854 IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON INSTRUMENTATION AND MEASUREMENT, VOL. 53, NO. 3, JUNE 2004 Experimental Characterization of Operational Amplifiers: A System Identification Approach— Part I: Theory and Simulations Rik Pintelon, Fellow, IEEE, Gerd Vandersteen, Member, IEEE, Ludwig De Locht, Yves Rolain, Senior Member, IEEE, and Johan Schoukens, Fellow, IEEE Abstract—Using specially designed broadband periodic random excitation signals, the open loop, the common mode, and the power supply gains of operational amplifiers are measured and modeled. The proposed modeling technique 1) takes into account the measurement uncertainty and the nonlinear distortions, 2) gives information about possible unmodeled dynamics, 3) detects, quantifies, and classifies the nonlinear distortions, and 4) provides opamp parameters (time constants, gain-bandwidth product, etc.) with confidence bounds. The approach is suitable for the experimental characterization of operational amplifiers (see [23]) as well as the fast evaluation of new operational amplifiers designs using network simulators (see Part I). Part I describes the modeling approach and illustrates the theory on simulations. Index Terms—Common mode rejection, linear characteristics, nonlinear distortions, open loop gain, operational amplifier, power supply rejection, system identification. I. INTRODUCTION A BUNDANT literature exists on the measurement and/or simulation of the frequency-dependent operational amplifiers (opamp) characteristics such as the open loop gain ([1]–[6]), the common mode gain or common mode ([1], [7]–[9]), and rejection ratio the power supply gains , or power supply re, jection ratios ([10], [11]). In all cases, single-sine measurements and/or simulations are performed to obtain the operational amplifier characteristics. Except for in [1], the calculation of the opamp parameters (poles, gain-bandwidth product, etc.) is based on a fixed first- or second-order model. The proposed estimation procedures 1) do not take into account the measurement uncertainty, 2) give no information about the possible unmodeled dynamics [a first- or second-order model may be in, , or ] and sufficient to explain Manuscript received June 24, 2003; revised January 6, 2004. This work was supported in part by the Fund for Scientific Research (FWO-Vlaanderen), the Flemish Government (GOA-IMMI), and the Belgian Program on Interuniversity Poles of Attraction initiated by the Belgian State, Prime Minister’s Office, Science Policy programming (IUAP 5). R. Pintelon, L. De Locht, Y. Rolain, and J. Schoukens are with the Electrical Measurement Department (ELEC), Vrije Universiteit Brussel, 1050 Brussels, Belgium (e-mail: Rik.Pintelon@vub.ac.be). G. Vandersteen and L. De Locht are with the IMEC, dev. DESICS, 3001 Heverlee, Belgium. Digital Object Identifier 10.1109/TIM.2004.827094 the nonlinear distortions (an operational amplifier behaves nonlinearly for “sufficiently large” inputs), and 3) provide no confidence bounds on the estimated opamp parameters. In this series of two papers, we present a system identification approach to the experimental characterization of operational amplifiers. The proposed method uses the matched resistor circuit shown in Fig. 1 in combination with specially designed broadband periodic random excitations signals (multi, the common sines [12]) for measuring the open loop gain , and the power supply gains and mode gain . Following the measurement procedure of [13], [14], the periodic random excitation signal allows us to gather, in one single measurement, 1) the frequency response functions (FRFs) in a broad frequency band, 2) the noise levels, and 3) the class (even and/or odd degree) and the level of the nonlinear distortions in the output spectrum. Averaging of the FRF measurements over different realizations of the periodic random excitation gives the variance information needed in the parameter estimation procedure. Next, a parametric model is identified (estimation of the model parameters and model order selection), resulting in a best linear approximation of the characteristic together with its uncertainty (due to measurement noise and/or nonlinear distortions). Note that no prior first- or second-order model is imposed in the procedure. Before going to silicon, the performance of new operational amplifier designs is verified via simulations. The number of transistors in such circuits is usually so large that the calculation time of network simulators is a non-negligible part of the design loop. Hence, there is a need for a fast evaluation of the linear and the nonlinear behavior of operational amplifiers. In Part I, a method is proposed that allows us to evaluate simultaneously the linear opamp characteristics, the level of the nonlinear distortions, and the type of nonlinearity (even and/or odd degree distortions). Since the measurement of the common mode rejection ratio is (very) sensitive to the resistor mismatch in Fig. 1, a simple calibration procedure is proposed in [23] to eliminate this error. It consists of making a bridge measurement with the four resistances when the opamp is removed. Note that the calibration procedure also accounts for the nonzero output impedance of the voltage buffer in the feedback loop, and for the possible frequency-dependent behavior of the resistances (megahertz range). 0018-9456/04$20.00 © 2004 IEEE Authorized licensed use limited to: Rik Pintelon. Downloaded on December 2, 2008 at 08:33 from IEEE Xplore. Restrictions apply. PINTELON et al.: SYSTEM IDENTIFICATION APPROACH—PART I: THEORY AND SIMULATIONS 855 in the feedback loop is an ideal voltage buffer (infinite input and that impedance, zero output impedance) with gain . Proceeding the resistors are not matched in this way, also accounts for the nonzero output impedance of the buffer. A. Open Loop Gain , The switch in Fig. 1 is in position 1, V, and , are measured. Using , it follows from (1) that assuming that Fig. 1. Basic scheme for measuring/simulating the characteristics of an R and R R ). operational amplifier (R = = The contributions of this series of two papers are as follows: 1) (simultaneous) measurement of the opamp characteristics, the noise levels, and the levels of the nonlinear distortions using specially designed multisines; 2) classification of the nonlinear distortions of the opamp in odd and even degree contributions; 3) parametric identification of the opamp characteristics, taking into account the disturbing noise and the nonlinear distortions; 4) calculation of opamp parameters (time constants, gainbandwidth product, etc.) with uncertainty bounds; 5) a simple calibration procedure to eliminate the resistor mismatch in the common mode rejection ratio measurement; 6) fast evaluation of the performance of a new opamp design using a network simulator in combination with specially designed multisines. Part I elaborates the measurement/identification procedure and illustrates the theory on a network simulation of an LM741 operational amplifier. [23] discusses the calibration of the experimental setup and illustrates the whole identification approach on real measurements of two UA741s. V, , and (2) B. Common Mode Rejection Ratio , The switch in Fig. 1 is in position 2, V, and , are measured. Using with V, (3) it follows from (1) that with and (4) (see [1]). Hence, the common mode rejection ratio (CMRR) equals II. BASIC MEASUREMENT SETUP In this section, we study the basic matched resistor circuit , the common mode used for measuring the open loop , and the power supply , gains (see Fig. 1). The circuit consists of four resistances, a voltage buffer, and the device under test (DUT). The voltage buffer in series (ideally, infinite input impedance, zero with the resistor output impedance) suppresses the effect of the nonzero output impedance of the operational amplifier on the measurements. The analysis of the circuit starts from the basic open loop equation of the unloaded DUT (5) C. Power Supply Rejection Ratio The switch in Fig. 1 is in position 2, , , either V and V, or V and V , and and or are measured. and , and assuming that Using , it follows from (1) that with (1) and the voltages of the “ ” and “ ” inputs of with and the varying signals at the positive the DUT, and and negative power supply terminals. The calculations made in the sequel of this section assume that the buffer (6) where superscript means that the signal source is connected to or negative power supply terminal. either the positive Hence, the power supply rejection ratios (PSRR) equal Authorized licensed use limited to: Rik Pintelon. Downloaded on December 2, 2008 at 08:33 from IEEE Xplore. Restrictions apply. (7) 856 IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON INSTRUMENTATION AND MEASUREMENT, VOL. 53, NO. 3, JUNE 2004 III. MEASUREMENT PROCEDURE A. Introduction The operational amplifier characteristics (2)–(7) are measured using random phase multisines. These are periodic harmonically related sine signals consisting of the sum of and random phases waves with user defined amplitudes (8) where , , or (see [13], [14]). The phases are randomly chosen such that , with the expected is uniformly distributed in . In value; for example, [14]–[16] it has been shown that the FRF of a wide class of nonlinear systems, obtained using a random phase multisine (8) with sufficiently large, can be written as (9) the FRF of the true underlying linear system, the with measurement noise, and . is the bias or deterministic nonlinear contribution which depends on the odd degree nonlinear distortions and the power spectrum of the input is the zero mean stochastic nonlinear contribution only, and for (10) where the overline denotes the complex conjugate, and where the expected values are taken w.r.t. the different random phase realizations of the excitation (8). Due to (10), the stochastic nonact as circular complex noise for suflinear contributions ficiently large. Hence, over different realizations of the random cannot be distinguished from the measurephase multisine, . The sum ment noise (11) is the best linear approximation to the nonlinear system for the class of Gaussian excitation signals (normally distributed noise, periodic Gaussian noise, and random phase multisines) with a given power spectrum (see [14]–[16] for the details). It can be approximated arbitrarily well by a rational form in the Laplace variable . Since the even degree nonlinear distortions do not affect the while they increase the variance of , the varibias term ability of the FRF measurement (9) can be reduced by using random phase multisines which excite the odd harmonics only . These so-called odd random phase [12], [13]: (8) with multisines allow us to detect the presence and the level of even degree nonlinear distortions by looking at the even harmonics in the output spectrum. To detect the presence and the level of the odd degree nonlinear distortions, one should leave out some of Gf M Fig. 2. FRF ( ) measurement: applying different random phase realizations of the excitation and measuring each time periods of length after a waiting time . T P T the odd harmonics in the odd random phase multisine. The optimal strategy consists of splitting the odd harmonics in groups of equal numbers of consecutive lines and eliminating randomly one line out of each group. This can be done for a linear, as well as a logarithmic, frequency distribution (see [12] for the linear case). The resulting excitation, an odd random phase multisine with random harmonic grid (linear or logarithmic frequency distribution), is used throughout the paper. Two measurement strategies are proposed in the sequel of this section (see Fig. 2): the first uses one-phase realization of the odd random phase multisine with random harmonic grid and is only, while the second uses multiple phase suitable for realizations (each time with the same random harmonic grid) , , and . and is suitable for B. First Measurement Strategy The first strategy for measuring the open loop gain (2) and its uncertainty consists of the following steps. 1) Choose the amplitude spectrum and the frequency resolution of the odd . random phase multisine (8) 2) Split the excited odd harmonics (linear or logarithmic frequency distribution) in groups of equal number of consecutive lines, and randomly eliminate one odd harmonic out of each group (for example, 100 excited odd harmonics are split in 25 groups of four consecutive excited odd harmonics, and one out of the four odd harmonics is randomly eliminated in each group). of the nonzero 3) Make a random choice of the phases harmonics of the random phase multisine (8), and calcu. late the corresponding time signal 4) Apply the excitation to the circuit (see Fig. 1) and consecutive periods 1 of the steady-state measure and output (see Fig. 2, one horizontal input line). 1At least six periods are needed to preserve the properties of the maximum likelihood estimator used in the parametric modeling step [14]. Authorized licensed use limited to: Rik Pintelon. Downloaded on December 2, 2008 at 08:33 from IEEE Xplore. Restrictions apply. PINTELON et al.: SYSTEM IDENTIFICATION APPROACH—PART I: THEORY AND SIMULATIONS From the noisy input/output spectra , , , one can calculate the average open loop gain and its sample variance 857 excited odd harmonics is obtained by linear or cubic interpolation of the level at the nonexcited odd harmonics [12]. The at the excited odd harmonics in is bias contribution bounded by (15) with (12) where is a heuristic factor depending on the power spectrum of the excitation and the system (see [12], [13] for the linear frequency distribution). Typical values for lie between two and ten. Finally, calculating and (16) is calculated over consecutive Since the sample variance periods of one particular realization of the random phase multisine, it is clear that it only contains the contribution of the measurement noise to the open loop gain measurement . The presence and the level of the odd and even degree nonlinear distortions is revealed by analyzing the nonexcited frequencies [ missing harmonics in ] in the output spectrum . However, straightforward interpretation of the output spectrum is impossible. Indeed, due to the feedback loop in the (see Fig. 1, feedback resistor ), setup for measuring is also contaminated by the nonthe input spectrum linear distortions of the device under test (DUT), and, hence, the are partially due to the linear nonexcited frequencies in . Since the DUT is feed through of the distorted input is obtained by dominantly linear, a first-order correction subtracting the linear contribution of the DUT from the output at the nonexcited harmonics The first three steps of the second strategy for measuring the (2), (4) and operational amplifier characteristics (6) are identical to the first strategy for measuring (see Section III-B). In addition to steps 1)–4) of Section III-B ( , we have the following. 4) Apply the excitation , or ) to the circuit in Fig. 1 and measure FRFs ( , , or ) from consecutive periods of the times3 steady-state response.2 5) Repeat steps 3) and 4) (see Fig. 2, the horizontal lines). noisy FRFs , and From the , one can calculate for each experiment the avand its sample variance erage FRF excited harmonic in nonexcited harmonic in (13) (17) where, according to the frequency resolution, at the nonexcited frequencies is obtained through linear or cubic interpolation of the values at the excited frequencies. Further, the sample mean and sample variance of the corrected output spectrum at the excited odd harmonics gives the level of the stochastic and the bias contributions on the open loop gain measurement . C. Second Measurement Strategy An additional averaging over whole measurement procedure gives the final FRF of the (18) (14) , the are calculated. Within the measurement uncertainty presence and the level of the even and nonexcited odd harmonics reveals the presence and the level of respectively the even in and odd degree nonlinear distortions at the nonexcited frequencies [12], [13]. What about the nonlinear distortions at the ex? For odd random phase multisines cited odd harmonics in with random harmonic grid (linear or logarithmic distribution), at the the level of the stochastic nonlinear contributions together with its sample variance . From (9), (17), and (18), it follows that and (19) 2At least two periods are needed to calculate a sample variance. least six periods are needed to preserve the properties of the maximum likelihood estimator used in the parametric modeling step [14]. 3At Authorized licensed use limited to: Rik Pintelon. Downloaded on December 2, 2008 at 08:33 from IEEE Xplore. Restrictions apply. 858 IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON INSTRUMENTATION AND MEASUREMENT, VOL. 53, NO. 3, JUNE 2004 Hence, if the system is linear , then should be divided by approximately equal to the mean value of . The model paramwith eters are obtained by minimizing the sample maximum likelihood cost function (20) (18) is larger than (20), then this is an indication that If , and the systems behaves nonlinearly (21) (24) w.r.t. , where and where the summation index runs over the excited harmonics [14], [19]. The values of and are obtained by minimizing the minimum description length (MDL) model selection criterion otherwise is an estimate of linear bias contribution (22) where (25) . Using (15), (16), and (21), the nonin (9) can be bounded by is defined in (15) (see [12] and [13] for the details). D. Discussion The advantages of the first measurement strategy are 1) the reduced measurement time (all information is gathered in one single experiment and 2) the classification in odd and even degree nonlinear distortions. Its disadvantages are 1) the variance of the FRF measurement only accounts for the measurement noise and 2) an approximation (extrapolation) is needed to characterize the nonlinear stochastic contributions on the FRF measurement. The advantages of the second measurement strategy are 1) the contribution of the stochastic nonlinear distortions to the FRF measurement are obtained without any approximation (extrapolation), and 2) the variance of the FRF measurement accounts for the measurement noise as well as the stochastic nonlinear distortions. Its disadvantages are 1) the increased measurement time (several experiments are needed and 2), except for the open loop gain, no classification in odd and even degree nonlinear distortions can be made. If the input signal-to-noise ratio is smaller than 6 dB, then the relative bias on the FRF measurement can no longer be neglected [14], [17]. It can be reduced by appropriate averaging noisy input/output spectra before calculating the of the FRF. At the cost of knowing exactly a reference signal (typically the signal stored in the arbitrary waveform generator), the second measurement strategy can be generalized to handle input/output spectra (see [18] for the details). IV. MODELING PROCEDURE The measured FRF by a rational form in the Laplace variable is modeled (23) with the minimizer of (24), the number of free parameters in (23), and the number of frequencies in (24) (see [20]). The result is an estimate together with its covariance matrix . Finally, from and the poles, the zeros, the gain, and their uncertainties are calculated (see [14] for the theoretical background and [21] for the software implementation). Finally, the value of cost function at its minimum is compared to the 95% uncertainty interval of the cost function constructed under the assumption that no modeling errors are present (26) where and (see [14]). This hypothesis test allows us to verify whether or not residual model errors are present. V. SIMULATION RESULTS A. Introduction The whole measurement/modeling procedure is illustrated on a network simulation (Spectre RF circuit simulator version 4.4.6 of Cadence Design Systems, Inc.) of an LM741 operational amplifier (see [22], p. 424 for the circuit). For the open loop and with common mode gain simulations, the voltage source in Fig. 1 can be implemented in two ways in the impedance circuit simulator: either as one voltage source where the random phase multisine signal is defined by an array of numbers, or as the series connection of ( number of excited harmonics in the multisine) ideal sinewave voltage sources with appropriate amplitude and phase in series with the impedance . The first solution has the disadvantage that the time derivatives of the simulated random phase multisine signal are not exact. The time derivatives of the second solution are exact; however, it has the disadvantage that the number of nodes of the circuit increases Authorized licensed use limited to: Rik Pintelon. Downloaded on December 2, 2008 at 08:33 from IEEE Xplore. Restrictions apply. PINTELON et al.: SYSTEM IDENTIFICATION APPROACH—PART I: THEORY AND SIMULATIONS 859 with the number of excited harmonics . Replacing the seby parries connected ideal voltage sources in series with removes allel connected ideal current sources in parallel with the drawback of the second solution. The solution with current sources is used in all simulations. For the power supply gain simulations, an ideal voltage in series with an ideal dc source must be imsource V and V or plemented [ V and V ]. The ideal voltage is realized by parallel connected ideal sinewave source current sources and one ideal current controlled voltage source. The goal of the simulation is the validation of the first measurement strategy. Therefore, the open loop gain is measured using the first and second measurement strategy. These results are reported in Section V-B. Although no disturbing noise is added in the simulations, the two measurement strategies of Section III are applied with . It allows us to verify the level of the arithmetic noise of the simulator ( variability of the steady-state response from one period to the other), but gives no information about the systematic error of the integration method used (here the trapezium rule). For linear circuits, the systematic error of the trapezium rule is eliminated by a bilinear warping of the frequency axis (27) where is the sample period of the simulator. For nonlinear circuits with a dominantly linear behavior, the frequency warping is a first-order correction. It is applied to the simulation data for the parametric modeling of the operational amplifier characteristics. B. Simulation of the Operational Amplifier Characteristics The setup of Fig. 1 is used with , , k , V, ideal voltage buffers, and odd random phase multisine excitations with random harmonic grid (see Section III). Of each signal, periods and points per period are calkHz. The frequencies of culated at the sampling rate the odd random phase multisines are logarithmically distributed Hz and between kHz. Of each group of three consecutive odd harmonics, one odd harmonic is randomly eliminated. The resulting odd random phase multisines with random harmonic grid contain odd excited harmonics. All FRF calculations are performed 25 times with different phase realizations of the odd random phase multisines. is For the open loop gain simulation, the source level mVrms. Figs. 3 and 4 show the results. such that From Fig. 3, it can be seen that is contaminated by the (“o” nonlinear distortions: the nonexcited harmonics of and ) are well above the arithmetic noise level (solid line) in . After correction, as in (13), it follows from the output spectrum that the odd degree nonlinear distortions are dominant (the level of the even harmonics is 20 dB below the level of the nonexcited odd harmonics “o”), and that the nonlinear distortions are quite large in the band [1 Hz, 30 Hz] and Fig. 3. Spectral content of the signals of one experiment (realization excitation) of the open loop gain simulation. Top row: minus terminal DUT v (f ). Middle row: output DUT v (f ). Bottom row: corrected output DUT v (f ). +: excited odd harmonics. o: odd nonexcited harmonics. Gray : even nonexcited harmonics. : standard deviation excited harmonics. …: standard deviation nonexcited harmonics. 0 Authorized licensed use limited to: Rik Pintelon. Downloaded on December 2, 2008 at 08:33 from IEEE Xplore. Restrictions apply. 3 860 IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON INSTRUMENTATION AND MEASUREMENT, VOL. 53, NO. 3, JUNE 2004 Fig. 4. Open loop gain simulation. Top row: first measurement strategy. Bottom row: second measurement strategy. Bold black line: FRF. Solid line: standard deviation measurement noise. Bold gray lines: total sample variance. Gray : predicted level of the stochastic nonlinear distortions. + decrease with increasing frequency. The latter is not visible in the original (uncorrected) output spectrum because of the linin Fig. 1). earizing effect of the feedback loop (resistor Fig. 4 compares the open loop gain obtained from one realization of the multisine excitation (first measurement strategy, see 25 multisine realizaSection III-B) to that obtained from tions (second measurement strategy, see Section III-C). It can be seen that the second measurement strategy leads to a less noisy FRF (see the phase characteristic), and a lower level of the stochastic nonlinear distortions. Both effects are explained by the 25 multisine realizations averaging of the FRF over the leading to a reduction of the stochastic nonlinear distortions in (9) by a factor dB. Since the prediction of the (16) in the first level of the stochastic nonlinear distortions measurement strategy (gray ) is based on a single experiment, (18) obtained by the second meait is much noisier than surement strategy (bold gray line). From Fig. 5, it follows that , averaged over the 25 multisine experiments, equals ((21) with ) within a few decibels. The second measurement strategy has also been applied to the common mode and power supply gain measurements. It turns out that the level of the nonlinear distortions on the common Fig. 5. Comparison of the predicted levels of the stochastic nonlinear distortions A on the open loop gain obtained by (gray ) the first and (solid line) second measurement strategy. + mode and power supply gains is much smaller than that on the open loop gain. Authorized licensed use limited to: Rik Pintelon. Downloaded on December 2, 2008 at 08:33 from IEEE Xplore. Restrictions apply. PINTELON et al.: SYSTEM IDENTIFICATION APPROACH—PART I: THEORY AND SIMULATIONS TABLE I SOME OPEN LOOP GAIN MODEL PARAMETERS AND THEIR UNCERTAINTY C. Modeling of the Operational Amplifier Characteristics To suppress the systematic error of the trapezium integration rule, the frequency axis is warped according to (27). It transforms the original digital frequency band [0.95 Hz, 9.5 kHz] to the analog frequency band [0.95 Hz, 10.3 kHz]. The open loop gain measurements (18) obtained by the second measurement strategy are modeled by a rational form (23). Using the modeling procedure of Section IV, it follows that a model of , is necessary to explain the data: the minorder and lies imum of the cost function equals in the 95% confidence region [269.4, 344.2] constructed under the hypothesis that no model errors are present (26). A correlation analysis of the residuals shows that the residuals are white, which confirms that all dynamics are captured by the model. As could be expected for a nonlinear RC network, all poles and zeros of the identified model lie on the real axis. This is not the case when no frequency warping (27) is applied to the simulation data. and the Table I gives the estimated dc open loop gain cut-off frequency . Although the influence of the stochastic nonlinear distortions on the estimate tends to zero as either or or , still depends on the nonlinear distortions through the bias contribution in (9). Hence, the values given in Table I depend on the particular power spectrum of the excitation. However, they can be used to predict the response to Gaussian noise, periodic noise, and random phase multisines excitations [16]. VI. CONCLUSION A system identification approach for modeling the linear operational amplifier characteristics has been presented. It includes the choice of the excitation, the detection, qualification, and quantification of the nonlinear distortions, and the parametric modeling. Two measurement procedures have been proposed that allow us to measure (simultaneously) the linear operational amplifier characteristics, the noise level, and the level of the odd and even nonlinear distortions. The first measurement approach is especially useful for the fast evaluation of (large scale) nonlinear circuits using network simulators. In Part I of this series of two papers, the theory has been validated via simulations on an LM741 operational amplifier. REFERENCES [1] W. M. C. Sansen, M. Steyaert, and P. J. V. Vandeloo, “Measurement of operational amplifier characteristics in the frequency domain,” IEEE Trans. Instrum. Meas., vol. IM-34, pp. 59–64, Feb. 1985. [2] K. Higuchi and H. Shintani, “New measurement methods of dominantpole-type operational amplifier parameters,” IEEE Trans. Ind. Electron., vol. IE-34, pp. 357–365, June 1987. [3] S. S. 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Schoukens, “Experimental characterization of operational amplifiers: A system identification approach—Part II: Calibration and measurements,” IEEE Trans. Instrum. Meas., vol. 53, June 2004. Rik Pintelon (M’90–SM’96–F’98) was born in Gent, Belgium, on December 4, 1959. He received the degree of Electrical Engineer (burgerlijk ingenieur) in July 1982, the degree of Doctor in applied sciences in January 1988, and the qualification to teach at university level (geaggregeerde voor het hoger onderwijs) in April 1994, from the Vrije Universiteit Brussel (VUB), Brussels, Belgium. From October 1982 until September 2000, he was a Researcher of the Fund for Scientific Research, Flanders, VUB. Since October 2000, he has been a Professor in the Electrical Measurement Department, VUB. His main research interests are in the fields of parameter estimation/system identification and signal processing. Authorized licensed use limited to: Rik Pintelon. Downloaded on December 2, 2008 at 08:33 from IEEE Xplore. Restrictions apply. 862 IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON INSTRUMENTATION AND MEASUREMENT, VOL. 53, NO. 3, JUNE 2004 Gerd Vandersteen (M’01) was born in Belgium in 1968. He received the degree in electrical engineering and the Ph.D. degree from the Vrije Universiteit Brussel (VUB), Brussels, Belgium, in 1991 and 1997, respectively. He is presently a Principal Scientist in the MixedSignal Design Group, IMEC/DESICS. His main interests are in the field of modeling, measurement, and simulation of nonlinear microwave devices. Ludwig De Locht was born in Leuven, Belgium, on December 31, 1979. He received the degree of Electrical Engineer from the Vrije Universiteit Brussel (VUB), Brussels, Belgium, in 2002. In August 2002, he joined the Electrical Measurement Department, VUB, and the DESICS group of IMEC, Leuven, Belgium, as a Research Associate. In December 2002, he recieved an IWT fellowship. The goal of his research is to develop tools for analog designers giving insight into the nonlinear behavior of power amplifiers for telecommunication systems. Yves Rolain (SM’96) is with the Electrical Measurement Department, Vrije Universiteit Brussel (VUB), Brussels, Belgium. His main research interests are nonlinear microwave measurement techniques, applied digital signal processing, parameter estimation/system identification, and biological agriculture. Johan Schoukens (M’90–SM’92–F’97) was born in Belgium in 1957. He received the Engineer degree in 1980 and the Doctor degree in applied sciences in 1985, both from the Vrije Universiteit Brussel (VUB), Brussels, Belgium. He is presently a Professor at the VUB. The prime factors of his interest are in the field of system identification for linear and nonlinear systems, and growing tomatoes in his green house. Authorized licensed use limited to: Rik Pintelon. Downloaded on December 2, 2008 at 08:33 from IEEE Xplore. Restrictions apply.