Graphene/Carbon Nanotube Aerogels - CNT-NUS

Nanotube Aerogels
25.1Introduction....................................................................................... 557
CPD Method • Freeze-Drying Method
25.2 Graphene/CNT Aerogels..................................................................559
Fabrication of GO • Fabrication of GAs from the Cross-LinkingInduced Method • Fabrication of GAs from the Hydrothermal
Method • Fabrication of GAs from the Chemical Reduction
Method • Fabrication of CNT Aerogels • Fabrication of
Graphene–CNT Hybrid Aerogels
25.3 Properties of Graphene/CNT Aerogels..........................................564
Electrical Properties of Graphene/CNT Aerogels • Mechanical
Properties of Graphene/CNT Aerogels • Thermal Properties of
Graphene/CNT Aerogels • Properties of Graphene–CNT Hybrid
Hai M. Duong
Zeng Fan
Son T. Nguyen
25.4 Potential Applications of Graphene/CNT Aerogels.....................566
Graphene/CNT Aerogel Nanocomposites • Energy Storage Devices
Using Graphene/CNT Aerogels
25.5 Conclusions and Outlook.................................................................568
25.1 Introduction
An aerogel is an open-celled, mesoporous, and solid foam composed of a network of interconnected
nanostructures with porosity of over 50%. The term mesoporous or mesoporous material is commonly
defined as a material that contains pores ranging from 2 to 50 nm in diameter. The term aerogel does
not refer to a specific substance, but rather to a network structure, which a substance can take on.
Aerogels can be made of a wide variety of substances, including silica, most of the transition metal
oxides, lanthanide and actinide metal oxides, several main group metal oxides, organic polymers,
semiconductor nanostructures, metals, and carbon-based nanomaterials (carbon powder, CNTs, and
Aerogels are well known for their extremely low densities (often ranging from 0.00016 to ~0.5 g/cm3)
and have 95%–99% air (or other gases) in their volume (El-Nahhal & El-Ashgar 2007, Du et al. 2013).
They are even considered as the lowest-density solid materials that have ever been made (Sun et al.
2012). Because of their extraordinary low densities and the length-scale effects from the nanostructure
features, aerogels can exhibit several advanced properties over the nonaerogel forms made of the same
substances such as larger surface area and catalytic activity. But the aerogel structure may also have
reduced mechanical strength (Fricke & Emmerling 1998, Du et al. 2013).
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(b) Freeze-drying
Critical point
(a) Evaporation
FIGURE 25.1 Principles of three drying methods (evaporation, freeze-drying, and CPD) to remove liquid from
hydrogels on a generic phase diagram. (a) Direct evaporation from liquid phase to gas phase causes collapse of the
gel network because of the effect of surface tension. (b) In a freeze-drying process, the hydrogels are fast frozen
and then placed in vacuum with temperature increase to allow the ice to sublimate. (c) In the CPD process, the
temperature and the pressure of liquid carbon dioxide are increased above the critical point to form a supercritical
fluid. By releasing the pressure slowly, the hydrogels are dried to form the aerogels with well-preserved networks.
Based on most gelation routes, hydrogels are usually obtained as direct products, rather than the
aerogels. How to properly remove permeated liquids inside the hydrogel pores has been challenged,
especially for large-scale aerogel fabrication. Figure 25.1 presents three possible drying methods for
the liquid removal from the hydrogel structures: (1) evaporation, (2) critical point drying (CPD), and
(3) freeze-drying. Because of the effects of capillary force and surface tension, the simple evaporation
method normally cannot yield the highly porous structure of aerogels and forms collapsed and condensed solid structures called as xerogels (Scherer & Smith 1995, Namatsu et al. 1999). Therefore, the
CPD method (García-González et al. 2012) or freeze-drying method (Franks 1998) has been preferred
to remove the liquids effectively and still preserve well the gel networks of the carbon-based aerogels.
Therefore, the selection between two drying methods in practice strongly depends on the property/cost
requirements of the fabricated aerogels.
25.1.1 CPD Method
The CPD method, also known as the supercritical drying one, has been widely used to preserve the
porous structures in the production of aerogels, biological specimens, and microelectromechanical
systems (García-González et al. 2012). As can be seen in Figure 25.1, the CPD process can allow the
transformation of liquid to gas passing through a supercritical region instead of crossing the liquid–gas
boundary only. Within the supercritical region, the liquid and gas phases mix to form a supercritical
fluid. Thus, surface tension causing the collapse of the gel structure can be terminated.
However, only a few materials such as Freon 13 and carbon dioxide can be applied to the CPD method
because most permeated liquids/solvents require high temperatures and pressures to reach their critical
points (Adams et al. 1981). These operation conditions are critical and may damage many organic gels.
The most common solvent is liquid carbon dioxide (CO2), which can be supercritically extracted at a low
temperature of 31.1°C and a modest pressure of 72.8 atm (Novak et al. 1994). As liquid CO2 is immiscible
with water, an intermediate process called solvent exchange is strongly required. The hydrogels are usually soaked in ethanol for at least several hours, while ethanol is refreshed at least three times (Novak
et al. 1994). After this step, the obtained alcogels full of ethanol in their pores are ready to undergo the
CPD process to yield their aerogel forms.
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Graphene/Carbon Nanotube Aerogels
25.1.2 Freeze-Drying Method
The freeze-drying technique in Figure 25.1 is also another common method to remove the liquid from
hydrogels (Franks 1998). In this method, the hydrogels are first frozen and placed in vacuum. After complete transformation to ice, the frozen hydrogels are then heated while still under vacuum, at least below
the triple point of water, 0.006 atm. The ice can directly sublimate into vapor and finally the aerogels are
formed. A quick freeze should be essential for building better gel structures, as more microcrystals can
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whether “domain” be simultaneously formed and domain the ice matrix, compared with slow cooling. Compared to the
should be
replaced with
CPD method, freeze-drying one is more cost-effective, but time consuming. Researchers found that the
aerogels from the CPD method can exhibit larger surface areas and superior multifunctional properties
over those from the freeze-drying method (Zhang et al. 2011a).
25.2 Graphene/CNT Aerogels
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“Although the
exhibited oxygen
content of GO is
slightly different
through different fabrication
procedures” has
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CNTs and graphene are two extensively investigated carbon allotropes in recent years. Both of them
possess unique multifunctional properties, such as high electrical conductivity up to 104 S/cm (Ijima
1991, Orlita et al. 2008), superior thermal conductivity of 2000–5300 W/m K (Pop et al. 2005, Balandin et
al. 2008), and outstanding Young’s modulus of ~1 TPa (Yu et al. 2000, Lee et al. 2008). Fabricating these
novel carbon-based nanomaterials into their aerogel forms can not only enrich the material family of
carbon-based aerogels, but also produce highly porous and interconnected networks with multiple excellent properties. Carbon-based aerogels possess properties almost similar to those of other aerogels such
as silica aerogels (Pajonk 1998), but they are also electrically conductive with their density-dependent
conductivity. Because of the large surface area, high porosity, and electrical property, carbon-based
aerogels such as CNT aerogels, graphene aerogels (GAs) (as shown in Figure 25.2) and CNT–graphene
hybrid aerogels are mostly used for industrial applications such as desalination (Wang et al. 2011a), solar
energy collection (Biener et al. 2011), and catalyst support (Hrubesh 1998, Meng et al. 2011).
Because of the facile fabrication and dispersion capability of graphene oxide (GO), it has become
the most popular reactant among the graphene family such as pristine graphene and epitaxial grown
graphene for GA development. GO is normally obtained from the oxidative treatments of graphite and
successive exfoliation (Dreyer et al. 2010). GO is the intermediate material of reduced graphene oxide
(rGO) before reduction and considered as the oxidized graphene having various reactive oxygen functional groups such as carbonyl, hydroxyl, and epoxide groups on its surface (Nakajima & Matsuo 1994,
Sui et al. 2011). Although the exhibited oxygen content of GO is slightly different through different
1 µm
1 µm
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sources of Figure
25.2a and b.
FIGURE 25.2 SEM images of the highly porous architectures of (a) GA (Reprinted with permission from Worsley
et al., 14067–14069. Copyright 2010 American Chemical Society.) and (b) CNT aerogel. (Bryning, M. B., Milkie,
D. E., Islam, M. F. et al., Carbon Nanotube Aerogels. Advanced Materials. 2007. 19. 661–664. Copyright Wiley-VCH
Verlag GmbH & Co. KGaA. Reproduced with permission.)
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= –OH
= –O–
FIGURE 25.3 The models by Lerf et al. (1998) and He et al. (1998) with carboxylic acid groups (a) (Reprinted with
permission from Lerf et al. (1998), 4477–4482. Copyright 1998 American Chemical Society.) and without carboxylic
acid groups (b) on the GO. (Reprinted from Chemical Physics Letters, 287, He, H., Klinowski, J., Forster, M. et al., A
new structural model for graphite oxide, 53–56, Copyright (1998), with permission from Elsevier.)
fabrication procedures, a C:O ratio of ~2:1 is the upper limit of the oxidation extent, regardless of
one-stop or multiple oxidation approaches (Brodie 1859, Hummers & Offeman 1958, Dresselhaus &
Dresselhaus 2002, Duquesne et al. 2003). Although there are several models of the GO structure (Ruess
1947, Hummers & Offeman 1958, Nakajima et al. 1988, Nakajima & Matsuo 1994), the most well-known
model, shown in Figure 25.3, was proposed by Lerf et al. (1998) and He et al. (1998), where solid-state
NMR was first employed to characterize GO. The GO structure with and without carboxylic acid groups
largely depends on oxidative conditions. However, different raw materials and reaction pathways upon
oxidation would probably cause substantial variance to the exact structures and properties of the GO;
thus, difficulties still reside in its identification with one unified structural feature (Dreyer et al. 2010).
25.2.1 Fabrication of GO
There have been many approaches proposed to prepare GO, but the most popular method is the modified Hummers method (Hummers & Offeman 1958, Stankovich et al. 2006, Xu et al. 2011), owing to
the simplicity and cost-effectiveness of its process. Typically, 2 g of sodium nitrate (NaNO3) and 4 g of
graphite powder are added to 100 mL of concentrated sulfuric acid (H2SO4) in an ice bath. After stirring
the mixture for 30 min, 14.6 g of potassium permanganate (KMnO4) is then slowly added to the mixture
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FIGURE 25.4 Schematic of hydrogen bonding formed between water (H2O) and the oxygen functional groups
of the GO. (Meng, F. et al., Journal of Materials Chemistry 21, 18537–18539, 2011. Reproduced by permission of The
Royal Society of Chemistry.)
with stirring and cooling to keep the temperature lower than 20°C for another 2 h. Next, the temperature of the mixture is increased to 35°C with stirring for 12 h to convert graphite to graphite oxide. Then,
180 mL of deionized (DI) water is added to the mixture with stirring for 15 min, and 14 mL of 30% hydrogen peroxide (30% H2O2) and 110 mL of DI water are gradually added to the reaction mixture. The color
of the mixture changes from brown to yellow.
Then the graphite oxide is separated from the mixture by centrifugation and washed with 1 M hydrochloric acid (HCl) and DI water to remove any impurities. The solid of graphite oxide is finally dried at
60°C for 3 days before collection. To convert graphite oxide to GO, the as-prepared graphite oxide solid
is first dissolved in DI water to form a 0.1–0.5 wt% aqueous suspension. The suspension is then sonicated
for 12 h to exfoliate the interlayers of graphite oxide. GO powder is finally obtained by centrifuging the
sonicated suspension and drying the collected solid at 60°C for 3 days.
Because of the abundance of the oxygen functional groups, GO possesses good hydrophilicity in
water and aqueous liquids (Left et al. 1997, Lerf et al. 1998). The strong bonding between water (H2O)
and the basal lattice of GO is dominated by the oxygen in its epoxides, as illustrated in Figure 25.4.
Despite these functional groups forming the good hydrophile GO, they disrupt the sp2 network of the
graphitic lattice, consequently resulting in GO with a low electrical conductivity of ~0.021 ± 0.002 S/m
(Stankovich et al. 2007). Chemical-reduction (Si & Samulski 2008) or thermal-reduction (Stankovich
et al. 2007) processes can be applied to form reduced graphene oxide (rGO) from GO, which can partially recover the conductivity of GO. However, the multifunctional properties of rGO are generally
similar to those of pristine graphene but with lower values as the oxidation process itself is detrimental
to the graphitic lattice planar (Stankovich et al. 2007, Si & Samulski 2008, Tung et al. 2009a). For GA
development, GO obtained through chemical conversion is still the most preferred material, owing to
its facile preparation, excellent hydrophobicity, and other good properties.
25.2.2 Fabrication of GAs from the Cross-Linking-Induced Method
Based on the synthesis of organic (resorcinol–formaldehyde [RF]) and carbon aerogels (Pekala 1989),
Worsley et al. (2009a, 2011) reported the synthesis of ultra-low-density GAs using RF as the organic
binders to make carbon cross-links between graphene nanosheets. In this method, the gelation process
was the same as the one for RF organic aerogels (Pekala 1989), except the GO was first dispersed in the
aqueous RF solutions. After the solvent exchange and supercritical drying (or freeze-drying) processes,
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dried GO-RF aerogels were obtained. Pyrolysis at 1050°C under inert gases was subsequently applied to
carbonize the GO-RF aerogels into carbon-based GAs.
Besides using RF, other polymers such as PVA/poly(styrene sulfonate) (PSS) (Vickery et al. 2009)
and Pluronic copolymers (Zu & Han 2009) were also used as the binders for GO stabilization and then
GA fabrication. However, the polymer-based binders used for cross-linking the graphene nanosheets
were toxic and required extremely high temperature over 1000°C for their carbonization. An ion linkage method to induce cross-links between the graphene nanosheets was developed (Jiang et al. 2010,
Tang et al. 2010). Noble particles were in situ present and facilitated the nucleation and assembly of
the graphene nanosheets during the hydrothermal process. These embedded particles can further offer
the GAs a further potential for various functional applications, such as sensors (Vedala et al. 2011) and
catalysis (Scheuermann et al. 2009).
25.2.3 Fabrication of GAs from the Hydrothermal Method
In 2011, Xu et al. reported a one-stop hydrothermal technique to prepare binderless GAs. A GO aqueous suspension of 2 mg/mL was sealed in a Teflon-lined autoclave and heated at 180°C for 12 h. After
this hydrothermal process, graphene hydrogels were formed as a result of hydrothermal reduction and
by physical links via π–π interactions. Finally, these hydrogels needed to undergo solvent exchanges
and either supercritical/freeze-drying to yield GAs. Based on this hydrothermal method, Nguyen et al.
(2012) investigated the effects of GO concentrations and hydrothermal treatment time on the morphology control of as-prepared GAs. The surface area and the total pore volume of the GAs increased with
increase in GO concentration, but decreased with increase in treatment time. However, when the GO
concentration was lower than 0.5 mg/mL, the GAs could not be formed during the hydrothermal process (Xu et al. 2010). Although the hydrothermal method has been the effective fabrication method for
binderless GAs, the GAs still required high temperatures and high pressure during the fabrication,
which may limit their industrial scale-up.
25.2.4 Fabrication of GAs from the Chemical Reduction Method
Zhang et al. (2011a) and Sui et al. (2011) concluded a facile and environment-friendly method to synthesize GAs. The GO nanosheets were first dispersed in DI water to form aqueous suspensions. A reducing agent of l-ascorbic acid (LAA) was then added to the suspension. After keeping the suspension for
several hours at a low temperature below 100°C, graphene hydrogels were then formed through the
self-assembly of graphene nanosheets. After the solvent exchange, the graphene hydrogels were dried
by the supercritical drying or freeze-drying processes to obtain the GAs. The lowest GO concentration
required to form hydrogels was 0.1 mg/mL using oxalic acid and sodium iodide (NaI) (Zhang et al.
Fan et al. (2013) investigated morphological effects on the multifunctional properties of the asprepared GAs by varying GO concentrations, reduction temperatures, and reduction time. The GAs
with large GO concentrations exhibited larger surface areas and higher electrical conductivities, while
higher reduction temperatures or longer reduction time caused the GAs to have more packed structures with lower surface areas, higher electrical conductivities, and higher thermal stabilities. Chen and
Yan (2011) reported the effects of various reducing agents on the gelation time of graphene hydrogels.
The gelation took only 10 min for the LAA-reduced and sodium sulfide (Na 2S)–reduced hydrogels and
30 min for the sodium hydrogen sulfite (NaHSO3)–reduced ones.
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suspension for
several hours.”
25.2.5 Fabrication of CNT Aerogels
Although GA fabrication has been developed well, the development of CNT aerogels are relatively limited.
Kohlmeyer et al. (2011) used two cross-linkers of ferrocene-grafted poly(p-phenyleneethynylene) (Fc-PPE)
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and ferrocene-grafted poly[(p-phenyleneethynylene)-alt-(2,5-thienyleneethynylene)] (Fc-PPETE) to
gelate chlorobenzene and form Fc-PPE–CNT and Fc-PPETE–CNT gels, respectively. After exchanging
in ethanol and supercritically drying with liquid CO2, the as-obtained CNT aerogels were then annealed
in air to improve their electrical and mechanical properties, surface areas, and porosities through opening blocked micro- and mesopores in their monoliths. Fc-PPE and Fc-PPETE acted as organogelators
for the gelation and also functionalized the CNTs via ferrocenyl groups for better CNT dispersion (Zou
et al. 2010, Kohlmeyer et al. 2011).
CNT aerogels can also be synthesized by embedding CNTs into other 3D aerogel structures. Worsley
et al. (2008, 2009b) reported the fabrication of SWCNT aerogels (Worsley et al. 2009) and DWCNT aerogels (Worsley et al. 2008) by incorporating CNTs into RF organogels. The obtained gels were then dried
and pyrolyzed at 1050°C to carbonize the organic components and form CNT aerogels. Zhang et al.
(2011b) demonstrated the fabrication of CNT aerogels by embedding MWCNTs into the frameworks of
poly(3,4-ethylenedioxythiophene) (PEDOT)–PSS. Bryning et al. (2007) utilized surfactants to disperse
and form binderless CNT aerogels by using sodium dodecylbenzene sulfonate to disperse CNTs in water.
The CNT aqueous suspensions were self-gelated into elastic gels overnight. These wet gels could either be
directly dried as obtained or be immersed in PVA suspensions before drying to reinforce their structures.
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25.2.6 Fabrication of Graphene–CNT Hybrid Aerogels
Graphene–CNT hybrid aerogels combined with a 3D network of graphene and CNTs have been successfully developed for various applications such as for LIBs (Yoo et al. 2008), transparent conductors (Tung
et al. 2009b), and capacitive deionization (CDI) electrodes for water purification (Sui et al. 2011, Sui et al.
2012). In the graphene–CNT hybrid aerogels shown in Figure 25.5, the CNTs were physically wrapped
in the GA networks, without changing the GA structures. The CNTs could prevent the stacking of graphene nanosheets and remarkably enhance the surface area of the Gas (Yoo et al. 2008, Sui et al. 2011).
The fabrication methods for CNT–graphene hybrid aerogels were similar to those for GAs. The chemical reduction method may be preferred because of its facile conditions and high-quality production
(Tang et al. 2010). The CNTs were first dispersed in the GO aqueous suspension by sonication, while
the mixture was then reduced by reducing agents such as LAA or hydrazine hydrate. The CNTs were
well dispersed in the precursors with the GO nanosheets because of the synergistic effect between the
CNTs and graphene nanosheets (Kim et al. 2012). An in situ chemical bonding between the graphene
nanosheets and the CNTs was formed (Wang et al. 2011b). After the heat treatment, most functional
groups and defects of both graphene nanosheets and the functionalized CNTs were removed. Therefore,
these two carbon allotropes could possibly be chemically bonded after the simultaneous reduction.
2 µm
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25.5 caption.
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500 nm
FIGURE 25.5 (a, b) Network structures of the graphene–CNT hybrid aerogels. (Reprinted from Chemical Society
Reviews, 39, Dreyer, D. R., Park, S., Bielawski, C. W. et al., The chemistry of graphene oxide, 228–240, Copyright
(2010), with permission from Elsevier.)
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Besides the chemical reduction method, there are other fabrication methods of the CNT–graphene
aerogels such as by directly freeze-drying the CNT-GO mixture (Sun et al. 2013), hydrothermal method
(Wang et al. 2011b), or two-step CVD method (Dong et al. 2012).
25.3 Properties of Graphene/CNT Aerogels
Both graphene and CNT aerogels generally exhibit outstanding multifunctional properties, such as low
density, large surface area, high electrical conductivity, and good mechanical stability as discussed in
the following.
25.3.1 Electrical Properties of Graphene/CNT Aerogels
The electrical conductivities of GAs are reported to be within a large range of 0.1–100 S/m (Worsley et al.
2010, Xu et al. 2010, Chen et al. 2011, Worsley et al. 2011). The electrical conductivity of the GAs synthesized from the RF method was up to 87 S/m by a four-probe technique (Worsley et al. 2010), while it was
only ~0.1 S/m for the GAs from hydrothermal method using a two-probe technique (Xu et al. 2010). Such
large variations may be due to contact resistance of different characterization methods and the different
bonding formed during different fabrication conditions (Nardecchia et al. 2013).
The effects of various drying methods and reducing agents on the electrical properties of GAs
were investigated (Chen et al. 2011, Zhang et al. 2011a). The supercritical drying process could yield
a more conductive GA than that of the freeze-drying process (Zhang et al. 2011a), and using a more
efficient reducing agent would enhance the GA electrical conductivity (Chen et al. 2011). To further
enhance electron transfer in GAs, post-treatments such as thermal annealing under inert gases can
be performed on the as-prepared GAs. As the functional groups of GO can be effectively removed
by thermal treatments above 200°C (Pei & Cheng 2012), annealing the GAs at 400°C in argon could
further purify the graphene sheets and increase their electrical conductivities up to ~5 times (Chen
et al. 2011).
Compared to GAs, CNT aerogels could achieve slightly higher electrical conductivities because of
their relatively more integral graphitic lattice (Nardecchia et al. 2013). This is mainly caused by the different reactants in the processing, i.e., chemically derived rGO for the GAs and CVD-grown CNTs for
the CNT aerogels. DWCNT aerogels could achieve an electrical conductivity of up to 8 S/cm measured
by a four-probe method (Worsley et al. 2008). The CNT aerogels cross-linked by Fc-PPE and Fc-PPETE
exhibited electrical conductivities of ~1–2 S/cm and a large surface area of ~590–680 m2/g (Zuo et al.
2010, Kohlmeyer et al. 2011). The CNT aerogels embedded in PEDOT-PSS had only conductivities of
~(1.2–6.9) × 10−2 S/cm and a surface area of ~280–400 m2/g (Zhang et al. 2011b). For the CNT aerogels
prepared with RF organic binders, the pyrolysis of the dried RF could enhance the electrical conductivities of the aerogels. But the PVA reinforcement of the aerogel networks could decrease the electrical
conductivities of the pure CNT aerogels from 0.6 to 10−5 S/cm (Bryning et al. 2007).
25.3.2 Mechanical Properties of Graphene/CNT Aerogels
Since graphene/CNT aerogels are constructed by the individual rGO nanosheets or CNTs, their
mechanical properties including Young’s modulus and strength were far less than those of the graphene
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monolayer (Lee et al. 2008) or the individual CNT (Krishnan et al. 1998). Therefore, graphene/CNT
that change to
“are usually
considered fragile aerogels are usually considered fragile or brittle. For mechanical property enhancement, polymer bindor brittle” has
preserved your ers may be needed to reinforce the networks (Bryning et al. 2007). The GAs developed from LAA and
CO2 supercritical drying were reported to be capable of supporting more than 14,000 times their own
weights with little deformation (Zhang et al. 2011a). Zhang et al. studied the effects of different drying
methods on the GA mechanical performance and found that GAs processed by freeze-drying could
support only 3,300 times their own weight, four times smaller than that for supercritical drying. Also,
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CNT aerogels could support a thousand times their own weight after the thermal annealing of the binders (Kohlmeyer et al. 2011) and PVA reinforcement (Bryning et al. 2007).
Most mechanical property tests of the graphene/CNT aerogels were compressive tests owing to aerogel brittleness and the simple experimental setup. The compressive stress–strain curves of graphene/
CNT aerogels could be divided into three regions: elastic region, yield region, and densification region
(Chen et al. 2011, Kim et al. 2012). The elastic region lied at low compressive strains (normally <10%)
where the graphene/CNT aerogels behave elastically. From the end of the elastic region to ~60% of compressive strains, it was the yield region (plateau region) where the nanosized pores within the graphene/
CNT aerogels started to collapse and stresses slowly increased. The densification region is defined from
~60% of the compressive strains onward, where all the pores collapsed and the graphene/CNT aerogels
were completely hardened by further compression. From the compressive tests, the Young’s modulus of
the GAs varied from 0.26 to 20.0 MPa (Xu et al. 2010, Huang et al. 2013, Zhuo et al. 2013), while those of
the CNT aerogels were from 0.12 to 65.0 MPa (Gutiérrez et al. 2011, Kim et al. 2012).
25.3.3 Thermal Properties of Graphene/CNT Aerogels
Graphene/CNT aerogels with continuous scaffolds and mesoporous structures may reduce the internal
thermal resistance and enhance the thermal efficiency of thermal interface materials (Marconnet et al.
2011, Pettes et al. 2012). However, studies of thermal transport mechanisms and thermal measurement
of graphene/CNT aerogels still remain very limited. Zhong et al. (2013) reported that the thermal conductivity of a GA with ~11 vol% of graphene and a relatively low surface area of 43 m2/g was 2.18 W/m K.
Fan et al. (2014) reported a comparative infrared microscopy technique to measure the thermal conductivity of GAs as illustrated in Figure 25.6 using the 1D steady-state heat conduction equation based on
Fourier’s law. The measured thermal conductivity of GAs was 0.12–0.36 W/m K, much lower than that of
pristine graphene because of the high porosity of GAs, the low quality and small size of the chemically
derived graphene nanosheets, and the large thermal boundary resistance (TBR) at graphene–graphene
and graphene–air contacts (Pettes et al. 2012 et al. Zhong et al. 2013). The post-thermal annealing could
be used to increase the thermal conductivity of the GAs with lower than 2.5 vol% of graphene (Fan et
al. 2014).
Schiffres et al. (2012) reported that the thermal conductivity of CNT aerogels measured by a modified
metal-coated 3ω method was as low as 0.025 ± 0.001 W/m K at room temperature. Similarly as for GAs,
the ultralow thermal conductivity of the CNT aerogels could also be attributed to their high porosity,
TBR between air–CNT contact, inter-CNT contact, and CNT defects during processing (Schiffres et al.
2012, Kim et al. 2013). An optimization of GO/CNT concentration and other synthesis conditions can
possibly enhance the thermal conductivity of graphene/CNT aerogels (Fan et al. 2014).
25.3.4 Properties of Graphene–CNT Hybrid Aerogels
The CNTs incorporated in GAs can serve as bridges between the graphene nanosheets, which allows
more effective electron transfer, minimizes the CNT/graphene agglomeration, and further increases
their surface areas. Figure 25.7 presents that the CNTs could effectively increase the layer distance
between the graphene sheets, thus consequently increasing the charge capacity of LIBs up to ~135%
(from 540 to 730 mAh/g) (Yoo et al. 2008). The most recently developed graphene–CNT hybrid aerogels
had a large surface area of 435 m2/g and a high conductivity of 7.5 S/m (Sui et al. 2012). For water purification, the graphene–CNT hybrid aerogels surprisingly provided a desalination capacity of 633.3 mg/g
with the sodium chloride (NaCl) concentration of 35 g/L, over 15 times higher than that of common
CDI materials (Wang et al. 2011a). Hybrid graphene–CNT hybrid aerogels hold great potentials for water
purification including CDI of light metal salts, removal of organic dyes, and enrichment of heavy metal
ions in water sources (Sui et al. 2012). More potential applications of other carbon/graphene aerogels are
discussed in the following.
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Gold-coated silicon heater
Heater leads
Quartz (hot side)
GA sample
Quartz (cold side)
Copper heat sink
y = –3.86x + 98.57 y = –1.06x + 56.29
R2 = 1
R2 = 0.99
Temperature (°C)
Gradient = 1.14
Gradient = 1.06
y = –1.14x + 83.51
R2 = 0.92
Gradient = 3.86
10 12 14 16
Distance (pixel)
Heat flux (W/m pixel)
verify source of
Figure 25.6.
y = 0.37x
R2 = 0.997
(dT/dx)GA (K/pixel)
FIGURE 25.6 (a) Schematic of thermal conductivity measurement using the comparative IR thermography technique. (b) Temperature distribution and linear best-fit curves for a three-layered stack, which consists of a GA
sample sandwiched between two amorphous quartz layers. (c) Heat flux as a function of temperature gradient in the
GA region at several power levels. During the measurement, the heat flux is typically below 11.25 kW/m2. (Reprinted
from International Journal of Heat and Mass Transfer, 76, Fan, Z., Marconnet, A., Nguyen, S. T. et al., Effects of
heat treatment on the thermal properties of highly nanoporous graphene aerogels using the infrared microscopy
technique, 122–127, Copyright (2014), with permission from Elsevier.)
25.4 Potential Applications of Graphene/CNT Aerogels
25.4.1 Graphene/CNT Aerogel Nanocomposites
A nanocomposite consists of a bulk matrix and one or more nanoparticles, nanosheets, and nanofibers.
Owing to the high aspect ratio of the nanofillers, nanocomposites can exhibit properties an order of
magnitude greater than those of conventional composites. Carbon-based nanofillers such as CNTs and
graphene nanosheets dispersed in polymer nanocomposites have been extensively studied in both industrial and academic fields (Gonçalves et al. 2010, Potts et al. 2011, Loomis et al. 2013). However, owing to
the hydrophobicity and π–π interaction of CNTs and graphene nanosheets, a homogeneous dispersion
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Graphene aerogel
nanosheets 2 µm
Please verify
sources of Figure
25.7a and
Figure 25.7b.
2 µm
1 µm
FIGURE 25.7 (a) A morphology-controlled GA; (b) a poly(methyl methacrylate) (PMMA)–GA composite; (c) SEM
image of GA; (d) SEM image of PMMA-GA composite. (Reprinted from Carbon, 81, Fan, Z., Gong, F., Nguyen, S. T.
et al., Advanced multifunctional graphene aerogel–poly(methyl methacrylate) composites: Experiments and modeling, 396–404, Copyright (2015), with permission from Elsevier.) (e) CNT aerogel–poly(dimethysiloxane) (PDMS)
composite. (Worsley, M. A. et al., Journal of Materials Chemistry 19, 3370–3372, 2009. Reproduced by permission of
The Royal Society of Chemistry.)
of the carbon-based nanofillers in the polymer matrix has always been a crucial issue (Verdejo et al. 2011,
Zhang et al. 2012b). Although many methods of solvent processing, in situ polymerization, and melt
processing have been developed (Singh et al. 2011, Du et al. 2012), the properties of these nanocomposites
are still much less than expected.
The development of graphene/CNT aerogels, new types of reinforcement materials, could solve the
nanofillers’ aggregation problems in the nanocomposites. The graphene/CNT aerogel was first prepared
and optimized as a scaffold, and then the polymer matrix in a liquid or semiliquid phase could be
backfilled into the aerogel scaffold under capillary force. Fan et al. (2012) developed GA-PMMA nanocomposites by backfilling PMMA into the networks of GAs, followed by in situ curing. The uniform distribution of the graphene nanosheets in the PMMA matrix was achieved in Figure 25.8. The GA network
was completely infiltrated with PMMA and the rGO also adhered well to PMMA. Furthermore, as there
was no interfacial cracking observed, the skeleton of the GAs remained intact in the composite. Hence,
the GAs not only acted as an ideal uniformly dispersed reinforcement material but also as a porous
molding material for the GA-PMMA nanocomposites.
Compared to pure PMMA and graphene-PMMA nanocomposites prepared by the powdery dispersion methods, the developed GA-PMMA nanocomposites exhibited significant enhancements in electrical conductivities (0.160–0.859 S/m), microhardness (303.6–462.5 MPa), and thermal conductivities
(0.35–0.70 W/m K) when graphene loading increased from 0.67 to 2.50 vol%. The percolation theory and
the Halpin–Tsai theory were further applied and had a good agreement with experimental data on the
electrical properties and microhardness of the GA-PMMA nanocomposites, respectively. TBR between
graphene and PMMA was further estimated to be 1.906 × 10−8 m2 K/W by an off-lattice Monte Carlo
algorithm, taking into account the complex morphology, the size distribution, and the dispersion of the
rGO nanosheets.
Worsley et al. (2009) applied SWCNT–carbon aerogels for highly conductive PDMS composite development. The CNT–carbon aerogels with 1 vol% of the CNTs were prepared via the organic RF sol–gel
method. The composites were then obtained by immersing the as-prepared CNT–carbon aerogels in
the PDMS matrix under vacuum and cured at 60°C. Figure 25.8 shows that the CNTs were uniformly
dispersed in the PDMS matrix and the infiltration of PDMS caused little degradation in the aerogel networks. The cured CNT–carbon aerogel composites exhibited excellent electrical conductivities of 1 S/cm
and increased the Young’s modulus up to three times.
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Please check if
the cited source
here is correct.
d (nm)
Charge capacity (mAh g–1)
FIGURE 25.8 Spacing d of graphene nanosheets (GNS) families and graphite. (Reprinted with permission from
Bryning, M. B. et al., Advanced Materials 19, 661–664. Copyright 2007 American Chemical Society.)
25.4.2 Energy Storage Devices Using Graphene/CNT Aerogels
Owing to their large surface areas and good electrical conductivities, graphene/CNT aerogels have
attracted great interest in energy storage applications such as advanced electrodes of supercapacitors.
Meng et al. (2011) prepared alkali-treated GA electrodes in supercapacitor cells, and their specific capacitance was 122 F/g at a discharge currency density of 50 mA/g. Sun et al. (2011) tested the electrochemical
performance of GAs in propylene carbonate electrolyte and obtained a specific capacitance of 140 F/g
at a current density of 1 A/g. Zhang and Shi (2011) also developed supercapacitors using GA synthesized from the hydrothermal process and obtained a higher specific capacitance of 220 F/g at 1 A/g. The
GA-based supercapacitors were also highly stable and could maintain a 92% capacitance after 2000
cycles. In contrast, the electrochemical performance of CNT aerogels was slightly lower than that of
GAs at low current densities. Gutiérrez et al. (2011) reported the capacitance of 120 F/g at 1 A/g for the
supercapacitor using CNT aerogels tested in 1 M H2SO4 electrolyte. Extensive research has been conducted to use graphene/CNT aerogels as the advanced electrodes of energy storage devices.
25.5 Conclusions and Outlook
Graphene/CNT aerogels with large surface areas of aerogels and their outstanding multifunctional
properties have attracted much attention in recent years. GAs may have more advantages than CNT
aerogels in terms of their low-cost fabrication, facile preparation of aqueous suspensions using GO, and
capabilities of self-assembly upon chemical reduction. The combination of graphene and CNTs in the
integrated aerogel monolith is also interesting for exerting synergistic effects between these two allotropes. A fulfillment of graphene/CNT aerogels with enhanced multifunctional properties and applications in diverse fields is still challenging and desired. Several researchers have continuously developed
cost-effective fabrication methods and enhanced the multifunctional properties of CNT/graphene
Please note
that the whole
section has been
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