Direct Drive NON-MERCURY FILLED TYPE TEMPERA TURE ~[Jj}@~ ~WDll~!JD~ HIGH QUALITY. REPEATABILITY. DUABILITY. The NEss thermometer is superior to other systems because it pro­ vides an evenly graduated scale without the use of a multiplying mechanism or delicate geared segments, pinions or h3ir springs. The pointer action is direct drive with no multiplying mechanism. This results in a most rugged instrument suitable for installations which, by necessity, have severe vibration and shock. The mechanical difference between the NEss tht'rmometer and a conventional type thermometer is shown in Fig 1. Because of its "gearless" mechanism, the" NEss" thermometer as the followinC] advantages as compared with conventional type thermometers. 1. Excellent stability. 2. Less trouble because of its simple mechanism. 3. MorA dlJrability against vibration and shock. 4. Smoother movement of pointer action. 5. Greater sensitivity and faster response to changE.'s in temperatures. 6. Better accuracies. Compensations Bimetal oJrnpensator for head 3nd line as unit, correc ts for a.mbip.nt temperature change. Double lead compensator (consists of two bourdon tubes and capillary tubes) available if specified. INTERIOR MECHANISM THERMOMETER Housing Driving Shaft Capillary Tube Bimetal Compensator Bourdon Tube Sensing Bulb Zero-Adjust Capillary Tube / Scale Plate Capillary Pointer Crystal -------­ Covering Ring Gasket * CONVENTIONAL TYPE MECHANISM NESS THERMOMETER MECHANISM SIDE VIEW of N-type Bourdon Tube CD ® - @ (4) @ CD CD Pointer ® Compensator (standard) Pointer ~ C-type Bourdon @ N-type Bourdon Tude @ Gear Mechanism @ Hairspring @ Adjustment NEss THERMOMETER Use No Gear Gear Mechanism Conventional-type THERMOMETER Fig. STANDARD SPECIFICATIONS (applicable on all models except "AGNESS", Compact type & Eccentric type) CASE" Case ar black enameled cast aluminum, glass cry tal and "0" ring seal Standard model is case compensi'lted. Double capillary, case and line compensated, are also available. 304 stainless steel cases are available as an option. 316 stainless steel case is availi'lble for 6" dial size only. DIAL Black numbers on While dial. White on Black is available as well. Three dial sizes 3" (75mm), 4" (lOOmm), 6" (lSOmm) nominal. CAPILLARY 3m (1 Ofeet) 304 stainless steel tube in 304 stainless steel flexible armor is sli'lndard. Maximum length lor liquid filled guaQes is 10m (33feel), 30m (98feel) for gas filled gauges and 50m (160feet) for double capillary line compensated type. SENSING BULBS Low temperature gauge have 1Omm diameter x 1OOmm length standard bulbs With 1/2" NPT sliding union con­ nection, High temperature Qauaes, those ilhove 400"(, have 12mm x 1OOmm length bulbs with 1/2" NPT sliding union connection. Available solid union, w/unlons, plain I)ulbs. and bulbs with lhermowells, Standard bulbs are 304 stainless steel. 3/4" unions are available as n oplion. Please refer to page 19 for details. MOUNTING Select back f1anae surlace mount, front flange panel mount. or LJracket mount. Please refer to page 5-18 for details DEGREE OF IP66 (Deck Watertigllt - IEC) Certified PROTECTION (ENCLOSURE) ACCURACY ± 2% Full scale OPTIONS .31 6 stainless steel capillary and armor. • Bulb diameter and bulb lenqlh, consult representative. • Thermowells. • Connecting thread size or flange size. • Changing selling point inner or external set. • External junction hox. • Accuracy of ± 1% of rull scale (lor liquid filled type indicators only) The indicator, capillary, and sensing bulb are a single unit filled with liquid or gas. These liquides or gases will respond properly in spite of any peripheral temperature changes. The compensator exists in order to dutomatically control any changes owing to temperature fluctuations in these liquids and gases, which are highly susceptible to temperature changes under normal circumstances. For Single Capillary Types ,,r-­ ---------------------, @ ,, ,, I CD.~ . ®: I Because the compensator is housed within the case, it j<:, rIt~cessary to keep the capillary at the same tem­ perdture as the case. This type of compensator is called a "Case Compensator" or a "Bi-metallic Com­ pcn~~tor". Our Qduges having this type compenc,ator have "S" at the end of their model numher. CD Indicator ,I ® Compensating . ,, auxiliary ® Bourdon Tube @ ___________ J: I ~ I I I I I , I @ Case Interior (5) Capillary @ Sensing Bulb /(5) For Double Capillary Types -------- ----., r- I I I ,,, ,, , L _ - r L -. ~ , J j ,, CD Main Bourdon , ® Main Capillary (3) Compensating Bourdon @ Auxiliary Capillary @ Sensing Bulb ($1 In each gauge the bourdon tubes and the capillaries are grouped into two sets. One set is for temperature measurement, while the other set is for temperature compensation. This gauge will compensate reliably even under local temperature fluctuation. This feature is called "Full Compensation" and places this gauge a grade above gauges with so-called " Compensation" Our products having full compensation have "D" at the end of their model number, those with case compensation are likewise coded "S", Examples of when "Full Compensator" is necessary EX. 1 Great fluctuation in temperature "lolllJ the periphery 01 the capillary when here IS scarcely any empera ure change on the indicator. EX. 3 20C LIQuid temperature measurement in a tank With aned temperature dlStnbutlon \ ____ ~r._ - ­ - - 4Q<:: ---EX. 2 Great temperalure f1uclualiull" ill botll the capillary and indicator. r------, ,-1O-00C, ,,, ,,, , , , , I L 10 50 r. FX 4 The Call1l1iHY experience~ nnn lJn,fnrm temperature c:ondltinn~ r-----l , 10 50'C' :, CS) \ : I ,.---, ,.---, ,.---, I I I oO·C " 30e 11-IO·e, L , .J ~c= G The temperature conditions illustrated above are for reference purposes not limited to these. I I I I II II II II I II II I II II II II I I I I I I -l '----' only~ the possible conditions are "J \ :I. ~11~o/ll" r, ~ '~~' ;. ,"I", i , , I' I ,I I~J • : " , t';!. f - I. I " , I 'j • r: 't,: . ,I, : lI'... , ' .L. SCALE RANGE TABLE Mod.No. 1-­ Range in 'C 3" 4" 6" Range in 'F Mod.No. Mod.No. Range dual in , - * -200~+50 00 5 , 2 01 :~ - 5 I *-100~+200 2 2 02 -~ 2 03 2 2 t> tt I 04 05 06 -20~ 80 07 2 2 2 1 1 1 1 1 2 2 1 13 2 2 2 14 2 2 2 - 0~120 62 0~150 10 12 * *0~100 2 64 I 32~300 -­ - 2 2 65 32~400 5 5 66 32~500 81 ' O'~ 150'C 32~300'F 82 -i!--­ 0~200'C 83 32~400'F --­ 16 t 5 17 18 19 *0~400 10 _ 5 5 5 5 10 -f--­ 50'C -20~120'F L 32~21 0 63 --­ 15 -30~ 80 - ".. 09 -- ­ 61 08 - - ­ 10 . 20 *0~500 10 10 10 21 *0~600 10 10 10 68 I 69 84 r-. 0- 600·C *32~1112'F * Gas Fillf,d * * 1'C graduation is available as an option (for 4" dial size only) · Ranges listed above are most frequently specified, Consult factory for special ranges, · Standard: Black lettering on White background. · If your application is of a special nature, let us know your exact requirements and our proven design and engineer­ ing experience will he placed at your disposal. 4 I MODEL TUS-2S (FLUSH MOUNTING) Model No ADl A Dia --­ 3" 4" 6" BIC D 0 N 60 5 7 7 1.l2: 7~ j 6060 110 100 92 140 125 ~ 93 206 190 168 140 I'b Mal~ 1 P Bron7e - - ­ Aluminum NBR Glass Aluminum Alloy Aluminum Alloy PART NAME 1'0ll,le, 2 Scale Plate 3 - Gasket 4 Glass Disk 5 : Covering Ring 6 IlousinCl [MODEL TOS-2S - (FLUSH MOUNTING) ---- Model No AD2 3 ~N 3" 4" 6" o c: Q N - 110' 100 t 92 70 60 . 140 , 125~1 11 2 93' 60 206 190 168 140' 60 I 57 A Dia H I I 6 : " , j 11011511,0 . Dia , 3' 4' G' I'b 1 , TBP-2 Glilss AluminlJm Alloy Aluminum Alloy J (PANEL MOUNTING) , I' ~ 2 I 3 ' 4 Al B C 0 '110 100 I 92'• 70 • t • +.!:!O • 125, 112, 93 .206 190 168 140 PART NAME POlI,tpr Scale Plate Gasket Glass Disk (overillSJ R'ng Housin I MODEL TBP-3 ',J . '-.\ F 18 18 18 K M 80 I 87 102' 106 154,158 F~ r: f---¥.­ r-Z7 MlmTnum (PANEL MOUNTING) Model No A05 Dia ''ji}~h-_ ". L N _ _~_--,Mrtlerial P-8,ollze ~ITlinuln NBR Glass Alia Alumi'lUll1 Allo ............ l,-­ 3 4" 6" L A C I ' 110 I 92 : 140: 112: 206 168 0 70 93 140 . F J 18 18 18 60 60 60 K 0 M '20 80 ~~ 102 106_ 20 154 158 20 ~ ' PART NAMF POlllier 2 Scale Plale 3 ; Gasket I'b 1 11ft'DISk 5 Covering Ring 6 Ilous,ng 7 T Mounllnn Kil 5 ~f\J~R Model No AD3 0­ f 7 Mate'ial l-c-:.BronLe Aluminum MODEL s' J I I I'b PART NAME 1 Po,nlpr 2 I Scalp Plill!,! 3 Gasket 11 Glass Disk 5 Covering Ring t I , Material P-Bronzc Aluminum NOR Glass Aluminum /\lloy Aluminum AII~ 30455 - ~ 4 , 5 SU-AD-2 MODEL (EVERY ANGLE) J Model Nn B05 4" 6' 2 ­ D T 112 93 1168 140 60 60 PART NAME POinter Scale Plate f'b 1 ",-,., C Dia c-­ .J : G~kel 4 ~I- 5 6 I Glass Disk Zo I K 11O;~( 154 146±5 3" available Material _-+-,P,-,---=Br OllLe Aluminum NBR Glass Aluminum .:.:A:.:.:llo~_ _--1 Aluminum 304S-::'S'------­ Coverrn R~ Iiousinf) 7 Stem 8 Locking Nut 9 Adjustatile Elbow Jornt -1O~ Lockin Pin 304SS Aluminum Alloy 304SS I MODEL SBS-2 CONNECTIO~ (BACK Model Nn B02 \ 3· C 92 Dia 1.." 3" 4" 6" •­ L ) 8 I PART NAME Pointer --- I Add 4 inches for high temp Range Over 300'( 70 112 93 168 140 -. tf f'b I * K D Material P-Bronze _ S cale Plate ---+-Aluminum 3 Gasket ~R _ 4 Glass Disk I 5 , Cnvp.ring Ring Alumrnum Alloy 6 I Housing I\luminum 7 RICjld SIP.m 304SS 8 ' Fixed Screw 30455 MODEL 5U5-2 J (STAND TYPE) Model Nn BOl • X 54+5 54±5 54±5 Dia 3' 4' 6' r f'b 1 , 2 ,.J-' 4 5 6 7 -8 Material PART NAMf: , POinter P-Bron~ -- Aluminum NBR Scale Plate Gaskel Glnss Disk Coverin]LRirl.9..-­ '1uusilly Rrgld Stem FIXed Scr~ MODEL SUL-3 --- _. --- ~- - Aluminum Alloy Aluminum - 304SS 13045s-­ ~ (L STYLE) Model No B06 Din 3'­ 4 6' tt1 - 1 ? 3 4 5 6 r I&­ 60 fiO PART NAME POinter Scale Plate Gasket Glass Disk ~_Cov(!llng Housill r1Tri9 K -j-Zo 80 10? 154 120±5 131 ±5 157t5 * Add 4 inclles for high temp RanC)e Ovp.r 300'C _ Materral P-Bronze I I\lul1lrn~ NBR , Glass - -­ I\IUl1lim111l Alloy _ _ Alurnillum 6 AGNESS-II THERMOMETER SPECIFICATIONS (Fig. 1) .SCALE (Standard) .BULB Dial Size: 4 inch (Nominal) CODE No. 005 -30~ 70'C 2'C 008 o~ 50'C 1'C 010 0~100'C 2'C 0~150'C 2'C 0~200'C 5'C 0~300'C 5"C 012 TYPE CODE Sliding union type (Std) C L -- Please note that sliding union-type bulbs have no effect against r>rp.SSlJrl~. If yOlJ put the bulb on pressurized vessel, please use thermowell for your safety. t 013 015 I 1/2"NPT Thread Std. Min. Grad RANGE If your application is of a special nature, let us know your exact requirements and put "X" at the end of Part Number ~, 8m/m 10m/m (Std.) SUS304 S6 : SUS316 Outside diameter 6m/m Code of Material S4 ~o ,"t­ 'I' ---~7 " .~ , . \., . i'll Ii:'.', : "~I , J:' I.,' PART NUMBERING SYSTEM In case of Std. Spec Ex.-l I AGNESS- II Optiunal Urder I-I 010 I-I I-I'----;-X-JI-I Ex.-21-AG-N-ES-S--II S4 I-I 10 I-I 150 I Ex) S6 I-I 8 I-~-~ ~ Thermo bulb length in m/m - - - - - - - - O D . of thermo bulb in m/m Material of thermo bulb Xl: Black letter in White ' - - - - - - - - - Code No. of Range (Fig-l) X2:Scale range 32-210F X3 :Thermowell (as per ' - - - - - - - - - - - - - - MODEL another drawings) L t *Previous Model AGNESS is still aVi.lilabc (100mm, 150mm) Please consult your sales agent for details. I l f ;"---0_--. MODEL TUL-20 (FLUSH ~OUNTING) Model No A09 ,or ( ) ) No I , ~ 1 • '0 15 ,, 10 • ] -~ 1 2 j PART NAME Pointer Scale Plate --­ ~ - 3 r:asket 4 Glass Disk - 5 I Covering Ring 6 _ Housing [ MODEL ~N Matenal P-Bronze Aluminum NBR - --Glass Aluminum Allay Aluminum Alloy TU.§-2S-0 (FLUSH MOUNTING) J Model No A07 6" aV3ilabic PART NAME Pointer Scale Plale -~ Gasket 4 GI3SS Disk ~ I Covering Ring 6 I Housin.Q. Material P-f\rnn7P Aluminum NBR Glass Aluminum Allay Aluminum Alloy No, 1 2 MODEL I , TBP-30 (PANEL - ~ - MOUNT~N~~ Model No AOa J No 1 I'ART NAME Pointer I Matcri~ _ _ P-Bronze ~2---t-is~c'-:a+:le-=;p~l:-:at--=-e~~~~-----r--l';:A;:-'Iu==m"=in"'"u=-m Gaskel NBf< ~~~~_I Gldss Oisk Glass ~ CovprinCj Rinq Aluminum AII~ 1-"6c--5crew 130455 7 Ilousrng ~~~~~~!I:;;-luc-;-m;;;in~u",m--,-,----:A;I.:.::I-O'-!..y-_-_-_-_-_-_-1_1 8 FIXing Nut __ + 30455 9 Panel Mountinf) Kit 304SS 3 4 8 I J ! MODEL SU-AD-20 (EVERY ANGLE-)­ Model No B09 .110 PART NAM[ Poinler 2 Scalp Plale 3 G.lsket 4 Glass O;$k Coveflng Rrng 6 Screw 7- Housrng Locking Nul 9 I Adjustable E:lbow joinl 10 I Luckin\) PH' Material 1 P Bron?'" Aluminum ~NBR Glass AI minum Alloy 30455 Aluminum Allo_y_ _ 304S5 I\ILJ.Inmum Allcry_ 30455 ra 585-20 (BACK CONNECTION) MODEL Model No B08 C D A d 4 rnches 33' 93 54±5 for hrgh lemp 1*Rdnge Over 300C Pi\RT Ni\ME rainier 2 Scale Plale 3 Gaskel - 4 • Glass Disk 5 I Coveflng Ring 6 5crew 7 : IiouSH19 8 Union Nul 110 1 · · 9 , ­ • Aluminum Allay 30455 I Ali7minLlm Alluy 30455 . 30455 SUS-20 (STAND TYPE) -- l Model No B07 J ". - I Glass MOlll1tlng Scrt:w MODEL , Malerial Bran?€' ---I\lumlnllm - -' NBR ,P Dia 4 C D 133 93 I - I X 54+5 ;dd 4 Inches for high temp L---'-_--''''''----'''''--'L-''-'-=:.::.......J Range Over 30m:: 110 1 2 3 4 G Covering~ 7 8 9 ~rial PART NAME Pointer 5calp PlaiR Gasket Glass Disk Screw Hou5,n'l Union ul Mounllng Screw P Bron7f~ - - Aluminum NOR -. Glass Alilillinum Alloy ~04SS • Aluminum Alloy 304SS --304SS I - - - I MODEL TUL-HSP 80 (FLUSH MOUNTING) Model No Al0 4" stanr!;wi. 6" available f\O l~ ~I" i'• ',I' ... 'd,n . 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 I POinterPART NAME Material P Bronze Aluminum AIIJminum Allov SCilie Plate Converi,~inq i ~ Alumfnurn~ Iiousing Oillnlel Oil Inlet Cap Mounting Kit _ Aluminllm Allov AhJminllm Allov 304SS or Steel I " _MODEL " TBP-HSP (PANEL MOUNTING)~ Model No A28 4" only. f\O 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 > ..) .. ,,' ,. Material f1-BJOnzc Aluminum Ah~minum Allov Aluminum Allov PART NAME Pointer Scale Plate Coverin Rin Housll~ Alu'!1inulT~oy 0iflnlel Oil Inlel Cap Mountlnq Kit Aluminum Allov 304SS or Steel 1 PANFl ("III . MODEL SU-AD-HSP (EVERY ANGLE) Model No 812 4" only. No PAm NAMI:1 I Pointer 2 Scale Platl'; 3 Covering Ring 4 . Locking Nut G Adjustable [I bow Joint f) Shaft ( Lockm Pin 8 : Oil Inlet Cap 011 Inlet 9 10 Housing I . n\ . .' MODEL "1 Material P-Bronze -Aluminum -- AlllminlJl'fl.~ 304SS Aluminum Alia -304SS :1045S ~ - ~lTli!!!:'.r:nAlloy Aluminum Alia Aluminum Alloy SUS-HSP ~ -- (STAND TYPE) --­ Model No 816 ...~ :0.. , r ~.~ -{ff~ TIl 4" only. I 1 PART NAME I'ointe' Malerial P-Bronze 2 5cillel-'l~ AiurnH1Ulll No 3 : CoverinlL Rin Oil Inlel Cap 4 5[ ~ I ';0'" 6 7 8 0-+ 011 Inlel ~--=-=-Iiousino Rigid St~ Union Nut Mounting Screw Alumlnllm : Aluminum Aluminum . Alu~1ll 304SS 304S5 t 30455 Allo Alloy_ Alloy Alloy * Add ~ incllcs for high temp Range Over ::lOOt.: 10 I he temperature switch encloses one or two electrical S.PD.T contacts which are adjusted to create ON or OFF signal(s) when temperature reach(es) at the desired set point(s). MICRO SNAP ACTION SWITCI j: Set point -ME 2 Set points -MEE Pushing opE~ration of small actuator can switch comparatively larger current betcen ON and OFF. As a cam is installed on the pointer, a lobe is located to push switch's actuator. As the temperature reaches the predetermined level, the lobe pushes the actuator for ON or OFF action. The standdrd option i~-; SP.D.T(Single Poll" Double Throw.) For 2 contacts, 2 sets of cams & switches are used. INTERIOR MECHANISM For Single Capillary Types ["pilla For Double Capillary Types Hourcfon Tllbe TLJhe D,st"nl Piece / Compensator / / // / ,/ Center G_car / Cam Gear// Sellin Gear ~... ; Selllnq Gear . \ Set Screw 11 The following thermometers are especially designed to signal or control when temperatures go beyond predetermined high or low limits, and at the same time give accurate temperature indications. Up to 2 circuits can be controlled by one instrument with one or two switches installed as speCified. Micro Switch MOD CODE (one set point),(two set points) Contact Capacity 5A 125V AC Max Voltage Used Withstand Voltage Housln~ and -ME, -MEE non-,ndUCllvP 200V AC Trrrrllllill Number of contacts available 2000V AC 1 min. 1 S.P.D.T/ Set Point 12 TUS-2S-ME MODEL Model Nn C01 Dia 3" I­ 4" 6" - A B C D N 110 100 92 70 ~ 1'10 125 11~ ~ 7206 190 168 140 7 cp ., ...... ) No. 1 2 .-l 4 5 6 , -.'u .. ... I Material PART NAME Pointer Scale PicHe Gasket Glass Disk Covelinq Rlllq HouSIng 7 Ter~ 8 9 Set POint Indicator Set Screw ~ronle Al'Jminum Neoprene Glass ~­ Aluminum AI'-'--Io~--­ Aluminum AII(''-')Y~_ _--I Pllcnol resl'-.·n-,_ Brass Coated Brass Coated--­ TBP-2-ME MODEL Model Nn C03 '[ ... • .. 1 Dia - .. 3" 4" 6" No. 1 2 3 4 _;-­ + !~ c I D A F : 11 0 ~ 100 92 70: 18 140 125 112 93 18 : 206 190 168 140 18 t Gla,;s Disk Ring Sct Point Indicator I MODEL +--s 7 7 TBP-3-ME Model Nn C05 ) Dia 4" 6" No. 1 2 l. 3 D:I II C • 140 ' 1J2' 93 ~ 206 ' 168 '(40 7 8 9 Material P·Bronze ---_. AtuminlJnl Neoprene --Glass Aluminum Alloy Aluminum Alloy Phenol resin Brass Coatcd Brass Coated PART NAME POinter : Scalc Plate Gasket Glas~ Dd Covcrrnq Rlnq ~IIOuSln'1 Tprminal Set Point Indicator Sct Scrcw MODEL ) F J K M 1A A5: 102/106 IA 8t> I')4 15fl r--=L' 5 .6 , N ~ Aluminum eOflfene GIi1sS Aluillinum Alloy Ailiminum Alloy Phenol rpsin Brass Coaled 7 ' Telminal , I 80, 87 102 106 1!A'I58 Material ; P-Bronze ---­ PART NAME POlnte=::r,--_ _ Scale Plate Gasket ---­ 5 : (overing 6 Hou~iny 8 KIM l TBP-40-ME '" , Model Nn C09 hl ... 4" only No. 1 . , I, -2 Gld" Di,k ~3 ~Coverir'.9. ,R-,i"-,n~y__ ~us~ 5 6 7 8 13 PART NAME Gaske'"Ct~ ..; -- I ermlnal !:lox Cable Wire outlet Set I'oint Irldicator S<.:t SLlCW Mate~_ • ._-+...cN~e,-"o~Plre".'n"e,--­__. Gld" ~n1inufll Alloy I-Aluminum Alloy AluIlllnUIIl Alloy !:lrass Coaled - - - ­ Brass Coated 01.1"' COdlL:LI MODEL Ora No 1 2 3' 4' 6" 112 168 , ~ I 'T'r y ~O I ·X 70 8:' 25 54 t.5 93 i 85 ! 25 102 140 85 38 154 54 +-5 o ~+-5 PARI' NAME ~nLe Scalc Plate Gaskp.-.t--­ Glass Drsk ~ COVerll1C) RTrlg -­ 6 • Housirlg 7 Rigid Stern 8 Union Nut 9 MOUllliliU Suew 10 lermrlh.ll 11 - Set Point Indicator 12 Set S~ *T:add 079 inchs (20 mrll) Iur twu ~el "ornts * Add 4 inches for hiqll tcmp Ranljc Ovcr 300'( Material , Pornter 3 <1 C ~92 SBS-2-ME - Aluminum Neoprene Glass Aluminum Alluy Aluminum 304SS 304SS 304SS Phenol resin Brass Coated Brass Coated - I~M_O_D_E:::.L==S~U--r-S_----,2_-_M_E---..:::;-:-*--"-(S::..:.-.cPECIAL) J' -.­ Oia 3' 4' 6" C 0 9 70 . 112 93 168 140 'T 85 85 85 No 0.79 rnchs (20 mm) lor twu set points f025415 1545415 PART NAMF Pointcr Scalp. Plate 3 Gasket--­ 4 (;las5 Uisk . 5COVerrn Rin 6 : Hou:iirlg 1 Rrgid Stern 8 ; Unron Nut 1 Muunlir!9 Screw . lOTermrnal '11 Set rointlndrcator - - ; 12 SP.t Screw 1 2 * Tadd K • X ~ 54±5 ~ MODEL Add 4 rnches for Iligh temp Rilnge Over 300'C Material P-Bronze Aluminum Neoprene Glass Aluminum Alloy Alurnirlu;n Alloy 304S5 304SS-­ - _ 304~ Phenol resin Brass Coate-d--­ Brass Coatcd SUL-3-ME (SPECIAL) Oia 3" 4" 6" No 1 2 3 4 5 . 6~ 7 8 • 9 10 • 11 ' ·'T.ilrld 0.19 inchs (20 mm) for twu set "urnts I" I,. PART NAM. Pointer Scale Plate Gilskp.t Glilss Disk Covering Ring Ilousrn Riqid Stem Elbow Joint Set roint Indicator Terminal Sel Screw MODEL Material P-Bron~ Alurnrnum - - ­ Np.o rene I Glas_s__ ­ ~UIl2!!..'U'" Alluy Alumrnum Alloy . 304SS Cast Iron or 304SS Brass Coated Phenol re~inBrass Coated SUS-50-ME (SPECI~ Dial sizp. 3" only Material ,~, PART N.8ME P-Bronze Pointer Aluminum Scale Plate 3 Gldss Orsk-­ Glass 4 Covp.ring Rin-g-­ Aluminum Alloy Alumi[lli;Tl Alloy 5 Ilousin51. ~ Synlllelic resi-n--­ 6 I errninal Box --+ --­ 7 SetPornt Indicator __ + ~ass Coat~ I:lrass Coatp.rl 8 SP.t Screw +2 1r * An order has 10 have 10 pcs or more 14 MODEL TE02 Explosion Proof Model No Cll r .-!-0' .:", -' I,ter i 110 ~!' :') fij): liZ 0 \ - , j:­ y~:: J, ~! ~ Conduct conn. PF l/2 (Std) @,'. One set point or (1 -SP.D.T) (2) Scale range See page 3 (3) C.lpillary 1m (Std). (4) Thermobulb TI1read PT l/2 (Std.) Slirling union typE.: only 0 M ,IL ,G" Microswitch l ,t\. ", ~ <:.~::~. (1) Electrical contact • I Two set points (2-S.P.D.T) 10m (Single capillary) Max., Material of Housing: Aluminum Electrical rating AC250V 3A (Non inductive) AC 125V 5A (Non inductive) DC 125V 0 AA (Non inductive) 50m (Double capillary) Max. '" J Material S4:SUS304 (SLlndard) S6:SUS316 (Available as optiun) Uutside diameter: 8mm. 1 ?mm, 10mm. (5) Please specify the following items for order Item For example Model TE02-ME-S Scale range O~ 11 Outside diameter of thermobulb Style of thermowell <P 1 OO'C 10 BJPI 150LbRF x <P 15 x 200mm Material of thermowell SUS304 Electrical rating ACl OOV 3A Others TAG No, Quantity, Order number, Other option - 15 I MODEL TE03-ME I _ Explosion Proof (Ex IIB+H,T4) Model Nn C14 .~ ( 1) Electrical contact Microswitch One set point or (1 -SP.D.T) Two set pOints (2-S.P.D.T) Electrical rating AC250V 3A (Non inductive) AC 125V 5A (Non inductive) DC 1?5V O.4A (Non inductive) (2) Scale range Range -30~ Min. Scale 70"C Range 150"C 2"C O~ O~ 50"C l"C 0~200"C 2"C * Range in deg. F O~ 1OO"C 2"C 0~300'C 5'C is also available -- * Other ranges in - 200 (3) Capillary 3m (Std), (4) Thermobulb ThrC'ad PT '/2 (Std) * Slidin~1 union type only - 600 deg C is also available as specials. 10m (Single capillary) Max., 50m (Double capillary) Max. ===ss=-­ I Material - L ., S4SUS304 (Standard) S6SUS316 (Available upon request) Outside diameter: (b) OrderinC] Min. Scale 2'( Bmm. 10mm, 12mm (6m/m as a special order) Please specify the following items. Items Example I--- I - Description --+----­ Model TE03-ME-S Single capillary with one set point Range 0~1 Scale range of OO"C O~ 100 deg. C I- Capillary - 3m Capillary length of 3m (Standard) - - - Bulb dia <p10 Thermobulb diameter of <p 10 (1 Omm) Style of thermowell Yes If not required, please specify so. Size of thermowell --­ Material of thermaell 1B JIS 10KRF Standard inner thread 1/2" PT <p 15 x 200 Out. dia. 1Omm Length 200mm Rating S4 S4=SUS304 I AC1 OOV 3A -­ - S6=SUS316 I Please specify your needs Please contact us for further assistance for ordering. 16 , ."\. ;',". MODEL SUO-M 1RU-S MODEL TOS-M 1UU-S Unit Type Adaptive to installation condition, more thJn several standard model numbers are available, please select the proper one by capillary's outlet, terminal box's and cable ground locations. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. ~ 17 Description Ambient Temp Compensation Conduit Location CIN In truction S Single Capillary D Double Capillary U Underneath L Left hand side R Right hand side T Top U Underneath L R Left hand side ---Right hand side 1 1 Set Point 2 2 Set Points Switch Type M Microswitch Mounting Method 0 Without Mounting Flange S Surface Mounting Capillary or Stem Oullet Location 0 Top U Underneath B Backside (Rigid stem only) Indicating Method T Remote Reading S Rigid Stem Terminal Box Location No. of Switch - -- - Please note that slinding union-type bulbs have no effect against pressure. If you put the bulb on pressu­ rized vessel, a thermowell will be needed. Mdx. slilll~ pressure O. 'iMPil (1) Fixed Screw Type (4) Fixed Union Capillary Type Max. stalic presswe O.!JMPa L8tjU­ -E ~(?) With thermowell type (5) Sliding Union Type for remote reading only Max. ,lalie pre"lIre 1Mf'a f'led~(> reler 10 paye 20 IllUiMOWELL ~---I(3) Plain Bulb Type (6) Sliding Union type for rigid stem type only VOLUME of the Thermobulb compared to mercury filled type. Out dia 8 rjJ NEss - O~ 50'C 140mm 0--100'C 70 150"C 45 0-200·C 40 0~300·C 25 O~ Out dia 10 ep NEss . - Out dia 12 ep NEss :t ~:; Fm MF 404 202 135 MF MF ':~ j 25 63 20 45 20 60 15 50 MF: Mercury filled conventionill type Standard Out Uia Size of Thermobulb. ( ) oplion Liquid filled Single Capillary 8 10 12 14 rP Double Capillary (8) 101214rP ' i R= eQx =0.8 .­ ,, I I . flange o~ 8 50'C 0~100 0~200 0~3:"0 "0~400 Gg=~gg 10 12 ( 16) I 75 50 30 70' 40 140 I 40 I 25 30 J 20 20 I 15 I 25 _ _ _ _ _-----'~.200~50 1455 I 15 20 115 195 120 I 235 150 110 I 12 1J 14 not available Minimum Size of Thermobulb. The Volume of the Thermobulb clepends on the Scale Range mm Single Capillary Type (- S) r1x Gas filled 10 80 mm Double Capillary Type (-D) Ranqe 0111 fi,a I 8 10 O~ 50"C O~ 100 0-200 0~350 _I 80 4:" I 12 180 j 115 90 60 45 30 35 25 I 14 16 80 60 45! _35_ _ _t_J.....--'L Please add 25mm or more in Cilse of plain bulb Iype "Gas Filled 18 Pipe(P) .. - - - - - - - - - - Straight Type (S) - Straight Type (S) - Screw (S) - [ Straight Type (S) - Drilled Bar Stock(D) Taper Type (T) Taper Type (T) PiPe(p) - - - - - - - - - - - S t r a i g h t Type(S)-Flange(F) - { ~,.-----;[ Drilled Bar Stock(D) [ Straight Type (S) - Taper Type(T) - [ Straight 1 ype (S) - Taper Type (T) Weld-in (W) 19 - - - - - - - - - - - - - 1[ Straight Type (S) - Taper Type (T) 1A 2 2B 3A 3B 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 < Indicator> .---_1_.-,-Model No. 2. Compensator S=Single Capillary Type 3. Dial size 2- 1> 50 3- 1> 75 D=Double Capillary Typ<, (10m or more) 4= 1> 100 4. Scale range 6= 1> 150 6. Connection size I 1 - 2 - 3 - 4 - 5. Thermowell O=Without - 6 - 7 7. Rating JIS. ANSI, etc. l·······~·_~·_~--~ 10 W=With J 11 - 1~ - 13 _ _J 8. Type of thermowell 9. Inner thread 10 Materials 1=304SS, 2=316SS, 3=316LSS, X=others 1 1. Thermobulb model A=Sliding Union Type, R=Fixed Union Type, S=Plain Bulb X=olhers <Contact> 12 Thermobulb malerial 1=304SS, 2=316SS, X=olhers 13. Malerial of flexible tube F=304SS, V=Flexible lube PVC covered 14. Volta e I '5"1 '6 ~ - -l~ - }§- Ope,ation mode t -18 T'1~1- 22 ]-~ I - l~Capillar len th ~mobUlb~nglh 17.CO~ - - 1=15A(PF1 12) 4=20A(PF3/4) X=olhers -[23 22. O.Dof Thermobulb 21. 1.0.01 Thermowell 20. 00.01 Thermowell(D?) 19. 00. f Thermowell(Dl) 18. Option 20 For eliminating the missing specification or mis-understanding for Ihe technical confirma­ tion, the complele specificalion is a vital one. Please copy the specification sheet on p e 22 and fill out. It will be a big help to InanufJc ture the requested products accUiately and swiftly. t •• , - . . . " ( Please enter dale prepared, your company and section names, as well as Tele­ phone No., Order No. and File No. Instrument Location nrtme if necessary to express on the instrument. If not. leave It blank. 2. Specify Tag o. if it is required. If not, leave it blank. 3. Select and mark Tag No. indlcatin<J localion. If not. leave it blank. 4. Setect and mark Tag No. indicating method. If not, leave it blitnk. 5. Select and mark the ambient teilipelature compensation method 6 Refer the CAT. and indicate Model 7. Indicate nominal dial size. Ex) Dia 8. Select and mark case color: Std. is Munsell N1. 2 (black) 9. Select and mark scale plate color: Std. is white letter on black. 10. Select and indicille scale range; Ex) 0 l00"C or 32 -·210'F 11. Select and mark scale division; please refer the CAT. for standard spec. j ~ 1---.1-· 2 specify material names for capillary and flexible armor not speCified. Leave it blank. it 2 18 19 Mark the thermobulb style . ark when Well IS reqUired. If not, leave it blan . When Well IS reqUired, specify the Morlel No. by the table on rage 19. When Well is not required, leave it blank. 17. Specify the material when Well is required. Leave it illrlllk, if not re qUlred. 18. Indicate tank mnlerial for thermobulb. If not. leave il blank . . 9. SpeCify thread of flange sile lor thermobulb. In case 01 wi h well. speci­ fy Installation dim nsions of well. 20. Specify proof pressure for lhermoillllil. No need to specify In case of standard spec. 21. SpeCify vanous dimensions of thermobllib. 1­ o - - - ­ 13. 6. 5 17 100mm Enter capillary length (in unit of meier) . 4. t ~-17 12 15. -0 CAT. fJAGE ; DESCRIPTION ITEM NO. - -- ~­ t 22. 23. 24. 25 26. 27. 28. NOTE: A) In case Ihe entry is same as left side column, may use Bl AbbreViations for material are as follows: SUS O~ S~ 5U53 6 Others 21 56 X ., mark. , . : 11. ", Company Name: - ----­ I-­ Dale prepared Person 10 conlact: No No. File No.' No. I Location 2 lAG No ame --I-=- -­ . L 0 I Selle TAG Nu Indleatlng ocatlon Case Tag No. Indicaling Method 4 I -----1­ 1­ 5 I Adhe. ----­ ~ , Ca,e Scale -, Case M~. JA~a Glass ~ ,. S S. plate SSplale ..J Single Temp. Compensatron Method 6 ~- 1S(~le Glass Lead I Double Lead.:...,, _ Sln~le Lead Double Leaas -S _ D - S GI~ss - Scale ICa_,_e S S. plate I I Glass _ Adhe S. S pl_al_e I I _ S,nqle Lead Double :::Le::a=ds=-­ -_O L _ LJ SI/.gle Lead I I Double Leads -S -D -S -0 - Model No. -r­ 7 Dial Size 8 Case color 1 Std .. Bldlk CMunsell o Wht. ~ 9 Scale Color 10 Scale Range II Mlo. Division on SCdie 12 Capillary Lenglh 13 Capillary Mat'I Flex. Armur Mat'I '4 Thermobulb Model ,5 Well MIg, Method Well Model 17 Well Mal'l 18 Thermohllih Mat'I 19 Thd, r1ange Dim. .-J Whl [J Wht. Ilr. on Blk. Blk. I [Jlk. Llr on Wht. L 'C . LF [ J Std Std , 1 m m Fixed I Sliding U Olhers I I Fixed I Sliding ] Others ~ Fixed Plain I Flexible +,::L=-l.:...p::la.:...ln.:... I Flexible J Plain Welding I I Special boring 0 Welding Special bering cJ Welding BOling [J Other I Boring l ()I_he_r ...:=-:::: Boring C Fixed Slidlog [ ] Others Flexible L I , Welding SpeCIal horing OIlier I D. dl ·F oD Ly L: IL9' - ~ 0.0. 02 02: a; ~ I.D. ell Lg L I 0 d' D - - 0.0 d Well Inner Tllread No. 01 set polnls 25 Ratlnq - - 26 Operatioo Mode 27 Remarks 1­ 28 Qly I Iln'1. Set "lExt·1. Sel 11 set pOint ;] 2 sPt [lOlnls - r~!lC I DC vol Is volts - [lrl·1. Sct [IExt Sel -­ r 'sel point ~? sel [lOlnt, I AC ....J DC L valls volts .CJ -s co Lg 1 00 02 ::J~t L: 0.0, d: ~~ I __ 1.0. d l ~ Thermohllih Dim. Lq I: - ~'Set 'Ext't. Set I I sci pOIf.t 2 set pUIf'!> vailS volls - D DI 00 01' 00 01: 24 1 Otller - -­ Sci pOint Adjustment Others C SpeCial boring 1Boring -I ------il f-­ 23 - I I 0.0. 2? J Sliding C ::J FleXible [ 1Plain Thermobulb Proal-Press ?I Std. -~ m m - U"C I "F ~ U I -t-­ 20 ~ht:LUn I ] lJlk. L11. 00 Wht. IF l cJ I ::J Munsell JC J Std. _______+C::= 1 '6 [ Std .. Black CMunsell UC I IF I I I Sid. [Jlack S d . Black --' Munsell tlr on Blk. Blk Llr on Wht I tr. 00 Blk. _ _ _-t-=I-=J_lJlk. Llr on Whl Nom. Size am Size Nom Size Nom. Si7e - Ext'1. Sct - I SCi POIOt I 2 :,el poiots --­ 11 AC r I DC volts valls - Oil Refinery Plant Pump [Illel Oullel Oil Cooler [nlel (Jutlet Compressor Air Outlet Air Tn let Boiler Slc£lm Temp He£lvy Oil Temp Oil rig Plant Gas Plant Heavy Oil Temp C.ooling W£ltcr Temp Gas Temp Electric Power Plant Nuclear Power Plant Pump Tnlet Outlet Lvaporator Inlet OUll..:t Heater Inkl Outlet Pur,' Water Drain WaleI' High Pressure Water Turbin Oil Thrust Metal Temp Bearing Luhricant Oil Ste£lm Supply Return Control OJ I Air Ejeclor WaleI' Hoi IeI' Feed Water Oil Cookr Supply Cooling Water Air Cooler WaleI' Turbin Outlet Steam Exh£lust Ste£lm Temp Gland Seal Steam Condensation Tank Condensatiun Pump LPG Plant LNG Plant Diesel Engin Oil Temp fuel Uil Temp Cooling Water Temp Exh;\lIst Gas Temp Turbin Bearing Coupling Side Shafl Fne! Gear Rox Dearing Temp Pump Casing Coupling: Stuffing Box Gland (icar Box Bearing Temp Submarine Sea WaleI' Temp Heavy Oil Temp PUle Air Temp Ship Build CO., Oil Serviee Tank Oil Set Tank Blend Oil Inkt Fuel Oil Purifier Inlet Lubricant Oil Purifier Exhaust (ias Temp Pinion Shan Rearing Ternp Diesel Air Temp Bear Shaft Bearing Temp Oil Reservoir Oil remp Acellmllialer Sea Oil Temp L P(i Tank Chemical Plant Fertilizer Plant Food Plant Sugar Plant Milk Plant Oil Tank Powder Tank Cement Plant Ice Freezer Milk Evaporator Condensor Baking Powder Mixer Chocolate Mixer Beer Plant Soap Plant Mayonaise Plant Film Plant Rayon Plant Tire Plant Injection Machine Pulp Plant Paper Plant Water Plant Desalination Plant Shaft Temp of Heavy Machinery Bearing Temp of Motor Air Conditioning Plant WaleI' supply return Air supply rcl urn Steel Company Shaft Temp of Mill l.uhricanL Oil Temp All information and specifications in this catalog are current at the tIme of printing' (h:Jnql'" in product design and specifications may occur without notice. Contact your area fddUlY representative or the factory for the current revision of this catalog. Our local representative is OJ. 04. 1.000