New Metric on Light Source Colour Quality: Colour Harmony Rendering Index Ferenc SzabÓ New metric on light source colour quality: colourUniversity harmony rendering index of Pannonia Ferenc Szabó University of Pannonia ABSTRACT: This study describes the development of a new metric intended to improve the description of light source colour quality. Previously, the author has developed several colour harmony formulae to predict observer’s impressions of colour harmony for two- and three-colour combinations seen under well-defined viewing conditions. One of the applications of these formulae is to quantify the distortion of colour harmony that can occur on changing from one light source to another. Based on the colour harmony predictions of these formulae for a sample set of colours seen under reference and test light sources a new light source colour quality metric, the Colour Harmony Rendering Index is defined. Visual experiment was carried out to investigate the correlation between visual observations and this new colour quality metric. 1. INTRODUCTION: The failure of the current CIE Colour Rendering Index (CRI)1 for modern (especially LED based) light sources has been demonstrated. Experience has shown that the current CRI based ranking of a set of light sources containing white LED light sources contradicts the visual ranking2-6. Various attempts have been made to clarify the possible reasons3,4 and to improve7,8 the CRI, but no internationally adoptable solution has been found. One group of authors identified the reason for the failure as the use of the outdated CIE U*V*W* colour space and its colour difference metrics9. Several attempts have been made to evaluate the visual colour differences with new colour difference formulae3,5. Other authors believed that the small number of test samples may be the problem, and have tried to develop a sample-independent CRI10 by calculating the maximum colour solids under reference and test illuminants. Others believed the choice of the reference illuminant to be the main problem11. CIE Technical Committee TC 1-69, 52 “Colour rendition by white light sources” decided to abandon colour rendering and to use colour quality as the generic term to describe the ability of a light source to render object colours, and to distinguish between colour fidelity, colour discrimination12, colour preference13, flattery14 and visual clarity15. A colour quality scale16 has already been recommended. All these factors influence the final acceptance of a light source for indoor lighting. The author would like to extend the above list with a further aspect of colour appearance. The pleasantness of an interior depends to a large degree on the harmonious appearance of the colours seen side by side in the interior. Thus it seemed to be obvious to suggest as a further light source quality index a descriptor as to how strongly a light source distorts the harmony of colours seen in the environment. In the authors opinion, it is possible that it is not the colour differences of the colour samples under the test light source and the reference light source (colour fidelity) which is visually relevant but the general appearance of all colours in the field of view under the test and reference light source, especially the relation between colour samples – this is the issue of “colour harmony rendering”7. 2. DISTORTION OF COLOR HARMONY UNDER DIFFERENT LIGHT SOURCES 2.1 Experimental Method My first hypothesis was that the impression of colour harmony might change if we changed the reference illuminant to a test light source. To investigate this phenomenon an experiment with two- and three-colour combinations was conducted with the help of a double viewing booth. The experiment was carried out in a completely dark room with black walls. The only light source in this room was the test light source in the case of 1 the visual estimations (full adaptation to the light source colour). Observers spent 10 minutes before starting the experiment to adapt to the lighting conditions. The difference of CCTs of test light sources was within 200 K. Various sets of light sources, including incandescent lamps, compact fluorescent lamps, halogen lamps, high pressure gas discharge lamps, white phosphor LEDs, RGB LEDs were tested. Light sources were chosen to form three groups according to their correlated colour temperature (2700 K, 4000 K and 6500 K). The luminance of the viewing plane was standardized at 170 cd/m2 ±5% for all light sources. The uniformity of luminance was within ±10% in the viewing plane. The colorimetric properties of reference and test light sources are summarized in Table 1. completely harmonious) scale, according to their impression of colour harmony. Observers did not have any time limit, but it took about one minute to make their judgements. Table 1b.: Colorimetric data of test illuminants. CCT[K] 2700 Table 1a.: Colorimetric data of reference illuminants. Light source x y Rhr Ra Nd glass incandescent lamp 0.4571 0.3986 79.9 76 White phosphor LED #1 – High CRI 0.4616 0.4234 102.3 94 RGB LED 0.4648 0.4121 51.2 32 0.4624 0.4222 116.4 67 0.4609 0.4208 112.2 80 0.4589 0.4162 105.6 94 0.3896 0.3774 98.3 82 White phosphor LED #2 – Low CRI White phosphor LED #3 – Mid CRI White phosphor LED #4 – High CRI CWR LED lamp (containing 6500 K „CoolWhite” and RED LEDs) White phosphor LED #5 – Low CRI White phosphor LED #6 – High CRI CCT[K] Light source x y Rhr Ra 2686 Incandescent lamp 0.4631 0.4134 100 100 3000 Halogen lamp 0.4471 0.4077 100 100 3834 Halogen lamp 0.3942 0.3960 100 92 0.3459 0.3525 100 100 Compact Fluorescent Lamp 0.3133 0.3221 100 100 RGB LED 5000 6504 Daylight simulator D50 Daylight simulator D65 Among these 5 reference light sources, the incandescent lamp was used as the reference for the 2700 K light source group, the halogen lamp was used for the 4100 K light source group and the daylight simulator D65 was used for the 6500 K group. Three series of observations were carried out within 4 months with nine observers. They were all young adults, university students familiar with colours. All observers had normal colour vision according to MunsellFarnsworth 100 Hue Test. The inside of the lighting booth was painted grey to provide a middle grey background (L*=50) for the observations. In the experiment observers were presented with 17 different two- and 5 different three-colour combinations (one combination at one time) made up from Munsell matte paper samples. Observers were asked to rate the colour combination seen under the test light source on a -5 (meaning completely disharmonious) to +5 (meaning 4000 6500 White phosphor LED #7 – High CRI White phosphor LED #8 – High CRI 0.3803 0.3800 117.2 76 0.3906 0.3890 110.0 88 0.3929 0.3952 100.1 82 0.3937 0.3745 51.1 34 0.3151 0.3352 102.6 93 0.3147 0.3303 99.3 98 RGB LED 0.3091 0.3213 52.7 47 Compact Fluorescent Lamp 0.3197 0.3527 96.9 74 The spectral power distribution of the reflected light from the single samples illuminated by the reference and test light sources was measured with a Photo Research PR-705 spectro-radiometer. The appearance of all test stimuli was modelled with the help of the CIECAM02 appearance model19 (using the measured in-situ values (background luminance and white point) as parameters and average viewing condition (c=0.69, Nc=1.0, F=1.0)). Colour harmony predictions were made by using recently developed colour harmony formulae18 for all two- and three-colour combinations in all lighting situations. 2 53 2.2 Results Observer responses were analysed statistically. In Figure 1, the experimental results can be seen. Figure 1. Experimental results. Each column represents the mean visual colour harmony rating from 9 observers making 3 repeated observations of 17 two-colour combinations and 5 three-colour combinations. Results are shown with 95% confidence intervals. As can be seen from Figure 1 colour harmony can change if the illuminant is changed. In our experiments the RGB LED test lamp turned out to show the worst colour harmony rendering. For certain kinds of the white phosphor LEDs no colour harmony distortion was observed. In some other cases large harmony changes were found. One possible reason of the changes in the observer’s visual colour harmony impression is suggested by the data shown in Figure 2. Figure 2 shows the CIECAM02 coordinates19 for the specific case of a three-colour combination under D65 reference, white phosphor LED and RGB LED illumination. The CCT of the three illuminants are within a tolerance limit of 20 K. Figure 2 shows that for the RGB LED test lamp, non-systematic colour shifts are apparent: The shifts of colour co-ordinates are very different not only in size but also in direction. In case of the white phosphor LED, the colour co-ordinates of the sample illuminated by the reference light source and the test light source practically coincide. 3. QUANTIFYING THE DISTORTION OF COLOUR HARMONY After predicting the colour harmony score for all the test stimuli for all light sources, the differences between the colour harmony predictions computed under the reference 54 and the test light sources can be an expressive way to describe the distortion of colour harmony. Figure 2. The shift in colour appearance from the D65 reference for two kinds of test light sources on the CIECAM02 ac-bc plane19 for a specific three-colour combination. In Figure 3 the colour harmony scores of the test stimuli resulting from the present visual estimation experiment can be seen as a function of the predicted colour harmony scores (CH) for several light sources. Visual estimation scores on Figure 3 were calculated by averaging the [5...0...+5] judgements of 9 observers’ 3 repetitions for 17 two-colour combinations and 5 three-colour combinations. Figure 3. The relationship between the colour harmony (CH) predictions19 and the visual estimation measurements. Each point denotes mean visual estimation scores (along the abscissa) and mathematical predictions (along the ordinate) for all test combinations under one particular light source. 3 As can be seen from Figure 3 there is a significant correlation between CH and the visual results. In the next section, the concept of a new light source colour quality metric, using colour harmony predictions, the Harmony Rendering Index (HRI) will be described. +5 are plotted against the Harmony Rendering Index (Rhr) of the test light sources. 4. COLOUR HARMONY RENDERING INDEX Perceived colour harmony is subject to change when the light source illuminating the colour samples changes from a reference light source to a test light source. Distortion of colour harmony can be observed if there are very different and non-systematic colour shifts - concerning both magnitudes and directions20 - among the samples in the CIECAM02 colour space19. Similar to the concept of colour rendering, we suggest calculating the differences in colour harmony predictions (using our recently developed models) for a set of test colour sample combinations between the appearance of test samples under the test light source and the reference light source. These differences will characterize the "colour harmony rendering" property of the test light source by quantifying the extent of distortion of the perceived colour harmony of a set of test colour combinations that are harmonious under the reference illuminant. A "harmony rendering index" (HRI) can be calculated e.g. by the following formula: n R hr = 100 + k * ∑ CHF i , ref − CHF i ,test (1) i =1 where CHFi ,ref is calculated under the reference light source, CHFi ,test under the test light source, n indicates the number of test colour sample combinations (harmonious under the reference light source) used to compute Rhr, and k is a constant, which was optimised to achieve reasonable Rhr values. The optimised value of k is 5. This value was chosen in order to scale Rhr values at a similar numerical range as Ra. CHF2M, CHF2D, CHF3T and CHF3T can be substituted in equation (1) depending on the set of 2 or 3 test colour combinations used. In Figure 4, the results of the visual estimation experiment mean colour harmony scores measured on a scale of -5 to Figure 4. The relationship between the mean colour harmony scores of the visual estimation experiment and the value of Rhr of the test light sources As can be seen from Figure 4, Rhr is a good descriptor of the harmony rendering property of the test light sources. A correlation of r2=0.783 was found between the colour harmony ratings and the Rhr value of the test light sources. 5. DISCUSSION AND CONCLUSIONS In this paper, colour harmony has been investigated to develop a new Harmony Rendering Index (Rhr) that can be used to describe light source colour quality. This Rhr metric is based on the colour harmony predictions, provided by four recently developed colour harmony formulae. These formulae predict colour harmony impression from the CIECAM02 correlates of the member colours of two- or three-colour combinations. A new colour harmony dataset was collected in laboratory experiments using 15 light sources and 17 colour combinations. From the experimental results, one possible reason for the change in colour harmony under different light sources was discovered: Non-systematic shifts of colour appearance under the reference light source produced by the application of the test light sources. The occurrence of this phenomenon is closely related to the distortion of colour 4 55 harmony. Some test light sources produced large nonsystematic shifts while others did not. After the statistical analysis of results, colour harmony predictions were made for all the colour combinations used for all light sources. These predictions correlated well with the results of the experiment. A new Harmony Rendering Index (Rhr) was also defined from the sum of the differences of colour harmony predictions for a set of colour combinations for the reference and test light sources. 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