University General Education Curriculum Committee Assessment

University General Education Curriculum Committee
Assessment Project
Frequently Asked Questions
Why does the university assess the General Education Program?
The university is assessing the General Education Program not only because it is a
Southern Association of Colleges and Schools (SACS) expectation, but also because it is
an expectation we have for ourselves as a university. Assessment of student learning
outcomes is a national expectation in higher education and with this expectation is a call
for increased accountability. As such, assessment of student learning is something that is
and will continue to be important to us. The plan implemented by the General Education
Curriculum Committee was only a first step in this process, developed to be expanded
and improved in the years to come.
Alignment to the Southern Association of Colleges and Schools – Commission on
Colleges (SACS-COC)
SACS-COC Comprehensive Standard 3.3.1 The institution identifies
expected outcomes, assesses the extent to which it achieves these
outcomes, and provides evidence of improvement based on analysis of the
results in each of the following areas: educational programs, to include student learning outcomes
SACS-COC Comprehensive Standard 3.5.1 The institution identifies
college-level general education competencies and the extent to which
students have attained them.
Connection to the Kentucky Statewide General Education Assessment Plan
(Effective 2012)
All Kentucky public universities and KCTCS colleges are expected to
assess, in accordance with SACS-COC Principles of Accreditation and
based upon nationally accepted standards, the student learning outcomes
associated with their general education programs, indicate the relationship
to the faculty-generated Statewide General Education Student Learning
Outcomes, and provide evidence of ongoing assessment that ensures
comparability for transfer purposes on a three-year cycle.
Do instructors of General Education courses have to take part in this assessment
Yes. This process is a very important responsibility for the university, its units, and
departments; it is not optional. SACS clearly requires that we assess learning outcomes in
our General Education Program, and the necessity to maintain and improve upon our
current system cannot be understated. Failure to assess General Education courses places
the university accreditation in jeopardy. The impact of such a failure cannot be
Who is responsible for the assessment process?
This process is and will remain the responsibility of the faculty. While a number of
administrators have been involved in developing this plan to make sure it is consistent
with the expectations of SACS and others who work in assessment, the plan was
ultimately developed by the faculty General Education Curriculum Committee, and they
have the responsibility for implementing the plan, reviewing the results of the
assessment, and overseeing the implementation of the unit and department plans for
improvement. While the plan will evolve over time, the preeminent role of the faculty in
this process will not change.
Is each general education course assessed every semester?
No. The assessment process covers different content areas each semester, determined by
the Assessment Subcommittee of the General Education Curriculum Committee.
Is this process going to measure or evaluate individual instructors or students?
No. This process does not assess individual faculty members, students or courses. Its
goal is to assess student learning in the General Education Program as a whole. Student
and instructor anonymity in the process will be safeguarded.
How does the process ensure anonymity?
The course instructor or a representative from each academic department, working with
the office of General Education Assessment, is responsible for collecting documents for
assessment and coordinating the removal of any identifying markers. Aggregate results
from each assessment are presented to departments as feedback on student learning
across general education content areas.
What kinds of course materials are used for the assessment?
Work submitted as part of the instructional substance (“embedded artifacts”) from current
General Education courses will be evaluated as part of the assessment. These embedded
artifacts will assure that the assessment considers work produced with the seriousness
that the students bring to any graded work. This assessment framework does not require a
standardized test, thus avoiding pressure on the curriculum and the possibility of
compromising academic freedom in order to meet the expectations of an external test.
What General Education competencies are assessed and why?
The General Education Curriculum Committee decided on a system of assessment that
would use holistic readings of sample papers, projects, and other course assignments
aligned with the General Education learning outcomes. The initial phase of assessment
focused on the three broad learning outcomes listed in the first paragraph of the General
Education Program description, as emphasized here: “The General Education Program at
the University of Louisville fosters active learning by asking students to think critically,
to communicate effectively, and to understand and appreciate cultural diversity.”
The General Education Curriculum Committee, in consultation with other faculty
members, has designed rubrics to measure effective communication, cultural diversity,
and critical thinking. The critical thinking rubrics are subdivided into three areas: social
sciences, natural sciences, and mathematics. The rubrics were designed by drawing on
the outcomes listed for those areas in the General Education Program Description.
Are the rubrics available?
Yes, the rubrics and scoring criteria are always available for review at In addition, the rubrics and scoring criteria are
provided to departments before they are assessed. Individual instructors are also directed
to the General Education student learning outcomes and the assessment rubrics before
each semester.
Who collects the information and documents for assessment?
The Office of General Education Assessment (contact information below) will handle the
collection of information and documents for assessment. Each instructor will be asked to
submit an electronic copy of the assignment prompt given to students, and an ungraded,
unmarked copy of the selected students’ responses to the Office.
How does the process work?
In the fall of 2010 and in collaboration with the College of Education and Human
Development (CEHD), LiveText was adopted as the general education assessment
platform. LiveText is an electronic outcomes assessment system designed specifically
to support postsecondary education institutions as they implement and actively review
results of student learning outcomes assessment.
CEHD has been successfully using LiveText for outcomes assessment for ten years,
and representatives from the CEHD worked with the GECC to adjust the general
education assessment process to take advantage of the platform. The use of this system
allows the submission and assessment of all assignments and student samples
electronically, saving time and other valuable resources.
Departments are notified of their selection for assessment by the GECC at least one
academic semester in advance. LiveText demonstrations for department chairs can be
scheduled as a way of familiarizing each department with the assessment process. After
the university date for withdrawal without academic penalty, instructors teaching in the
topical area under assessment receive a marked course roster indicating which students
have been systematically selected to submit embedded artifacts for assessment.
Instructors may select any assignment for assessment. As soon as the assignment is
submitted by the selected student, instructors provide the Office the following materials:
An electronic copy of the assignment sheet distributed to students.
An electronic ungraded, unmarked copy of the selected students’ responses to
the assignment. All identifying information (student name, faculty/instructor
name, course number) should be redacted from assignments and student papers
before they are submitted to the Office.
The Office will confirm receipt of these materials and will be responsible for uploading
these materials to LiveText, where the anonymity of students and instructors will be
maintained, and the documents will be prepared for the scheduled assessment reading.
Who selects the readers?
The deans of all colleges with students in the General Education program are asked to
recommend readers to the GECC.
What kind of time commitment are readers expected to make?
The readers are expected to participate in a half-day training session and a full-day of
assessment reading. The training is mandatory to ensure validity and reliability of
assessment measures.
How are the readers compensated?
Readers receive $150 for the half-day of training and $350 for the full-day of reading.
How are the readers trained?
Training is conducted by members of the GECC along with other university faculty with
assessment experience and expertise.
What happens to the data?
Once the readings are complete, the General Education Assessment Office generates an
assessment report, which is presented to the GECC. The committee uses the report to
evaluate whether changes should be recommended for the General Education Program. A
report about the assessment process is presented to SACS as part of the accreditation
Are individual student artifacts or course performance available for review after the
No. For anonymity to be maintained, no individual artifacts or individual course
performance data is available.
Where can I direct other questions?
Questions can be directed to the Office of General Education Assessment.
Katie Shanahan
Director of General Education Assessment
Undergraduate Affairs
(502) 852-8113
Christine Wiggins-Romesburg
General Education Assessment Coordinator
Undergraduate Affairs
(502) 852-7865