THE COSTUMER VOLUME 70 NUMBER 2 MOTION PICTURE COSTUMERS FEBRUARY 2015 LOCAL 705 IATSE — 705 Hollywood Costume Event — On Saturday, January 17, 2015, a standing room only crowd of over 200 members, friends and family attended the Hollywood Costume Event at the Motion Picture Academy Museum, the iconic, former May Company building at the corner of Wilshire Blvd. and Fairfax Ave. After light refreshments, guests were given an introduction and orientation by curator, Dr. Deborah Nadoolman Landis. After her presentation and a brief Q & A, guests were able to enjoy the landmark exhibition. A big hand of applause to Secretary-Treasurer Wanda Leavey for organizing the event for members, and Education Committee Chair, Melissa Antablin, for helping out. The exhibition will close on March 2, 2015. If you have seen it and would like to enjoy it again, time is limited. This is an opportunity not to be missed by any interested in our Costuming craft and historical Hollywood. To purchase tickets by phone, call 310-247-3049 or visit Use discount code COSTUME to receive a 20% discount. GENERAL MEMBERSHIP MEETING PHOTOS INSIDE ® MORE Local 705 Announces the Jean Rosone Memorial Scholarship ABOUT ASSUMPTIONS In a recent article, assumptions and the inherent errors that result from them were discussed. Here are some additional examples. We are proud to announce the addition of a merit-based scholarship in memory of departed member Jean Rosone to be awarded to a child of a Local 705 costumer. When speaking to members they assume we have heard of an issue on their particular show. Many times we have no idea of the situation. No one has discussed it with us. It would be beneficial to both parties if they did. So please keep us informed. Members call and we don’t even know what show or where they are working. So let us know. Call in your work and if we hear of anything pertaining to that show or member we can communicate it to you. The Jean Rosone Memorial Scholarship requires the applicant to be attending or entering an accredited College or University in the fall for graduate study. Applicants must be a dependent whose parent or guardian is a member in good standing of Motion Picture Costumers Local 705. To obtain a scholarship application and application guidelines please contact Mary at the Local 705 business office. Applications are available now and only applications postmarked by April 30th 2015 will be reviewed and evaluated. The decision will be final. Lastly, if there is anything we need to know in regards to the functioning of this office keep us in the loop. For example, if something on the newly repaired website is still not functioning correctly, let us know. We can’t fix something if we don’t know it’s broken. Motion Picture Costumers Local 705/I.A.T.S.E. Affiliated with the AFL - CIO 4731 Laurel Canyon Blvd. #201 Valley Village, CA 91607 818.487.5655 818.487.5663 FAX email: THE COSTUMER All submissions must be received before the 15th of each month for the upcoming issue. Subscriptions: $12 per year. Executive Board Steve Ferry – President Debby Curtis – Vice President Wanda Leavey – Sec.-Treas. / Asst. B.A. Bob Iannaccone – Business Representative Sue Bub – Member-at-Large Radford Polinsky – Men’s Finished Cindy Buckner – Women’s Finished Hossein Namdar – Men’s Custom Made Renee Nault – Women’s Custom Made John Van Hout – Costume House Custom Made Jeff Hartman – Live Television Carmen Lozano – Costume House Ryck Schmidt – Sergeant-at-Arms FEBUARY 2015 2 THE COSTUMER A LITTLE THIs, A LITTLE THAT . . . returning series. Credits will be awarded to shows with the highest job ratio. WHAT’S IT ALL MEAN? It has only been one year since the call went out in the January issue of this publication asking our members’ support in bringing production back to California by an increase in the state’s incentive program. This sounds great. But, what do all these numbers and percentages mean to us? Being realistic, it has to mean more and better work for all. The feature figures would seem to indicate more big budget movies. The TV figures translate into good film jobs, not just reality shows. The extra 5% for in state shooting implies on location is in California; not the middle of nowhere. The campaign started with the kick-off event, last February, with overflowing attendance and culminated with the Victory Celebration held last October. In between, there were strategy sessions, visits to Sacramento and meetings with politicos. Our members worked together to reach our common goal. The higher job ratio will, hopefully, signify larger crews. The more money given to producers for higher job ratios, hopefully translates into hiring the help needed to properly perform our craft; as opposed to too few crew to execute it properly. The incentives also include music scoring and post production, maintaining our title of Entertainment Capitol of the World. Members were asked to sign letters to our legislators. Approximately 5,000 signatures were collected for these mailings. It’s doubtful if any other Local topped our degree of participation. This shows the power we possess when our members unite in a common interest for us all. The Governor’s signing of the bill, worth $330 million per year in production tax incentives for 5 years will increase production. As the old program of $100 million, was only able to fund 23 projects last year, by simple math, it’s obvious production has to expand. Trying not to be overly optimistic, the future is certainly brighter than the recent past. Some big budget features have been pushed or postponed. Hopefully, because they are awaiting the next tax credits and plan to shoot them locally. The pride that comes with knowing our industry, and especially our Local, worked tirelessly to achieve this goal is overwhelming. That pride will only be exceeded when the work report shows 100% and the availability list is blank and nameless. The question is: How will this program be organized? This is what is known. The old, ineffective lottery system will be abolished. The new program will include features of any budget size, m.o.w.’s, miniseries, pilots and new hour long episodic television shows shown on any platform; cable, web or new media. The new program continues to encourage the relocating of TV shows previously filmed outside of California. In Solidarity, Bob A 20% tax credit will be provided, with an additional 5% added for shooting out of Los Angeles, but still in the state of California. This will allow members more weekend family time with distant locations lessening and locations only a short flight or drive away from home. 35% is allotted to major features and 5% to indies. 20% allotted to relocating series and the remaining 40% to go to pilots, new and THE COSTUMER “We come to reason, not to dominate. We do not seek to have our way, but to find a common way.” -- Lyndon B. Johnson 3 FEBUARY 2015 A Reminder From The Library Committee What Contract? The business office receives many requests for information concerning rates and other questions. Local 705 has a wonderful library located on the first floor of the Business Office. It is open for your use during business hours (9AM-5PM). If you wish to use the library, please call first to make an appointment. The library welcomes any donations. It isn’t always possible for the caller to know under which contract they are working. The union holds more than twenty different contracts. Certain information is needed to prevent misinformation being given out to members. The business office will try to determine the correct contract and give members accurate information. Sometimes it requires several calls and some detective work to determine the actual contract. Article Submissions From Members Are In cases where a printed contract is available members can obtain copies from the office. FEBUARY 2015 Welcomed & Encouraged! 4 THE COSTUMER EXECUTIVE BOArD MEETING MINUTES least one hundred twenty (120) days in the thirty-six (36) months prior to nomination; and that time served as an officer of this Local shall be applied toward the required one hundred twenty (120) days. January 7, 2015 EXECUTIVE BOARD Present: Steve Ferry, Debby Curtis, Wanda Leavey, Bob Iannaccone, Sue Bub, Radford Polinsky, Carmen Lozano, Renee Nault, Stephanie Fox-Kramer and Jeffrey Schoenberg. Excused: Cindy Buckner, Jeff Hartman, Hossein Namdar, John Van Hout and Kathy Monderine. OLD BUSINESS Brother Iannaccone reported that The Directory has been typeset and is in the process of being proofread and checked at the printer. As soon as it is delivered to the office, members would be notified. Discussion followed. CALL TO ORDER/APPROVAL OF MINUTES President Ferry called the meeting to order at 7:07 PM and asked for a motion to approve the minutes of the Executive Board meeting of Dec. 9, 2014. Sister Sue Bub noted the phrase “Associated Memberships” needed to be changed to “Active Memberships” under New Business referring to the Television Academy. Sister Debby Curtis moved to approve the minutes with the amendment. Sister Carmen Lozano moved to 2nd. The motion was carried unanimously. Sister Leavey reported that the Hollywood Costume Event, to be held on Saturday morning, Jan. 17, at the time of the Executive Board meeting, was near to 100 in attendance, already. She reminded members of the Executive Board to remind their members that the email address on the announcement was the correct place to rsvp; not the Local’s Business office. Sister Leavey reported that footage of both the Retirement Seminar, held in conjunction with the Costume Designers Guild, Local 892 and the Fabric Seminar organized by the Local’s Education Committee were being edited in their final stages; and she hoped that they would soon be ready for distribution. BUSINESS REPRESENTATIVE’S REPORT Brother Bob Iannaccone reported that the Negotiating Committee had their final meeting and proposals were sent to the IATSE West Coast Office. He noted that many members participated in submitting proposals for the new contract that the committee reviewed. Brother Iannaccone reported that the Local had 10 tickets to give to members for The Day at the Races Event, benefitting the Motion Picture and Television Fund, held on Saturday, Jan. 31. He noted that interested members should contact him at the Local’s Business office. Brother Iannaccone reminded members that the next General Membership Meeting would be held this coming Saturday, Jan. 10, 2015 at Local 44, rather than its customary location at Local 80. NEW BUSINESS Brother Iannaccone reported that he would be attending the IATSE Mid-Winter General Executive Board Meeting in Charlotte, North Carolina the week of Jan. 26 through Jan. 30, 2015. SECRETARY-TREASURER’S / ASST. BUSINESS REPRESENTATIVE REPORT Financial Report Sister Wanda Leavey and members of the Executive Board reviewed the December 2014 financial report which had been prepared through the month of December until Dec. 31, 2014 and found the Local well within budget. Brother Iannaccone reported that the Yard Sale from the Jean Rosone estate went well. He also reported that talks were continuing with her family as to if and how a memorial scholarship might be offered in Sister Rosone’s name. Sister Leavey reported that she had been contacted by a software company that currently works with other Locals in our area, and the IA offices in New York. She noted that information from them should be arriving in the next few days. Discussion followed. ADJOURNMENT Sister Lozano moved to adjourn and Sister Renee Nault moved to 2nd. The next Executive Board meeting will be held on Tuesday, Feb. 3, 2015. PRESIDENT’S REPORT Brother Ferry reported that the Local’s elections of officers, Executive Board members and delegates would be held this coming April. He noted that nominations would be held at the April General Membership meeting. Brother Jeffrey Schoenberg reminded Executive Board members of the amendment revising eligibility for nomination; Article Three, Section 2. He noted that included now is the requirement that nominees have worked in the Industry within this Local’s jurisdiction for at THE COSTUMER Respectfully Submitted, Wanda Leavey Secretary-Treasurer/Asst. Business Representative 5 FEBUARY 2015 GENErAL MEMBErsHIP MEETING MINUTES noted that the video of the event was currently being edited and would be ready to be uploaded on to the Local’s website shortly, as well as available on discs. Sister Antablin also reported that the Education committee was currently discussing other classes to be made available to members this coming Spring. January 10, 2015 CALL TO ORDER President Steve Ferry called the meeting to order at 11:07 AM and asked the membership to stand for the Pledge of Allegiance to the Flag. Brother Ferry asked the membership to remain standing in observance of the passing of the following members: Suzanne Bushnell, Gina Morelli-Rios, Betty Nowell and Jean Rosone. He also asked for a moment of silence for our men and women serving in the military across the globe. Negotiating Committee Sister Rebecca Graves, chairperson of the Negotiating committee, reported that the committee reviewed and discussed all of the suggestions and ideas submitted to them by members and formatted them for presentation to the IA. Sister Kathy Monderine, committee member, thanked all members that submitted suggestions. Brother Bob Iannaccone noted that actual contract negotiations would begin in Spring. Sister Christina Anthony questioned whether the time that double time begins was addressed, as she was concerned that it remain as beginning after 12 hours of work, rather than 14. Sister Graves assured her that this was addressed and submitted to the IA. Sister Robyn Williams reported that she was concerned about particular issues being presented from the committee. Brother Iannaccone reminded members, as Sister Graves had previously stated, that all suggestions and ideas submitted by members to the committee had been reviewed, discussed and submitted. Discussion followed regarding all of the negotiating ideas submitted. Brother John Van Hout questioned who determined that submitted suggestions remain confidential until after bargaining. Brother Ferry reported that it was the committee’s decision. Lively discussion followed among many members present, regarding the best policy and politesse to use in negotiating with the AMPTP. Sister Anthony reminded members that “United we stand. Divided we fall.” INITIATION OF NEW MEMBERS Brother Ferry asked the following applicants to stand and introduce themselves to the membership; Alicia Boue, Mallory Bradley, Christine A. Callan, Megan Klimkos and Melissa D. Orndorff. Brother Ferry administered the Local’s Oath of Obligation to the applicants and welcomed them as members of Local 705. INTRODUCTION OF OFFICERS AND STAFF Brother Ferry introduced the Local’s Officers, Executive Board members and Office Staff in attendance; President Steve Ferry, Vice-President Debby Curtis, Secretary-Treasurer and Asst. Business Representative Wanda Leavey, Business Representative Bob Iannaccone, Field Representative, Noel Leonard, Sue Bub, Member-at-Large, Radford Polinsky, Mens Finished, Stephanie Fox-Kramer, Women’s Finished Alternate, Renee Nault, Women’s Custom Made, Jeffrey Schoenberg, Women’s Custom Made Alternate, John Van Hout, Costume House Custom Made and Kathy Monderine, Member-at-Large Alternate. Brother Ferry then introduced the Local’s Staff; Mary Zuniga, Office Administrator, Clara Vega and Adriana Crawford. Technology and Communications Committee Brother Adam West, Chairperson of the Technology and Communications committee discussed the goals of the committee; looking forward to the next 15 or 20 years. Brother West mentioned that currently the scheduling of website companies to present their proposals after consulting with the Business Office was the next step on his committee’s agenda, as the committee’s proposed funds had been approved by the Executive Board. Sister Grossi suggested publishing the committee’s suggestions for the website. Sister Grossi also suggested that a conflict of interest form be made available for developers to sign, and the language of the website be updated. Brother Iannaccone suggested in the interim that members call the office to report any errors or repairs needed, so they could be addressed. Sister Andrea Monroe suggested that more emails come from the Business Office with information important to members. Brother Iannaccone reported that many emails are sent out weekly, including reminders to members to keep their contact information current. Sister Sandy Ampon reminded members that personal responsibility for oneself, rather than relying on others, was always the best way to make sure your needs were met. Brother West added that one of his committee’s priorities was making individual use of the Local’s website for any information easier. Brother Ferry suggested anyone wanting to join the Technology and Communications Committee should let him know. (continued on next page) APPROVAL OF THE MINUTES Brother Ferry asked for a motion to approve the General Membership meeting minutes of Oct. 11, 2014, and the Executive Board meeting minutes of Oct. 7, Nov. 4 and Dec. 9, 2014. Brother Adam West moved to approve the minutes, and Brother Hector Morales moved to 2nd. Sister Nancy Grossi asked to include the possibility of hiring someone for the website in the minutes, as previously requested to the membership at the General Membership meeting of Oct. 7, 2014. The motion was carried unanimously. COMMITTEE REPORTS Constitution & By-Laws Brother Jeffrey Schoenberg, Constitution and By-Laws chairperson, reported that the recent amendments approved by the General Membership, had been approved by the IATSE General Office in New York and would be in print soon. Brother Schoenberg also reminded members that the committee deals with language, not policy or content; and invited any member with questions to speak with him after the meeting. Education Sister Melissa Antablin, Education committee chairperson, reported that the Fabric Seminar held last November at International Silks and Woolens was a huge success and thanked all who participated again. She FEBUARY 2015 8 THE COSTUMER Membership meetings. She suggested it would be a good idea to include his report along with others’ reports going forward. Brother Leonard reported that he was glad to be appreciated by members on sets when he visits their sets to discuss any items that members wish to discuss about their production and crew. He noted that he always visits productions when there is a member request, but often will just “drop in” on shows also. Welfare Committee Brother Paul DeLucca, Welfare committee co-chairperson, thanked the members of his committee; Sister April Howard, co-chairperson, Sister Lynda Arnold, Sister Sue Bub, Sister Renee Nault and Brother Phil Wayne for their support and contributions. Brother DeLucca also thanked members who participated in the Welfare Committee’s annual Raffle in support of the Retirees Luncheon. He noted that it was a wonderful event for all ages to attend. Brother DeLucca also reminded members to keep their beneficiary information current for their Death Benefit, which is $2,500.00. Sister Bobbi Garland reported that the Oral History committee of UCLA’s Costume Department is interested in spotlighting Local 705 and its contribution to the City of Los Angeles. She asked any members interested in the project to contact her. PRESIDENT’S REPORT Brother Ferry reported that the 2015 Budget presented by the Budget and Finance Committee, chaired by Sister Bethany Bohatila, had been approved by the Executive Board. Sister Susanna Sandke attempted to make a motion suspending Brother Iannaccone for three days, and Brother DeLucca immediately moved to 2nd. Brother Schoenberg raised a point of procedure to ask if such a motion was out of order as the IA President, Matthew Loeb, had already ruled on this order and the motion was outside the appeals procedure. Brother West moved to table the motion and Brother Hector Morales moved to 2nd. The motion was carried unanimously. Brother West then moved to recognize Sister Sandke as a valuable contributor to the Local. Brother Radford Polinsky moved to 2nd. The motion was carried unanimously. SECRETARY-TREASURER/ ASST. BUSINESS REPRESENTATIVE’S REPORT Sister Wanda Leavey reported that the year had gotten off to a good start with production being up, and many shows returning. She reminded members that the effect of the recently approved tax incentives for the state would be another boost for more work in California as the year progresses. Sister Leavey thanked the members that signed letters in support of the tax incentives throughout last year that not only helped aid the passage of AB 1839, but, also helped Local 705 be recognized as one of the main supporters of the bill. She also thanked Business Representative Bob Iannaccone for his hard work in encouraging members to support the bill. FREE DUES DRAWING Winners of the Free Dues Drawing: Sister Stephanie McNair, Sister Ninalou Risolio and Sister Maro Isakulyan. ADJOURNMENT Brother Morales moved to adjourn. Sister Monderine moved to 2nd. Sister Leavey reminded members about next Saturday’s Hollywood Costume Event at the Motion Picture Academy at Wilshire Blvd. and Fairfax Ave. She encouraged members to take advantage of the 50% discount offered, refreshments and presentation by the Exhibit’s curator, Deborah Nadoolman Landis, PhD; which she specifically has geared toward our Local. Respectfully Submitted, Wanda Leavey Secretary-Treasurer/Asst. Business Representative BUSINESS REPRESENTATIVE’S REPORT Brother Iannaccone reported that both The Directory and the Local’s Constitution and By-Laws with the recently added amendments had gone to the printer and should be ready for distribution shortly after. IMPORTANT !!!! PLEASE REMEMBER !!! CALL THE UNION OFFICE TO REPORT CONTRACT VIOLATIONS YOU WILL REMAIN ANONYMOUS (818) 487-5655 OLD BUSINESS Sister Leavey reported that the Retirement Seminar held in conjunction with The Costume Designers Guild, Local 892 was near completion in editing per the chairperson of Local 892’s Education Committee, Sister Ivy Thaide. She noted that as soon as it was ready, the Local will post it to our website. NEW BUSINESS JUST A REMINDER Brother Iannaccone reported that 10 free tickets to the Day at the Races event on Saturday, Jan. 31 would be available at the Business Office on a first call, first come basis. Anyone interested should call the Office as to when they will be available for pick up. With the new season in full swing, please take this reminder to those of our members who have welfare loans. This might be a good time to make a payment. Any payment – full or partial – will be gratefully accepted. Brother Iannaccone also reported that Costume Rentals Corp. was going to have a Fabric Sale, should any members need to stock or restock their supplies. The date would be announced shortly. Sister Stephanie Fox-Kramer suggested that Field Representative Noel Leonard report on his work in the field for the Local, at General THE COSTUMER 9 FEBUARY 2015 LOCAL 705 OFFERS THE SANDRA BERKE JORDAN & AL DI PARDO SCHOLARSHIPS In addition, the $500 Sandra Berke Jordan Memorial Scholarship requires that the applicant will be entering an accredited junior/community college pursuing an AA or AS degree or trade school seeking a Certificate of completion. Motion Picture Costumers Local 705 is pleased to announce that it will again award four merit based scholarships to children of Local 705 members. The $2,000 Al Di Pardo Scholarship for High School Seniors requires that the applicant will be attending an accredited four year college or university next fall. Applicants for all scholarships must be a dependent whose parent or legal guardian is a member in good standing of Motion Picture Costumers Local 705. To obtain a scholarship application and application guidelines, contact Mary in the Local 705 Business Office. Applications will be available January 15, 2015. Only completed applications postmarked by April 1, 2015, will be reviewed and evaluated and the decision will be final. The $2,000 Al Di Pardo College Continuation Scholarship requires that the student has completed one or more semesters or quarters of full time studies at an accredited college, university or community college and will be continuing their education at an accredited four year academic institution in pursuit of a baccalaureate degree next fall. The leadership of this Local is committed to supporting educational opportunities and is thankful that the legacies of Brother Di Pardo and Sister Berke Jordan will forever be associated with the future of Local 705 which they cared so much about. The $2,500 Sandra Berke Jordan Memorial Scholarship will be open to all applicants for the two Al Di Pardo Scholarships. FEBUARY 2015 10 THE COSTUMER OUT & ABOUT WITH FIELD REP. NOEL LEONARD We are experiencing a very busy production season. Here are some of the projects being done, and the crews that are doing them: Television: “Silicon Valley” Costume Designer: Christina Mongini* Supervisor: Carrie Holt Costumers: Jennifer Steele, Betsy Glick, Kelly Jones, Bethany Bohatila “ `black •ish” Costume Designer: Stacy Beverly* Supervisor: Stephanie Fox-Kramer Costumers: Zhanna Tataryan, Melia Ford, Hachy Mendez, Jessica Elliot, Tania Pacheco, Melissa Lizardo "AGENT CARTER" Crew Left to right: Top Row: Kanani Wolf (Costumer), Donna Shultz (Costumer), Barbara Marko (Costumer), Arin Burke (Costumer), Henry Po (WCM) Bottom Row: Hossein Namdar (MCM), Phyllis Gilliam (Costumer), Tracey Rogers (Costumer), Kristen Anacker (Costumer), Donna Beltran (Costumer), Esther Lopez (WCM), Giovanna Melton (Costumer), Misty Halliday (Costume Supervisor), Bradley Inaba (Costumer), Susan Nininger* (Costumer), Kelli Hagen (Costumer), Fereydoun Gholami (MCM) “The Goldbergs” Supervisor: Anni Speckheuer Costumers: Justin Ducoty, Erin Tanaka, Tera Struck, Adam Sabodish, Adam Sabodish, Jordana Leeds * Dual Card Holder “Brooklyn Nine-Nine” Supervisor: Alexis Jacks Costumers: Michi Tomimatsu, Takashi Bernhardt, Wess Albrecht, Rachel Weir Dana Casey, Beckett McMahan WCM: Carol Caplon “Masterchef 6” Costume Designer: Joleen Garnett* Supervisor: Kresta Lins Costumers: Rosalina Castillo, Jaclyn Mathis WCM: Rebecca Dominguez * Dual Card Holders “To be one, united is a great thing. But to respect the right to be different is maybe even greater.” “JUSTIFIED” Crew Left to right: Felicia Molinari (Costumer), Damien Quinn (Costumer), Lorie Young (Costumer), Keith Wegner (Costumer), Mellissa Yanda (Costumer) Not Pictured: Patia Prouty (Costume Designer)*, Conan Castro (Costume Supervisor)*, Jill Machlis (Costumer) -- BONO * Dual Card Holders THE COSTUMER 11 FEBUARY 2015 FEBRUARY ISSUE MOTION PICTURE COSTUMERS IATSE LOCAL 705 4731 LAUREL CANYON BLVD. #201 VALLEY VILLAGE, CA 91607 THE NEW DIRECTORIES HAVE ARRIVED ! ! PICK UP YOURS AT THE BUSINESS OFFICE.