August 2015

James Fowler High School
4004 – 4 Street N.W., Calgary, AB T2K 1A1
t | 403-230-4743 f | 403-777-7609 |
Newsletter | August 2015
Principal’s Message
Students, Parents and Guardians,
Important Dates-2015
Aug 25/26 Fast Track Reg &
Aug 27 Teachers in
Aug 27 First day of PracticeFall Sports
Sep 1 First day of schoolGrade 10-dismiss at 145 pm
Sep 2 All students in
Sep 3 TA/music course info
at noon
Sep 7 Labour Day holiday
Sep 8 Outside music classes
begin/Vocal Jazz & Jazz Band
Sep 9 Club Day
Sep 10 LEAD parent night
Sep 14-17 Dance Team
Sep 16 Parent Evening @6pm
Sep 16 AP/ACL Orientation
Sep 24 Band & Choir camp
parent meeting/Music AGM
Sep 25 IPP Day – no classes
Sep 28-30 Talent Show
Oct 7
Scholarship info
meeting at lunch
Oct 9
Lifetouch Picture
Oct 12 Thanksgiving Day – no
Oct 20 Interim Report Cards
Oct 22 Parent-Teacher
Interviews 2-4 pm/5-8 pm
classes dismiss at 1215 pm
K&E parent meeting
Oct 26-28 Band & Choir Camp
Oct 29 Haunted Hallway
Oct 30 PD Day – no classes
Nov 2 Term 2 begins
Nov 9 Awards Night@ 630pm
Nov 10 Remembrance Day
As you read this newsletter, I hope that all of you are still enjoying the beautiful days of
summer and that you are having fun making memories with your families and friends. The
staff of James Fowler has planned a year full of exciting, productive and engaging school
experiences, both in and out of the classroom, with the wish that all students will take
advantage of all the wonderful academic and social opportunities that our school
community has to offer.
September is an exciting and busy time at James Fowler High School as we focus on the
start of the first semester. Teachers offer students a full range of co-curricular and extracurricular activities through study opportunities, clubs, fine and performing arts,
volunteerism, athletics and curriculum-based clubs and activities. Whether students are
new to grade ten, new to James Fowler or continuing in grade eleven and twelve, I
encourage all students to get involved in the community of the school and become involved
in as many activities as possible. Students, challenge yourself to meet new friends, help
others whenever possible and enjoy learning with fellow students in different ways.
At James Fowler, we continue to offer students courses to meet their individual learning
needs and interests. We offer Alternative programs such as Arts-Centred Learning (learning
curriculum through an arts-based focus) and Advanced Placement. Our Advanced
Placement program continues to attract many students who wish more academic rigor while
completing the core high school curriculum. We are also pleased to continue to offer a full
range of core and option Knowledge and Employability courses for students in all grades.
Our English Language Learning courses are comprehensive and students have the
opportunity to take courses leading to a high school diploma. Students can choose courses
from a wide array of academic, Career and Technology Studies (CTS), Fine Arts and option
Student timetables can be picked up during the Fast Track Registration held on August 25
and 26 for grades 10, 11 and 12 from 9:00 a.m. to 3:30 p.m. in the main gymnasium. During
this time, payment of your fees can be made, your timetable can be picked up and your
picture can be taken for the James Fowler identification card and your optional photo
package. When you read your timetables, you may notice courses different than those you
had previously chosen during the registration process in the spring. Throughout the course
scheduling process, your course requests were hopefully met, however, not all students are
able to receive all of their “first” requests due to courses being at capacity. During the first
week in September, only core course changes will be made for students not having course
prerequisites and for students who have successfully passed courses in Summer School.
Changes to Career and Technology Studies (CTS) courses and Option courses will not be
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made as students have received their course choices in the order of availability in the
scheduling process.
Important Dates
Nov 11 Non- instruction dayno classes
Nov 13 Report cards go home
Nov 16-19 Aboriginal
Awareness week
Nov 20 Non-instruction day
Nov 25 Grade 9 Tours/Open
House - no classes
Nov 26 Post-Secondary Fair
Dec 2 Harris House
Luncheon/Aboriginal dinner
Dec 4 PD Day – no classes
Dec 8 Grade 12 Assembly
Dec 8-10 Dance Show
Dec 16 Music Winter Concert
Dec 18 Last Day of Classes
before Winter Break
Jan 4 Classes Resume
Jan 13-15 Tutorial Day
June 15 Last day of class
before exam
Jan 13-29 Final Exams –
Semester I
Jan 29 IPP Day-no classes
Jan 29-Feb 1 Grad Portraits
Feb 1 Org Day-no classes
Feb 2 Term 3 begins/Report
cards go home
Feb 11/12 Teachers’
Feb 15 Family Day holiday
Feb 18 Trade Show6-8 pm
Feb 25 Registration
evening/ELL Registration
**Events are subject to change,
please check the school
calendar online for more up to
date information**
Parents and Guardians, you are all important members of the James Fowler learning
community and we will keep you informed of all pertinent information to help your children
achieve success. We value meaningful communication and during the school year we will
commit to keeping you informed through the following ways:
newsletters posted on the school website in addition to paper copies available in
the main office
email communication for newsletters and progress reports for your child provided
you send us your email address
personal telephone calls and broadcast phone messages
student/parent/teacher conferences
Home Logic
notices posted on the school website at
Our research on effective communication has shown that email still remains to be an
effective means to communicate as the majority of parents and guardians check their smart
phones on a regular basis. We have found that receiving an evening phone call from our
automated system, although effective for some, is not effective for others because of the
time of the received message. Parents and Guardians, please send us your email address
or let us know if you have an updated address. Also, our Assistant Principals will be
communicating your child’s progress or issues that may arise with your children by calling
or emailing you. Our goal is to have an effective way to communicate about your children.
Our School Council provides an excellent opportunity for parents and guardians to learn
about the school and to have a voice in the education of your children. School Council
meetings are held the first Wednesday of each month at 6:30 p.m. in the library conference
room. Please join us for our first meeting and Annual General Meeting on Wednesday,
October 7. We welcome new members throughout the year.
As the Principal of James Fowler High School, I am looking forward to the upcoming school
term and look forward to serving the school community by helping every student achieve
success in many different ways. Our focus for the upcoming school year will be to explore
more ways in which education can be delivered with more flexibility with the goal of
improving engagement with students through learning in different ways. With the support of
our teachers we will look at “task design and analysis” and explore the work that students
complete in courses and find ways to make learning more relevant for students. We also
have a goal to improve school completion rates and increase all achievement scores across
every subject. We will continue to encourage our students to be leaders in the school
community and we will strive to have our leadership group take on more responsibility
within the school. We value the input and leadership of our students and feel that their voice
is important in making our school a more dynamic place for all to learn and grow.
This year we also welcome two new Assistant Principals, Ms. Allison Field, previously from
James Fowler and Henry Wise Wood and Mr. Chad Flaman, previously from Lester B.
Pearson and William Aberhart. Both Ms. Field and Mr. Flaman are experienced teachers
and leaders who strive to improve achievement and success for all students. We also
welcome back Mr. Moody who has been with us for several years. For those of you who
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know Mr. Moody, you know that he is a leader who understands students and makes it a
priority to help them achieve.
We are very fortunate to have Constable Graham, School Resource Officer, with us again
in his third year at James Fowler. Constable Graham is a dedicated and committed officer
and leader who not only focuses on the safety and security for our school community, he
also works with students to help them be committed citizens by making good decisions.
I welcome all students, parents and guardians to contact me or visit the school either to
have a conversation about your child or communicate to me a concern you would like
addressed. Please also contact our Assistant Principals if you have any questions for them.
I am very proud of our staff (teachers, support staff and facility operators) who are here to
help your children be successful during their years of high school. James Fowler High
School is a “great place to learn.”
Keith Johnson, Principal
New Registration
The school will open for intake appointments for NEW students to James Fowler starting
August 24. Please call the Guidance office at (403)230-4743 extension 2012 starting
August 20 to book an appointment. Please note our school is closed over the summer.
Fast Track Registration, August 25 and Aug 26
Please come anytime between 9:00 a.m. and 3:30 p.m. on either August 25 or 26.
Students are expected to pre-register prior to the first day of school. Pre-registration
 paying fees
 taking yearbook and school I.D. card photos
 I.D. card/lanyard and photo order package
 picking up timetables
 If you pay it online, please pay prior to the fast track day and bring a receipt with
you in order to go straight to the express lane. If you would like to pay by cash,
visa or debit on the fast track day, please print and bring a fee sheet
Timetable Changes
After completing the fast track registration process, students receive a draft timetable that
should be checked for accuracy. If any changes are required, students need to meet with
their guidance counsellor at Student Services. Changes will only be considered for lack of
prerequisites in academic course streams or changes required due to success in summer
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school. There will be no changes to option courses. It is suggested that students complete
timetable changes on the “Fast Track Registration Day” as they may wait up to one week
after school begins. If you are a current user of Home Logic, you may also view your
timetable online starting from August 15
Tuesday, September 1
Orientation Day for Grade 10 students only, students will attend school from 9:00 a.m. until
1:45 p.m. James Fowler will be hosting a barbeque lunch for all Grade 10 students. Grade
11 & 12 students do not attend.
Wednesday, September 2
There will be classes for ALL students from 9:00 a.m. until 3:40 p.m. Students follow their
timetable that was picked up during fast track registration and go directly to their period one
No Shows
To accommodate students waiting for placement, students who do not show up for classes
by September 11 will have their program cancelled. If, under special circumstances, your
son or daughter will be arriving after September 2, it is IMPERATIVE that you notify the
school to have their program protected.
Life Touch Picture Day
Photographers will be available for student I.D. and yearbook photographs during fast track
registration - August 25 and August 26. They will also be available September 1 and
September 2. All students will receive a proof of their photo and then have an option to
purchase a package. Picture Retake Day is Friday, October 9.
The envelope your child will bring home from James Fowler approximately 10 days
after photo day will contain your child’s proofs and important order information.
Your completed photo order must be returned to James Fowler by the
“IMPORTANT ORDER DUE DATE” stamped in red on the order portion of the
Late orders are to be mailed directly to Lifetouch Canada Inc. or call
1.866.443.9648 to place the order over the phone.
Please contact Lifetouch if you have questions regarding proof order forms and picture
packages at 403-255-5440.
Student Parking
Students wishing to park their vehicles in student designated areas on school property must
pay a parking permit fee of $20.00 [cash only] for the year.
You may purchase the parking tag from the Business Office, available while spaces last.
This tag hangs on the rear view mirror and must be visible at all times. There are
designated areas where students park. Students who park in staff areas will be ticketed
and towed. The City of Calgary Parking Control Unit will strictly enforce this and no tickets
will be cancelled once they are issued.
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A school locker and a lock are distributed to each student for storing school related
materials. The lock and locker are the property of the school. Each student is responsible
to keep his/her locker clean and to remove all contents when requested to do so. School
officials reserve the right to inspect lockers at any time. Lockers will be distributed during
TA class on the first day of school. Students are expected to remove all items from their
lockers by the last day of classes in June. Students will be charged at $6.50 for a broken or
missing lock. Personal locks are not allowed.
Transport Info & Bus Pass Rebates in the Fall
Calgary Transit determines the number of buses and routes based on ridership and
available resources. Please check below the website and click on James Fowler High
School for routes details
Calgary Transit “youth” passes must be purchased by the student or parent from a local
vendor (i.e. Safeway, Macs, Co-op, 7-11 etc). Please note that CBE is no longer offering
rebates on Calgary Transit passes for 2015-2016 school year. Parents are still able to
claim bus passes on their income tax.
School Fees Waiver
The Calgary Board of Education will waive some fees for parents/guardians if they meet
certain income guidelines or fall into certain groups including government sponsored
conventional refugees, independent students and those families eligible for the Alberta
Child Health Benefit. If you qualify, you may apply for a CBE waiver for any or all of the
following fees:
 Instructional Supplies and Materials (ISM) Fee
 Transportation Fee
 Music Instrument Rental Fee
If you have any questions about fees and waivers, please contact Finance Department at
403-817-7888 or email . Waiver forms have to be submitted each
year, please complete a waiver form
Online Payment
You can pay most school fees online using your My CBE Account. Please refer to CBE
website for details. or call
our Business Office at (403)230-4743 extension 2020 for assistance.
Home Logic
To improve communication between school and our parent/guardians, we introduced a
parent portal called “Home Logic”. This online environment allows parents/guardians to
check their child’s progress throughout the school year. Parents may view their child’s
visit and click on the “New User?” prompt to create an
account. Be sure to use the same email address that the school has on file for you. If you
have questions about creating an account, please call the school.
Visiting the School
Dropping off/Picking up Students
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Please do not drop off or pick up students in the northwest parking lot (at 40 Ave/4 St NW)
as it becomes congested bottlenecked with traffic. Our 3rd street entrance is a better place
to pick up students.
Registering as a Visitor
All parents/visitors to the school must sign in at the main office. If driving, you must indicate
the vehicle license number. The parking lots are patrolled by the City of Calgary Parking
Authority and vehicles that are not registered will be ticketed. Tickets cannot be cancelled
once they are issued.
Graduation Activities
To participate in the Class of 2016 Closing Exercises and Banquet, students will have to be
in a program that will lead to their having the full graduation requirements for their program
by the end of June. For example, students in a program leading to an Alberta High School
Diploma will be required to be in a program that will lead to their having at least 100 credits
by the end of June. Any course in which they have a grade below 50% at the second
reporting period, or from which they have withdrawn prior to the Closing Exercises, will not
count towards this requirement.
School Council News
School council typically meets on the first Wednesday of each month. Our first meeting for
the 2015-2016 school year will be on Wednesday, October 7 at 6:30 p.m. in the library
conference room at James Fowler High School. This is also our AGM. These meetings
provide insight and information into happenings within the school and are an excellent
avenue for input from parents.
School Policies
A more complete description of school information, policies and rules can be found in the
2015-2016 Student Handbook on James Fowler website.
Lanyard and Identification Policy
In order to maintain the safety and security of all students and discourage trespassers, all
students are provided with and are required to wear a lanyard and ID card at ALL times
while on the school property. Each student’s timetable is attached to the back of the card.
ID cards must be visible at all times. Students who forget their lanyard should immediately
proceed to the library and purchase a replacement lanyard and ID tag for $5. If students
are identified by a staff member as having no ID and lanyard, they will be given a school
suspension and sent home for the remainder of the day.
Student use of telephones
Cellular Telephones During Class
Students must turn the power off on cellular telephones while in class. Students are not
permitted to make or receive telephone calls or to send or receive text messages during
class, except with the permission of their teacher. Please help us to protect the importance
of the classroom by not attempting to contact your child during the school day. In an
emergency, please telephone the school’s main office.
During Examinations
Students are not permitted to have a cellular telephone or other electronic communication
device (e.g. pager, telephone capable PDA) in their possession during an in-class or final
Outside of Classes
Use of cellular telephones outside of class must not interfere in any way with instruction or
the safe and orderly operation of the school.
Any teacher who finds a student using a cellular telephone in contravention of the above
mentioned expectations will confiscate the telephone in accordance with CBE policy 6014
and the School Act of Alberta. A student who is found with a cellular telephone during an
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examination may be disqualified from writing the examination and be assigned a grade of
No Smoking Policy
In accordance with CBE Administrative Regulation 6001.9, smoking is not permitted
anywhere on the property of James Fowler High School. Any student found smoking on
school property will be charged by our School Resource Officer under the Smoke-Free
Places Act of Alberta.
Attendance Policy
At James Fowler High School, we believe that excellent attendance is key to a successful
high school experience. Absenteeism negatively affects students’ academic progress at
school. Students who do not attend regularly miss daily instruction, leading to gaps in their
Both the Alberta School Act and the Calgary Board of Education Administrative Regulation
6020 - Attendance of Students reinforces the expectation that our students “attend school
regularly and punctually.” It is the responsibility of parents/guardians to ensure compliance
with this requirement and the responsibility of schools to ensure that parents/guardians are
informed promptly when the attendance is not satisfactory.
Excused Absences and Lates
Parents are required to telephone the school each day their child is unable to attend. An
‘excused’ absence will then be recorded in the school record system. Under the School Act
of Alberta, an absence can be excused only if the student is unable to attend due to (1)
illness, (2) unavoidable cause, or (3) a religious holiday observed by the family. It is
important for students to understand that this does not excuse them from the work that they
miss and they are responsible for working with their teachers to complete missed work
immediately upon their return.
Attendance Concerns
After 5 unexcused absences or lates, the classroom teacher will contact home to discuss
the concern with the student and inform the Assistant Principal and counsellor.
Period 5 [detention]
Students are required to make up class time they have missed in period 5 [detention].
Period 5 will be offered three days a week to offer flexibility for students’ schedules. Period
5 may also be used to assign students time to make up for missing assignments or missing
Should the absences continue, further steps are taken, which include contacting the home,
creating an attendance improvement plan, follow-up meetings and could include
suspension or course withdrawal.
Any student found skipping classes will be referred to the student’s Assistant Principal. The
Assistant Principal will contact the home and a suspension may result. A meeting with the
parent, student and the Assistant Principal may be requested. A detailed attendance policy
is posted on the James Fowler website at .
Automated Phone System Calls
Every evening, the school's computer automated phone system calls the homes of students
who have one or more unexcused absences or lates for that day. If you have concerns
regarding the phone number we have on file, please contact the Main Office and we will
have the message go directly to the phone number of your choice. If you have concerns
about your student's attendance, please contact the Main Office. Parents may view their
child’s attendance on Home Logic. It indicates periods as follows:
Period 5
classes before school (music, art etc)
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Period 1
Period 2
Period 6
Period 3
Period 4
Period 7
Period 8
the first class of the day
the class just before lunch
classes at lunch (music, foods etc)
the class right after lunch
the last class of the day
classes after school [music, art etc)
TA class (homeroom)
Student Dress
Students are expected to dress in a way that is appropriate for school. Accessories such
as bandanas, gloves and arm bands that can be associated with negative groups are not
appropriate at school. Similarly, any accessories that represent a risk to student safety,
such as neck collars and chains, are not to be worn at school. Finally, clothing that other
students and staff might reasonably find offensive or in poor taste is inappropriate to wear
at school.
Confiscated Materials
In accordance with CBE Administrative Regulation 6014, school staff who find a student’s
use or possession of an item to be interfering with instruction or with the safe and orderly
conduct of school, may confiscate the item. This includes iPods and cell phones.
Confiscated drugs, alcohol, tobacco, or weapons will be given to the School Resource
Office. Other items will be turned into the Main Office and be available to the owner at the
end of the school day. Students must present valid school identification before an item will
be returned.
Student Searches
In accordance with CBE Administrative Regulation 6014, administrators who have
reasonable grounds to believe that there has been a breach of school rules or discipline, or
that there is a threat to school welfare or safety, may conduct a search of the following:
 students
 school desks, lockers, tote boxes; and school storage areas used by students
items belonging to students that are on school property (including backpacks,
clothing; and purses); and
 files stored on school computer resources.
Independent Students
The Freedom of Information and Protection of Privacy Act (FOIP Act) of Alberta requires
the CBE to disclose information to students who are the age of majority and then only to
others with the written consent of the Independent Students.
Students who turn 18 years old during the school year must be recognized and treated as
an Independent Student from the date of their 18th birthday. Independent Students
maintain all the responsibilities of an adult and cannot transfer these responsibilities to their
parent/guardian(s). School must take instructions from the Independent Student for all
matters, including but not limited to: consents and waivers, attendance, field trips,
suspensions, damage to property, and emergency contacts.
Independent Students may elect to provide written consent to share the right to access
information with their parent/guardian(s). This is done by having the Independent Student
complete the Release of Independent Student Information form which is available at our
main office.
General Media Coverage
Occasionally we receive requests from media representatives to come onto school property
to report or record an aspect of the school or its program. We encourage celebration of
school achievements with others; however at the same time, we recognize that there are
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instances where you may not wish your child to be recorded. If this is the case, school staff
will involve your child in other activities during the media’s attendance.
In cases where the media requests to interview, photograph or profile your child, the
principal will seek your written consent in advance of each media request. If you choose
not to consent, no such interview will take place.
The CBE cannot prevent media outlets from photographing students from vantage points
beyond our control, such as outside the school or across the street from the school. The
CBE cannot prevent the media from interviewing students at these locations. If this is a
concern, you should alert your child to this possibility.
World Skills
James Fowler High School was again well represented at Skills last in May. 100 students,
teaching and support staff, traveled to watch approximately 50 separate trade competitions,
happening simultaneously at the Edmonton Expo Centre.
CBE Honors James Fowler Students at a Graduation Event
Adam B., Wajahat K., Dushayant B., Cecil W., and Josh B. were presented with their
certificates at the Calgary Board of Education recently. The students participated in a preapprenticeship program in the following trades:
Insulation Mechanic, Plumbing &
Pipefitting, and Ironworker. Good Luck students in your new careers and have a safe
summer working!
Congratulations to Jake S. on being James Fowlers recipient of the annual Calgary
Contractors Association award. We enjoyed a tour of the 36 story Calgary Centre tower
and a wonderful dinner compliments of PCL construction. It's a unique experience riding a
construction elevator on the outside of a skyscraper.
At James Fowler High School, we are proud to offer an exciting, comprehensive athletic
program. We believe that athletics is an integral part of the high school experience allowing
students to learn many life skills. Our emphasis is on fun while challenging the students to
improve and develop commitment to the school. The wide variety of sports offered makes it
possible for everyone to be involved.
Fall Sports Program and Start Up Dates
Cross Country Running
Girls and Boys Volleyball
Girls Soccer
Tuesday, Sep1
Tuesday, Sep1
Tuesday, Sep 1
Thursday, Aug 27
Winter Sports Program and Start Up Dates
Monday, Nov16
Monday, Nov 9
Tuesday, Oct 5
Monday, Feb 1
Spring Sports Program and Start Up Dates
Boys Soccer
Girls Field Hockey
Track and Field
Rugby (Girls and Boys)
Athletic Celebration
Monday, Mar 14
Monday, Mar 14
Monday, Mar 14
Monday, Mar 14
Tuesday, May 31
Football: Starts early so be prepared!
We are proud to offer Football again at James Fowler. To make the program a success we
need to have a group of dedicated players willing to show commitment to their peers and
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the school. Are you that person? Football is the ultimate team sport that requires great
precision. As such, the football practices start early on Thursday, August 27 to train and
prepare the players for the season.
Please visit the school website for the Team letter, forms and fee information. Go Falcons
Welcome to all Gr. 10, 11 and 12 Music students and parents! We have an exciting year
ahead full of many events, trips and performances. If your child is not currently enrolled in
any music courses, but are interested in taking them outside of the timetable schedule for
credits, please have them attend the first event listed below, or speak to Mrs. Collin or Ms.
MUSIC PARENTS & STUDENTS – Important Upcoming Dates
Thu, Sep 3
Music Courses Outside Timetable Information Meeting
(at Lunch, in Music Room). For ALL students registered
or interested in Concert Band, Concert Choir, Jazz Band or
VocaMotion (5 credits each)!
Tue, Sep 8
Music Courses held outside the timetable begin this
Jazz Band and VocaMotion Auditions. After school in
the Music Room.
Coco Brooks Pizza Fundraiser START date.
Students & parents will receive a fundraiser package with
information and forms on this date.
JFHS Parent Night. 6:00pm
Band & Choir Camp Parent Information Meeting at
7:00pm, in the JFHS Theatre. This is a MANDATORY
parent meeting for your child to attend the Band & Choir
Camp Trip at the end of October. If you cannot attend this
meeting, you must make arrangements to meet with Ms.
Clements prior to the trip.
Tue, Sep 8
Tue, Sep 15
Wed, Sep 16
Thu, Sep 24
All students enrolled in a music performance course this
semester are highly recommended to attend the trip.
Wed, Oct 7
Thu, Oct 8
Mon, Oct 26 to
Wed, Oct. 28
Music Parent Association AGM Meeting at 7:45 pm, in
the theatre following the Band & Choir Camp meeting.
Parent volunteers needed!
Coco Brooks Pizza Fundraiser END date.
Forms and money are DUE at the end of the day. Please
attach collected money in a Ziploc bag.
Coco Brooks Order Tallying. 6:00pm, in the JFHS Staff
Lounge on Second Floor. Parent Volunteers needed for
this! Email if you can attend.
Band & Choir Camp Trip at River’s Edge Camp.
Full information will be provided in a package soon.
Performance Ensemble Rehearsal Schedule
(Semester I, subject to change for Semester II)
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Block 1
Block 2
Jazz Band
Jazz Band
Choir 4:005:30
Block 3
Block 4
Please note that VocaMotion will rehearse with Ms. Clements on Tuesdays and have
sectionals on Wednesdays. Jazz Band will have sectionals on Tuesdays and rehearse with
Ms. Clements on Wednesdays. Rehearsal times will be subject to change in Semester II
when Ms. Collin returns.
Students MUST be available to attend all weekly rehearsals for each ensemble in order to
complete their course requirements (5 credits per course, per year).
*Supervised lunchtime sectional hours will be required at the teacher’s discretion for various
performing ensembles, and will be indicated in course outlines at the start of September.
Performance and Trip Dates 2015-2016
(Dates and events are subject to change)
Mark these dates in your calendar!
Wednesday, Sep 9
Wednesday, Sep 16
Groups Involved
VocaMotion members from
last year
Choral Class Ensemble
VocaMotion System Opening CBE
Parent Night
Monday, Oct 26 –
Wednesday, Oct 28
Monday, Nov 9
All 3 Days
Band & Choir Camp
Awards Ceremony Performance
Tuesday, Nov 10
Remembrance Day Assembly
Wednesday, Nov 25
Wednesday, Dec 2
All Day &
Gr. 9 Tours Performance AND Annual
Feeder School Band/Choir Concert
Harris House Luncheon
Choral Class Ensemble,
Concert Choir and Jazz
Concert Band & Concert
River’s Edge
JFHS Main Gym
Wednesday, Dec 16
Mar 1-5 (Exact date
and time TBA)
Mar. 6-12 (Exact
date and time TBA)
Thurs, Apr. 21 – to
Sun, Apr. 24
Wednesday, Apr. 27
JFHS Main Gym
JFHS Library
Winter Concert
JFHS Main Gym
Choralfest – One day only
Concert Choir
Concert Band
All 4 days
Alberta International Band Festival –
One day only
Sun Peaks Music Tour Trip
Knox United
Rozsa Centre, U
of C
Kamloops, BC
Spring Concert
JFHS Main Gym
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May 17-19
Musical Theatre Show
Musical Theatre Students
JFHS Theatre
Thursday, May 26
All day
Graduation Ceremonies
Concert Band & Concert
Dance News
The J-Fly Dance Team is looking for new members. This is an audition based, student led
class that runs outside of the timetable all year long, this team performs at pep rallies, in the
community and at Eastside Dance Festival. Students rehears at lunch and after school.
Auditions will be held at lunch on September 14 – 18 at lunch in the dance studio and will
be “SYTYCD” style. Students are to prepare a 1 minute solo, duet or trio audition in their
strongest style of dance. After that students will learn choreography taught by a dance
team leader. Final team list will be posted September 18 @ 1:45 pm. Sign up out side of
the dance studio and don’t forget to work on your choreography over the summer.
Enjoy the lazy days of summer and catch up on your reading! Be sure to check out the
Calgary Public Library recommended reads.
Teens - Complete fun challenges online and you could win gift cards, movie passes, and
Read all summer, track your progress, and you could win fantastic prizes. Set your personal
reading challenge and go!
Don’t forget to ensure that you’ve returned all your books to the library, including your text
books. In September new books may be signed out only by students who have returned all
their books from the previous year.
TL Recommendations – Ms. Whiteley
Cosplay is “new” this year at Fowler!
It will be a club running on Fridays after school from
2- 3:30 p.m. in the Fashion room. Make sure you come with pictures of costume ideas and
which comic-con you want your costume done for, on Friday September 11, 2015!
Fowler Artists Display their artwork at a world renowned Art Gallery
Congratulations go out to Katie A. (grade 12), Chynna B. (Grade12) and Ariel S. (grade 10)
who successfully competed at the ACAD High School Art and Design Exhibition. They were
three of approximately sixty five student artists from across Calgary, surrounding areas, and
the North West Territories, who were accepted into the show. Loriel was awarded an
honourable mention prize of $250.00 and a matching grant was awarded to the James
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Fowler Art department. The exhibition was on display in the Illingworth Kerr Gallery at
ACAD from June 13 to 27.
We would also like to extend our congratulations to eight Fowler artists who earned
admission to ACAD for first year studies in September. Well done!
“Exploring the Arts in Toronto” Spring Break Tour
Mr. Baird and Ms. Ellingson will be escorting 18 lucky Fowler Artists to Toronto, Ontario
during Spring break in March 2016. Students will experience 4 activity filled days in
“Hogtown”. Highlights of the trip include visits to:
The Art Gallery of Ontario
The Bata Shoe Museum,
The Royal Ontario Museum
The CN Tower
A Medieval Times Dinner Experience
An evening of live theatre
A tour of Toronto’s Graffiti
A tour of the animation program facilities at Sheridan College.
Look forward to hearing more about our fund raising ventures in the fall, as these students
will be working hard to offset some of the cost for the trip.
Career Centre
Pharmacy Assistant Dual Credit Certificate Program
 Are you a student interested in a career in the healthcare industry
 Are you interested in completing a certificate in pharmacy and your high school
diploma at no cost
 Go to the career centre early in the September to find out about the program and
attend a parent meeting scheduled for September 2015.
 The pharmacy program starts in February 2016
Girls in Trades Club ( NEW)
 Are you interested in joining a group of girls to learn more about the trades
 Are you interested in learning more about your career options and leadership
 Are you interested in getting connected with possible jobs, credits , opportunity and
professional women in the trades
 Watch for clubs week, sign up and don’t miss out
Plumbing and Pipefitting Cohort starting October 2015
 Are you interested in exploring the possibility of apprenticeships related to plumbing
and pipefitting
 Learn about pipe trades at no cost and earn credits
 Taking courses off site at the local union training school
 Attend the meeting on September 16, 2015 at 6:30 at local 496
JFHS LEADers Took to the Trails in Banff!
The LEAD class from James Fowler had an amazing field trip to Banff National Park on
Monday June 15, 2015. This trip is an annual tradition for the LEAD class to celebrate our
year-end accomplishments. (The LEAD class is comprised of students who are not only
new to Canada, but have also been unable to access regular education in their home
countries for various reasons including conflict, trauma or family circumstance.) For many,
this was their first time in the national park. We departed at 9:00 am in the James Fowler
school bus driven by our special friend of LEAD, Brian Armitstead. Other teachers in
attendance were Patti Trussler, Laurie Vincent, Safeta Mujkic, our mountain savvy aide,
Chris Carroll. Our first stop was Johnston’s Canyon. We hiked the trail up to the waterfalls
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in record time with Karen at the helm. The students enjoyed feeling the spray of the
waterfalls on their faces. On our descent from the waterfalls, we saw a black bear cub on
the other side of the canyon. What a thrill! By the time we got to the bottom everyone was
hungry from all the exercise. We jumped back into the bus and drove to Lake Minnewanka
for a picnic and some relaxing games. Our pizza-pocket picnic was provided by Roopa,
Dixie and the team. We created many great memories on this day and took some amazing
photos to share with the students. Mr. Johnson insisted the students have a special ice
cream treat, which they relished as we left the picnic site and settled back onto the bus. We
arrived back in Calgary safely at 6:00 pm, tired, but very satisfied! The students and
teachers are already looking forward to next year’s expedition!
The James Fowler FIRST Robotics Team
The James Fowler FIRST Robotics Team will be starting up in September and is looking for
team members. Are you interested in engineering, business or just want to build and drive a
cool robot? Want to be part of a competitive school team without changing into shorts? We
need students of all sorts and any parents who want to help out to come join the semifinalist
team from the Western Canadian Championship as they take another run at robotics glory.
If you are interested, please speak to Mr. Way in room 238/239, email him at or keep your ears peeled for announcements in September. NO
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