42A05NE2023 2.19810 GODFREY 010 GEOPHYSICAL REPORT FOR EXPLORER'S ALLIANCE INC. ON THE GODFREY GRIDS,GODFREY TOWNSHIP PORCUPINE MINING DIVISION NORTHEASTERN, ONTARIO 2 , l 93 i O Prepared by: J.C.Grant, GET, FGAC October, 1999. 42A05NE2023 2.19810 GODFREY 010C TABLE OF CONTENTS PAGE INTRODUCTION.. . . . . . . .. . . . ... . .. ... . .. .. .. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . l PROPERTY LOCATION AND ACCESS. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . l CLAIM BLOCK... .. . . . . ... .... .... . ... .. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2 PERSONNEL.. ...... . . .. . . . . . ... . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2 GROUND PROGRAM..........................................2,3 SURVEY RESULTS..........................................3,4 CONCLUSIONS AND RECOMMENDATIONS. .. ... . .. . . .. . .. . . . . . . . . . 4 CERTIFICATE APPENDICES: A: SCINTREX, ENVI MAG SYSTEM EDA, OMNI IV SYSTEM, BASE RECORDER B: APEX PARAMETRICS, MAXMIN II SYSTEM LIST OF FIGURES: 1. LOCATION MAP 2. PROPERTY LOCATION MAP 3. CLAIM SKETCH POCKET MAPS: CONTOUR MAP OF THE TOTAL FIELD MAGNETIC SURVEY, SCALE: 1:5000 PROFILE MAPS OF THE HLEM SURVEY, INDIVIDUAL MAPS FOR THE 1777HZ AND 444HZ FREQUENCIES. Page l INTRODUCTION: The services of Exsics Exploration Limited were retained by Mr. Lionel Bonhomme, on behalf of Explorer's Alliance Inc., to complete a detailed line cutting and ground geophysical program across a select portion of their claim holdings in Godfrey Township of the Porcupine Mining Division, Timmins, Ontario. The purpose of this program was to locate and outline several weak bedrock conductors that had been initially identified by an airborne survey. The line cutting was started on the 4th of October and the ground surveys were completed on the 18th of October, 1999. In all, a total of 10.3 kilometres of grid lines were cut and surveyed across several of the claims. PROPERTY LOCATION AND ACCESS: The Godfrey project consisted of two small grids, both of which are situated in the southwest section of Godfrey Township and Grid #1, the western grid, spills over into the northwestern section of Bristol Township. Figures l and 2. More specifically. Grid #1 represents the all of the south quarter of Lot 10, Concession I of Godfrey and only the first 100 meters of the claim directly south of the Lot and in Bristol Township. The claims are directly south of Godfrey Lake. Figures 2 and 3. Grid # 2 represents the southwest quarter of the north half and the northwest quarter of the south half of Lot 8, Concession I and 200 meters of the southeast quarter, north half and the northeast quarter of the south half of Lot 9, Concession I of Godfrey Township. Figures 2 and 3. Access to the grids during the survey period was ideal. There is a good gravel road, locally called the Malette main haulage road, that is situated approximately 20 kilometres west of Timmins directly off of Highway 101 west. This gravel road then travels north and west along the township line between Godfrey and Bristol Townships and crosses the southern boundary of the Godfrey Grid #1. Travelling time from Timmins to the grids is about 45 minutes. Refer to Figures l and 2. QUEBEC DNTARID OERALTDN (CARST CWBOJOAHOU MATAGAMC OLE VILLON rilMNS ^PROPERTY LOCATION LAKE SUPERiOR 52:.. v*j"'R LK MICHIGA DNTARID EXSICS EXPLORATION LTD. P.O. Box 1680, P4N-7X1 Suite 13, Hollinger Bldg, Timmins Ont. Telephone: 705-267-4151, 267-2424 CLIENT: N PROSPECTORS ALLIANCE CORP. PROPERTY: GODFREY TWP PROPERTY TITLE: GODFREY TWP LOCATION Date: Oct. 1999 Drawn:?. Gauthier MAP Scale:! ^25rniles l NTS: Fig, l Interp: J.C.Grant l Job No.:E-358 fi ~ "? __Lft*"** ^ C ———--ir X 9 l ,^ 2L - i f "^ r* l \\- ^ Htll^HY i ^y /^T"'- 'il ^/\ fun '-''ft'- - f-pBciitvini'v ^: m ---'l -51 if i \: aili i ^^ ^iv ^ 4 t T/w,™ :v"Ps^™ta. UT"IH3 r' ^ W*. V-m..x Wrtrt*., __:-.- H \ -^ai. j \* t S ^V*T jv Jy* ~T" !- B..M,..! 3 ^__. it . \r l a ^ 4 ^\ r^'l* 'HERTSON \SKEBA\ ) if9i /i ^ l LT:'*'. j/.-l-J/ f V iX V; fr * ""Vp—ftTT*-. i-rj. f""'" S""H*iip| . \;uni —-, : V^ ! S RarAirj. \ if j s MORtL ~. ,, SHILnSlKTBN EXSICS EXPLORATION LTD. P.O. Box 1880, P4N-7X1 Suite 13, Hollinger Bldg, Timmins Ont. Telephone: 705-367-4151. 367-2434_^___ N CUENT: PROSPECTORS ALLIANCE CORP. PROPERTY: GODFREY TWP PROPERTY TITLE: GODFREY TWP PROPERTY LOCATIONFig 2 Date: Oct. 1999 Drawn:P. Gauthier Scale:!: 600.000 l NTS: Interp: J.C.Grant l Job No.:E-358 LDT 10 LDT 9 CDN II LDT 7 LOT 8 GODFREY T DWNSHIP r — — ~~~ 1 P758741 PLOE9699 CDN I .-fGDDFREYJ \ LAKE; -----P834575 ^ P758140 PL029698 L —— —— —— J P834574 -L MALETTE RDAD 1218877 8 Units BRISTDL T DWNSHIP J A 1 M W j \ 3g' ~ EXSICS EXPLORATION LTD. P.O. Box 1680, P4N-7X1 Suite 13, Hollinger Bldg. Timinina Ont. Telephone: 705-267-4151, 267-2424 CLIENT: PROSPECTORS ALLIANCE CORP. PROPERTY: GODFREY TWP PROPERTY TITLE: GODFREY TWP CLAIM Date: Oct. 1999 Drawn:P. Gauthier SKETCH Fig 3 Seale:l:20.000 1 NTS: Intero: J. C. Grant 1 Job No.:E-358 Page 2 CLAIM BLOCK: The claim numbers that were covered by the two grids area as fol lows. Grid #1: Godfrey Twp. P-834575....1 unit, P-834574....l unit Bristol Twp. P-1218877...8 units. Grid #2: Godfrey Twp. P-1029698...l unit, P-1029699...l unit P-758140....1 unit, P-758741....1 unit Refer to Figure 3, copied from MNDM Plan Maps G-3998, Bristol Township and G-3991, Godfrey Township for the positioning of the claims. PERSONNEL: The ground crew directly responsible for the collection of all of the field data were as follows. Aurel Chaumont...............Timmins, Ontario Joe Dimarco..................Timmins, Ontario Eric Jaakkola................Timmins, Ontario The surveys were completed under the direct supervision of J.C.Grant and all of the plotting and compilation was completed by P.Gauthier of Exsics. GROUND PROGRAM: The ground program was completed in two phases. The first phase was to establish a detailed metric grid across a portion of the two claim blocks. This was done using 100 meter line spacing and 25 meter station spacing. Upon completion of the cutting, both of the grids were then covered by a total field magnetic survey which was done in conjunction with a Horizontal Loop electromagnetic, HLEM, survey. The magnetic survey was done across all of the cut lines whereas the HLEM survey was completed on the cross lines only. The magnetic survey was completed using the Scintrex Envi Mag system and the EDA, OMNI IV system as the base station recorder. Specifications for these units can be found as Appendix A of this report. The HLEM survey was completed using the Apex Parametrics MaxMin II system. Specifications for this unit can be found as Appendix B of this report. The following parameters were kept constant throughout the survey period. Page 3 Line spacing.................100 meters Station spacing.............. 25 meters Reading interval.............Magnetic, 12.5 meters, HLEM 25 meters Magnetic reference field.....58,500 gammas Magnetic datum subtracted....57,000 gammas Diurnal correction...........Base station recorder Base station record interval.30 seconds HLEM coil separation.........200 meters Frequencies recorded.........1777hz, 444hz Parameters measured..........Inphase and quadrature components of the secondary field, in percent. The collected magnetic data was then corrected, levelled and plotted onto a base map at a scale of 1:5000. This plotted data was then contoured at 20 gamma intervals wherever possible. A copy of this contoured magnetic map is included in the back pocket of this report. The HLEM data was also plotted onto a base map at a scale of 1:5000, a separate base map for each frequency, and then the data was profiled at lcm to */- 10 percent. Copies of these base maps are also included in the back pocket of this report. SURVEY RESULTS: The results of the ground program will be discussed separately for each of the two grids. West Grid fi: The most obvious feature on this grid was outlined by the magnetic survey and relates to a diabase dike that generally parallels line 300ME. The HLEM survey was also successful in locating and outlining a moderate conductor striking across the north ends of lines 300ME to and including 700ME and the zone appears to continue off of the grid to the east. Further coverage of the zone is required to better define the characteristics of the conductor. The eastern extension of the zone does appear to have a weak magnetic low association and the western extension seems to have been terminated by the diabase dike. Page 4 East Grid, #2: The most obvious feature outlined on the grid relates to a diabase dike that can be followed from line 2000ME at the south end to the north end of line 1700ME. There appears to be a break in the strike of the dike that strikes across the grid in a west-southwest direction that is represented by a modest magnetic low signature. There is a weak HLEM response that closely parallels the strike of this magnetic low unit and it can be traced from line 1700ME to and including 1400ME. The zone appears to continue off of the grid to the west. The zone is situated at a depth of 65 to 110 meters and has a modest conductivity of 3 to 10 mhos. There is a second HLEM response striking across the southern sections of line 1900ME and may extend as far as line 1700ME. The strongest portion of the zone is located on line 1900ME and by suggesting a near vertical depth and estimating the amplitude of the southern shoulder the zone can be interpreted to be at a depth of about 75 to 80 meters and have a conductivity value of 7 to 10 Mohs . The zone lies at the southern edge of a broad and weak magnetic high unit. CONCLUSIONS AND RECOMMENDATIONS: The ground program was successful in locating and outlining several conductive zones across the two grids. The weak HLEM response outline on grid #1 should be followed up with an IP survey which would better define the target. An alternate survey method could be the moving coil PEM system which may enhance the target as well . The two HLEM targets outlined on Grid # 2 should also be followed up further. The stronger zone striking across the southern section of the grid should be drill tested. The second HLEM target should also be drill tested as it also appears to relate to a legitimate bedrock conductor. Should either of the zone return interesting results, then the zones should be followed out to their full limits. Respectfully submitted J.C.Grant, GET, FGAC October, 1999. CERTIFICATE I, John C. Grant, hereby certify that: 1) I am a graduate technologist, (1975) of the three year program in Geological Technology at Cambrian College of Applied Arts and Technology, Sudbury Campus. I have worked subsequently as an Exploration Geophysicist for Teck Exploration Limited, (5 years), North Bay office and currently as Exploration Manager and Geophysicist for Exsics Exploration Limited since 1980. 2) I am a member in good standing of the Certified Engineering Technologist Association,(GET), since 1984 3) I am a Fellow of the Geological Association of Canada, (FGAC), since 1986. 4) I have been actively engaged in my profession since May of 1975, including all aspects of exploration studies, surveys and interpretation. 5) I have no specific or special interest in the described property. I have been retained as a Consulting Geophysicist by the Property holders. John Charles Grant, GET, FGAC. APPENDIX A ENVI-MAG Environmental Magnetometer/Gradiometer Locating Buried Drums and Tanks? Tie ENVI-MAG is the solution to this environmental problem. ENVI-MAG is an inexpensive, lightweight, portable WALKMAG" which enables you to survey arge areas quickly and accurately. ENVI-MAG is a portable, proton precession ~nagnetometer and/or gradiometer, for leotechnical, archaeological and environ mental applications where high produc tion, fast count rate and high sensitivity ire required. It may also be used for other applications, such as mineral exploration, and may be configured as a total-field nagnetometer, a vertical gradiometer or is a base station. The ENVI-MAG easily detects buried drums to depths of 10 feet or more * more sensitive to the steel of a buried drum than EM or radar much less expensive than EM or radar * survey productivity much higher than with EM or radar Main features include: * select sampling rates as fast as 2 times per second * "WALKMAG" mode for rapid acquisition of data * large internal, expandable memory * easy to read, large LCD screen displays data both numerically and graphically * ENVIMAP software for processing and mapping data ENVI-MAG comprises several basic modules; a lightweight console with a large screen alphanumeric display and high capacity memory, a staff mounted sensor and sensor cable, rechargeable battery and battery charger, RS-232 cable and ENVIMAP processing and mapping software. For gradiometry applications an upgrade kit is available, comprising an additional processor module for installation in the console, and a second sensor with a staff extender. ENVI-MAG Proton Magnetometer in operation For base station applications a Base Station Accessory Kit is available so that the sensor and staff may be converted into a base station sensor. features and Benefits WALKMAG" Magnetometer/Gradiometer he "WALKMAG" mode of operation sometimes known as "Walking Mag") is user-selectable from the keyboard. In this 'node, data is acquired and recorded at le rate of 2 readings per second as the operator walks at a steady pace along a line. At desired intervals, the operator •riggers" an event marker by a single key troke, assigning coordinates to the recorded data. "rue Simultaneous Gradiometer n optional upgrade kit is available to configure ENVI-MAG as a gradiometer to •nake true, simultaneous gradiometer leasurements. Gradiometry is useful for geotechnical and archaeological surveys where small near surface magnetic irgets are the object of the survey. electable Sampling Rates 0.5 second, 1 second and 2 second jading rates user selectable from the eyboard. Large-Key Keypad The large-key keypad allows easy access for gloved-hands in cold-weather opera tions. Each key has a multi-purpose function. Front panel of ENVI-MAG showing a graphic profile of data and large-key keypad Large Capacity Memory ENVI-MAG with standard memory stores up to 28,000 readings of total field meas urements, 21.000 readings of gradiometry data or 151.000 readings as a base station. An expanded memory option is available which increases this standard capacity by a factor of 5. Easy Review of Data For quality of data and for a rapid analysis of the magnetic characteristics of the survey line, several modes of review are possible. These include the measure ments at the last four stations, the ability to scroll through any or all previous readings in memory, and a graphic display of the previous data as profiles, line by line. This feature is very useful for environ mental and archaeological surveys. Highly Productive The "WALKMAG" mode of operation acquires data rapidly at close station intervals, ensuring high-definition results. This increases survey productivity by a factor of 5 when compared to a conven tional magnetometer survey. "Datacheck" Quality Control of Data "Oatacheck" provides a feature wherein at the end of each survey line, data may be reviewed as a profile on ENVI-MAG's screen. Datacheck confirms that the instrument is functioning correctly and allows the user to note the magnetic relief (anomaly) on the line. Large Screen Display "Super-Twist" 64 x 240 dot (8 lines x 40 characters), LCD graphic screen provides good visibility in all light conditions. A display heater is optionally available for low-temperature operations below 0"C. Close-up of the ENVI-MAG screen showing data presented after each reading Interactive Menus The set-up of ENVI-MAG is menu-driven, and minimizes the operator's learning time, and on-going tasks. Close-up of display of ENVI-MAG snowing interactive set-up menu Rechargeable Battery and Battery Charger An "off-the-shelf lead-acid battery and charger are provided as standard. The low-cost "Camcorder" type battery is available from electronic parts distributors everywhere. HELP-Llne Available Purchasers of ENVI-MAG are provided with a HELP-Line telephone number to call in the event assistance is needed with an application or instrumentation problem. ENVIMAP Processing and Mapping Software Supplied with ENVI-MAG, and custom designed for this purpose, is easy-to-use, very user-friendly, menu driven data processing and mapping software called ENVIMAP. This unique software appears to the user to be a single program, but is in fact a sequence of separate programs, each performing a specific task. Under the menu system, there are separate programs to do the following: a) read the ENVI-MAG data and reformat it into a standard compatible with the ENVIMAP software b) grid the data into a standard grid format c) create a vector file of posted values with line and baseline identification that allows the user to add some title information and build a suitable surround d) contour the gridded data e) autoscale the combined results of the posting/surround step and the contouring step to fit on a standard 8.5 ins. wide dotmatrix printer f) rasterize and output the results of step e) to the printer ENVIMAP is designed to be as simple as possible. The user is required to answer a few basic questions asked by ENVIMAP, and then simply toggles "GO" to let ENVIMAP provide default parameters for the making of the contour map. The user can modify certain characteristics of the output plot. ENVIMAP'S menu system is both keyboard and mouse operable. HELP screens are integrated with the menu system so that HELP is displayed when ever the user requests it. Options Available * True simultaneous gradiometer upgrade * Base station upgrade * Display heater for low temperature operations ' External battery pouch Specifications ^^^^^^^^ Total Field Operating Range Standard Memory 20,000 to 100,000 nT (gammas) Total Reid Measurements: 28,000 readings Gradiometer Measurements: 21.000 readings Base Station Measurements: 151,000 readings Total Reid Absolute Accuracy Sensitivity 0.1 nT at 2 second sampling rate Tuning Fully solid state. Manual or automatic, keyaoard selectable Cycling (Reading) Rates 0.5,1 or 2 seconds, up to 9999 seconds for base station applications, keyboard selectable Gradiometer Option Includes a second sensor, 20 inch ('/4m) staff extender and processor module •WALKMAG" Mode 0.5 second for walking surveys, variable rates for hilly terrain digital Display .CD "Super Twist", 240 x 64 dots graphics, 8 line x 40 characters alphanumerics display Heater thermostatically controlled, for cold weather operations Keyboard Input 17 keys, dual function, membrane type Notebook Function 32 characters, 5 user-defined MACRO'S for |Uick entry Expanded Memory Total Field Measurements: 140,000 readings Gradiometer Measurements: 109,000 readings Base Station Measurements: 750,000 readings Real-Time Clock Records full date, hours, minutes and seconds with 1 second resolution, +A 1 second stability over 12 hours Digital Data Output RS-232C interface, 600 to 57,600 Baud, 7 or 8 data bits, 1 start, 1 stop bit, no parity format. Selectable carriage return delay (0-999 ms) to accommodate slow peripherals. Handshaking is done by X-on/X-off Operating Temperature Range Standard O" to 60"C Optional -40"C to 60"C Dimensions Console -10 x 6 x 2.25 inches (250 mm x 152 mm x 55 mm) T.F. sensor - 2.75 inches dia. x 7 inches (70 mm x 175 mm) Grad. sensor and staff extender - 2.75 inches dia. x 26.5 inches (70 mm x 675 mm) T.F. staff -1 inch dia. x 76 inches (25 mm x 2 m) Weight Console - 5.4 Ibs (2.45 kg) with rechargeable battery T. F. sensor - 2.2 Ibs (1.15 kg) Grad. sensor - 2.5 Ibs (1.15 kg) Staff-1.75 Ibs (0.8 kg) Analog Output O - 999 mV full scale output voltage with keyboard selectable range of 1,10, 100,1,000 or 10,000 nT full scale Power Supply Rechargeable "Camcorder" type, 2.3 Ah, Leadacid battery. 12 Volts at 0.65 Amp for magnetometer, 1.2 Amp for gradiometer, External 12 Volt input for base station operations Optional external battery pouch for cold weather operations Battery Charger 110 Volt - 230 Volt, 50/60 Hz Head Office 222 Snidercroft Road Concord, Ontario, Canada L4K 1B5 Telephone: (90S) 669-2280 Fax: Telex: (905) 669-6403 or 669-5132 08-964570 In the USA: Scintrex Inc. 85 River Rock Drive Unit 202 Buffalo. NY 14207 Telephone: Fax: (716)298-1219 (716)298-1317 Four Magnetometers in One Self Correcting for Diurnal Variations Reduced instrumentation Requirements 2507o Weight Reduction User Friendly Keypad operation Universal Computer interface Comprehensive Software Packages specifications Dynamic Range ......... 18,000 to 110,000 gammas. Roll-over display feature suppresses first significant digit upon exceeding 100,000 gammas. Tuning Method .................... ... Tuning value is calculated accurately utilizing a specially developed tuning algorithm Automatic Fine Tuning .... .............. ± I507o relative to ambient field strength of last stored value Display Resolution......... . 0.1 gamma Processing Sensitivity .................... ± 0.02 gamma Statistical Error Resolution ................ 0.01 gamma Absolute Accuracy .... ... .. . . .... . ... ± 1 gamma at 50,000 gammas at 230C ± 2 gamma over total temperature range Standard Memory Capacity Total Field or Gradient ................. 1,200 data blocks or sets of readings Tie-Line Points ..... ... .. .. . 100 data blocks or sets of readings Base Station ................... . .... 5,000 data blocks or sets of readings Display ................................ Custom-designed, ruggedized liquid crystal display with an operating temperature range from -400 C to H-55"C. The display contains six numeric digits, decimal point, battery status monitor, signal decay rate and signal amplitude monitor and function descriptors. RS 232 Serial I/O interface..... ............ 2400 baud, 8 data bits, 2 stop bits, no parity Gradient Tolerance ....... ............... 6,000 gammas per meter (field proven) Test Mode ............................. A. Diagnostic testing (data and programmable memory) B. Self Test (hardware) Sensor..................... ........... optimized miniature design. Magnetic cleanliness is consistent with the specified absolute accuracy. Gradient Sensors....... ................. 0.5 meter sensor separation (standard), normalized to gammas/meter, optional 1.0 meter sensor separation available. Horizontal sensors optional. Sensor Cable .................. ......... Remains flexible in temperature range specified, includes strain-relief connector Cycling Time (Base Station Mode) . .. . . . Programmable from 5 seconds up to 60 minutes in 1 second increments Operating Environmental Range . .. . . ...... -400C to 4-55 0 C; 0-l0007o relative humidity; weatherproof Power Supply . . .. .. .. ... . .. . . ........ .. Non-magnetic rechargeable sealed lead-acid battery cartridge or belt; rechargeable NiCad or Disposable battery cartridge or belt; or 12V DC power source option for base station operation. Battery cartridge/Belt Life 2,000 to 5,000 readings, for sealed lead acid power supply, depending upon ambient temperature and rate of readings weights and Dimensions instrument Console Only. 2.8 kg, 238 x 150 x 250mm NiCad or Alkaline Battery Cartridge 1.2 kg, 235 x 105 x 90mm NiCad or Alkaline Battery Belt ....... ... . 1.2 kg, 540 x 100 x 40mm Lead-Acid Battery cartridge . .. . .. 1.8 kg, 235 x 105 x 90mm Lead-Acid Battery Belt .1.8 kg, 540 x 100 x 40mm sensor ......... .... .. .. .. . . ....... . 1.2 kg, 56mm diameter x 200mm ii . ... . Gradient Sensor (0.5,.m separation-standard) .2.1 kg, 56mm diameter x 790mm Grad lent Sensor (1.0 m separation-optional),. .. . .. 2.2 kg, 56mm diameter x 1300mm Standard System complement ............ instrument console; sensor; 3-meter cable, aluminum — sectional sensor staff, power supply, harness assembly, nnprafinnc n . ,,| operations m-. manual. Base Station Option .... . . . . . ...... .. .. standard system plus 30 meter cable Gradiometer Option Standard system plus 0.5 meter sensor E D A instruments inc. 4 Tnorncliffe Park Drive J.oro!2to,i.2n,t?u., 0 canada WWH i HI Telex: oe 23222 EDA TOR c^bie^ instruments Toronto m U.S.A. EDA instruments 5151 Wara Road inc. wheat Ridge, Colorado Printed in Canada APPENDIX B A ^ x ;\ , \ jV \ ~ Five frequencies: 222, 444, BBS, 1777 and 3555 Hz. Maximum coupled C horizontal-loop l operation reference cable. Minimum coupled operation Vertical-loop operation with with reference cable. without reference cable. Coil separations: 25, 50,100,150, SOO and 25Om C with cable 3 or 100,500,300,400, BOO and BOO ft. Reliable data from depths of up to ISO m C GOO ft I. Built-in voice communication circuitry with cable. Tilt Mfi^ftl' meters to control coil orientation. ±O.25Voto±1 0Xo normally, depending on conditions, frequencies and coil separation used . 222. 444, BSa, 1777 and 3555 Hz. MAX: Transmitter coil plane and re ceiver coil plane horizontal [Max-coupled; Horizontal-loop model Used with refer, cable. :: - 222Hz - 444Hz - BBS Hz - 1777 Hz - 3555 Hz M IN: Transmitter coil plane horizon tal and receiver coil plane ver tical CMin-coupled mode). Used with reference cable. V. L. : Transmitter coil plane verti cal and receiver coil plane hori zontal [Vertical-loop mode]. Used without reference cable . in parallel lines. 25,50.100,150,200 S25Om CMM1D or 1OO, 2OO, 3OO, 4OO.BOO and BOO ft. [MMHF). Coil separations in V.L.mode not re stricted to fixed values . - In-Phase and Quadrature compo nents of the secondary field in MAX and M IN modes. : 9V trans, radio type batteries (4). Life: approx. 35hrs. continuous du ty (alkaline , O.5 Ah5, less in cold weather. \ i rriri3rrvcr..3r 3 a ^ r. ."3 r - 3 .-5 12V B Ah battery. - Automatic, direct readout on SP mm [3.5 "O edgewise meters in MAX and MIN modes. No null ing or compensation necessary . Vcics Built-in intercom system for voice communication between re ceiver and transmitter operators in MAX and MIN modes, via re ference cable . -..-v- Indicotcr —ii3ri:5: - Tilt angle and null in SOmm edge wise meters in V.L.mode. Built-in signal and reference warn ing lights to indicate erroneous readings . .-.--93: -4O"C to+BO-C [-4O1 V.ai^n-s: Bkg In-Phase: ±2Or. . ±1OO 0/. by push button switch . Quadrature: ±2O-/i. t TOO "X. by push button switch . Tilt: ±75 V. slope. Null CVLJ: Sensitivity adjustable by separation switch. In-Phase and Quadrature : O.25 V. to 0.5 V. ; Tilt: 1 '/, . Gel-type rechargeable (Charger supplied]. Light weight 2-conductor teflon cable for minimum friction. Unshield ed. All reference cables optional at extra cost. Please specify. - Tilt-angle of the total field in V.L. mode . . -: li ij C O U C :r- l : 22OAtm2 : 2OO Atm2 : 12QAtm2 : BO Atm2 : 3O Atm2 C13 Ibs.) ••.'ei^rrs: 13kg [23 Ibs.] Typically SOkg C135lbs.3, depend ing on quantities of reference cable and batteries included. Shipped in two field/shipping cases. Specifications subject to cnange without notification ( 200 STEELCASE RD. E., MARKHAM, Phone: C41BD 435-1B12 Cables: APEXPARA TORONTO QNT, CANADA, L3R 1G2 Telex: OB-966773 NORDVIK TOR ^Ontario Numb^ (offic* UM) Declaration of Assessment Work ^ . , -. . . Performed on Crown Lands vxi i*** RnMfCh Imagtng R.S.O. ItM (2) o' ** Mnlng Act. Under Mcfen 8 of the MWng Act Me Information is md ••" tw mWng land hoWw Qutstiona about IN* cotecfoo should be ROOT. aJ3 RamMy Lake Road, Sudbury, Ontario, P3E 685. 42A05NE2023 2.19810 GODFREY 900 ructions: - For work performed on mining lands, use form 0241. - Please type or print in ink 2 . 198 l O Recorded holders) (Attach a list if necessary) Ghent Number /""/ve C CJ t^ Q ft i ^b @ ess , 7 S c ^t7 If/ /;i ' r/: i^ U.I ''c? •^ ' ~ s\t'Ji*i'fa-f* ^ Telephone Number x., j ^ f f J (L t,' c^s C~iJ7's\ J(tr, A/ 5~~ T -Q L/' c-/ ^ A o 6, fee ro .A 51 /(Jk*X? V 1X - /v*'/ ' f* (t J** ~~ r*C f ^y^ IT' LC'f^lTf' TtK rUoR ——"pZ. - __ /'——' ~ TyfM of wnrV parformari. ^Type C^^ ^* Work From ' QvrnajQ II f -3 ^ r^** ^^T l1 *t n 5 ) 0 V9 i Telephone Number j /——^ ^ M '—* --^ Cr? ^ HlG - 3^o- M4(^ 7 Only fayl/inul *urv*y* ait'! |Mii*|ttii4lM(j wmV MI* •lluwml IIM rmwti l mnU h*fiu* I*I..H.IIMU For work performed after recording a claim or on other mining lands, use form 0241, Office Use J (D 9 •v KOtnlonmQ 5y*l6fn Dtlel (W •vttnbw) ease remember to: Client Nmnbw -, Q. j 5^"C^ A^ ^T^rt^r 1 U KJf- O t C1 . V- x r-o ( r\ K t C~, *l ft. Fax Number Commodity y 99 To Jft Township/ArM ^—. M or G-Ptan Numb*f . /o - f *? -j ^ Total S Value of Work Claimed NTS Reference f ^ t^Ol ^ Mining Division r\ j Vf)yv*T/^ Resident Geologist District /^ J | ( (fy-Svv-tctcs U l^*Trr'^'—*— - complete and attach a Statement of Costs, form 0212; - provide a map showing contiguous mining lands that are linked for assigning work; - include two copies of your technical report; - provide proper notice to surface rights holders before starting work. Person or companies who prepared the technical report (Attach a list if necessary) Telephone Number Fax Number ime Telephone Number Fax Number Telephone Number Fax Number Certification by Recorded Holder or Agent ^, -*~t. f jQ0^4,*t**t t , do hereby certify that l have personal knowledge of the facts set forth in (PiMNwn*) i is Declaration of Assessment Work having caused the work to be performed or witnessed the same during or after its ompletion and, to the best of my knowledge, the annexed report is true. •gnature of Recorded Holder or Agent gent's Addiaea Telephone Number Fax Number 'X- c*^*T PCR3Ur;;,Cr;iNi\G DIVISION O 5. Work to De recorded and distributed. Work can only Ue assigned lo claims dial are coiuiyuous (aujuininy) iu the 'mining land where work was performed, at the time work was performed. A map showing the contiguous link must accompany this form. tXaaf*. ,^*,/,/ (s*-* f ccx-- L-x-^r 1 \ Mining Claim Number. Or if work was done on other eligible mining land, show in this column the location number indicated on the claim map. Number of Claim Units. For other mining land, list hectares. Value of work performed on this claim or other mining land. Value of work applied to this claim. ——r^-r—— S26, 825 -V Value of work assigned to other mining claims. f \ ^ '•' 'i Bank. Value of wo r to be distributed at a future date. A ^'J24JbOO ^ eg TB 7827 16 ha eg 1234567 12 0 S24,000 0 0 eg 1234566 2 S 8, 892 S 4,000 0 S4.892 1 /^' N/A JL 32,825 VZS /029 l- t*' ' f 6Sfc 2 i 02.1 bf 1 ' ' ( 63 ; - 3 7 5Q | f 0 ^ l l 13. H - 4 75^1^1. ) fc^H . fclV 75^1(0^ \ \i\c - 1 3L(o 5 f 3. fe3 63 ' " XV 6 TS-fclfc"?* 1 63, fe3 7 ^7,^574, 1 ^fo*?- *? le 0! 8 ?34S?5, ) i as; . fc 5o(o 9 7 IX\ fcfc-n 10 111 0! 'f 3 4* *4- 11 9"b3M-H^ 12 #33 2^f 13 S357oa ; i i 7^*0* l^s/ S Oto /6oo - Voo . '-too. Voo 14 15 Column Totals kosa. . 2-ftco a S 00 •3 2.5 a. ..J___ , do hereby certify that the above work credits are eligible undi (Print Full Name) subsection 7 (1) of the Assessment Work Regulation 6/96 for assignment to contiguous claims or for application to the claim where the work was done. Signature of Recorded Holder i o. Date i Writing liialiuolluiia loi cullliiy back ciocllla thai aio nut appiuvecl. 'H nun nl HIP i M'llil-i i liiiiiiPil in Ihl-T iloi.liii.illini limy hn i. ill h.M r Cloir-.n f,!- ( ,' j in Iho t'/ \\\'iii h' ..H uv/loli I.. i.il..illl'.o Ilio .lcloljr.n Of Hfo.lltb 9 1 . Credits are to be cut back from the Bank first, followed by option 2 or 3 or 4 as indicated. H 2. Credits are to be cut back starting with the claims listed last, working backwards; or : . 3. Credits are to be cut back equally over all claims listed in this declaration; or its are to be cut back as prioritized on the attached appendix or as follows (describe): PORCUPINE M;MNG DIVISION ; —Mete^4f-you have not Indicated how your credits are to be deleted, credits will be cut back from the Bank first, followed by option number 2 if necessary. For Office Use Only Received Stamp ______ Deemed Approved Date Date Notification Sent Date Approved Total Value of Credit Approve Approved for Recording by Mining Recorder (Signature) Ontario Ministry of Northern Development and Mines Statement of Costs for Assessment Credit Transaction Number (office usa) Personal information collected on this form is obtained under the authority of subsection 6(1) of the Assessment Work Regulation 6/96. Under section S of the Mining Act, the information is a public record. This information will be used to review the assessment work and correspond with the mining land holder. Questions about this collection should be directed lo the Chief Mining Recorder. Ministry of Northern Development and Mines. 6th Floor, 933 Ramsay Lake Road. Sudbury, Ontario. P3E BBS. Units of Work Work Type Depending on the type of work, list the number of hours/days worked, metres of drilling, kilo metres of grid line, number of samples, etc. /i'^* t *^4f . v^ ^ f^AC. Vm A- y- P/ors 19810 **~V /o - Coat Per Unit of work Total Coat /O -3,K^ . 3L(*S. /'A-, /o.2)k~ - lO./K^ fa?, o* *SO'/** f "5 "So .00 t.o U~ . 3. -7 a*}. so b so. co -H&^-T- Associated Costs (e.g. supplies, mobilization and demobilization). Transportation Costs ffiv^f/praflft?!!?^ l^jgi&hilWitJi l ^ QCT 28 1999 f./f/^ P Ad id Lodging Costs 3fe5-fc.S-0 3 9 S. 1 t* c Total Value of Assessment Work /fv ^ 052. Vfo . PORCUPINE MINING DIVISION unifiiiNiKin* Mf rillMM llhitiwunMil 1. Work filed within two years of performance is claimed at IQ.0% of the above Total Value of Assessment Work. 2. If work is filed after two years and up to five years after performance, it can only be claimed at 50*ft of the Toiai YttlMtf 9f AwiMWIIl WwrH K IhN mtwulion uppjluv to your claim*, uoo thu calculation rjulow: TOTAL VALUE OF ASSESSMENT WORK Total S value of worked claunud. x 0-50 - Not*: - Work older than 5 years is not eligible for credit. - A recorded holder may be required to verify expenditures claimed in this statement of costs within 45 days of a request for verification and/or correction/clarification. If verification and/or correction/clarification is not made, the Minister may reject all or part of the assessment work submitted. Certification verifying costs: l, A''~~t (plaass print full name) , do hereby certify, that the amounts shown are as accurate as may reasonably be determined and the costs were incurred while conducting assessment work on the lands indicated on the accompanying Declaration of Work form as 2r^^ . or state company position wuh signing authority) a (recorded holder, agent, to make this certification. Signature Date l am authorized Ministry of Northern Development and Mines Ontario Ministere du Developpement du Nord et des Mines Geoscience Assessment Office 933 Ramsey Lake Road 6th Floor Sudbury, Ontario P3E 6B5 November 19, 1999 FALCONBRIDGE LIMITED SUITE 1200, 95 WELLINGTON STREET WEST TORONTO, ONTARIO M5J-2V4 Telephone: (888) 415-9845 Fax: (877)670-1555 Visit our website at: www.gov.on.ca/MNDM/MINES/LANDS/mlsmnpge.htm Dear Sir or Madam: Subject: Transaction Number(s): Submission Number: 2.19810 Status W9960.00415 Approval We have reviewed your Assessment Work submission with the above noted Transaction Number(s). The attached summary page(s) indicate the results of the review. WE RECOMMEND YOU READ THIS SUMMARY FOR THE DETAILS PERTAINING TO YOUR ASSESSMENT WORK. If the status for a transaction is a 45 Day Notice, the summary will outline the reasons for the notice, and any steps you can take to remedy deficiencies. The 90-day deemed approval provision, subsection 6(7) of the Assessment Work Regulation, will no longer be in effect for assessment work which has received a 45 Day Notice. Allowable changes to your credit distribution can be made by contacting the Geoscience Assessment Office within this 45 Day period, otherwise assessment credit will be cut back and distributed as outlined in Section #6 of the Declaration of Assessment work form. Please note any revisions must be submitted in DUPLICATE to the Geoscience Assessment Office, by the response date on the summary. If you have any questions regarding this correspondence, please contact STEVE BENETEAU by e-mail at steve.beneteau@ndm.gov.on.ca or by telephone at (705) 670-5855. Yours sincerely, ORIGINAL SIGNED BY Blair Kite Supervisor, Geoscience Assessment Office Mining Lands Section Correspondence ID: 14329 Copy for: Assessment Library Work Report Assessment Results Submission Number: 2.19810 Date Correspondence Sent: November 19, 1999____________________Assessor:STEVE BENETEAU———————— Transaction Number First Claim Number Township(s) l Area(s) Status W9960.00415 1029698 GODFREY, BRISTOL Approval Approval Date November 18, 1999 Section: 14 Geophysical EM 14 Geophysical MAG Note, in subsequent mag survey submissions, please ensure all numeric data plotted on the maps is legible. Correspondence to: Recorded Holder(s) and/or Agent(s): Resident Geologist South Porcupine, ON Lionel Bonhomme TIMMINS, ONTARIO, CANADA Assessment Files Library Sudbury, ON FALCONBRIDGE LIMITED TORONTO, ONTARIO PROSPECTORS ALLIANCE CORPORATION TORONTO, ONTARIO Page: 1 Correspondence ID: 14329 LflEHa MAP SYMBOLOGY HIGHWAY AND ROUTE No. OTHER ROADS TRAILS mi Atnol Cobltwoy JAMIESO N TWP 8 {•••vi fn** Boundary SURVEYED LINES Railroad l lirnpHtMI • IMK Kltrlttrllldll ^"jpwtef* T l*t Doki* mn Ditiffi rt*M*ip W '\v\,^,,,, ,r 60 1*414* Ml*"! Road ^ . -Jib. H \ * . -. l . ,__l \ ' ^ t -^ H -.A/ltlL^l ! l J 'l* l- J TOWNSHIPS, BASE LINES, ETC. ™ LOTS, MINING CLAIMS, PARCELS, ETC 60 f \ Building Chimney R ci pt d i Cliff, Pit,PiU OtltkU In* river -vi •ilk unit Ut rtp Contour* Ut Hkl r l mf rn*f • li* B it l r l* J i rtplO f V *"" r, Sff*om, Canal e 100 01 Hock \iiniriiot ^ -hMl Fold •tpot'tltwotioo l H* lin* •(•••liiai) ^•M* Towtr Wall Fagfurt Outlio* Flooded Land -~^ \ M 9 Tunn*l ^4*n4^ *** * Matt o Utility PoUl Wtiarf ,0aek, Pur Mint Hand Framo Outcrop B Waodtd Ano 40 123681^ —— ! -'^4^ |ke*T ^ x [MOO* — —-' li , "tMit 41)^ i*Mit) ,' df- TYPE OF DOCUMENT jK\ ^ Lack Marih or Swamp FLOODING OR FLOODING RIGHTS SUBDIVISION OR COMPOSITE PLAN RESERVATIONS ORIGINAL SHORELINE DISPOSmON OF CROWN LANDS l,..,. l^**rV ** ** — — — *- TRAVERSE MONUMENT 1155628 y - *x" jx \ 1MO UNSURVEYED LINES LOT LINES PARCEL BOUNDARY MINING CLAIMS ETC. RAILWAY AND RIGHT OF WAY UTILITY LINES NON-PERENNIAL STREAM MARSH OR MUSKEG MINES Troft*muilen Lin* ^..., (t.Mlrytl..* l*.l.rll HTBODO ) f' l ^ Control Vfrlllll — f '' '' lYMBOL PATENT SUBFACE li MINING RIGHTS. SURFACE RIGHTS ONLY .... MINING RIGHTS ONLY .,.,.. LEASE SURFACE A MINING RIGHTS.. SURFACE RIGHTS ONLY ... .. MINING RIGHTS ONLY . . ... LICENC6 OF OCCUPATION _ OR DC R IN COUNCIL . ,. . . ., RESERVATION ....- . ..... CANCELLED __. . . ,. m .. SAND l. GRAVEL-^ . ...... .. ,. O /ix, MOTI WININO mOHTf IN PANCfLI PATCNTIO fHIOH TO MAV f 1119 VIITED tN OPtrOINAU PATINYCf IV TMC rHJ|LIC LAND* ACT II l O 1*10 CHAP 9M ICC M VUMIC 1 jj^jrtrt^l/' AREAS WITHDRAWN FROM DISPOSITION MHO -MINING RIGHTS ONLY •H t R O - SURFACE RIGHTS ONLY -prihATt-v- ^ K*9^/ -, M + 8 -MINING AND SURFACE RIGHTS Order No -IRQ UNDER DIM Dl*Mtlttan PU* 'e ' )\1 10 1175955m 1175956 II H W 40 H CKMni V/h 0297' APPUI CATION AflPIICULTURAL. LAND - zt/a/n BUBJtCT - \ gOHA FIOC SCALE ^/-^4lf, |\ /' / TO IEC 41 [l) Of THE UININB ACT Idfl f '^ v l GRID Uf,^ ,.*-f 3^^^w.4,/ yjJLi- Ar Tt l CATION ' ^ l * FLOODING RIGHTS ON EITHER SIDE OF THE MATTAGAMI RIVER TO H E PC ^ f,,. f o 1 irFNO Of- OCCUPATION l OCA EP WITHIN LOTS 7 8 H IN rONCFSSICN *' HUNG PARIS t 2 AN[J J ON A PLAN Of l 0( ATlfN ri. 4I3JV59UFD -"M H I9H5 FOR SURFACh RIGHTS ON1 Y TO Kf MllfOIIA SH RMiORT'S LWITFO l ICf NTP DOCIJMTN i AND P1 AN Of SUkVF i Av'AII Ar" l )N LANOROU FILE J //- C 889246 -JIJMiNG AND SUPFACE RIGHTS RCOPENED TO PROJECTING STAKING OUT SAI R AMO LFASE UNOFR St CTIQN 36 OF THF MINING ACT RSO I960 FFfCri/F 9IAUG09 AT 1100 '.VI -ST OPLO NO Uf11 0*t *i NR PATED 9IAUG09 APPLICATION ZONE ' 17 NOTES ,^|49i ^TT^tu rt -, *-, Jl/ nV inriiti 1 SO 000 ! 889245 l THC POBUC LAND* ACT \ , STMBM OUT. MU M UMt UWim WCDM M Of TM MMi ACT MO MO VPVTTCf m. t NMi AT 7HO *M U.T MAP ' GUARANTEED. S V 23 t 35y30l ^ 725451 v y (M oU j \\ y* 1 4 ^ f 7259047 /l1122292^ ' \*-l. l^ s-/—x " x ! ij/T-h i ^^ ' 758953 l TOWNSHIP GODFREY MMR ADMINISTRATIVE DISTRICT JP276I4 758965 i 75896.6 -T —-f-\' THE INFORMATION THAT APPFA IS ON THIS MAP HAS SEEN COMPILED FROM VARIOUS SOURCES AND MCCURACY IS NOT GUARANTEED THOSE V1SHING TO STAKE MIN ING CLAIMS SHOULD CON SULT WITH THE MINING RECORDER MINISTRY OF NORTHERN SUvfcLOP MENT AND MINES FOR AD DITIONAL INFORMATION ON TME STATUS OF THE x \758968 ; /(4 UNITS) l l ,V' JU ^75 l/ 758^92 yi H* ' Ni ^ l'/ 'i ' —ITT ^P-- ~ -^ tt-TTvr-^ T- TIMMINS MINING DIVISION PORCUPINE LAND TITUS/ REGISTRY DIVISION COCHRANE Mmistryof Natural BRISTOL TWP Ontario ORIGINAL COMPILATION REVISED 42A05HE2023 2.19810 GODFREY 200 Resources JULY 1984 G-399I MAP SYMBOLQGY HIGHWAY AND HOUTt Na Aerial Cobltway 1 'f W Pipeline 4Om |riut Boundary Ul GODFREV TWP. OTHFH HOAnS THAUS Railroad liifli t'*O 4 SORVfYED l INES TOWNSHIPS, BASE UNFS. ETC ' LOTS, MINING CLAIMS. PARCELS. ETC 4- Putrid, l Uril.M, (226472 Road fmk tj- 226338 •i?,' •"•t* i firidgi (2 UNITS) ;TT i f li ' Ut60 oo mN ! 22664 O- x l- i,^ i r "il. Ivtlii . _; Rapid* Cliff, Ptt.Pilt f- V— 12^6465 l-vitill III* ririr • If* Multi*)* Mpl*) Coni curl • It* MINES •nlllpl* THAVfRSE MDNtJMFNT Rmrvolr Q4|r*M l* — l r, Stream, Canal ' ^26642 Control Poinli O joe oj Humin of 11*- Koch sijiifm*t Culvert ^ t - h oo l Fall* DISPOSITION OF CROWN LANDS TYPE OF DOCUMENT (l 6 UNITS) ^';;- (lufcl 14...K.H) Outlin* im Itdlultl, l V tt PulK Lond ' Morth or Swamp ^ Utility Polt* Matt (i Wharf .Qoch, Pur Mini Hiad Framt a Outcrop -. - . Area ^ •|-t-r,J (2 UN ITS) AREAS WITHDRAWN FROM DISPOSITION 1 ~ ' -~ I n j il 227469 1^36406 /:-f M.R.O. -MINING RIGHTS ONLY 985613 —— l "~~"" l ... T DC . CANCELLED ......... . PERMIT-——-———-——~-——— |P-——-' 1985612 MOTE: MINING niCiHTi IN PARCELS PATENTED PHIOn TO MAY t, 1*13. VESTED IN ORIGINAl PATSNTtE BY TH6 PUBLIC LANDS ACT. H VO 1tt)0. CHAP 110. Ste U, (UMtC V 1235353 too Milrt* Htlrtt M.t 8. -~ MINING AND SURFACE RIGHTS PltpoiltliKi e . o RESIRVATION I.R.O. -SURFACE-RIGHTSONLY Ditt . * .SURF ACF RIGHTS ONLY.. ,.. ORDER IN COUNCIL * Ordv N*. , MINING RIGHTS ONLY , . ..... ... " FINING RIGHTS ONLY LICENCE OP OCCUPATION . .......... i'.',. Dwnrtptlen " " * Tunnel Lock .SURFACE RIGHTS ONLY LEASE, SURFACE A MINING RIGHTS- Trontmiitlon Lint . ' •*OO-* fawtr SYMBOL PATENT. SURFACE St MINING RIGHTS ^pot Elevation F li net, Wall RAILWAY AND RIGHT OF WAY UTIU1Y LINES NON PERENNIAL STRtAM f LOOPING OR FLOODING RIGHTS SUBDIVISION OH COMPOSITE PLAN RESERVATIONS ORIGINAL SHORELINE MARSH OR MUSKEG d. a CMmiuy UNSllftVEYtU LINES LOTLINFS PARCELBOUNHAHY MINING CLAIMS ETC 10 Fta 10 10 H 40 M M ^ Chilni 184684 MO O 1DH H ' M M r—- •^k, tfsr f 'm UNDFR SECTION aa of THE MINING ACT R.s.0. t - - l* -M - - v^ ' "- r ; ,. . -A.^ i— ' MM BCAL* s' - - f - 'tf~- ix'^iid1 '' ZONE Li.—.-——i?-~jH?f' f 752197 l "2196 MINING ANP SURFACE: RIGHTS RE-OPENED TO PROSPECTING, STAKING OUT. SALE OR LEASE \ W 2010 4100 *000 1:20 000 - 17 122658 1990 ORPER NO, O-P-eZ/92 NF-R DATEP 92-AUG-OI (CLAIM N0.'5 P-4W54I TO P-4HISS48 INCL, P-483999, P-454000, P-4793O3 TO P-479BOB ICL. ANP P-4803IB TO P-4flO3l7 — — — — ]J-.-.^--—.— -W* , , •TAhiNfl. a*Lg PB •fcCTIOf) K Of Tl g MINIMA *6Ti —— M fltfl Itltt ^., T* " K x-^ ' wrvn.Am.r w MLE. NOT1C( MCCVCD M-MC-II •NOWMOiU.1 TMM ^ ) j 99746,4 997463 Y|-' 1227781 '-, —.L CT TO UNQ UBC PPW4IT *MT8 40QVT 26/M 12*7779 .4*777 ^ ' \- pj THB TWP SUBJECT TO rWiT ACTIVITY IN I APIAf PCWONATEP EXACTLY AB ILIPMITTEP 0Y MNP TWMJNI. MMW ANP MWACK NOHTI -Off WP THE INFORMATION THAT APPEARS ON THIS MAP HAS BEEN COMPILED FROM VAftlOUa SOURCES. AND ACCURACY 18 NOT GUARANTEED. THOSE WISHING TO STAKE MIN ING CLAIMS 8HOULO CON SULT WITH THE MINING RECORDER, MINISTRY OF NORTHERN PEVELOPMENT AND MINES, FOR AD DITIONAL INFORMATION ON THE STATUS OF THE LANDS SHOWN HEREON '^FORMAT|ON THAT APPEARS ON THIS 8EEN COMP|LeD FROM VARIOUS ACT. M.O, I o-P JO/11 MW ACCUHACV M NCV-Ot AT V*0 NO.I r-4toui TO (S MO- ANP P- NOV 2 2 1999 WISHING TO STAKE MINING CW-V& ONSULT WITH THE MINING RECORD,;, M Mr OF NORTHERN DEVELOPMENT MND MINES, FOR ADDITIONAL INFORMATION ON THE STATUS OF THE LANDS SHOWN HEREON. 120257^ KEY PLAN TOWNSHIP For O.B.M. Map U4?UNltS)){ BRISTOL l!'I H6 OlNiTS) M N.R ADMINISTRATIVE DISTBIC1 TIMMINS 20 IT 4800 8* • OO 80 1 7 4800 •ttdo •* " i " i.* *' *~r J**'**' MINING DIVISION , N '•VM N^ S i PORCUPINE 649966 LAND TITLES/ REGISTRY DIVISION ;:li:ii COCHRANE 4"l l .1 p T. 1 .'*-'^l"] IvX;:;:;:;. 80 1 7 4800 Ministry Of Natural •acoo 10 17 4800 881loo Ontario THORNELOE not to tcala 42A05NK2023 2.19810 GODFREY 210 TWP. ORIGINAL. COMPLATION REVISED CHICKIDIY O.W. Land Management Resources JULY tlB4 Numk*' G-3998 LDT 9 42A05NE2023 2.19310 GODFREY 220 O O en O o CD o o o o LOT N 1000N \ \ \ \ IS1TL 400 N 5? o MALETTE ROAD GODFREY TWP BRISTOL TVP JJDC^^ 150 200 SCALE (m) 1218877 8 Units LEGEND Instrument: SCINTREX ENVI MAG, BRGM DMNI-IV Par a net er s Measured' Earth's -total magnetic field Accuracy: */- 0.1 nano-teslas Diurnalsi Corrected by base station recorder Contour Interval: 0,20,40,60,80,100,,,,,.., Reference Field' 58,500 gannas Datum Subtracted; 57,000 gannas EXSICS EXPLORATION LTD. P.O. Box 1880, P4N-7X1 Suite 13, Hollinger Bldg, Timmins Ont. Telephone: 705-267-4151, 367-2424 CLIENT: PROSPECTORS ALLIANCE CORP PROPERTY: GODFREY TWP PROPERTY L/If TITLE: GODFREY TWP x ' MAGNETOMETER SURVEY Date: Oct. 1999 Drawn:?.Gauthier NTS: Scale: 1:5000 Interp: J.C.Grant Job No.:E-358 LDT 9 LDT 10 42A05NE2023 2.19810 GODFREY 230 o o en O O CO CD O LDT 8 CD o N 1000N CDN I \ o o ho o o Ovt o o \ \ \ ---J o o TL 400N TL400N O O MALETTE en o o o O o o 00 o o o o ro o o o GODFREY TWP BRISTOL TWP 19 S i O MAX-MIN 11 SCALE (n) LEGEND Instrument' Apex Paranetrlcs Max-Min 11 Mode: Maxinum Coupled, Horizontal Loop Survey Parameters Measured: Inpho.se C/.") Cut of phase Frequency 444 Hz Coil Seperatlon: 200m Operator: E, Jaakkola Profile Scale: EXSICS EXPLORATION LTD 1218877 8 Units P.O. Box I860, P4N-7X1 Suite 13, Hollinger Bldg, Timmins Ont. Telephone: 705-267-4151, 267-2424 ______ Conductor Axis In-phase Out-of-phase +15H CLIENT: PROSPECTORS ALLIANCE COR PROPERTY: GODFREY TWP PROPERTY TITLE: GODFREY TWP MAX-MIN 444 Hz Date: Oct. 1999 Drawn:P. Gauthier Scale: 1:5000 NTS: Interp: J.C.Grant Job No.:E-358 LOT 10 42A05HE2023 c? o 240 GODFRKY 2.19310 LDT 9 en o o CD O O LDT 8 --J O o N EV58741 c I N GDDFREY LAKE O O o NO O O CD o o TL 400N TL 400N C? MALETTE 100S en O o en O O o CD to o o* CO o o o o o GODFREY TWP BRISTOL TWP MAX-MIN 11 SCALE (rt) LEGEND Instrument' Apex Paranetncs Max~Min li Made: Maximum Coupled, Horizontal Loop Survey Parameter s Measured! Inphase (X) Dut of phase Frequency! 1777 Hz Coil Seperation: SOOrt Dp era io H E. Jaakkola Profile Scale: 1218877 8 Units Conductor Axis m Out-of-phase +15 P.O. Box 1880, P4N-7X1 Suite 13, Hollinger Bldg, Timmins Out, Telephone: 705-S67-4151. 267-3434 ______ CLIENT: PROSPECTORS ALLIANCE CORE PROPERTY: GODFREY TWP PROPERTY TITLE: In-ph&se EXSICS EXPLORATION LTD. GODFREY TWP MAX-MIN Date: Oct. 1999 Drawn:?.Gauthier 1777 Hz Scale: 1:5000 NTS: Interp: J. C. Gr ant Job No.:E-358