MICANS INFOTECH +91 90036 28940 +91 94435 11725 8+ Years of Excellence in IEEE Project development for universities across INDIA, USA, UK, AUSTRALIA, SWEEDEN. Expert developers in JAVA , DOT NET , ANDROID , PHP, MATLAB , NS2 , NS3 , VLSI ,CLOUD SIM, TANNER , MICROWIND , EMBEDDED , ROBOTICS , MECHANICAL , MECHATRONICS , WIRELESS NETWORKS, OPNET , OMNET Over 11000+ projects , 425 clients - MICANS INFOTECH provides IEEE & application projects for CSE,IT,ECE,EEE,MECH,CIVIL,MCA,M.TECH,M.PHILL,MBA, DME,MS,PHD. Projects with FUTURE WORK / LIVE DEVELOPMENT / FACE TO FACE CLASSES ONLY PROJECT CENTER WITH OWN DEVELOPERS - CSE, IT,ECE,MECH,CIVIL,EEE PONDICHERRY – VILLUPURAM – CHENNAI –HYDERABAD IEEE PROJECTS LISTS 2016-2017 POWER ELECTRONICS 1. A Bidirectional Three-Level LLC Resonant Converter With PWAM Control 2. High Step-Up/Step-Down Soft-Switching Bidirectional DC–DC Converter With Coupled Inductor and Voltage Matching Control for Energy Storage Systems 3. Bidirectional Single Power Conversion DC-AC Converter with Non Complementary Active-Clamp Circuits 4. A New Family of Zero-Voltage-Transition Non isolated Bidirectional Converters With Simple Auxiliary Circuit 5. Bidirectional Resonant DC–DC Step-Up Converters for Driving High-Voltage Actuators in Mobile Micro robots 6. Interleaved SEPIC Power Factor Pre-Regulator Using Coupled Inductors in Discontinuous Conduction Mode with Wide Output Voltage 7. Single-Stage Bridgeless AC-DC PFC Converter Using a Lossless Passive Snubber and Valley Switching 8. Reduced Current Stress Bridgeless Cuk PFC Converter with New Voltage Multiplier Circuit 9. Bridgeless SEPIC PFC Converter for Low Total Harmonic Distortion and High Power Factor 10. Full-Range Soft-Switching-Isolated Buck-Boost Converters With Integrated Interleaved Boost Converter and Phase-Shifted Control Page 1 MICANS INFOTECH PVT LTD : CADD COLLEGE : MICANS BANKING SCHOOL NO: 19, SIVAM TOWERS, IIIRD FLOOR No.798 C, NEHRUJI ROAD , VILLUPURAM OPP TO VASAN EYE CARE, IG SQUARE, PONDICHERRY. OPPOSITE TO RICE COMMITTEE WWW.MICANSINFOTECH.COM ; micansinfotech@gmail.com; +91 90036 28940; +91 94435 11725 WWW.MATLABPROJECTSCODE.COM; WWW.MICANS.IN ; WWW.IEEEPROJECTKART.COM MICANS INFOTECH +91 90036 28940 +91 94435 11725 8+ Years of Excellence in IEEE Project development for universities across INDIA, USA, UK, AUSTRALIA, SWEEDEN. Expert developers in JAVA , DOT NET , ANDROID , PHP, MATLAB , NS2 , NS3 , VLSI ,CLOUD SIM, TANNER , MICROWIND , EMBEDDED , ROBOTICS , MECHANICAL , MECHATRONICS , WIRELESS NETWORKS, OPNET , OMNET Over 11000+ projects , 425 clients - MICANS INFOTECH provides IEEE & application projects for CSE,IT,ECE,EEE,MECH,CIVIL,MCA,M.TECH,M.PHILL,MBA, DME,MS,PHD. Projects with FUTURE WORK / LIVE DEVELOPMENT / FACE TO FACE CLASSES ONLY PROJECT CENTER WITH OWN DEVELOPERS - CSE, IT,ECE,MECH,CIVIL,EEE PONDICHERRY – VILLUPURAM – CHENNAI –HYDERABAD 11. A PWM Plus Phase-Shift Controlled Interleaved Isolated Boost Converter Based on Semi-active Quadrupler Rectifier for High Step-Up Applications 12. A Bridgeless Totem-pole Interleaved PFC Converter for Plug-In Electric Vehicles 13. Three phase converter with galvanic isolation based on loss-free resistors for HB-LED lighting applications 14. A CLCL Resonant DC/DC Converter for Two-Stage LED Driver System 15. A Novel LED Drive System Based on Matrix Rectifier 16. Single-Stage AC/DC Single-Inductor Multiple-Output LED Drivers 17. Design and Implementation of a High Efficiency Multiple Output Charger based on the Time Division Multiple Control Technique 18. A Power Quality Improved Bridgeless Converter Based Computer Power Supply 19. Control of a Single-Stage Three-Phase Boost Power Factor Correction Rectifier 20. A High-Voltage SiC-Based Boost PFC for LED Applications 21. LCL Filter Design for Three-phase Two-level Power Factor Correction using Line Impedance Stabilization Network 22. New AC–DC Power Factor Correction Architecture Suitable for High-Frequency Operation 23. Interleaved Digital Power Factor Correction Based on the Sliding-Mode Approach 24. Bumpless Control for Reduced THD in Power Factor Correction Circuits 25. A bidirectional single-stage three-phase Rectifier with high-frequency Isolation and power factor Correction 26. A Sensitivity-Improved PFM LLC Resonant Full Bridge DC-DC Converter with LC Anti-Resonant Circuitry 27. A New Compact and High Efficiency Resonant Converter Page 2 MICANS INFOTECH PVT LTD : CADD COLLEGE : MICANS BANKING SCHOOL NO: 19, SIVAM TOWERS, IIIRD FLOOR No.798 C, NEHRUJI ROAD , VILLUPURAM OPP TO VASAN EYE CARE, IG SQUARE, PONDICHERRY. OPPOSITE TO RICE COMMITTEE WWW.MICANSINFOTECH.COM ; micansinfotech@gmail.com; +91 90036 28940; +91 94435 11725 WWW.MATLABPROJECTSCODE.COM; WWW.MICANS.IN ; WWW.IEEEPROJECTKART.COM MICANS INFOTECH +91 90036 28940 +91 94435 11725 8+ Years of Excellence in IEEE Project development for universities across INDIA, USA, UK, AUSTRALIA, SWEEDEN. Expert developers in JAVA , DOT NET , ANDROID , PHP, MATLAB , NS2 , NS3 , VLSI ,CLOUD SIM, TANNER , MICROWIND , EMBEDDED , ROBOTICS , MECHANICAL , MECHATRONICS , WIRELESS NETWORKS, OPNET , OMNET Over 11000+ projects , 425 clients - MICANS INFOTECH provides IEEE & application projects for CSE,IT,ECE,EEE,MECH,CIVIL,MCA,M.TECH,M.PHILL,MBA, DME,MS,PHD. Projects with FUTURE WORK / LIVE DEVELOPMENT / FACE TO FACE CLASSES ONLY PROJECT CENTER WITH OWN DEVELOPERS - CSE, IT,ECE,MECH,CIVIL,EEE PONDICHERRY – VILLUPURAM – CHENNAI –HYDERABAD 28. High-Efficiency LLC Resonant Converter With High Voltage Gain Using an Auxiliary LC Resonant Circuit 29. A ZVS Pulsewidth Modulation Full-Bridge Converter With a Low-RMS-Current Resonant Auxiliary Circuit 30. Wide ZVS Range Asymmetric Half-Bridge Converter With Clamp Switch and Diode for High Conversion Efficiency 31. A Wide Load Range ZVS Push-Pull DC/DC Converter with Active-Clamped 32. A ZV-ZCS Electrolytic Capacitor Less AC/DC Isolated LED Driver with Continous Energy Regulation 33. ZVS-ZCS High Voltage Gain Integrated Boost Converter For DC Microgrid 34. Isolated Double Step-down DC-DC Converter with Improved ZVS Range and No Transformer Saturation Problem 35. High-Efficiency Coupled-Inductor-Based Step-Down Converter 36. Morphing Switched-Capacitor Step-Down DC–DC Converters with Variable Conversion Ratio 37. A Novel Transformer-less Interleaved Four-Phase Step-Down DC Converter With Low Switch Voltage Stress and Automatic Uniform Current-Sharing Characteristics 38. A Low-Volume Hybrid Step-Down Dc-Dc Converter Based on the Dual Use of Flying Capacitor 39. A Family of Isolated Buck-Boost Converters Based on Semi-active Rectifiers for High Output Voltage Applications 40. Flying-Capacitor-Based Hybrid LLC Converters With Input Voltage Auto-balance Ability for High Voltage Applications 41. A DC–DC Converter With High Voltage Gain and Two Input Boost Stages Page 3 MICANS INFOTECH PVT LTD : CADD COLLEGE : MICANS BANKING SCHOOL NO: 19, SIVAM TOWERS, IIIRD FLOOR No.798 C, NEHRUJI ROAD , VILLUPURAM OPP TO VASAN EYE CARE, IG SQUARE, PONDICHERRY. OPPOSITE TO RICE COMMITTEE WWW.MICANSINFOTECH.COM ; micansinfotech@gmail.com; +91 90036 28940; +91 94435 11725 WWW.MATLABPROJECTSCODE.COM; WWW.MICANS.IN ; WWW.IEEEPROJECTKART.COM MICANS INFOTECH +91 90036 28940 +91 94435 11725 8+ Years of Excellence in IEEE Project development for universities across INDIA, USA, UK, AUSTRALIA, SWEEDEN. Expert developers in JAVA , DOT NET , ANDROID , PHP, MATLAB , NS2 , NS3 , VLSI ,CLOUD SIM, TANNER , MICROWIND , EMBEDDED , ROBOTICS , MECHANICAL , MECHATRONICS , WIRELESS NETWORKS, OPNET , OMNET Over 11000+ projects , 425 clients - MICANS INFOTECH provides IEEE & application projects for CSE,IT,ECE,EEE,MECH,CIVIL,MCA,M.TECH,M.PHILL,MBA, DME,MS,PHD. Projects with FUTURE WORK / LIVE DEVELOPMENT / FACE TO FACE CLASSES ONLY PROJECT CENTER WITH OWN DEVELOPERS - CSE, IT,ECE,MECH,CIVIL,EEE PONDICHERRY – VILLUPURAM – CHENNAI –HYDERABAD 42. High Gain DC–DC Converter Based on the Cockcroft–Walton Multiplier 43. A Three-State Switching Boost Converter Mixed With Magnetic Coupling and Voltage Multiplier Techniques for High Gain Conversion 44. Split-Phase Control: Achieving Complete Soft Charging Operation of a Dickson Switched-Capacitor Converter 45. Multi-input Step-Up Converters Based on the Switched-Diode-Capacitor Voltage Accumulator 46. Hybrid Bridgeless DCM SEPIC Rectifier Integrated with a Modified Switched Capacitor Cell 47. BLDC Motor Driven Solar PV Array Fed Water Pumping System Employing Zeta Converter 48. Commutation Torque Ripple Reduction Strategy of ZSource Inverter Fed Brushless DC Motor 49. Single-Phase Input Variable-Speed AC Motor System Based on an Electrolytic Capacitor-Less Single-Stage Boost Three-Phase Inverter 50. Switching-Gain Adaptation Current Control for Brushless DC Motors 51. Position Sensor less Control Without Phase Shifter for High-Speed BLDC Motors With Low Inductance and Non ideal Back EMF 52. Single-Phase Grid Connected Motor Drive System with DC-link Shunt Compensator and Small DC-link Capacitor 53. A Performance Investigation of a Four-Switch ThreePhase Inverter-Fed IM Drives at Low Speeds Using Fuzzy Logic and PI Controllers 54. A Systematic Power-Quality Assessment and Harmonic Filter Design Methodology for VariableFrequency Drive Application in Marine Vessels Page 4 MICANS INFOTECH PVT LTD : CADD COLLEGE : MICANS BANKING SCHOOL NO: 19, SIVAM TOWERS, IIIRD FLOOR No.798 C, NEHRUJI ROAD , VILLUPURAM OPP TO VASAN EYE CARE, IG SQUARE, PONDICHERRY. OPPOSITE TO RICE COMMITTEE WWW.MICANSINFOTECH.COM ; micansinfotech@gmail.com; +91 90036 28940; +91 94435 11725 WWW.MATLABPROJECTSCODE.COM; WWW.MICANS.IN ; WWW.IEEEPROJECTKART.COM MICANS INFOTECH +91 90036 28940 +91 94435 11725 8+ Years of Excellence in IEEE Project development for universities across INDIA, USA, UK, AUSTRALIA, SWEEDEN. Expert developers in JAVA , DOT NET , ANDROID , PHP, MATLAB , NS2 , NS3 , VLSI ,CLOUD SIM, TANNER , MICROWIND , EMBEDDED , ROBOTICS , MECHANICAL , MECHATRONICS , WIRELESS NETWORKS, OPNET , OMNET Over 11000+ projects , 425 clients - MICANS INFOTECH provides IEEE & application projects for CSE,IT,ECE,EEE,MECH,CIVIL,MCA,M.TECH,M.PHILL,MBA, DME,MS,PHD. Projects with FUTURE WORK / LIVE DEVELOPMENT / FACE TO FACE CLASSES ONLY PROJECT CENTER WITH OWN DEVELOPERS - CSE, IT,ECE,MECH,CIVIL,EEE PONDICHERRY – VILLUPURAM – CHENNAI –HYDERABAD 55. Bidirectional Single Power-Conversion DC-AC Converter with Non-Complementary Active-Clamp Circuits 56. High-Efficiency Bidirectional DAB Inverter Using a Novel Hybrid Modulation for Stand-Alone Power Generating System With Low Input Voltage 57. A Coupled Inductor Based High Boost Inverter with Sub–Unity Turns–Ratio Range 58. A High Power Density Single-Phase Inverter Using Stacked Switched Capacitor Energy Buffer 59. A ZVS Grid-Connected Full-Bridge Inverter With a Novel ZVS SPWM Scheme 60. Dual Buck Inverter with Series Connected Diodes and Single Inductor 61. Three-Phase Split-Source Inverter (SSI): Analysis and Modulation 62. A Pulse-width Modulation Technique for HighVoltage Gain Operation of Three-Phase ZSource Inverters 63. Switched-Coupled-Inductor Quasi-Z-Source Inverter 64. Analysis and Design of Modified Half-Bridge SeriesResonant Inverter With DC-Link Neutral-PointClamped Cell 65. Hybrid Modulation Scheme for a High-Frequency AC-Link Inverter 66. Design and Implementation of a Novel Multilevel DC–AC Inverter 67. A Novel Nine-Level Inverter Employing One Voltage Source and Reduced Components as High Frequency AC Power Source 68. A Family of Five-Level Dual-Buck Full-Bridge Inverters for Grid-Tied Applications 69. A New Cascaded Switched-Capacitor Multilevel Inverter Based on Improved Series– Parallel Conversion With Less Number of Components 70. A Single DC Source Cascaded Seven-Level Inverter Integrating Switched Capacitor Techniques Page 5 MICANS INFOTECH PVT LTD : CADD COLLEGE : MICANS BANKING SCHOOL NO: 19, SIVAM TOWERS, IIIRD FLOOR No.798 C, NEHRUJI ROAD , VILLUPURAM OPP TO VASAN EYE CARE, IG SQUARE, PONDICHERRY. OPPOSITE TO RICE COMMITTEE WWW.MICANSINFOTECH.COM ; micansinfotech@gmail.com; +91 90036 28940; +91 94435 11725 WWW.MATLABPROJECTSCODE.COM; WWW.MICANS.IN ; WWW.IEEEPROJECTKART.COM MICANS INFOTECH +91 90036 28940 +91 94435 11725 8+ Years of Excellence in IEEE Project development for universities across INDIA, USA, UK, AUSTRALIA, SWEEDEN. Expert developers in JAVA , DOT NET , ANDROID , PHP, MATLAB , NS2 , NS3 , VLSI ,CLOUD SIM, TANNER , MICROWIND , EMBEDDED , ROBOTICS , MECHANICAL , MECHATRONICS , WIRELESS NETWORKS, OPNET , OMNET Over 11000+ projects , 425 clients - MICANS INFOTECH provides IEEE & application projects for CSE,IT,ECE,EEE,MECH,CIVIL,MCA,M.TECH,M.PHILL,MBA, DME,MS,PHD. Projects with FUTURE WORK / LIVE DEVELOPMENT / FACE TO FACE CLASSES ONLY PROJECT CENTER WITH OWN DEVELOPERS - CSE, IT,ECE,MECH,CIVIL,EEE PONDICHERRY – VILLUPURAM – CHENNAI –HYDERABAD 71. A Three Phase Hybrid Cascaded Modular Multilevel Inverter for Renewable Energy Environment 72. An Enhanced Single Phase Step-Up Five-Level Inverter 73. Novel Three Phase Multi-Level Inverter Topology with Symmetrical DC-Voltage Sources 74. Series-Parallel Connection of Low-Voltage Sources for Integration of Galvanically Isolated Energy Storage Systems 75. Development of DC/DC Converter for Battery Energy Storage Supporting Railway DC Feeder Systems 76. High Efficiency Bi-Directional Converter for Flywheel Energy Storage Application 77. Secondary-Side-Regulated Soft-Switching FullBridge Three-Port Converter Based on Bridgeless Boost Rectifier and Bidirectional Converter for Multiple Energy Interface 78. A Triple Active Bridge DC-DC Converter Capable of Achieving Full-Range ZVS 79. Analysis, Design, Modeling and Control of an Interleaved-Boost Full-Bridge Three Port Converter for Hybrid Renewable Energy Systems 80. An Interleaved Half-Bridge Three-Port Converter With Enhanced Power Transfer Capability Using Three-Leg Rectifier for Renewable Energy Applications 81. Control and Implementation of a Standalone Solar Photo-Voltaic Hybrid System 82. Design and Real-Time Controller Implementation for a Battery-Ultra-capacitor Hybrid Energy Storage System 83. Grid-Connected PV-Wind-Battery based Multi-Input Transformer Coupled Bidirectional DC-DC Converter for household Applications 84. Ultra-capacitor-Battery Hybrid Energy Storage System Based on the Asymmetric Bidirectional ZSource Topology for EV Page 6 MICANS INFOTECH PVT LTD : CADD COLLEGE : MICANS BANKING SCHOOL NO: 19, SIVAM TOWERS, IIIRD FLOOR No.798 C, NEHRUJI ROAD , VILLUPURAM OPP TO VASAN EYE CARE, IG SQUARE, PONDICHERRY. OPPOSITE TO RICE COMMITTEE WWW.MICANSINFOTECH.COM ; micansinfotech@gmail.com; +91 90036 28940; +91 94435 11725 WWW.MATLABPROJECTSCODE.COM; WWW.MICANS.IN ; WWW.IEEEPROJECTKART.COM MICANS INFOTECH +91 90036 28940 +91 94435 11725 8+ Years of Excellence in IEEE Project development for universities across INDIA, USA, UK, AUSTRALIA, SWEEDEN. Expert developers in JAVA , DOT NET , ANDROID , PHP, MATLAB , NS2 , NS3 , VLSI ,CLOUD SIM, TANNER , MICROWIND , EMBEDDED , ROBOTICS , MECHANICAL , MECHATRONICS , WIRELESS NETWORKS, OPNET , OMNET Over 11000+ projects , 425 clients - MICANS INFOTECH provides IEEE & application projects for CSE,IT,ECE,EEE,MECH,CIVIL,MCA,M.TECH,M.PHILL,MBA, DME,MS,PHD. Projects with FUTURE WORK / LIVE DEVELOPMENT / FACE TO FACE CLASSES ONLY PROJECT CENTER WITH OWN DEVELOPERS - CSE, IT,ECE,MECH,CIVIL,EEE PONDICHERRY – VILLUPURAM – CHENNAI –HYDERABAD 85. An Optimal Method to Design a Trap-CL Filter for a PV AC-Module Based on Flyback Inverter 86. Highly Efficient Asymmetrical PWM Full-Bridge Converter for Renewable Energy Sources 87. A High-Efficiency Flyback Micro-inverter With a New Adaptive Snubber for Photovoltaic Applications 88. A Single-Phase PV Quasi-Z-Source Inverter With Reduced Capacitance Using Modified Modulation and Double-Frequency Ripple Suppression Control 89. High-Gain Single-Stage Boosting Inverter for Photovoltaic Applications 90. Front-End Isolated Quasi-Z-Source DC-DC Converter Modules in Series for Photovoltaic High-Voltage DC Applications 91. Bus Voltage Control With Zero Distortion and High Bandwidth for Single-Phase Solar Inverters 92. Transformerless Photovoltaic Inverter Based on Interleaving High-Frequency Legs Having Bidirectional Capability 93. Highly Reliable Transformerless Photovoltaic Inverters With Leakage Current and Pulsating Power Elimination 94. Design and Analysis of a High Efficiency DC–DC Converter With Soft Switching Capability for Renewable Energy Applications Requiring High Voltage Gain 95. Efficient Single Phase Transformerless Inverter for Grid-Tied PVG System With Reactive Power Control 96. Single Phase Cascaded H5 Inverter with Leakage Current Elimination for Transformerless Photovoltaic System Page 7 MICANS INFOTECH PVT LTD : CADD COLLEGE : MICANS BANKING SCHOOL NO: 19, SIVAM TOWERS, IIIRD FLOOR No.798 C, NEHRUJI ROAD , VILLUPURAM OPP TO VASAN EYE CARE, IG SQUARE, PONDICHERRY. OPPOSITE TO RICE COMMITTEE WWW.MICANSINFOTECH.COM ; micansinfotech@gmail.com; +91 90036 28940; +91 94435 11725 WWW.MATLABPROJECTSCODE.COM; WWW.MICANS.IN ; WWW.IEEEPROJECTKART.COM MICANS INFOTECH +91 90036 28940 +91 94435 11725 8+ Years of Excellence in IEEE Project development for universities across INDIA, USA, UK, AUSTRALIA, SWEEDEN. Expert developers in JAVA , DOT NET , ANDROID , PHP, MATLAB , NS2 , NS3 , VLSI ,CLOUD SIM, TANNER , MICROWIND , EMBEDDED , ROBOTICS , MECHANICAL , MECHATRONICS , WIRELESS NETWORKS, OPNET , OMNET Over 11000+ projects , 425 clients - MICANS INFOTECH provides IEEE & application projects for CSE,IT,ECE,EEE,MECH,CIVIL,MCA,M.TECH,M.PHILL,MBA, DME,MS,PHD. Projects with FUTURE WORK / LIVE DEVELOPMENT / FACE TO FACE CLASSES ONLY PROJECT CENTER WITH OWN DEVELOPERS - CSE, IT,ECE,MECH,CIVIL,EEE PONDICHERRY – VILLUPURAM – CHENNAI –HYDERABAD 97. A Medium Frequency Transformer-Based Wind Energy Conversion System Used for Current Source Converter Based Offshore Wind Farm 98. An Offshore Wind Generation Scheme With a HighVoltage Hybrid Generator, HVDC Interconnections, and Transmission 99. Sliding Mode Control of PMSG Wind Turbine Based on Enhanced Exponential Reaching Law 100. Control and Operation of a DC Grid-Based Wind Power Generation System in a Microgrid 101. A Multi-Level Converter with a Floating Bridge for Open-Ended Winding Motor Drive Applications-JAN 2016 102. Adapted NSPWM for Single DC-Link Dual-Inverter Fed Open-End Motor with Negligible Low-Order Harmonics and Efficiency Enhancement-JAN 2016 103. Advanced Design and Operation Consideration for Close-connected Winding Permanent Magnet Brushless DC Machine-FEB 2016 104. An Active Cross-Connected Modular Multilevel Converter (AC-MMC) for Medium-Voltage Motor Drive-MAR 2016 105. Adaptive Maximum Power Point Tracking Control Algorithm for Wind Energy Conversion Systems-FEB 2016 106. A Quasi-Z-source Integrated Multi-port Power Converter with Reduced Capacitance for Switched Reluctance Motor Drives-MAR 2016 107. An Improved Model Predictive Control Scheme for the PWM Rectifier-Inverter System Based on Power-Balancing Mechanism-MAY 2016 108. Dual Inverter Fed Pole-Phase Modulated Nine-Phase Induction Motor Drive with Improved Performance-MAY 2016 Page 8 MICANS INFOTECH PVT LTD : CADD COLLEGE : MICANS BANKING SCHOOL NO: 19, SIVAM TOWERS, IIIRD FLOOR No.798 C, NEHRUJI ROAD , VILLUPURAM OPP TO VASAN EYE CARE, IG SQUARE, PONDICHERRY. OPPOSITE TO RICE COMMITTEE WWW.MICANSINFOTECH.COM ; micansinfotech@gmail.com; +91 90036 28940; +91 94435 11725 WWW.MATLABPROJECTSCODE.COM; WWW.MICANS.IN ; WWW.IEEEPROJECTKART.COM MICANS INFOTECH +91 90036 28940 +91 94435 11725 8+ Years of Excellence in IEEE Project development for universities across INDIA, USA, UK, AUSTRALIA, SWEEDEN. Expert developers in JAVA , DOT NET , ANDROID , PHP, MATLAB , NS2 , NS3 , VLSI ,CLOUD SIM, TANNER , MICROWIND , EMBEDDED , ROBOTICS , MECHANICAL , MECHATRONICS , WIRELESS NETWORKS, OPNET , OMNET Over 11000+ projects , 425 clients - MICANS INFOTECH provides IEEE & application projects for CSE,IT,ECE,EEE,MECH,CIVIL,MCA,M.TECH,M.PHILL,MBA, DME,MS,PHD. Projects with FUTURE WORK / LIVE DEVELOPMENT / FACE TO FACE CLASSES ONLY PROJECT CENTER WITH OWN DEVELOPERS - CSE, IT,ECE,MECH,CIVIL,EEE PONDICHERRY – VILLUPURAM – CHENNAI –HYDERABAD 109. Extremely Sparse Parallel AC-Link Universal Power Converters-FEB 2016 110. Energy Consumption of Geared DC Motors in Dynamic Applications: Comparing Modeling Approaches-JAN 2016 111. Derivation of Dual-Switch Step-Down DC/DC Converters with Fault-Tolerant Capability-2016 112. Analysis of the Integrated SEPIC-Flyback Converter as a Single-Stage SingleSwitch Power-Factor-Correction LED Driver-JAN 2016 113. Fault-tolerant Inverter for High-speed 3-Phase BLDC Drives in Aerospace Applications-MAY 2016 114. Integrated DC-DC Converter Design for Electric Vehicle Powertrains-MAR 2016 115. High Step-Up/Step-Down Soft-Switching Bidirectional DC-DC Converter with Coupled-Inductor and Voltage Matching Control for Energy Storage Systems-JAN 2016 116. On The Robust Control of Parallel-Cascade DC/DC Buck Converter-FEB 2016 117. Single-Phase Grid Connected Motor Drive System with DC-link Shunt Compensator and Small DC-link Capacitor-MAR 2016 118. High Performance Solar MPPT Using Switching Ripple Identification Based on a Lock-In Amplifier-FEB 2016 119. Zero-sequence Current Suppression for Open-end Winding Induction Motor Drive with Resonant Controller-MAR 2016 120. High Performance Model Predictive Technique for MPPT of Gird-tied Photovoltaic System Using Impedance-Source Inverter-FEB 2016 121. Grid Current Shaping Method with DC-link Shunt Compensator for Three-Phase Diode Rectifier-Fed Motor Drive System-MAR 2016 Page 9 MICANS INFOTECH PVT LTD : CADD COLLEGE : MICANS BANKING SCHOOL NO: 19, SIVAM TOWERS, IIIRD FLOOR No.798 C, NEHRUJI ROAD , VILLUPURAM OPP TO VASAN EYE CARE, IG SQUARE, PONDICHERRY. OPPOSITE TO RICE COMMITTEE WWW.MICANSINFOTECH.COM ; micansinfotech@gmail.com; +91 90036 28940; +91 94435 11725 WWW.MATLABPROJECTSCODE.COM; WWW.MICANS.IN ; WWW.IEEEPROJECTKART.COM MICANS INFOTECH +91 90036 28940 +91 94435 11725 8+ Years of Excellence in IEEE Project development for universities across INDIA, USA, UK, AUSTRALIA, SWEEDEN. Expert developers in JAVA , DOT NET , ANDROID , PHP, MATLAB , NS2 , NS3 , VLSI ,CLOUD SIM, TANNER , MICROWIND , EMBEDDED , ROBOTICS , MECHANICAL , MECHATRONICS , WIRELESS NETWORKS, OPNET , OMNET Over 11000+ projects , 425 clients - MICANS INFOTECH provides IEEE & application projects for CSE,IT,ECE,EEE,MECH,CIVIL,MCA,M.TECH,M.PHILL,MBA, DME,MS,PHD. Projects with FUTURE WORK / LIVE DEVELOPMENT / FACE TO FACE CLASSES ONLY PROJECT CENTER WITH OWN DEVELOPERS - CSE, IT,ECE,MECH,CIVIL,EEE PONDICHERRY – VILLUPURAM – CHENNAI –HYDERABAD 122. High Performance Predictive Control of Quasi Impedance Source Inverter-FEB 2016 123. Improved Fault-Tolerant Control for Brushless Permanent Magnet Motor Drives With Defective Hall Sensors-mar 2016 124. Quasi-Resonant (QR) Controller with Adaptive Switching Frequency Reduction Scheme for Flyback Converter-FEB 2016 125. Self-correction of Commutation Point for High-speed Sensorless BLDC Motor With Low Inductance and Nonideal Back EMF-FEB 2016 126. Performance Analysis of the Computational Implementation of a Simplified PV Model and MPPT Algorithm-FEB 2016 127. Model Predictive Control Scheme of Five-Leg AC-DC-AC Converter-Fed Induction Motor Drive-MAR 2016 128. Page 10 MICANS INFOTECH PVT LTD : CADD COLLEGE : MICANS BANKING SCHOOL NO: 19, SIVAM TOWERS, IIIRD FLOOR No.798 C, NEHRUJI ROAD , VILLUPURAM OPP TO VASAN EYE CARE, IG SQUARE, PONDICHERRY. OPPOSITE TO RICE COMMITTEE WWW.MICANSINFOTECH.COM ; micansinfotech@gmail.com; +91 90036 28940; +91 94435 11725 WWW.MATLABPROJECTSCODE.COM; WWW.MICANS.IN ; WWW.IEEEPROJECTKART.COM