Official news of IEEE Region 8 Hungary Section Vol.7. No.2. 2015 fall List of content Congratulations on meeting your (our) goals ..................................................... 1 Student Paper Contest ......................... 1 CSC election ......................................... 2 It's my (modest) pleasure to inform you…..................................................... 2 MINI SYMPOSIUM 2015 ....................... 3 Recent Advances in Intelligent Engineering .......................................... 3 IEEE HS excellence Award 2015 ........... 3 IEEE R8 meeting in Ljubljana ................ 4 HS Chapter life ..................................... 5 MCE SPOTLIGHT: IEEE POCO Recap ..... 6 Future of power plant building in Hungary ................................................ 7 IEEE Day ’15 Photo contest .................. 8 IEEE IAS Annual Meeting: from the viewpoint of the BUTE SBC .................. 9 Highlighted program ahead: Lecture on Global Control of Sustainable Power Systems ................................................ 9 LED there be light – Everything we should know about LED lighting......... 10 BME-Pannon NetSkills Challenge 2015 ........................................................... 11 DLP lectures in the OU ....................... 11 Imprint ............................................... 12 Congratulations on meeting your (our) goals Please feel free to share this with other leaders in your Section to recognize the good work you are doing, and to let your members know you are working hard to provide them the best member experience possible. Regards, Antonio Luque 2015 Chair, IEEE Membership Recruitment and Recovery Committee Student Paper Contest Dear Hungary Section, I am pleased to recognize the Hungary Section for meeting its recruitment goal for the 2015 membership year. Congratulations! The membership development goals were developed based on your Section's three year performance. You are to be commended for continuing to grow IEEE membership in the Hungary Section. In recognition of this achievement, I have attached an image that you can place in your e-mail signature and on your Section website or newsletters, which signifies your outstanding achievement for the 2015 membership year. 1 Our Sister Society, the Hungarian Electrotechnical Association and IEEE HS a organized Student Paper Contest. We received 14 papers. By the jury’s decision: st 1 prize (s): Energy storage in decentralized power system (Táczi István) and Transformer diagnostics (Tóth Zoltán) nd 2 price(s): Investigation of impulse generators (Veres Dániel) and Modelling of EVs’ effects on the network (Pintér László) and Battery monitoring (Ferkó Krisztián, Lesták Márk, Hajdú Péter) rd 3 prize: Power Factor Controlling networks (Lőrik Ádám) Official news of IEEE Region 8 Hungary Section Vol.7. No.2. 2015 fall The award ceremony was held in the Electrotechnical Museum in authentic environment. It's my (modest) pleasure to inform you… … about Technical Co-Sponsorship (TCS) Fees -- for MGA TCS conferences held after 31 December 2015: Greetings to All, Hydro Power Control Center, HEP PK Award ceremony Three of the winners could participate at ZEC (Zagreb Energy Conference of IEEE Croatia Zagreb Student Branch), in Croatia, 10-11. December 2015. At ZEC After the conference in the frame of a technical tour the Hydro Power Plant Cakovec at Drava river, the Hydro Control Center of the HEP (Hrvatska Elektroprivreda – the national electricity company) and the PhotoVoltaic panel factory Solvis was visited. CSC election The IEEE HS - Circuits, Systems and Computer Joint Chapter held its general assembly on 14 December, 2015. After opening the event, Prof. Géza Kolumbán, the current chapter chair presented his report on this year's professional activities. Then the attendees elected Dr. Tamás Krébesz (Budapest University of Technology and Economics) and Dr. Tamás Zsedrovits (Pázmány Péter Catholic University) for the chapter chair and secretary positions, respectively, starting from January 1, 2016. Gabor Szederkenyi 2 As many of you are aware the IEEE Board of Directors has adopted a motion supporting the recovery of MCE operating costs for Technically CoSponsored (TCS) conferences that are conducted after 31 December 2015. The cost recovery referenced in this motion, or TCS fee, is US$1,000 per conference and US$15 per paper published in Xplore. The MGA Board of Directors (BoD) is currently considering MGA’s implementation of the cost recovery policy and TCS fees. A Task Force has been assembled by MGA VP, Lawrence Wong, to evaluate and recommend a course of action. As soon as a decision is reached by the MGA BoD, a communication advisory shall be distributed. Until such time that a MGA BoD decision is communicated, the collection of TCS fees should not be initiated and arrangements for 2016 Official news of IEEE Region 8 Hungary Section Vol.7. No.2. 2015 fall MGA TCS conferences should proceed as usual. IEEE HS excellence Award 2015 Kind Regards, Leonard Gangi Senior Director, Business Operations IEEE Member and Geographic Activities MINI SYMPOSIUM 2015 Recent Advances in Intelligent Engineering nd On 2 of September 2015 a Symposia was held o topic Recent Advances in Intelligent Engineering at Óbuda University. The event was organized by the University, IEEE Hungary Section, IEEE Hungary Chapter of Computational Intelligent Society, IEEE Hungary Chapter of SMC Society, IEEE Hungary Joint Chapter of IES and RAS and Hungarian Fuzzy Association. The aim of this symposium is to provide a platform to introduce recent advance in innovation, research and science by worldwide well-known outstanding scientist, whom were awarded by the 'Honorary Professor of Óbuda University' title, one of the most prestigious awards of Óbuda University. IEEE HS founded “IEEE HS Excellence Award” in 2014. By the recommendation of the award committee, Mr. Krisztian Lamar, the head of the committee in this year nominated Mr. Peter Magyar for this prestigious prize Dr. Peter Magyar (IEEE M´91, SM´04, F´07) received the Dipl. eng. and the Dr. tech. degrees from the Budapest University of Technology, Hungary, in 1967 and 1975, respectively. From 1967 to 1991, he was with the Department of Automation of the same university as an assistant professor and a research associate. From 1982, he led the Laboratory of Microprocessor Controlled Drives of the same department. The profile of the laboratory was education and industrial research and development in the field of digitally controlled power electronics systems. 3 Dr. Magyar has been author and coauthor technical papers and books and filed more than 30 patents. His research interest focused on control and mathematical modelling of electrical drives and power converters. In 1981, he was recipient of the Alexander von Humboldt fellowship, Bonn, Germany, and spent a research year at the Braunschweig University of Technology, Germany. From 1991 to 2003, he was head of development power electronics and drives with Hanning-Works and with D-Tech Ltd., both Germany. Currently, he is retired from Hella KGaA Hueck&Co., Germany, where he was with the Advanced Development Department from 2004 to 2009. His working field has been control of electrical drives, car steering control and automatic car parking manoeuvre systems. He is working as consultant in the field of electric cars and electrical drives. He has been expert evaluator of the European Commission 2003, 2010-. Dr. Magyar has been member of the Hungarian Association of Electrical Engineering (1964-) and of the IEEE Societies CS, IA, IE, PEL (1992-) and PE (2008-) as well as the IAS Technical Committees Industrial Drives (2003-) and Industrial Power Converter (2005-). He is recipient of the IAS Distinguished Service Award 2006, and has been Official news of IEEE Region 8 Hungary Section Vol.7. No.2. 2015 fall elected to the grade of IEEE Fellow for contributions to digital control of electrical drive systems (2007). Dr. Magyar has been IEEE volunteer in various positions. In the Germany Section, he was secretary (1998-2000), vice chair (2001-2002) and chair (20032004) of the IAS/PELS/IES German Chapter, chapter coordinator (20052010) and nominations and appointments officer (2007-2012) of the Section’s Executive Committee. In the R8 Committee, he was Division II representative (2007-2008) and chair (2009-2010) of the R8 Chapter Coordination Subcommittee. At IEEE TAB, he was member (2010) of the IEEE TAB Nominations & Appointments Committee. In the IA-Society, he was IAS chapters area chair R8 East & South (2005-2008), member of the IAS Executive Board as member-at-large (2005) and chair of the IAS Inter Society Cooperation Committee (2006-2008). Currently, he has been chair (2009 -) of the IAS Chapters and Membership Development (CMD) Department ( and IAS liaison (2011-) of the R8 Chapter Coordination Subcommittee. His working field covers the chapter and member activity of IAS in general, especially leading 8 CMD committees related to conference support, chapter development and promotion, membership development and member promotion for ~12,500 members, 142 society chapters and 118 student branch chapters. HS Award Com. IEEE R8 meeting in Ljubljana On 10-11 October, 2015 was held the IEEE R8 meeting in Ljubjana, Slovenia. Here you find some highlights from the event: there are several student events along the year in the R8. (The participation of Hungary is modest) the TCS tax is coming (Technical Co-Sponsorship Fees) some resistance from the region oppositely the centralization initiatives of Piscataway, doubts 4 about the usage of the collected IEEE money for some low developed countries is available the 27 USD electronic membership fee deadline of fellow nomination 1st of March reports must be prepared till 15th March new centralizing structures emerges in Piscataway in the IEEE assembly Life Member criterias should be changed Meeting reports - L31 are really important! if annual chapter report arrives till 31st Dec. through V-tool, then automatically 500 USD is allocated from the region some society remunerates chapters if report are sent directly there financial report should be sent 15th of March also the officer report should be done through V-tool Young Professionals’ 5 days long meeting will be held in August 1721st August, 2016, Regensburg, Austria with 400 participants PK Official news of IEEE Region 8 Hungary Section Vol.7. No.2. 2015 fall HS Chapter life Each section reports to R8 two times per year. Formerly the general data was given (membership, events, officers, etc.) but nowadays these data can be retrieved from different roosters and databases. In the last year IEEE shows some focus topics and going to get feed-back from the sections/chapters, how they work and live. Here you find the summary of the HS operation in the last year, based on chapter reports. 1. Getting Closer to Industry The Hungarian instrumentation and biomed industry is fragmented, not interested in long term, IEEE-based cooperation, but only in short term (thesis level) research topics, if any. IEEE background (at the industry side, and/or at the university side) does not mean a pulling force. Multis are neither interested. The main difficulties seem to originate from the position of the Hungarian industry and these difficulties cannot be treated/relaxed by IEEE. IEEE membership gives good opportunity to recruit co-workers for EU-financed project so the industrial relationships can be strengthened on an international level with the help of IEEE. Via elaboration project proposals for what we seek potential partners from the industry, too. The IEEE Hungary CS&C Joint Chapter will organize seminars on special topics for our colleagues working both in industry and university education. The seminar will provide a chance for the university teachers to contact their industrial partners and for the industry to launch new research projects at the universities. During these seminars those points should be defined for successful collaboration between university and industry which well fit into the university curricula while satisfy the needs of the industry. 2. Students and Young Professionals Helping to publish - always! Without it students and the young researchers are handicapped in progress and excluded from grants and awards. The YP's primarily goal is to connect with each other and not with industry, we do not have many direct activities. But during industry site visits and conferences we have the opportunity to meet representatives of the industry. The conference costs, travelling, accomodation make it impossible to finance regular and substantial student presence at the conferences (from the point of view of a Central European 5 educational institution grappling with an inadequate financing). A troubling phenomenon to mention, impairing considerably students enthusiasm: papers accepted as "fitting well" for the conference were rejected from the special issue, as "unfitting". Not a single case. The IEEE Hungary CS&C Joint Chapter supports PhD Mini-Symposium which is a mini conference for PhD students to present their hot research and receive immediate feedback from experienced researchers. The IES/RAS Joint Chapter of HS regularly participates as financial co-sponsor and their co-workers contribute to the organization of IEEEhallmarked inter-continental, regional conferences, and conference series. 3. Section Vitality Region or Section should get much more autonomy in this respect. Our members who are teaching at different Hungarian universities will advertise the IEEE and its benefits during their university lectures and keep providing the scientific credit of PhD Mini-Symposiums. In the academic sphere it is important to keep the professors and other educators in IEEE. Organizing yearly the Student Branch's members is very important, too. Official news of IEEE Region 8 Hungary Section Vol.7. No.2. 2015 fall Normally after completing their university studies at the MSc or PhD level the students leave IEEE, depending on the conditions at their employers. It is of vital significance to recruit the newcomers. This problem is mainly of financial nature as far as the membership fee of the students and other members is concerned. The existing members can produce "vitality" due to their scientific work related to publications. Following the renewal of the leadership of the IES/RAS Joint Chapter of HS, this is rather the competence of the new leadership. Mainly programs connected with technical visits are popular. A little funding would help raising activity of the group, at least travel reimbursement or daily allowance. Without it today's young generation is hard to be motivated. 4. Miscellaneous / Recommendations / Feed-back The Óbuda University plans to organize a regular series of conference on his birthday to cultivate the memory of Professor Antal Bejczy. I think that IES/RAS Joint Chapter of HS is indebted to support this effort both financially and professionally. The IEEE Hungary CS&C Joint Chapter is going to organize special seminars for the university students and young professional where the benefits of IEEE membership will be advertised. We are also going to organize round-table discussion where our young colleagues will be able to collect information, make new friends in both industry and university education and learn special methods to boost their professional carrier. The electronic Newsletter of the HS is warmly welcome by the IEEE HS members. PK MCE SPOTLIGHT: IEEE POCO Recap In July 2015, IEEE Meetings, Conferences & Events (MCE) held the Panel of Conference Organizers (POCO), an annual event which convenes the conference community. Over 190 attendees from more than 31 countries had the opportunity to network, share ideas and collaborate. Attendees included over 60 contacts from the 6 local IEEE UK&I Section with more than 50 IEEE leaders representing Section/Council Presidents, VP Conferences, and Regional Directors. Attendees took part in thoughtprovoking and insightful sessions that provided a real value to conference leaders. For 2015, MCE focused on elevating the discussions, providing real-time problem solving and demonstrating the importance of a “fun factor” at POCO while also creating a more systematic training and education program outside of POCO to meet the ongoing needs of our global organizer community. The robust agenda invigorated both IEEE conference organizers and conference leadership alike: Day 1 was an education day featuring “Getting Started with Conferences” and “Audience Development Growing your Conference Attendance.” Day 2 highlighted excellence in scholarly conferences with sessions on “Cultural Differences in Academic Publishing” and “Perfect Peer Review.” Day 3 focused on innovation infusion with session highlights including “Future Tech and the Impact on Events” and “The Future of Information and what it means for Scholarly Conferences.” Official news of IEEE Region 8 Hungary Section Vol.7. No.2. 2015 fall Some of the most experienced IEEE conference organizers were on hand to share their knowledge and passion for conferences. POCO 2015 also highlighted an amazing session on future technologies and their impact on events presented by Chad Kaydo, founder of The X Letter; as well as another great session on the future of information and what that means for scholarly conferences presented by Dr. Donald Samulack, President of the U.S. Operations for Cactus Communications and Editage. Having Region 8 leadership and Oceanic Engineering Society (OES) leadership co-locate their meetings with POCO enabled more knowledge-sharing and collaboration on the future of events. This is an area of growth and opportunity for POCO which will continue in future years with more groups choosing to co-locate with POCO and enable their volunteers to join in the conversation. POCO 2015 was inspiring, invigorating, insightful and fun. Look forward to experiencing more adventures at POCO 2016 in Montreal, Canada with MCE. Since POCO is ever-evolving, there will be a new and exciting theme for 2016 as well as hot topics for discussion! Please contact MCE to arrange for your ad-com or exec-com to co-locate with POCO next year and have your executive team included in our annual gathering of the conferences community. If you are interested in further information on POCO 2016, please contact MCE. Stay tuned for future editions of this newsletter where other MCE groups will be highlighted. power plants. The old fossil-fuel blocks will be stopped soon, so there is a big uncertainty in the energy system. Nowadays the demand’s 22% is served by import and it will grow in the near future. After the current situation in Hungary, he talked about the European Union and the integration. IEEE MCE / Conference Organizers’ Newsletter Future of power plant building in Hungary The fifth lecture of the 2015/2016 autumn semester was held on 5th November, 2015 organized by the Budapest University of Technology and Economics Student Branch Chapter. The lecturer was Dr. Alajos Stróbl. Now he is working at Pöyry ERŐTERV Co., but earlier he worked at several big Hungarian companies in the energy industry. With his knowledge and experience probably he was the best choice to present this topic. First of all Dr. Alajos Stróbl presented Hungary’s current energy mix and he explained all the actual problems. In short term (which means 7 years) Hungary will build just renewable 7 Electric energy consumption and real GDP in EU-28 As it can be seen on Figure above, the consumption is decreasing since the great recession of 2008. GDP is increasing. It means that the efficiency is increasing. The audience heard some information about the power plant building possibilities in the next 15 years. Paks nuclear power plant will be stopped and the new 2x1200 MW blocks (Paks II) will be started until 2045. There will be a period while all blocks (4x500 MW old and 2x1200 MW new) will work together. The only lignite-fired power plant (Mátra) will be stopped soon, so Official news of IEEE Region 8 Hungary Section Vol.7. No.2. 2015 fall maybe it will be necessary to build some new blocks. It’s important because if it won’t happen, Hungary will use just foreign fuels (gas, uranium, import). The cheapest PP type would be OCGT, but the government doesn’t assist to build it. Closing his lecture Dr. Alajos Stróbl highlighted some interesting information about the pricing principles and emission price tendencies. Price trends of Hungarian energy /kWh On Figure above, red color means the prices of electricity generation, blue is the network cost, purple and green are taxes and other fees. Approximately 130 person appeared on the lecture. Most of them were university students, but big part of the Hungarian energy industries were represented by retired and active workers or top management, too. IEEE Day ’15 Photo contest Within the confines of the IEEE Day 2015, first time in its history BUTE SBC participated in the photo contest. To make all this possible, the chapter members had to recruit a team, find a professional photographer and figure out the exact topics. The concept was to make pictures for the Overall and the Best Technical Activity categories. Also the participants had so much fun during the photoshoot. We met the vice-head of the High Voltage Laboratory of BUTE and he helped us to take the technical photos. After taking the photos, we started to share them on Facebook to gain more votes. We got lots of them and also some and promising feedbacks. As a result, we won the Best Technical Activity category with a High Voltage Laboratory picture. The winning photo: Best Technical Activity Category, BUTE SBC members in front of surface discharges in the High Voltage Laboratory High voltage laboratory visit with the Vice Head of the Laboratory, and the live line working puppet Dániel Veres & István Táczi 8 Official news of IEEE Region 8 Hungary Section Vol.7. No.2. 2015 fall the full-day workshop which can help our organization to achieve purposes. The Chapter won the Continuously Outstanding Student Branch Chapter Award which is a very good indication that we are doing this right. It is a high praise for us, and we are very proud of that. Lights of Budapest and some of the BUTE SBC members Highlighted program ahead: Lecture on Global Control of Sustainable Power Systems Dániel Veres & István Táczi IEEE IAS Annual Meeting: from the viewpoint of the BUTE SBC th The 50 Annual Meeting was held in th Dallas, Texas between October 18 and nd October 22 , 2015. 4 of the BUTE SBC members won the Annual Meeting Travel Award Grand Prize. In addition th David Balango came in 5 in the master thesis contest with his dynamic line rating work and Peter Kallo won a Zucker Design Award with his “beercollector” building project. On the first day of the conference the members introduced the large scale technical activity of the BUTE SBC in a short presentation to the audience. There were also some very important information about the opportunities in the Industry Applications Society during Later the members attended a lot of technical sessions and tutorials to develop technical knowledge. There were lots of interesting topics where the SBC representatives learned so much. Dániel Veres & István Táczi The Continously Outsanding Student Branch Chapter Award reception In the student sessions, the members presented their work in both the poster and technical sessions. Peter Kallo also got a third prize in the Best Paper Contest. The title of the presentation was „How to build a beercollector?” Peter Kallo presenting his project work 9 On November 19th, 2015, the Budapest University of Technology and Economics Joint IAS/PES Student Branch Chapter will organize its highlighted event for this semester. The lecturer will be Costas Vournas, from the National Technical University of Athens. The program has been made through the Power and Energy Society Distinguished Lecturer Program. There will be some additional events which will be held at the BUTE: the whole Hungarian IEEE community could meet up for a visit at the Department of Electric Power Engineering. Participants will take a look at the current innovation projects and also the Smart Grid and High Voltage Laboratory of the university. The program is supported by Official news of IEEE Region 8 Hungary Section Vol.7. No.2. 2015 fall the IEEE Hungary Section and the Hungarian Power and Energy Chapter. After that there will be an interactive workshop, where the audience can ask Prof. Vournas about his projects: the topics include the problems in connection with the integration of high amount of wind power generation, new voltage and reactive power controlling methods and a questions&answers section. LED there be light – Everything we should know about LED lighting th On 8 October, 2015 within the confines of IEEE Day 2015, the IEEE BUTE SBC organized a very interesting lecture about the LED lightning. The lecturer was Dr. András Poppe, the Head of the Department of Electron Devices at Budapest University of Technology and Economics. In the introduction he informed us about the history of lightning from the fire to the latest technologies. After that detailed information was presented about the msost important concepts in connection with the lighting standards, for example radiant flux, luminous flux, V(λ) curve and efficiency. The main topic: renewable energy integration The peak of the full-day event will be held in the evening, when Prof. Vournas shares his thoughts with the attendants in a public lecture. The Student Branch Chapter prepares for about 120 attendees for the Global Control of Sustainable Power Systems lecture. Dániel Veres & István Táczi valence and conduction bands and the recombination phenomenon, too. LED bulb construction He spoke about the efficiencies of LED bulbs: quantum, extraction, power and efficacy efficiency. We also found out some real-life examples and he presented us the bandgap engineering. At the end of the lecture he showed us different types of LED sockets. Conduction and Valence band at different types of materials OSRAM High Power LED socket The following topic was the physical background of Light Emitting Diodes. We got some information about the 10 Dániel Veres & István Táczi Official news of IEEE Region 8 Hungary Section Vol.7. No.2. 2015 fall presentation about ‘Using Sketches as Passwords’ BME-Pannon NetSkills Challenge 2015 Wesley Snyder is Emeritus Professor of Electrical and Computer Engineering at North Carolina State University. His research interests include shape recognition, object identification, and human scene understanding. He authored the first engineering textbook in robotics, and two books on Computer Vision, 57 journal papers, 140 conference papers and book chapters. He is a Fellow of IEEE and AIMBE. He has served on the editorial boards of several peer-reviewed journals and has been chair of program and organizing committees of several international conferences, including IJCNN and ICRA. The BME-Pannon NetSkills Challenge 2015 national student contest was organized in November. The final round and the follow-up award ceremony took place on November 27, 2015 and was hosted by the Department of Networked Systems and Services of Budapest University of Technology and Economics. The awards were handed over by the representatives of the sponsors, namely the IT Services Hungary Ltd., the NetVisor Ltd., the HTTP Foundation, the PONTIS Foundation and HTE the Scientific Association for Infocommunications - Sister Society of IEEE. The winner is Dániel Kovács, student of BME. The silver medalist is Dániel Okos, student of BME and the bronze medalist is Péter Vékony, student of Óbuda University. Congratulations to the winners! More information about the contest: Károly Farkas BME, the main organizer & Peter Nagy János Máthé Netvisor, Dániel Kovács the winner, Károly Farkas main organizer DLP lectures in the OU On 14th of September 2015 in the BARK center (Bejczy Antal iRobottechnikai Központ) Prof. Wesley Snyder hold DLP 11 The text-based password has been a longtime mechanism for users to gain access to information system such as computers or network access. However to maintain security, users have been burdened with stringent password rules, such as long password length and the use of special characters. Multiple passwords for different systems and frequently expiring passwords make the use the passwords a nightmare for many users. This frequently results in security risks, as users write their passwords down and use the same password on many systems. To Official news of IEEE Region 8 Hungary Section Vol.7. No.2. 2015 fall st overcome the burdens of password systems, the authors proposed a novel method for computer-access security, allowing the user to draw a simple sketch as his/her password. On 31 of August 2015 the IEEE Computational Intelligence Hungary Chapter and Óbuda University Innovation Center organized Distingushed Lecturer Program: In this project we have developed a new sketch recognition algorithm, based on the PI’s prior successful work in shape recognition. The new sketch based password system has been implemented and evaluated. The user desiring access (referred to as the artist hereafter), may draw a sketch on a digitizer pad or touch-sensitive screen (e.g. iPad). The sketch is matched to a data base of sketches. The principal innovation of the proposed algorithm is treating the sketch as a function of time, and using local measures of that function as parameters for the shape-recognition algorithm, SKS. Professor Jacek M. Zurada presented: ‘Towards Better Understanding of Data: Constrained Learning of Latent Features in Neural Networks’, In this talk, the SKS algorithm will be first described as a way to match curves, and then extended to recognize curves. Special modifications to be able to use sketches as passwords is included. William A. Gruver talked about Algorithmic Trading Systems Imprint IEEE HS Newsletter This is the official news of the “IEEE HS Villamosmérnökök Magyarországi Egyesülete” 1034 Budapest, Bécsi u. 96/b Publisher: IEEE HS Responsible for publishing: Peter Kadar Editor in Chief: Peter Kadar Dissemination: ieeehs mail list News, infos: th Date of closure: 20 of December, 2015 Prof. Tar József – Dr. Haidegger Tamás / BARK 12 IEEE Hungary Section wishes Merry Christmas and Happy New Year! Official news of IEEE Region 8 Hungary Section Vol.7. No.2. 2015 fall The 2016 IEEE International Conference on Systems, Man, and Cybernetics (SMC 2016) will be held at Hotel Intercontinental Budapest. SMC 2016 is the flagship conference of the IEEE Systems, Man, and Cybernetics Society. It provides an international forum for researchers and practitioners to report up-to-the-minute innovation and development, summarize state-of-the-art, and exchange ideas and advances in all aspects of systems science and engineering, human machine systems, and cybernetics. SMC2016 is dedicated to the Hungarian born John von Neumann “a Pioneer of Modern Computer Science”. In honor of him, the theme of the conference is “A theory that transformed the world to a Cyberspace” Contributions covering theoretical developments and practical applications, including but not limited to the following technical areas, are invited: Systems Science & Engineering Human-Machine Systems Cybernetics Communications Conflict Resolution Consumer and Industrial Applications Control of Uncertain Systems Cooperative Systems and Control Decision Support Systems Discrete Event Systems and Petri Nets Distributed Intelligent Systems Enterprise Architecture and Engineering Enterprise Information Systems Fault Monitoring and Diagnosis Intelligent Power Grid Smart Metering Infrastructure Systems and Services Homeland Security Intelligent Green Production Systems Intelligent Transportation Systems Intelligent Vehicle Systems and Control Large-Scale System of Systems Manufacturing Systems and Automation Mechatronics Micro and Nano Systems Quality/Reliability Engineering Robotic Systems Service Systems and Organizations Smart Sensor Networks System Modeling and Control Technology Assessment Assistive Technology Augmented Cognition Brain-based Information Communications Design Methods Entertainment Engineering Human-Computer Interaction Human Factors Human Performance Modeling Human-Machine Cooperation and Systems 13 Human-Machine Interface and Communications Web Intelligence and Interaction Information Visualization Information Systems for Design/Marketing Virtual and Augmented Reality Systems Interactive and Digital Media Interactive Design Science and Engineering Kansei (sense/emotion) Engineering Medical Informatics Multimedia Systems Multi-User Interaction Resilience Engineering Supervisory Control Systems Safety and Security Team Performance and Training Systems User Interface Design Wearable Computing Agent-Based Modeling Artificial Immune Systems Artificial Life Official news of IEEE Region 8 Hungary Section Vol.7. No.2. 2015 fall Biometric Systems and Bioinformatics Computational Intelligence Computational Life Science Cybernetics for Informatics Evolutionary Computation Expert and Knowledge-Based Systems Information Assurance and Intelligent Hybrid models of NN, Fuzzy Systems and Evolutionary Computing Heuristic Algorithms Multimedia Computation Image Processing/Pattern Recognition Fuzzy Systems and Applications Intelligent Internet Systems Knowledge Acquisition in Intelligent Machine Learning Machine Vision Media Computing Medical Informatics Neural Networks and Applications Optimization Self-Organization Swarm Intelligence Contributions covering theoretical developments and practical applications are invited. Further information can be obtained from the following website: SMC2016 will be led on SMC JUNIOR 2016 for the young scientist, engineers and students: Enclosed please find the Call for Papers. First important Deadline: April 15, 2016 for submission of regular, special, short, demo, and poster session papers. Other information can be asked from Ms Anikó Szakal 14