1 IEEE Taipei Section Annual Report 2009 Prepared by Paul C.-P. Chao Secretary (2009/2010) Chin-Teng Lin Chair (2009/2010) Approved by Chin-Teng Lin Chair (2009/2010) 2 PART A.1 A - SECTION SUMMARY Executive Summary A fruitful year of 2009 has been experienced by IEEE Taipei Section. Efforts have been made to elevate the section to the next level. The membership count is significantly increased. We have increased membership in every grade and from 3301 to 3874 in total with a growth rate of 17.36%. In particular, the membership count grows uniformly and constantly in almost all chapters. In particular, a special function of “easy join” has been designed and implemented in IEEE Taipei Section website, which was established in 2008. With this button of “easy join,” a member-to-be could ask for application helps to section staff to simplify and expedite the membership application process. In general, we expect to experience a continuing growth in the future. On the other hand, the subsidiary organization count is also increased. We founded two new chapter, Systems, Man, & Cybernetics Society Taichung Chapter and Instrumentation & Measurement Society Taipei Chapter. In total, there are 31 chapters, 1 affinity group and 6 student branches in the Section and they are actively and enthusiastically functioning for IEEE. There will be more activities and interactions among section, chapters, student branches and our members. In 2009, there are also many member promotion activities initiated and receive positive response from Section members. A number of senior members have been asked and appointed as promotion consultants. Taipei Section invites existing Senior Member to serve as the advisory agent. 19 advisors will help to provide recommendations to general members for promotion to Senior Member. In addition, a Higher Grade Promotion Committee was also established to lay out a general plan for the section to continuously recommend members to be upgraded to Senior Member or Fellow. Finally, a function button “Easy Upgrade” was also established and provided in section website for general members to seek helps for promotion. In the past year, we also sponsored many activities of society chapters, including 1 technical course, 3 lecturers, 5 workshops and 21 conferences. In order to promote student membership, we also encouraged and sponsored 44 student members abroad to deliver oral presentation in international conferences. This sponsorship program has proven to be a positive driving force and healthily continues to promote various activities in the community. One of main objectives in the past year by IEEE Taipei section is to promote student memberships. Efforts are paid in a number of aspects to increase the number of student members. Taipei Section Chair, Prof. Lin and Secretary, Prof. Chao endeavored to ask more student delegates from Region 10 since many student members hoped to attend the annual meeting. On 26th of June, Prof. Chao invited all delegates to get together and held a small meeting with them. The meeting gave guidelines about manners, conversation, dress code, and advanced optoelectronic technology. Before attending the annual congress, Taipei Section also arranged one corporation visiting with Chungwha Telecom (CHT), the largest wired line, mobile and network service company in Taiwan on 2nd of July. Partly due to the efforts, the student memberships are increased significantly in this year. A.1.1 Section Officers (2009-2010) Chair Prof. Chin-Teng Lin (National Chiao Tung University) Email: ctlin@mail.nctu.edu.tw Vice Chair Deputy General Director Gin-Kou Ma (SoC Technology Center, Industrial Technology Research Institute) Email: gkma@itri.org.tw 3 Secretary Prof. Paul C.-P. Chao (National Chiao Tung University) Email: pchao@mail.nctu.edu.tw Treasurer Prof. Li-Chun Wang (National Chiao Tung University) Email: lichun@cc.nctu.edu.tw Membership Development (Industry) Deputy General Director Shiaw-Shian Yu (Information & Communications Research Laboratories, Industrial Technology Research Institute) Email: ssyu@itri.org.tw Membership Development (Academia) Prof. Chuan-Yi Tang (National Tsing Hua University) Email: cytang@cs.nthu.edu.tw Educational Activities Prof. Yung-Yaw Chen (National Taiwan University) Email: yychen@ntu.edu.tw Award and Recognition Director Ching-Ray Chang (Department of International Cooperation, National Science Council) Email: crchang@phys.ntu.edu.tw Award and Recognition Director Mi-Ching Tsai (Department of Engineering & Applied Science, National Science Council) Email: mctsai@mail.ncku.edu.tw Student Activities Prof. Faa-Jeng Lin (National Central University) Email: linfj@ee.ncu.edu.tw Electronic Communications Prof. Lan-Da Van (National Chiao Tung University) Email: ldvan@cs.nctu.edu.tw A.1.2 Highlights A.1.2.1 2010 IEEE Taipei Section Outstanding Contribution Award: Held cooperatively by Taipei Section and Chinese Telecommunication, is engaged in relevant scientific and technological product development and technology to research and develop in order to encourage producing the educational circles, develop and work for the high-tech products and service shut with market demand, improve industry's competition advantage and perspective, specially reward, praise to the person who has remarkable behavior. It is engaged in electrical machinery, electron, communication industrial circle and academia of relevant department technological research and relevant staff members of product development to choose the target, include the industry, legal person's research unit, researcher and graduate student. A.1.2.2 Invite Senior Members appointed as a promotion consultant: Taipei Section invites existing Senior Member to serve as the advisory agent, 19 advisors will help the general member to promote to Senior Member. A.1.2.3 Higher Grade Promotion Committee established: Help the general member to promote the location steps to Senior Member or Fellow, offer relevant consultation services. A.1.2.4 Promotes and establishes Life Member Affinity Group. 4 A.1.2.5 Taipei Section web site to establish a simplified admission procedures and assist the members to upgrade: Newly-increased Easy Join, Member Upgrade,etc. apply to serve on-linely, offers and has not joined and joined member's omni-directional special service. A.1.2.6 Website menu botton of Taipei Section revise: Newly-increased webpage botton, make layout content pluralism, increase Taipei Section website outside the visibility, can increase people and member rate of utilization also, become Taipei Section message platform externally. A.1.2.7 Speaks to supervisor's meeting, and working conference: Hold the meeting irregularly. A.1.2.8 Handles to members and recruits the meeting of proving: Run members to recruit to the academic meeting, research unit, participate in 7 sessions in total. The materials recruiting members and offering the affiliation to handle live are filled in, offer and help outside simply and conveniently, also offer member's consultation service live. A.1.2.9 Taipei Section issued the E-NEWS: Issue first issue electronic newspaper since May 26 of 2009, adopt bimonthly to take place publication. A.1.2.10 Cross Section with Korean:Runs NASNIT 2009 together in the National Chiao-Tung university. A.1.2.11 Fellow Promotion Forum: Invite IEEE Fellow experience to share exchanging with the suggestion, offer mind experience how to promote Fellow to the general member, promote the international competitiveness of Taipei Section. A.1.2.12 Increase the number of members: Take over 2009, offer convenient affiliation channel, is it enter understanding to wish to raise, irregular to is it can is it prove to recruit to handle, total increase 530 members. A.1.3 Major Events A.1.3.1 Sponsor Category Meeting Section Officers Meeting Section Executive Committee Meeting Taipei Section 2009 Student Meeting Taipei Section 2009 Student Congress Administrative Taipei Section 2009 Regular Meeting Date 2009.02.03 2009.03.16 2009.07.08 2009.11.06 2009.04.08 2009.11.06 Attendance (member / other) 8~10/3~5 15~20/3~5 2009.06.26 1/7 2009.11.06 18/3 2009.05.19 2009.06.10 2009.07.22 2009.08.10 2009.08.17 2009.09.01 2009.09.18 2009.10.07 2009.10.21 2009.11.04 2009.11.20 3/3~5 5 2009.12.02 2009.12.23 Professional Technical A.1.3.2 Technical (Financial) Category Technical (Advertisement) 2009.07.02 2/75 2009.08.20 1/8 2009.08.23 2009.08.24 5/45 2/400 2009.09.08 1/4 2009.05.15 60/4 Date Attendance 2009.08.24-26 5/80 Co-sponsor Category IEEE Membership Promotion in Chungwa Telecom (CHT) IEEE Best Awards Proposal in Chungwa Telecom (CHT) IEEE Membership Promotion in Chi-Tou Leader Hotel IEEE Best Awards Proposal in Institute for Information Industry (III) The 14th North-East Asia Symposium on Nano, Information Technology and Reliability (NASNIT 2009) Meeting Real-Time Computing Systems and Applications (RTCSA) Meeting 2009 Summer School on Information/Communication Theory and Technologies 2009 IEEE International Workshop on Memory Technology, Design, and Testing (MTDT 2009) 2009 Intelligent Buildings and Smart Homes Conference (IBASH 2009) (member / other) Date Attendance 2009.08.03-07 59/244 2009.08.31-09.02 5/85 2009.11.18-20 N/A (member / other) A.1.4 Major Student Activities It is a great experience for the student members including Yu-Wen Chen, Yun-Ling Ye, and Yi-Jing Chiu from NCU Student Branch-STB29712 to be the representatives of th student members of Taipei Section to join the IEEE Region 10 125 Anniversary Student Congress 2009, Singapore. In Green Technology Workshop, they formed a team with other members from other sections. These student members understand well that exploration of making use of the solar energy is the significant and urgent research topics of Green Technology for Country. Each member kept contributing her or his ideas to this proposal even though the discussions continued till midnight. Finally, all of them agreed with the proposal of illumination at nights in the country using the flashlight with batteries charged by the solar board during the day time. This portable solar flashlight would remarkably reduce the required physical energy. Meanwhile, it would be applied to night petrol, rural areas or somewhere the electric power not built. Since this proposal shows an important impact to the green environment and these members are aggressive at this congress, they received an award from Dr. Lewis Terman, IEEE 2008 President & CEO in Green Technology Workshop. On the other hand, Taipei Section Chair, Prof. Lin and Secretary, Prof. Chao endeavored to ask more student delegates from Region 10 since many student th members hoped to attend the annual meeting. On 26 of June, Prof. Chao invited all delegates to get together and held a small meeting with them. The meeting gave guidelines about manners, conversation, dress code, and advanced optoelectronic 6 technology. Before attending the annual congress, Taipei Section arranged one corporation visiting with Chungwha Telecom (CHT), the largest wired line, mobile and nd network service company in Taiwan on 2 of July. Taipei Section has provided many meaningful activities, supports and helps to all members from time to time. All positive suggestions and actions truly encouraged student members to plan and do preparation well. While they returned back to Taiwan, all of them were eager to share their experiences during the student congress with us. We believe the series of progress will incubate students’ wisdoms and possess confidence. The most important thing is that every student will devote to executing each project or research and endeavor to complete it. A.1.5 Major Chapter Activities Taipei Section hold a chapter meeting on November 6 of 2009, invite IT-12 and SSC-37 Society Taipei Chapter share meeting affairs operation and whom meeting hold want a explanation, can is it support other prop up meeting experience share, take over pieces of meeting of propping up, meeting just especially to take this opportunity, showing after the meeting that derives much benefit, contribute to the meeting affairs to grow up healthy and strong. Chair Lin invites every society chapter participating in the conference, propose relevant suggestions and report the item. Every chapter besides suggesting enthusiastically, make Taipei Section find out about pieces of meeting overview and operation way further also. A.1.6 Awards Professor Zhong-Sen Li won the 2009 IEEE-GRSS Distinguished Achievement Award. Taipei Section have been nominated from R10 to participate in the MGA Outstanding Large Section Awards Program. A.2 Financial Report A.2.1 Summary (as per submitted Refer to the attached. L50) A.2.2 Any other financial activities The financial status of this Section is comfortable for supporting those planned programs. Some of the chapters have contributed a reasonable percentage of their income to this Section. This allows the Section to maintain the routine functions and to hold more conferences. We also sponsored more student activities than before. The total income of the Section in 2009 was NT$1,631,701 including NT$760,120 of 2009 rebate in May 2009. The total expenses was NT$1,454,795. The final balance at the End of 2009 is NT$5,408,970. More detail is included in the 2009 Annual Geographic Unit Financial Report. PART B - ORGANIZATIONAL ACTIVITIES B.1 Membership Development Activities B.1.1 Summary and evidence of work done in the retention of members Taipei Section increase in the number of members in one year from Jan. 2009 to Dec. 2009, we have selected two Chapters and four Student Branches in recognitions for their achievements. For the Chapters, ED and SMC chapters lead the increase of members, and MAG has the largest percentage increase. We have made great efforts on promoting the growth of membership in 2009. As shown in Table B.1-1, the membership count grows in every grade and from 3301 to 3874 in total with a growth rate of 17.36%. In Table B.1-2, the membership distribution in the yearend is shown to 7 be 41%, 26% and 33% in academia, industry, and students, respectively. As also indicated in Table B.1-3, the membership count grows in most chapters. In fact, the membership count keeps growing every month and is expected to experience a higher growth rate in 2010. B.1-1 Statistics on membership in various grades over quarters. Grade May-08 Jul-08 Sep-08 Dec-08 Dec-09 08’~09’ Growth Associate Member (A) 94 121 145 133 175 31.58% Affiliate (AF) 64 68 73 82 86 4.88% Fellow (F) 63 64 63 63 68 7.94% Senior Member (SM) 214 215 218 225 229 1.78% Member (M) 1465 1627 1801 1829 2039 11.48% Life Fellow (LF) 4 4 6 6 6 0.00% Life Senior (LS) 2 2 3 3 3 Life Member (LM) 6 6 8 9 9 Student (S & GSM) 779 726 671 951 1259 32.39% Total 2691 2833 2988 3301 3874 17.36% B.1-2 0.00% 0.00% Membership distribution in various grades in 2008 and 2009 yearend. Field IEEE Grade 2008 Members 2009 Members 08’~09’ Growth Fellow 11 12 9.09% Senior Member 51 53 3.92% Others 913 961 5.26% Subtotal 975 1026 5.23% 58 57 -1.72% 177 179 1.13% Others 1140 1353 18.68% Subtotal 1375 1589 15.56% S & GSM 951 1259 32.39% 3301 3874 17.36% Industry Fellow Senior Member Academia Student Total B.1-3 Statistics on membership in various chapters. Society Dec-08 Dec-09 08’~09’ Growth 8 Antennas and Propagation (AP03) 104 93 -10.58% 27 30 11.11% Computer (C16) 393 379 -3.56% Circuits and Systems (CAS04) 257 274 6.61% Consumer Electronics (CE08) 76 71 -6.58% Computational Intelligence (CIS11) 93 89 -4.30% 537 563 4.84% 37 38 2.70% Control Systems (CS23) 74 69 -6.76% Education (E25) 20 21 5% 234 273 16.67% Engineering in Medicine and Biology (EMB18) 59 58 -1.69% Electromagnetic Compatibility (EMC27) 45 32 -28.89% Geoscience and Remote Sensing (GRS29) 25 25 0.00% Industry Applications (IA34) 32 36 12.5% Industrial Electronics (IE13) 75 86 14.67% Power Electronics (PEL35) 87 91 4.60% - 46 - Information Theory (IT12) 70 96 37.14% Lasers & Electro-Optics (LEO36) 88 91 3.41% Magnetics (MAG33) 21 29 38.10% 187 193 3.21% Oceanic Engineering (OE22) 15 14 -6.67% Power Engineering (PE31) 64 70 9.38% 6 7 16.67% Reliability (RL07) 27 30 11.11% Robotics & Automation (RA24) 68 70 2.94% Systems, Man & Cybernetics (SMC28) 198 238 20.20% Signal Processing (SP01) 163 176 7.98% Solid-State Circuits (SSC37) 294 282 -4.08% Vehicular Technology (VT06) 85 92 8.24% Broadcast Technology (BT02) Communications (COM19) Components Packaging, and Technology (CPMT21) Manufacturing Electron Devices (ED15) Instrumentation & Measurement (IM09) New Chapter Microwave Theory and Techniques (MTT17) Product Safety Engineering (PSE43) 9 We have also worked very hard on promoting and assisting eligible members in applying for Fellow. Ten honorable members are evaluated to Fellow grade effective st Jan 1 , 2010, as listed below 1. Prof. Long-Sheng Fan, National Tsing Hua University For contributions to Micro Electro-Mechanical Systems 2. Prof. Powen Hsu, National Taiwan University For leadership in electrical engineering education 3. Prof. Ching-Wen Hsue, National Taiwan University of Science and Technology For contribution to discrete-time signal processing in microwave engineering 4. Prof. Wanjiun Liao, National Taiwan University For contributions to communication protocols in multimedia networking 5. Prof. Chih-Min (Jimmy) Lin, Yuan Ze University For contributions to fuzzy system, neural network, and cerebellar model articulation controllers 6. Prof. Ching-Fuh Lin, National Taiwan University For contributions to broadband semiconductor optical devices 7. Prof. Shen-Iuan Liu, National Taiwan University For contributions to high-speed phase-locked and delay-locked loop circuit design 8. Rich Liu, Macronix International Co. Ltd. For leadership in electron-beam mask writing, interconnects, and non-volatile technology development 9. Prof. Shun-Feng Su, National Taiwan University of Science and Technology For contributions to computational intelligence and intelligent control 10. Prof. Ruey-Beei Wu, National Taiwan University For contributions to coplanar waveguide passive components B.2 Chapter Activities(Supported by Chapters) B.2.1 Total number of Chapters in the Section In the 2009, Systems, Man, & Cybernetics Society Taichung Chapter and Instrumentation & Measurement Society Taipei Chapter were founded. This increases the chapter count in Taipei Section from 29 to 31. The following is a list of chapters and chairs: 1. Chapter Name: Antennas and Propagation Society Taipei Chapter (AP03) Chapter Chair: Jean-Fu Kiang Title and Affiliation: Professor, Department of Electrical Engineering, National Taiwan University Email: jfkiang@cc.ee.ntu.edu.tw 2. Chapter Name: Broadcast Technology Society Taipei Chapter (BT02) Chapter Chair: Yih-Min Chan Title and Affiliation: Associate Professor, Department of Communication Engineering, National Central University Email: ymchen@ce.ncu.edu.tw New Elected Chapter Chair: Ding-Bing Lin Title and Affiliation: Professor, Department of Electronic Engineering, National Taipei University of Technology 10 Email: dblin@ntut.edu.tw 3. Chapter Name: Computer Society Taipei Chapter (C16) Chapter Chair: Der-Tsai Lee Title and Affiliation: Distinguished Research Fellow, Institute of Information Science, Academia Sinica Email: dtlee@iis.sinica.edu.tw 4. Chapter Name: Circuits and Systems Society Taipei Chapter (CAS04) Chapter Chair: Shih-Chieh Chang Title and Affiliation: Professor, Department of Computer Science, National Tsing Hua University Email: scchang@cs.nthu.edu.tw 5. Chapter Name: Consumer Electronics Society Taipei Chapter (CE08) Chapter Chair: Tihao Chiang Title and Affiliation: Professor, Electronics Engineering, National Chiao Tung University Email: tchiang@mail.nctu.edu.tw 6. Chapter Name: Computational Intelligence Society Taipei Chapter (CIS11) Chapter Chair: Chih-Min Lin Title and Affiliation: Professor, Electrical Engineering, Yuan Ze University Email: cml@saturn.yzu.edu.tw 7. Chapter Name: Communications Society Taipei Chapter (COM19) Chapter Chair: Chi-Chao Chao Title and Affiliation: Professor, Institute of Communications Engineering and Department of Electrical Engineering, National Tsing Hua University Email: ccc@ee.nthu.edu.tw 8. Chapter Name: Components Packaging, and Manufacturing Technology Society Taipei Chapter (CPMT21) Chapter Chair: Shen-Li Fu Title and Affiliation: President of I-Shou University Email: slfu@isu.edu.tw 9. Chapter Name: Control Systems Society Taipei Chapter (CS23) Chapter Chair: Chun-Liang Lin Title and Affiliation: Professor, Department of Electrical Engineering, National Chung Hsing University Email: chunlin@dragon.nchu.edu.tw 10. Chapter Name: Education Society Taipei Chapter (E25) Chapter Chair: Juing Huei Su Title and Affiliation: Dean. Office of Student Affairs, Lunghwa University of Science and Technology Email: suhu@mail.lhu.edu.tw 11. Chapter Name: Electron Devices Society Taipei Chapter (ED15) Chapter Chair: Steve Chung Title and Affiliation: Professor, Electronics Engineering, National Chiao Tung University Email: schung@cc.nctu.edu.tw 12. Chapter Name: Engineering in Medicine and Biology Society Taipei Chapter (EMB18) Chapter Chair: Jyh-Horng Chen Title and Affiliation: Professor, Department of Electrical Engineering, National Taiwan University 11 Email: jhchen@ntu.edu.tw 13. Chapter Name: Electromagnetic Compatibility Society Taipei Chapter (EMC27) Chapter Chair: Song-Tsuen Peng Title and Affiliation: Director of Communication Research Center, Yuan Ze University. Email: stpeng@saturn.yzu.edu.tw 14. Chapter Name: Geoscience & Remote Sensing Society Taipei Chapter (GRS29) Chapter Chair: Kun-Shan Chen Title and Affiliation: Professor, Center for Space and Remote Sensing Research, National Central University Email: dkschen@csrsr.ncu.edu.tw 15. Chapter Name: Industry Applications Society Taipei Chapter (IA34) Chapter Chair: Yen-Shin Lai Title and Affiliation: Professor, Department of Electrical Engineering, National Taipei University of Technology Email: yslai@ntut.edu.tw 16. Chapter Name: Industrial Electronics Society & Power Electronics Society Taipei Chapter (IE13 /PEL35) Chapter Chair: Faa-Jeng Lin Title and Affiliation: Professor, Department of Electrical Engineering, National Central University Email: linfj@ee.ncu.edu.tw 17. Chapter Name: Instrumentation & Measurement Society (IM09) Chapter Chair: Din-Ping Tsai Title and Affiliation: Professor, Department of Physics, National Taiwan University Email: dptsai@phys.ntu.edu.tw 18. Chapter Name: Information Theory Society Taipei Chapter (IT12) Chapter Chair: Cheng-Shang Chang Title and Affiliation: Professor, Institute of Communications Engineering and Department of Electrical Engineering, National Tsing Hua University Email: cschang@ee.nthu.edu.tw 19. Chapter Name: Lasers & Electro-Optics Society Taipei Chapter (LEO36) Chapter Chair: Gong-Ru Lin Title and Affiliation: Professor, Graduate Institute of Photonics and optoelectronics, National Taiwan University Email: grlin@ntu.edu.tw 20. Chapter Name: Magnetics Society Taipei Chapter (MAG33) Chapter Chair: Jen Hwa Hsu Title and Affiliation: Chair, Department of Physics, National Taiwan University Email: jhhsu@phys.ntu.edu.tw 21. Chapter Name: Microwave Theory and Techniques Society Taipei Chapter (MTT17) Chapter Chair: Yu-De Lin Title and Affiliation: Professor, Department of Electrical Engineering, National Chiao Tung University Email: ydlin@cc.nctu.edu.tw 22. Chapter Name: Oceanic Engineering Society Taipei Chapter (OE22) Chapter Chair: Forng-Chen Chiu 12 Title and Affiliation: Professor, Department of Engineering Science and Ocean Engineering, NTU and Director, National Center for Ocean Research (Preparatory Office), NARL Email: fcchiu@ntu.edu.tw 23. Chapter Name: Power Engineering Society Taipei Chapter (PE31) Chapter Chair: Chung-Liang Chang Title and Affiliation: Director, Department of System Planning, Taiwan Power Company Email: u066035@taipower.com.tw 24. Chapter Name: Product Safety Engineering Society Taipei Chapter (PSE43) Chapter Chair: Zenon Wang Title and Affiliation: Manager, Dell. Email: zenon_wang@dell.com 25. Chapter Name: Robotics & Automation Society Taipei Chapter (RA24) Chapter Chair: Ching-Chang Wong Title and Affiliation: Professor, Department of Electrical Engineering, Tamkang University Email: wong@ee.tku.edu.tw 26. Chapter Name: Reliability Society Taipei Chapter (RL07) Chapter Chair: Shiuhpyng Shieh Title and Affiliation: Professor and Director of National Chiao Tung University Email: ssp@cs.nctu.edu.tw 27. Chapter Name: Systems, Man & Cybernetics Taipei Chapter (SMC28) Chapter Chair: Shun-Feng Su Title and Affiliation: Professor, Department of Electrical Engineering, National Taiwan University of Science and Technology Email: su@orion.ee.ntust.edu.tw 28. Chapter Name: Systems, Man & Cybernetics Taichung Chapter (SMC28) Chapter Chair: Ching-Chih Tsai Title and Affiliation: Professor, Department of Electrical Engineering, National Chung Hsing University Email: cctsai@nchu.edu.tw 29. Chapter Name: Signal Processing Society Taipei Chapter (SP01) Chapter Chair: Tihao Chiang Title and Affiliation: Professor, Electronics Engineering, National Chiao Tung University Email: tchiang@mail.nctu.edu.tw 30. Chapter Name: Solid-State Circuits Society Taipei Chapter (SSC37) Chapter Chair: Wei-Zen Chen Title and Affiliation: Professor, Electronics Engineering, National Chiao-Tung University Email: wzchen@mail.nctu.edu.tw 31. Chapter Name: Vehicular Technology Society Taipei Chapter (VT06) Chapter Chair: Chin-Liang Wang Title and Affiliation: Professor, Department of Electrical Engineering, National Tsing Hua University Email: clwang@ee.nthu.edu.tw B.2.2 Number of Chapters formed in the current year 1. Systems, Man, & Cybernetics Society Taichung Chapter Formation on 13 4-March-2009. 2. Instrumentation & Measurement Society Taipei Chapter Formation on 10 August 2009. B.2.3 Number of Active Chapters 1. Antennas and Propagation Society Taipei Chapter (AP03) Prepared by Jean-Fu Kiang (Chapter Chair) 1 Technical Meeting Information for 2009 Note: For “Category”, please use the following: S: speaker is a student member of the chapter M: speaker is a non-student member of the chapter (but do not include IEEE Distinguished Lecturers) O: speaker is from outside the chapter (but do not include IEEE Distinguished Lecturers) D: speaker is an IEEE Distinguished Lecturer. Title of Presentation/ Name of Speaker The Development of Maxwellian Circuits / Prof. Kenneth K. Mei 4 Advances of Composite Right Left Handed Structures for Microwave Applications / Prof. Tatsuo Itoh Designing Analog and RF Circuits in Nanoscale CMOS Technologies / Prof. Peter Kinget Transmitter Linearization by Beamforming / Prof. Behzad Razavi 5 Global Stability Analysis and Stabilization of Power Amplifiers / Prof. Almudena Suarez 2 3 6 7 8 Innovative Solutions of EM Simulation from Components to Systems / Dr. Antonio Ciccomancini Scogna The Invention and Commercialization of Electronic Ink and Thoughts of Innovation in Taiwan / Dr. Barrett Comiskey Digital Processing of Radar Image / Dr. Bu Chin Wang AP-S Attendance Other Total Category 40 70 110 O 50 80 130 O 34 45 79 O 40 72 112 O 28 41 69 D 35 46 81 O 32 67 99 O 12 33 45 O 45 87 132 O 23 47 70 O 10 On the Concept of Electromagnetic Metamorphism and Applications / Dr. Nicolaos G. Alexopoulos An Introduction to S Transform for Time Frequency Analysis / Dr. S.K. Steve Chang 11 Next Generation Energy Efficient Systems /Prof. Anantha Chandrakasan 28 56 84 O 12 Antenna Arrays in Wireless Communications: A System Perspective / Dr. Ethan Wang 28 53 81 O 9 Summary of Workshops, Short Courses, and Conferences for 2009 Include below a list of each workshop, short course, or conference that was organized or co-organized by your chapter. Include the title of the event, the dates of the event, a description of the event, and an indication of the level of involvement of your chapter. Please be specific about the role of your chapter in the event. 14 A three days workshop, “FDTD by Parallel Processing Technique”, was organized by Prof. Dau-Chyrh Chang at CRC (Communication Research Center) of OIT (Oriental Institute of Technology), held on November 14-15, 2009. The workshop is co-sponsor by IEEE AP-S Taipei Chapter. Prof. Wenhua Yu from Pennsylvania University is the main instructor of the workshop. FDTD with high-speed parallel processing technique for various kinds of antenna design, SAR of cellular phone with SAM head, RCS, EBG, and EM simulation in complicated environments was explained in details by Prof. Yu during this two-day workshop. 45 engineers from telecommunication industries and 25 scholars from universities attended the workshop. Prof. Chang also gave a laboratory tour to all the attendants during the lunch time to make the attendants acquainted with the capability of CRC at OIT. Every attendant had the chance to exercise the GEMS simulation software for analyzing several complicated EM problems. During the closing ceremony of the workshop, every attendee received a certificate and was authorized a 6-month free license to use the GEMS EM simulation software by from Profs. Chang and Yu. 2. Broadcast Technology Society Taipei Chapter (BT02) Prepared by Yih-Min Chan (Chapter Chair) Four meeting reports have been submitted to IEEE. They are listed below. 4/21/2009 A lecture on Distributed Communication Speaker: Prof. Shan-Yuan Ho (Dept. of Math., MIT) Attendance: 7 IEEE members 40 guests 04/24/2009 Short Course on “Multimedia Technologies and Systems” Speaker: Professor C.-C. Jay Kuo :(IEEE fellow, USC) Attendance: 7 IEEE members 60 guests Category: educational 08/19/2009 Course Promotion of “Digital Baseband Circuit Design for Digital Video Broadcasung” Speakers: Prof. Chih-Peng Li, Prof. Dah-Chung Chang, Prof. Yih-Min Chen Attendance: 12 IEEE members 75 guests Category: educational 12/5/2009 Member Meeting of China Radio Association (CRA) Attendance: 250 guests 3. Computer Society Taipei Chapter (C16) Prepared by Der-Tsai Lee (Chapter Chair) Two meeting reports have been submitted to IEEE. They are listed below. 2009 IEEE International Conference on Service-Oriented Computing and Applications (SOCA), 14-15 December, 2009 Attendance: Members, Guests Activities: two invited speeches and several contributed talks. Homepage: http://www.iis.sinica.edu.tw/soca09/ 2009 National Computer Symposium (NCS 2009), Nov. 27-28, 2009 Attendance: Members, Guests Activities: four invited speeches and several contributed talks in ten workshops. Homepage: http://ncs2009.ntpu.edu.tw/ 4. Circuits and Systems Society Taipei Chapter (CAS04) Prepared by Shih-Chieh Chang (Chapter Chair) 15 Five meeting reports have been submitted to IEEE. They are listed below. 08/05/2009 Annual meeting for IEEE Taipei CAS member in HuaLien 2009/05/21 IEEE CAS DLP speech in Hsinchu, Taiwan Title: Biologically Inspired Signal Processing Speaker : John G. Harris (University of Florida) 2009/05/22 IEEE CAS DLP speech in Taipei, Taiwan Title: Biologically Inspired Signal Processing Speaker : John G. Harris (University of Florida) 2009//05/21 Invited Speech in Hsinchu, Taiwan Title: Communication Solutions for Emerging Chip Multiprocessor Architectures Speaker: Prof. Garrett S. Rose (Dept. of Elec. and Comp. Eng., Polytechnic Institute of New Youk University., USA) 2009/5/20~21 International Workshop on Neuromorphic Systems and Neural Prostheses in Hsinchu, Taiwan 5. Consumer Electronics Society Taipei Chapter (CE08) Prepared by Tihao Chiang (Chapter Chair) In November 6, 2009, the consumer electronics society has sponsored The 2009 Workshop on Consumer Electronics (WCE 2009). It received a total of 200 submitted papers, each being evaluated by 2 reviewers. After the evaluation, WCE 2009 accepted 148 papers to include them into the Proceedings of the WCE 2009. There are more than 200 people coming to Jinwen University to attend the WCE 2009 conference. It has successfully promoted the exchange of experience between academics and industry. The industry is represented by a total of nine companies to exhibit their products during the WCE 2009 conference. WCE 2009 has successfully promoted the exchange of experience between academics and industry. ◎Digital-Home Technology ․Home gateway and networking ․Digital TV ․Broadband internet service ․Advanced DVD/CD ․Interactive programming ◎Multimedia Technology ․Image / Video / Audio recording, storage, compression & transcoding ․Still & video cameras ․Analog & digital audio, content analysis, indexing & transuding ․Multimedia retrieval ․MPEG & H.264 technologies ◎Mobile Computing & Wireless Communication ․Next cellular communications ․Wireless sensor and Adhoc networks ․4G, WiFi ◎Networks Technology and Applications ․Handoff and mobility ․IPv6, Internet applications ․Multimedia communications ․Ubiquitous computing ◎Information Security ․E-commerce ․Security and privacy ․Cryptographic applications ․Wireless applications ․Digital right management ◎SoC & Embedded System ․Embedded SoC ․Real time operating systems ․Embedded system software & optimization ․Embedded system architecture and related topics ◎MIS Applications and IT Innovations ․Enterprise Resource Planning ․Customer Relationship Management ․Supply Chain Management ․E-Business ․Other MIS-related topics ◎Signal Processing ․FPGA implementation ․Multimedia signal processing ․Signal detecation and estimation ․Signal processing applications ◎Enabling Technology ․Advanced Semiconductors ․Development tools ․Power & batteries ․Human-computer interface ․Special-needs/assistive technology ◎Artificial Intelligence ․Genetic algorithms ․Neural networks ․Data mining ․Grey systems ․Applications of intelligent systems ◎Fuzzy Systems ․Fuzzy expert systems ․Fuzzy neural networks ․Fuzzy control systems ․Applications of fuzzy systems ◎Microwave Technologies ․ RF circuits ․ Antenna design ․ RFID ․ EMC ◎Others 16 In October 6th, 2009, the consumer electronics society has sponsored a talk by Dr. T. Russell Hsing entitled “How Did I Create the ADSL Initiative at Bellcore in 1987? And the lessons I have learned since then”. Dr. T. Russell Hsing is a Fellow of the IEEE, British Computer Society (BCS), and SPIE-The International Society for Optical Engineering. 6. Computational Intelligence Society Taipei Chapter (CIS11) Prepared by Chih-Min Lin (Chapter Chair) Two meeting reports have been submitted to IEEE. They are listed below. 11/12/2009~11/13/2009 2009 Conference on Automatic Control Systems, Taipei, Taiwan. Attendance: Members 117, Guests 71 Activities: Two Keynote speakers, 35 Sessions, One member meeting. 12/18/2009~12/19/2009 2009 The Sixteen Fuzzy Theory and Application Conference. Kaoshion Taiwan Attendance: Members 97, Guests 52 Activities: Two Keynote speakers, 25 Sessions, One member meeting 7. Communications Society Taipei Chapter (COM19) Prepared by Chi-chao Chao (Chapter Chair) Six meeting reports have been submitted to IEEE. They are listed below. 01/08/2009 Activity: Talk by Amy Mei-Hsuan Lu, Carnegie Mellon University, USA Title: Wireless Video Streaming Using Opportunistic Retransmission Attendance: Members 10, Guests 30 02/04/2009~02/05/2009 2009 Spring Workshop on Information Theory & Communications, Hualien, Taiwan Activity: Eight invited speeches and one member meeting. Attendance: Members 60, Guests 102 Homepage: http://www.ee.ndhu.edu.tw/%7Eitcom2009/ 07/17/2009~07/18/2009 Activity: Short course by Dr. Yu-Hung Kao, Qualcomm Title: 4G Wireless Communication Technology: LTE Physical Layer Algorithms and Simulation Attendance: Members 30, Guests 170 Homepage: http://www.cm.nctu.edu.tw/news/news.php?Sn=13468 08/03/2009~08/07/2009 2009 Summer School on Information/Communication Theory and Technologies Activity: Nine lectures on communications theory by nine invited speakers Attendance: Members 31, Guests 207 Homepage: 08/24/2009~08/25/2009 2009 Fall Workshop on Information Theory & Communications, Nantou, Taiwan Activity: Eight invited talks and one member meeting Attendance: Members 71, Guests 138 Homepage: http://bear.ee.thu.edu.tw:8080/ 10/27/2009 Activity: Talk by Dr. Wei-Ho Chung, University of California, San Diego, USA Title: Fading Channels, Opportunistic Spectrum Access, and Unequal Error Protection in Wireless Communications Attendance: Members 10, Guests 40 Two unreported activities: September 2009 17 8. Activity: 2009 Best Paper Award for Young Scholars (co-held by ITSoc Taipei Chapter & ComSoc Taipei/Tainan Chapters) Recipient 1: Prof. Stefan M. Moser Paper title1: The Fading Number of Multiple-Input Multiple-Output Fading Channels with Memory Recipient 2: Prof. Jay Cheng Paper title 2: Constructions of Optical 2-to-1 FIFO Multiplexers With a Limited Number of Recirculations Homepage: http://www.cm.nctu.edu.tw/~IEEEITComSoc/news/2009best_paper_award_ 2.htm 12/23/2009 Activity: Talk by Prof. A.J. Han Vinck, University of Essen, Germany Title: Coding Techniques for Multi-User Communications and Networking Attendance: Members 15, Guests 80 Components Packaging, and Manufacturing Technology Society Taipei Chapter (CPMT21) Prepared by Shen-Li Fu (Chapter Chair) 9. 10/21/2009~10/23/2009 The 4th IMPACT Conference 2009, Taipei, Taiwan Attendance: Members 90, Guests 533 Activities: Four keynote speeches, twenty four invited speeches and Best Student Award & Outstanding Paper Award. Control Systems Society Taipei Chapter (CS23) Prepared by Chun-Liang Lin (Chapter Chair) 10. Promote ICIEA’10 (2010 IEEE Conference on Industrial Electronics and Applications) at the venue of ICIEA’09 in Xian, China, May 26, 2009. ICIEA’10 will be held in Taichung, Taiwan, which is jointly organized by the IEEE IE Singapore Chapter, IEEE CSS Taipei Chapter and National Chung Hsing University. Sponsor an invited speech entitled “Engineering Design and Optimization via Computational Intelligence” delivered by Prof. Kay Chen Tan, Department of Electrical and Information Engineering, National Singapore University, on June 19~June 23, 2009 at National Chung Hsing University (Taichung, Taiwan) and National Normal University (Taipei, Taiwan) respectively. Cosponsor “Workshop on Mathematical Engineering” held at Department of Electrical Engineering, National Taiwan University on December 17-18, 2009. The guest lecturer was Dr. Thomas Kailath from Stanford University, USA. Held a group meeting at Taipei University of Technology, Taipei, Taiwan on December 28, 2009. Education Society Taipei Chapter (E25) Prepared by Juing Huei Su (Chapter Chair) Three meeting reports have been submitted to IEEE. They are listed below. 01/08/2009 Experiences in making micromice and fast line following robots Speaker: Juing-Huei Su Attendance: Members 4, Guests 25 Activities: Technical meeting 04/11/2009 Design and implementation of micromoue Speaker: BengKiat Ng Attendance: Members 2, Guests 50 Activities: Technical meeting 09/19/2009 Taiwan micromouse and intelligent robot contest Speaker: Juing-Huei Su 18 Attendance: Members 3, Guests 8 Activities: Technical meeting 11. Electron Devices Society Taipei Chapter (ED15) Prepared by Steve Chung (Chapter Chair) Six meeting reports have been submitted to IEEE. They are listed below. 02/10/2009 Advanced DRAM Technology Attendance: Members 5, Guests 25 Activities: invited talk 04/22/2009- 04/24/2009 International Symposium on VLSI-TSA Attendance: Members 150, Guests 350 Activities: 3 keynote talks, 57 contributed paper presentations, one-day short course 05/26/2009 ESD Protection Design for RF/AMS ICs Attendance: Members 30, Guests 120 Activities: DL invited talk 08/10/2009 and 08/14/2009 Power Semiconductor Devices and Design Criteria workshop Attendance: Members 50, Guests 70 Activities: a tutorial lectures on semiconductor power devices with a recruitment of 37 student members 08/24/2009 Electrostatic Discharge (ESD) Challenges in Silicon Nanowire Technology Attendance: Members 10, Guests 25 Activities: DL invited talk 11/19/2009- 11/20/2009 International Electron Devices and Materials Symposium Attendance: Members 100, Guests 150 Activities: 2 keynote talks, 6 invited speakers, 250 contributed papers 12. Engineering in Medicine and Biology Society Taipei Chapter (EMB18) Prepared by Jyh-Horng Chen (Chapter Chair) Several meeting reports have been submitted to IEEE. They are listed below. International Forum on Medical Imaging in Asia (IFMIA) 2009, January 19th~21st, 2009 Venue: National Taiwan University NTUEE building III, Taipei, Taiwan. Purpose: To provide a venue in Asia for academic researchers, biomedical scientists and engineers, and clinicians to exchange new ideas as well as the latest development in this field. Attendee: Master, PhD graduates, 152 students in total Contents: Medical Imaging Imaging Physics and Acquisition Molecular Imaging Computer Aided Diagnosis Computer Aided Surgery and Therapy Computational Anatomy and Computational Physiology Medical Visualization, Interactions, Virtual/Augmented Reality, and Simulations Biomedical Electronics and Bioinformatics Camp III, 29ed June to 1th July, 2009 Venue: National Taiwan University NTUEE building III, Taipei, Taiwan. Purpose: To promote Biomedical informatics and Biomedical Electronics to EE, CS students Attendee: Bachelor, Master, PhD graduates, 124 students in total Contents: Bioelectronics 19 13. Bioinformatics software Medical information Medical Microsensor and System Biomedical imaging Biology systems Gene chip Cellular and tissue engineering A very successful event for people with EE specialties, we will continue to have this camp in 2010 Molecular Imaging Training Course, 6th- 27th, July, 2009 Venue: Rm 103, National Taiwan University Medical College, Taipei Purpose: To integrate various scholars for innovative molecular imaging diagnosis and therapy; to establish research teams for molecular imaging in Taiwan Attendee: Professors, PhD graduates, MD, 30 participants in total Contents: Magnetic Resonance Imaging Ultrasonic Molecular Imaging Multiphoton Microscopy MRI Animal Models for Molecular Imaging MicroPET Course including lectures and labs on Molecular Imaging Center at NTU NanoBiotechnology Training Course, 6th- 27th, July, 2009 Venue: Rm 103, National Taiwan University Medical College, Taipei Purpose: To introduce fundamentals of Nanomedicine and related industrial challenges issues in Taiwan Attendee: Professors, PhD graduates, MD, 50 participants in total Contents: Nanotechnology Lab-on-a-chip Magnetic nanoparticles Quantum dots nanobiosensors Antibody therapeutics Nanodrug formulation Environmental impacts Course including lectures and labs on Genome Medical Center at NTU Molecular and Cellular Imaging practical training, 20th- 25th, July, 2009 Venue: Rm 102, National Taiwan University Medical College, Taipei Attendee: Professors, PhD graduates, MD, 20 participants in total Taiwan-Italy 2nd Bilateral Workshop on Diagnostic Imaging, November, 2009 Venue: Rm 202, National Taiwan University Medical College, Taipei Attendee: Italia/Taiwanese Professors, PhD graduates, MD Advanced MR Imaging Technology conference, December, 2009 Venue: National Taiwan University NTUEE building III, Taipei, Taiwan. Attendee: International scholars, students, vendors Electromagnetic Compatibility Society Taipei Chapter (EMC27) Prepared by Song-Tsuen Peng (Chapter Chair) Four meeting reports have been submitted to IEEE. They are listed below. 2009 EM Education Initiative-Summer Program 200 Fresh Graduate Students for Master’s Degree August 2 and 3, 2009 Number of IEEE Members: 20 Organizing Committee Meeting 2009 EM Education Initiative-Winter Program For Advanced Ph. D. Graduate Students September 4, 2009 20 14. Number of IEEE Members: 12 Non-ionizing Radiation Workshop – Potential Risks of Exposure and Mitigation Actions October 5 and 6, 2009 Number of IEEE Members: 15 2009 PCB EMC Design Contest Bureau of Standards, Metrology & Inspection, M.O.E.A, R.O.C. 13:30 – 17:30, October 29, 2009 Number of IEEE Members: 6 Geoscience & Remote Sensing Society Taipei Chapter (GRS29) Prepared by Kun-Shan Chen (Chapter Chair) Seven meeting reports have been submitted to IEEE. They are listed below. 02/20/2009 Topic: 2008 IEEE-GRSS Taipei Chapter Annual Meeting and Best Thesis Award Ceremony Lecturer: Prof. Kun Shan Chen, National Central University Place: National Taipei University of Technology 05/15/2009 Topic: “Polarimetric Radar Imaging I” Lecturer: Prof. Jong Sen Lee, National Central University Place: National Central University 08/26/2009 Topic: “Snow and soil parameters retrieval” Lecturer: Prof. Jiancheng Shi, Institute for Computational Earth System Science, University of California, Santa Barbara Place: National Central University 10/21/2009 Topic: “Polarimetric Radar Imaging II“, Lecturer: Prof. Jong Sen Lee, National Central University Place: National Central University 11/04/2009 Topic: “Polarimetric Radar Imaging III“, Lecturer: Prof. Jong Sen Lee, National Central University Place: National Central University 11/06/2009 Topic: “Polarimetric Radar Imaging IV“, Lecturer: Prof. Jong Sen Lee, National Central University Place: National Central University 11/19/2009 Topic: “nVidia GPU computing using CUDA“, Lecturer: Mr. Joy Lee, Senior Engineer, NVIDIA Corporation Place: National Taipei University of Technology 15. Industry Applications Society Taipei Chapter (IA34) Prepared by Yen-Shin Lai (Chapter Chair) Three meeting reports have been submitted to IEEE. They are listed below. Distinguished Lecture #1 Lecture Subject: Control of DC and AC Microgrids Lecturer: Dr. Josep M. Guerrero Date: Aug. 27~28, 2009 Location: Third lecture room, Complex Building, National Taipei University of Technology Lecture Contents: Distributed energy storage systems Common electrical problems Uninterruptible power supplies Technologies of storage energy systems Control of DC coupled microgrids DC-coupled microgrid architectures 21 16. Control schemes for parallel DC sources Droop control method Hierarchical control of DC-coupled microgrids Microgrid configurations Distributed power systems Microgrid basic configuration Examples of microgrids Control of AC microgrids AC microgrid architectures Control schemes for parallel AC sources P/Q droop control method Hierarchical control of flexible AC microgrids Distinguished Lecture #2 Lecture Subject: Core Sensor Integration Technologies for Advanced Electrical Drives and Power Converters Lecturer: Professor Robert D. (Bob) Lorenz Date: Nov. 4, 2009 Location: 318 lecture room, Complex Building, National Taipei University of Technology Lecture Contents: Hierarchy of sensing in drives & devices Top down assessment to the core issues Multi-functionality with reliability/cost improvement focus Core self-sensing enabler Expansion of self-sensing functionality Levels of integrated sensing in motors drives & converters Summary of key enablers, their status and their future Distinguished Lecture #3 Lecture Subject: High Efficiency Power Conversion Research in Future Energy Electronics Center (Virginia Tech.) Lecturer: Professor Jih-Sheng (Jason) Lai Date: Nov. 25, 2009 Location: 318 lecture room, Complex Building, National Taipei University of Technology Lecture Contents: Power electronics for microgrid Smart microgrid research (INER) Parallel universal inverters for standalone and grid-tie operations (EMPS) Fuel cell power conditioning High efficiency multiphase DC-DC converter (DOE SECA program) High efficiency soft-switching DC-AC inverters (DOE SECA program) Solarized fuel cell power system (VT-ICTAS) Solar photovoltaic power conditioning Field verification of high-penetration levels of PV into the distribution grid (DOE ARRA program) High concentration PV (HCPV) inverter (INER) Microinverter (National semiconductor) Solar PV simulator (FEEC) Vehicular power electronics High-temperature soft-switching inverter for traction motor drives (DOE FreedomCAR program) Low-voltage high-current fort lift motor drive (Tatung) High-power bidirectional DC-DC converters (Ballard, ARL, ITRI) Universal bidirectional EV charger (National semiconductor) Industrial Electronics Society & Power Electronics Society Taipei Chapter (IE13 /PEL35) Prepared by Faa-Jeng Lin (Chapter Chair) Four meeting reports have been submitted to IEEE. They are listed below. 22 17. 09/04/2009~09/05/2009 2009 Taiwan Power Electronics Conference, Chungli, Taiwan Attendance: Members 120, Guests 550 Activities: Four invited speeches and one member meeting 10/24/2009~10/24/2009 2009 Annual NSC Power Engineering Division Projects Demonstration, Kaohsiung, Taiwan Attendance: Members 110, Guests 50 Activities: Universities Students’ Projects Competition 11/28/2009~11/29/2009 2009 Symposium on Electrical Power Engineering, Taoyuan, Taiwan Attendance: Members 115, Guests 605 Activities: Five invited speeches and one member meeting 11/02/2009~11/05/2009 2009 IEEE Power Electronics and Drive Systems, Taipei, Taiwan Attendance: Members 155, Guests 350 Activities: Keynote speeches, tutorials, orals and Posters Speakers: Prof. D. M. Divan, IEEE Fellow Speakers: Prof. H. Akagi, IEEE Fellow Speakers: Prof. R. D. Lorenz, IEEE Fellow Instrumentation & Measurement Society Taipei Chapter (IM09) Prepared by Din-Ping Tsai (Chapter Chair) Meeting reports have been submitted to IEEE. They are listed below. Title: i-One Instrument Innovation Competition Place: Hsinchu, Taiwan Date: Oct. 17, 2009 Organizer: National Instrument Technology Research Center 2009 i-ONE Instrument Innovation Competition was a contest open for innovative concepts and applications pertaining to instrument technology. The contestants are divided into 3 groups, youth, amateur, and professional. IEEE Taipei Section I&M Society Chapter provided technical aids in the preliminary and final selection by reviewing the contestants’proposals, models and presentations. 4 officers from the chapter served as the committee member of the competition. The final competition attracted local media and was widely covered for its promotion and advocacy of instrument technology. This is the first activity that made the chapter known to the public and has helped to build up its very positive reputation. As a kick off this technical sponsorship is certainly a success. Title: 2009 International Scientific Instrument Technology Workshop (ISITW) Place: Hsinchu, Taiwan Date: October 19-30, 2009 Organizer: National Instrument Technology Research Center, Taiwan ISITW is a training workshop providing researchers and university faculty in the south-eastern Asia area an opportunity to interact with the top professionals in the field of instrument technology worldwide. The workshop is financially sponsored by National Science Council of Taiwan and is technically sponsored by IEEE Taipei Section I&M Society Chapter. The workshop has had a history of 14 years and is well renowned in countries like Vietnam, Philippines, India, Indonesia, Malaysia, and Thailand. Only a limited number of applicants will be granted the access to the workshop. The organizing institute delegated the chapter to invite foreign speakers and to select applicants based on their background and expertise. The chapter helped to sieve out 25 eligible applicants from the total number of 50, to arrange the course outline, and to invite 4 top professionals from Korea, the United Kingdom, and the United States as speakers. As two week’s duration marched to the end, 25 applicants from 6 countries expressed their appreciation to the organizer and the sponsors. Partaking in the success of this international workshop marked the first step of the chapter going globalization. 23 Course Title: Nanoplasmonics: Optical Properties of Metal Nanostructures Speaker: Prof. Mark Stockman (Georgia State University, the U.S.) Place: Hsinchu, Taiwan Date: December 16, 2009 Organizer: IEEE Taipei Section I&M Society Chapter To further bring in the most frontier and advanced research progress, the chapter organized a one day short course entitled “Nanoplasmonics: Optical Properties of Metal Nanostructures” by Prof. Mark Stockman from Georgia State University, the U. S. Similar courses was held during th annual SPIE Optics + Photonics conference in August, 2009 and will be held again in the upcoming SPIE Photonics West conference in January, 2010. This short course included presentation of the physics and applications of surface plasmons, including the concentration of energy on nanoscale, control of nanooptical phenomena, and ultrafast and nonlinear nanoplasmonics. It contained both review of the existing state of the field, and theory and applications of nanoplasmonic phenomena. The course, as well received precedentedly, drew 75 people from Taiwan and abroad to attend. Grounding on the spirit of serving the local academia and research circles, the course only charged attendees with the minimum base fare at around 60 to 84 USD. (as it was charged 635 USD on August) Kaleidoscope: Invited talks Date: Aug. 11, 2009 Speaker: Prof. Helen Chan Affiliation: The Hong Kong Polytechnic University (Hong Kong) Talk Title: Pyroelectric and Mechatronic Devices Based on Piezoceramic/Polymer Composites and Lead-free Piezoceramics Date: Sep. 9, 2009 Speaker: Prof. Chorng Haur Sow Affiliation: National University of Singapore (Singapore) Talk Title: Carbon Nanotubes Based Laser-Induced Micro-Actuators, Micro-Heat Source and Scaffolds for Assembly of Nanoparticles Date: Oct. 21, 2009 Speaker: Mr. Zsolt Samson Affiliation: The University of Southampton (The United Kingdom) Talk Title: Active Control of Surface Plasmon Polaritons and Metamaterials Date: Oct. 21, 2009 Speaker: Prof. Peter Torok Affiliation: Imperial College London (The United Kingdom) Talk Title: Ultra-high Resolution Imaging Polarimetry Date: Oct. 21, 2009 Speaker: Dr. Sang-il Park Affiliation: Park Systems (Korea) Talk Title: Nanoscale Metrology and Characterizations with Advanced AFM/SPM Date: Oct. 26, 2009 Speaker: Prof. Yin Yeh Affiliation: University of California Davis (The United States) Talk Title: Biophotonics Date: Dec. 9, 2009 Speaker: Prof. Colin Sheppard Affiliation: National University of Singapore (Singapore) Talk Title: Developments in modern microscopy Date: Dec. 15, 2009 Speaker: Prof. Mark Stockman Affiliation: Georgia State University (The United States) Talk Title: New Horizons of Nanoplasmonics: from SPASER to Attoseconds Date: Dec. 23, 2009 Speaker: Prof. Kam Tai Chan Affiliation: The Chinese University of Hong Kong (Hong Kong) Talk Title: Manipulation of Cells by Femtosecond Laser Excitation 24 18. Information Theory Society Taipei Chapter (IT12) Prepared by Cheng-Shang Chang (Chapter Chair) Eight meeting reports have been submitted to IEEE. They are listed below. 01/08/2009 Activity: Talk by Amy Mei-Hsuan Lu, Carnegie Mellon University, USA Title: Wireless Video Streaming Using Opportunistic Retransmission Attendance: Members 10, Guests 30 02/04/2009~02/05/2009 2009 Spring Workshop on Information Theory & Communications, Hualien, Taiwan Activity: Eight invited speeches and one member meeting. Attendance: Members 60, Guests 102 Homepage: http://www.ee.ndhu.edu.tw/%7Eitcom2009/ 04/22/2009 Activity: Talk by Dr. Hai Lin, Osaka Prefecture University, Osaka, Japan Title: New Advances on RF/Analog Impairments Compensation Technique for OFDM Direct-Conversion Transceivers Attendance: Members 25, Guests 0 05/19/2009 Activity: Talk by Prof. Josef A. Nossek, Munich University of Technology, Germany Title: Capacity and Coding for Quantized MIMO Systems Attendance: Members 17, Guests 24 07/17/2009~07/18/2009 Activity: Short course by Dr. Yu-Hung Kao, Qualcomm Title: 4G Wireless Communication Technology: LTE Physical Layer Algorithms and Simulation Attendance: Members 30, Guests 170 Homepage: http://www.cm.nctu.edu.tw/news/news.php?Sn=13468 08/03/2009~08/07/2009 2009 Summer School on Information/Communication Theory and Technologies Activity: Nine lectures on communications theory by nine invited speakers Attendance: Members 31, Guests 207 Homepage: 08/24/2009~08/25/2009 2009 Fall Workshop on Information Theory & Communications, Nantou, Taiwan Activity: Eight invited talks and one member meeting Attendance: Members 71, Guests 138 Homepage: http://bear.ee.thu.edu.tw:8080/ 10/27/2009 Activity: Talk by Dr. Wei-Ho Chung, University of California, San Diego, USA Title: Fading Channels, Opportunistic Spectrum Access, and Unequal Error Protection in Wireless Communications Attendance: Members 10, Guests 40 Three unreported activities: September 2009 Activity: 2009 Best Paper Award for Young Scholars (co-held by ITSoc Taipei Chapter & ComSoc Taipei/Tainan Chapters) Recipient 1: Prof. Stefan M. Moser Paper title1: The Fading Number of Multiple-Input Multiple-Output Fading Channels with Memory Recipient 2: Prof. Jay Cheng Paper title 2: Constructions of Optical 2-to-1 FIFO Multiplexers With a Limited Number of Recirculations 25 19. Homepage: http://www.cm.nctu.edu.tw/~IEEEITComSoc/news/2009best_paper_award_ 2.htm 12/08/2009 2009 Workshop on Next Generation Networking, Hsinchu, Taiwan Activity: Six invited talks Attendance: Members 14, Guests 60 12/23/2009 Activity: Talk by Prof. A.J. Han Vinck, University of Essen, Germany Title: Coding Techniques for Multi-User Communications and Networking Attendance: Members 15, Guests 80 Lasers & Electro-Optics Society Taipei Chapter (LEO36) Prepared by Gong-Ru Lin (Chapter Chair) Optics and Photonics Taiwan (OPT) 2009 Dec 10-11 Taipei – IEEE LEOS Taipei Chapter sponsored NT 15000 20. Optics and Photonics Taiwan (OPT) is recognized as the largest annual meeting of photonics in academic and research communities of Taiwan, hosted by major universities and professional societies. In December 2009, OPT 2009 was located in National Taiwan Normal University, greatly expanded to host more than 1000 attendees from all universities in Taiwan. OPT 2009 expects to cover all the advanced technologies for Optics and Photonics with emphasis in bio- and nano-photonics, versatile solar energy transfer technologies, fiber lasers and communications, flexible display. Most of our local faculty members and graduate students have contributed many exciting oral/poster presentations in the technical program, providing the highlighting on recent achievements of Taiwan's photonics and academic community. This is the most important photonics conference in Taiwan for attendees to learn and gain technological entry into the hot subjects of optics and photonics of today. http://opt2009.ieo.ntnu.edu.tw/ IEEE Photonics Taipei Chapter Events in OPT2009 1. 2009 IEEE Photonics Taipei Chapter Annual Meeting, nearly 20 IEEE member attendees. 2. Announcement on new IEEE Fellow who belong to IEEE Photonics Taipei chapter Prof. Wood-Hi Cheng, National Sun Yat Sen University. Prof. Ching-Fuh Lin, National Taiwan University. 3. Table Exhibition of IEEE Photonics Taipei Chapters in OPT2009: 150 Brochures and Introductions. The table Exhibition is handled by new IEEE Photonics Society member, Dr. Yi-Hao Pai, with National Taiwan University. Free consumer expense on brochures and documents to promote member application. 4. Total attendance of OPT2009 exceeds 900 persons. 5. Five IEEE/Photonics Taipei Chapter student’s paper awards of OPT2007. 6. Announcement for submission of Bid to the 2011 IEEE Photonics Annual Meeting. 7. The local chapter event will be announced through National Science Council’s (NSC’s) website and be broadcasted by NSC e-mail to all universities in Taiwan. Magnetics Society Taipei Chapter (MAG33) Prepared by Jen-Hwa Hsu (Chapter Chair) Seven meeting reports have been submitted to IEEE. They are listed below. 03/1-4/2009 2009 IEEE Distinguished Lecture series Attendance: Members 30, Guests 140 Activities: Series Speech made by Prof. Kannan Krishnan 05/19-21/2009 26 21. 2009 IEEE Distinguished Lecture series Attendance: Members 30, Guests 80 Activities: Series Speech made by Dr. Michael Mallary 06/24/2009 2009 IEEE Distinguished Lecture series Attendance: Members 30, Guests 90 Activities: Series Speech made by Prof. Hideo Ohno 09/24-26/2009 2009 IEEE Distinguished Lecture series Attendance: Members 20, Guests 30 Activities: Series Speech made by Prof. Theo Rasing 10/20/2009 Dr. Axel Hoffman Special Seminar Attendance: Members 15, Guests 30 Activities: Invited Speech 11/19-20/2009 Dr. Stuart Parkin Special Seminar Attendance: Members 10, Guests 20 Activities: Invited Speech 06/24/2009 Annual Meeting of Taiwan Chapter Attendance: Members 25, Guests 70 Activities: annual meeting Microwave Theory and Techniques Society Taipei Chapter (MTT17) Prepared by Yu-De Lin (Chapter Chair) Two meeting reports have been submitted to IEEE. They are listed below. 2009 EM Education Initiative-Summer Program Date : Aug. 3 ~Aug. 7, 2009 Venue : National Taiwan University,Taipei,Taiwan Speakers: 12 Attendance: 193 Workshop on Stability Analysis of Nonlinear Microwave Circuits :Applications to Power Amplifiers Date : Oct. 22, 2009 Venue : International Conference Hall, National Chiao Tung University, Hsinchu, Taiwan Speaker: Prof. Almudena Suarez Attendance: 128 22. Power Engineering Society Taipei Chapter (PE31) Prepared by Chung-Liang Chang (Chapter Chair) Six meeting reports have been submitted to IEEE. They are listed below. 02/10/2009 Meeting of the executive committee to discuss activity planning, Taipei, Taiwan 10 Feb., 2009 Attendance: Members 7, Guests 13 Activities: Two invited speeches 03/10/2009 Meeting of the Next Generation Transmission Network Technology, Taipei, Taiwan, 3 Oct., 2009 Attendance: Members 22, Guests 43 Activities: Three invited speeches 09/04/2009 The 8th Taiwan Power Electronics Conference & Exhibition, Jungli, Taiwan, 9, Apr., 2009 Attendance: Members 10, Guests 82 Activities: Eleven invited speeches Homepage: http://eecs.ee.cyu.edu.tw/tpec2009/info/info.htm 27 23. 10/15/2009~10/16/2009 The AESIEAP 2009 CEO Conference, Kaoshiung, Taiwan, 15~16 Oct., 2009 Attendance: Members 28, Guests 113 Activities: Nine invited speeches Homepage: http://www.aesieap.org/evCEO.php 10/24/2009 The NSC Power Engineering Research Results Conference and Exhibition, Kaoshiung, Taiwan, 24, Oct., 2009 Attendance: Members 42, Guests 161 Activities: Five invited speeches Homepage: http://nscpower.ee.ncu.edu.tw/achievementr.php 11/28/2009~11/29/2009 The 30 th Symposium on Electrical Power Engineering, Taipei, Taiwan, 28~29 Nov., 2009 Attendance: Members 42, Guests 236 Activities: Seven invited speeches Homepage: http://www.power2009.ee.lhu.edu.tw Product Safety Engineering Society Taipei Chapter (PSE43) Prepared by Zenon Wang (Chapter Chair) Two meeting reports have been submitted to IEEE. They are listed below. 2009-7-31 safety application in IT equipment 2009-9-25 UL PAGOS update for UL 60960-1 and upcoming amendment 24. Robotics & Automation Society Taipei Chapter (RA24) Prepared by Ching-Chang Wong (Chapter Chair) Our meeting report consists of three parts. The first part is the meeting of the RAS Taipei chapter officer, the second part is about the invited talks, and the final part is the sponsored/co-sponsored conferences. They are listed below. Part 1: RAS officer meeting: We have held three meetings to discuss the chapter activities and the membership promotion on 3/5, 5/13, and 6/29, respectively. Part 2: In 2009, we organized various invited talks. The details are listed below. (1) 6/26/2009 Invited talks Attendance: Member 60 and Guests 400 Activities: The speaker is Prof. Hsiao-Fan Wang. The talk is entitled “Concept of Global Optimization in Green Value Chain Management.” (2) 6/26/2009 Invited talks Attendance: Member 60 and Guests 400 Activities: The speaker is Prof. TzuuHseng S. Li. The talk is “System design and implementation of small-size humanoid robots” (3) 2/12/2009 Invited talks Attendance: Member 30 and Guests 200 Activities: The speaker is KEITH W. HIPEL (IEEE Fellow). The talk is “Strategic Opportunities in Systems Engineering” (4) 5/11/2009 Invited talks Attendance: Member 50 and Guests 300 Activities: The speaker1 is Jacky Baltes. The talk is “Robotics Business Opportunities” The speaker2 is Norbert Michael Mayer. The talk is “Towards integrated robot development using the RoboCup SimSpark environment” Part 3: We cosponsor various conferences as follows. 28 (1) 6/26/2009 2009 National Symposium on System Science and Engine (NSSSE 2009) Attendance: Members 120, Guests 400 Activities: Two speeches and also offered a regular program and a video program Homepage: http://www.ee.tku.edu.tw/nssse2009/ (2) 11/27/2009~11/29/2009 2009 CACS International Automatic Control Conference (CACS 2009) Attendance: Members 250, Guests 500 Activities: Three speeches and also offered a regular program. Homepage: http://cacs2009.ntut.edu.tw/ (3) 5/11/2009 Development and promotion for intelligent robotic industry Attend: Member 100, Guests 300 Activities: Two speeches and one forum 25. Reliability Society Taipei Chapter (RL07) Prepared by Shiuhpyng Shieh (Chapter Chair) Nine meeting reports have been submitted to IEEE. They are listed below. 06/03/2009 The Technical Lecture Attendance: Members 9, Guests 83 Activities: Speech made by Prof. Yung-Hsiang Lu, Purdue University 05/27/20009 The Educational Lecture Attendance: Members 3, Guests 46 Activities: Speech made by Prof. MSun, National Central University 05/20/2009 The Technical Lecture Attendance: Members 4, Guests 63 Activities: Speech made by Prof. Mohamed Mokbel, Department of Computer Science and Engineering, University of Minnesota 02/25/2009 The Technical Lecture Attendance: Members 8, Guests 79 Activities: Speech made by Prof. Jehee Lee, National Seoul University at Korea 04/15/2009 The Technical Lecture Attendance: Members 6, Guests 74 Activities: Speech made by PhD Yao-Chung Lin Electrical Engineering Department, Stanford University 09/23/2009 The Educational Lecture Attendance: Members 9, Guests 89 Activities: Speech made by Dr. Jyh-How Huang 09/30/2009 The Educational Lecture Attendance: Members 5, Guests 74 Activities: Speech made by Wayne Huang, Armorize Technologies 10/21/2009 The Technical Lecture Attendance: Members 13, Guests 93 Activities: Speech made by Sam Huang, Trend Micro 11/11/2009 The Technical Lecture Attendance: Members 15, Guests 87 Activities: Speech made by Prof. Eric Lu, Chairman of Lionic Corporation 29 26. Systems, Man & Cybernetics Taipei Chapter (SMC28) Prepared by Shun-Feng Su (Chapter Chair) Our meeting report consists of three parts. The first part is the meeting of the SMC Taipei chapter officer, the second part is about the invited talks, and the final part is the sponsored/co-sponsored conferences. Part 1: SMC officer meeting: We have held three meeting to discuss the chapter activities and the membership promotion mission on 3/21, 10/17, and 12/3. Afterward, we had send out two membership promotion flyers to socialite colleagues to join the IEEE SMC society. Part 2: In 2009, we have organized various invited talks. Some of them were also supported by the SMC DL programs. The details are listed below. 08/07/2009 Invited talks Attendance: Member 15 and Guests 70 Activities: The speaker is Prof. Lawrence O. Hall of the Department of Computer Science and Engineering at University of South Florida . The talk is "Scaling Soft Clustering to Very Large Data Sets.” Homepage: http://smctaipeichapter.no-ip.org/main/en/content/speech-prof-lawrenc e-o-hall-scaling-soft-clustering-very-large-data-sets 07/20/2009 Invited talks Attendance: Member 30 and Guests 80 Activities: The speaker is Prof. Keith W. Hipel. He is University Professor of Systems Design Engineering at the University of Waterloo, Waterloo, Ontario, Canada, and is Vice President of the Academy of Sciences which is part of the Royal Society of Canada. The talk is “A Tale of Two Countries.” Homepage: http://smctaipeichapter.no-ip.org/main/en/content/speech-prof-keith-whipel-a-tale-two-countries 05/12/2009 Invited talks Attendance: Member 13 and Guests 50 Activities: The speaker is Prof. Yuan Yan Tang. He is both Fellow of IEEE SMCS and Pattern Recognition Society (IAPR). The talk is “An Introduction to L2 Space - An Engineering’s View of Mathematics.” Homepage: http://smctaipeichapter.no-ip.org/main/en/content/speech-prof-yuan-ya n-tang-an-introduction-l2-space-an-engineering%E2%80%99s-view-m athematics 03/24/2009 Invited talks Attendance: Member 13 and Guests 50 Activities: The speaker is Prof. Michael R. Berthold. He is Publication VP of IEEE SMCS and President-Elect of IEEE SMCS. The talk is scheduled at 14:00~16:00, Mar. 24 (Tuesday). The topic of the talk is "Learning what to Ask: Active classification of Cell Assay Images." Homepage: http://smctaipeichapter.no-ip.org/main/en/content/invited-talk-prof-mich ael-r-berthold-national-cheng-kung-university 03/23/2009 Invited talks Attendance: Member 20 and Guests 70 Activities: The speaker is Prof. Michael R. Berthold. He is Publication VP of IEEE SMCS and President-Elect of IEEE SMCS. The talk is scheduled at 02:00 PM, Mar. 23 (monday). The topic of the talk is "Learning what to Ask: Active classification of Cell Assay Images." 30 27. Homepage: http://smctaipeichapter.no-ip.org/main/en/content/invited-talk-prof-mich ael-r-berthold-learning-what-ask-active-classification-cell-assay-imag 02/09/2009 Invited talks Attendance: Member 50 and Guests 200 Activities: We invited a SMC distinguished lecturer, Prof. Keith Hipel to give a talk in our University (NTUST). The talk is "Trade versus the Environment: Strategic Settlement from a Systems Engineering Perspective." Keith Hipel is University Professor of Systems Design Engineering at the University of Waterloo, Waterloo, Ontario, Canada, and is the Vice President of the Academy of Sciences which is part of the Royal Society of Canada. He is a Fellow of the Royal Society of Canada (FRSC), Canadian Academy of Engineering (FCAE), Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers (FIEEE), Engineering Institute of Canada (FEIC), International Council on Systems Engineering (FINCOSE), and the American Water Resources Association (FAWRA). Please see the attached file if you need to know more information. Homepage: http://smctaipeichapter.no-ip.org/main/en/content/invited-talk-prof-keith -hipe-trade-versus-environment-strategic-settlement-a-systems-engine e Part 3: In 2009, we cosponsor various conferences and Forums as follow. 11/27/2009~11/29/2009 The 2009 International Automatic Control Conference (IACC) Attendance: Members 100, Guests 300 Activities: Two speeches and also offered a video program Homepage: http://cacs2009.ntut.edu.tw 7/01/2009~7/03/2009 The International Conference of System Science and Engineering 2010 (ICSSE 2010) Attendance: Members 120, Guests 260 Activities: Two speeches and also offered a video program Homepage: http://isd.ie.ntnu.edu.tw/ICSSE2010/ Systems, Man & Cybernetics Taichung Chapter (SMC28) Prepared by Ching-Chih Tsai (Chapter Chair) Nine meeting reports have been submitted to IEEE. They are listed below. Member Guest Speech topic Speakers Property Strategic Opportunities in Systems E 02/09/2009 20 10 Dr. Keith W. Hipel Technical ngineering Robotics as Systems Integration Dr. Kazuhiro 03/30/2009 30 15 from Dance Partner Robot to Technical Kosuge Real-world Applications Pattern Recognition with Wavelet Dr.Yuan Yan 05/11/2009 22 10 Technical Analysis Tang Dr. C. L. PHILIP 05/25/2009 30 23 Introduction to Steganography Technical CHEN Scaling Soft Clustering to Very Large Dr. Lawrence O. 08/05/2009 25 30 Technical Data Sets Hall Sensitivity Measure Approach to Dr. Daniel S. 08/14/2009 22 28 Technical Patten Classification Yeung Mr. Gideon 11/17/2009 12 30 Design Creativity Technical Loewy An Ant Colony Optimization method 12/09/2009 12 21 Dr. Ching-Pao Ju Technical for Robotic Path Planning A hybrid detection method using Data 12/09/2009 12 21 Dr. Su-Yan Chen Technical Mining for short-time traffic flow and Date 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 31 accidents on Highways 28. Signal Processing Society Taipei Chapter (SP01) Prepared by Tihao Chiang (Chapter Chair) Three meeting reports have been submitted to IEEE. They are listed below. Prof. Marek Domański On December 3rd, 2009, Prof. Marek Domański delivered two talks with the following titles. (5) AVC/H.264 video bit rate reduction using structured removal of transformcoefficients. (6) 3D video activities at Poznań University of Technology. Prof. Marek Domański is the Chair of Multimedia Telecommunications and Microelectronics, Poznań University of Technology. He is also a Member of the Committee of Electronics and Telecommunications, Polish Academy of Sciences. Dr. Yen-Kuang Chen On Dec. 16th, Dr. Yen-Kuang Chen delivered a short course on “Multimedia Signal Processing on CPU and GPU with Many Cores”. Dr. Yen-Kuang Chen received the Ph.D. from Princeton University and is a Principal Engineer at Intel Corporation. His research interests include developing innovative multimedia applications, analyzing the performance bottleneck in current computers, and designing next generation microprocessor/platform with many cores. In particular, he is analyzing the emerging multimedia applications and providing inputs to the definition of the next-generation CPUs and GPUs with many cores. He has 15+ US patents, 20+ pending patent applications, and 85+ technical publications. He is an associate editor of the Journal of Signal Processing Systems (including a special issue on "Multi-core Enabled Multimedia Applications & Architectures"), of IEEE Transactions on Circuit and System for Video Technology (including a special issue on "Algorithm/Architectures Co-Exploration of Visual Computing"), of IEEE Transactions on Multimedia, and of IEEE Transactions on Circuit and System I. He is a guest editor of the special issue on "Signal Processing on Platforms with Multiple Cores: Part 1 -- Overview and Methodology" (Nov 2009) and the special issue on "Signal Processing on Platforms with Multiple Cores: Part 2 -- Design and Applications" (March 2010) for IEEE Signal Processing Magazine. He is a member of Multimedia Signal Processing TC, IEEE Signal Processing Society, Design and Implementation of Signal Processing Systems TC, IEEE Signal Processing Society, Multimedia Systems and Applications TC, IEEE Circuits and Systems Society, and Visual Signal Processing and Communications TC, IEEE Circuits and Systems Society. He has served as a program committee member of 35+ international conferences and workshops. Dr. Kou-Hu Tzou On July 15th, Dr. Kou-Hu Tzou delivered a talk entitled “Patent your ideas, not just what you did” In his talk, he discussed that “Often, companies seek patent filing as a means to protect their design after a product or a project is complete. While such practice is very common, it may lose valuable time to file at early stage. Furthermore, engineers may only focus on what they did and the patent claims become unnecessarily narrow while the patent could have much general or wider claims. The speaker first describes the general concept of patents and show how a patent can be filed based on an idea/concept without actual full implementation. He then goes over some interesting patents related to image/video processing such as the famous JPEG patent, the TiVO time warping DVR patent, the Qualcom variable block size H264 patent, and others. This talk will give the attendees a good sense on appreciating a valuable patent and how to protect their intellectual rights.” Dr. Kou-Hu Tzou is an expert in the areas of digital video compression and video processing. Currently, he is the president of Blairtech Solution which 32 provides patent consulting services to high-tech companies. From 2007 to 2009, he was VP, Product Marketing of Quintic Corporation, a wireless SoC company providing mobile TV and FM audio solutions. He was the Chief Architect of the Multimedia Group with Huahong International, Shanghai China, from 2006 to 2007. He was with COMSAT Labs and developed the first compact MPEG-2 based SNG codec in 1995. In between, he was associated with ESS Technology, Divio and ioWave. He spent his early career in research labs including Bellcore and GTE Labs, where he was actively engaged in digital video coding research and video coding standard development. He published over 30 papers in technical journals and conferences and authored 2 book chapters. He has been awarded 10 US patents related to video coding and DSP. Dr. Tzou received his Doctor of Science degree in EE from Washington University in St. Louis. He is an IEEE Fellow and an SPIE Fellow. 29. Solid-State Circuits Society Taipei Chapter (SSC37) Prepared by Wei-Zen Chen (Chapter Chair) Homepage: http://www.ics.ee.nctu.edu.tw/~SSCSTPE/ Student IC Design Contest. The goal of this contest is to promote students’ interests and involvement in IC design. Through the design contest, students can gain valuable experience on how to evaluate the tradeoffs among different design parameters, and find a feasible solution within limited time and design resources. Furthermore, through the work of a two-person team, students can understand the importance of teamwork in IC design. In 2009, the contest was held in April and May. This event is co-sponsor with the Ministry of Education of Taiwan. Course Development. As semiconductor technologies evolve, many undergraduate and graduate courses need to be revamped to reflect the rapid progress. Taipei Chapter and many of its faculty member staff have worked with the Ministry of Education of Taiwan to develop or update IC related courses. Course topic examples include nano-IC design, electronics for bio-medical systems, NEMS, etc. The lecture materials are made available to all universities in Taiwan, so the information can be shared and conveyed in a more efficient way. In addition, other education initiatives related to ISSCC are taken by the Chapter, and are described briefly below. ISSCC Presentation Rehearsal. To enhance technical presentation quality, starting from 2005, a formal rehearsal meeting was arranged by the Chapter shortly before ISSCC. For the papers accepted to ISSCC from Taiwan, the designated speakers were invited to this meeting and rehearsed in front of selected audience. In 2009, this meeting was scheduled in January. Annual Meeting and member gathering VLSI Design/CAD Symposium, Hualien , Taiwan, 2009/August ISSCC paper Highlights The first trial of ISSCC paper highlight in worldwide. We successfully attract 163 participants. Panel Discussions (1) How to pursue research excellence? Co-sponsored Conferences (3) 2009 IEEE International Symposium on VLSI Design, Automation, and Test (305 participants) 2009 VLSI Design/CAD Symposium (1020 participants) 2009 Asian Solid-State Circuits Conference (350 participants) A-SSCC student registration compensation for paper presentation Membership Promotion in VLSI/CAD Symposium VLSI-TSA-DAT A-SSCC A-SSCC Press Conference ISSCC Press Conference 33 Short courses/seminars/technical workshops are the most popular events among all the Taipei Chapter activities. These events often drew large audience. Following is a list of these events during 2009. Circuits and Systems for Wireless Concurrent Communication Mr. Yu-Jiu Wang, PhD Candidate, CALTECH Jan. 9, 2009, at NCTU, Hsinchu(20 participants) CMOS RF Technology and Integrated Circuit Design: Can It Keep Pace With Moore’s Law? Prof. Yeo Kiat Seng, Head, Division of Circuits and Systems , Nanyang Technological University, Singapore Jan. 15, 2009, at NCKU, Tainan(64 participants) Jan. 16, 2009, at NCTU, Hsinchu(33 Attendees) CMOS RF Biosensor Utilizing Nuclear Magnetic Resonance – A Circuit Designer’s Approach to Early Disease Detection Prof. Donhee Ham, Harvard University Feb. 23, 2009, at NTU, Taipei(150 participants) Pushing CMOS to the Limits Prof. Ali M. Niknejad, EECS, UC Berkeley , USA Apr. 27/28, 2009, at NTU/NCTU, Taipei/Hsinchu(236 participants) Sub-1mW/Gbps High-Speed Links and Design Techniques Enabling Low-Power, Multi-Gigasample/s ADCs Prof. Patrick Chiang, Oregon State , USA Apr. 30, May. 1, 2009, at NCTU/NTU, Hsinchu/Taipei(59 participants) High Performance Nano-meter SoC Design Techniques Dr. Stefan Rusu, Intel, CA, USA Jul. 8, 2009, at NCTU, Hsinchu(29 Participants) CMOS High-Speed I/O – Background, Circuits, and Future Trends – Dr. Tszshing Cheung, Fujitsu, Japan Jul. 9, 2009, at NCTU, Hsinchu(36 Participants) A 300-GHz Fundamental Oscillator in 65-nm CMOS Technology Prof. Behzad Razavi , University of California, Los Angeles September 22, 2009, at NCTU, HsinChu.(300 Attendees) Transmitter Linearization by Beamforming Prof. Behzad Razavi , University of California, Los Angeles September 24, 2009, at NTU, Taipei. (80 Attendees) Designing Analog and RF Circuits in Nanoscale CMOS Technologies:Scale the Supply,Reduce the Area and Use Digital Gates Prof. Peter Kinget , Columbia University, USA September 24, 2009, at NTU, Taipei. (42 Attendees) Medical Micro Devices and Systems Prof. J.C. Chiao, UT-Arlington, USA Oct. 20,22,23, 2009, at NCTU/NCHU/NCKU, Hsinchu/Taichung/Tainan(61/69/71 Attendees) Fuel Delivery System for Micro Direct Methanol Fuel Cell Prof. Yung C. Liang, National University of Singapore November 6, 2009, at NCTU, HsinChu.(31 participants) Low Power Electronics for Inertial Sensors Prof. Bernhard Boser, UC Berkeley, SSCS vice president November 12, 2009, at NCTU, HsinChu. (58 Attendees) Information Processing for Future Healthcare Systems Prof. Dejan Marković , University of California, Los Angeles, USA November 12, 2009, at NCTU, HsinChu. (35 Attendees) Limits to Low-Power, Low-Voltage Analog Design Prof. Eric Vittoz , EPFL- Swiss Federal Institute of Technology, Lausanne, Switzerland November 13, 2009, at NTU, Taipei. (70 Attendees) Wireless Power Transfer and its Applications in Biomedical Devices Prof. Teresa Meng, Stanford, USA November 13, 2009, at NTU, Taipei. (70 Attendees) 34 Point-of-Care Infectious Disease Test based on CMOS Technology Prof. Bernhard Boser, UC Berkeley, SSCS vice president November 13, 2009, at NTU, Taipei. (70 Attendees) Next Generation Energy Efficient Systems Prof. Anantha Chandrakasan (MIT, USA) November 25, 2009, at NTU, Taipei. (47 Attendees) Taipei Chapter actively supports and participates in international and domestic conferences. The following three conferences/symposiums are the main focus. IEEE Asian Solid-State Circuit Conference (A-SSCC). The SSCS-endorsed A-SSCC was successfully held in Hsinchu, Taiwan in Nov. 2005. More than 340 persons attended this first A-SSCC. Many Chapter members were involved. Among them, Prof. C.-K. Wang and Prof. S.-I. Liu (former Chapter Chairs), served as the Steering Committee (SC) Chair and Secretary, respectively. The 2009 A-SSCC will once again be held in Taiwan. Taipei Chapter will continue to play an important role in this important technical gathering event to ensure its success. 2009 IEEE A-SSCC Student Registration Compensation. To encourage student paper submission and participation, Taipei Chapter has implemented a student award plan. For the students who have papers accepted to 2009 A-SSCC, financial support will be granted to compensate their registration fee. 2009 IEEE A-SSCC Press Conference. To promote the 2009 A-SSCC, Taipei Chapter hosted a press conference in the Grande Hotel, Taipei, in 9/4/2009. Several News media attended this press conference to report this event. IEEE International Symposium on VLSI-TSA-DAT. Taipei Chapter also co-sponsors this international symposium, which is held in April annually in Taiwan. The symposium drew about 300 registrants in 2009. VLSI Design/CAD Symposium. Taipei Chapter is actively involved in this domestic symposium, which has become a major island-wide technical event. In Aug. 2009, this symposium attracted more than 1,000 participants. The 2009 annual Chapter meeting was also held during the symposium. Taipei Chapter also broadcast other SSCS-sponsored conference Call for Papers/ Participation (e.g. ISSCC) to its members via the email broadcasting system. On the competition event, Taipei Chapter co-sponsored the Student IC Design Contest with the Ministry of Education of Taiwan. Taipei Chapter is also keen on linking the research institutes and IC design industry, and setting up possible cooperation between the two. The following forum was co-sponsored with the Ministry of Education of Taiwan. It provided an opportunity for the university faculties and industrial IC design professionals to share their views on Power Management IC design. 30. Vehicular Technology Society Taipei Chapter (VT06) Prepared by Chin-Liang Wang (Chapter Chair) Seventeen meeting reports have been submitted to IEEE. They are listed below. 03/03/2009 How to Cope with the Uncertainty in Wireless Communications Speaker: Dr. William C.Y. Lee Category: Technical Attendance: Members 20, Guests 30 08/20/2009 Need to Increase the Use of Wireless Data and Smartphones for Boosting up the Mobile Contents Market Speaker: Mr. Han-Wook Jung, Vice President, KT, Korea Category: Technical Attendance: Members 60, Guests 50 35 08/20/2009 Communications Technology Development in Taiwan Speaker: Prof. Chin-Liang Wang, National Tsing Hua University, Taiwan Category: Technical Attendance: Members 60, Guests 50 08/20/2009 Standardizations for LTE/LTE-Advanced and Future Broadband Radio Speaker: Dr. Motohiro Tanno, NTT DOCOMO, Japan Category: Technical Attendance: Members 60, Guests 50 08/20/2009 WiBro-Mobile WiMax in Korea Speaker: Prof. Seong-Cheol Kim, Seoul National University, Korea Category: Technical Attendance: Members 60, Guests 50 08/26/2009 Introduction of Digital Multimedia Speaker: Prof. Jau-Yang Chang, National Formosa University, Taiwan Category: Technical Attendance: Members 40, Guests 22 08/26/2009 Introduction of Multimedia Compression Speaker: Prof. Hsi-Chin Hsin, National United University, Taiwan Category: Technical Attendance: Members 40, Guests 22 08/26/2009 Introduction of Multimedia Coding Speaker: Prof. Hsi-Chin Hsin, National United University, Taiwan Category: Technical Attendance: Members 40, Guests 22 08/26/2009 Development Trend of Multimedia Technologies and Applications Speaker: Prof. Jau-Yang Chang, National Formosa University, Taiwan Category: Technical Attendance: Members 40, Guests 22 09/24/2009 The Architecture of Digital TV and Introduction to Transmission Lines Speaker: Prof. Ching-Wen Tang, National Chung Chang University, Taiwan Category: Technical Attendance: Members 40, Guests 22 09/24/2009 Introduction to Digital TV Circuits (Balun, Electronic Switch, mixer) Speaker: Prof. Ching-Wen Tang, National Chung Chang University, Taiwan Category: Technical Attendance: Members 40, Guests 22 09/24/2009 Introduction to Digital Circuits (Detector, Low Noise Amplifier, Power Amplifier, Phase Lock Loop) Speaker: Mr. Jason Chiu, Research Head, AcSiP Technology Corp. Category: Technical Attendance: Members 40, Guests 22 09/24/2009 Introduction to Digital TV Circuits Implementation Speaker: Mr. Alex Juang, Chief Engineer, AcSiP Technology Corp. Category: Technical Attendance: Members 40, Guests 22 11/06/2009 Antenna Design for Mobile Phones Speaker: Prof. Kin-Lu Wong, Vice President, National Sun Yat-Sen University, Taiwan 36 Category: Technical Attendance: Members 30, Guests 94 11/06/2009 Design and Measurement for DTV Antenna Speaker: Prof. Jui-Han Lu, National Kaohsiung Marine University, Taiwan Category: Technical Attendance: Members 30, Guests 94 11/06/2009 Antenna Designs for Notebook Application Speaker: Dr. Fu-Ren Hsiao, Section Chief, Advanced-Connectek Inc., Taiwan Category: Technical Attendance: Members 30, Guests 94 11/06/2009 Antennas for Wireless Communications & Patent Issues Speaker: Dr. Vincent Chou, Manger, YAGEO Corporation, Taiwan Category: Technical Attendance: Members 30, Guests 94 B.3 Professional and Continuing Education Activities B.3.1 Conferences 1. Components, Packaging & Manufacturing Technology Society Taipei Chapter th successfully held the 4 International Microsystems, Packaging, Assembly and Circuits Technology Conference (IMPACT 2009), 10/20-10/23, 2009. 2. Computer Society Taipei Chapter successfully held the IEEE International Conference on Service-Oriented Computing and Applications (SOCA’ 09), 12/14-12/15, 2009. th 3. Magnetics Society Taipei Chapter successfully held the 21 Annual Conference on Magnetics & 2009 Cross-Strait Magnetism Conference, 06/24-06/26, 2009. 4. Vehicular Technology Society Taipei Chapter successfully held the International Conference on Mobile Data Management Systems, Services and Middleware (MDM 2009), 05/18-05/20, 2009. B.3.2 Technical Activities 1. Information Theory Society Taipei Chapter and Communications Society Taipei Chapter successfully held the 2009 Spring Workshop on Information Theory & Communication from 02/04 to 02/05 in 2009. The attendance count is 162. 2. Systems, Man, & Cybernetics Society Taipei Chapter and Robotics & Automation Society Taipei Chapter and Computational Intelligence Society Taipei Chapter successfully held the 2009 National Symposium on System Science and Engineering on 06/26/2009. 3. Circuits & Systems Society Taipei Chapter and Electron Devices Society Taipei Chapter and Solid-State Circuits Society Taipei Chapter successfully held the 2009 International Symposium on VLSI Technology, Systems and Applications (VLSI-TSA) & VLSI Design, Automation and Test (VLSI-DAT) from 04/27 to 04/30 in 2009. 4. Circuits & Systems Society Taipei Chapter successfully held the International Workshop on Neuromorphic Systems and Neural Prostheses from 05/20 to 05/21 in 2009. 5. Antennas & Propagation Society Taipei Chapter and Electromagnetic Compatibility Society Taipei Chapter and Geoscience & Remote Sensing Society Taipei Chapter and Microwave Theory & Techniques Society Taipei Chapter successfully held the 2009 EM Education Initiative - Summer Program from 08/03 to 08/07 in 2009. B.3.3 Distinguished Lecture Programs 1. Prof. Zhi Ding and Prof. Nasser Kehtarnavaz were invited by Consumer Electronics Society Taipei Chapter to deliver an IEEE distinguished lectures to researchers and students in Taiwan on 04/23/2009. 2. Prof. John G. Harris was invited by Circuits & Systems Society Taipei Chapter to deliver an IEEE distinguished lectures to researchers and students in Taiwan from 05/21 to 05/22 in 2009. 37 B.4 Students Activities(Supported by Student Branches) B.4.1 Total number of Student branches in the Section In the 2009, NTHU Student Branch and PELS Society Student Branch Chapter at NTHU and NCHU Student Branch and SMC Society Student Branch Chapter at NCHU were founded. This increases the chapter count in Taipei Section from 9 to 13. The following is a list of chapters and chairs: 1. Student Branch Name: IEEE NCTU Student Branch (National Chiao Tung University) Prepared by (Student Branch Counselor) Student Branch Chair: TBD Student Branch Counselor: Bing-Yue Tsui 2. Student Branch Name: CE Society Student Branch Chapter at NCTU Prepared by (Student Branch Counselor) Student Branch Chair: TBD Student Branch Counselor: Tihao Chiang 3. Student Branch Name: IEEE NTU Student Branch (National Taiwan University) Prepared by (Student Branch Chair) Student Branch Chair: Tian-Liang Huang Student Branch Counselor: Yung-Jen Hsu 4. Student Branch Name: IEEE NCU Student Branch (National Central University) Prepared by (Student Branch Chair) Student Branch Chair: Yun-Ling Ye Student Branch Counselor: Jen-Inn Chyi 5. Student Branch Name: IEEE YZU Student Branch (Yuan-Ze University) Prepared by (Student Branch Chair) Student Branch Chair: Kuan-Chung Ting Student Branch Counselor: Hsi-Tseng Chou 6. Student Branch Name: SMC Society Student Branch Chapter at YZU Prepared by Ming-Hung Lin (Student Branch Chair) Student Branch Chair: Ming-Hung Lin Student Branch Counselor: Chih-Min Lin 7. Student Branch Name: IEEE NTUST Student Branch (National Taiwan University Of Science & Technology) Prepared by Yu-Chuan Chang (Student Branch Chair) Student Branch Chair: Yu-Chuan Chang Student Branch Counselor: Shyi-Ming Chen 8. Student Branch Name: SMC Society Student Branch Chapter at NTUST Prepared by (Student Branch Chair) Student Branch Chair: Li-Wei Lee Student Branch Counselor: Shyi-Ming Chen 9. Student Branch Name: IEEE NTOU Student Branch (National Taiwan Ocean University) Prepared by (Student Branch Counselor) Student Branch Chair: TBD Student Branch Counselor: Mu-Der Jeng 38 10. Student Branch Name: IEEE NTHU Student Branch (National Tsing Hua University) Prepared by (Student Branch Chair) Student Branch Chair: Po-Hsiang Lan Student Branch Counselor: Meng-Fan Chang 11. Student Branch Name: PELS Society Student Branch Chapter at NTHU Prepared by (Student Branch Chair) Student Branch Chair: Ching-Ming Lai Student Branch Counselor: Po-Tai Cheng 12. Student Branch Name: IEEE NCHU Student Branch (National Chung Hsing University) Prepared by (Student Branch Chair) Student Branch Chair: Ya-Ling Chang Student Branch Counselor: Ching-Chih Tsai 13. Student Branch Name: SMC Society Student Branch Chapter at NCHU Prepared by (Student Branch Chair) Student Branch Chair: Ya-Ling Chang Student Branch Counselor: Ching-Chih Tsai B.4.2 Number of Student branches formed in the current year 1. IEEE NTHU Student Branch Formation on 12-February-2009. 2. PELS Society Student Branch Chapter at NTHU Formation on 05-June-2009. 3. IEEE NCHU Student Branch Formation on 08-June-2009. 4. SMC Society Student Branch Chapter at NCHU Formation on 10-August-2009. B.4.3 Section level student activities Taipei Section held Student Best Paper Competition organized: In order to encourage studying the students of universities and colleges to participate in the thesis contest of the relevant fields of electron of the electrical machinery greatly, the sponsor of the electrical machinery electron relevant domains seminar held by IEEE Taipei Section and in Taiwan operates jointly [Student Best Paper Competition organized ]. Already 4 session seminars have applied to operate jointly to IEEE Taipei Section at present. B.4.4 Number of Active Student branches 1. NCU Student Branch Student Presentation: 7 times Speech: 1 time Visit lab: 2 times Company visit: 1 time 2. YZU Student Branch 2009/9/16 IEEE Student Branch will establish an i-club and to recruit student from College of Electrical and Communication Engineering. i-club is a place where student can do research in there.Student can do experiment and research instead of only study in the class. I-club provide fund, teacher, place and equipment for the student in their research. Student can learn not only knowledge of specialized subject but also cooperating with teamates in the i-club. 2009/9/23 Preparing for the Orientation of i-club on September 30. Invite the presdent of IEEE student Branch to introduce i-club to the students and invite Professor S. T. Peng to introduce the benefit of join i-club. 3. SMC Society Student Branch Chapter at YZU The Yuan Ze University SMC Student branch chapter hosted a lecture on 2009/10/23. We invited Dr. Gary Yen, who is IEEE Fellow from department of Electrical and Computer Engineering Oklahoma State University, to give us a 39 lecture. Our goals are to understand the trend of current scientific research in the world and attract more student to join IEEE SMC student branch. At the beginning, we introduced the Yuan Ze University SMC Student branch chapter and let students who participated in this activity to understand the advantages of joining SMC Student branch chapter. In order to increase interests of scientific research and good attitude of learning, therefore we invited the famous specialist in electric engineering to give us a lecture. Due to this lecture activity, we aroused a lot of student’s interest for the IEEE SMC student branch chapter. Finally, we have a successfully lecture activity. 4. NTUST Student Branch & SMC Society Student Branch Chapter at NTUST In 2009, the IEEE Student Branch at NTUST and the IEEE SMC Student Branch Chapter at NTUST held four technical meetings on April 27, May 4, December 9 and December 12. Each meeting we have a speaker and a panel discussion. On September 26, 2009, the IEEE Student Branch at NTUST and the IEEE SMC Student Branch Chapter at NTUST held the 2009 System Software Forum, which is sponsored by the IEEE System, Man and Cybernetics Society and the IEEE Taipei Section. In this activity, we invite professors and professional engineers to give a speech about system software engineering for the graduates and the college students in the National Taiwan University of Science and Technology. 5. NTHU Student Branch 2009/10/9 Design Techniques to Implement an Agile Fractional-N DSP-based PLL Speaker: Dr. Derrick C. Wei, IEEE senor member 2009/11/27 Structure Design and Thermal Analysis of System-in-Packaging Speaker: Prof. Kuo-Ning Chiang of NTHU, IEEE senor member 2009/12/25 Bioinformatics & Systems Biology Speaker: Dr. Wen-Hsiung Li, research fellow of ITRI (Taiwan). 6. PELS Society Student Branch Chapter at NTHU Keynote Speech/Lecture Presenter: Dr. Shinn-Shyong Wang (王信雄), Vice-President, BESTEC Power Electronics Co., LTD. Date:2009-10-23 Title: Power Supplies Technique and Energy Star (從能源之星看電源供應器技 術) Content Summary: Dr. Wang clearly introduced the evolution of switching power supplies industry from a viewpoint of the Energy Star. Some power circuit topologies such as LLC-resonant converter, Phase-Shift Full-Bridge Converter, Asymmetrical Half-Bridge Converter, Synchronous-Rectifier Technique etc. for External Power Supplies (EPS), LCD-TV Power, Desktop Power, Adapter applications were illustrated. Dr. Wang also discussed the relationship to the power conversion efficiency, choices of circuit topologies and power rating. Advantages and disadvantages for various topologies of switching power converters were also described. Keynote Speech/Lecture Presenter: Prof. Liang-Rui Chen (陳良瑞), Dept. Electrical Engineering, National Changhua University of Eduction Date:2009-9-25 Title: Maximum Power Point Tracking Techniques for PV System (太陽能系統之 最大功率追蹤技術) 40 Content Summary: Dr. Chen introduced key-techniques for PV power generation system, such as current-sharing technique for maximum power point tracking (MPPT), bidirectional power converter for charging/discharging in battery storage device. Some prototypes of Prof. Chen’s researches are shown as follows. Keynote Speech/Lecture Presenter: Dr. Li-Chang Yang (楊立昌), President, Macroblock Co., LTD. Date:2009-11-13 Title: Power Up LEDs with Macroblock (聚積科技與 LED 技術) Content Summary: Macroblock was founded in June, 1999 in Hsinchu, Taiwan, and positions itself as a mixedsignal design house with special focus on the power management and opto-electronic applications. Macroblock is a dedicated mixed-signal IC company and is chartered to provide solutions for opto-electronic applications. Among the wide range of opto-electronic devices, Macroblock chooses adequate devices as the axis for technology development, e.g. LED. Macroblock explores the device nature and develops the appropriate technology to outperform the advantages of the devices. With the efforts and development for years, Macroblock has successfully marketed products worldwide. Keynote Speech/Lecture Presenter: Dr. Chin-Der Wey ( 魏 慶 德 ), Vice-President, CONVERTER TECHNOLOGY CO., LTD. Date:2009-12-11 Title: Trend for Development of Recent Lighting Techniques (現代照明發展驅勢) Content Summary: Dr. Wey is an outstanding alumnus of NTHU-EE. Since 2008, he serviced vice-president, CONVERTER TECHNOLOGY CO., LTD. In this speech, He presents the trend for development of recently lighting techniques, such as Ballast, HID, LED. NTHU- Electrical Engineering, College Designated Project Contest, sponsored by IEEE-PELS Student Branch Date: 2009-12-23 B.4.5 Summary of Student branch activities student branch wise with attachment table / information Lead Student Branch to join and visit to Chungwha Telecom from the Taipei Section on July 2 of 2009, 22 student altogehter participate in, arrange product exhibition outside, is it put after graduating student into relevant questions, Chungwha Telecom make answer that progress greatly too, except can further students to the distance of the industry practice, can plan to have different thinking directions to the life of future. The Taipei Section will hold the joint conference of Student Branch on November 6 of 2009, except invitation Student Activities Officer makes a speech, report this year key working project, invite NTU Student Branch on meeting affairs operation key item university student too, run experience and offer a branch to other students to imitate with the active meeting. Also invite NCU Student Branch participates in 125th Anniversary Student Congress 2009 gains after the meeting that IEEE R10 run in Singapore on the 16th - the 19th of July this year Share. Share through lively experience, let the conferee present feel interesting invariably too. At the same time Taipei Section will help to strive for R10 Student Congress of degree of next year actively, encourage other student's branches to participate in this activity actively, in order to expand the experience in life. B.5 Affinity Group Activities WIE 41 The affinity group of Women in Engineering was founded in June, 2007. Taipei Section has 17 female members. The group chair is currently organizing various activities to consolidate these female colleagues with an attempt to manifest the great impact of woman researchers and engineers in professional societies. Chair Prof. Jane Yung-jen Hsu (National Taiwan University) Email: yjhsu@csie.ntu.edu.tw B.6 Awards & Recognition Activities B.6.1 Award(s) received from R10 Taipei Section have been nominated from R10 to participate in the MGA Outstanding Large Section Awards Program. B.6.2 Award(s) received from IEEE HQ The IEEE Information Theory Society Taipei Chapter has won 2009 Information Theory Society Chapter of the Year Award. Homepage: http://www.itsoc.org/honors/chapter-of-the-year-award/?searchterm=None In 2009, IEEE SMC SBC at National Chung Hsing University received Certificate of Appreciation from IEEE SMC Society. B.7 Communication Activities B. 7.1 Contributions to R10 Newsletters We have been strongly supporting the R10 Newsletters and keep contributing articles on the section events and activities. On the March, June, September, and December issues of the R10 Newsletters, we have published 4, 5, 5, and 2 essays, respectively. They are: 1. March 2009 issue 2008 Symposium on Electrical Power Engineering 2008 International Automatic Control Conference 2008 Workshop on Consumer Electronics (WCE2008) New Established Chapter & Student Branch 2. June 2009 issue ICASSP 2009: The 34th IEEE International Conference on Acoustics, Speech and Signal Processing NASNIT 2009: The 14th North-East Asia Symposium on Nano, Information Technology and Reliability 2008 HI Consortium International short course 2009 Spring Workshop on Information Theory & Communications (ITCOM-Spring 2009) Newly Established Chapter & Student Branch 3. September 2009 issue IEEE R10 125th Anniversary Student Congress 2009, Singapore 2009 National Symposium on System Science and Engineering (NSSSE’09) High performance nano-meter SoC design techniques Power Semiconductor Devices and Design Criteria Newly Established Society Chapter & Student Branch Chapter 4. December 2009 issue 2009 ITCOM: 2009 Fall Workshop on Information Theory & Communications 2009 Summer School on Information/Communication Theory and Technologies 42 Please consult the R10 Newsletters for more details. B.7.2 Website List 1. IEEE Taipei Section: http://www.ieee.org.tw/ 2. IEEE NTHU Student Branch: http://www.ieee.org.tw/chapters/index.php?web_class=44 3. IEEE YZU Student Branch: http://www.ieee.org.tw/chapters/index.php?web_class=38 4. IEEE NCTU Student Branch、IEEE CE Society Student Branch Chapter at NCTU: http://www.ieee.org.tw/chapters/index.php?web_class=36 5. IEEE NCHU Student Branch、IEEE SMC Society Student Branch Chapter at NCHU: http://www.ieee.org.tw/chapters/index.php?web_class=45 6. IEEE NTOU Student Branch: http://www.ieee.org.tw/chapters/index.php?web_class=40 7. IEEE SMC Society Student Branch Chapter at YZU: http://www.ieee.org.tw/chapters/index.php?web_class=50 8. IEEE PELS Society Student Branch Chapter at NTHU: http://www.ieee.org.tw/chapters/index.php?web_class=51 9. Broadcast Technology Society Taipei Chapter: http://www.ieee.org.tw/chapters/index.php?web_class=5 10. Computational Intelligence Society Taipei Chapter: http://www.ieee.org.tw/chapters/index.php?web_class=9 11. Consumer Electronics Society Taipei Chapter: http://www.ieee.org.tw/chapters/index.php?web_class=8 12. Control Systems Society Taipei Chapter: http://www.ieee.org.tw/chapters/index.php?web_class=13 13. Education Society Taipei Chapter: http://www.ieee.org.tw/chapters/index.php?web_class=14 14. Electromagnetic Compatibility Society Taipei Chapter: http://www.ieee.org.tw/chapters/index.php?web_class=17 15. Engineering in Medicine & Biology Society Taipei Chapter: http://www.ieee.org.tw/chapters/index.php?web_class=16 16. Industrial Electronics Society Taipei Chapter: http://www.ieee.org.tw/chapters/index.php?web_class=19 17. Power Electronics Society Taipei Chapter: http://www.ieee.org.tw/chapters/index.php?web_class=20 18. Industry Applications Society Taipei Chapter: http://www.ieee.org.tw/chapters/index.php?web_class=48 19. Instrumentation & Measurement Society Taipei Chapter: http://www.ieee.org.tw/chapters/index.php?web_class=47 20. Magnetics Society Taipei Chapter: http://www.ieee.org.tw/chapters/index.php?web_class=23 21. Oceanic Engineering Society Taipei Chapter: http://www.ieee.org.tw/chapters/index.php?web_class=25 22. Lasers & Electro-Optics Society Taipei Chapter: http://www.ieee.org.tw/chapters/index.php?web_class=22 23. Power Engineering Society Taipei Chapter: http://www.ieee.org.tw/chapters/index.php?web_class=26 24. Reliability Society Taipei Chapter: http://www.ieee.org.tw/chapters/index.php?web_class=28 25. Signal Processing Society Taipei Chapter: http://www.ieee.org.tw/chapters/index.php?web_class=31 B.8 Community Activities Since the end of May onwards to issue E-NEWS. Issued by the Taipei Section of published once every two months. Website listed below. 43 05/26/2009 07/30/2009 09/30/2009 11/30/2009 PART C.1 C http://www.ieee.org.tw/newsletter/vol01/epaper_99.html http://www.ieee.org.tw/newsletter/vol02/epaper_vol2_uni.html http://www.ieee.org.tw/newsletter/vol03/epaper_vol3_bar.html http://www.ieee.org.tw/newsletter/vol04/epaper_vol4_bar_uni.html - OTHERS Special Events 1. CHT Promotion and Sponsorship of Membership: General secretary, Taipei Section, is it can is it prove to recruit to run to Chungwha Telecom will it be July 2 2009, the general secretary develops organization sketching IEEE in the meeting, membership, prop up meeting brief introduction, become ten major advantage, affiliation, membership dues that IEEE enjoy prove, simplify affiliation not to apply for procedure. The general secretary proposes participating in international conference, thesis and issuing actively, and then it is Fellow to rise etc.. Depend on Chungwha Telecom and extremely support IEEE, except encourage colleagues to join IEEE member, is it is it become lush illustrious name form of Fellow give President, stipulate in full or half volume subsidize way with encourage colleague march towards Fellow to have an opportunity to offer. Add up to 70 people and participate in this explanation and know on the same day. 2. CVGIP 2009 Promotion of Membership: CVGIP 2009 sets up the hotel red building of Leader Hotel to run in the small stream head from August 23 of 2009 to August 25, in order to popularize the member activity of recruiting, IEEE Taipei Section sets up a stall for 3 days to the meeting-place, total has over 100 student member, 5 academia members in all to join. For impel Taiwan scholar march towards the internationalization, set up the professional academic status in the world of Taiwan, specially hold the forum ' how to improve the influence power of international academy and professional field oneself ' in this CVGIP2009 conference, hope that be able to impel the achievement on the speciality of scholar participating in the conference to obtain other affirmation of the same generation in the world, at the same time in order to strengthen the influence power that Taiwan organizes in international academy. The forum ' how to improve international academy and influence power of the professional field oneself hold at 20:00 p.m. on August 23, the personnel participating in the conference amount to 45 people. Entered the light professor to preside over in person by IEEE Taipei Section Chair Chin-Teng Lin, have is it succeed in to invite National Cheng Kung University dentsu chief Professor Bao-Zhu Zhan of the the meetinged, Tsing-Hua University of electrical engineering department Professor Yong-Chang Chen and Chiao-Tung University of information engineering department Professor Zen Chen can in bring ' how not to become by IEEE Fellow, Senior member experience share with exchange '. The personnel participating in the conference come from academia more, ask quite enthusiastically at the meeting, for example professional age and service seniority of application qualification restrain from, apply for procedure heavy and complicated becoming relevant academy organize between president and help to apply IEEE Senior member Successful experience that three honored guests do not grudge sharing oneself either and succeed in being promoted to Senior member, interdynamic well above and below the stage. Offer brief introduction of and improving member's written materials of the location steps IEEE Taipei Section for your guidance at except the scene, IEEE Taipei Section general secretary Paul C.-P. Chao introduce IEEE and to improve member way, location of steps supplement in detail in detail in meeting too. The forum goes through 2 hours and draws the period satisfactorily at that night. General secretary Chao combine on will it be evening next day participating in CVGIP 2009 bamboo grove music that arrange offer to dinner hold IEEE member can is it prove to recruit, advocate improving member's location rank method. Also echoed vastly after the 44 meeting. Three days advocate via CVGIP 2009 and popularization, except over 100 student members join and become IEEE Taipei Section member voluntarily live, let more students know IEEE. Helping propagating after the meeting, echoing after the meeting is expected even more. PART D - GOALS AND PLANS D.1 Continuation of Project/Activity in Progress and Implementation Plans Their Society Chapter (Provided by Chapters) D.1.1 Broadcast Technology (BT02) Continue to recruit members and student members from academia and industries through technical and educational activities(symposiums, seminars, short courses). Continue to cooperate with China Radio Association (CRA) through joint activities. CRA’s two thousand members consist of practical engineers in radio stations and television companies in Taiwan. Continue to cooperate with Chung-Hua Telecommunications Research Institute through joint activities. Members of the institute consist of researchers and engineers in wireless communications and broadcasting technologies. D.1.2 Computer (C16) Sponsored conferences: 4th IEEE International Symposium on Theoretical Aspects of Software Engineering, August 25 - 27, 2010 D.1.3 Circuits and Systems (CAS04) In 2010, we plan to have a workshop, a DLP lecture, an invited talk, and member recruiting activities. We will hold a workshop on 27th ~ 28th Oct 2009. Title of the workshop: International Workshop on Bio-inspired Systems and Prosthetic Devices Dates: 27th ~ 28th Oct 2009 Location: National Tsing Hua University, Taiwan Organizer : Design Technology Center, National Tsing Hua University Introduction: The computer and electronics technologies (CET) had got an explosive progress in the past century. Electronic products including computers, internet, and mobile phones have not only made our life more convenient but also led to a thorough change of our life style which could hardly be imagined by people one hundred years ago. In the 21st century, we may wonder how the CET will continue to progress and affect our life? One possible answer is that CET will play an important role in advancing our knowledge in biology (e.g. genomics and neuroscience) through interactions with interdisciplinary experts. Compared to contemporary computers, biological systems (e.g. the brain) possess the advantages of computationally-efficient, self-adaptive, fault-tolerant, etc. The better understanding on biological systems is thus important for inspiring novel CET, as well as for developing more user-friendly prosthetic devices for people with disability. The later has received particular attention in the past decade, in response to the growing numbers of the aging society in most countries. In addition, the CET itself also faces many challenges (e.g. noise, reliability) as heading towards new devices, new technologies, and new materials. These challenges could be addressed by learning from natural, biological systems. 45 As Taiwan is having increasing impacts on the development of CET, it is important to have more forums to promote the focus on bio-inspired systems and prosthetic devices. With the great support by the IEEE Circuits and Systems Society, we had successfully held an International Workshop on Neuromorphic Systems and Neural Prostheses in May, 2009 in Taiwan. The main achievements include (a) a great number of registrations (about 120) with positive feedbacks, (b) continuing interactions/collaborations among attendee and invited speakers, and (c) inspiring many students/researchers to conduct research in related fields. Following the success, we would like to propose the International Workshop on Bio-inspired Systems and Prosthetic Devices, to be held in Oct., 2010. This workshop will focus on the design of bio-mimetic IC/systems, as well as on the integrated systems and micro-machined devices for prosthetic and rehabilitation technologies (e.g. brain-machine interfaces). By inviting more than 7 international speakers and 7 domestic speakers, the workshop will cover the topics of modeling biological systems (Fusi) and their hardware implementation (Indiveri or Tobi, Murray), artificial sensory systems and their applications (Yoo, Shibata, and Andreous), and the development of prostheses ranging from animal experiments and signal processing (Luhmann and Chen) to real-world (medical) applications (Thakor, Ortmanns, Chiou, Lu). This workshop has the goals to (1) Provide a forum for Taiwan and international researchers to exchange their latest research findings in bio-inspired systems and prosthetic devices. (2) Promote the bio-inspired systems and rehabilitation engineering to more researchers and students. (3) Promote the integration of interdisciplinary knowledge including electrical engineering, material science, neuroscience, etc. (4) Promote the long-term collaboration between Taiwan and international researchers in bio-inspired systems and prosthetic devices. D.1.4 Computational Intelligence (CIS11) 2010 Conference on Automatic Control Systems 2010 The Eighteen Fuzzy Theory and Application Conference D.1.5 Components Packaging, and Manufacturing Technology (CPMT21) CPMT Taipei Chapter, SMTA-Taiwan, TPCA, I-Shou University, ITRI, and IMAPS-Taiwan will organize the 5th International Microsystems, Packaging, Assembly and Circuits Technology (IMPACT) Conference. The 5th IMPACT Conference and TPCA Show 2010 will be held at Taipei Nangang Exhibition Hall. D.1.6 Control Systems (CS23) Jointly organize 2010 IEEE Conference on Industrial Electronics and Applications (ICIEA’10) with IEEE IE Singapore Chapter and National Chung Hsing University. The conference venue will be at Evergreen Laurel Hotel, Taichung, Taiwan, from 15 -17 June, 2010. Jointly organize The 8th Asian Control Conference (ASCC 2011) with Asian Control Association, Chinese Automatic Control Society, and National Chiao Tung University. The conference is to be held from May 15-18, 2011 at the Splendor Kaohsiung, Taiwan. Invite at least two internationally renowned scholars to deliver more than four lectures in different universities. Regularly hold the CSS team meeting. D.1.7 Education (E25) To recruit new members for the education society We will first approach those local Taiwan authors whose papers are published in the IEEE Transactions on Education, or the International Journal of Engineering 46 Education. We will also try to increase the student members for Education Society, because they are now financially supported by the project from the National Science Council. D.1.8 Electron Devices (ED15) The ED Taipei chapter has been in the process of forming two ED student branch chapters. These two student chapters will receive an approval from IEEE by the end of January 2010.By then, the student advisors will provide necessary assistance to the student branch chair to hold technical activities. A target of 20 new student members will be recruited with the assistance from our professor members. D.1.9 Engineering in Medicine and Biology (EMB18) Biomedical Electronics and Bioinformatics Camp will be continued every year to promote biomedical engineering to engineers. Molecular Imaging Training Course and Nan Biotechnology Training Course will also be held each year to introduce new technology to medical practitioners and students in medical campus. D.1.10 Electromagnetic Compatibility (EMC27) To sponsor, in cooperation with Taipei chapters of MTT, AP and Geosciences, the EM Education Initiative program, including summer program for new MS degree students and winter program for advanced graduate students. To invite EMC Distinguished Lectures to give lectures on topics of current interest. D.1.11 Geoscience & Remote Sensing (GRS29) This year we are continuing our active tradition by having an annual IEEE Geoscience and Remote Sensing Society Taipei Chapter Best Thesis Award. The description of Chapter Best Thesis Award is as follows: The IEEE GRS-S Taipei Chapter Best Thesis Award has been established to recognize both college and graduate students who are excellent in the field of geoscience and remote sensing. The Best Thesis Award is granted on an annual basis to full-time students who excel in the academic pursuits during their studies. Each geoscience and remote sensing related academic department is allowed to nominate some candidates, who have to compete with other top students in the same faculty for the Award. In selecting the individual, the factors considered are significance of both academic and educational contributions in terms of innovation and the extent of its overall impacts. D.1.12 Magnetics (MAG33) To promote IEEE images and increase the chapter member numbers. To encourage chapter members to participate in the international activities. For example, international conferences or technical seminars sponsored by IEEE. D.1.13 Oceanic Engineering (OE22) OES Taipei Chapter is looking for the opportunity to hold the OCEANS 2014 in Taipei. Chapter Secretary Jenhwa Guo (National Taiwan University) gave a presentation and recommended that the conference be hosted at the Grand Hyatt Taipei hotel and the Taipei International Convention Center (TICC) in RECON meeting at Bremen in May 2009. OES Chair Jerry Carroll with members of location selection Jim Barbera, Bob Wernli, and Harumi Sugimatsu will come to Taipei and visit the venue in March 2010. D.1.14 Product Safety Engineering (PSE43) Continue to host technical meeting to promote safety activity to industry. D.1.15 Reliability (RL07) 47 D.1.16 The chapter website and member email list have been constructed. Through them, members will be able to know the recent progress in both the Reliability Society and local chapter. We will continue to enhance the website. Vehicular Technology (VT06) We will continue hosting technical speeches or talks given by local or international experts. It is expected that at least three such activities will be held in 2010. Student Branch (Provided by Student Branches) D.1.17 NCU Student Branch Weeks date Activitices 1 2/22~2/27 2 2/28~3/6 Opening party 3 3/7~3/13 Student Presentation 4 3/14~3/20 5 3/21~3/27 6 3/27~4/3 7 4/4~4/10 8 4/11~17 9 4/18~4/24 10 4/25~5/1 11 5/2~5/8 12 5/9~5/15 13 5/16~5/22 14 5/23~5/29 15 5/30~6/5 16 6/6~6/12 Student Presentation 17 6/13~6/19 Closing party 18 6/20~6/26 Special activities Speech Student Presentation Student Presentation Company visit Student Presentation Student Presentation Visit labs Student Presentation D.1.18 YZU Student Branch In next semester, our Student Branch will cooperate with Communications Engineering, Electrical Engineering, and Electro-Optical Engineering. We will hold a lecture in 3/17. D.1.19 SMC Society Student Branch Chapter at YZU This propaganda activity lecture is our first step, and the similar propaganda activity will be continuing in Yuan Ze University. In the future, we are planning to host some contests and visit the high tech company. The goal of hosting these activities is to let every students realize how high tech affects our life. On the other hand, we also caught his/her eyes and increase his/her knowledge of this field. D.1.20 PELS Society Student Branch Chapter at NTHU IEEE NTHU-PELS branch will hold an annual seminar to provide an overview of the IEEE student member’s research as well as project achievements. The program will offer a Tutorial or invited talks on Smart Grid, Renewable Energy, and Power Converter, followed by Dialogue/Poster Sessions. 48 D.2 Goals and Future Plans Society Chapter (Provided by Chapters) D.2.1 Broadcast Technology (BT02) Cooperate with the new “Digital Television and Broadcasting Education Promotion Alliance Center” through joint activities. Funded by the ministry of education, the center promotes digital broadcasting curriculum and course materials development. Participants are mostly faculty members in colleges and universities. D.2.2 Computer (C16) New member recruitment Collaboration with local societies or affiliations, such as TAAI, IICM, TWISC, etc. D.2.3 Consumer Electronics (CE08) We plan to do the following few events Sponsor the WCE 2010 in December Host Distinguished Lecturer’s speaker Expand the student chapters to two other universities Attend the CES show D.2.4 Computational Intelligence (CIS11) Increase member number Help member to promote their membership D.2.5 Communications (COM19) 02/03/2010~02/04/2010 2010 Spring Workshop on Information Theory & Communications, Kaohsiung, Taiwan Activity: Eight invited speeches and one member meeting Homepage: http://com2.comd.stu.edu.tw/itcom2010/ 08/02/2010~08/06/2010 2010 Summer School on Information/Communication Theory and Technologies Activity: Nine courses on communications theory by nine invited speakers August or September 2010 2010 Fall Workshop on Information Theory & Communications, Kinmen, Taiwan Activity: Eight invited speeches and one member meeting September 2010 2010 Best Paper Award for Young Scholars (co-held by ITSoc Taipei Chapter & ComSoc Taipei/Tainan Chapter) 10/17/2010~10/20/2010 2010 International Symposium on Information Theory and its Applications & 2010 International Symposium on Spread Spectrum Techniques and Applications, Taichung, Taiwan Homepage: http://isita2010.cm.nctu.edu.tw/ 2010 Distinguished Lecturer Tours D.2.6 Components Packaging, and Manufacturing Technology (CPMT21) CPMT Taipei Chapter will keep on organizing the workshop or conferences and bringing together scientists, engineers and experts actively engaged in research and development on Microsystems, IC Packaging, Assembly and PCB to discuss current progress and emerging technologies in the fields. D.2.7 Control Systems (CS23) Form a student branch in this chapter and regularly hold training courses. Regularly hold tutorial workshops and training courses to promote advanced control theory and technology. Jointly collaborate with the Chinese Automatic Control Society to annually hold the best paper contest. 49 D.2.8 Education (E25) To promote local practice oriented courseware design and teaching The chapter chair will join the board of directors of the Taiwan Embedded Microcontroller Development Institute. The society will try to cooperate with the Institute to hold several technical meetings for technical and vocational students and teachers in Taiwan. To promote local colleagues to submit papers to engineering education oriented international conference and journals The chapter chair was promoted as a Professor by using representative papers published in engineering education oriented international journals. We hope to encourage local colleagues who are not working in research oriented universities to do research works for engineer education, and to benefit those not so smart students in Taiwan. D.2.9 Electron Devices (ED15) The ED Taipei chapter has been very active in its activities. In the year 2010, several major tasks have been planned Co-sponsorship of two major semiconductor conferences With the assistance of our chapter members, two major conferences in the area have been annual and important events in Taiwan. Our members will be involved in paper review, organizing sessions, soliciting invited speakers for invited talks and the short courses. The chapter will regularly invite at least 6-8 invited speakers from overseas in stimulating the academic research, encouraging DL from overseas. These talks are open to university students and engineers in the Hsinchu Science Park. The chapter will help to solicit more members to become DL(Distinguished Lecturers) and become the TPC members in worldwide conferences. Promoting of senior members- a target of 10-20 senior members will be filed and approved in 2010. D.2.10 Engineering in Medicine and Biology (EMB18) To promote biomedical engineering education to students, engineers and medical practitioners through workshops and conferences. 2 To facilitate biomedical industry through intensive and extensive collaborations between research institutes, universities and industries. To have international visibility through hosting conferences and international collaborations. D.2.11 Electromagnetic Compatibility (EMC27) To promote the learning and practicing of EMC design through national contests. To encourage the cooperation between academia and industries on research topics of contemporary importance, such as Automobile EMC and IC EMC. D.2.12 Geoscience & Remote Sensing (GRS29) Our Chapter goals and future directions are as follows: Integrating practical training and professional education. We emphasize teaching our Chapter members the knowledge and skills in the fields of Geoscience and Remote Sensing. Emphasize Engineering education to members' vision and the ability to absorb knowledge presented in professional Electrical and Electronics Engineering education. Encourage members to attend IEEE GRS-S related conferences and further host seminars and international conferences to enhance our capability of doing professional research. D.2.13 Industry Applications (IA34) Co-sponsor (PELS-IES Taipei Joint Chapter) Taipei Lectures Series Promote number of members Invite Distinguished Lecturers 50 D.2.14 Industrial Electronics Society & Power Electronics (IE13 /PEL35) Sep. 2010 2010 Taiwan Power Electronics Conference, Chiayi, Taiwan Attendance: Members 130, Guests 400 Activities: Four invited speeches and one member meeting Oct. 2010 2010 Annual NSC Power Engineering Division Projects Demonstration, Koushong, Taiwan Attendance: Members 115, Guests 50 Activities: Universities Students’ Projects Competition Nov. 2010 2010 Symposium on Electrical Power Engineering, Tainan, Taiwan Attendance: Members 120, Guests 750 Activities: Five invited speeches and one member meeting D.2.15 Instrumentation & Measurement (IM09) Goals: 1. To provide local academia and research circles the access to the world’s largest research community, and vice versa help to disseminate the research results to the world. 2. To serve the research communities related to instrument technology by introducing the latest frontier research progress through organizing seminars, talks, and courses. 3. To participate in relevant international and domestic activities such as conferences and exhibitions to absorb the latest research development, to build up chapter publicity, and to recruit more members joining the chapter. 4. To enhance the influence of the chapter in relevant research community. Plans: 1. To organize a group of local members and researchers to attend 2010 Instrumentation and Measurement Technology Conference (I2MTC). 2. To participate in at least 4 exhibitions pertaining to instrumentation and measurement, optics and photonics, automation, and innovation. 3. To provide technical sponsorship to at least 2 international activities. 4. To hold at least 10 seminars, talks, or short courses. D.2.16 Information Theory (IT12) 02/03/2010~02/04/2010 2010 Spring Workshop on Information Theory & Communications, Kaohsiung, Taiwan Activity: Eight invited speeches and one member meeting Homepage: http://com2.comd.stu.edu.tw/itcom2010/index.php 08/02/2010~08/06/2010 2010 Summer School on Information/Communication Theory and Technologies Activity: Nine courses on communications theory by nine invited speakers August or September 2010 2010 Fall Workshop on Information Theory & Communications, Taiwan Activity: Eight invited speeches and one member meeting September 2010 2010 Best Paper Award for Young Scholars (co-held by ITSoc Taipei Chapter & ComSoc Taipei/Tainan Chapter) 2010 Distinguished Lecturer Tours D.2.17 Lasers & Electro-Optics (LEO36) We are planning to broadcast our chapter events through the news website of several local universities and organize in spring 2010 for new faculty and student members recruitment. We expect 10-20 new student members will join IEEE Photonics Society in Jan-Mar 2010. 51 We will continue to issue on-line Magazine- NTU GIPO and NCTU IEO, and some international conference events will be co-sponsored by our chapter in cooperation with OSA Taiwan Chapters in Jan and May 2010. We have contributed some of our chapter members in editorial board of IEEE journal, such as Prof. Hao-Chung Kuo, served as one of the associate editors in IEEE Journal of Lightwave Technology. We will keep on promoting our members to serve the IEEE Society. One new faculty has been introduced to join as the new member and two members have been promoted the Senior Member grade from our Chapter, We will keep going on nominating members to promote Fellow and Senior Grades in the coming year. D.2.18 Magnetics (MAG33) To increase the exposure of IEEE MagSoc Taipei/Tainan Joint chapter To increase the interactions with other chapters. Plans: 1. SPIN: Spintronics--Paradigms of Innovative Nanosciences Workshop Date:4/26~4/27, 2010 2. 22th Annual Conference of Taiwan Association Magnetic Technology 6/23-6/25, 2010, National Chung Hsing University, Taichung, Taiwan, 3. Annual Meeting of Taiwan Chapter 6/24, 2010, National Chung Hsing University, Taichung, Taiwan, 4. 2010 IEEE Magnetic Society distinguished lecturer program A. Prof. Dan Dahlberg University of Minnesota dand@umn.edu An Investigation of Magnetic Reversal at Almost the Nanoscale B. Prof. Claudia Felser Johannes Gutenberg Universitat Mainz falser@uni-mainz.de Heusler Compounds : Multifunctional Materials for Spintronics C. Prof. Kevin O’Grady The University of York kog1@york.ac.uk A New Paradigm for Exchange Bias in Polycrystalline Films D. Prof. Shoogo Ueno Kyushu University/Teikyo University/The University of Tokyo ueno@athena.ap.kyushu-u.ac.jp Biomagnetics : An interdisciplinary field where magnetics, biology and medicine overlap D.2.19 Microwave Theory and Techniques (MTT17) 2010 EM Workshop: A Bridge to the Future, Jan. 18~ 20, 2010 2010 EM Education Initiative, Summer Program, Summer, 2010 D.2.20 Power Engineering (PE31) Will co-sponsor four large-scale meetings, among them one is international conferences : The31th Symposium on Electrical Power Engineering, Tainan, Nov., 2010. The 18th Conference of the Electric Power Supply Industry (CEPSI), Taipei, Taiwan, 25~26, Oct., 2010. NSC Power Engineering Research Results Exhibition, Oct., 2010. The 9th Taiwan Power Electronics Conference & Exhibition, Sept., 2010. Will also hold an IEEE meeting for the graduate students and the professionals respectively both in 2010. D.2.21 Product Safety Engineering (PSE43) Looking for opportunity to join National standard development activity. Looking for opportunity to work student activity in university. 52 D.2.22 Robotics & Automation (RA24) We plan to have two invited talks, preferably from DL program. For conference sponsorship, there will be at least 2 conferences, either domestically or internationally. We will also seek cooperation with other chapters in 2010. D.2.23 Reliability (RL07) The Reliability Society Taipei/Tainan Chapter aims to promote reliability, dependability and security research and development in Taiwan.This includes the design and implementation of both software and hardware. Further enhancement of academia-industry collaboration is our focus. D.2.24 Systems, Man & Cybernetics (SMC28- Taipei) We will have two DLs and two invited talks. For conference sponsorship, there will at least 4 conferences; two are international two are domestically. We will also seek cooperation with other chapters in 2010. D.2.25 Systems, Man & Cybernetics (SMC28- Taichung) We will have at least one DL and three invited talks in 2010. For conference sponsorship, there will be at least 4 conferences; two are international, and two are national. Much effort will be paid to membership promotion in 2010. We will also seek cooperation with other chapters in 2010. D.2.26 Signal Processing (SP01) We plan to do the following few events Host Distinguished speaker Expand the student chapters to other universities D.2.27 Solid-State Circuits (SSC37) Continue holding Short Course/ Conference/Membership drive/ Educational Affairs. D.2.28 Vehicular Technology (VT06) We will help host the following two international conferences in 2010: The 2010 IEEE 71st Vehicular Technology Conference (VTC2010-Spring), Taipei, Taiwan, May 16–19, 2010. The 2010 IEEE 7th VTS Asia Pacific Wireless Communications Symposium (APWCS2010), Kaohsiung, Taiwan, May 20-21, 2010. We plan to do membership promotion and hope to have an increasing rate up to 20% in 2010. Student Branch (Provided by Student Branches) D.2.29 NTU Student Branch This year NTUSTB will make efforts to improve the interaction among faculties, students and the industry. For the students, we hope to provide opportunities for those interested in IT industry, having them to know more about the industry and think about the next step. For the faculties we propose to improve the understanding among fields and plan for the future blueprint. For the industry, we would like to make connections with faculties and students. Followings are the annual plans: Forum: the future of Taiwan IT industry – new situation of cross strait and the post IT era In the forum we will invite faculties and masters successful in the industry of computer science and electrical engineering. We will discuss the observation of Taiwan high-tech industry and the next step of the IT industry. We also discuss how to deal with the change of this industry. The faculty and the industry could have this discussion in a broad viewpoint, 53 sharing unique opinions and experiences. Students could think about the next stage of this industry creatively. We hope to have IEEE student members think more about the “next generation” of this industry. We also hope they can be pioneers in this field. In the forum we also call for papers of this topic. Selected papers will be presented by the author. Journal We will interview several faculties or people successful in their fields and they can share their experiences and encourage students who will find their jobs in the future. We hope this journal could be the “Chicken soup for the Soul” for students. And we hope stories in the journal could make engineers proud of themselves. D.2.30 NCU Student Branch Hope that through these activities, undergraduate students can better understand the field of electrical & Products and to stimulate their interest in visiting the future through the company the chance of student summer jobs, but also provide more help graduate students, especially in the area of employment. D.2.31 YZU Student Branch Let every member of IEEE Student Branch own the fundamental knowledge of engineering by symposia,technical talks and technical film shows. Increase relative activities to IEEE in campus. To enhance members’ technical writing skills and research abilities . To promote every members’ participation and enthusiasm for the Branch ,then help them to find out their interest. Publicizing our Branch and let more students understand what we are doing then join us. Make our Branch become the biggest and the most special organization in our school. Let the student Branch become a place which provide students to realize their dreams and ideals. D.2.32 SMC Society Student Branch Chapter at YZU In the future, in order to invite more and more students to join us we will have number activities and IEEE propaganda in YZU. Such as, we are planning to join WCCI and ICMLC 2010 in this summer. Therefore, we have confidence to recruit student member in IEEE SMC_B student branch in 2010. D.2.33 NTUST Student Branch In the future, the IEEE Student Branch at NTUST is going to hold technical meetings periodically. We also will try to make arrangements for the 2010 System Software Forum to invite scholars and professionals to share their valuable knowledge and experience with the IEEE student members and the college students in National Taiwan University of Science and Technology. Furthermore, we are going to expand the number of the IEEE student members at National Taiwan University of Science and Technology. D.2.34 PELS Society Student Branch Chapter at NTHU IEEE NTHU-PELS branch will encourage NTHU students to become the IEEE student member. In 2010, an expected value of all student members in NTHU-PELS is 40 persons. D.2.35 SMC Society Student Branch Chapter at NCHU IEEE SMC SBC at National Chung Hsing University is planning to have five technical speakers, three member promotion activities, three meetings and two industry visits in 2010. D.3 Increasing Members (Membership Development) 54 Industry Visiting Academia Visiting Conference Participation 424 members (364 student members & 60 members) were successfully recruited through our officers and assistants by their heavy visiting with CEOs of large firms and Deans of universities, and flagship conferences in Taiwan. Since it was the most dynamic environment for most industries last year within this decade, the increase in membership will be expectable in 2010 if the above activities can be kept on. D.4 Promoting Membership Upgrade Higher Grade Promotion Committee Formation Higher Grade Recommender List Model Being a Fellow Discussion Holding To establish a higher grade promotion committee by inviting 10 fellows in the IEEE Taipei Section is a substantial help for members. Meanwhile, a model of higher grade recommender list is set for about 19 senior members who are volunteer to be the recommenders under their greet agreements to help other members to accelerate their accomplishment with senior members and fellows. To hold some discussions shares the experience of being a fellow. D.5 Establishing New Chapters and Student Branches It is necessary to continue pushing and assisting other non-registered-chapter societies to form new Chapters. Alliance with existing Student Branches, we will visit professor members and student members whose universities don’t have IEEE student branches yet and assist them to form if needed. D.6 Promoting Membership Activities - Holding Events, Awards & Honors Best Chapters & Best Student Branches Awards 2010 Outstanding Contribution Award Student Members Support Team Formation for International Conferences Best Paper Award for Student Members Dream Jobs Articles Collection Chinese Data Transformation Keeping the high visibilities of membership activities is good for maintaining the relationship with members as well as for increasing members’ compatibility. There are 2 awards held in 2010, one is the competition for the Best Chapter & Student Branch Awards which intend to stimulate groups activities among Chapters & Student Branches, and the other one is co-sponsored by the largest mobile carrier company in Taiwan, named the Outstanding Contribution Award which expects to praise individuals for their excellent works or researches to human beings. The most creative activity will be grouping volunteer student members to serve the student attendee in international conferences. Student members will be encouraged to earlier participate in the large conferences in volunteer roles. By means of holding the Best Paper Award for students, articles solicitations for Dream Jobs webpage, and collection of Chinese Data for membership data, the overall operation among section would be active strongly. D.7 Escalating Services to Membership - Improving Communication with Members Enhancing Website Function Rearranging Website Menu Key Producing Easy Key For Membership Joint & Upgrade Encouraging the Participation of Recording Taipei Section History Network Publishing IEEE Taipei Section E-NEWS In order to improve existing services to active members & potential ones, it is critical for developing powerful function keys for them to search any kind of information easier and more 55 rapidly. We expect to be the one of resourceful providers whom our members would like to count on whatever they need.