WEEKLY PUBLICATION OF THE MIAMISBURG ROTARY CLUB The Cog Log Secretary: Barry Barnhart Treasurer: Judy McCartney Sgt-at-Arms: Bob Nicholas Cog Log Editor: Brielle Maynor President: Doug Barry President Elect: Debbie McLaughlin Vice Pres/Club Serv Dir: Jim DeYoung Past Pres/Fund Rais’g Dir: John Ebersole February 5, 2014 VOLUME 91, NUMBER 28 Comm Serv Dir: Melinda Moore Itnl Serv Dir: Shon Myers Voc Serv Dir: Jeff Nestor Youth Serv Dir: Greg Whitehead Asst Sec’y: Debbie Posey Asst Treas: Pete Woodward Asst Sgt-at-Arms: Ron Smith General Announcements Meeting Notes President Doug Barry opened the January 29, 2014 meeting of the Miamisburg Rotary Club at the Baum Opera House. He welcomed 36 members and all visitors and guests. Judy McCartney reminded those who have not yet turned in the correct amount for their Pancake Day ticket sales to please do so. Barry Barnhart reminded those who have not yet paid their most recent invoice for dues to please do so. Jeff Nestor announced that the Miamisburg Merchants Association’s Monte Carlo event will be held upstairs in the Baum Opera House on the first Friday in March (March 7). Tickets will be $12 in advance, $15 at the door. Volunteers needed! Rotary Moment Phil Callahan asked: One of the criteria for the Presidential Citation is that a Rotary club grow by a certain number of members that year. What is that number? Guest Lauren Ehrler and her table guessed 6 and 10% of the total membership. The correct answer: 1. Our Rotary club has earned approximately 15 Presidential Citations. Please submit any questions that you would like used for Rotary Moment to Bob Kilpatrick, Phil Callahan, or Jim DeYoung. SPEAKER: Brian Martin, Executive Director, Miami Valley Regional Planning Commission Keith Johnson introduced Brian Martin, Executive Director of the Miami Valley Regional Planning Commission (MVRPC). They have known one another since working together in the planning department of the city of Athens, Georgia. Brian was happy to visit a new Rotary club; he joined the Rotary Club of Dayton last fall and can walk to their meetings at Sinclair Community College. This is the MVRPC’s 50th year in existence. The commission was formed in 1964 under Ohio Revised Code and was one of the requirements for localities affected by the federal interstate system. Members of the commission are responsible for transportation planning in Greene, Miami, Montgomery and parts of Warren County. Brian is only the sixth executive director, and next week is his 1 year anniversary on the job. It is a voluntary association of local organizations and governments and is supported by membership dues and a portion of the gasoline tax that we all pay at the pump. Each member organization has 1 representative on the board of directors, for a total of 77! The commission provides resources for its members, such as geographical information systems (GIS) and mapping data for individual entities’ planning purposes, and works on transportation and other regional needs. They play a central role in setting transportation policy and channeling federal dollars to highway and other projects The MVRPC is working from a new strategic plan, adopted last summer, that reaffirms the needs for sustainability and regional and community cooperation. They estimate projected population and traffic patterns for 20-30 years into the future in order to set the region up for success by starting the right projects now. Brian shared some current and projected statistics for Miamisburg (22,984 residents expected to live here in 2040) and the area (Montgomery County is expected to have a population of 518,788 in 2040). The MVRPC’s Rideshare and vanpool efforts have been very successful, especially around Wright-Patterson Air Force Base and the universities. Our bike and pedestrian trail network is the largest they know of in the country. More efforts are being put into marketing our travel and tourism offerings, since there is no convention and visitors’ bureau for our region. For more information, go to www.mvrpc.org. Is it the TRUTH? Will it build GOODWILL and BETTER FRIENDSHIPS? Greeters Keith Johnson Gong Jim DeYoung Prayer Brent Ashcraft Pledge President Doug Barry Opening Song Ted Fink Acting Sec’y Dave Hafenbrack Guests Don Pabst (Jim DeYoung) Lauren Ehrler (Al Scott) Visiting Rotarians Brian Martin (Dayton) Prospective New Members Greg Allison (Niraj Antani) Daniel Davis (Jim DeYoung) Prizes Keith Basinger Greeters Schedule 2-5-14 Phil Johnson and Bob Kilpatrick 2-12-14 Rick Melton and Clair Miller 2-19-14 Melinda Moore and Gary Muñoz Prizes Schedule 2-5-14 John Bowen 2-12-14 Phil Callahan 2-19-14 Mayor Church Upcoming Programs 2-5-14 Mayor Church - City Update 2-12-14 Jenny Brocker - Care House 2-19-14 Stephen Grismer - Dayton Police History Foundation TOP DOG! The LUCKY Card is the 5 of CLUBS The winner’s share is $655. Bill Skudlarek drew the THREE of CLUBS! Is it FAIR to all concerned? Will it be BENEFICIAL to all concerned? Bob Nicholas, Sergeant-at-Arms FINES, PINS & BADGES On your honor! $$$$$$$$$$ HAPPY DOLLARS $$$$$$$$$$ Eric Cluxton’s son and daughter-in-law are expecting twins! Ted Fink insisted that his wife really was happy about her anniversary vacuum cleaner! Davis was happy to be a member of Rotary now. Comoros has Rotary, just not on the island where he works, and he would like to learn what he can while on leave here in the U.S. and go back and start a Rotary club. Greg Allison is happy to be a member and is looking forward to telling his father and grandfather that he has joined Rotary. Make Up Locations Monday Ponitz Center, Sinclair CC - noon 444 W. 1st Street Eaton Eaton Country Club - noon Tuesday Farmersville Community Center - 6:00 PM Middletown Senior Center - noon Wednesday Moraine Payne Rec Center - 7:00 AM 3800 Main St Thursday Centerville Yankee Trace GC - noon New Lebanon American Legion - 6:00 PM Friday Oakwood Dayton Country Club - 7:00 AM 555 Kramer Rd Springboro Coffman YMCA - 7:30 AM Germantown Emmanuel's Lutheran Church - noon 30 West Warren Street Franklin United Methodist Church - noon Dayton On Line www.RotaryEclubone.org Shon Myers is not happy about the FDIC examiners or state auditors at Famers & Merchants Bank right now and not happy that the bank’s health insurance plan has been found unsatisfactory. He is happy that Al Scott has found someone to help him! Jane Seibert was happy about her daughter’s dive meet. Rotary Leadership 2013-2014 District 6670 Rotary International President Ron D. Burton District Governor Mac Hickman, Batavia District Governor-Elect Eric Marcus, Beavercreek District Governor-Nominee Bill Shula, Cincinnati February Rotarian Membership Anniversaries Dave Hafenbrack was happy to have sold one of his companies. Al Scott was happy to have received a package, happy to welcome an East Palestine Bulldog to the club [Greg Allison] and happy to have his guest Lauren Ehrler helping him at work now. Doug Barry was happy for another week of marriage and for his birthday. NEW MEMBER INSTALLATION Gregory J. Allison of Miamisburg (center in photo) was installed as a member of the Miamisburg Rotary on January 29. Greg is employed by the Ohio Republican Party as their West Regional Director. Greg worked for the Romney campaign in 2012 and was involved with the College Republicans while at Ohio State University. Greg is from Columbiana County and both his father and grandfather are past Rotary presidents. Greg's classification is Political Organization, Regional Director and his sponsor is Niraj Antani. Daniel M. Davis (left in photo) of Miamisburg was installed as a member of the Miamisburg Rotary on January 29. Davis is employed by Groupe De Service Volontaire and his position is Country Director (Comoros). Davis has traveled throughout Africa and has seen the good that Rotary is doing there. He is on leave from his work in the African country of Comoros, on the Indian Ocean. Davis’ classification is Service Organization, Country Director, and his sponsor is Jim DeYoung. Welcome, Greg and Davis! Doug Talmage, 14 years, Feb. 2 Karen Euse, 12 years, Feb. 6 Bob Bell, 47 years, Feb. 8 Bob Kilpatrick, 41 years, Feb. 10 Melinda Moore, 4 years, Feb. 17 Gary Muñoz, 4 years, Feb. 17 Tom Nicholas, 28 years, Feb. 19 Ted Fink, 8 years, Feb. 22 Judy McCartney, 8 years, Feb. 22 Julie Grice, 5 years, Feb. 25 February Rotarian Birthdays Al Scott, February 9 Larry Zumstein, February 17 Jennifer Hampton-Montavon, February 19 Niraj Antani, February 26 Brian Yeakley, February 27 Bob Davis, February 28 February Spouses’ Birthdays Kathleen Vail (David), February 1 Kristen Woodward (Pete), February 9 Carolyn Kilpatrick (Bob), February 16 Kelly Hardin (Rick), February 18 Dana Adams (Bob), February 24 Debbie Johnson (Keith), February 25 Jim McCartney (Judy), February 28 Rotary Knowledge How many of the Miamisburg City School District schools are named for Rotary Club of Miamisburg charter members? Answer: 2: Bear Elementary (H.V. Bear) and Kinder Elementary (Charles E. Kinder). Orville Tysseling was happy about his great-grandson’s birth. Prize Winners Ron Smith and Doug Griffith Photos by Jim DeYoung February 5, 2014 MIAMISBURG ROTARY, DISTRICT 6670, CLUB 3637 COG LOG Vol. 91 No. 28 Brielle Maynor 937-496-8810 bmaynor@daytonmetrolibrary.org