18-200 Introduction to Nanotechnology & Nanoelectronics Yi Luo ECE 18-200 Nov 10, 2005 11/10/05 1 Some facts: Nanoscience and nanotechnology are “hot”. It is one of the most-talked about topics among scientific and engineering communities. Government agencies and industry are investing ~ $2 billion per year directly on nanotechnology. What is “Nanotechnology” ? Nanotechnology is the understanding and control of matter at dimensions of roughly 1 to 100 nanometers, where unique phenomena enable novel applications. Encompassing nanoscale science, engineering and technology, nanotechnology involves imaging, measuring, modeling, fabricating, synthesizing and manipulating matter at this length scale. Which area is it involved ? Many scientific disciplines, e.g. physics, chemistry, biology, medicine, and materials etc., and almost all engineering fields. It expands over many industrial areas such as electronic, health care, chemical, so on and so forth. Can you name any nanotechnology or anything made with nanotechnology ? 11/10/05 2 Transistor (2005) Switching molecule O O MeS S N S S N S S N N N O O 4 nm O O S H2O ~0.2nm O O O O O O O O OMeO MeO MeO . . . 11/10/05 nucleus of hydrogen (proton) ~ 0.000001 nm 1 fm = 10-15 m Source: National Nanotechnology Initiative 3 Is “nano” special in nature? Probably not. … kilo-, meter, milli-, micro-, nano-, pico-, femto-, atto-… Why nanotechnology is getting popular now? 1. now we are able to image, make, and manipulate materials on this scale; 2. there are needs and applications in the real world (justified by the costs). 11/10/05 4 Two major distinct approaches build to nanoscale systems : 1. the more traditional approach: “top-down” – starting from bulk materials to fabricate nanostructures via patterning, etching, and deposition, etc.; more physical flavored. Best represented by CMOS technology. 2. the novel approach: “bottom up” – starting from basic elements to synthesize and assemble more complicated nanostructures; more chemical flavored. Nanocrystal, carbon nanotube, supramolecule, etc. For the rest of the lecture, we are discuss nanotechnology based on these two approaches. 11/10/05 5 Top-down Approach (best represented by CMOS fabrication) 11/10/05 6 A close look of FET (field effect transistor) Source: Intel The challenge is to make a billion of them on a chip. 11/10/05 7 There are over 200 processing steps in CMOS IC fabrications. To name a few: patterning etching metalization implantation deposition cleaning CMP annealing wafer bonding packaging . . . Source: intel This time we will only talk about how to make small things. 11/10/05 8 Optical Lithography -sub micron technology UV light radiation Develop with solvent SUSS MA6 Mask Photo-resist Si wafer Advantage – very mature, fast, parallel processing. Limits – relatively large feature sizes, mask can be very expansive. SUSS MA200/300PLUS 11/10/05 9 EUV Lithography EUV system at ALS in LBL -Deep sub-micron technology -10’s to ~100 eV incident light How it works: The scanning mirror directs focused EUV light from the Kirkpatrick-Baez mirrors into the converted interferometer with the desired degree of spatial coherence and illumination pattern. Installed inside the interferometer tank, the Set-2 optic images the EUV light reflected from the mask-carrying reticle onto a resist-covered silicon wafer. Advantage –small patterns, can be reasonably fast; Limits – can be very expensive. 11/10/05 10 Electron Beam Lithography High energy electrons (30-200 KeV) have much shorter wavelength (~ pm). Beam size can be sub-nanometer. Primary beam e- Quanta 600 FEG (FEI Company) secondary electrons beam exposure eebeam resist Substrate post-development ebeam resist Substrate 11/10/05 JBX-9300FS Electron Beam Lithography System 11 Electron Beam Lithography 4 nm K. Yamazaki and H. Namatsu, Jpn J. Appl Phys,Vol 43, 6B, 3767 (2004). Muray, Isaacson, and Adesida, Appl. Phys. Lett., Vol 45, 589 (1984). 10-15 nm Wavelength is not an issue. Beam size can be sub-nanometer. Done here at CMU ! Advantage – small arbitrary patterns, no mask is needed. Limits – serial process, slow. 11/10/05 12 Nano-Imprint Lithography SB6e - Suss A schematics introduction 1 2 Master/Mold Master/Mold polymer Si Si hυ or/and 4 heat 3 Master/Mold Master/Mold Si 11/10/05 NPS 300 -Suss Si 13 Cross-bar Memory – 1011bit/cm2 Pt 1 Kbit Si Ordered Nanowires array with extremely high density Heath Group – Caltech Imprint mold with 10nm diameter pillars 11/10/05 J M DeSimone Group – UNC/NCSU Holes imprinted in PMMA Metal dots fabricated by NIL S.Y. Chou Group - Princeton 14 Techniques to make nanoscale patterns from top-down – lithography with: UV light, ebeam, EUV, X-ray, Imprint, etc. It is likely that the scaling of CMOS will continue down to 22nm node (~10nm channel length). 11/10/05 15 11/10/05 16 Bottom-up Approach • SPM – imaging, and building structures atom by atom; • Synthesis and applications of nanocrytal, nanotube, nanowire, and supramolecule; • Self-Assembling of nano-components; • Nanoelectronics with molecules. 11/10/05 17 SPM – Microscopes that can “see” and move atoms Tunneling Current STM Fe atom position A AFM Quantum Corral Source: IBM Laser beam deflection Laser 11/10/05 position Ge/Si(105) surface (NCAFM image ) Si(111) 7x7 reconstruction surface Source: Omicron 18 Atoms and molecules can be precisely manipulated by STM tips Low-temperature STM image of -CH3 on Si(111) surface. (Heath, Caltech) C60 , ~ 1nm “nano-abacus” formed by C60 molecule along single atomic steps on copper surface. (Jim Gimzewski, UCLA) 11/10/05 Development of One-Dimensional Band Structure in Artificial Gold Chains, W. Ho Group, UC Irvine. 19 Nanocrystal / Nanoparticle Brus, Columbia Bawendi Group, MIT Optoelectronic 11/10/05 applications Quantum confinement - size effect 20 Fullerenes A whole family of Bucky Balls C28, … C60, C70,… C240… C60 Carbon NanoTubes 11/10/05 http://www.photon.t.u-tokyo.ac.jp/~maruyama/agallery/agallery.html 21 Carbon Nanotubes Carbon Nanotubes H. Dai Group, Stanford Univ. Carbon Nanotube sensor and transistor C. Dekker Group, Delft Univ of Tech 11/10/05 22 Semiconductor Nanomaterials Semiconductor Tetrapod Alivisatos Group, Berkeley Chemical and biochemical sensing 11/10/05 Semiconductor Nanowires, Lieber Group, Harvard Peidong Yang Group, Berkeley 23 Self-Assembled Molecular Monolayer Atomic Force Microscope Image of SAM on Au S S S S S S S S S Au 11/10/05 24 DNA Nanotechnology Specifically designed DNA building blocks 11/10/05 Seeman, NYU 25 DNA-Based Computation and Algorithmic Assembly -a cool example: Yi = XOR [Yi-1,Xi] 11/10/05 Seeman - NYU & Eric Winfree - Caltech 26 Supramolecules – advanced multifunctional molecules Molecular Borromean Rings Molecular Muscles J. Fraser Stoddart Group, UCLA 11/10/05 M. FUJITA Group University of Tokyo 27 Bi-stable molecules O O O O N O O N N S S S S N O O O O O O O O C14+ N S S N O O S O S MeS N N S S S S N N N V=0 volt V=-1 volt V=+1 volt N N O O O O O O N O N S S O O S N O O S S O O O O O S N O O C24+ R14+ O O OH R24+ O O O O OMeO MeO MeO O Figure 1 solution Absorbance O polymer 400 500 600 700 λ / nm 800 900 Fraser Stoddart’s Group 11/10/05 CNSI / UCLA 28 Cross-bar Memory – 1011bit/cm2 MS Schematics MS MS MS 1 Kbit Device Structure molecule p-type Science, December 21, 2001 n-type Current (nA) 1.0 All bits OFF 0.8 0.6 0.4 0.2 0.0 0 Si 100 200 Bits 400 500 600 500 600 1.0 Selective bits ON Current (nA) 0.8 Metal 300 0.6 0.4 0.2 0.0 0 100 200 300 400 Bits 11/10/05 Heath Group – Caltech 29 single-molecule transistor 10 7nm Ag nano-particle 5 Molecular states VS-D VG (volt) Schematic energy diagram 0 Ef -5 source drain -10 -0.2 -0.1 0.0 VS-D (volt) 0.1 0.2 0.10 VG 0.05 gate VG(V) 0.0 Molecular energy levels can be tuned by gate potential. -0.05 -0.10 Break-junction with single molecule (gap size can be controlled between ~1 to 10 nm). 5nm long molecule -0.15 -20 -10 0 10 VSD(mV) 30 nm silicon oxide Au or Pt electrode 11/10/05 Gate electrode (degenerately doped poly-Si) 30 20 Single Molecule Transistor Fabry-Perot measurement for electron wave P.L. McEuen Group, Cornell Univ. HK Park, Harvard Univ. 11/10/05 31 A True Single Molecule Transistor Opportunities to go much smaller than 10 nm where top-down and bottom-up meet ! Pt S H N H N N H H N H N N N H n <10 nm Pt S n source LUMO drain H N HOMO source drain N H H N Tunneling barrier PO 4 TiO2/Ti gate gate Tunneling barrier LUMO-lowest Unoccupied Molecular Orbital HOMO-highest Occupied Molecular Orbital • Built-in gate to increase gating efficiency • Tunneling barriers to adjust coupling • Anchoring groups to realize Selective-Self- Attachment Conductive and Semiconductive Oligomers • bandgap ~ 1-3 eV • chemically or electrically doped • polymer conductivity ~ 5x102 (S cm-1) 11/10/05 acetylene phenylene S S S S thiophene 32 Just in the world of electronics In six decades, device features have been reduced by x 106! 1947, Shockley, Bardeen, & Brattain 1958, Kilby 1971, Intel 4004 Number of transistors on a chip approaching 1 billion vs. 100 billions to 1 trillion neural networks in an average human brain. 11/10/05 current, Intel Xeon (65nm generation, 36nm channel length) (Source: Intel) Entering the world where molecules and chemistry work the best! What’s next? (< 10nm) How to get there? 33