ARKANSAS ALGEBRA II MATHEMATICS CURRICULUM FRAMEWORK Correlated to ALGEBRA 2 © 2004 4201 Woodland Road • Circle Pines, Minnesota 55014-1796 • Telephone (651) 287-7220 or (800) 328-2560 • ARKANSAS: ALGEBRA II STRAND: Relations and Functions Content Standard 1: Students will represent and analyze mathematical situations and properties using patterns, relations, functions and algebraic symbols. STUDENT LEARNING EXPECTATIONS: AGS ALGEBRA 2 RF.1.AII.1 Determine, with or without technology, the domain and range of a relation defined by a graph, a table of values, or a symbolic equation including those with restricted domains and whether a relation is a function Pages 37-38, 45, 460-462 RF.1.AII.2 Evaluate, add, subtract, multiply, divide and compose functions and give appropriate domain and range restrictions Pages 36-38, 39-42, 43-44, 45-47, 417-419, 420-422, 423-425, 426-429 RF.1.AII.3 Determine the inverse of a function (Graph, with and without appropriate technology, functions and their inverses) Pages 243-245, 248-251 RF.1.AII.4 Analyze and report, with and without appropriate technology, the effect of changing coefficients, exponents, and other parameters on functions and their graphs (linear, quadratic, and higher degree polynomial) Pages 45-48, 49-51, 52-53, 92-96, 110-112, 113-117, 118-121 RF.1.AII.5 Determine, with and without appropriate technology, whether a function is even, odd or neither to analyze the behavior of a graph Pages 113-117, 118-121, 122-126 RF.1.AII.6 Graph, with and without appropriate technology, functions defined as piece-wise and step RF.1.AII.7 Apply the concepts of functions to real world situations 1 Pages 42, 234, 251, 429 (Arkansas, Algebra II/AGS Algebra 2, Cont.) STRAND: Linear and Absolute Value Equations and Inequalities Content Standard 2: Students will analyze and apply various methods to model, graph and solve linear and absolute value equations and inequalities. STUDENT LEARNING EXPECTATIONS: AGS ALGEBRA 2 LEI.2.AII.1 Translate linear equations from one form (slope-intercept, point-slope, and standard) to another Pages 48-51, 52-53, 59-60 LEI.2.AII.2 Develop, write, and graph, with and without appropriate technology, equations of lines in slope-intercept, point-slope, and standard forms given • a point and the slope • two points • real world data Pages 48-51, 52-53, 54-58, 59-60, 61-63 LEI.2.AII.3 Develop, write and graph (given the point and the slope, two points, or a point and a line) equations of • a parallel line • a perpendicular line • a perpendicular bisector of a segment Pages 45, 49-51, 64-65 LEI.2.AII.4 Solve, with and without appropriate Pages 24-25, 26-27 technology, absolute value equations and inequalities written in one or two variables, and graph solutions LEI.2.AII.5 Solve, with and without appropriate technology, systems of linear equations and systems of linear inequalities with two or more variables through the use of graphs, tables, matrices, and other algebraic methods 2 Pages 135-138, 139-141 (Arkansas, Algebra II/AGS Algebra 2, Cont.) STRAND: Linear and Absolute Value Equations and Inequalities Content Standard 2, Cont. STUDENT LEARNING EXPECTATIONS: AGS ALGEBRA 2 LEI.2.AII.6 Develop and apply, with and without appropriate technology, the basic operations and properties of matrices (associative, commutative, identity, and inverse) See instruction on the identity function on pages 428-429, and on inverse functions on pages 243-245, 336-339. Basic matrices are covered in AGS Algebra. LEI.2.AII.7 Apply, with or without technology, the concepts of linear and absolute value equations and inequalities and systems of linear equations and inequalities to model real world situations including linear programming Pages 25, 27, 41, 42, 51, 58, 66, 139141, 144 STRAND: Quadratic Equations and Functions Content Standard 3: Students will use algebraic, graphical, and numerical methods to analyze, compare, translate, and solve quadratic equations. STUDENT LEARNING EXPECTATIONS: AGS ALGEBRA 2 QEF.3.AII.1 Perform computations with radicals • simplify radicals with different indices • add, subtract, multiply and divide radicals • rationalize denominators • solve equations that contain radicals or radical expressions Pages 207-209, 210-211, 212-214, 215-218, 224-225 QEF.3.AII.2 Extend the number system to include the complex numbers • evaluate powers of I • add, subtract, multiply, and divide complex numbers • rationalize denominators Pages 97-100, 212, 404-407, 408410, 411-412 (Arkansas, Algebra II/AGS Algebra 2, Cont.) 3 STRAND: Quadratic Equations and Functions Content Standard 3, Cont. STUDENT LEARNING EXPECTATIONS: AGS ALGEBRA 2 QEF.3.AII.3 Solve quadratic equations with and without appropriate technology by • extracting the square root • graphing • factoring • completing the square • using the quadratic formula Pages 72-74, 75-78, 79-80, 81-82, 83-85, 86-88, 89-91, 92-96, 97-100, 210-211, 212-214, 215-218, 295299, 300-305 QEF.3.AII.4 Develop and analyze, with and without appropriate technology, quadratic relations • graph a parabolic relationship when given its equation • write an equation when given its roots (zeros or solutions) or graph • determine the nature of the solutions graphically and by evaluating the discriminant • determine the maximum or minimum values and the axis of symmetry both graphically and algebraically Pages 97-100, 113-117, 118-121, 122-126, 130-134, 142-143, 207209, 210-211, 215-218, 295-299, 300-305 QEF.3.AII.5 Apply the concepts of quadratic equations and functions to model real world situations by using appropriate technology when needed Pages 78, 88, 92, 95, 139-140, 144 4 (Arkansas, Algebra II/AGS Algebra 2, Cont.) STRAND: Polynomial and Rational Functions Content Standard 4: Students will use algebraic, graphical, and numerical methods to analyze, compare, translate, and solve polynomial and rational equations. STUDENT LEARNING EXPECTATIONS: AGS ALGEBRA 2 PRF.4.AII.1 Determine the factors of polynomials by • using factoring techniques including grouping and the sum or difference of two cubes • using long division • using synthetic division Pages 157-159, 162-163, 164-168 PRF.4.AII.2 Develop and analyze, with and without appropriate technology, polynomial functions from their roots, graphs, or equations • write an equation when given its factors or roots (zeros or solutions) • determine the x- and yintercepts • describe the end behaviors • sketch the graph Pages 39-42, 43-44, 45-47, 54-58, 59-60, 61-63, 86-88, 89-91, 92-95, 97-100, 110-112, 113-117, 118-121, 122-126, 127-129, 130-134 PRF.4.AII.3 Solve, with and without appropriate technology, polynomial equations, including real world situations, graphically, numerically (using tables), and algebraically Pages 150-152, 153-156, 160-161, 162-163, 164-168 PRF.4.AII.4 Simplify, add, subtract, multiply, and divide with rational expressions Pages 180-182, 183-185, 186, 187188 PRF.4.AII.5 Graph, with and without appropriate technology, rational functions of the form y = 1/x and y = 1/x2 and their transformations and identify x- and y- intercepts, domain restrictions, and vertical asymptotes Pages 285-289, 293-294 5 (Arkansas, Algebra II/AGS Algebra 2, Cont.) STRAND: Polynomial and Rational Functions Content Standard 4, Cont. STUDENT LEARNING EXPECTATIONS: AGS ALGEBRA 2 PRF.4.AII.6 Solve, with and without appropriate technology, problems using rational equations, including proportions, rate, and variation (direct, inverse(indirect), or joint) and real world problems Pages 66, 183-185, 186, 187-188, 189-191, 454-456 PRF.4.AII.7 Establish the relationship between radical expressions and expressions containing rational exponents Pages 212-214, 215-218 PRF.4.AII.8 Simplify variable expressions containing rational exponents using the laws of exponents Pages 213-214 STRAND: Exponential and Logarithmic Functions Content Standard 5: Students will graph exponential functions and relate them to logarithms. They will solve real world problems using exponential functions. STUDENT LEARNING EXPECTATIONS: AGS ALGEBRA 2 ELF.5.AII.1 Interpret and graph, with and without appropriate technology, exponential functions Pages 232-234, 235-236, 241-242 ELF.5.AII.2 Solve, with and without appropriate technology, exponential equations, including real world problems Pages 239-240 ELF.5.AII.3 Establish the relationship between exponential and logarithmic functions Pages 246-247, 248-251 ELF.5.AII.4 Evaluate simple logarithms using the definition (Ex. log 3 81) Pages 248-251, 252-253 6 (Arkansas, Algebra II/AGS Algebra 2, Cont.) STRAND: Data Analysis and Probability Content Standard 5: Students will evaluate and interpret data, make predictions based on data, and apply basic understanding of probability to solve real world problems. STUDENT LEARNING EXPECTATIONS: AGS ALGEBRA 2 DAP.6.AII.1 Interpret and evaluate, with and without appropriate technology, graphical and tabular data displays for • consistency with the data • appropriateness of type of graph or data display • scale • overall message Pages 457-459, 460-461 DAP.6.AII.2 Calculate, with and without appropriate technology, probabilities of events using the laws of probability • apply the Fundamental Counting Principle • distinguish between and use permutations and combinations • calculate conditional probability • calculate probabilities of mutually exclusive events, independent events, and dependent events Pages 376-379 7