161st CSO Meeting, 15 – 16 March 2005 Proposal for a new COST Action COST P17 ‘EPM’ “Electromagnetic Processing of Materials” Contact Person : Dr Sergei Molokov Coventry University School of Mathematical and Information Sciences Priory Street Coventry CV1 5FB, United Kingdom Tel: +44-2476888601 s.molokov@coventry.ac.uk COST National Coordinator: Mr. Chris Reilly Department of Trade and Industry - DTI Office of Science and Technology - OST Bay 588 1 Victoria Street London SW1H 0ET, United Kingdom Tel : +44 (0)20 7215 6423 Fax : +44 (0)20 7215 6448 Chris.Reilly@dti.gsi.gov.uk Rapporteur TC Physics: Prof. Yves Lion . Université de Liège Institut de Physique Allée du 6 Aoùt, 17 (Bât B5) Sart-Tilman par Liège 1 4000 Liège, Belgium Tel : 32-4-366 3626 Fax : 32-4-366 4516 ylion@ulg.ac.be Rapporteur TC Materials : Prof. Roberto G.M. Caciuffo Universita'Politecnica delle Marche Via Brecce Bianche 60131 Ancona, Italy Tel: +39 071 2204423 Fax: +39 071 2204729 r.caciuffo@univpm.it DRAFT Memorandum of Understanding For the implementation of a European Concerted Research Action designated as COST P17 “EPM” "ELECTROMAGNETIC PROCESSING OF MATERIALS" The Signatories to this Memorandum of Understanding, declaring their common intention to participate in the Concerted Action referred to above and described in the Technical Annex to the Memorandum, have reached the following understanding: 1. The Action will be carried out in accordance with the provisions of document COST 400/01 "Rules and Procedures for Implementing COST Actions", the contents of which the Signatories are fully aware of. 2. The main objective of the Action is to increase knowledge about the action of the electromagnetic fields to control, process and manipulate liquid and solid metals, semiconductors, electrolytes, ferrofluids, and plasmas with the aim of producing new or improve the quality of existing materials. 3. The economic dimension of the activities carried out under the Action has been estimated, on the basis of information available during the planning of the Action, at Euro16.5 million in 2004 prices. 4. The Memorandum of Understanding will take effect by being signed by at least five Signatories. 5. The Memorandum of Understanding will remain in force for a period of four years, calculated from the date of first meeting of the Management Committee, unless the duration of the Action is modified according to the provisions of Chapter 6 of the document referred to in Point 1 above. Technical Annex COST P17 “ELECTROMAGNETIC PROCESSING OF MATERIALS” A. Background Steady and time-varying magnetic and electric fields are widely used in various industrial processes involved in the production of materials. This is commonly known as the Electromagnetic Processing of Materials (EPM). The interaction of the electromagnetic fields with various media (liquid and solid metals, liquid semiconductors, plasmas, electrolytes, ferrofluids) occurs by means of various forces, including Lorentz, Kelvin, and diamagnetic forces. This enables materials to be controlled, processed and manipulated thereby affecting their microstructure. Examples of the action of various forces include magnetic levitation of electrically conducting and non-conducting fluids, melting, stirring, pumping, stabilization of melts, free surfaces and interfaces, etc. EPM is involved in the production of metals and alloys (e.g. aluminium, steel, titanium and magnesium alloys), ceramics and glasses of highest purity, semiconductors (Si, GaAs, CdTe), and in efficient control of production of nano-scale metallic and ceramic powders, ferrofluids for medical and engineering applications, laser welding, etc. EPM is a multi-disciplinary research field, which involves various topics from MagnetoHydro-Dynamics (MHD), heat and mass transfer, phase transition, electrochemistry, plasma physics, and other branches of physics, materials science, and engineering. Despite significant progress over the past two decades, various fundamental issues impede the progress in the development of EPM. One of the main reasons for this is complexity of the phenomena involved during the production of materials. A comprehensive approach requires involvement of experts from various branches of materials science, physics, engineering, and mathematics. COST Action P6 “Magneto-fluid-dynamics” addressed many issues related to the interaction of the electric and magnetic fields with the flow of electrically conducting media. This Action focuses on more applied tasks relevant to EPM and covers many branches of EPM not included in Action P6. It involves European researchers from MHD, ferrofluid, plasmas, exploding wires, electrochemistry, turbulence, and heat and mass transfer research communities. The interaction between these communities is crucial for a significant progress in EPM in Europe. EPM is a rapidly developing field. Similar networks on EPM exist in Japan and China. There has been an increased collaboration in East Asia between Japan, China and Korea, resulting in a series of joint conferences, which started in 2003. Internationally, many scientists working on EPM are members of the HYDROMAG Association, which coordinates activities in MHD and EPM worldwide, and which issues a quarterly electronic newsletter. Partners in this COST Action participate in the organization of major tri-annual international conferences on EPM, MHD (PAMIR), and Ferrofluids. At a European level, COST Action P6 has been very efficient in establishing a European network partly involved in EPM. Most of the research groups involved in the Technical Annex 3 Action on EPM are already supported at a national level, and have strong collaborative links with industry in their own countries. Such collaboration provides a constant source of new questions and ideas, which will then be discussed during Working Group meetings and workshops. B. Objectives and benefits The main objective of the Action is to increase knowledge about the action of the electromagnetic fields to control, process and manipulate liquid and solid metals, semiconductors, electrolytes, ferrofluids, and plasmas with the aim of producing new or improve the quality of existing materials. To reach the main objective the following secondary objectives have to be fulfilled: to increase understanding of the fundamental issues of EPM, such as solidification, heat and mass transfer, MHD turbulence, and to increase modelling capabilities for EPM to develop new and to improve existing measurement techniques for flows of liquid metals, electrolytes, ferrofluids, etc. to increase knowledge about the application of electromagnetic fields to control production and properties of metals and semiconductors to gain an in-depth knowledge about ferrofluid-dynamics with the aim of producing ferrofluids with enhanced magnetic properties, as well as biocompatible fluids to study complex phenomena of the exploding wire (micro arcs, self-collimating flow, collisionless shocks, MHD expansion, etc.) with the aim of producing nano-scale powders to increase knowledge about the influence of magnetic fields on electrochemical processes with the aim of producing ferromagnetic films, multilayers, and nanostructures (nanowires, nanopowders, etc.), with improved properties. Benefits: The COST Action brings together experts from various branches of research on EPM and promotes collaboration between groups already in the field, as well as groups entering the field. This will lead to increasing competitiveness of European research groups. Hence, the benefits of the Action can be summarized as follows: The ability for a larger research community to improve the knowledge in the field, identifying new problems and providing fast responses to emerging applications The improvement of communication between research groups themselves and further strengthening ties with industry The co-ordination of the definition of coherent research goals and of joint research activities The knowledge transferable to other research areas and technologies, such as space systems, liquid metal systems for fusion reactors (ITER), MHD power generation, etc. C. Scientific programme C.1. Fundamentals EPM is by nature an applied research field. It relies however on various branches of fundamental research, such as fluid dynamics, MHD, thermodynamics, electromagnetism and Technical Annex 4 plasma physics. The goal is to undertake fundamental research aimed at improving understanding of basic phenomena relevant to EPM. This activity includes theoretical, numerical and experimental studies. Heat transfer and solidification: Solidification occurs in a wide range of industrial applications, including crystal growth and casting. The understanding of the solidification processes relies heavily on thermodynamics for describing heat transfer and phase transition phenomena, as well as on MHD for accounting for fluid flows in general and instabilities and turbulence in particular. The goal is to understand better the parameters that affect solidification, in particular in relation to external electromagnetic fields, mechanical perturbations, the formation of the mushy zone, and its effect on the microstructure of materials. Fundamental studies on solidification include model experiments and numerical simulation. MHD turbulence: The main goal is to develop modelling techniques for MHD turbulence relevant to the flow of electrically conducting fluids. Low magnetic Reynolds number approximation, recently developed numerical techniques, such as the large eddy simulation, and their validation against experimental data obtained in simple geometries are of particular interest. Another aim is to investigate Lattice-Boltzmann and Lagrangian approaches to MHD simulation, in particular in the presence of externally imposed electromagnetic fields. Alternative MHD simulation methods in standard and specialized computer architecture are also of interest. Free surface and interface instabilities: The goal is to improve the understanding of free surface and interface instabilities with the aim of controlling the behaviour of surfaces of electrically conducting fluids and ferrofluids. This includes modelling and experimental work on the stabilisation of interfaces using external fields, as well as the study of the destabilizing effect of electric currents and imposed magnetic fields. Fundamental MHD experiments and theory: Although the main focus of the Action is on EPM, a domain mainly driven by industrial applications, a specific goal of the Working Group "Fundamentals" is to keep contact with non-technological research communities. Indeed, the interaction between matter and electromagnetic fields is studied in many other fields from which modelling, experimental or numerical techniques could be transferred to EPM. For instance, the development of accurate numerical techniques for liquid metal flows could benefit from direct comparison with data obtained from ongoing experimental investigations of the effects of magnetic field generation, the AMPERE project in particular. This also holds for the experiments on high-field MHD flows in various laboratories, such as MEKKA at Forschungszentrum Karlsruhe. Modelling of convective instabilities and turbulence in astro-, solar- and geo- physics, although characterised by very different values of physical parameters, might stimulate MHD- and heat-transfer- modelling in large scale liquid metal flows. MHD turbulence in astrophysics is directly observable with present-day radio telescopes through synchrotron emission and Faraday rotation. Fundamental ferrofluid experiments and theory: Due to their complex make up - consisting of magnetic particles, surfactant and carrier liquid - the description of ferrofluids by means of microscopic models is extremely difficult. Even a slight change in the composition of the fluids can lead to significant changes in their behaviour and can thus require a completely new approach to their description. Therefore, the recent development of a macroscopic theory of ferrofluids based on the principles of irreversible thermodynamics, attracts high interest in the research field. In this theory the properties of the fluid are included in coupling parameters between the dynamics of the fluid and the characteristics of the flow. Thus the theory is independent from the fluid and the change of the fluid results only in the modification of the Technical Annex 5 coupling parameters. Although the development of this theory has only started, first experiments have shown that it makes reasonable predictions. The research activities cover the development of the macroscopic ferrofluid theory, as well as respective experiments enabling the measurement of coupling parameters, as well as proving theoretical predictions. C.2. Measurement Techniques Better understanding and optimisation of electromagnetic processing of various materials requires reliable experimental data. The objective is the development of new and improvement of existing measurement techniques for flows of liquid metals, electrolytes, ferrofluids, etc. The activities focus on but are not exclusively restricted to the following measurement techniques. Local sensors: Fluid velocity, pressure, void fraction, etc. can be measured at discrete positions using local probes, such as Potential Difference (Vives) Probes, Hot-FilmAnemometers, Mechano-Optical- and Resistive- Probes. The direct contact of the sensor with the hot and chemically aggressive metallic melt imposes considerable restrictions on the measurement time. Material problems have to be solved in order to increase the lifetime of the sensor. Improvement of the quality of measurements can be obtained by further miniaturisation of the sensors. Ultrasonic techniques: Ultrasonic methods are very attractive because of their capability to investigate flows of opaque liquids in a non-intrusive way. Ultrasonic techniques have been developed to detect gas bubbles on the solid-liquid interface of solidifying metallic melts. Doppler techniques are available to measure the flow velocity. However, current technology places severe limitations for applications at temperatures above 200°C. In addition, thermal restrictions of the ultrasonic transducers, acoustic coupling between sensor and fluid, and allocation of suitable tracer particles are very important problems. Radiation techniques: The radioscopic technique allows real-time visualisation of opaque flows. In-situ observations during solidification and melting processes deliver results that need to be clarified. These include for instance gravitational segregation in the melt, natural convection, and double-diffusive flow patterns. Inductive flow meters: They provide a contactless way to determine the flow rate. The interaction between the flow and an applied magnetic field modifies the field, which is detected by suitable magnetic field sensors delivering information about the flow rate. The research is especially focused on problems related to high-temperature regime. Reconstruction of velocity and interfaces from magnetic field measurements: contactless determination of the velocity structure inside a fluid volume is highly desirable in a number of metallurgical applications. The analysis of the induced magnetic field outside the fluid volume and the induced electric potential at the fluid boundary enables reconstruction of the fluid velocity. C.3. Liquid Metals and Semiconductors The aim is to increase knowledge about the application of electromagnetic fields to control production and properties of metals and semiconductors. This involves the application of static uniform and nonuniform magnetic fields, including high magnetic fields, as well as Technical Annex 6 alternating fields, and their combination. The activities focus on but will not be limited to metallurgy, semiconductor crystal growth, laser processing of materials, and space power applications. Steel: The goal is further optimisation of contactless control and its effect on melts during the steel production process. Some examples for this are magnetic or inductive stirring and mixing as well as the technology of magnetic braking. Numerical simulations in this area need to be significantly improved. Light metals: Direct influence of magnetic fields on solidification is to be investigated. The use of electromagnetic stirring and mixing in metal casting, is of particular interest. Further, investigation of thixo-casting of aluminium, which requires a precise prediction and control of the temperature distribution will be done. There is also a significant interest in the effect of MHD instabilities and heat transfer on aluminium production. Skull-Melting Technologies: The induction cold crucible technology as one application of skull-melting is a well known method for melting and pouring of special alloys, such as titanium-aluminium and others. Further improvement of the melting technology is necessary to widen the field of application in the direction of superheating the melt in order to get better results for complex casting structures. Also, the combination of induction melting with electron beam heating has to be investigated further in order to superheat the melt. Recent investigations have shown that skull-melting technology offers potential for melting and pouring of ceramics and glasses of highest purity, for semiconductor crystal growth, and for production of nanostructured materials. Czochralski and Bridgman methods: The goal is theoretical investigation of the effect of magnetic fields on semiconductor melts in typical processes of crystal growth, such as vertical Bridgman and Czochralski. In principle, proof is required that the electromagnetic control of convective heat transport can be beneficial for various crystal growth technologies (Si, GaAs, CdTe, etc.), providing for instance the possibility to control the geometry of the solidifying phase boundary. Floating zone-method: The goal is to study the growth of single crystals of intermetallic compounds by using a well-defined magnetic field configuration. The influence of the magnetic field should be investigated as an innovative means for contactless control and manipulation of the phase boundary depending on convection in the melt and on the segregation behaviour during crystal growth. Investigation of the influence of the fluid flow on the dopand concentration and on the macro- and microscopic resistivity distribution in the crystal is performed. Laser processing of materials: In a wide range of technologies involving laser processing of materials, such as welding, surface treatment, drilling and cutting, a metallic melt is created. Applied magnetic fields, together with an electric current flowing through the melt, create volumetric forces modifying the pressure distribution, the flow field, and the heat transfer. This effect is used to modify the geometry and metallurgy of the re-solidified melt. In addition, a strong reduction of pore formation is expected owing to modified buoyancy force. In drilling and cutting magnetic forces help to remove the melt. The interest is in numerical, experimental, and design studies to enhance significantly the quality and efficiency of laser processing of materials. Technical Annex 7 C.4. Ferrofluids Ferrofluids are stable suspensions of magnetic nanoparticles in appropriate carrier liquids. Due to the high magnetic moment of the particles strong magnetic body forces (Kelvin force) can be exerted on these fluids by means of magnetic fields of about 10mT. This facilitates effective control of the properties of these fluids by such weak magnetic fields. During the past 40 years the possibility of magnetic control of ferrofluids has led to numerous technical applications, such as the sealing of hard disk drives and the cooling of loudspeakers by means of magnetically positioned liquids. The aim is to focus on the synthesis of new ferrofluids with enhanced magnetic properties, as well as on biocompatible fluids. Fluid synthesis: The goal is the development of suspensions of magnetic particles with properties tailored for applications in both medical and technical fields. By changing the magnetic material and/or the surfactant of the suspended particles the interparticle interaction can be significantly modified leading to different overall properties of the fluids. Moreover, medical applications require the use of specific materials to ensure biocompatibility of the fluids as well as their stability. Rheology: A field of basic importance for the development and description of ferrofluids is the influence of magnetic fields on their rheological behavior. The formation of structures, such as chains, rods or bulk aggregates due to interparticle interaction of the magnetic particles in a magnetic field leads to significant changes in the overall viscosity of the fluids. Furthermore, viscoelastic effects, significant yield stresses and normal stresses can be induced by magnetic fields. From a combination of experimental investigations with numerical simulations a detailed microscopic explanation for the rheological changes can be obtained providing the basis for the definition of new ferrofluids tailored for specific technical applications. Basic “Ferrofluid-Dynamics”: As a result of the findings made in the context of rheological investigations of ferrofluids it has been shown that the classical description of their dynamics, based on the assumption of non-interacting particles, is not valid for the description of concentrated ferrofluids with interacting particles. Thus a new theoretical formulation to describe the dynamics of ferrofluids is the goal of fundamental importance for the future development of ferrofluid research. Medical applications: The use of magnetic nanoparticles for cancer therapy is one of the most promising fields of application of magnetic fluids. Investigations concerning the delivery of the particles to the application zone, as well as heat generation induced by the particles subjected to an alternating magnetic field, will provide information for the optimization of the relevant processes on the way towards clinical applications. C.5. Solids and Plasmas The main goal is to investigate the physics and technology based on the exploding wire phenomenon. The applications involve the production of nano-scale ceramic and metal powders, measurement of material properties, solid and liquid metal fuses, Z-pinch, etc. The work involves both experimental and theoretical studies to provide better understanding of complex phenomena of the exploding wire (micro arcs, self-collimating flow, collisionless shocks, MHD expansion, etc.) Technical Annex 8 Production of nano-scale powder: Particles of sizes between 1 and 100 nm (i.e. nano particles) are becoming increasingly important in many modern technologies. Numerous quite different and well-documented methods exist for their production (chemical, pyrolitic, laser ablation, etc) with each having its attendant advantages and disadvantages. A novel method of producing nano-particles that appears particularly well suited to modern industrial needs is to explode either a single metallic wire or an array of such wires in a controlled atmosphere. Preliminary results indicate that high quality powders of aluminium oxide, aluminium nitride or PZT can be successfully synthesised this way. It is believed that by careful tuning of the many different parameters that are involved, it is possible to control both the particle size and the particle size distribution. An example is the production of ceramics from nano-powders showing outstanding hardness or plasticity at moderate temperatures, or remarkable electric conductivity with application, for example, in health industry. Efficient control of the size of the particles and other parameters requires understanding of the magneto-mechanical vibrations, melting, evaporation, fragmentation, and other effects characteristic for wire explosions. Z-pinch research: The understanding of properties of plasma produced during wire explosions requires modelling and experimental capabilities, which are related to Z-pinch research. Zpinch implosions are investigated using the powerful pulsed power generators, such as MAGPIE at Imperial College London, UK (2.4MV, up to 2MA for about 200 ns) to drive exploding wire arrays. In order to extrapolate to future thermonuclear ignition facilities, using the X-ray driven imploding capsule technique, it is important to understand the physics of the intense X-ray source. The MAGPIE experiments are well suited to do this with good access to laser probing, X-ray back-lighting, optical, X-ray streak and framing imaging. In addition, simulations in two and three dimensions are undertaken using high performance computing and sophisticated analysis to unravel the complex plasma dynamics. Nested wire arrays and arrays of mixed materials are investigated as means of providing control over the shape and power of the X-ray pulse. Properties of materials: The interest is in the measurement of material properties, such as electrical conductivity and thermal expansion coefficient when the wire heated by pulsed high current, and thus is going through a sequence of phase transitions: solid-liquid-vapourplasma. There is also an interest in the behaviour of nano-structured materials and of single crystals at high strain rates. C. 6 Electrolytes The goal is to increase knowledge about the effect of magnetic fields on electrochemical processes with the aim of producing ferromagnetic films, multilayers, and nanostructures (nanowires, nanopowders, etc.) with improved properties. The effect on the bath properties: The action of the magnetic field on the bath properties manifests in the change of all the physical parameters. When a magnetic field is applied during an electrochemical process, the bath conductivity becomes anisotropic as a result of transverse concentration gradients of electrolytic species, which create an electric field in the direction perpendicular to the magnetic field. This could be identified as Hall effect. In the same manner it has been observed that the diffusivity of the electro-active species, the viscosity, and the level of temperature of the bath are slightly modified. All these effects are generally weak and do not alter the average values by more than 10%. Nevertheless, the Technical Annex 9 studies performed so far were for a weak magnetic field, and the analysis has to be extended to the case of high field using e.g. a super-conducting magnet. The effect on kinetics: The second task deals with kinetics during the electron transfer. A deeper insight is required as many results are controversial. Experiments have to be performed under magnetic fields of higher intensity, which can lead to definitive results. Obtaining new results for this problem is very important from both theoretical and applied points of view. Control of mass transfer: Magnetic fields are used to control the mass transfer processes in the electrochemical cells. In the most classical configuration the magnetic field is imposed perpendicular to the electrical current. In such a case the Lorenz force arises, and the MHD convection governs the hydrodynamic boundary layers. When either paramagnetic or ferromagnetic species are involved, other forces exist that can affect the diffusion processes and the electrical conductivity of the bath. Some electrical phenomena have been neglected up to now. For example, for the non-equipotential electrodes, such as semiconductors, anisotropy effects could arise. All these magnetically induced convective effects can be used to control materials that are being deposited. The application of AC magnetic field could be used to solve specific problems for the improvement of mass transfer. Many questions have to be addressed to fully understand the magnetic convective effects at macro scale (yield and deposit thickness homogeneity) as well as at the micro scale (texture, structure and micro heterogeneity of deposits). A very important aspect is the role of turbulence and the characterisation of the apparent diffusivity coefficient in the electrochemical situation characterised by high Smidth number. The effect on the structure of the deposit: The control of the action of the magnetic field on the structure of the deposit is very important, but is not fully understood. It is believed that this effect can be used for applications to develop various materials, such as metals, alloys, ferromagnetic films, multilayers, nanostructures (nanowires, nanopowders, etc.) with improved properties (magnetic, anticorrosive, catalytic, etc) due to effects on grain nucleation and nanoscopic scale processes. These are chiefly responsible for nano- and meso-properties of materials. Technical Annex 10 D. Organisation The Action consists of six Working Groups. Two of them are ‘horizontal’ and four ‘vertical’ (figure 1). Horizontal Working Groups involve topics, which are important to the majority of participants. Vertical Working Groups focus on applications to specific media, covering most areas of EPM. H1: Fundamentals V1: Liquid Metals and Semiconductors V2: Ferrofluids V3: Solids and Plasmas V4: Electrolytes H2: Measurement Techniques WG H1: Working Group for task C.1. Fundamentals: - MHD turbulence - Free surfaces and interfaces - Solidification and heat transfer - Fundamental experiments and theory WG H2: Working Group for task C.2. Measurement Techniques: - Local sensors - Ultrasonic and radiation techniques - Inductive flow meters WG V1: Working Group for task C.3. Metals and Semiconductors: - Steel - Light metals - Skull melting technologies - Semiconductors - Laser welding WG V2: Working Group for task C.4. Ferrofluids: - Fluid synthesis - Rheology - Medical applications - Basic ferrofluid dynamics WG V3: Working Group for task C.5. Solids and Plasmas: - Nano-scale powder - Properties of materials - Magnetoelastic vibrations - Z-pinch WG V4: Working Group for task C.6. Electrolytes - Action on the bath properties - Effect on kinetics - Mass transfer control - Effect on the structure of the deposit Figure 1: Structure of the Action Technical Annex 11 E. Timetable The duration of this COST Action is four years. The schedule is sketched in figure 2: WG H1 WG H2 WG V1 START PLAN WG V2 S E M I N WG V3 A WG V4 R 6 months 12 months T R A I N I N G S C H O O L WG H1 WG H2 WG V1 WG V2 WG V3 WG V4 S E M I N A R 12 months T R A I N I N G S C H O O L WG H1 WG H2 S E M WG V1 WG V2 I N WG V3 A WG V4 R 12 months T R A I N I N G S C H O O L S Y N T H E S I S END 6 months Figure 2: Schedule The working groups will be approximately equal in size. The interaction between vertical and horizontal groups will take place via: • continuous exchange of information • participation of some partners in a vertical and in a horizontal working group simultaneously • joint workshops and working group meetings • STSMs (approximately 10 per year) Three training schools will be organised during the course of the Action. The first one will be on Magnetohydrodynamic Turbulence (University of Warwick, UK, June 26 – July 1, 2006) in association with major International Turbulence Symposium. This will facilitate an efficient in-depth training of young researchers. The second training school will be on a general topic of Electromagnetic Processing of Materials during Year 2, and the third one on Ferrofluids during Year 3. Description of schedule: Year one: Kick-off meeting, preliminary research and determination of coherent goals among COST partners. The starting phase during the first six months, beginning with the kick-off meeting, should give the opportunity to determine the state of the art for existing problems. It would be useful for partners who are involved in EPM to know at a determined time what is attainable by using existing technologies and where there are still open questions. Technical Annex 12 Furthermore, this time should be used for defining joint standards to make the transfer and the use of results easier. Years two and three: Co-ordination of main research and developing activities. Year four: Synthesis of achieved results, adaptation of research goals, and determination of new goals. F. Economic dimension The following countries have been actively participated in the preparation of the Action or otherwise indicated their interest: Belgium, France, Germany, Greece, Ireland, Israel, Italy, Latvia, The Netherlands, Slovenia, Spain, United Kingdom. On the basis of national estimates provided by representatives of these 12 countries, the economic dimension of the activities to be carried out under this Action has been estimated, in 2004 prices, at roughly Euro 16.5 million. This estimate is valid under the assumption that all the countries mentioned above but no others countries will participate in the Action. Any departure from this will change the total cost accordingly. G. Dissemination plan Target audiences, other than the partners involved in the Action, can be identified as researchers and engineers working in the fields of materials science, magnetohydrodynamics, fluid dynamics, electrochemistry, thermodynamics, ferrofluids, pulsed power, astrophysics, geophysics, space, etc. The audience can be reached via: HYDROMAG Newsletter, Regular international conferences on Electromagnetic Processing Magnetohydrodynamics, Ferrofluids, Pulsed Power, and Dynamo of Materials, Posting of working documents on a password-protected website Establishment of an e-mail network Publications: state-of-the art reports, interim reports, case studies, proceedings of workshops and WG meetings, and final reports Events, workshops, and seminars organized by the MC Articles in scientific and technical journals, Non-technical publications Training courses for postgraduate students Technical Annex 13 COST P17 ‘EPM’ “ELECTROMAGNETIC PROCESSING OF MATRIALS” ADDITIONAL INFORMATION NOT PART OF THE MOU Additional Information List of Experts Experts who have been consulted during the drafting of the proposal and have already expressed interest in the Action BELGIUM Dr Danièle Carati Université Libre de Bruxelles Physique Statistique et Plasmas CP 231 Campus de la Plaine Boulevard du Triomphe 1050 Bruxelles BELGIUM Tel:+32- 26505813 dcarati@ulb.ac.be Dr Jean Paul Collette Space centre of Liege Centre Spatial de Liège Parc Scientifique du Sart Tilman B 4031 Angleur BELGIUM Tel: +32-4 367 66 68 jpcollette@ulg.ac.be Dr Nicolas Limbourg Association PROBEL 183 rue de Marbaix 6110 montigny le tilleul BELGIUM Tel: +32-494 50 60 56 probel.space@skynet.be Dr Henry Declerc Society Alcatel ETCA rue chapelle Beaussart 101, B 6032 Mont-surMarchienne BELGIUM Tel: +32 71 44 23 20 henri.declercq@etca.alcatel.be Prof Johan Deconinck Vrije Universiteit Brussel Dept of Electrical Engineering Pleinlaan 2 1050 Brussels BELGIUM Tel: + 32 2 629 28 01 jdeconin@vub.ac.be FRANCE Dr Antoine Alemany Laboratoire LEGI-IMG Grenoble B.P. 53 38041 Grenoble Cedex 09 FRANCE Tel:+33-476825037 antoine.alemany@hmg.inpg.fr Prof Jean-François Pinton Laboratoire dePhysique UMR5672 Ecole Normale Supérieure de Lyon et CNRS 46, allée d' Italie F69364 Lyon cedex 07 FRANCE Tel. (+33)(4) 72 72 83 79 pinton@ens-lyon.fr Dr Jacques Léorat DAEC Observatoire de Paris-Meudon Place Janssen 5 92195 Meudon FRANCE Tel: +33-145077421 jacques.leorat@obspm.fr Prof Rene Moreau Prof Yves Fautrelle Dr Jacqueline Etay Laboratory EPM, ENSHMG, BP 95, F-38402 Saint Martin d' Heres Cedex FRANCE Additional Information Tel: 33 (0)476 82 52 06 Rene.Moreau@hmg.inpg.fr Yves.Fautrelle@hmg.inpg.fr Jacqueline.Etay@hmg.inpg.fr Prof Jean-Paul Chopart Dynamique des Transferts aux Interfaces EA 3083 , FRE CNRS Université de Reims Champagne-Ardenne UFR Sciences, Moulin de la Housse, BP 1039 51687 REIMS Cedex 2 FRANCE Tel : (33) 0 326 913 165 jp.chopart@univ-reims.fr Dr Thierry Tomasino PECHINEY CRV - GROUPE ALCAN 725, rue Aristide Berges B.P. 27 38341 VOREPPE Cédex FRANCE Tel. +33-04 76 57 84 91 thierry.tomasino@alcan.com Prof Serguei Martemianov ESIP - University of Poitiers 40, avenue du Recteur Pineau 86022 Poitiers Cedex FRANCE Tel: +33 (0)5 49 45 39 04 serguei.martemianov@univ-poitiers.fr Dr Jean Edmond Chaix Society Technicatome 1100 Avenue Jean-René Guillibert Gautier de la Lauzere, B.P. 34000, 13791 Aix en Provence Cedex 3 FRANCE jean-edmond.chaix@technicatome.com Dr Emil Spahn French-German Research Institute of SaintLouis (ISL), Saint Louis, FRANCE spahn@isl.tm.fr Dr Jean Larour Laboratoire de Physique et Technologie des Plasmas (LPTP), High Energy Density Magnetized Plasma Group, Ecole Polytechnique 91128 PALAISEAU FRANCE Tel: +33 1 69 33 32 80 larour@lptp.polytechnique.fr Dr Francois Daviaud Dr Arnaud Chiffaudel Dr Nicolas Leprovost Dr Berengere Dubrulle Dr Florent Ravelet Dr Romain Monchaux Groupe Instabilite et Turbulence SPEC/DRECAM/DSM/CEA CEA Saclay F-91191 Gif sur Yvette Cedex FRANCE Tel: +33-1-69 08 72 40 daviaud@drecam.saclay.cea.fr arnaud@drecam.saclay.cea.fr leprov@drecam.saclay.cea.fr bdubrulle@cea.fr ravelet@drecam.saclay.cea.fr romain.monchaux@cea.fr Dr Patrice Le Gal Institut de Recherche sur les Phénomènes Hors Equilibre Technopôle de Chateau-Gombert 49 Av. F. Joliot-Curie, B.P. 146, 13384 Marseille cédex 13 FRANCE Tel: +33 (0)4 96 13 97 79 legal@irphe.univ.mrs.fr Dr Pierre Molho Dr Rafik Ballou Laboratoire Louis Néel BP 166, 38042 Grenoble cedex 9 FRANCE Tel: (33) 4 76 88 79 19 molho@grenoble.cnrs.fr ballou@grenoble.cnrs.fr GERMANY Prof André Thess Dr Alban Potherat Technische Universität Ilmenau Additional Information Fakulatät für Maschinenbau - Fachgebiet Thermo- und Fluiddynamik Postfach 100 565 98684 Ilmenau GERMANY Tel: +49-3677692445 thess@tu-ilmenau.de alban.potherat@tu-ilmenau.de Dr Stefan Odenbach ZARM - University of Bremen Am Fallturm /Hochschulring 28359 Bremen GERMANY Tel: +49 - (0) 421 / 218 – 4785 odenbach@zarm.uni-bremen.de Dr Rainer Beck Max Planck Institute for Radio Astronomy Auf dem Huegel 69 53121 Bonn GERMANY p181bck@mpifr-bonn.mpg.de Dr Leo Bühler Forschungszentrum Karlsruhe Postfach 3640 D-76021 Karlsruhe GERMANY Tel: +49 7247 823497 leo.buehler@iket.fzk.de Dr Gunter Gerbeth Dr Sven Eckert Forschungszentrum Rossendorf Institut für Sicherheitsforschung Abteilung Magnetohydrodynamik Postfach 510119 1314 Dresden GERMANY Tel:+49-3512603484 g.gerbeth@fz-rossendorf.de s.eckert@fz-rossendorf.de Prof. Bernard Nacke University of Hannover Institut für Elektrothermische Prozesstechnik Wilhelm-Busch-Str. 4 30167 Hannover GERMANY Tel : +49-511-762 - 2872 nacke@ewh.uni-hannover.de Dr Peter Berger Dr Vjaceslav V. Avilov Dr Guenter Ambrosy IFSW and FGSW University of Stuttgart Pfaffenwaldring 43 70569 Stuttgart GERMANY Tel: +49 -711/685-6881 berger@ifsw.uni-stuttgart.de avilov@ifsw.uni-stuttgart.de ambrosy@ifsw.uni-stuttgart.de Dr Peter Dold Institute for Crystallography University of Freiburg Hebelstr. 25 D-79104 Freiburg GERMANY Tel.: +49 761 203 6440 pit@krist.uni-freiburg.de Additional Information Dr Gundars Ratnieks Siltronic AG Johannes-Hess-Str. 24 D-84489 Burghausen GERMANY Tel.: +49 8677 83 5695 gundars.ratnieks@siltronic.com ISRAEL Prof Herman Branover Dr Ephim Golbraikh Prof Arkady Kapusta Dr Boris Mikhailovich Center for MHD Studies Ben-Gurion University of the Negev P.O.Box 653, Beer-Sheva 84105 ISRAEL Tel: + 972-8-6280-451 bran@bgu.ac.il golbref@bgu.ac.il borismic@bgu.ac.il Prof. Peter Rudolph Institute for Crystal Growth Max-Born-Str. 2 D-12489 Berlin Tel.: +49 30 6392 3034 Rudolph@ikz-berlin.de GREECE Dr Andreas G. Boudouvis School of Chemical Engineering National Technical University of Athens Athens 15780, GREECE Tel: +30 210 772-3241 boudouvi@chemeng.ntua.gr IRELAND Prof Evgeny Benilov Department of Mathematics University of Limerick Limerick IRELAND Tel: +353 - (0)61 - 213 146 Eugene.Benilov@ul.ie Prof Michael Coey Physics Department Trinity College, Dublin 2, IRELAND Tel: (353) 1 6081470/2171 jcoey@mail.tcd.ie Prof Arkady Tsinober Department of Fluid Mechanics, Faculty of Engineering Tel-Aviv University, Tel-Aviv 69778 ISRAEL Tel. +972-3-6408509 tsinober@eng.tau.ac.il Prof Michael Mond Department of Mechanical Engineering Ben-Gurion University Beer-Sheva ISRAEL Tel: +972-8-6477098 mond@bgumail.bgu.ac.il ITALY Prof Katepalli R. Sreenivasan Director of International Centre for Theoretical Physics Strada Costiera 11 34014 Trieste ITALY Tel: +39 040 2240 251 director@ictp.it Additional Information Prof Massimo Tessarotto Universitá di Trieste - Consorzio di Magnetofluidodinamica Dipartimento di Scienze Matematiche Via A. Valerio 12 34127 Trieste ITALY Tel: +39-0406762666 m.tessarotto@cmfd.univ.trieste.it LATVIA Prof Olgerts Lielausis Prof Yuri Gelfgat Prof Elmars Blums Dr Janis Freibergs Prof Yuri Kolesnikov University of Latvia Institute of Physics Riga Miera Street 32 2169 Salaspils LATVIA Tel: +371-2944700 mbroka@sal.lv yglf@sal.lv eblums@tesla.sal.lv jf@sal.lv Yuri.Kolesnikov@tu-ilmenau.de Prof. Andris Jakovics Prof. Andris Muiznieks Dr. Janis Virbulis University of Latvia Zellu str. 8 LV-1002 Riga LATVIA Tel.: +371 703 3780 ajakov@latnet.lv andrism@lanet.lv Janis@paic.lv THE NETHERLANDS Dr Sasa Kenjeres Delft University of Technology Department of Multi Scale Physics Lorentzweg 1 , 2628 CJ Delft THE NETHERLANDS Tel: +31 15 278 3649 Kenjeres@ws.tn.tudelft.nl Dr Tim Peeters Knowledge Group Leader Computational Fluid Dynamics Corus RD&T - PRC - SCC P.O. Box 10000 (Building 4H-16) 1970 CA IJmuiden THE NETHERLANDS Tel: +31-251 491611 tim.peeters@corusgroup.com SLOVENIA Prof Igor Grabec University of Ljubljana Faculty of Mechanical Engineering Askerceva 6, p.o.b. 394 SI-1001 Ljubljana SLOVENIA Tel: +386-1-4771605 Igor.grabec@fs.uni-lj.si SPAIN Prof Peregrina Quintela Estévez University: Universidade de Santiago de Compostela Departamento de Matemática Aplicada. Campus Sur. 15782 Santiago de Compostela. Spain. Tel: +34 981563100, Ext. 13223 mapere@usc.es Additional Information UNITED KINGDOM Dr Sergei Molokov Coventry University School of Mathematical and Information Sciences Priory Street Coventry CV1 5FB UNITED KINGDOM Tel: +44-2476888601 s.molokov@coventry.ac.uk Dr Richard A Harding IRC in Materials Processing, The University of Birmingham, Elms Road, Edgbaston, BIRMINGHAM B15 2TT UNITED KINGDOM Tel: +44-121 414 5248 R.A.Harding@bham.ac.uk Mr Rob Brooks National Physical Laboratory DEPC Hampton Road Teddington, Middlesex TW11 0LW UNITED KINGDOM Tel: +44-20 8943 6496 rob.brooks@NPL.co.uk Prof John E Allen Department of Engineering Science University of Oxford Parks Road Oxford OX1 3PJ Tel: +44 01865 280497 john.allen@eng.ox.ac.uk Dr. Peter J Thomas Fluid Dynamics Research Centre School of Engineering University of Warwick Coventry CV4 7AL UNITED KINGDOM Tel.: +44 (0)24 765 22200 pjt1@eng.warwick.ac.uk Dr Bucur Novac Department of Electronic and Electrical Engineering Loughborough University Loughborough Leicestershire LE11 3TU UNITED KINGDOM Tel: +44 (0) 1509 227 005 i.r.smith@lboro.ac.uk B.M.Novac@lboro.ac.uk Prof Anvar Shukurov Prof. C. F. Barenghi Dr. C. G. Campbell Dr. G. R. Sarson Dr. A. Fletcher School of Mathematics and Statistics Merz Court University of Newcastle Newcastle upon Tyne NE1 7RU UNITED KINGDOM Tel.: +44 (0) 191 222 5398 anvar.shukurov@newcastle.ac.uk C.F.Barenghi@newcastle.ac.uk C.G.Campbell@newcastle.ac.uk g.r.sarson@ncl.ac.uk Andrew.Fletcher@newcastle.ac.uk Prof Reza Tavakol Astronomy Unit School of Mathematical Sciences, Queen Mary, University of London University of London, Mile End Road, London E1 4NS UNITED KINGDOM Tel: +44 20 7882 5451 r.tavakol@qmul.ac.uk Dr David Moss Dr Anne Juel Department of Mathematics University of Manchester Oxford Road Manchester M13 9PL UNITED KINGDOM Tel: +44 161 275 5865 moss@ma.man.ac.uk anne.juel@ma.man.ac.uk Prof Ivor Smith Additional Information Dr Sergey V. Lebedev Dr Jeremy P. Chittenden Plasma Physics Group, Blackett Laboratory, Room 743 Imperial College, Prince Consort Road, London, SW7 2BW UNITED KINGDOM Tel: +44 20 7594 7748 s.lebedev@imperial.ac.uk j.chittenden@imperial.ac.uk Dr Grigory Vekstein School of Physics and Astronomy, The University of Manchester, POBox 88, Manchester M60 1QD UNITED KINGDOM Tel: +44-161-306-3913 g.vekstein@manchester.ac.uk Prof Koulis Pericleous Dr Valdis Bojarevics University of Greenwich School of Computing and Mathematics 30 Park Row London SE10 9LS UNITED KINGDOM Tel.: +44 (0)2083318565 K.Pericleous@gre.ac.uk v.bojarevics@gre.ac.uk Dr A Jonathan Mestel Department of Mathematics South Kensington Campus Imperial College London London SW7 2AZ UNITED KINGDOM Tel: +44-171-594-8513 j.mestel@ic.ac.uk Dr Valentina Zharkova Bradford University Cybernetics Department Horton Building D1.10 Bradford BD7 1DP UNITED KINGDOM Tel.: +44 (0)1274 234 030 v.v.zharkova@Bradford.ac.uk Dr Valery Nakariakov Space and Astrophysics Group, Physics Department, University of Warwick, Coventry, CV4 7AL UNITED KINGDOM Tel: +44 2476 522235 valery@astro.warwick.ac.uk Prof Robertus von.Fay-Siebenburgen Dept of Applied Mathematics University of Sheffield Hicks Building, Hounsfield Rd. Sheffield S3 7RH UNITED KINGDOM Tel: +44-114-2223832 robertus@sheffield.ac.uk Additional Information