SETIT 2005 3rd International Conference: Sciences of Electronic, Technologies of Information and Telecommunications MARCH 27-31, 2005 – TUNISIA CONVERGING LENS SOLAR CONCENTRATOR AND THEIR POSITION CONTROL USING A MICROPROCESSOR FOR INCREASING THE EFFICIENCY OF SOLAR PHOTOVOLTAIC ENERGY CONVERSION Srinivasulu Avireni Department of Electronics and Telecommunications, Faculty of Technology, Kigali Institute of Science, Technology and Management, Kigali, Rwanda. Abstract : The paper explains the principle of using a converging lens as solar concentrator. Experiments have been carried out to reveal the effectiveness of such concentrator for increasing the output of solar cells. A novel arrangement consisting of a Solar Panel along with Lens Panel, where an array of converging lenses were fitted is proposed for focusing sunlight on respective solar cells. A microprocessor-based scheme is also proposed for controlling the position of Lens Panel such that temperature of the focused sunlight on solar cells should not exceed typically around 50°C. Key words: Solar concentrators, Solar Energy conversion, Photovoltaic cells, Microprocessor based systems. 1 Introduction Average daily solar insolation in Africa and India is the highest, i.e. 5.5 KWh/m2 /day in comparison with 3.5 KWh/m2 /day in Europe and the USA [1]. A portion of this solar energy may be converted into D.C electricity by Solar Photovoltaic System, which is one of the simple and clean energy conversions. Conversion of solar energy to electrical energy is done by solar cells. Solar cell is basically a p-n junction device [2,3] and commercially available cells are usually made with approximately 10 cm diameter. Solar radiation incident on the surface of the cell produces voltage between the terminals extended from p and n type materials. The open circuit voltage of a single crystal silicon solar cell at full illumination is approximately 0.5V. When load is connected to the circuit, the current through the load is directly proportional to the intensity of solar insolation. 2 Converging Lens Solar Concentrator for Photovoltaic Energy Conversion Sunlight contains electromagnetic waves ranging from 0.001µm to 100 µm. The energy of one photon is related to the frequency by = hf = Wp hc λ W p = Photon energy (J) where h = 6.63 x 10-34 J – s (known as Plank’s constant) f frequency (s -1 ) = Velocity of light (ms -1 ) c = λ = Wavelength (m) Fig. 1 shows the energy carried by a single photon at various wavelengths. When dealing with typical sources and detectors of light, it is impractical to consider the discrete nature of the radiation. Instead we deal with the so-called macroscopic properties that result from the collective behavior of a vast number of photons moving together [4]. -2 1.24 X 10 100 -2 2.48 X 10 50 2.48 X 10 5 -1 1.24 X 10 1.24 1 10 2.48 0.5 1.24 X 10 0.1 Visible 2.48 X 10 Infrared Ultraviolet Wave length(micro m.) 0.05 2 1.24 X 10 0.01 2.48 X 10 0.005 2 1.24 X 10 0.001 3 Photon Energy(eV) -1 SETIT2005 Fig. 1. The energy of photon varies inversely with the wavelength of EM radiation. Principal axis P Fig. 2. The general energy principles involve a description of the net energy of the radiation as it propagates through a region of space. When the total fraction of incident sunlight transmits through the lens, the variation of sunlight intensity with wavelength must be considered. The solar flux, φ i.e. energy per unit area per unit time is where TnJ is the transmissivity and ( ∆ Y)n is the serration width. By summing over all serrations ∑ the total n fraction SE of incident solar energy transmitted is [5], ∞ φ = ∫ H (λ ) dλ ≅ ∑ H (∆λ ) J J = J 0 ∑φ J J SE = ωJ = φ J ≡ ω J φ , the weighting factor is H J (∆λ ) J φ H J (∆λ ) J ∑ H J (∆λ ) J = J The fraction of incident solar flux transmitted through one serration, the nth is obtained by summing contribution from all wavelength intervals within the solar spectrum is T n (Y ) = ∑T J nJ φ J (∆Y ) n φ (∆Y )n = ∑ ω J TnJ (Y ) J n nJ φ J (∆Y ) n J ∑ ∑ φ (∆Y ) J where, HJ( λ ) is the solar intensity at wavelength λ . Defining ∑ ∑T n SE = 2 Lω n J ∑ ∑T n nJ ω J (∆Y ) n J Where Lw is the lens width. Convex lens converges a set of incident rays falling on its aperture from a distant object to its focal point P as shown in Fig. 2. We consider here only thin lens, hence displacement of the light ray is negligible. Thus, for thin lenses, the ray through the optical center of the lens is a straight line [6]. If the distant object is sun, then sunrays converge to the point P. If you place Photovoltaic cell at the point P, the numbers of photons fall on this point raises, which in turn increases the output voltage of the Photovoltaic cell. The intensity of the sunrays falling at the point P can be controlled by moving the lens forward or backward. SETIT2005 3 Experiments to study the effect of convergence lens as solar concentrator Experiment have been performed to study the effect of the convergence lens as solar concentrator by using a glass lens (diameter: 4.4 cm, focal le ngth: 8 cm) and a Photovoltaic cell (size: 3mm x 1.5 mm). The experimental arrangement is schematically shown in Fig. 3. When sunrays are focused to increase the intensity of light, temperature also increases at the focal point as sunlight contains infrared rays. Temperature of sunlight is low in the morning, gradually increases at midday and will decrease when evening approaches. Most of the commercially available Photovoltaic cells have maximum temperature rating of 70°C. If the temperature of the focused sunlight crosses above 70°C, the Photovoltaic cells may damage. To avoid such critical situation, the amount of focusing of sunlight should be controlled by moving the lens away from or near to the Photovoltaic cells. Observations were taken in the aforesaid experiment by keeping the lens at different positions so that focusing effect of sunlight falls on the Photovoltaic cell can be varied. These observations are plotted in Fig. 4 It is evident from the curve (Fig. 4(a)) that when the distance between the lens and the Photovoltaic cell approaches near to the focal length of the lens, the cell output increases and it will be maximum at Focal point. It is also clear from the curve (Fig. 4(b)) that temperature at the focal point increases when the lens approaches near to the focal point of the lens. O/P PV Cell Sun Lens Output Voltage (Volts) Fig. 3. Experimental arrangement 0.62 0.6 0.58 0.56 0.54 0.52 0.5 0.48 0 5 6 Distance of Lens from the PV Cell (cm) (a) 8 Temperature on the PV Cell (Deg.C) SETIT2005 60 50 40 30 20 10 0 0 5 6 8 Distance of Lens from the PV Cell (cm) (b) Fig. 4 (a). Distance of Lens from PV Cell Vs Output Voltage (b). Distance of Lens from PV Cell Vs Temperature on PV Cell amount of focusing of sunlight on respective Solar cells. The functional block diagram of a proposed microprocessor based control system is depicted in Fig. 6. Software for such a system may be written in assembly language and the proposed flow chart is given in Fig. 7. 4 A Scheme for Automatic Control of the Position of Lens Panel over Solar Panel The schematic diagram of the Solar Panel and the proposed Lens Panel mo unted over Solar Panel are shown in Fig. 5(a) and Fig. 5(b) respectively. The Lens Panel can be motor driven for controlling the Solar Panel (a) Solar Panel Lens Panel Lens (b) Fig. 5. (a) Schematic of the Solar Panel (b) Schematic of the Proposed Solar Panel with Lens Panel SETIT2005 EPROM MICROPROCESSOR RAM ADDRESS BUS INTERRUPT DATA BUS ADC PA 8255 C0 C1 AMPLIFIER TEMPERATURE SENSOR STARD CONVERSION END OF CONVERSION PB DAC AMPLIFIER TO THE LENS PANEL FOR ITS POSITION CONTROL DC MOTOR Fig. 6. Functional Block diagram of the proposed µP based position control system START END OF CONVERSION (INTERRUPT) INITIALIZATION OF 8255 PUSH PSW AND OTHR REGISTER CONTENTS START CONVERSION OF ADC READ ADC OUTPUT WAIT FOR END OF CONVERSION OF ADC CONTROL ALGORITHM FOR GENERATING MANIPULATED OUTPUT FROM Co SEND MANIPULATED OUTPUT THROUGH PORT-B TO DAC END Fig. 7. Proposed flowchart for controlling the position of Lens Panel SETIT2005 5 Conclusion The effectiveness of using converging lenses as solar concentrators has been experimentally verified. A solar panel together with a Lens panel, where an array of converging lenses was fitted for focusing sunlight on respective solar cells were proposed. Care should be taken while concentrating sunlight on the solar cells, because the temperature of the focused sun light should not exceed the maximum temperature rating of the solar cells. To avoid such situation and to safeguard solar cells, a microprocessor based position control of Lens Panel has been proposed. References 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. Mukharjee M.K., ‘Solar Photovoltaic Energy Conversion’, Journal of the institute of engineers (India), vol 78, May 1997, p.1-5 Martin.A.Green, ‘Solar Cells’, Prentice-Hall Inc, 1982 Wolf.M.,‘Historical development of Solar cells’, IEEE Press, Editor C.E.Backus, New York, 1976 Curtis D. 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From 1987 to 1989 was in Electronics and Communication Engineering Department, Guru Nanak Dev Polytechnic, Bidar. In October 1991 he joined the K.S.R.M.College of Engineering, Cuddapah, as Lecturer in the Department of Electronics and Communication Engineering, and from 1995 onwards he is an Associate Professor in the same institute. From 1999 to 2003, he was an Assistant Professor in Communication Technology Department, Defence University Engineering College, Ethiopia. At present on lien to Department of Electronics and Telecommunication Engineering, Kigali Institute of Science, Technology, and Management, Kigali, Rwanda. He is a life member of I.S.T.E. He published papers both in national and international journals; his main research areas are Optoelectronics, Optical communications, and Electronic Instrumentation.