56 IEEE JOURNAL OF PHOTOVOLTAICS, VOL. 2, NO. 1, JANUARY 2012 Metamorphic GaAsP and InGaP Solar Cells on GaAs Stephanie Tomasulo, Student Member, IEEE, Kevin Nay Yaung, and Minjoo Larry Lee, Member, IEEE Abstract—We have investigated wide-bandgap, metamorphic GaAs1 −x Px and Iny Ga1 −y P solar cells on GaAs as potential subcell materials for future 4–6 junction devices. We identified and characterized morphological defects in tensile GaAs1 −x Px graded buffers that lead to a local reduction in carrier collection and a global increase in threading dislocation density (TDD). Through adjustments to the graded buffer structure, we minimized the formation of morphological defects and, hence, obtained TDDs ≈ 106 cm−2 for films with lattice mismatch ≤1.2%. Metamorphic Iny Ga1 −y P solar cells were grown on these optimized GaAs1 −x Px graded buffers with bandgaps (Eg ) as high as 2.07 eV and opencircuit voltages (Voc ) as large as 1.49 V. Such high bandgap materials will be necessary to serve as the top subcell in future 4–6 junction devices. We have also shown that the relaxed GaAs1 −x Px itself could act as an efficient lower subcell in a multijunction device. GaAs0 .6 6 P0 .3 4 single-junction solar cells with Eg = 1.83 eV were fabricated with Vo c = 1.28 V. Taken together, we have demonstrated that GaAs1 −x Px graded buffers are an appropriate platform for low-TDD, metamorphic GaAs1 −x Px and Iny Ga1 −y P solar cells, covering a wide bandgap range. Index Terms—Epitaxy, GaAsP, InGaP, metamorphic. I. INTRODUCTION ODAY’S highest efficiency solar cells are triple-junction concentrator devices, with each junction efficiently collecting a different portion of the solar spectrum [1]. In order to attain concentrated efficiencies surpassing 50%, a 4–6 junction design will likely be necessary [2]. However, these devices require top subcells with bandgap (Eg ) energies of 2.0–2.2 eV [2], [3]. Most III–V materials in this desired bandgap range are indirect, requiring thick absorber layers to fully collect the incident sunlight. A further challenge is that many of these materials contain Al, which leads to diminished efficiency due to T Manuscript received July 11, 2011; revised October 21, 2011; accepted November 8, 2011. Date of publication January 16, 2012; date of current version January 30, 2012. This work was supported in part by the National Science Foundation CAREER program under Grant DMR-09559616. The work of S. Tomasulo was supported by an Award from the Department of Energy (DOE) Office, Science Graduate Fellowship (SCGF) Program. The DOE SCGF Program was made possible in part by the American Recovery and Reinvestment Act of 2009. The DOE SCGF program is administered by the Oak Ridge Institute for Science and Education (ORISE) for the DOE. ORISE is managed by Oak Ridge Associated Universities (ORAU) under DOE Contract DE-AC0506OR23100. The work of K. N. Yaung was supported by the Singapore Energy Innovation Programme Office for a National Research Foundation Graduate Fellowship. This work was carried out in part at the Center for Functional Nanomaterials, Brookhaven National Laboratory, which is supported by the U.S. Department of Energy, Office of Basic Energy Sciences, under Contract DE-AC02-98CH10886.All opinions expressed in this paper are those of the author’s and do not necessarily reflect the policies and views of DOE, ORAU, or ORISE. The authors are with the Department of Electrical Engineering, Yale University, New Haven, CT 06511 USA (e-mail: stephanie.tomasulo@yale.edu; kevin.nayyaung@yale.edu; minjoo.lee@yale.edu). Color versions of one or more of the figures in this paper are available online at http://ieeexplore.ieee.org. Digital Object Identifier 10.1109/JPHOTOV.2011.2177640 oxygen-related defects [4], [5]. Al-containing solar cells are also known to result in increased bandgap-voltage offsets (Wo c = Eg /q−Vo c ) as Al content is increased [6]. Iny Ga1−y P (0.27 ≤ y ≤ 0.40) is a direct-gap, Al-free material with 2.05 ≤ Eg ≤ 2.26 eV but is lattice-mismatched to conventional substrates such as GaAs and GaP. Thus, the Iny Ga1−y P active region must be grown on a graded buffer to obtain material with low threading dislocation density (TDD ≤ 106 cm−2 ) and long minority carrier diffusion lengths. GaAs1−x Px is an ideal graded buffer material for this case, because it spans the lattice constants of the desired Iny Ga1−y P compositions and does not phase separate as Iny Ga1−y P graded buffers are known to do [7], [8]. Low-TDD GaAs1−x Px graded buffers have recently been demonstrated by both metal–organic chemical vapor deposition (MOCVD) [9], [10] and solid source molecular beam epitaxy (SSMBE) [11], [12]. In this study, we demonstrate GaAs1−x Px /GaAs graded buffers to enable the growth of low-TDD, wide-Eg Iny Ga1−y P (0.36 ≤ y ≤ 0.43) and GaAs0.66 P0.34 solar cells. We first show that a morphological defect, referred to here as a faceted trench (FT), leads to locally reduced carrier collection. To minimize this detrimental effect, we optimized the GaAs1−x Px graded buffer structure, resulting in solar cells completely free of FTs. The optimized GaAs1−x Px graded buffer possessed low TDDs of 0.7 × 106 –1.6 × 106 cm−2 for 0.16 ≤ x ≤ 0.34. Using this low-TDD GaAs1−x Px platform, we demonstrate Iny Ga1−y P solar cells with Eg ≤ 2.07 eV and Vo c as high as 1.49 V, as well as GaAs0.66 P0.34 solar cells with Eg = 1.83 eV and Vo c = 1.28 V. II. EXPERIMENTAL DETAILS All samples were grown on nominally on-axis, p-type GaAs (001) substrates in a Veeco Modular Gen-II SSMBE chamber containing Al, Ga, In, As, P, Be, and Si sources. The group Vs were thermally cracked at 900 ◦ C to produce dimer beam fluxes, whereas Be and Si acted as p- and n-type dopants, respectively. All substrate temperatures Tsub reported here were measured with a pyrometer, and all fluxes are beam equivalent pressures measured with a beam flux monitor. The GaAs1−x Px graded buffers were grown at Tsub = 680 ◦ C. We have previously shown that GaAs1−x Px graded buffers grown at this high temperature benefit from efficient P incorporation and minimized TDD [11], [12]. Formation of the stepgraded GaAs1−x Px buffer was achieved by maintaining a constant As2 overpressure, while raising the P2 flux. We chose the Ga flux to give a 1 μm/h growth rate at Tsub = 580 ◦ C. However, at the elevated Tsub necessary for graded buffer growth, the sticking coefficient for Ga is no longer unity, and the growth rate decreases to ∼0.8 μm/h. For Iny Ga1−y P cells, we lowered Tsub to 480 ◦ C to grow the Iny Ga1−y P active region lattice-matched to the graded buffer cap. We also decreased the growth rate to 2156-3381/$26.00 © 2012 IEEE TOMASULO et al.: METAMORPHIC GaAsP AND InGaP SOLAR CELLS ON GaAs Fig. 1. Microscopy of FTs in In0 . 3 9 Ga0 . 6 1 P solar cells using (a) PVTEM, (b) EBIC, (c) Nomarski, and (d) electroluminescence imaging. The dislocations piled up near FTs lead to locally reduced current collection in EBIC and quenched radiative recombination under forward bias. 0.5 μm/h to facilitate high doping in the active region. Further details on both Iny Ga1−y P and GaAs1−x Px /GaAs graded buffer growth can be found in [11] and [12]. After growth, we determined material compositions using a Bede D1 X-ray diffractometer. We then performed photoluminescence spectroscopy to estimate Eg of our material using a 527-nm neodymium-doped yttrium lithium fluoride laser and an Ocean Optics USB 2000 spectrometer. To observe the effect of morphological defects on dislocation glide, planar-view transmission electron microscopy (PVTEM) was performed in a Tecnai T-12 microscope operated at 120 kV. TDDs in processed solar cells were estimated by planarview electron beam-induced current (EBIC) imaging using a Helios NanoLab scanning electron microscope operated at 15 kV and 0.34 nA with a Stanford Research Systems SR-570 low-noise current amplifier. We measured the lighted current– voltage (LIV) characteristics under approximate air mass 1.5G conditions using an ABET Technologies LS 10500 solar simulator and a Keithley Instruments 2400 source meter. External quantum efficiency (EQE) measurements were performed in a PV Measurements QEX7 system. III. RESULTS AND DISCUSSION A. GaAs1−x Px Graded Buffer Optimization FTs differ from the usual cross-hatch roughening encountered in metamorphic growth and are defined by the following characteristics: [0-11] line direction, lengths of 100–1000 μm, depths of ∼100–300 nm, and bounding facets between {1 1 3}A and {1 1 4}A [11], [12]. FTs have previously been observed in tensile growth on (0 0 1) substrates and have been shown to contribute to the relaxation of elastic strain [13]. Fig. 1(a) reveals that FTs halt dislocation glide and lead to threading dislocation pileups, 57 causing the nucleation of additional threading dislocations to relax any remaining strain [14]. An additional consequence of the threading dislocation pileups can be observed with EBIC [see Fig 1(b)], where current collection is locally minimized near the FT. Further evidence of the detrimental nature of FTs is given in Fig. 1(c) and (d). Fig 1(c) shows a Nomarski micrograph of an FT running down the center of a metamorphic In0.39 Ga0.61 P solar cell. Applying a forward bias of 2.0 V causes the solar cell to electroluminescence in Fig. 1(d), except near the FT, where radiative recombination is quenched. We previously showed that lowering the grading rate to <0.20% μm−1 and lowering the change in P per step to 2% for GaAs1−x Px buffers with x ≥ 0.30 minimized the FT density (FTD) to <0.1 cm−1 [11], [12]. As noted in [11], a lower grading rate is necessary with increasing x to maintain low FTD; at x = 0.20, a grading rate of 0.29% μm−1 is sufficient to obtain FTD < 0.1 cm−1 , while at x = 0.34, a grading rate of 0.16% μm−1 is required. An additional benefit of minimizing FTD is a reduction in global TDD. Fig. 2 shows EBIC images of processed Iny Ga1−y P solar cells on GaAs1−x Px graded buffers with (a) x = 0.16, (b) x = 0.20, and (c) x = 0.34, revealing consistently low TDD for x ≤ 0.34. The TDDs of 0.7 × 106 –1.6 × 106 cm−2 are comparable with those of recent record-breaking metamorphic cells [15] and lower than those in MOCVD-grown 1.98–2.07 eV metamorphic Iny Ga1−y P [10]. A more complete summary of EBIC results is given in Table I. EBIC imaging on a GaAs0.66 P0.34 graded buffer without an In0.36 Ga0.64 P active region on top revealed a negligible change in TDD, resulting from the additional steps associated with the In0.36 Ga0.64 P growth. B. Metamorphic Iny Ga1−y P Solar Cells A series of Iny Ga1−y P solar cells with different compositions were grown on the optimized graded buffers discussed previously. GaAs1−x Px graded buffers for the metamorphic cells were highly p-doped (NA = 1 × 1018 cm−3 ) to minimize the effects of series resistance. Each solar cell then consisted of a 2.0-μm p-type Iny Ga1−y P:Be (NA = 1 × 1017 cm−3 ) base and a 100-nm n-type Iny Ga1−y P:Si (ND = 1 × 1018 cm−3 ) emitter. To increase collection of short-wavelength photons, we grew a 20-nm n-InAlP:Si (ND ≈ 5 × 1017 cm−3 ) window layer latticematched to the underlying active region. A highly doped 52-nm n-GaAs:Si (ND = 5 × 1018 cm−3 ) contact layer was grown to facilitate ohmic contact to the device. We then processed 2.1 mm × 2.1 mm solar cells via standard photolithography and wet-etching techniques. Using e-beam evaporation, we deposited Ni/AuGe (50 Å/1000 Å) as the n-contact and Cr/Au (100 Å/1000 Å) as the p-contact. A schematic of the processed Iny Ga1−y P solar cells is given in Fig. 3. We grew metamorphic In0.36 Ga0.64 P and In0.39 Ga0.61 P solar cells on the optimized graded buffers as well as an In0.49 Ga0.51 P control cell lattice-matched to GaAs. The Eg of these cells were 1.90, 2.00, and 2.07 eV for In0.49 Ga0.51 P, In0.39 Ga0.61 P, and In0.36 Ga0.64 P, respectively. Fig. 4(a) shows the LIV characteristics of the three solar cells. By increasing Eg through a decrease in In content, we see a proportional increase in Vo c to 1.42 V 58 IEEE JOURNAL OF PHOTOVOLTAICS, VOL. 2, NO. 1, JANUARY 2012 Fig. 2. EBIC of Iny Ga1 −y P solar cells on GaAs1 −x Px /GaAs graded buffers with (a) x = 0.16, (b) x = 0.20, and (c) x = 0.34, illustrating low TDD for optimized graded buffers over a range of GaAs1 −x Px cap compositions. TABLE I SUMMARY OF EBIC MEASUREMENTS OF METAMORPHIC Iny Ga1 −y P n-ON-p SOLAR CELLS WITH GaAs0 . 8 4 P0 . 1 6 , GaAs0 . 8 0 P0 . 2 0 , AND GaAs0 . 6 6 P0 . 3 4 GRADED BUFFERS Fig. 3. study. Schematic of the Iny Ga1 −y P solar cell structures discussed in this (In0.39 Ga0.61 P) and 1.49 V (In0.36 Ga0.64 P) from 1.31 V in the In0.49 Ga0.51 P control cell. Fill factors (FFs) remain constant for all three cells at ∼0.8. A summary of the LIV results is given in Table II. Fig. 4(b) shows that the long-wavelength cutoff in EQE trends toward shorter wavelengths with increasing Eg , as expected. A slight degradation in EQE is observed for short wavelengths (λ). We attribute this to increased reflectivity for λ < 370 nm as Ga-content is increased [16]. The addition of an antireflection coating should mitigate this loss of EQE at short-λ for increased Ga-content. Dark IV measurements reveal an ideality factor of ∼2 for both the metamorphic and lattice-matched Iny Ga1−y P solar cells. The high ideality factor for both the lattice-matched and metamorphic cells indicates that both are dominated by recombination in the depletion region, despite the wide disparity in TDD. We Fig. 4. (a) LIV of In0 . 4 9 Ga0 . 5 1 P (E g = 1.90 eV), In0 . 3 9 Ga0 . 6 1 P (E g = 2.00 eV), and In0 . 3 6 Ga0 . 6 4 P (E g = 2.07 eV) solar cells. As In content is decreased, E g increases, causing a proportional increase in V o c . (b) EQE of In0 . 4 9 Ga0 . 5 1 P (E g = 1.90 eV), In0 . 3 9 Ga0 . 6 1 P (E g = 2.00 eV), and In0 . 3 6 Ga0 . 6 4 P (E g = 2.07 eV) solar cells. TOMASULO et al.: METAMORPHIC GaAsP AND InGaP SOLAR CELLS ON GaAs 59 TABLE II SUMMARY OF In y Ga 1 −y P SOLAR CELL LIV RESULTS Fig. 6. Schematic of the GaAs0 . 6 6 P0 . 3 4 solar cell structure. The increase in Wo c versus Eg in the MM-InGaP cells is instead attributed to an increase in TDD from 2 × 106 –8 × 106 cm−2 due to nonideal dislocation glide kinetics [10]; note from Table I that these TDDs are 1.3–11.4 times higher than that of this study. In contrast, due to our constant TDD with increasing Eg and lack of Al, our cells have a constant, yet slightly higher Wo c versus Eg . We expect that the incorporation of a back surface field (BSF) [17], [18] and improvements in the Iny Ga1−y P growth conditions could help lower our Wo c overall, since we are neither limited by increasing Al content nor by increasing TDD with increasing Eg . A comparison of our cells with those in [6] and [10] reveals a much steeper increase in Vo c versus Eg , as a result of the constant Wo c with Eg [see Fig. 5(b)]. If this trend continues, we can expect to surpass the Vo c of the widest Eg AlInGaP cells as we increase beyond 2.15 eV. C. GaAs0.66 P0.34 Solar Cells Fig. 5. (a) Comparison of W o c for this study (red diamonds) with previously published AlInGaP [6] and MM-InGaP [10] data (black squares). Dotted line represents the King et al. radiative limit for W o c [6]. While W o c for this study is slightly higher, it remains constant with E g , presumably due to the lack of Al and low TDD. (b) Comparing V o c for this study (red diamonds) against the same previously published cells in (a) (black squares) reveals a much steeper trend in V o c versus E g as a result of our constant W o c . therefore believe that improvements in the growth conditions and solar cell structure could lead to better performance in both cases and will investigate this in future work. In Fig. 5(a), we compare Wo c (=Eg /q-Vo c ) of our metamorphic Iny Ga1−y P solar cells with those of published AlInGaP [6] and metamorphic InGaP (MM-InGaP) solar cells [10]. Lower Wo c is desirable as it indicates larger quasi-Fermi level splitting and, thus, larger Vo c . King et al. showed that the theoretical radiative limit for Wo c is ∼0.4 V for a wide range of bandgaps [see the dotted line in Fig 5(a)] [6]. Due to increasing Al content in the AlInGaP cells, Wo c increases from 0.42 to 0.52 V with increasing Eg , indicating a degradation in material quality [6]. In addition to serving as a low-TDD platform for metamorphic Iny Ga1−y P growth, we hypothesized that the GaAs1−x Px graded buffer cap could potentially act as a lower subcell in a future multijunction device. As proof of this concept, we grew a GaAs0.66 P0.34 solar cell with Eg = 1.83 eV, utilizing the optimized graded buffer described previously. The active region consisted of a 2.0-μm p-GaAs0.66 P0.34 :Be (NA = 1 × 1017 cm−3 ) base and a 100-nm n-GaAs0.66 P0.34 :Si (ND = 3 × 1018 cm−3 ) emitter. It should be noted that the GaAs0.66 P0.34 solar cells lack the window and contact layers present in the Iny Ga1−y P solar cell structure. As a result, we increased the doping of the emitter such that it could also act as a contact layer. We added a BSF by grading the doping between the highly doped graded buffer and the lower doped base. The GaAs0.66 P0.34 solar cells were processed using the same techniques and contact metals as in the Iny Ga1−y P case. Fig. 6 gives a schematic of the GaAs0.66 P0.34 solar cell structure. Fig. 7 shows the LIV characteristics of the GaAs0.66 P0.34 solar cell. The Vo c for this 1.83 eV solar cell is 1.28 V, yielding a Wo c of 0.55 V. The decrease in Wo c , compared with the Iny Ga1−y P solar cells, may stem from the addition of a BSF. These GaAs0.66 P0.34 cells have an FF of ∼0.8 but exhibit 60 Fig. 7. IEEE JOURNAL OF PHOTOVOLTAICS, VOL. 2, NO. 1, JANUARY 2012 LIV characteristics of the GaAs0 . 6 6 P0 . 3 4 solar cell. relatively poor current collection due to the lack of a window layer. Considering the high Vo c and FF obtained in these cells, we conclude that metamorphic GaAs1−x Px could act as an efficient lower subcell in a metamorphic multijunction solar cell. IV. CONCLUSION We have demonstrated the growth of metamorphic Iny Ga1−y P with Eg as high as 2.07 eV through the optimization of tensile GaAs1−x Px graded buffers on GaAs. 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Her research interests include compound semiconductor materials and devices for energy-related applications. Ms. Tomasulo received the Best Student Poster Presentation at the North American Molecular Beam Epitaxy Conference in 2010 and was nominated for the Best Student Presentation Award at the 2011 Photovoltaic Specialists Conference. TOMASULO et al.: METAMORPHIC GaAsP AND InGaP SOLAR CELLS ON GaAs Kevin Nay Yaung received the B.Eng. degree in engineering Science from the National University of Singapore, Singapore, in 2010. He is currently with the Department of Electrical Engineering, School of Engineering and Applied Science, Yale University, New Haven, CT. His research interests include epitaxial growth, integration, and characterization of III–V materials on Si for photovoltaic devices. Mr. Yaung received the National Research Foundation Graduate Fellowship given by the Singapore Energy Innovation Programme Office in 2010. 61 Minjoo Larry Lee (M’08) received the B.Sc. degree (Hons.) in materials science and engineering from Brown University, Providence, RI, in 1998 and the Ph.D. degree in electronic materials from the Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT), Cambridge, in 2003. From 2003 to 2006, he was a Postdoctoral Researcher with the Microsystems Technology Laboratory, MIT. From 2006 to 2007, he was a Research Engineer with the Center for Thermoelectrics Research, RTI International, Durham, NC. In 2008, he joined Yale University, New Haven, CT, as an Assistant Professor of electrical engineering. He is the author or coauthor of more than 70 technical papers and refereed conference proceedings and holds six patents. His previous research has been on chemical vapor deposition growth techniques and high-mobility strained Si, SiGe, and Ge field-effect transistors. His current research interests include III–V molecular beam epitaxy, photovoltaic materials, and self-assembled nanostructures. Dr. Lee is a member of the Minerals, Metals and Materials Society, the Materials Research Society (MRS), and the American Vacuum Society. He has received numerous recognitions, including the Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency Young Faculty Award, the National Science Foundation CAREER award, the MRS Gold Award for graduate student research, and the IEEE Electron Devices Society George E. Smith Award.