – Interview with Scott Learn, The Oregonian.
Nov. 23, 2011 – Interview with Sven Titz, Neue Zuricher Zeitung.
Nov. 23, 2011 – Interview with Michael Marshall, New Scientist.
Nov. 23, 2011 – Interview with Jennifer Carpenter, BBC.
Nov. 24, 2011 – Interview with Fiona MacRae, Daily Mail, London.
Nov. 24, 2011 – Interview with Belen Velasco Conquero, La Razon, Spain.
Nov. 25, 2011 – Interview with Dean Kuipers, Los Angeles Times.
Nov. 24, 2011 – Live radio interview with Victoria Taft, The Victoria Taft Show, KPAM.com, AM860,
Portland, OR.
Nov. 28, 2011 – Live radio interview with Lars Larson, The Lars Larson Show, KXL, FM101,
Portland, OR.
Nov. 29, 2011 – Interview with Ray Bowman, The Food and Farm Show, America’s Web Radio.
Nov. 29, 2011 – E-mail interview with Andy Extance, Simple Climate,
Nov. 30, 2011 – Live radio interview with Rob Breakenridge guest host at The Rutherford Show, QR77
Radio, AM770, Alberta, Canada.
Nov. 30, 2011 – Interview with Clay Farris, Science Odyssey, kzum.org, 89.3 fm, Lincoln, NE.
Sharp, Darrin
March 30, 2011 – Ocean Issues Forum, Florence, Topic: Overview of climate change.
April 7-8, 2011 – NCAR NARCCAP Conference, Topic: Poster Session.
April 26-27, 2011 – Defenders of Wildlife-ODFW, Eugene, Topic: Climate Change and Oak Woodlands.
Oct. 18, 2011 – Climate and Public Health Webinar, Topic: Climate 101 for public health people
Stoner, Joe
Through the OSU Marine Geology Repository we have given tours to:
1) 2 middle and 4 high school science classes
2) Adventures in Learning (a summer program for advanced 6th grade students)
3) Apprentices in Science and Engineering Midsummer Conference (HS summer
4) program)
5) Saturday Academy, a non-profit, extracurricular, precollege education program designed to
extend and augment the science curriculum of the school systems.
6) Saturday Academy AWSEM (Advocates of Women in Science, Engineering, and Math), A
science and math advocacy program for girls in middle and high school.
7) Kaplan School, an online high school equivalency program.
8) World Affairs Council of Oregon, national and international visitors toured the facility as part of
an international earthquake preparedness and recovery program.
Host: Film crews (Nova, BBC, Al Jazeera English, Discovery Canada), Workshops, and Sampling
Strub, Ted
February, 2011 – Salmon Bowl: Took part in the annual Salmon Bowl competition for high school
students – served as a “Science Judge” in the competition.
April, 2011 – SMILE: Participated in planning for the 2011 SMILE High School Challenge. The theme
was sustainable local fisheries and marketing of fisheries products.
NOAA Short Course: Supported the teaching of a short course (1-week) in the use of satellite data for
NOAA and OSU scientists. The course is taught at OSU by Dave Foley and Cara Wilson, from NOAA
CoastWatch and Fisheries programs. CIOSS provides support for the use of the Geosciences computer
Various activities associated with our NOAA Cooperative Institute, mostly designed to make others
aware of the “products” that we are making available – ocean temperature and current forecasts are one
Thomas, Christoph
April 5, 2011 – Climate Change 101, Opening lecture for Climate Masters at Home Program, City of
Eugene, Eugene, OR.
May 4, 2011 – Climate Change 101, Opening lecture for Energy Stewards Program, Clackamas County,
Portland, OR.
Aug. 26, 2011 – Climate Change 101, Keynote talk for Oregon Coast Aquatic and Marine Science
Partnership, Newport, OR.
Sep. 21, 2011 – Climate Change 101, Opening lecture for Energy Stewards Program, Clackamas County,
Portland, OR.
Oct. 18, 2011 – Climate Change 101, Opening lecture for Neighborhood Sustainability Program, Oregon
State University Extension, University of Oregon's Climate Leadership Initiative & Linn-Benton
Community College, Corvallis, OR.
Tyler, Dan
March 25, 2011 – Better Living Show, Portland, Topic: Highlights of the OCAR.
April 14, 2011 – BLM, Camp Sherman, Topic: Climate Overview, OCAR, RegCPDN.
April 22, 2011 – LBCC Climate Talk for Earth Day, Topic: Climate 101 for general audience.
April 29, 2011 – LBCC Physics 201 Class, Topic: Climate 101 for physics class.
May 16, 2011 – Siuslaw National Forest employees, BLM, other agencies, Yachats, Topic: OCAR
June 22, 2011 – Oregon Shores, Lincoln City, Topic: Coastal Climate Impacts
Vardaro, Michael
Feb. 9, 2011 – Joint presentation (with Craig Risien) to the Kiwanis Club of Tillamook, OR, called "The
Ocean Observatories Initiative, Observing and understanding your coastal ocean in the 21st century".
July 15, 2011 – Attended a meeting of the Yaquina Bay Ocean Observing Initiative in Newport, OR and
gave a presentation on the OOI.
Oct. 20, 2011 – Gave a talk to the Academy for Lifelong Learning at the First Congregational Church,
United Church of Christ called "Life in the Abyss: Technological Advances in the Study of Seafloor
Waldbusser, George
Aug. 8, 2011 – Oregon State Congressional Field Trip sponsored by Communication Partnership for
Science and the Sea (COMPASS). Spoke to state law makers and staff (roughly 25) about ocean
acidification impacts at the Whiskey Creek Shellfish Hatchery in Netarts Bay, Oregon. This included
leading the field trip participants through a tour of the hatchery and discussing the ongoing oyster seed
production problems faced by the hatchery operators, and what our ongoing work has shown regarding
sensitivity of oyster larvae and how that relates to life stages. More information on the fieldtrip may be
found here: http://www.compassonline.org/regional/oregon/fieldtrips/OAHypoxia
Sept. 8, 2011 – Presented a teacher oriented presentation to the Oregon Coast Aquatic and Marine Science
Partnership Colloquia on the previous and current changes in ocean carbon chemistry and the implications
for shell forming organisms in coastal ecosystems. There were approximately 35 science and math
teachers from Lincoln County School District present across a range of grade levels. More information
may be found here: http://ocampmsp.webs.com/year3colloquium1.htm
Sept. 28, 2011 -- Presented an invited talk to the Heceta Head Coastal Conference, which is attended by
the general public, coastal resource stakeholders, marine science graduate students from various
institutions, and other scientists. More information may be found here:
During the course of 2011 I had responded to interview requests from reporters at various online and print
news outlets including: Chesapeake Quarterly, Sightline Institute, Natural Resources Defense Council,
and Yale 360.
Watkins-Brandt, K. S.
Jan.-Feb. 2011 – Antarctica Outreach: Taught students in a 3rd grade class in Climax, Michigan about
Antarctica and Oceanography, introducing them to what I do as a biological oceanographer with a focus
on phytoplankton physiology. Through our journey the students tracked our adventures and posted
questions which I would answer.
April 2011 – SMILE Program: High School Challenge workshop dedicated to teaching students about
Harmful Algal Blooms and life as an oceanographer.
July 2011 – Saturday Academy Mid-Summer Conference: Helped organize and deliver a workshop
designed to teach students about ocean color and phytoplankton.
White, Angel
Professional Presentations
Oct. 2011 – White, A.E. et al. (2011) Primary Productivity as a Function of Absorption, Pigment Based
Phytoplankton Diversity and Particle Size Distributions. NASA Carbon Cycle & Ecosystems Workshop.
Washington D.C.
Nov. 2011 – White, A. E. et al. (2011) The rise of Pseudo-nitzchia concentrations in the coastal Oregon
surfzone and the role of coastal upwelling as a control on the severity and extent of domoic acid events.
U.S. Harmful Algal Bloom Symposium, Austin, Texas.
Public Outreach
Activity Name & Date
Led by (name, position,
Intended Audience
Oregon State University Press release regarding extent of plastic debris in the
North Pacific Ocean (1/4/2011)
Angelicque White, PI, Oregon State University
Press release intended to provide accurate information about the nature of
plastic debris in the surface ocean to a broad general audience
Approx Number of Attendees
(if appl.)
Press coverage following this release included:
 Earthsky.org podcast - http://earthsky.org/water/angelicque-white-a-garbage-soup-not-a-garbage-patch-inearths-oceans
 KOMO radio, Seattle, Washington
 Coast to Coast AM
 The Oregonian (newpaper)
 The benshi – a blog by scientist turned filmmaker randy Olson - http://thebenshi.com/2011/01/10/102-drangel-white-its-mid-course-correction-time-for-the-plastics-in-the-ocean-issue/
 Maclean’s magazine, Canada
 San Jose Mercury news
 KCBS-AM Radio Interview
 Willamette Week (newpaper, Portland, Oregon)
 KVAL (television interview with CBS affiliate)
 Victoria Taft show, KPAM radio, Portland, Oregon
 Discovery news- http://news.discovery.com/earth/ocean-garbage-patch-exaggerated-110112.html
 Oregon Business magazine
 KXL NewsRadio 750 Portland, Oregon
 Hawaii Public Radio
 Oregon Public Radio
 Numerous other blogs, print, web and radio picked up this press release
Wright, Dawn
March 4-5, 2011 – Invited participant in the HistoryMakers – ScienceMakers San Francisco Bay Area
Public Outreach Program focusing on the Deepwater Horizon Oil Spill. ScienceMakers is an NSF-funded
program seeking to introduce youth and the general public to science through the first-person perspectives
of African American scientists, thereby presenting positive role models to youth interested in science.
- two 1- hour team conference calls in preparation
- 3- hours in preparation of presentations and materials
- 2 full days of presentations, interviews, receptions, site visits, small—group discussions with students
Dec. 4, 2011 – Interview for a VerySpatial Podcast, an award winning weekly podcast that provides
information on geography and geospatial technologies, and the impact of GIS on "digital daily lives." The
podcast seeks to cover current trends in the GIS technology industry and receives mention in several
industry blogs comments.
- interview for 1.5 hours