EASA/SM2.1./SSCC 1-2015/AI 03 IP for action item 5-2-2014 on cross domain safety assessment tool 15 05 2015 European Aviation Safety Agency Strategy and Safety Management Directorate Terms of Reference for a rulemaking task under RAG Cross-domain SMS assessment ISSUE 1 (DRAFT 08)— MARCH 2015 Applicability Affected regulations and decisions: Affected stakeholders: Driver/origin: Reference: Process map Part-ARA; Part-ARO Project lead: Part AR.ADR, Part-21, Part-M, Part- Concept Paper: 145, Part-147, ATM: SKPI Rulemaking group: RIA type: Technical consultation NAAs, Industry during drafting phase : Publication date of the report: Safety Duration of NPA consultation: Review group: n/a Focussed consultation: Publication date of the Opinion: Publication date of the Decision: TE.RPRO.00037-004 © European Aviation Safety Agency. All rights reserved. Proprietary document. Copies are not controlled. Confirm revision status through the EASA Internet/Intranet. CAA UK No RAG group n/a TBD 2016Q2 n/a n/a TBD n/a n/a Page 1 of 5 European Aviation Safety Agency 1. EASA/SM2.1./SSCC 1-2015/AI 03 IP for action item 5-2-2014 on cross domain safety assessment tool Issue and reasoning for regulatory change ICAO Annex 19 promotes a common approach to safety management and safety oversight. The EASA authority and organisation requirements mandate (cf. Regulations 290/2012; 965/2012 and 139/2014) or will mandate (initial and continuing airworthiness, cf. Rulemaking Tasks MDM.055 and MDM.060) that organisations monitor the effectiveness of their SMS and that competent authorities assess SMS as part of their oversight. While the ANS Performance scheme provides a tool to assess the effectiveness of SMS, there is no such EASA methodology or tool available for the other Agency domains where SMS requirements have been or will be introduced. The SMICG, of which EASA is a founding member, has developed a tool to enable a harmonised approach to SMS oversight globally, establishing an equivalent ‘standard’ of SMS oversight internationally. A number of EASA States are implementing SMS assessment methodologies based on the SMICG tool. 2. Objectives The objective of this task is to create a cross-domain SMS assessment methodology and related tools (guidance) focusing both on assessment and continual improvement within the scope of authority oversight. Such single assessment methodology shall be consistent with the EASA management system requirements and the ATM/ANS Performance Scheme in Reporting Period 3 (RP3) The assessment methodology shall not affect RP2 monitoring as the existing EoSM indicator remains applicable until the end of the Second Reference Period (2019). A common approach to assessing SMS effectiveness will have a positive safety impact through: promoting SMS within the different domains; supporting competent authorities to evolve from traditional, compliance based oversight to performance-based oversight; providing a common baseline for SMS effectiveness assessment; creating a sound basis for mutual acceptance of SMS under bilateral agreements. Devising a single assessment methodology and tool meeting both the ANS Performance Scheme and the EASA requirements would ensure a harmonised and consistent evaluation of safety management systems within the wider EASA regulatory construct. A harmonised base will also support the further development of Member State SSP and safety plans along with the development of EASA’s Safety-risk Portfolio. In contrast, the retention of a separate ATM/ANS SMS tool increases the risk of incongruities between approaches and has the potential to increase the reporting burden on States. 3. Activities The proposed working method for this rulemaking task is: GROUP. The first phase of the process will: TE.RPRO.00037-004 © European Aviation Safety Agency. All rights reserved. Proprietary document. Copies are not controlled. Confirm revision status through the EASA Internet/Intranet. Page 2 of 5 European Aviation Safety Agency EASA/SM2.1./SSCC 1-2015/AI 03 IP for action item 5-2-2014 on cross domain safety assessment tool define the scope of the task in terms of domains to be addressed: o ATM/ANS o Aircrew o Air Operations o Aerodromes o Initial Airworthiness o Continuing Airworthiness o Ground Handling take the SMICG evaluation tool as a baseline, conduct research to identify other existing methods and tools to assess SMS effectiveness agree on the set of additional criteria for the assessment (EoSM, etc…) The second phase will be to define the methodology, tools, recommend SMS metrics and develop guidance. A limited number of pilot projects could be launched, time permitting. This phase should also determine if additional domain specific assessment criteria should be included and how to include them. This phase will end with the publication of a report for RAG & TAG consultation. The third phase will consist in reviewing comments and finalising the methodology and tools. During the second and third phase, use may be made of focused consultation where necessary. Tentative planning : 2014 Q1 preparation - discussions with RAG/EC agree ToRs meeting 01: 13/11/2014 research phase meeting 02: 05/02/2015 consolidate research results, agree on assessment criteria develop method & tools, provide GM draft report and consult stakeholders (RAG/TAG) finalise method, tools and GM , recommend rule structure & format 4. Q2 2015 Q3 Q4 Q1 Q2 2016 Q3 Q4 M04 M05 Q1 Q2 Q3 Q4 M01 M02 M03 M06 M07/08 Reporting Intermediate reports on work progress will be provided to RAG and TAGs on a regular basis. 5. Deliverables A. Report describing the cross-domain SMS assessment methodology and providing the related tools and guidance, in particular in relation to the use of the method (training and qualification). B. Recommendation on the rule structure and format (Implementing Rule versus AMC/GM) and proper referencing with regards to related implementing rules for each domain. TE.RPRO.00037-004 © European Aviation Safety Agency. All rights reserved. Proprietary document. Copies are not controlled. Confirm revision status through the EASA Internet/Intranet. Page 3 of 5 European Aviation Safety Agency 6. EASA/SM2.1./SSCC 1-2015/AI 03 IP for action item 5-2-2014 on cross domain safety assessment tool Interface issues Close coordination with any ongoing rulemaking task to review the ATM/ANS Performance IR objectives will be ensured (via TAG and EASA Rulemaking coordination). The work of the group should make recommendations to the SES Performance Scheme in order to avoid any duplication or interference. The work of the ICAO Annex 19 Panel (Safety Management Panel) and of the SMICG will be monitored. NB: The ICAO SMP will carry out a review of the SMICG tool in view of proposing the incorporation of SMS assessment guidance into the Safety Management Manual (Doc. 9859). 7. Focussed consultation Focused consultation in the form of specific meetings representative bodies will be organised where necessary. with selected stakeholder Consultation of competent authorities may be ensured through the regular Standardisation meetings and workshops. 8. Profile and contribution of the group The group includes representatives of the different technical domains as defined in section 3. To properly address issues related to international harmonisation/mutual acceptance of SMS the FAA SMICG representative has been invited to participate and a relationship with the SMICG will be maintained. TE.RPRO.00037-004 © European Aviation Safety Agency. All rights reserved. Proprietary document. Copies are not controlled. Confirm revision status through the EASA Internet/Intranet. Page 4 of 5 European Aviation Safety Agency 9. EASA/SM2.1./SSCC 1-2015/AI 03 IP for action item 5-2-2014 on cross domain safety assessment tool Annex I: Reference documents 9.1. Affected regulations n/a 9.2. Affected decisions Decisions with AMC and GM to: Part-ARA Part-ARO Part-21 Part-M Part-145 Part-147 Part ADR.AR Part ATM/ANS.AR Part ATCO.AR 9.3. Reference documents(initial list) SMICG SMS evaluation tool ATM Performance EoSM & Just Culture questionnaires IATA SMS assessment tools (IOSA, ISAGO) CANSO Standard of Excellence in SMS TE.RPRO.00037-004 © European Aviation Safety Agency. All rights reserved. Proprietary document. Copies are not controlled. Confirm revision status through the EASA Internet/Intranet. Page 5 of 5