Power Electronics, Inc. Packaged Equipment Center Standard Construction and Design Features DESIGN CRITERIA FOR STANDARD CONSTRUCTION: These standard design elements of the P.E.I. Power Equipment Center are utilized to meet the following design criteria per ASCE 7-05 as adopted by the IBC (International Building Code) 2006 and 2009 Edition: Occupancy Category: House Dead Load: Equipment Loads Floor Live Load: Roof Live Load: Deflection Limits: III 65 PSF Plus Equipment Load as Noted 150 PSF Power Distribution House 70 PSF Control House 250 PSF (Unless Noted Otherwise) 50 PSF Base Member Total Load = L/240 Snow Load Criteria: Ground Snow Load: Importance Factor: Thermal Factor: Exposure Factor: 50 PSF 1.10 CT = 1.0 CE = 1.0 Wind Load Criteria Wind Speed: 125 MPH Exposure Category: C Importance Factor: 1.15 Topographic Factor: KZT = 1.0 Component and Cladding Wind Loads Used for Design of Wall & Roof Panels Seismic Load Criteria Importance Factor: 1.25 Site Class: D Spectral Response Acceleration Ss = 0.35 S1 = 0.13 Max Seismic Design Category is C Page 1 of 8 Power Electronics, Inc. 3011 Millington Road Millington, MD 21651 410-928-7700 Power Electronics, Inc. Packaged Equipment Center Standard Construction and Design Features 1.0 DEFINITION: The PEI Packaged Equipment Center (PEC) is a factory manufactured NEMA 3R walk-in module designed to house customer specific electrical equipment. The module shall be completely fabricated, assembled and tested in a factory environment and shall be pre-installed and pre-wired with PEI manufactured or customer specific equipment prior to shipment. The PEI PEC is delivered to the customer's site as a pre-designed, factory manufactured and tested unit. 2.0 GENERAL GUIDELINES Design and construction techniques shall follow industry standards to support the manufacturing of the components and the complete assembly of the PEC. At a minimum, the latest revision of the applicable sections of the following standards shall govern: IBC - International Building Code UBC - Uniform Building Code BOCA - Building Ordinance Code of America SBC - Southern Building Code NEC - National Electrical Code AWS D1.1 - American Welding Society SSPC - Steel Structures Painting Council AISC - American Institute of Steel Construction The manufacturing, assembly, and testing of the PEI PEC shall be controlled by a written Quality Control Manual outlining the procedures used to guarantee performance. When required, stage checks shall be administered throughout the design and manufacturing steps to verify compliance with the quality standards detailed in the manual. Copies of certif icates of conformance shall be made available to the customer when required. 3.0 GENERAL DESCRIPTION 3.1 The PEI PEC shall be of the highest quality and all material shall be new, unused and free from defects affecting performance, serviceability and appearance. 3.2 The exterior dimensions of the PEC shall range between 8 to 18 feet wide, 8 to 80 feet long and 11 to 13 1/2 feet high in a single unit. All PEC's over 16 feet wide will be made in sections. All PEC's shall have a nominal interior height dimension of 10, 10.5, 11 or 11.5 feet. Interior widths and lengths shall be 6 inches less than exterior. 3.3 The PEI PEC shall be fabricated and constructed using non-combustible materials. Additionally, all insulation shall have a flame spread of less than 25 Page 2 of 8 Power Electronics, Inc. 3011 Millington Road Millington, MD 21651 410-928-7700 Power Electronics, Inc. Packaged Equipment Center Standard Construction and Design Features 3.4 Unless otherwise specified, the PEI PEC shall be designed for an Industrial, general purpose, non hazardous, seismic one environment. Unless otherwise specified, the PEC shall be suitable for installation in a 104 degree F maximum temperature and a -10 degree F minimum temperature. 3.5 Special designs and manufacturing techniques shall be employed for PEC installation in seismic and hazardous areas. Structural design calculations shall be provided when specified. 3.6 The following PEI designed and manufactured equipment may be pre -installed, pre-wired and tested in the PEI PEC: Simplex Panels Duplex Panels PLC Systems Consoles Instrumentation Panels Graphic Control Panels Swing Rack cabinets Transformer/Rectifier Panels 3.7 The following customer furnished or PEI procured equipment may be pre -installed, pre-wired and tested in the PEI PEC: Low Voltage MCC Medium Voltage MCC Low Voltage Switchgear Medium Voltage Switchgear Low Voltage Variable Frequency Drives Medium Voltage Variable Frequency Drives Distribution Dry type transformers AC and or DC Panels Battery Systems and UPS Automatic Transfer Switches HVAC Systems Pressurization Systems Explosion Proof Fixtures and Devices Other Page 3 of 8 Power Electronics, Inc. 3011 Millington Road Millington, MD 21651 410-928-7700 Power Electronics, Inc. Packaged Equipment Center Standard Construction and Design Features 3.8 Engineering drawings shall be designed using the latest revision of AUTOCAD. Drawings for approval shall include plan, elevation and wiring diagrams of the PEC utility circuits and a detailed Bill of Material. 3.9 The PEI PEC shall be designed for future expansion, when specified. 4.0 DESIGN CRITERIA 4.1 BASE & FLOOR 4.1.1 The PEI PEC base shall be fabricated from ASTM A-36 structural steel members sized and arranged in such a manner to limit deflection during lifting and transportation of the completed module. Each base shall be completely welded with certified welders (AWS D1.1) whom are skilled in working and handling structural steel. The base structural members shall be so arranged as to not interfere with floor openings and / or other bottom entrance / exit areas. 4.1.2 The flooring of the base shall consist of 3/16 inch or ¼ inch carbon steel plate welded to the top of the structural support frame. Gaps between floor plate butts shall be less than 1/16 inch or shall be continuously welded and ground smooth. The floor loading shall be rated not less than 250 pounds per square foot, unless otherwise specified. The flooring shall be flat and free from bows and indents. 4.1.3 Deflection during lifting shall not exceed ¼ inch per 10 feet. Base shall be designed for mounting on piers, pilings or slab foundations. 4.2 WALLS: 4.2.1 The PEI PEC exterior wall shall be constructed from formed 14 gauge galvanealed steel, Type 304 or Type 316 Stainless Steel or type 5051 aluminum. Exterior panels shall be designed to provide a weather resistant barrier. Exterior wall panels are to be a maximum of 4 feet wide and 12 feet high. Stiffeners shall be welded in the midpoint between each panel. 4.2.2 Each exterior wall panel shall be welded or bolted to the base frame Page 4 of 8 Power Electronics, Inc. 3011 Millington Road Millington, MD 21651 410-928-7700 Power Electronics, Inc. Packaged Equipment Center Standard Construction and Design Features 4.2.3 The interior wall shall be fabricated from 16 gauge galvanealed steel, and be mechanically fastened to the formed exterior wall. Interior wall pans shall be a maximum of 4 feet wide and 12 feet high. 4.2.4 The wall cavity shall be a nominal 3 inches. 4.2.5 Each exterior wall seam shall be liberally caulked using high quality caulking compound designed for this purpose. 4.2.6 The walls shall be designed to withstand wind Levels of 125 MPH Page 5 of 8 Power Electronics, Inc. 3011 Millington Road Millington, MD 21651 410-928-7700 Power Electronics, Inc. Packaged Equipment Center Standard Construction and Design Features 4.3 ROOF / CEILING: 4.3.1 The roof pans shall be fabricated from 14 gauge galvanealed steel or type 5052 aluminum. The roof pans shall be formed to provide a weather resistant barrier. 4.3.2 The roof shall be gable type with a minimum 1/4 inch per 12 inch slope. A minimum of 3/4 inch overhang from the exterior wall shall be provided. 4.3.3 Each exterior roof seam shall be continuously seam welded. 4.3.4 The ceiling pans shall be fabricated from 16 gauge galvanealed steel and mechanically fastened to the roof truss system. The ceiling structure shall be designed to retain the insulation and provide a steel surface to install light fixtures and overhanging cable tray when required. 4.3.5 The roof / ceiling system shall be designed for 40 pounds per square foot loading. 4.4 ENTRANCE: 4.4.1 The PEI PEC shall have an industrial grade, double walled, Class B, double door. Each leaf shall be 36 inches wide and 84 inches high. When required by customer or NEC, an additional personnel door shall be provided of the same quality. 4.4.2 The door shall open outwardly and have a low profile panic device opening feature. All door hardware shall be brushed aluminum finish and of industrial quality. 4.4.3 The door shall be provided with a key lockable knob and an automatic door closure with hold open feature. Door threshold shall be bumper style. 4.4.4 When specified, a door window shall be provided. Door window shall be safety plate glass. 4.4.5 A drip shield shall be provided over the door, and a removable transom shall be provided, when specified. 4.5 INSULATION: 4.5.1 Fiberglass bat insulation with a flame spread of 25 or less shall be used in all exterior walls and ceilings. Page 6 of 8 Power Electronics, Inc. 3011 Millington Road Millington, MD 21651 410-928-7700 Power Electronics, Inc. Packaged Equipment Center Standard Construction and Design Features 4.5.2 Exterior walls shall be insulated to a minimum of R11 value. 4.5.3 Ceiling shall be insulated to a minimum of R19 value. When specified, higher values of insulation can be provided. 4.5.4 Floor insulation will be provided, when specified. 4.5.5 When rear access equipment doors and removable transoms are provided, they shall also be insulated with fiberglass or other non-combustible insulation. 4.6 WIRING: 4.6.1 PEI PEC wiring shall consist of type THHN, 600V, 90° C, gray stranded number 12 AWG for utility circuits. 4.6.2 Installed equipment shall be interconnected with cable or wire depending on manufacturers and /or customer requirements. 4.6.3 All interconnecting wiring shall be installed in EMT conduit or other approved raceway or wireway. 4.6.4 Grounding of the PEC and switchboards within the PEC shall be to customer requirements. 4.7 LIGHTING / RECEPTACLES / LOADCENTER: 4.7.1 The PEI PEC shall be supplied with fluorescent lamps with reflectors that provided 50 foot candles of illumination. Lighting shall be controlled by a switch located near the door. Three way light switches shall be provided on units with two doors. 4.7.2 The PEI PEC shall be furnished with adequate industrial grade, 120V, 20 A duplex convenience outlets. Receptacles shall be mounted 18 inches from finished floor and spaced approximately 8' apart along the wall 4.7.3 Exterior and Emergency lighting shall be provided, if required. 4.7.4 Lighting and receptacles shall be wired on independent circuits. 4.7.5 The PEI PEC shall be furnished with one 12 circuit AC loadcenter, 100A main, with twelve (12) 20A branch circuit breakers. Page 7 of 8 Power Electronics, Inc. 3011 Millington Road Millington, MD 21651 410-928-7700 Power Electronics, Inc. Packaged Equipment Center Standard Construction and Design Features 5.0 TESTING AND CHECKOUTS: 5.1 After manufacturing, equipment installation, and wiring of the PEI PEC, the manufacturer shall perform the following test to conform to engineering drawings and specifications. 5.1.1 Physical inspection of PCR and mounted equipment. 5.1.2 Physical inspection of wiring and verification of circuit correctness. 5.1.3 Physical inspection of structural integrity. 5.1.4 Continuity checks of all wires installed by PEI. 5.1.5 Functional test of PEC utility circuits, HVAC, pressurization systems, fire detection and other auxiliary equipment when required. 5.1.6 Dielectric Hi-Pot test of all power cable installed by PEI 5.1.7 Other customer specified tests. 6.0 SHIPPING: 6.1 The PEI PEC shall be provided with lifting lugs strategically located on the base to facilitate loading and placement at the jobsite. 6.2 If the unit is being shipped in multiple sections, the sections shall be match-marked and proper hardware and instructions for field connections will be provided. 6.3 Removable or loose items shall be marked, tagged, and shipped with the unit(s) they support. These items shall be properly packed to insure protection during transit. Page 8 of 8 Power Electronics, Inc. 3011 Millington Road Millington, MD 21651 410-928-7700