Mona Vale Public School P&C Association Operations Manual Title: Mona Vale Public School P&C Operations Manual Version: 1.2 Publish Date: February 2014 Published by: Mona Vale Public School, Parents and Citizens’ Association. Address: Waratah Street, Mona Vale, NSW 2103. Email: Website: Distributed on: Mona Vale Public School P & C Operations Manual Version 1.2 Page 1 of 37 Table of Contents 1. Introduction 4 2. How to Use This Manual 5 3. P&C Meetings 3.1. Meeting Dates, Place & Times 3.2. Quorum 3.3. Agenda 3.4. Order of Business 3.5. Minutes 4. Roles and Responsibilities of the P & C and its Executive 4.1. The P &C Association 4.2. The Executive Committee 4.3. P & C President 4.4. P & C Treasurer 4.5. P & C Secretary 4.6. P & C Vice Presidents 7 7 7 8 10 13 14 5. Association Funds 5.1. General Rules for Handling P &C Monies 5.2. Operation of Bank Accounts 5.3. Cash Handling 5.4. Payment Process 5.5. Bookkeeper 5.6. Urgent Expenditure of Funds Outside Operational Budgets 5.7. Operation of Sub-Committees 5.8. Surplus Funds 5.9. Tax Deductibility — Contributions to P&C 5.10. Financial Year End 5.11. ABN 5.12. GST 5.13. Process for reporting suspected fraud or misappropriation 14 15 16 16 16 18 18 18 18 19 19 19 19 19 6. Insurance 5 6 6 6 6 7 20 7. MVPS P & C as an Employer 7.1. Wages & Payroll 7.2. Workers Compensation 21 21 21 8. MVPS P & C Sub-Committees 8.1. Band Sub-Committee 8.1.1. President 8.1.2. Vice-President 8.1.3. Newsletter and Minutes Coordinator 8.1.4. Communications Coordinator 8.1.5. School Liaison 8.1.6. Treasurer & Assistant Treasurer 8.1.7. Events Coordinator 8.1.8. Instrument Coordinator 8.1.9. Band Parent Representatives 8.1.10. Tutor Liaison 21 21 21 21 21 22 22 22 22 22 22 22 Mona Vale Public School P & C Operations Manual Version 1.2 Page 2 of 37 9. 8.1.11. Disco Coordinator 8.1.12. Disco Canteen 8.1.13. Conductor’s Assistant 8.2. Canteen Sub-Committee 8.2.1. Role of the Canteen Committee 8.2.2. Canteen Sub-Committee Chairperson 8.2.3. Canteen Sub-Committee Treasurer 8.2.4. Canteen Supervisor 8.2.5. Aims 8.2.6. Canteen Menu 8.2.7. Pricing Policy/Profits 8.2.8. Food Safety & Hygiene 8.3. Chess Sub-Committee 8.3.1. Chairperson 8.3.2. Chess Sub-Committee Treasurer 8.3.3. Volunteers 8.3.4. Chess Club assets 8.4. Social & Events Sub-Committee 8.4.1. Role of Social & Events Sub-Committee 8.4.2. Calendar of Events 8.4.3. Committee Structure 8.4.4. Chairperson of Social & Events Sub-Committee 8.4.5. Treasurer of Social & Events/Fundraising Sub-Committee 8.5. Fundraising Sub-Committee 8.5.1. Chairperson of Fundraising Sub-Committee 8.5.2. Treasurer of Fundraising Sub-Committee 8.6. Uniform Shop Sub-Committee 8.6.1. Chairperson of Uniform Shop Sub-Committee 8.6.2. Treasurer of Uniform Shop Sub-Committee 8.6.3. Secretary of Uniform Shop Sub-Committee 8.6.4. Shop Supervisor 8.6.5. Shop Assistant 22 23 23 23 23 23 24 24 25 25 26 26 26 26 27 27 30 30 30 31 31 31 32 32 32 33 33 33 33 34 34 34 Relationship & Communication with the School 9.1. Requests for Assistance from School Administration Staff 9.2. Newsletter Items from the P & C 9.3. Involvement in School Ceremonies 34 35 35 35 10. Donations 35 11. Other Equipment 35 Appendices 37 Mona Vale Public School P & C Operations Manual Version 1.2 Page 3 of 37 1. Introduction It is of great benefit for each government school to have a P&C Association. This enables parents and citizens to meet together to determine the needs and aspirations of the school community. The Education Act 1990, ensures that a P&C Association may be established at any government school. Mona Vale Public School (MVPS) P & C Association (‘the association’ or the ‘P & C’) is an incorporated not for profit association which aims to: • Promote the interests of the Mona Vale Public School (MVPS) by bringing parents, citizens, students and teaching staff into close co-operation • Assist in providing equipment required by the school • Assist the teaching staff in establishment of school policy and management in all facets of school activity In general the P&C aims to assist in providing facilities and equipment for the school, and to promote the recreation and welfare of students at the school. As an incorporated P&C (by virtue of P&C Federation's 1976 Act of Incorporation) we are bound by our constitution (refer to appendix). Parents as partners in the education process, and have a right and a responsibility to play an active role in the education of children. The association and its representatives share the responsibility of ensuring representative decision making for the benefit of all students at MVPS. The functions and the powers of the P&C are explained in this manual. The focus is on the common process and major responsibilities of roles – not every detailed instruction on performing the role. The role of the MVPS P&C and responsibility of its Executive, Committee’s and members should not be understated. Our association provides a vital service to the Mona Vale school community. I encourage you to be an active P&C member. I hope this information makes being on the P&C easier and more enjoyable, and help' you to do great work! Mona Vale Public School P & C Operations Manual Version 1.2 Page 4 of 37 2. Document Control Section Document Name: MVPS P&C Operations Manual – <insert review date to indicate updated version) Version # Review Date By Whom/Role Comment MVPS P&C Operations Dec 2013 Susan Senior Document creation Manual Draft v 1 and initial updates after first review MVPS P&C Operations Feb 2014 Mark Welch (P&C Introduction/Use Manual - v1.2 – Feb President 2013) rewrite, minor 2014 updates rest of document. 3. How to Use This Manual The Mona Vale Public School P & C Operations Manual (Manual) is designed to provide information to assist members in their daily operations and to provide information about the policies of the Association. This document should be read in conjunction with the P & C Federation Handbook which can be found at . The P&C Federations Handbook provides the underlying rules which govern all P & C associations in NSW. NB. This Manual does not include every instruction or bit of relevant information that you being a member of the Association need to know to run a committee or an activity. The intent is that this document describes the major P&C roles and processes – especially common ones like payments. Each P&C area will have its own set of document. This is perhaps the first place to look not the last. Part of your role in a committee is about knowledge sharing and putting in processes that are sustainable. If you think it needs writing down then please do so and pass along to the next person in your area. If you think the information is best captured in this document then make it so. This Manual is reviewed annually to ensure that up to date information is available to all members of the association. This review will take place prior to the Week 8 meeting of Term 4 each year to ensure that a fully revised manual is available for adoption at the Annual General Meeting in Week 4 of Term 1 in the following year. 4. P&C Meetings It is important that meetings be conducted in an orderly manner by consistently following a set of rules. Chairpersons should familiarize themselves with accepted rules and procedures. The following order of business is provided as a guide. Mona Vale Public School P & C Operations Manual Version 1.2 Page 5 of 37 4.1. Meeting Dates, Place & Times 4.2. Quorum 4.3. Agenda The Meeting times for the MVPS P &C have been set as the Tuesday of Week 4 and Week 8 of each term at 7.30pm. Meetings are held in the MVPS Library. As the association has a current membership of more than 50, the quorum at all meetings of the association is 11 members. P&C membership fee is part of the annual voluntary contribution. The agenda needs to be prepared and published at least 7 days prior to the meeting. The Agenda should be published on the P & C Website at this time and posted in the P & C noticeboard. Links to the agenda should also be placed in the Mona Vale Mail. A template for the agenda can be found in Appendix 1 or electronically on the P & C website. 4.4. Order of Business Opening • Call meeting to order, welcome current members and introduce new members • Record attendance and apologies, and introduce any visitors. Minutes • Read and confirm minutes of the previous meeting. Business Arising • Complete unfinished business from the previous meeting and any foreshadowed motions from the previous meeting. Correspondence • Read and discuss correspondence, in and out. Reports • Principal • President • Treasurer • Subcommittees General Business • Discuss suggestions, ideas referred to and from committees • Provide talks and presentations on particular subjects. These should be recorded in the minutes • Formulate recommendations for corrective action • Deal with new business items. This may include new urgent matters, rule changes, guest speakers, long-term plans, etc. Guest speakers may have their time allocated to any part of the meeting, as decided by the meeting. Closing • Arrange date of next meeting • Close meeting, indicating the time. Mona Vale Public School P & C Operations Manual Version 1.2 Page 6 of 37 4.5. Minutes Minutes from each meeting should be recorded by the Secretary and distributed prior to the subsequent meeting for review. A template for the Minutes can be found in Appendix 2 or electronically on the P & C website 5. Roles and Responsibilities of the P & C and its Executive 5.1. The Association is a group of community-minded people, parents and citizens, who take on a more formal role to assist the school by operating the P&C Association. The P &C Association The rules governing the Association are set out in in this Manual. This Manual supports our Constitution. As an incorporated P&C we are bound by our Constitution (which is based on the P&C Federation Constitution). Moreover we take guidance from the P &C Federation Handbook. Our Constitution details: • • • • • • • • • • • 5.2. the objectives and functions of the Association the general and financial powers and authority of the Association membership, eligibility, register, fees how decisions can be made the election, duties, responsibilities and removal of officers of the Association the authority of the Executive committee and the procedure in matters of urgency the function of subcommittees in relation to the Association the conduct of General and Annual General Meetings (AGM) including notice, order of business, quorums and conditions for special meetings financial requirements with regard to banking, expenditure, investments and audit effecting adoption and change to the constitution and dissolution of the association The Executive Committee The P&C Executive Committee (Executive) consists of the association’s office bearers (President, two Vice Presidents, Secretary and Treasurer) and may include up to six financial members elected at the annual general meeting (AGM). No more than one Officer Role can be held by the same person, although members of the same family can hold office bearer positions at the same time. The Executive is responsible to the P&C Association and should ensure meeting decisions are adhered to and are acted upon. The Executive should only meet where necessary.\ The Executive must be mindful not to make decisions that should be debated at a general meeting. Ordinary members have the right to question Executive decisions or, in fact, overturn them (by majority vote) at a general meeting. It is prudent for the Executive to only deal with matters that are urgent or of a sensitive nature. Mona Vale Public School P & C Operations Manual Version 1.2 Page 7 of 37 Office bearers can be elected regardless of their place or type of employment except for where they are employed by the P&C Association. Employees of the P&C Association are not permitted to hold an office bearer or executive position within the association. If an office bearer position becomes vacant between annual general meetings, the position is to be filled through an election at any general meeting. Signatories to all P&C financial accounts, including sub-committees, are the Officers of the P&C Association (President, Vice-Presidents, Secretary and Treasurer). Following the election of the Executive Committee at the AGM (held at the Week 4 meeting of Term 1), the Executive Committee will need to promptly: • • • • • • • Develop a plan for the year that includes a calendar of events / activities in conjunction with the MVPS Executive Develop a budget Meet with employees of the association and outline goals and expectations for the year Meet with the Executive and subcommittees and outline goals and expectations for the year Read information on the P&C Federation website Access and read documents relevant to P&C operations Promptly notify the School Community of the new members of the P & C Executive and Sub-Committee Members and relevant contact details. 5.2.1. Mid-Year Budget Review Once a year, the MVPS P & C Executive Committee will hold a Mid-Year Review to discuss the current year financial status and planning for the forward year, including expenditure of the anticipated surplus for the current and following financial year. This meeting is typically held mid-year. Topics discussed at the meeting include, but are not limited to: • • • YTD budget status Forward year operational budget, fundraising needs and parent contribution rate setting needs Funding requests for expenditure of surplus funds from the • P & C Sub-committees • School These requests are discussed at the meeting and priorities for discussion at the next appropriate General P & C Meeting. 5.3. P & C President The President is responsible for: • The successful functioning of the P&C Association Mona Vale Public School P & C Operations Manual Version 1.2 Page 8 of 37 • • • • • • • • • The attainment of the P&C Association’s objectives Ensuring that the P&C Association takes part in decision-making processes in the school Fostering fair participation of all members and ensuring that all new members are made to feel welcome Supporting volunteers Consistent adherence to the constitution Acting as the P&C Association’s spokesperson when public statements or actions are needed Setting up lines of communication with the Principal Being a signatory on the Association’s bank accounts Chairing meetings. 5.3.1. Conduct of Meetings & Voting The President is entitled to the same voting rights as any member. However, a President, when in the Chair, often abstains from voting in order to preserve the impartiality of the position. The person chairing a meeting does not have a casting vote in the event of a tied vote. In the event of a tied vote, the motion should be lost. At meetings, the President should • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • Ensure a quorum of members is present The meeting starts on time That the chairperson remains impartial and polite Ensure that members are aware of the contents of the minutes of the previous meeting Obtain confirmation of the minutes and to sign the master copy for the records Report on executive actions between meetings is presented for ratification Announce business in accordance with the agenda Give firm rulings and guidance to the meeting Assist the discussion by guiding debate along relevant lines Give all members the opportunity to speak but also to confine speakers to the matters under discussion Ensure that motions and amendments are clearly put to the vote and the results announced. Determine points of order Provide explanations to those in doubt about procedure or the subject matter under discussion Make sure that any contentious issue is placed on notice and advertised Introduce guest speakers and to arrange for movers of votes of thanks Ensure that priority items on the agenda are dealt with accordingly Ensure time is used effectively and decisions are made Give opportunities to the Vice-Presidents to develop their skills in chairing meetings. Mona Vale Public School P & C Operations Manual Version 1.2 Page 9 of 37 • Close the meeting 5.3.2. General Responsibilities Following and between meetings, the President is responsible for: • • • • • • • • Communicating the decisions of the P & C Association to the School community via the Mona Vale Mail Newsletter Ensuring all monetary expenditure is recorded in the minutes Sign and date the minutes of the last meeting incorporating the reports of the Treasurer and Sub-Committees Monitoring the budget performance – planned versus actual spent Ensure that over the year, the P&C reviews and endorses: o School budget and other relevant plans o P&C budget and annual operational plans Monitoring that payments are approved for appropriate purposes Ensure all accounting is open and that the atmosphere at meetings accepts questioning of accounts as normal rather than critical Ensure that P & C members are aware of the requirements of the Constitution and this Operations Manual. 5.3.3. President At Annual General Meetings At AGMs the President should ensure that: • • • • Annual financial documents in correct format and completed All P&C accounts combined for annual financial documents including all subcommittee’s accounts Review the need for respective subcommittees. If a sub-committee is reconfirmed, then review account limits on their operational plan and ask for endorsement of the sub-committee recommendations to be appointed office bearers. Plan a schedule of proposed meeting dates for the year 5.3.4. Sub-committees The President is automatically a member of all P&C sub-committees. The President should be informed of all sub-committee meetings and decisions, this would occur through written report. 5.4. P & C Treasurer The Treasurer is responsible for: • • • • • complying with financial accountability requirements receiving and depositing monies, maintaining records, drawing cheques and presenting accounts. Presenting a report detailing income and expenditure together with a reconciled bank statement at each and every P&C meeting. Mona Vale Public School P & C Operations Manual Version 1.2 Page 10 of 37 • • • • • • • • • • Ensuring that all funds held and handled by P&C are properly and openly accounted including any subcommittees. Ensuring that the sub- committee financial records have been kept to the Treasurer’s satisfaction. Being a signatory on the P&C accounts and should not delegate this responsibility. Encouraging members to understand the state of the P&C finances. Ensure books/electronic records are kept, recording all financial transactions of the P&C Association. Planning, budgeting and cash flow making recommendations about surplus funds Presenting a full statement of financial position declaring all funds held in the name of the P&C Association, including those of sub-committees, along with the Secretary who presents the Minute book of the same period for independent auditing following the end of the P & C Financial Year (30th November) Ensure that the annual student injury insurance premium is paid to the Federation of P & C Associations prior to the 31st March, each policy period Manage the P&C Banking Accounts – ie ensure accurate account signatories and online access to nominated person’s. There are many useful conventions which should be followed when dealing in financial matters and the role of the Treasurer will be made easier if all P&C members appreciate and understand that rules and protocols are to be complied with. Proper accounting procedures have two purposes: • • They prevent loss and fraud. You might trust everyone in your association, but accounting procedures will tell you if the wrong thing is happening and where. To protect the P&C Executive. Good accounting of P&C funds ensures financial propriety. 5.4.1. Treasurer At Annual General Meetings At AGMs, the Treasurer is responsible for • • • After completion of the audit the financial statements, with all signed certificates appended, are to be presented at the Annual General Meeting for approval and adoption. Appointing an auditor at the P&C Association’s Annual General Meeting. The Treasurer is responsible for the handing over of all financial records to the incoming Treasurer should the Annual General Meeting result in a new Treasurer being elected. 5.4.2. Budgeting A budget is a planning document to estimate the income and expenditure of the organisation for a given period (usually the financial year of the P&C). The budget is a statement of intention rather than of fact and can be altered at any time, with due notice given by way of the Agenda, by majority vote, after its initial ratification at a general or special meeting. Mona Vale Public School P & C Operations Manual Version 1.2 Page 11 of 37 Once the overall budget has been approved, it is helpful to break the budget estimates with actual income and expenditure levels at regular interval throughout the year. This comparison allows the Treasurer to recommend changes to the budget so that it more accurately reflects the real financial situation of the P&C association. These changes, in turn, allow the association to amend its fundraising or expenditure plans for the year. At the Week 8, Term 1 meeting, the Treasurer tables the overall proposed Financial Year Budget (See Appendix 3 – Budget Template), including details of each Sub-Committee Budget. Once ratified, this provides the financial framework under which the Committee operates during the year. Any material changes to the budget must be tabled and approved at subsequent P & C meetings. 5.4.3. Audits Appointment of the MVPS P & C Auditor occurs at each AGM, based on a recommendation by the Treasurer. The Auditor must not hold an Office on the P &C Committee. The auditor does not need to be a qualified professional. The auditor must possess appropriate skills and experience in auditing and financial record management together with an appreciation of the issues of probity as they relate to the role of association auditor. The auditor must not have or appear to have any conflict of interest arising, for example, from a personal or business relationship with an Officer of the association and must be prepared to swear that the records are a true and correct statement of the information provided by the Treasurer. The Auditor reconciles the MVPS P &C Association records, including ledger, bank statements, cheese butts, bank deposits and receipts as well as sighting the minutes of the MVPS P & C Association for the enabling resolution. The Auditor reconciles the SubCommittee Financial records in the same manner, and provides a summary of the total assets held by the association. To meet reporting requirements under their Prescribed Constitution, the Treasurer of incorporated associations should ensure that copies of the audited accounts, signed by the President and Treasurer, are forwarded to the Federation of Parents & Citizens’ Associations of NSW within one month of the AGM at which they were presented. By undertaking to send the records to P&C Federation the need for incorporated P&C Associations to publicly record their financial statements is fulfilled. 5.4.4. Sub-committee Treasurers In the case of MVPS P & C, a number of the Treasurer’s responsibilities have been delegated to the 5 subcommittees – Band, Canteen Chess, Social & Events and Uniform. Each subcommittee has been authorised to spend fund within their approved budget, on the condition that appropriate documentation and approval is maintained for all funds spent. Sub-committees have no authority to use funds in other ways or to make donations to the school. Each Sub-committee Treasurer has view-only access for their bank account, to allow for management of financial affairs, reporting and the raising of payments. Mona Vale Public School P & C Operations Manual Version 1.2 Page 12 of 37 Approved Sub-Committee operational budgets allow the sub-committee to expend monies as per their budget requirements without seeking approval for any payment above $500 which has been itemised in their budget or is not a capital expense above or below $500. Any expenditure over $500 which is outside the scope of the existing approved budget must be presented at a P & C meeting for approval before funds are expended. Sub-committee fund cannot be withheld from supply back to the P & C account (See Appendix 7 – MVPS P & C Constitutions). Each Sub-Committee must annually donate their surplus back to the P & C account. Uniform, Canteen and S & E (including Fundraising) are the primary surplus generating sub-committees. Band & Chess are not expected to run at a surplus, but should be cost recovery at a minimum. 5.5. P & C Secretary Broadly the role requires you to; • To receive, collate, organise and disperse P&C information to relevant parties/individuals. • To ensure documentation is organised, filed and stored securely. • As an office bearer – provide support to President and Treasurer roles. • Regularly check the P&C Filing Cabinet for correspondence. This is located in the school office. Make note of what is received and store securely. Inform other members of what needs action. • Currently storage of P&C correspondence involves - folder filing of paper documentation and electronic storage of agendas and minutes on yahoo site. There are also back-up copies on USB. (It is hoped that electronic storage of information to a secure site will be storage method in future). • Develop of P&C Contact List – names, contact numbers, emails and roles. Post on yahoo and disperse. Update as required. • Invite new P&C members to join the MVPS P&C yahoo group’s website. Secretary is a site administrator and can invite individuals to become P&C members - this is done by sending a site generated email invite to individuals, and them in turn accepting the invitation. One needs to create a yahoo email in order to access. • Provide a thorough handover, training and support to incoming Secretary. 5.5.1. Secretary at Annual General Meetings For the Annual General Meeting; (this will usually be the role of the outgoing Secretary as it is the first meeting) • Take minutes at the AGM • Prepare draft minutes for AGM meeting • Send draft minutes to the office bearers for feedback • Incorporate feedback • Store securely as AGM minutes must remain with secretary for approx. 12 months. • Circulate draft minutes before the next AGM. • Draft minutes to be approved at the next AGM. Mona Vale Public School P & C Operations Manual Version 1.2 Page 13 of 37 5.5.2. General Meetings Prior to the Week 4 and Week 8 meetings each term, the Secretary should • Two weeks before - circulate a draft agenda for upcoming meeting to the office bearers • Incorporate any changes into the agenda • One week before - circulate to other P&C Members or post to yahoo site. • Incorporate any requests/motions as advised by the sub-committees. • One week before – send reminder of upcoming P&C meeting and reminder for subcommittees to provide their reports to you or post to yahoo site (Note – subcommittee reports are a constitutional requirement and must be provided by subcommittees). Attach draft agenda for upcoming meeting and minutes of previous meeting to correspondence. • One week before – send email to Robyn Hardy who works in School Office. Advise her of the date of upcoming meeting s and request that the library be booked and set-up for this date. • Send Robyn Hardy a copy of the draft minutes and agenda for printing. Also send her a copy of the President’s, Treasurer’s and Sub-Committees’ reports for printing. (She may also collect from yahoo site directly). On the Day of Meeting: • Provide an attendance list with names, contact numbers and emails. • Take minutes during the meeting (note that numbering of agenda items and minutes must match). • Present the relevant correspondence in/out during the meeting. • Clearly document any motions, action or outcomes. 5.6. P & C Vice Presidents The vice-president should: • • • • • consider this position as the president’s understudy, provide support and assistance to the president Become familiar with P&C operations, rules and meeting procedures. The role of the vice-president is to provide essential support for the president and possibly other members of the team, i.e. assisting the secretary or the treasurer in some of their tasks. The vice-president will chair those meetings from which the President is absent and carry out any duties that have been delegated by the president. The vice president can also act as chair for any subcommittees established by the Association. 6. Association Funds Money raised by the Association must be used for the benefit of the school and are intended to benefit all students. All efforts should be made to spread the available funds across a range of different student groups including, but not limited to academic, sporting, arts, Mona Vale Public School P & C Operations Manual Version 1.2 Page 14 of 37 outdoor play equipment. Members of the association should decide, at a general meeting, how funds are to be disbursed. Funds must be kept in an account, or a number of accounts, which are held at a financial institution with full trustee status and which are managed by the Treasurer. The DEC advises that "the move to school-based budgeting does not provide for the amalgamation of Parents and Citizens' Association funds with school funds. Parents and Citizens' Associations can continue to operate separate banking facilities as they have done in the past and continue to have control over the application of funds raised". School Councils have no jurisdiction over P&C Association accounts. At times a majority of members may feel it appropriate to expend a limited amount of funds on gifts or occasional activities for certain individuals, as an expression of the association's esteem, recognition or condolences. 6.1. General Rules for Handling P &C Monies There are some general rules for collection of and payment with P & C funds, and these apply to all members of the P & C who sign cheques or approve Electronic Funds Transfers: • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • Never sign blank cheques. Ensure that the P&C Association has resolved to expend the monies before drawing a cheque. No motion no payment Do not make cheques out to cash Ensure all cheques are marked ‘Not Negotiable’ Cheque signatories should sight all supporting documents; ensure they are correctly drawn to the payee and there is agreement between the amount on the invoice and the amount on the cheque before signing cheques Monitor that payment are approved for appropriate purposes. Two members of the same family should not, as a general rule, act as signatories. Where possible, cheque signatories should not counter-sign a cheque drawn in their favour. The school Principal should not be a signatory to P&C bank accounts. Employees of the association should not be a signatory to the association or subcommittee bank accounts. Mark all paid invoices with a “paid” stamp and cheque number. Issues receipts in sequential date order as per takings Ensure two independent people are responsible for collecting and counting money. Likewise, at the end of the collection period, counting should occur in the company of at least two members and the amount verified, in writing, by each member involved in the count. Issue receipts to people responsible for collecting and counting money. Mona Vale Public School P & C Operations Manual Version 1.2 Page 15 of 37 • • • 6.2. Check that the amount banked corresponds with the receipt totals. Bank money daily or secure in a fireproof safe if you are unable to bank on the day. (Your cash may not be insured if you do not make an effort to secure it adequately.) Keep cash books/computerized accounting system up to date. It should be totaled and balanced at the end of each month. Match the sequence of entries in the cash book with the sequence of receipts and cheque payments Operation of Bank Accounts MVPS P & C operates a number of bank accounts, currently held through the Westpac Banking Corporation. These accounts were consolidated from various other financial institutions in 2012. The Bank authority must ensure two signatories are required on all cheques and for online payment approvals. Cheque signing and online approval authority are restricted to the Executive Committee of MVPS P &C (President, Treasurer, Secretary & Vice Presidents). Immediately after the conclusion of the AGM, the outgoing Treasurer in partnership with the incoming Treasurer must make arrangements with the Bank to remove the signing and online approval authority from outgoing office bearers and arrange authorization for any incoming office bearers. 6.3. Cash Handling 6.4. Payment Process The handling of cash should be avoided wherever possible. Flexischools has a ticketing service and this option should be utilised wherever possible, to minimise the handling of cash. For any event conducted by a sub-committee where funds are collected (e.g. Mother’s Day, Disco’s, etc.), all funds received need to be deposited into the appropriate sub-committee bank account and cheques drawn from the account to pay for the cost of the event. Events cannot be paid for out of the funds collected in cash. It is a constitutional obligation for the Executive Committee to approve and undertake payment approvals. All payments made from MVPS P & C Association funds must be accompanied by an invoice or receipt, and an appropriately signed claim form. (see Appendix 4 – Claim Form) Wherever possible, payments should be made with cheque or EFT from the P & C Accounts, rather than via a reimbursement to a Sub-Committee Member. This ensures that the funds have been approved before funds are spent. For Sub-Committee payments, the Sub-Committee Treasurer completes the Accounts Payable Form, submits this and the invoice/receipt to the Sub-Committee Chair for approval. Once the Accounts Payable Form is approved and dated, the Sub-Committee Treasurer can raise an online payment or cheque or send to the Bookkeeper to do this and notify the P &C Treasurer via email, phone or SMS that payments are ready for approval. Mona Vale Public School P & C Operations Manual Version 1.2 Page 16 of 37 Cheques and supporting paperwork are returned to the sub-committee Treasurer or Bookkeeper for central filing. All online payments should include an appropriate standardised description of the payment to confirm that the due process has been followed at the Sub-committee level and signatories can approve knowing that funds are available and were budgeted for. Expenditure outside the approved operational budget must be approved by a general meeting motion. Unapproved expenditure may not be reimbursed, as the appropriate process has not been followed. Figure 1: Sub-Committee Payment Process Flowchart Place completed coversheeet & receipt/ invoice in 'Accounts Payable' folder in filing cabinet in School Admin Office for checking uploading to Westpac/cheque completion by P & C Bookkeeper No Attach Accounts Payable Coversheet to invoice/receipt Is this a payment for goods received in the Canteen or Uniform Shop? No Complete coversheet including signatures by subcommittee treasurer & chair/secretary/ committee member Is this a payment from Band or Uniform Shop? Yes Yes Have Canteen/uniform Shop supervisor sign coversheet to confirm receipt of goods and invoice as per order P&C Executive Committee Members (2) approve payments in Westpac banking system Give completed coversheeet & receipt/ invoice to subcommittee Treasurer for checking & uploading to Westpac/cheque completion Mona Vale Public School P & C Operations Manual Version 1.2 Page 17 of 37 6.5. Bookkeeper 6.6. Urgent Expenditure of Funds Outside Operational Budgets 6.7. Operation of Sub-Committees The MVPS P & C has at present delegated some of the Treasurer and Sub-Committee Treasurer functions to a paid bookkeeper. Currently these functions are: • Processing of payroll for all P & C Employees • Payment of our Employee Tax and Superannuation and obligations • ATO reporting requirements • Processing of allocated sub-committee invoices/receipts (currently Chess, Social & Events, Fundraising & Canteen) • Monthly financial reports In certain circumstances it may be necessary for the Executive Committee of the MVPS P & C to approve the expenditure of funds not previously approved in Operational Budgets outside a general meeting. This is not encouraged and should be confined to items of real urgency (e.g. replacement of equipment within the Canteen to avoid food spoilage, securing P & C property, urgent repairs, small cost overruns for approved budgeted items). In these cases, the request for funds is to be made to the President/Treasurer. The President will engage the Executive to make a decisions – usually consensus via email. Any decision in this fashion is to be expected to be ratified at the next General Meeting. All subcommittees are expected to budget for the maintenance and replacement of equipment in their care in their annual budget plans. 6.7.1. Band The Band Sub-committee is encouraged to factor the cost of replacement and repair of current instruments within their usual annual budget. However, larger purchases of equipment would come under the annual request process at the Mid-Year Budget Review. 6.7.2. Chess The Chess Sub-committee is encouraged to factor the cost of replacement and repair of current equipment within their usual annual budget. However, larger purchases of equipment would come under the annual request process at the Mid-Year Budget Review. 6.7.3. Social & Events The S & E Committee should update and maintain a register of their inventory so that the Committee is aware of their supplies on hand and additional purchases are minimised. 6.7.4. Canteen The Canteen should review their assets on an annual basis to determine the likelihood of large items requiring replacement (e.g. fridges, freezers, stoves) and include this in their annual budget if necessary. Money should also be set aside for the replacement of items such as knives, chopping boards, storage containers etc. to ensure that appropriate food storage and handling procedures are met. 6.8. Surplus Funds Should the Association accumulate funds surplus to immediate needs, members may Mona Vale Public School P & C Operations Manual Version 1.2 Page 18 of 37 resolve, at a general meeting, to allow the investment of such a surplus to generate a more attractive rate of interest. It is important to remember that any such investment must be placed with a financial institution with full trustee status. This can be in banks, building societies or similar bodies provided they have full trustee status and meet the operational needs of the Association. 6.9. Tax Deductibility — Contributions to P&C The allowance of deductions for gifts is governed by the provisions of legislation. Under these provisions deductions may be allowed only for gifts to funds and institutions in Australia of the particular classes specified in the section. The main classes of funds and institutions so specified include public and private hospitals, public benevolent institutions, public funds for the relief of persons in necessitous circumstances, public funds to finance the acquisition, construction and maintenance of school buildings, public museums and art galleries. As P&C Associations do not fall within any of the classes of funds and institutions mentioned, gifts to school parent bodies do not qualify as allowable deductions. Neither registration as a charity nor authority to fundraise confers the right to offer tax deductions on cash donations unless such donations are made to Australian Taxation Office approved building funds. 6.10. Financial Year End The Financial Year for the MVPS Association, closes on November 30th as of 2013. In prior years, the Association operated under a December 31st close. This is to align with the financial year of MVPS and to allow for audit preparation to be completed prior to the end of the calendar year. 6.11. ABN The MVPS P &C Association’s ABN is 92 704 136 877. This is the single identifier that businesses and non-profit organisations use in their dealings with the ATO. 6.12. GST P & C Associations have responsibilities under the Australian Taxation system. GST registration for non-profit organisations including P & C Associations, is required where annual turnover exceeds or is expected to exceed $150,000 for activities other than fundraising and canteens. For the purposes of determining MVPS P & C Associations’ obligations, each Sub-committee is to be considered as a separate entity, with the $150,000 applying to each sub-committee. Canteen however, is subject to input tax and therefore, not GST applicable. 6.13. Process for reporting suspected fraud or misappropriation Any member of the MVPS P & C who has reason to suspect misappropriation of P&C Association funds, or fraudulent activity by any member of the P&C Association is to report this immediately to the P & C Executive Committee. The P & C Executive will decide on the appropriate action and inform the rest of the P & C when appropriate taking into Mona Vale Public School P & C Operations Manual Version 1.2 Page 19 of 37 consideration any requests from NSW Police and the MVPS P & C Insurance Company regarding ongoing investigations. The P&C can report directly to the NSW Police Service, however they should not investigate unless they are fully trained in this area as it can influence the investigation. Many are minor (i.e. <$5000) and generally involve: • • cash collections not being banked cash being received, receipted and banked by one person who can alter what was actually received general lack of internal controls low Canteen turnovers due to cash being stolen. Major frauds (tens of thousands of dollars) have involved: • • • • • • • • all of the previous but on a larger scale unauthorised EFT transfers to personal accounts cheques being drawn to themselves – signatures are forged, invoices falsified, cashbook completed with false information bank account rarely reconciled financial reports rarely provided to the Committee most occur during the 12 months between audits. 7. Insurance MVPS P & C Association currently holds its insurance cover with the Federation of Parents and Citizens’ Associations of New South Wales. The policy includes: • • • • • • • Public Liability Extra Cover Before and After School cover for Sub-Committee Activities (i.e. Chess and Band) Tutor coverage Personal Accident cover for Voluntary Workers Cash and Property Cover Directors and Officer Liability Cover, and Fidelity Insurance Coverage expired on 1st August and levels of coverage should be discussed at the General Meeting closest to this date to ensure adequate coverage is in place. Should the P & C conduct large events (e.g. such as a Fete) then additional coverage may need to be sought. Mona Vale Public School P & C Operations Manual Version 1.2 Page 20 of 37 8. MVPS P & C as an Employer 8.1. Wages & Payroll 8.2. Timesheets 8.3. Workers Compensation The MVPS P & C has a number of employees who are currently paid on a fortnightly basis. Decisions pertaining to wages rates and reviews, letters of employment, employment contracts and awards are handled by the MVPS P & C President in consultation with the relevant Sub-Committee Chairperson. All MVPS P & C employees shall provide to their relevant sub-committee Chair & Treasurer their timesheet by the close of business on the Tuesday of Weeks 2, 4, 6, 8 & 10 of each Term. For terms with more than 10 weeks, an additional timesheet will be required in the last week of term. Timesheets once approved by the sub-committee Chair & Treasurer are forwarded to the Bookkeeper for payment. Timesheets may be sent via email/scan or left in the appropriate ‘Timesheets’ folder in the School Administration Office. It is not sufficient to send an email with just times worked for that pay period. If timesheets are not received pays may not be completed. See Appendix 6 for the approved timesheet template. At present, Workers Compensation is provided through Gallagher Bassett. Payments are made from the P & C account. Each term, the Workers Compensation payments are reimbursed from the sub-committee accounts back to the P &C General Account. 9. MVPS P & C Sub-Committees 9.1. Band Sub-Committee MVPS P & C has successfully supported a Band Program for a number of years. Currently the Band is structured as follows (the position descriptions incorporate the tasks of each role): 9.1.1. President 9.1.2. Vice-President 9.1.3. Newsletter and Minutes Coordinator A key role in representing the band at P&C meetings, preparing the annual Band budget, keeping a finger on the pulse of the overall running of the band program. Chairing the “once a term” meetings, and being a point of contact for parents of band students. Assisting the President in keeping an overall view of the band program. Planning of upcoming events to ensure adequate resources are available to allow smooth planning and completion of tasks. Attend 4 band committee meetings during the year. Record attendance and take notes, distribute to committee. Prepare/compose the fortnightly band newsletter for the school’s Mona Vale Mail and for the band’s gmail distribution list. Liaise with President and Mona Vale Public School P & C Operations Manual Version 1.2 Page 21 of 37 9.1.4. Communications Coordinator 9.1.5. School Liaison 9.1.6. Treasurer & Assistant Treasurer Respond to, and/or refer to committee members, any parent questions or concerns via gmail. Distribute prepared newsletter and other band notices to band families via mail chimp and gmail. Liaise with President and Newsletter& Minutes Coordinator. This role must be held by a staff member of Mona Vale Public School. This staff member would be a contact point for staff and committee members to ensure communication between the 2 groups is open and helpful at all times. A key function of this role would be to also gather information from Communications Coordinator and ensure it ends up in the school newsletter. Maintaining a professional and open view of our financial dealings. The collection of band fees and the payments of our expenses. A report needs to be submitted at P&C meetings and at our “once a term” meeting. This role also involves working with the Instrument Coordinator with instrument hires and deposits. This role is outlined in the Sub-Committee Treasurer section of this manual. The Assistant Treasurer will assist the treasurer in particularly busy periods. For example collection of fees at training band workshop, leading up to band camp etc. 9.1.7. Events Coordinator 9.1.8. Instrument Coordinator 9.1.9. Band Parent Representatives 9.1.10. Tutor Liaison 9.1.11. Disco Coordinator A key role in the successful implementation of specific events. This role requires planning and coordination of volunteers to manage the various functions of the band. Particularly Band Camp, but also Reward Shows, afternoon teas etc. A key role in our students playing wonderful music is to have organized, maintained instruments to play on. This involves knowing who has what instrument, and coordinating any servicing or repairs that are required. This role is critical and works closely alongside conductors to achieve our high musical standards. At each committee meeting we will have a parent from Training Band, Concert Band and Performance band. This will provide greater input of ideas and hopefully a better way to communicate to all families in our band program. The representatives will also be required to recruit parent volunteers for the 4 discos. Maintain the tutor list that is distributed to band students. Booking tutors for band camps or special tutorial sessions as they arise. Liaise with President. To organize our 4 fund-raising discos in the year. This includes preparing disco flyer, selling disco tickets, coordinating parent volunteers, and liaising with Band Treasurer to collect some $$$ for our band program. Mona Vale Public School P & C Operations Manual Version 1.2 Page 22 of 37 9.1.12. Disco Canteen 9.1.13. Conductor’s Assistant To organize the food and supervise canteen service for the 4 fund-raising discos during the year. Someone who can be called upon to assist in administrative tasks for the Conductors. 9.2. Canteen Sub-Committee The role of the school canteen is to provide a food service to students and staff that is part of a whole school approach that supports healthy eating, is affordable and financially sustainable. Financial profit is a secondary objective for the canteen. The school canteen is operated by the MVPS P&C and employs a supervisor to oversee operations of the business, which provides funds to the P&C for school activities. 9.2.1. Role of the Canteen Committee The canteen committee includes the Sub-Committee Chairperson, Treasurer and the paid employees of the Canteen. The committee is to participate in the decision making process for the canteen menu, pricing, purchasing and maintenance of equipment etc. The School Canteen will be overseen by the Canteen Committee, a Sub-committee of the P&C Association. 9.2.2. Canteen Sub-Committee Chairperson The canteen chair's role is to preside at committee meetings in a fair, democratic and unbiased manner and to oversee the operations of the canteen including policies, employment of staff, the disbursement of any profits and the recoup of any losses. The chairperson and treasurer of the canteen committee will liaise directly with canteen staff and volunteers on matters relating to the day‐to‐day management of the canteen and report matters of importance to the canteen committee and the P & C Executive where appropriate. Responsibilities • Implement, maintain and review canteen committee rules and policies. • Plan, organise, control and evaluate the needs of the canteen • May employ and dismiss staff according to legislation. • Approve timesheets fortnightly • Provide job descriptions, work agreements and performance reviews for paid staff. • Ensure a healthy and safe work environment. • Ensure the legal requirements of the canteen are maintained (e.g. current and applicable awards, tax, superannuation, long service leave and insurances). • Make sure all financial records are in order and an audit is performed at the end of each year. • Present a monthly and yearly financial report to the P & C. • Support, encourage and acknowledge the efforts of paid and voluntary staff. Mona Vale Public School P & C Operations Manual Version 1.2 Page 23 of 37 • • • • • • 9.2.3. Foster support for the canteen from the school community. Make decisions on the items to be sold in the canteen and approve the sale prices of new items. Establish the required profit margin and appropriate control. Produce a canteen menu and price list. Develop new ideas and activities to link the classroom with nutrition education. Monitor, and if required, upgrade the condition of the canteen’s facilities and major equipment Can Sub-Committee Treasurer The canteen treasurer's role is to ensure that the financial system of the canteen and legal obligations to employed staff are maintained, monitored and updated. Many of the Canteen Treasurer responsibilities have been delegated to the Bookkeeper, including: • Maintenance of financial records • Monthly, term and yearly financial reports are correct and presented to the committee. • Financial records are made available as required and submitted for audit at the end of each year. • Wages are paid regularly at appropriate rates, with the correct amount of tax deducted. • Wage records are maintained • Pay slips are issued. • Superannuation is paid quarterly. • Long service leave entitlements are put aside on a regular basis. • Ensure that the Worker's Compensation Insurance is paid annually. However, the Canteen Treasurer should be aware of these issues and their direct responsibilities include; • • • 9.2.4. Report to the canteen committee & P & C on matters of financial importance. Liaise directly with canteen staff and volunteers on matters relating to the financial management of the canteen. Ensure payments raised by the Bookkeeper for payment of invoices are in accordance with approved operating budget Canteen Supervisor Daily Tasks • Preparing canteen for operation • Prepare food as per the menu agreed with the canteen committee • Overseeing/organising staff / volunteers in tasks required on arrival. • Service of customers in trading times / checking for orders via flexi schools / filling orders. • Liaising with suppliers and placing of orders when stock needs replenishing. Mona Vale Public School P & C Operations Manual Version 1.2 Page 24 of 37 • • • • • • • • 9.2.5. Receiving stock/orders and checking invoices to ensure correct quantity of stock ordered has arrived. Sign Accounts payable form to confirm this. Pricing items appropriately. Regularly monitoring & changing the menu to reflect the season and changing student tastes Rostering voluntary helpers and obtain replacements when required. Training staff and voluntary helpers. Ensuring the retail area is well presented. End of day reconciliation /Banking daily takings. Term Stocktake Aims The school canteen will aim to: 1. Provide hygienically prepared, nutritious food and beverages that are well presented and sold at a reasonable price. 2. Operate an efficient, profitable business that meets the needs of the school community. 3. Encourage a friendly working atmosphere between the canteen supervisor, volunteers, parents, staff and students who use the facility. 4. Keep abreast of current canteen policy 5. Ensure the canteen is in a clean and safe condition. 9.2.6. Canteen Menu Nutrition is a priority when considering the foods and beverages that will be sold at the canteen. Food and drinks supplied through the canteen should comply with the Department of Education’s Fresh Tastes NSW Healthy School Canteen Strategy. 1. The school canteen menu needs to be consistent with this strategy 2. The canteen utilises the Traffic Light System, Star Choice Buyers Guide, and Australian Guide to Healthy Eating, Dietary Guidelines for Children and Adolescents (2003) and Anaphylaxis Management Guidelines for Schools when planning menus. 3. The canteen supervisor/s have participated in “traffic light” training. 4. The school canteen will support healthy eating by ensuring the menu is filled with 60% GREEN foods and 40% AMBER foods: a. Having available every day and promoting a wide range of food that should make up the majority of a healthy diet (GREEN foods). b. Having available only sometimes, choosing healthier alternatives and avoiding large serving sizes of foods that should be eaten in moderation (AMBER foods) c. Not making available foods that do not meet specified minimum nutrient criteria (RED foods) 5. The canteen will have a different menu for summer (Terms 1 and 4) and winter (Terms 2 and 3) to optimise the sale of seasonal fruit and vegetables and to reflect the needs of the school community. 6. The canteen supervisor/s will experiment with the sales of new food items and they may become a regular menu item if prove to be popular choices. Mona Vale Public School P & C Operations Manual Version 1.2 Page 25 of 37 9.2.7. Pricing Policy/Profits 9.2.8. Food Safety & Hygiene 1. The average mark up on healthy (GREEN) food items shall be lower than that applied to AMBER products. 2. The canteen food service should be a financially viable business enterprise. 3. The canteen food/service will endeavour to provide a financial contribution towards resources for all students in the school. The amount of money contributed will be dependent on the financial needs of the canteen (e.g. for maintenance of facilities and equipment, new equipment, professional development and training etc.). Safe food means that it is prepared, cooked, transported and served in such a way as to retain nutrients and to minimise bacterial contamination and growth. The canteen will comply with the applicable local and state government regulations regarding the safe storage and handling of food. 1. The Canteen supervisor/s are to complete the appropriate Food Handling Training Program. 2. All staff to wash hands before starting work and also washed again after returning from toilets. 3. Gloves must be worn if you have an abrasion to hands or if band aids are worn 4. Any costs of training will be funded by the P&C. 9.3. Chess Sub-Committee MVPS P & C has successfully supported a Chess Program for a number of years. Currently the Chess Club is structured as follows: 9.3.1. Chairperson Responsibilities: • To oversee the smooth running of the Chess Club • To oversee the organisation of both internal and external tournaments • To provide a value for money experience • To set policy that caters for all students regardless of ability or background • To be the conduit between the Chess Club and school staff (executive and on-staff chess coordinator) • To manage the coaches and their needs and to be the liaison between the parents and the school and coaches • To communicate effectively with all stakeholders and to the wider school • To work with the Sub-Committee treasurer regarding enrolments and billing and to stay within budget • To continue to look for opportunities to refine the program and identify areas for expansion Reports to: P&C President, on-staff chess coordinator and the school executive, in particular the Principal. Mona Vale Public School P & C Operations Manual Version 1.2 Page 26 of 37 9.3.2. Chess Sub-Committee Treasurer Responsibilities • Assists the Bookkeeper with the collection and depositing of funds for the subcommittee • Completes financial statement for the sub-committee for each P & C Meeting • Signs Accounts Payable Coversheet for invoices requiring payment • Ensures Invoices are submitted to the bookkeeper for processing • Ensures Chess Sub-Committee is adhering to the approved budget. Many of the Chess Treasurer responsibilities have been delegated to the Bookkeeper, including: • Maintenance of financial records • Monthly, term and yearly financial reports are correct and presented to the committee. • Financial records are made available as required and submitted for audit at the end of each year. • Collect and Deposit funds for the sub-committee Reports to: the Chair and P&C Treasurer 9.3.3. Volunteers The Chess Club relies heavily on a generous volunteer base to assist with tournaments, drive students, and fulfil other functions. These functions include (and may be carried out by the President, Treasurer or other volunteers) Junior Coordinator • Junior coordinator arranges the term roster for the Thursday lunchtime helpers – one parent per week working in conjunction with Heather Robinson from the Uniting Church Enrolment Coordinator • Constantly review and update the enrolment form working on a two-invoice per annum option with the ability to accommodate those wanting to pay term by term due to financial or other reasons • Check updates to enrolment form with the office manager to ensure there are no conflicts • Allow parents to apply for half fees based on financial hardship • Collecting fees and identifying students who are attending coaching without enrolling, likewise those whose parents have enrolled them but they aren’t attending, is extremely labour intensive • Staff Coordinator supplies hardcopy weekly attendance lists • Kindergarten students may enrol from term 2 each year Mona Vale Public School P & C Operations Manual Version 1.2 Page 27 of 37 • • • Potential players are allowed to sit in on two coaching sessions up until week 5 then they have to enrol if they want to continue to receive coaching beyond the free trial Recommend not accepting new enrolments after week 5 as it’s too disruptive, particularly in the junior group School Administration will upload images and the updated enrolment form to the school website Coaching staff Duties: • Request chess coordinator on staff supplies regular attendance lists so this can be cross-checked with enrolments and payments • Review coaching levels – currently we are working on a rough 1:15 ratio with extra support from senior chess monitors for the junior group (average 20 • When coaches are going on holidays • Make sure all coaches have completed Working with Children Forms for Contractors (in the folder at the office) • Speak to the coaches regularly about their group make-up and include the junior coach who will make recommendations when his players are ready to move to a higher level of coaching • Seek the advice of the coaches when making decisions on • Protect the coaches from parents contacting them directly, unless they give permission • Current coaches are private contractors who invoice either on an hourly rate or per child. • Advise coaches that reception will support them in terms of a reasonable amount of photocopying of work sheets Administration Duties: • Check Chess Club letterbox and filing cabinet regularly for correspondence • Email password for address is knight22 • If this changes advice Sydney Academy of Chess & NSW junior chess league • Update database with each enrolment or those not re-enrolling – save elsewhere in the database as sometimes players re-join the club • Check insurance level for Chess Club assets • The office will print & make hard copy enrolment forms available from the office & online (supply PDF) • Prepare attendance lists in Excel for both juniors and seniors to make marking off attendance easier on volunteers Communication Duties: • Regular communication with parents via BCC & copy Robyn Best & Greg Jones in where relevant Mona Vale Public School P & C Operations Manual Version 1.2 Page 28 of 37 • Regular submissions to Mona Vale Mail – images and editorial. Due Thursday evening prior to the Friday newsletter. Tournaments Duties: External • Make sure parents who are driving children other than their own complete the necessary paperwork at the office – complete & sign Working with Children Form & take driver’s license, comprehensive insurance policy and registration papers to the office to be copied and filed MVPS Chess Championship Internal competition for MVPS players only. Held in the hall, one of the Tutors will run and organise trophies with the invoice being paid direct by the P&C Chess Club. Northern Beaches Primary School Chess Challenge - March Detailed plans for this event are held in the Chess Club files. November Interschool Chess Challenge Interschool Girls Teams Challenge – August Scots tournament Friday afternoon tournament – term 2 An external competition which runs during term 2. • Appoint a volunteer to coordinate • Update invitation to MVPS players • Complete the entry form • Book the library for the home games after school • Organise teams and parent drivers (with appropriate paperwork) and send out the schedule of games & roster of drivers along with the coordinator’s mobile no. • Organise a volunteer/s to provide afternoon tea for the home games • Have a couple of reserves for absences/illness • At the conclusion attach the full results and a report End of year gifts & pizza party Duties: • Organise an end of year pizza party for Chess Club members, schedule second last week of term 4, advertise via printed invites and the newsletter plus email to parents, hold in the school hall (book the date in advance with Leonie), • Purchase Christmas gifts for - main volunteers - one for office staff to share - School Maintenance Staff Member who assists with table set up etc. - All coaches Ideas: champagne, chocolates, United movie tickets, Mona Vale Public School P & C Operations Manual Version 1.2 Page 29 of 37 End of year trophies Are awarded in the following categories: Club Champion Best Junior Best Girl Most Improved The decision on who is awarded in each category is made by the Chess Committee in conjunction with the coaches 9.3.4. Chess Club assets The Chess Club owns approximately 50 chess sets and a couple of perpetual trophies, one is the March tournament trophy which is given to the winning school with the Deed of Gift and needs to be returned prior to this tournament. 9.4. Social & Events Sub-Committee The Social & Events Committee (S & E) is the group responsible for many activities that the P&C is known for, including but not limited to: • Kindy Morning Tea (January/February)* • Welcome Picnic (February) • Grand friends’ Day/Easter Parade (March/April)* • Mother's Day Stall/Event (Thursday or Friday prior to Mother’s Day) • Father's Day Breakfast BBQ/Stall (Thursday or Friday prior to Father’s Day) *School Run event – S&E to support if required The above list is a guideline only and all items may not occur each calendar year. AS a general guideline, it is suggested that no more than one S & E Event should be held each term. Events cannot be conducted by the Social & Events sub-committee without being approved via the Annual Operational Budget or through a resolution at a General Meeting 9.4.1. Role of Social & Events Sub-Committee The role of the S & E sub-committee is to provide opportunities for the School Community to get together socially or to support events run by the school (e.g to get volunteers to make and serve food & drinks for morning teas). In general, these events are not run to create a profit and budgets should be prepared so the committee is run on a cost neutral basis annually. To cover events that are generally provided free such as the Welcome Picnic, it may be necessary to make a small profit on other events, but this should not be the main focus of the committee. Events should stay within their operationally approved budgets. When required, the S & E Sub-Committee may assist the Fundraising Sub-Committee to organize and run larger events. Mona Vale Public School P & C Operations Manual Version 1.2 Page 30 of 37 9.4.2. Calendar of Events 9.4.3. Committee Structure The Social & Events/Fundraising Events for the year are decided in conjunction with the P & C and the School Executive (in particular Principal & Deputy Principal/s). Those events to be held on MVPS grounds must have the approval of the Principal. It is advisable that a Calendar of Events be prepared in Term 1 so dates can be locked into the School Calendar to avoid clashing with other school activities. It is recommended that the S&E Chair recruit 3 to 4 other volunteers to assist on a regular basis with the planning & organisation or events. As such they become members of the S&E sub-committee. The S&E sub-committee must have a treasurer; other roles may include S&E fundraising/sponsorship/donation coordinator, S&E Secretary. 9.4.4. • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • Chairperson of Social & Events Sub-Committee Coordinates events with the School Executive and in conjunction with other members of the Social & Events Committee Main point of contact for sub committee Attends P&C meetings Co-signature on invoices with treasurer Organises committee meetings – generally 2 per term Develop new ideas and activities for presentation to the P & C for consideration. Access to a computer & knowledge of basic Word processing Design/create flyers for display throughout the school/newsletter content to promote events. Research and book everything needed for events (e.g food and beverage) Recruit & organise volunteers to assist with running events When required, complete necessary documentation for events are in place e.g. insurances policies, working with children checks, risk assessment plan (usually for large events involving large numbers of people attending the school grounds). Ensure all necessary equipment/materials are available for each event (e.g nametags, gift bags; registration lists, final checklists, BBQ equipment, tables, etc.) Organise the set-up, running and clean-up for events as necessary. Review each event and report this to the P & C Committee Meetings Ensure all invoices and receipts are appropriately documented and submitted for approval Assist S&E Treasurer with preparing budgets and provide periodic progress reports to the P & C Committee Together with the S&E treasurer, keep track of event finances including claim form requests, invoicing, and reporting. Complete reports for P&C twice per term Attend P&C meetings – generally 2 per term Main point of contact for sub committee Co-signature on invoices with treasurer Ensure documentation is organised, filed and stored securely. Mona Vale Public School P & C Operations Manual Version 1.2 Page 31 of 37 • • • • 9.4.5. • • • • • • • • • • 9.5. Regularly check the P&C Filing Cabinet for correspondence. This is located in the school office. Make note of what is received and store securely. Inform other members of what needs action. Maintain a volunteer list – names, contact numbers, emails and roles. Update as required. Develop a preferred supplier list & update it as required. Liaising with suppliers and placing of orders when stock needs replenishing, store any goods in appropriate premises. Treasurer of Social & Events/Fundraising Sub-Committee Budgeting / banking in collaboration with P&C Treasurer Co signature on invoices/receipts to be payed Assists with preparation of financial reports for the sub-committee Reconcile bank account ensuring all above info is recorded Send info to Treasurer for P&C report Attend regular sub-committee meetings & P&C meetings Establish the required costs for events to ensure that costs are covered where required and overall the S & E Committee runs on a cost neutral basis. Ensure all cash is counted with at least one other S & E sub-committee member and deposited as soon as possible into the S & E bank account. Cash transactions should be avoided and Flexischools used for ticketing for events as per P & C policy. Organize cash float prior to each event (4 days prior is recommended) Receive goods/orders and check invoices to ensure correct quantity of stock ordered has arrived, store items appropriately (organise stock levels/inventory with S&E team members). Fundraising Sub-Committee MVPS P &C has a Fundraising Sub-Committee whose main function is to research, plan and organise at least one fundraising event annually. In the past events have included: • • • • Discos Fetes/Festivals Raffles (including the Rotary Raffle) Trivia Nights The Fundraising event/s for each year will be decided by the P & C Committee in Term 1, with consideration given to the Calendar of Events agreed with the S & E Sub-Committee and the School Executive. The Fundraising sub-committee will comprise at least a Chair and Treasurer. Additional committee members should be added for larger events on a needs basis. 9.5.1. • • • • Chairperson of Fundraising Sub-Committee Research and present for consideration fundraising opportunities for the P & C Organise & oversee fundraising events Completes monthly report for P&C Main point of contact for sub committee Mona Vale Public School P & C Operations Manual Version 1.2 Page 32 of 37 • • • 9.5.2. • • • • 9.6. Attends P&C meetings Co-signature on invoices with treasurer Organises committee meetings when required Treasurer of Fundraising Sub-Committee Budgeting / banking Co signature on invoices /cheques Send info to Treasurer for P&C report Attend regular sub-committee meeting Uniform Shop Sub-Committee MVPS P &C operates a Uniform Shop on school grounds and employs a Shop Supervisor. The committee is responsible for the running of the uniform shop. Meetings are held twice a term with the committee members and the employee. These meetings are used to discuss issues such as pricing structures, ordering, product sourcing, uniform fabrics, sale items, volunteers, stocktake, expenditure, budgets and day to day running of the shop. All major decisions and are taken to the P&C for further discussion and/or approval. We communicate regularly with each other and everyone is consulted during any decision making process. The Shop Supervisor is able to contact anyone on the sub-committee regarding any issues or questions they may have. 9.6.1. • • • • • • • 9.6.2. • • • • • • • • • • • • Chairperson of Uniform Shop Sub-Committee Completes monthly report for P&C Main point of contact for sub committee Attends P&C meetings Approves fortnightly timesheets and forwards to paid bookkeeper Co-signature on invoices with treasurer Organises committee meetings – generally 2 per term Assists in shop when needed during busy periods Treasurer of Uniform Shop Sub-Committee Budgeting / banking Co signature on invoices /cheques Liaises with bank when required Prepares financial reports Collect sales receipts from supervisor Collect invoices/statements from supervisor; ensure supervisor has attached stock printout to each invoice to verify stock has been received Pay invoices (load into Westpac) Collect payroll info (in the form of an invoice) from paid bookkeeper Reconcile bank account ensuring all above info is recorded Maintain accounts (currently excel) & paper files to send to accountant for audit Send info to Treasurer for P&C report Attend regular sub-committee meetings Mona Vale Public School P & C Operations Manual Version 1.2 Page 33 of 37 9.6.3. • • • 9.6.4. Secretary of Uniform Shop Sub-Committee Takes minutes at sub committee meetings and distributes to the sub committee Attends P&C meetings Assists in uniform shop when needed during busy periods Shop Supervisor Daily Tasks • Preparing shop for operation • Overseeing/organising staff / volunteers in tasks required on arrival. • Service of customers in trading times / checking for customer enquiries and orders via emails, flexi schools and order forms / filling orders and delivering to classrooms. • Liaising with suppliers and placing of orders when stock needs replenishing. • Receiving stock/orders and checking invoices to ensure correct quantity of stock ordered has arrived. Pricing/barcoding orders and receiving invoices into computer. • Rostering voluntary helpers and obtain replacements when required. • Training staff and voluntary helpers. • Ensuring the retail area is well presented . • End of day reconciliation /Banking daily takings . Annual Tasks • Summer/Winter changeover periods • Kindergarten Orientation • 2 x Uniform Shop Stocktake • Year 6 Graduation Jackets. 9.6.5. • • • • Shop Assistant Service of customers between 8.30am & 10.30am Assisting the shop supervisor with daily tasks Dispatching customer orders that have arrived via email, flexi school or order forms and delivering to classrooms Helping with stocktake twice a year 10. Relationship & Communication with the School In the event of any problem regarding the school, the Association should arrange to discuss the matter with the proper person. The first approach must be to the Principal. If the matter needs to be referred further, the next approach must be to the Principal’s direct Supervisor. Further approaches can then be pursued with the relevant person at State Office, then the Director- General and the Minister for Education. Any approach made to a higher Officer will be referred back, so jumping steps is generally not time saving. The P&C President should be consulted if issues arsis which require escalation beyond the Mona Vale Public School P & C Operations Manual Version 1.2 Page 34 of 37 immediate parties involved either within the P&C or the School. 10.1. Requests for Assistance from School Administration Staff While School Administration Staff are always happy to assist the P & C Committee with its duties including events being run by the P & C, all requests for assistance should be directed to the Principal and/or deputy Principal via email, well in advance of when the assistance is required. They will then determine how/if the School staff can help. Ideally, requests for assistance should form part of the planning process each year so that MVPS can fit these requests around other events and the daily running of MVPS, which is their priority. Requests for photocopying and administration support should be completed utilising the same process used by the MVPS Teaching staff (see Appendix 5 – P & C request for School Administration Support Form). It is preferable that all notices be distributed via email to avoid the overuse of paper. 10.2. Newsletter Items from the P & C All items submitted for the School Newsletter by sub-committees should be copied as a matter of courtesy to the MVPS P & C President. 10.3. Involvement in School Ceremonies As the official representative of the parents in the school, the P&C Association should be involved in all ceremonial and special occasions at the school. These cover such things as the opening of new buildings, libraries, etc. in established schools, Education Week, sports days, centenaries, and community events in which the school is involved. On these occasions the association will, of course, act with the Principal in coordinating parental involvement. 11. Donations All equipment purchased and donated to the school by a P&C Association becomes the property of the DEC. The Department accepts the responsibility of servicing and maintaining such equipment, and provides the relevant insurance cover. 12. Other Equipment Equipment and canteen/uniform stock or other property retained or owned by a P&C Association for fund-raising purposes is not covered under the school’s insurance and can be insured under P&C Federation's insurance policies available to members. Mona Vale Public School P & C Operations Manual Version 1.2 Page 35 of 37 Generally if the P&C are to purchase Assets for the School they would allow the School to physical purchase them and thus by free of GST cost. The P&C then remiumbuses the School for such Asset purchases. Mona Vale Public School P & C Operations Manual Version 1.2 Page 36 of 37 Appendices 1. 2. 3. 4. Meeting Agenda Template Meeting Minutes Template Budget Template P & C request for School Administration Support Form Reuest for Admin Support.docx 5. Accounts Receivable Coversheet Accounts Receivable Form.docx 6. Accounts Payable Coversheet Accounts payable Coversheet Final.doc 7. MVPS P & C Constitution MVPS P&C Constitution 2012 v1. 8. Timesheet Template Timesheet11FEB14.p df Mona Vale Public School P & C Operations Manual Version 1.2 Page 37 of 37