Ministry of Transport and Telecommunications of Ukraine State Department of Communications A.S. Popov Odessa National Academy of Telecommunications Electric circuits department ELECTRIC CIRCUITS AND SIGNALS Unit 1 DC and AC circuit analysis Parts 1 and 2 Learner’s guide for bachelors Telecommunications Telecommunication Systems Information Systems Odessa 2010 2 УДК 621372 План УМИ 2009 г. N.F. Arbuznikova, A.A. Novikov, A.U. Kalashnikov, A.V. Shkulipa AC and DC circuit analysis: Learner’s guide to “Electric Circuits and Signals”. – Odessa: PC ONAT, 2009. – P. 1 and pp. 2 – 108 р. The learner’s guide consists of two parts. First one gives a brief description of theoretical material included in module 1, such as basis of DC and AC circuit analysis. Second part contains guidelines for the laboratory works. Appendixes provided also contain test questions and examples of problem solutions. Translated from the latest edition that includes changes made in 2008. Translated by A.O. Moga and V.N. Isarev Editor of the translation E.A. Radius APPROVED to be published at Department Meeting Protocol № 9 17.04.09 3 TABLE OF CONTENTS Introduction. Course summary……………………………………………………... PART 1 DC and AC circuit analysis……………………………………………..... Contents of unit 1…………………………………………………………………... 1 Basic concepts and laws of electric circuit theory……………………………... 1.1 Characteristics of electric current……………………………………… 1.2 Classification of electric circuits………………………………………. 1.3 Ideal non-autonomous two-terminal networks………………………… 1.4 Ideal autonomous networks………………………………………….... 1.5 Kirchhoff’s Laws……………………………………………………… 1.6 Substitution circuits………………………………………………….... 1.7 Substitution circuits with dependent sources………………………….. 1.8 Circuit topology………………………………………………………... 1.9 Basic concepts and theorems of circuit theory……………………….... 1.10 Equivalent transformations of single-type elements…………………… 2 Analysis of linear DC circuits………………………………………………..... 2.1 Equivalent circuits……………………………………………………... 2.2 Kirchhoff’s rules approach…………………………………………..... 2.3 Node-voltage method…………………………………………………... 2.4 Superposition method………………………………………………….. 2.5 Thevenin’s and Norton’s theorems…………………………………….. 2.6 Mesh-current method…………………………………………………... 3 AC circuit analysis…………………………………………………………….. 3.1 Classification of electric signals……………………………………….. 3.2 Harmonic oscillations. Basic concepts and definitions………………… 3.3 Spectral (frequency) representation of the harmonic oscillation……..... 3.4 Passive elements in AC circuits………………………………………... 3.5 Passive elements in AC circuits………………………………………... 4 Symbolic AC analysis…………………………………………………………. 4.1 Representation of harmonic oscillations via complex numbers……….. 4.2 Equations of passive elements in complex form………………………. 4.3 Basic laws of circuit theory in complex form………………………….. 4.4 Nodal equations for complex amplitudes………………………………. 4.5 Matrix methods of circuit analysis……………………………………... 4.6 Analysis of circuits with coupled inductors……………………………. 4.6.1 Magnetically coupled circuits…………………………………... 4.6.2 Series inductors with magnetic…………………………………. 4.6.3 Some features of analysis of magnetically coupled circuits. Decoupling inductors…………………………………………………... 4.7 Power balance………………………………………………………….. 4.8 Source operating modes and conditions for maximum power transfer... 4.9 Signal energy characteristics…………………………………………… 4.10 Procedure of symbolic analysis of linear electric circuits……………… 5 6 6 7 7 9 10 13 14 15 16 16 18 22 25 25 25 25 28 30 32 33 33 35 37 38 42 45 45 46 48 49 49 55 55 57 59 60 62 64 65 4 5 Non-linear DC circuit analysis…………………………………………. 5.1 Elements and their characteristics……………………………………… 5.2 VAC approximation……………………………………………………. 5.3 Methods of non-linear circuit analysis…………………………………. References………………………………………………………………………….. PART 2 Guidelines for the laboratory works……………………………………… Laboratory work № 1.1 Analysis of autonomous two-terminal networks………… Laboratory work № 1.2 Analysis of resistive circuits with two sources…………... Laboratory work № 1.3 Analysis of linear AC circuits……………………………. Laboratory work № 1.4 Input function analysis (RL, RC, RLC circuits)…………. APPENDIX A Test questions to laboratory works…. …………………………….. APPENDIX B Examples of solutions of module 1 tasks………………………….. 67 67 68 69 72 73 73 75 77 79 85 90 5 INTRODUCTION Course summary Discipline Electric Circuits and Signals (ECS) is a base course given to all technical specialty departments in Odessa National Academy of Telecommunication named after O.С. Popov. Purpose of the course is to lay down the foundations for the subsequent special courses, related to systems of telecommunications, networks, radio communications. For the successful mastering of this course one needs to have knowledge of higher mathematics, physics and informatics. Purpose of the course is to give understanding of basic ideas, principles and methods of analysis and synthesis of electric circuits and signals. Development of modern information technologies requires considering analog circuits and signals along with digital ones, which is why foundations of discrete systems and signals are included in the discipline. Actual content of the course has been slightly changed and supplemented. It takes into account a new credit-module system of education. The course is divided into four units. Each unit presents a few topics including lectures and laboratorypractical work. Each unit ends with a test or exam. First Unit: DC and AC Circuit Analysis contains basic concepts and laws of electric circuits, analysis of linear DC and AC electrical circuits, analysis of nonlinear DC electric circuits. Second Unit: Circuit Analysis in Frequency Domain is devoted to circuit description via complex functions, phenomena of resonance in electric circuits, analysis and synthesis of reactive two-terminal networks, frequency analysis (Fourier transform). Third Unit: Laplace Transform in Circuit Analysis and Circuit Analysis in Time Domain contains transient circuit analysis, operator (Laplace) description of circuits, Laplace transform and its properties, relationship between frequency and time characteristics of circuits. Fourth Unit: Analog and Digital Signal Transforms contains nonlinear AC circuit analysis, frequency-selective circuits description, description of linear distortions of signals, analog-to digital conversion and synthesis of digital circuits. 6 PART 1 DC and AC circuit analysis Contents of unit 1 Type of lessons Number of hours Lc 16 Pr 8 Lb 8 Self 43 Total 75 Introduction. The unit contains history of development of electrical engineering, radio engineering, telecommunications as well as scientists who made a considerable contribution into development of circuit theory. Also the purpose of the course, its role in basic technical courses; its connection to other technical disciplines. 1 The basic concepts and laws of electric circuit theory Basic definitions: circuit, network, equivalent circuit. Classification of electrical circuits. Independent, dependent sources. Components, their description. Ohm’s and Kirchhoff’s Laws. Basic principles and theorems of electric circuits. Network topology. Equivalent transformations of single-type elements. 2 Linear DC circuit analysis. Approaches. 3 Linear AC electric circuits. Properties of R, L, C elements. Time-domain diagrams, vector diagrams, frequency dependences. 4 Symbolic AC circuit analysis. Ohm’s and Kirchhoff’s Laws for complex amplitudes. Analysis of circuits with coupled inductors. Concept of complex power. Maximum power transfer. 5 Nonlinear DC circuit analysis. Laboratory works. 1.1 Analysis of autonomous two-terminal networks. 1.2 Analysis of resistive circuits with two sources. 1.3 Linear AC circuits analysis. 1.4 Input function analysis (RL, RC, RLC circuits). Complex task. 1 Analysis of resistive circuits with two sources (superposition method, nodevoltage method). 2 RLC circuit analysis. Symbolic method. 3 Analysis of circuits with nonlinear resistive elements The offered manual contains brief lecture notes, guideline for the laboratory works, examples of tasks and theirs solutions, quiz for each topic, references. 7 1 BASIC CONCEPTS AND LAWS OF ELECTRICAL CIRCUIT THEORY An electric circuit is a set of electrical devices which, under certain conditions, allow current to flow. These are resistors, inductors, transformers, capacitors, machine generators, batteries, electron tubes, transistors, wires, aerials, etc. 1.1 Characteristics of electric current Electric current is a flow of electric charge. To describe it the following values are used in circuit theory: current (strength), voltage, power and energy. Current strength. Current strength i is total amount of electric charge which has passed through a wire cross-section per unit of time. According to SI current is measured in Amps (Ampere, A), electric charge in coulombs (C) or ampere-seconds (A-s), time in seconds (s). Current at some moment t can be defined as i = dq / dt, (1.1) where dq is infinitesimally small amount of charge 1 passing through a wire cross-section per infinitesimally + i short time interval lasting from t to t + dt. In other words, current is time derivative of charge. u Current direction is conventionally considered to be direction of positive charge moving. Despite being a scalar value the current is also denoted by an arrow – 2 (Fig. 1.1). Unidirectional (usually constant) current is known as Figure 1.1 – An element of a circuit direct current (DC); it’s denoted by letter I; the current that periodically reverses its direction is alternating current (AC). Value of current at any given moment is instantaneous current denoted as a function i(t). Voltage. Voltage between points 1 and 2 is a value u that equals to energy required to transmit single positive charge between points 1 and 2. According to SI voltage is measured in Volts (V), work or energy in Joules (J). Voltage is defined as charge derivative of energy, i.e. u = dw / dq. (1.2) Voltage can possess positive values as well as negative ones. Being measured from point 1 to point 2 (u12), the voltage is assumed as a positive value in case positive charge transmission in that direction consumes energy. If voltage is constant, then it is called direct voltage and denoted by U. Harmonic voltage is known as alternating voltage which is characterized by instantaneous values u(t). 8 We assume that all the values which do not depend on time are denoted by capital letters (U, I), whereas all the time-dependent ones are denoted by small letters [u(t), i(t)]. Conventionally positive directions of current and voltage. Before starting analyzing circuits you should choose and denote conventionally positive directions of currents and voltages being calculated. It can be done randomly. Usually voltage across all elements (except sources) is chosen co-directional with current. Positive current direction is shown by an arrow, positive voltage direction is shown by an arrow pointing to “minus”. Having calculated desired values, you can determine actual directions of voltage and current. In case obtained value is positive, then its actual direction coincides with chosen one. If you get a negative value, than “real” current direction is the opposite to the one chosen. The same is true for voltage. Instantaneous power and energy. Power is a physical value, which equals to the work performed per some unit of time. In the international system of SI electric power is measured in Watts (W). In general, if at regular time intervals unequal amount of work is performed, the concept of instantaneous power is used. Instantaneous power р is defined as a rate of change of energy in time, that is to say time derivative energy w: p = dw / dt. (1.3) DC power can be easily determined basing on the following considerations: to transfer a single charge, a circuit performs work equal to voltage U. The amount of charge transferred during one second is equal to I. To transfer it the energy of UI is needed. Thus, power P = UI . (1.4) Thus, DC power is defined as product of voltage and current. Accordingly, energy for the period of time from t1 to t2 can be defined as w = UI (t 2 − t1 ). (1.5) As a unit of electric energy watt-second (W-s) is used. It is equal to one joule (J). AC instantaneous power is also simply defined by multiplying equations (1.1) and (1.2) and also taking into account formula (1.3): p = ui. Thus, instantaneous power is product of instantaneous voltage and current. During time interval lasting from t1 to t2 total amount of energy is (1.6) 9 t2 t2 w = ∫ pdt = ∫ uidt. t1 (1.7) t1 Note that the values of p and w can be both positive and negative. According to formulae (1.4)...(1.7), power and energy are positive in case voltage and current have the same signs and negative otherwise. Positive energy (power) means that the circuit section being considered consumes energy, whereas negative value means that the section is producing it. 1.2 Classification of electric components When analyzed, real electric circuits are replaced with a combination of ideal elements, each of which is attributed to certain properties. Ideal elements are connected to each other by terminals, also known as nodes. Minimum number of terminals is two; such elements are called two-terminal networks and the current entering one node of such an element equal to the current leaving the other node. Equivalents of real resistors, capacitors, inductors, one-port generators etc. are twoterminal networks. Graphically a two-terminal network is denoted in the same way as a circuit section (see Fig. 1.1). There are circuits which connect to other ones with three, four etc. terminals. They are respectively called three-terminal, four-terminal networks etc. For example electronic tubes, transistors can be classified as three-terminal networks. It is also possible to consider them to be quadripoles (four-terminal networks) by representing a common terminal as two, connected together. Generally speaking, circuits which connects to other ones with N terminals are N-terminal or multiterminal networks. Obviously, the simplest N-terminal circuit is a two-terminal one. It is fully described by the relationship between the voltage across its terminals and the current flowing through it. The voltage-current relations defines the component as linear or non-linear one. Linear is one with a linear relationship between voltage and current. Otherwise the element is non-linear. Two-terminal networks can also by classified by a number of features. Here we shall use energy criteria only. Thus, there are autonomous and non-autonomous networks distinguished. Non-autonomous is a network which, when disconnected from a power source, does not produce voltage across its terminals, if open, or current through them, if closed. Autonomous is a network which can independently from outer sources produce voltage or current. In other words, an autonomous network is a circuit containing independent power sources. Non-autonomous networks, in turn, are divided into passive and active ones. Passive is a non-autonomous network whose total energy over time from t = 0 to t → ∞ is non-negative: 10 ∞ w = ∫ u (t ) i (t )dt ≥ 0. (1.8) 0 Thus, a passive network consumes energy received from outer circuits (if any) but does not produce it. Active is a network whose total amount of energy over time of existence from t = 0 to t → ∞ is negativeо, i.e. ∞ w = ∫ u (t ) i (t )dt < 0. (1.9) 0 Such an element gives energy to a circuit in the same way as the autonomous networks do. Still, there is a significant difference between them. The autonomous networks produce voltage across theirs terminals, even if extracted from a circuit, whereas an active network will generate voltage only if connected to the rest of the circuit. Active network could be an amplifier with common input and output, so that amount of energy given to the outer circuit is greater than the amount of energy consumed (due to some external power source). 1.3 Ideal non-autonomous elements They are: 1) Resistance and Conductance; 2) Inductance and Inverse Inductance; 3) Capacitance and Elastance (reverse capacitance). Resistance and conductance. Resistive element or, simply, resistance is a twoterminal network which dissipates electromagnetic energy and can be described by equation u (t ) = R i (t ), (1.10) the value R does not depend on voltage or current. The value R is itself resistance. The real component approaching this description is so called resistor. The device turns electromagnetic energy into heat. Resistive element is denoted by a symbol in Fig. 1.2, a. The arrows show positive direction of current and voltage, which are the same for both values. Equation (1.10) can be rewritten in another form: i (t ) = G u (t ), (1.11) G = 1/ R. (1.12) where 11 By characterizing the network with expression (1.11) instead of (1.10) we define conductive element or conductance. Value G is called conductance. The SI unit of electrical resistance is ohm, symbol Ω, the SI unit of conductance is siemens (S). Considering that conductance and i i i R L С resistance reflect the same properties of u u u some physical object, the conductive G Г S element is denoted with the same symbol as resistive one (see Fig. 1.2, a). б) в) а) For example, over the time interval Figure 1.2 – Passive elements of from 0 to t resistive (conductive) element electric circuits receives or emits energy equal to t t t w = ∫ u (t ) ⋅ i (t )dt = R ∫ i (t )dt = G ∫ u 2 (t )dt. 2 0 0 (1.13) 0 In case of DC current u(t) = U, i(t) = I, energy is w = R I 2 t = G U 2 t. (1.14) Resistance R can be either positive or negative (the same is true for conductance). As you may see from expression (1.13), the elements with positive resistance (conductance) are characterized by positive sign of energy. Such elements are, thus, passive, receiving energy from outer circuit. As these elements are obtained by the idealization of resistor, they are used to estimate the irreversible energy loss (such as heat dissipation, emission of radiation, etc). The elements with the same negative resistance or conductance are characterized by negative sign of energy. Thus, these elements are active, giving energy to outer circuit. Inductance and inverse inductance. An inductive element is a two-terminal network whose voltage across and current through are related by the expression u L (t ) = L diL , dt (1.15) here L depends neither on current, nor on voltage. Inductance L is an element that can store magnetic energy. At present day there are methods invented to produce inductive elements using transistors, resistors and capacitors only. Graphically the inductive element is denoted by the symbol in Fig. 1.12, b. The arrows show positive directions of current and voltage, which are assumed to be the same for both values. 12 By rewriting expression (1.15) in the following way iL (t ) = Г ∫ u L (t )dt , where Г = 1 / L, (1.16) we derive an element known as inverse inductance. It is denoted by the symbol Г. The SI unit for inductance is Henry (H), for inverse inductance is 1/Henry (1/H). Given that the inductive and inverse inductive elements reflect the same properties of some real object, the elements are denoted by the same symbol (see Fig. 1.2, b). Over the time from – ∞ to t an inductive (inverse inductive) element either receives, or returns energy Li 2 (t ) i 2 (t ) = . w = ∫ u (t ) i (t )dt = 2 2 Г −∞ t (1.17)* It is assumed that when t → – ∞ current is zero. This formula indicates that total energy of an inductive element depends on instantaneous value of current only and does not depend on its previous states. Inductance (inverse inductance) can be either positive, or negative. Capacitance and elastance. A capacitive element (capacitance) is a network whose voltage and current are related by formula below iC (t ) = C du C , dt (1.18) the value С does not depend on both voltage and current. The value C is known as capacitance. Capacitance is the element that can store electrical energy. A capacitor would be a good example of a device maximally approaching the properties of capacitance. In a capacitor energy is stored mainly in the form of electric field. Graphically a capacitive element is denoted by the symbol shown in Fig. 1.2, c. Here, as in above, the positive directions of current and voltage coincide. By transforming equation (1.18) into expression below uC (t ) = S ∫ iC (t )dt , (1.19) where S = 1 / C, (1.20) we obtain an element known as elastance (inverse capacitance). It is denoted by the letter S. * Prove (1.17) using equation (1.15) 13 The SI unit for capacitance is Farad (F), for elastance is 1/Farad (1/F). As the capacitance and elastance describe the same properties of some real object, they share the same graphical symbol (see Fig. 1.2, c). Total amount of energy that a capacitive element receives or returns over the time from – ∞ to t is Cu 2 (t ) u 2 (t ) = w = ∫ u (t ) i (t )dt = . 2 2S −∞ t (1.21)** It is assumed that when t → – ∞ the voltage is zero. As you may see, total energy stored in capacitance depends on the instantaneous voltage only and does not depend on its previous states. Capacitance (elastance) can be either positive, or negative. 1.4 Ideal autonomous elements There are two types of ideal autonomous sources distinguished: ideal voltage source and ideal current source. Ideal voltage source. The ideal voltage source is an autonomous two-terminal network whose voltage across its terminals does not depend on the current through them u (t ) = e(t ). (1.22) The value e(t) is called driving voltage or source voltage. If to connect a resistive element to a voltage source, then the current through the resistor can be estimated as i (t ) = e (t ) / R , e(t) expression above is derived from (1.10). While resistance is decreasing, the current will be increasing. In the extreme case of near zero Figure 1.3 – Ideal voltage resistance the current becomes infinitely great. Yet, source the voltage across the resistor remains equal to е(t). This is why the source must not operate in such a mode. Graphically voltage source is denoted by a symbol in Fig. 1.3. Real device approaching properties of an ideal voltage source is a starter acid accumulator, whose inner resistance can reach 0,01 Ω. Ideal current source. An ideal current source is an autonomous network, whose current does not depend on the voltage across its terminals, i.e. ** Prove (1.21) using equation (1.18) 14 i(t ) = j (t ). (1.23) The value j(t) is called driving current or source current. If to connect a conductive element G to a current source j(t), then the voltage across the load can be expressed as u (t ) = j (t ) / G, formula above is derived from (1.11). The lower conductance, the higher voltage across it. In the extreme case of near zero conductance, the voltage tends to become infinitely high. Yet, the current in such a circuit remains unchanged: j(t). It is essential to prevent the source from running in such a mode. The real devices approaching the properties of an ideal current source are, for example, alkaline accumulator and electrostatic generator. Ideal current j(t) source as well as ideal voltage source are used to estimate the amount of energy delivered to a circuit. Graphically a current source is denoted by the symbol Figure 1.4 – Ideal current in Fig. 1.4. source 1.5 Kirchhoff’s Laws If a node connects only two elements, then the connection is called series. If a few elements are joined to each other by matching terminals, then the connection is called parallel. Branch is an element or set of elements between two nodes in case the current leaving one nodes equal to the current entering the other one. Set of elements forming a closed path for current to flow is called loop. If a circuit consists of linear elements only, then it is linear. It is non-linear otherwise. Kirchhoff’s circuit laws. Kirchhoff’s Current Law states: the algebraic sum of current into any node of a circuit is zero ∑ i(t ) = 0. (1.24) Obviously, the expression includes driving currents into the node (if any). When writing this equation, the currents leaving the node are considered to be negative while the currents entering it are positive. Kirchhoff’s Voltage Law states: the algebraic sum of voltages in any loop must be zero. The statement is true for both linear and non-linear circuits ∑ u (t ) = 0. (1.25) 15 Obviously, source voltages are also included into the equation (if there are some). To write the equation correctly, one needs to take into account voltage polarity: if it coincides with chosen path-tracing, then the voltage is considered to be positive, it is negative otherwise. 1.6 Substitution circuits ICS Circuit theory deals with idealized circuits, not real ones. Thus, to analyze a real circuit it is necessary to replace its components with some sets of ideal elements approaching characteristics of the original devices. Such a substitution is called a substitution circuit of a device. When choosing a substitution circuit, it is essential to obtain the relationships between current and voltage at the circuit terminals meeting the real ones, obtained by measurements, with the required degree of accuracy. The higher accuracy of a substitution circuit is required, the more complex the circuit would be. Thus, the same real object can be replaced by different equivalents depending on the requirements given. All in all, the validity of a substitution can be proven by the experience only. We shall consider possible substitution for u some electrical components often used in practice. IVS E Substitutions for autonomous two-terminal networks (non-ideal sources). Figure 1.5 shows a volt-amp characteristic of a non-ideal source, obtained by measurements. There E is the source voltage in idling mode, J is the current flowing i J 0 through the source’s short-circuited terminals. The Figure 1.5 – Volt-ampere dashed lines show supposed VAC of ideal sources characteristics (horizontal line corresponds to an ideal voltage source, vertical one to an ideal current source). The line through points E and J (see Fig. 1.5) can be described by equation below U 12 = E − R i. (1.26) The formula corresponds to circuit in Fig. 1.6, a. Current i can be expressed from equation (1.26) as i= E − u12 E U12 u = − = J − 12 = J − u12G , R R R R E 1 , G = . Thus deduced, the equation corresponds to another possible R R substitution circuit (Fig. 1.6, b). Good examples of non-ideal sources would be an here J = 16 accumulator battery, a DC generator, a galvanic cell. R and G in Fig. 1.6 are load elements, as current does not flow in an open circuit. 1 R E + i i 2 1 u12 RL J G = 1/R U12 GL i 2 a) b) Figure 1.6 – Substitutions of non-ideal sources: а – voltage source; b – current source 1.7 Substitutions of dependent sources Dependent (controllable) sources. Until now we have considered substitution circuits made of two-terminal elements. We have also assumed that a source is a device whose voltage or current do not depend on other voltages and currents in a circuit, containing the source. Such a source is called independent. There are, however, devices, such as electronic tubes or transistors, whose substitution circuits cannot be two-terminal. They need to have ideal components with three and more terminals. Among them the dependent (controllable) sources are most widely used. These are four-terminal networks whose first port is either shortcircuit, or open-circuit, whereas the other port contains either voltage, or current source. The driving voltage (current) i1 + + u1 µu1 ri1 depends on voltage (current) at first port. According to what has been said, there are four types of dependent a) b) sources: VCVS – voltage-controlled voltage source (Fig. 1.7, a); CCVS – i1 u1 gu1 αi1 current-controlled voltage source (Fig. 1.7, b); VCCS – voltage-controlled c) d) current source (Fig. 1.7, c); CCCS – current-controlled current source (Fig. Figure 1.7 – Controllable sources: 1.7, d). а – VCVS; b – CCVS; Proportionality coefficients r and q c – VCCS; d – CCCS are respectively measured in Ω and S, whereas coefficients α and µ are unitless values. 1.8 Circuit topology Topology is a part of mathematics that deals with properties of figures and geometric images remaining unchanged while the figures are being deformed. 17 By ignoring the nature of elements of a circuit and replacing them by line segments, we obtain some geometric figure. L R3 N1 N2 R1 + e(t ) C2 C1 a) R2 C1 R2 C2 R1 R4 R5 N3 b) Figure 1.8 – A circuit and its graph: а – electric circuit; b – graph of the electric circuit The figure is known as circuit graph (Fig. 1.8, а). We shall define the following terms. Graph node is an end point of a line segment or a separated point. Rib is a line segment ending by a node. Graph is a set of nodes and ribs, where ribs join at nodes. Each rib must end at a node. The graph is directed in case each rib is assigned to some direction shown by an arrow (current graph in Fig. 1.8, b). Undirected otherwise. Subgraph. It is a part of a graph, where each node and rib corresponds to respective nodes and ribs of the original graph. For example, a single separated node or a single rib, starting and ending by nodes, could be a subgraph. Graph path is a sequence of m ribs and m + 1 nodes, in which each node, except the first and the last ones, is common for two neighboring ribs. For example you can find the following paths between В1 and В3 in graph in Fig. 1.8, b: R1, R3 or just R4, etc. Nodes В1 and В3 are the first and the last nodes for whichever the path you have chosen. Cycle is a closed-loop path. For instance you can find the following cycles in Fig. 1.8: N1–N2, N2–N3–N4, etc, which are shortly denoted as C1, C2, etc. In directed graphs cycles like ribs are assigned to direction (clockwise or counterclockwise), which is indicated by a round arrow (Fig. 1.8) Planar graph is one which can be drawn on a plane or sphere in such a way that no two ribs intersect each other, except in the nodes. Otherwise the graph is nonplanar. For example graphs in Fig. 1.8, b and 1.9, a are planar, whereas Fig. 1.9, b represents nonplanar one. A graph is called connected if there is a path between any couple of nodes. Tree is a connected subgraph containing all node but no loops (Fig. 1.9, c). 18 R6 1 N1 R4 R1 R2 N4 R3 N2 2 4 R5 N3 а) 3 b) c) Figure 1.9 – Network graphs: a – planar graph; b – nonplanar graph; c – graph tree 1.9 Basic principles and theorems of circuit theory Superposition principle. The following statement is valid for linear circuits: The complex response at a given part of the circuit caused by two and more sources is the sum of the responses which would have been caused by each source individually. In other words, linear circuit’s response to individual stimulus can be added independently. The validness of this principle follows from the properties of systems of linear equations: if an equation set contains a few different functions, then general solution of the system can be determined by summing partial solutions for each function, assuming that only one function exists while the others are zeroes. Duality theorem. The conception of duality of actions and phenomena in nature was developed long ago. At the end of XIX century, when it was only the beginning of electricity, this conception drew attention of English physicist O. Heaviside. This had led to development of duality principle. When applied to an electric circuit, the principle uses Kirchhoff’s laws (Table 1.1). Significant development of the principle, however, was only in mid-twentieth century. A great contribution to its development was made by scientists of Odessa National Academy of Telecommunications E.V. Zeliah, A.M. Ivanitskiy. The duality principle can be stated as: for any theorem there is a dual theorem in which all the values replace original ones in such a manner that the theorem remains valid. The correct substitution can be found in Table 1.1, where couples of dual values are given. For example, current trough one circuit (element) corresponds to voltage across dual circuit (element) and vice versa. According to duality principle there is always some dual law, method corresponding to another law or method. The last raw in Table 1.1 shows couples of dual networks (series network ↔ parallel network) containing dual elements (L, C, R ↔ C, L, G) and dual connections (loop ↔ node). 19 Table 1.1 – Dual correspondence Original statement Dual statement ∑ ik (t ) = 0 ∑ u k (t ) = 0 Node i =G⋅u Conductance G du iC = C C dt Capacitance С 1 iL = ∫ u L dt L Inductive admittance YL I&C = jωC ⋅ U& C Loop u = R ⋅i Resistance R di uL = L L dt Inductance L 1 uC = ∫ iC dt C 1 & U& C = IC jωC Capacitive impedance ZC U& L = jωL ⋅ I&L Capacitive admittance YС Inductive impedance ZL 1 & I&L = UL jω L ∑ I&k ∑ U& k =0 L G 1 2 3 R C L C =0 j(t) 1 4 2 3 + 4 e(t) Dual circuits. Two circuits are called dual if, by replacing values in terms of dual ones, equations describing one circuit become equations describing the other one. There is the following problem of great interest arises: how to obtain a circuit dual to the original one. It is not difficult to transform a circuit consisting of series and parallel connections only into a dual one (Fig. 1.10, a). In this case dual circuit can be obtained by replacing series networks by parallel ones, parallel networks by series ones, resistances by conductances, inductances by capacitances, capacitances by inductances, current sources by voltage sources and vice versa. As an example Fig. 1.10 demonstrates dual circuits L1 i1 1i2 L2 R1 + e(t) 1 C 2 a) 1 R2 j(t) u1 / u 3/ / / L G1 / C1 1 / b) Figure 1.10 – Dual circuits: а – original; b – dual 2/ C2 / G2 / u 2/ 20 Substitution theorem. It can be stated as: If voltage across or current through any bilateral branch of a circuit are known, this branch can be replaced by any combination of elements that will maintain the same voltage across and current through the chosen branch. For example 1 Two-terminal network (TT) connected to the circuit C (Fig. 1.11, а) can be replaced by a voltage source without changing currents and voltages in the circuit. Chosen source must generate voltage of the same value and polarity as the voltage across the original branch (Fig. 1.11, b). 2 Two-terminal network (TT) can also be replaced by a current source, which generates current of the same value and direction as the current through the original branch (Fig. 1.11, c). ITT TT UTT + C UTT C C ITT ITT a) b) c) Figure 1.11 – Substitution of two-terminal network TT: а – original two-terminal network; b – substitution by a voltage source; c – substitution by a current source Proving. Between the two-terminal network TT and the circuit C we shall insert two sources with voltages of the same value as the voltage across TT but with different polarity (Fig. 1.12, a). Obviously, the currents and voltages in the circuit will remain unchanged. The voltage between points 1 and 1/ equals to zero. These points, therefore, can be short-circuited without causing any change in the circuit. Redrawing the circuit, as it is shown in Fig. 1.12, b and applying KCL to node 1 we can see that the current through branch 1-1/ is zero, which means that the branch can be disconnected leaving the circuit parameters unchanged. As a result we obtain circuit in Fig. 1.11, b, which proves validness of the first part of the theorem. Sometimes you can come across this theorem as a compensation theorem. uTT uTT i + TT 1 iTT+ + TT uTT u = 0 C iTT 1/ iTT a) uTT uTT + iTT / 1 iTT + iTT TT 1 iTT b) Figure 1.12 – Proving substitution theorem: а – two identical opposite-polarity sources in one branch; b – two autonomous circuits C 21 Thevenin’s theorem. Norton’s theorem. 1 Thevenin’s theorem states that any linear circuit (Fig. 1.13, a), no matter how complex it is, can be simplified to an equivalent circuit with just a single voltage source and a series two-terminal network (Thevenin equivalent) Fig. 1.13, b, connected to a load L. Source voltage must be equal to open-circuit voltage of the simplified circuit. 2 Norton’s theorem states that any linear circuit (Fig. 1.13, a), no matter how complex it is, can be simplified to an equivalent circuit with just a single current source and a parallel two-terminal network (Norton equivalent) Fig. 1.13, c, connected to a load L. Source current must be equal to short-circuit current of the simplified circuit. uoc + i АTT u а) L TT1 b) isc TT1 c) Figure 1.13 – Thevenin’s and Norton’s theorems: а – autonomous two-terminal network with a load; b – equivalent voltage source; c – equivalent current source In accordance with what has been said above, Thevenin or Norton equivalents are non-autonomous two-terminal networks which can be obtained from the original circuit by short-circuiting voltage sources and open-circuiting current sources. Open-circuit voltage of an autonomous two-terminal network is voltage across its terminals when a load is disconnected, i.e. the current trough the terminals is zero. Short-circuit current of an autonomous two-terminal network is the current through its short-circuited terminals. Reciprocity theorem. Reciprocity is the feature that all the passive linear elements possess. It is proven by Reciprocity Theorem. The proof itself you will find in respective books [4, 5, 6]. There are two ways to formulate the theorem. The first one concerns voltage source: if a voltage source E acting in one branch of a passive circuit (Fig. 1.14, a) causes a current I to flow in another branch of the circuit, then the same voltage source acting in the second branch (Fig. 1.14, b) would cause an identical current I to flow in the first branch. Since the currents I2 = I1, the circuit is reciprocal. Nonreciprocal otherwise. The second formulation is dual and concerns a current source rather than a voltage one. Instead of current, the open-circuit voltage across another branch is considered. This makes the circuit analysis easier. For further information look over the chapter Matrix methods of circuit analysis. 22 + Е1 PEC I2 I1 + PEC Е2 a) b) Figure 1.14 – Passive electric circuit with a voltage source: а – in the first branch; b – in the second branch 1.10 Equivalent transformations of single-type elements А Series connection of single-type elements Series resistances. Connection of elements shown in Fig. 1.14 is called series (all elements are connected via simple nodes). Uab R1 a+ R2 i Rn R3 _ b u1 u2 u3 un Figure 1.14 – Series resistances R Voltage across each resistance in Fig. 1.14 is defined by Ohm’s law: u3 = R3i etc; u1 = R1i; u2 = R2i; un = Rni. Total voltage across points a and b is an arithmetical sum of individual voltages: uab = R1i + R2i + R3i +…+ Rni = i(R1+ R2 + R3+…+ Rn) = iRt , а i Re where Rt is total (equivalent) resistance of the “ab” section (Fig. 1.15), which is equal to arithmetical sum of all resistances between terminals a and b. Series inductances are shown in Fig. 1.16. b uab Figure 1.15 – Total resistance + a L1 u1 i L2 L3 Ln u2 u3 un Figure 1.16 – Series inductances Voltage of each inductance can be determined as Uab _ b 23 u1 = L1 а di di etc. ; u2 = L2 dt dt + Сe i – b uab Figure 1.19 – Equivalent capacitance Thus, total voltage across ab section u ab = L1 di di di di di di + L2 + L3 + K + Ln = (L1 + L2 + L3 + K + Ln ) = Le , dt dt dt dt dt dt Le _ here Le – total (equivalent) inductance + i b а of аb section (Fig. 1.17), which equals to uab arithmetical sum of all inductances between Figure 1.17 – Equivalent inductance terminals a and b. Series capacitances are shown in Fig. 1.18. Uab C1 + i a u1 C2 u2 C3 u3 Cn _ b un Figure 1.18 – Series capacitances Voltage of each capacitance can be determined as u1 = 1 1 idt ; u 2 = ∫ ∫ idt etc. C1 C2 Total voltage across ab section is described by expression uab = 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 idt + ∫ idt + ∫ idt + K+ ∫ idt = ∫ idt + + + K+ = ∫ idt, ∫ C1 C2 C3 Cn Cn CE C1 C2 C3 Here 1/Сe is value reciprocal if equivalent capacitance of ab section (Fig. 1.19): 1 1 1 1 1 . = + + +K+ Ce С1 С2 С3 Сn Ideal series voltage sources. When series connection of independent voltage sources takes place in a circuit, they can be replaced by a single equivalent source whose voltage Ee equals to arithmetical sum of individual voltages of sources. One should be careful while choosing signs: "+" is chosen for sources of the same polarity as the equivalent one, "–" is chosen otherwise (Fig. 1.20). 24 Example of connection of three sources is shown in Fig. 1.20. u12 + 1 + + Е1 Е2 u12 2 Е3 а) 1 + 2 Ее b) Figure 1.20 – Equivalent transformation of ideal voltage sources: а – series voltage sources; b – equivalent source According to KVL u12 = Ee = − E1 − E 2 + E3 . B Parallel connection of single-type elements By employing duality principle one can easily obtain expressions for equivalents of parallel connections of single-type elements. This task is set to be solved yourself. Key questions 1 What are current and voltage? 2 Which directions of current or voltage are assumed as positive ones? 3 What are power and energy? 4 What are two-, three-, four-terminal networks? 5 What are autonomous and non-autonomous two-terminal networks? 6 What are active and passive two-terminal networks? 7 What are ideal resistance, inductance and capacitance? 8 What are ideal voltage and current sources? 9 Statements of Kirchhoff’s laws 10 Which possible substitutions for two-terminal networks do you know? 11 Which and how many dependent sources could you name? 12 What are node, branch and network? 13 Which principles and theorems are used in electric network theory? 14 What are dual circuits? 15 What is Substitution theorem about? 16 What are Thevenin’s and Norton’s theorems about? 17 How would you determine equivalent of series resistances, inductances, capacitances? 18 How to determine the equivalent of parallel resistances? Inductances? Capacitances? 19 Which element can be used to replace series voltage sources? 20 Which element can be used to replace parallel current sources? 25 2 LINEAR DC ANALYSIS 2.1 Equivalent DC circuits Linear DC analysis is aimed at determining voltage, current and power values at any section of a circuit given. There are several methods of circuit analysis exist. When considering DC circuits, it is recommended to replace all the elements by respective equivalents. Table 2.1 represents electrical elements and theirs equivalents. 2.2 Kirchhoff’s rules approach The method applies equations obtained by Kirchoff’s Laws. Branch currents are the variables in such equations. Let some circuit consists of nb branches and nn nodes. We shall denote each branch of the circuit with the assumed current. Then it is possible to set (nn – 1) equations describing respective nodes in accordance with KCL. In the same way KVL can be used to set (nb – nn + 1) linearly independent equations describing voltages across circuit’s branches. Consequently, combination of (nn – 1) equations based on KCL and (nb – nn + 1) equations based on KVL form a system of nn – 1+ nb – nn + 1= nb linearly independent algebraic equations with respect to the same variables. Such an equation set is known to have a single solution that allows to find all the branch currents and therefore, voltage values between any couple of nodes. 2.3 Node Voltage Method R1 The method is based on Kirchhoff’s I1 and Ohm’s Laws. It is one of the most widely used approaches in circuit analysis. E1 The method solves for unknown R4 R3 I4 I 3 + voltages at (nn − 1) nodes with respect to a reference node, whose potential is assumed u2 0 u30 to be zero. Then, in accordance with Ohm’s E2, R5 J u10 Law, branch currents are calculated. R2 + Figure 2.1 represents an electric circuit I5 to be analyzed via the Node Voltage I2 Method. Figure 2.1 – Electric circuit with First, it is necessary to choose an four nodes arbitrary node as a reference one. It is denoted as a zero node. Then the nodes remaining are arbitrarily numbered as 1, 2, 3 so that there are (nn – 1) = 3 independent nodes in the circuit. Nodal voltages are voltage values between these nodes and the reference one. They are denoted as u10, u20 and u30 respectively. Table 2.1 – Equivalents of electrical elements Non-DC equivalents: u(t), i(t) Name Ideal voltage source Ideal current source Symbol e(t) + i u i j(t) u Relationships between i and u Name u = e(t ) does not depend on the value and direction of the current i Ideal voltage source i = j (t ) does not depend on the value and polarity of the voltage u Ideal current source Resistance u = iR L i u=L ii C C i=C Capacitance uu i1 L1 1 i 2(∗) L2 3 * u1 (∗) 2 М + – + U I J U R Resistance U u Coupled inductances I E I u Relationships between I and U U = E does not depend on the value and direction of the current I I = J does not depend on the value and polarity of the voltage U U = I ⋅R U R= I Symbol R i Inductance DC equivalents: u(t)= U, i(t) = I u2 4 di dt Short circuit (SC) du dt Open circuit (OC) di1 di ±M 2 dt dt di1 di + L2 2 u2 = ± M dt dt I UL = 0 R= U I IC = 0 R= U 1 u1 = L1 Short circuit (SC) R1 2 R2 3 4 U =0 I U →∞ I R1 = 0 R2 = 0 27 Now we choose arbitrarily directions of branch currents, except from the one containing the current source, and set up KCL equations describing the independent nodes (nodes 1, 2, 3): Node I 3 − I1 − I 2 = 0 ; Node J − I 3 − I 4 = 0 ; Node I 4 + I1 − I 5 = 0 . Defining each of the currents by means of Ohm’s Law: I1 = u10 − u 30 − E1 = (u10 − u 30 − E1 )G1 ; R1 I2 = u10 + E 2 = (u10 + E 2 )G 2 ; R2 I3 = I4 = u 20 − u10 = (u 20 − u10 )G3 ; R3 u 20 − u 30 = (u 20 − u 30 )G 4 ; R4 u I 5 = 30 = u30G5 , R5 where G1 = 1 1 1 1 1 ; G2 = ; G3 = ; G4 = ; G5 = R1 R2 R3 R4 R5 are conductances of the respective branches. The currents expressed in terms of nodal voltages and branch conductances now can be substituted into equation set (2.1) (u 20 − u10 )G3 − (u10 − u30 )G1 + E1G1 − u10G2 − E2G2 = 0; J − (u 20 − u10 )G3 − (u 20 − u30 )G4 = 0; (u − u )G + (u − u )G − E G − u G = 0. 30 4 10 30 1 1 1 30 5 20 (2.2) Transforming equation set (2.2) by grouping summands with the common nodal voltages, inverting signs and shifting those do not containing voltage variables to the right part of the equations: u10G11 − u 20G12 − u30G13 = I11; − u10G21 + u 20G22 − u30G23 = I 22 ; − u G − u G + u G = I , 20 32 30 33 33 10 31 (2.3) 28 where G11 , G22 and G33 are self-conductances of the respective nodes (first, second, third one) equal to sum of conductances of those branches joined in the node: G11 = G1 + G2 + G3 ; G22 = G3 + G4 ; G33 = G1 + G4 + G5 ; G12 , G 21 , G13 , G31 , G 23 , G32 are mutual conductances between the respective nodes, i.e. total conductance of branches connecting the nodes: G12 = G3 , G13 = G1 , G 23 = G 4 , G12 = G21 , G13 = G31 and G23 = G32 ; I11, I22 and I33 are currents in the respective nodes: I 11 = E1G1 − E 2 G2 , I 22 = J , I 33 = − E1G1 . When choosing signs of the components in expressions above pay attention to the polarity of sources connected to a node. The signs need to be the same with the source’s potential entering the node. Generally, if a circuit consists of n independent nodes, then it can be described by the following equation set u10G11 − u 20 G12 − u30G13 − K − u n 0 G1n = I11 ; − u G + u G − u G − K − u G = I ; 10 21 20 22 30 23 n0 2n 22 KKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKK. − u10Gn1 − u 20Gn 2 − u30 Gn 3 − K + u n 0 Gnn = I nn . (2.4) System (2.4) meets certain rules and requirements and is known as canonical (normal) system. Thus, by solving system (2.3) with respect to three independent variables, nodal voltages u10, u20 and u30 are determined. Current value in each branch is calculated by Ohm’s Law. In case a current value is negative, then its real direction is opposite to the one chosen. 2.4 Method of Superposition The method implies analysis of a complex linear multisource circuit by considering individual influence of each source. Example. Given the following values Е1, J, R1, R2, R3 and R4 (Fig. 2.2, а). The task is to determine all the currents flowing through the resistors. 29 I1 R1 R3 J + E1 I1′ R1 I3 I2 R4 E 1 R3 + R4 sc R2 а) R3 I 3′′ J OC R2 I1′′ R1 I 3′ I 2′′ R4 R2 b) c) Figure 2.2 – Method of Superposition: a – original circuit; b – current source extracted; c – voltage source extracted. Solution We choose conventionally positive current directions I1, I2, I3. 1 Estimate currents caused by the voltage source E1 only (i.e. with the current source extracted). The current source then must be replaced by its inner resistance (R→ ∞). In this case the circuit transforms into one in Fig. 2.2, b. The circuit in Fig. 2.2, b has single voltage source. The currents at resistors R1, R3 and R4 are calculated by Ohm’ Law: I'2 = 0, I 1′ = I 3′ = I 4′ = E1 . R1 + R3 + R4 2 Estimate individual influence of the current source. To do this, replace the voltage source by its inner resistance (R = 0). Thus, the circuits becomes one in Fig. 2.2, c. Evidently, current I''2 = J. Currents I''1 and I''3 can be calculated according to Current Divider Rule: R3 + R4 , R1 + R3 + R4 R1 I 3′′ = J . R1 + R3 + R4 I1′′ = J 3 Now, taking into account current directions in Fig. 2.2, b and c along with their values, it is possible to define real values and directions of currents in the original circuit (Fig. 2.2, a): I1=I'1 – I''1 and it is co-directed with the greater of the partial currents; I4 = I3 = I'3 + I''3 ; I2 = I'2 + I''2 = J since the partial currents do not oppose each another, the real current shares their direction. Thus, Method of Superposition leads to analysis of bunch of single-source circuits. 30 Thevenin’s and Norton’s theorems The theorems are advisable to apply in cases current or voltage values in one branch only are required. These theorems employ the same principle of replacement of some part of a circuit by an equivalent source and load. 1) Thevenin’s theorem states that ideal voltage source can be used as an equivalent one. 2) Norton’s theorem implies use of ideal current source. More information about the theorems. Thévenin's theorem for linear electric circuits states that any combination of voltage sources, current sources and resistors with two terminals is electrically equivalent to a single voltage source V and a single series resistor R0. This can be used in order to define unknown current or voltage values in some branch. According to this method, the branch analyzed is replaced by open circuit. Next steps are to determine voltage across terminals remaining after extracting branch and equivalent resistance connected to them. When dealing with resistance, all the sources are replaced by their inner resistances. The current then can be calculated by Ohm’s Law. Example. There is a circuit shown in Fig. 2.3, а. R3 R3 а E2 R1 + + R2 E1 E2 R1 R4 а Uoc аb + + R2 E1 b b а) R3 b) а Re а R1 Rаb = Re I4 + Uoc ab R4 SC R2 b b c) d) Figure 2.3 – Solution via Thevenin’s Theorem: a – original circuit; b – open-circuit voltage determination; c – equivalent resistance determination; d – determination of unknown current 31 Given the values E1, E2, R1, R2, R3 and R4. The current flowing through resistor R4 is unknown. Solution 1 Extract the branch we are searching current in and determine the open-circuit voltage Uoc ab across its terminals (points a and b). Fig. 2.3, b Uoc аb = –E2 + I⋅R2, where I= E1 + E 2 . R1 + R2 + R3 2 Determine the equivalent resistance connected to the terminals a and b (Fig. 2.3, c): R (R + R3 ) Re = 2 1 R1 + R2 + R3 3 The wanted current equal to (Fig. 2.3, d): I4 = U oc аb . Re + R4 Norton’s theorem for a linear electric circuit states that any combination of resistances and DC sources is electrically equivalent to an ideal current source in parallel with a single resistor R. The value of R is the same as that in the Thevenin’s equivalent. The value of Isc can be obtained by short-circuiting the branch being considered and thereby calculating current flowing through it. Considering the previous example, а the voltage value U4 is determined according to expression below: 1 1 ISC Geq = G4 = U4 I sc Req U4 = R4 Ge + G 4 b where Isc – short-circuit current 1 1 Ge = , G4 = (Fig. 2.4). Re R4 Figure 2.4 – Voltage determination via Norton’s Theorem 32 2.6 The Mesh Current Method Applying Duality Principle (see 1.9) to the Node Voltage Method (see 2.2), we obtain equations on which the Mesh Current Method is based. Description of the method is recommended to do yourself. Key questions 1 What do Kirchhoff’s Laws state? 2 How many equations is it necessary to describe an electric circuit when applying Kirchhoff’s Analysis? 3 How many equations is it necessary when applying the Node Voltage Analysis? 4 How to determine self-conductance of a node? 5 How to determine mutual conductance between two nodes? 6 How to determine node-currents? 7 What is a reference node? 8 What is the principle the Method of Superposition is based on? What does it state? 9 What are the Thevenin’s and Norton’s Theorems? 10 When is it reasonable to apply these theorems? 11 How many equations is it necessary when applying the Mesh Current Analysis? 12 How to determine self-resistance of a loop? 13 How to determine mutual resistance between two loops? 14 How to determine loop voltage? 15 How to determine branch currents via the Mesh Current Method? 33 3 AC NETWORK ANALYSIS 3.1 Classification of electric signals Signal is a physical message carrier, e. g. light, colour, sound, temperature, electromagnetic waves. The very word “signal” comes from the Latin “signum”, which means sign. Electric signals (further signals) can be represented by means of mathematical expressions, vector diagrams, graphs, etc. The same signal can be described in more than one way including time-domain and frequency-domain representations. There are several signal classifications based upon different criteria. For instance all the signals can be divided into two groups: – deterministic signals are ones that can be described by an analytical expression at any moment of time (this includes periodic and non-periodic signals); – random signals can not be described as such in closed analytical form but are only statistically describable (speaking, music, noise). Random signal carry information. Deterministic signals, however, are often used as testing signals, for adjustments and measurements. Further considered are deterministic signals. The signals can be distinguished upon: 1. Signal waveform: – continuous (analogous, analog) signal is a varying quantity whose domain (time) is continuum [6] (Fig. 3.1, а and b); – discrete signal is time series consisting of sequence of quantities (samples) or steps remaining on the same level over time intervals (Fig. 3.1, c). f(t) f(t) f(t) t t t b) c) Figure 3.1 – Signals: a – continuous signals; b – quantized signal; c– sequence of samples a) Continuous signals are: – periodic, which means they repeat themselves after certain amount if time multiple of a period Т f(t + kT) (Fig. 3.2, а and b); – aperiodic, which means they never repeat, that is to say, do not meet the requirement (Fig. 3.2, c and d). 34 f(t) f(t) f(t) 0 Т t 0 0 t tp f(t) t 0 tp t Т а) b) c) Figure 3.2 – Periodic (a, b) and aperiodic (c, d) signals d) Fig. 3.3 shows some of the most frequently appearing continuous signals. f(t) f(t) 1 1 e δ(t) 1(t) f(t) 1 cos t 1 f(t) sin t – αt 0 t 0 a) t 0 t 1 1 t − tp0 tp 2 d) 2 c) b) Figure 3.3 – The simplest pulse signals: a – decreasing exponent; b – unit-step function; c – delta pulse; d – cosine pulse; e – sine pulse tp 0 t e) Fig. 3.3, а shows decreasing exponent which is represented analytically as: 0, t ≤ 0; f (t ) = −αt 1e , t > 0, where е is base of natural logarithm; α is a real number. In case α tends to 0, then the function transforms into function 1(t) which looks like single step or unit step (see Fig. 3.3, b). This is also known as Heaviside function. It is written analytically: 0, t ≤ 0; f (t ) = 1, t > 0. Another rarely used in mathematics function is one shown in Fig. 3.3, с. It is called delta pulse δ(t) and described by expression below 0, t ≠ 0; δ (t ) = ∞, t = 0. 35 Practically this function is remarkably important. For example its properties are: ∞ ∞ −∞ −∞ ∫ δ(t )dt = 1, ∫ f (t )δ(t )dt = ∞ f (0), or ∫ f (t )δ (t − t d )dt = f (t d ). −∞ In these formulae f(t) is function of some continuous signal; δ (t − t d ) delayed by td delta pulse. Fig. 3.3 shows harmonic pulses such as cosine (d) and sine (e) pulses. Their properties are left for further consideration. 3.2 Harmonic oscillations. Basic concepts and definitions Along with DC energy sources in electric circuits are often used alternators producing current which changes its direction or voltage possessing polarity which switches in time in some particular manner, often periodically. Any periodic oscillation meets the equation i(t) = i(t + kT), where T is period of the oscillation, that is to say, the smallest time interval over which a function repeats itself. The most common type of a periodic oscillation is harmonic wave. Its instantaneous value is described by a sine or cosine function: i(t) =Im sin (ωt + φi )=Im sin ψi (t), (3.1) where Im is amplitude, in other words, the maximal value possessed by the function; φi is initial phase (radians or degrees); ψi(t) = ωt + φi total phase; ω = dψi /dt angular frequency, which is the rate of change of argument (rad/s). Period Т and angular frequency ω are related with one another as Т = 2π/ω. Number of periods per time unit (usually 1 s) is called cyclic frequency f = 1/T which is measured in Hz. It is officially adopted that standard frequency of alternating current in European countries is 50 Hz. i(t) Im ωt t 0 ϕi ω Т Figure 3.4 – Time diagram of AC current over time 36 It is clear that ω = 2πf = 2π/Т rad/s. Expression (3.1) can be transformed into one using cosine wave: i(t) = Im cos (ωt + φi); (3.2) φί΄ = φί + π/2. Figure 3.2 shows time diagram of AC current. Vast frequency range of harmonic waves is used in telecommunication systems. It varies from a few hertz to hundreds of gigahertz. Apart from current amplitude Im, there are effective (root mean square, RMS) value I and average value Iav used. The effective current can be determined according to expression below I= 1T 2 ∫ i dt. T0 (3.3) Considering current to be i (t ) = I m cos ωt T ∫i 0 T 2 dt = ∫ I m2 0 (3.4) I m2 T I m2 cos ω tdt = ∫ (1 + cos 2ω t )dt = 2 T . 2 0 2 In accordance with (3.3), I= Im ≈ 0,707I m . 2 (3.5) In the same way effective voltage: U m ≈ 0,707U m . If to raise expression (3.3) to square and multiply both parts of the obtained equation by RT, then total amount of heat dissipated on a resistor R over one period T can be determined: T T wR = ∫ pdt = ∫ Ri 2 dt = TRI 2 . 0 (3.6) 0 Hence, the effective value of AC current is equivalent to some DC current that while flowing through the resistance R over the time interval T dissipates the same amount of heat as AC current does. Naturally, the average of AC current (voltage) over a period 37 I av 1T = ∫ idt T0 (3.7) is zero, since the positive part of the wave is compensated by the negative one (see Fig. 3.4). In this regard, half-period average value is introduced: ′ = I av T 4 T 4 − T − 4 2I 2 idt = m ∫ T T T 4 ∫ cos ωt dt = T /4 2 2I m sin ωt = I m ≈ 0,637 I m . −T /4 π ωT (3.8) Same for AC voltage: U av ≈ 0,637U m . 3.3 Spectral (frequency) representation of harmonic oscillations Alternating current i(t) is shown in Fig. 3.4. Description of harmonic oscillation in time-domain is clear but far too complicated to use when solving problems, since it requires cumbersome trigonometric transformations. Other ways to represent harmonic oscillations depending on the type of a task are to be introduced further. A harmonic oscillation i(t) (see Fig. 3.4) can be fully described by the basic parameters such as amplitude Im, angular frequency ω and initial phase ϕi . These are used to form amplitude and phase spectrums of the oscillation considered. The spectrums are formed by means of vertical line segments, which correspond to amplitude and initial phase values in Cartesian coordinates. Fig. 3.5 shows amplitude (a) and phase (b) spectrums of AC current i1(t). Where i1 (t ) = I m1 cos(ω1t + ϕ1 ) Such a frequency analysis of harmonic oscillation in some cases is much more convenient than analysis in time-domain. Spectral approach to harmonic oscillations and subsequent method of circuit analysis are considered further. Im (3.9) φ Im1 φ1 ω1 ω ω1 ω а) b) Figure 3.5 – Spectrums of a harmonic oscillation: а – amplitude spectrum; b – phase spectrum 38 3.4 Passive elements in AC circuits Resistance If AC voltage is applied to some resistive element R, then it causes current flow through it, which can be easily calculated by Ohm’s Law. AC voltage u = U m cos(ωt + ϕu ) , (3.10) the current, then u U i = = m cos(ωt + ϕu ) = I m cos(ωt + ϕi ), (3.11) R R here amplitude of the current is Im = Um ; R and initial phase is ϕi = ϕu = ϕ . Thus, voltage across a pure resistive element and current flowing through it are in phase: ϕi − ϕu = 0 . Instantaneous power in a pure resistive circuit p = ui = U m I m cos 2 (ωt + ϕ) = UI [1 + cos 2(ωt + ϕ)] = UI + UI cos 2(ωt + ϕ) (3.12) It follows from (3.12) that instantaneous power p has two components: Direct level UI and harmonic level U I ⋅ cos 2(ωt + ϕ) (function of doubled frequency 2ω). Since current and voltage are in phase, i.e. they are simultaneously positive or negative, the instantaneous power is always positive. It means that resistance always dissipates power releasing it in the form of heat. Fig. 3.6 shows time-diagrams of current, voltage and instantaneous power for some resistance R. i, u, p p i R u UI i u 0 t a) ϕi >0 ω b) Figure 3.6 – Time diagrams of u, i, p for a restive element: а – resistive element; b – graphs of i(t), u(t), p(t) 39 Period average value of power dissipated by a resistive element, 1T 1T Pav = ∫ pdt = ∫ u i dt (3.13) T0 T0 It is known as true power and measured in Watts (W). It follows from expression (3.12) and Fig. 3.6 that Pav = UI = I 2 R = U 2 G. (3.14) Inductance If there is some current flowing through an inductive element i = I m cos(ωt + ϕi ), then it induces some voltage across the element, which can be estimated as: u=L di π = −ωLI m sin (ωt + ϕi ) = U m cos ωt + ϕi + = U m cos(ωt + ϕu ) , (3.15) dt 2 where π π ϕu = ϕi + , ϕu − ϕi = , 2 2 U m= I m ω L , U = I ω L . The value of ωL is expressed in Ohms, just like resistance is, except that its mathematical symbol is XL instead of R and it is called inductive reactance. The reciprocal of it is 1 1 BL = = , X L ωL known as inductive susceptance. Hence I m = BLU m , I = BLU . It follows from (3.15) that initial phases of current and voltage in an inductive element differ by angle of π/2, in other words current lags voltage by π/2. Instantaneous power delivered to a pure inductive element can be expressed as follows: p = ui = UI sin (2ωt + 2ϕi ) = ωLI 2 sin (2ωt + 2ϕi ) (3.16) 40 So it is described by a sine wave with doubled frequency (voltage and current are graphed in Fig. 3.7). i, u, p p u i i L u а) 0 t b) Figure 3.7 – Time diagrams of u, i, p for an inductive element: а – inductive element; b – graphs of i(t), u(t), p(t) As it is shown in the diagram above, instantaneous power possesses negative values as well as positive ones, which means that pure inductance alternately absorbs power from and returns it to an AC source. The average power, thus, is zero. Energy of the magnetic field caused by inductance is Li 2 LI m2 LI 2 2 [1 + cos 2(ωt + ϕi )] wL = = cos (ωt + ϕi ) = 2 2 2 (3.17) LI m2 It varies with frequency of 2ω from 0 to . It is equal to zero when current is 2 zero and reaches its maximum at the peak value of current. Thus, there is an exchange of energy between the source and the inductive element. The power delivered from the source is stored in the form of the magnetic field around the inductor and then it is returned to the source. Capacitance If there is some voltage applied to a capacitive element u = U m cos(ωt + ϕu ). Then it creates some current flowing through the element i=C where du π = −ωCU m sin (ωt + ϕu ) = I m cos ωt + ϕu + = I m cos(ωt + ϕi ), (3.18) dt 2 41 π π ϕ i = ϕu + , ϕ u − ϕ i = − . 2 2 Amplitude and effective values of the current are: I m = ωCU m ; I = ωCU . The value BC = ωC is expressed in Siemens in the same way as conductance and known as capacitive susceptance. The reciprocal of it is capacitive reactance XC = 1 . ωC The initial phases of current and voltage in a capacitive element differ by the angle of π/2 or, to be specific, voltage lags current by π/2. Time diagrams of the current and voltage are shown in Figure below. i, u, p u p i i C u а) t 0 b) Figure 3.8 – Time diagrams of u, i, p for a capacitive element: а – capacitive element; b – graphs of i(t), u(t), p(t) Instantaneous power delivered to a capacitive element has the same character as in the case of inductance: p = ui = UI sin (2ωt + 2ϕu ) = ωCU 2 sin (2ωt + 2ϕu ). (3.19) The average power over a period is also equal to zero. Energy of electrical field generated by capacitance can be estimated as: 42 Cu 2 wC = ∫ pdt = . (3.20) 2 0 Just like in inductive circuits, there is an energy exchange in capacitive ones. Capacitance absorbs the energy delivered from a source. It is stored in the form of electric field between plates and then returned to the source with the electric field diminishing. In conclusion, it should be noted that expressions (3.3) and (3.13) defining respectively RMS and period average values are correct for periodic current or voltage of any waveform. The bottom line of what was considered about harmonic oscillations in linear electric circuits is that any linear circuit containing R, L, C supplied with a harmonic current with frequency of ω will be characterized by currents and voltages of the same frequency. Table 3.1 represents expressions describing instantaneous and effective values of harmonic oscillations in time-domain. Table 3.1 – Equations of the elements Harmonic mode Time-domain Element representation Instantaneous values RMS values (general) Resistive u R = RI m cos(ωt + ϕ) u R = Ri i G U = RI i R = Gu i R = GU m cos(ωt + ϕ) I = GU uR R T Inductive i L uL Capacitive i C uС uL = L di dt 1 t i L = ∫ udt L −∞ 1 t ∫ idt C −∞ u L = ωLI m cos(ωt + ϕ) iL = 1 π U m cos ωt + ϕ − ωL 2 U = ωLI I= 1 U ωL 1 I m cos(ωt + ϕ) 1 ωC U= I ωC π du iC = ωCU m cos ωt + ϕ + I = ωLU iC = C 2 dt 3.5 Vector representation of single-frequency harmonic oscillations uC = uC = When analyzing AC circuits, vector representation of harmonic oscillations is much more convenient than their description in time-domain. As it was mentioned above, in a linear electric circuit with an AC source of single frequency ωs all the currents and voltages are harmonic functions with of the same frequency. This lets us omit ωs, as it carries no new information about variables, so that we can characterize the variables by two parameters only. They are amplitude 43 and initial phase. In this case each function corresponds to some rotating vector of fixed length and initial phase. These vectors are graphed in polar coordinate system and all the operations with them are performed in accordance with vector algebra. Application of vector representation L R 31 C 2 4 of harmonic oscillations is demonstrated 1 i by an example in Fig. 3.6. The harmonic current i = I m cos ωt , u uc uR uL when flowing through the circuit, creates harmonic voltage across circuit terminals, which in accordance with KVL equals to Figure 3.6 – Series RLC circuit u = u R + u L + uC . According to Table 3.1 π 1 π u = RI m cos ωt + ωLI m cos ωt + + I m cos ωt − . 2 ωC 2 Sum of these harmonic oscillations corresponds to vector sum: π 1 π RI m ∠0 + ωLI m ∠ + I m ∠ − = U m ∠ϕ , 2 ωC 2 or (3.21) π π U mR ∠0 + U m L ∠ + U m C ∠ − = U m ∠ϕ . 2 2 UmL UmR 1 3 2 ϕ UmC 4 Um Figure 3.7 – RLC voltage vector diagram Vector sum is represented in Fig. 3.7. Any vector start where the previous one ends. Such a vector diagram is known as a topographic diagram (XL < XC). It appears from Fig. 3.7 that amplitude of the applied voltage is: 2 U m = U mR + (U mL − U mC ) 2 , and its initial phase is ϕ = arctg U mL − U mC . U mR Knowing these parameters of the voltage applied to the circuit in Fig. 3.6, we can determine its instantaneous value 44 u = U m cos(ωt + ϕ). Analysis of electric circuits in harmonic mode by means of vector diagrams is simple and also convenient when checking results. The task to graph current vector diagrams in a tank is a set to be accomplished yourself. However, vector analysis of electric circuits is usually applied to rather simple circuits. Another way to describe complex circuits in harmonic mode algebraically was developed by Arthur Kennelly and Joseph Steinmetz in 1893 – 1894. This method is known as method of complex amplitudes or symbolic method. All the further description of electrical network theory as well as specialized disciplines is based on this method. Symbolic method combines analytical approach with geometrical representation. Key questions 1 What is harmonic current (voltage)? 2 What are instantaneous, mean and effective values of harmonic current (voltage)? 3 Which parameters is harmonic oscillation characterized with? 4 What is vector diagram of current (voltage)? 5 What is the difference between initial phases of current and voltage in inductance (capacitance)? 6 Which ways to represent harmonic oscillation do you know? 7 What are inductive reactance and susceptance? 8 What are capacitive reactance and susceptance? 45 4 METHOD OF COMPLEX AMPLITUDES (SYMBOLIC METHOD) 4.1 Representation of harmonic oscillations via complex numbers It’s known that any point on a complex plane is defined by its radius-vector. It is a vector which begins at the origin of coordinates while its terminus coincides with the point corresponding to the complex number given (Fig. 4.1). When represented in polar (exponential) form, a complex number A& is described by expressions: + j Im A& = A∠α = Ae jα , А where А is modulus, α is argument, j = − 1 is А2 imaginary unit. By applying Euler’s formula, we obtain trigonometric representation of a complex number: A& = A cos α + jA sin α or its respective algebraic 0 representation: A& = A1 + jA2 , where A1 = A cos α ; A1 = A sin α . It’s obvious that: α Re + А1 Figure 4.1 – Point А on complex plane (Re – real axis, Im – imaginary axis) A2 . A1 If some vector rotates counter-clockwise with angular rate of ω, then at any moment of time its position is determined by complex value A = A12 + A22 ; α = arctg Im jωt A& е ωt α 0 A& (t=0) +Re Ae j (ωt +α ) = A& e jωt , (4.1) where A& = Ae jα is a complex amplitude representing the vector at the moment t = 0 (Fig. 4.2), i.e. A& is a complex number which does not depend on time. Modulus and argument are respectively & equal to amplitude and initial phase of a Figure 4.2 – Rotating vector A harmonic oscillation. on complex plane If to multiply complex amplitude A& by rotation operator e jωt , then vector A& will rotate by angle of ωt in a positive direction. From trigonometric representation of complex function (4.1) 46 Ae j (ωt +α) = A cos(ωt + α) + jAsin(ωt + α) it follows that harmonic function A cos(ωt + α) can be considered as real part of complex function (4.1), that is to say a projection of the rotating vector on real axis. Conventionally it can be written as follows: ( A cos(ωt + α) = Re A& e jωt ) (4.2) π For example, if current is i = 14,1 cos ω t + , then its complex amplitude is 6 j π /6 (Im=14,1; ϕ = π/6) I& m = 14,1e and its effective complex value is π & j &I = I m = 10 e 6 . 2 4.2 Equations of passive elements in complex form In fact, complex currents and voltages are symbols (images) of real harmonic currents and voltages. We shall define complex impedance Z of a two-terminal network as Z= U& m , I&m where I&m , U& m are complex current flowing through the network and complex voltage across it respectively. Resistance If there is a harmonic current flowing through some resistance R i = I m cos(ωt + ϕ), with a complex amplitude I&m = I m e jϕ , Then, in accordance with the equation of this element u = Ri, the voltage appears u = R / I m cos(ωt + ϕ), and its complex amplitude is U& m = RI m e jϕ . 47 Hence we obtain RI m e jϕ ZR = =R . I m e jϕ (4.3) Inductance If there is a current flowing through an inductance i = I m cos(ωt + ϕ) ⇔ I m e jϕ , then in accordance with the equation u=L di , dt the voltage appears π j ϕ+ π u = ωLI m cos ωt + ϕ + ⇔ ωLI m e 2 . 2 Hence π j ( ϕ+ ) 2 U& ωLI m e Z L = mL = I& I e jϕ mL = ωL ⋅ e j π 2. m Regarding Euler’s formula e j π 2 = j we obtain Z L = j ωL (4.4) or Z L = jX L . Capacitance Similarly, capacitance can be described by the expressions ZC = 1 1 =−j jωC ωC or Z C = − jX C . (4.5) 48 4.3 Basic laws of circuit theory in complex form The equations of passive elements above are identical to each other: U& mR = I&mR R; U& mL = I&mL Z L ; U& mC = I&mC Z C ; This is why the expressions U& m = I&m Z ; (4.6a) U& = I& Z , a I& = U Y , (4.6b) and where Y= 1 Z are called Generalized Ohm’s Law. It should be noticed that relationships between complex values remain the same as between their instantaneous values. According to Kirchhoff’s Current Law (KCL) at any node of a circuit l l k =1 k =1 ∑ ik = ∑ I mk cos(ωt + ϕik ) = 0 . By substituting complex amplitudes I& mk for instantaneous current values ik, we obtain: – amplitude values: l ∑ I&mk =0 (4.7а) = 0. (4.7b) k =1 – effective values l ∑ I&k k =1 Similarly, in accordance with Kirchhoff’s Voltage Law for any closed-loop circuit n ∑U& mk =0 (4.8а) = 0. (4.8б) k =1 and n ∑U& k k =1 It follows that there is a complete analogy in description DC and AC circuits. We can say therefore that all the methods of DC analysis are valid for AC circuits as well. 49 4.4 Nodal equations for complex amplitudes Let us analyze an AC circuit by means of Node Voltage Method. When in canonical form, equation set for complex amplitudes differs from one for DC circuit only in symbols used. To make it simpler, we usually use complex effective values instead of complex amplitude values U& U& U& = m = m e jϕu = Ue jϕu , 2 2 I& I& I& = m = m e jϕu = Ue jϕu . 2 2 Often the terms “complex current” or “complex voltage” are used instead of “complex effective value of current or voltage”. Thus, the equation set of complex nodal voltages is: 1 2 N Y11U& 1 − Y12U& 2 − ... − Y1N U& N = J&11 ; − Y21U& 1 + Y22U& 2 − Y23U& 3 − ... − Y2 N U& N = J& 22 ; ........................................................ − YN 1U& 1 − YN 2U& 2 − YN 3U& 3 − ... + YNN U& N = J& NN , (4.9) where Ykk is sum of admittances of branches joined at node k; Ykl = Ylk is equivalent admittance of the branch between k-th and l-th nodes. An example of a subcircuit is given in Fig. 4.3. Admittance of the branch Lkl connecting nodes k and l equals to: 1 1 Ykl = + + jωC kl . jωLkl Rkl k Rkl (Gkl) l Ckl Work out the equations for other methods on your own. Figure 4.3 – Parallel RLC circuit When using computers for harmonic analysis of circuits, some programs can be employed to estimate impedances and admittances of typical passive two-terminal networks which these circuits consist of. 4.5 Matrix method of circuit analysis The mathematical basis of this chapter is the theory of matrices. Therefore, before proceeding further, it is strongly recommended to have a look through the relevant section of the mathematics. 50 J&1 U& 1 (2×2) I&1 J&1 U& 1′ J&2 U& 2 а) U& 2′ (2×2) b) U& 1′′ We introduce the concept of pass quadripole (two-port network), considering the relationships between its input and output currents and voltages ( I&1 ,U& 1 , I&2 , U& 2 ). Apparently, the coefficients describing these values are either unitless (İ1↔İ2, U& 1 ↔ U& 2 ) or measured in Ω, S ( I& ↔ U& ). Thus, there are six different ways of setting equations describing a quadripole (employing different groups of quadripole parameters). Different cases require different parameters to use. When writing equations, we assume that currents I&1 and I&2 enter the quadripole and (2×2) I&2 U& 2′′ J&2 c) Figure 4.4 – Quadripoles: а – with two current sources; b – with a single current source on the left; c – with a single current source on the right polarity of the voltages U& 1 and U& 2 is as shown in Fig. 4.4, a. As an example, we shall deduce one of the systems possible. Imagine that a quadripole is connected to some circuit. There is a power supply source in the circuit, which means there is some current and voltage at the quadripole’s input. We shall write equations describing relationships between voltages U& 1 , U& 2 and currents İ1 , İ2. Applying Compensation Theorem to the circuit being analysed, we replace external network by two current sources J&1 and J& 2 (Fig. 4.4, а). Then we use Superposition Principle (Fig. 4.4, b, c): U& 1 = U& 1′ + U& 1′′ (4.10) U& 2 = U& 2′ + U& 2′′ For the circuit in Fig. 4.4, b we can write: U& 1′ = Z11 I&1 ; U& 2′ = Z 21 I&1 , (4.11) Similarly for the circuit in Fig. 4.4, c: U&1′′ = Z12 I&2 ; U& ′′ = Z I& . 2 (4.12) 22 2 From equations (4.11), (4.12), (4.10) we easily deduce the following system: 51 U& 1 = Z11 I&1 + Z12 I&2 ; U& 2 = Z 21 I&1 + Z 22 I&2 . Z coefficients in this system are known as impedance parameters or Zparameters. Generally speaking, they are complex and depend on circuit configuration and its components only. If solved with respect to currents İ1, İ2, these equations produce another type of parameters, etc. Table 4.1 contains all six types of parameters and their physical meanings. Table 4.1 – Matrix parameters of quadripoles Systems of equations Physical meaning of the coefficients I&2 I&1 U& 1 I&1=Y 11U&1 +Y 12U& 2 I& =Y U& +Y U& 2 21 1 22 U& 1= Z 11I&1 + Z 12I&2 U& = Z I& + Z I& 21 1 I& 2 U& 2 U& 1 = 0 I& = 1 & U& 2 U 1 = 0 Y22 = Y12 I&1 OC U& 2 I&2 U& 1 OC U& 1 I&1 I&2 = 0 U& Z 21= 2 & I& I 2= 0 Z 11= 22 2 U& 2 SC I&1 U& 1 U& 2 = 0 I& Y 21= 2 & U& 1 U 2 = 0 U& 1 2 SC Y 11= 2 I&2 I&1 U& 1 U& 1= A11 U& 2+ A12 I&2 I& = A U& + A I& 1 21 2 OC U& 2 Z 22 2 U& 1 U& 1 U& 2 I&2 = 0 I& A 21 = 2 & I& I = 0 A11 = 22 2 1 I&1 = F 11U& 2+ F 12I&2 U& 2= F 21U& 2+ F 22I&2 F 11= SC A22 2 OC U& 2 I&1 U& 1 I& 2= 0 I&2 I&1 U& 1 − I&2 U& 2 = 0 I& = 1 & − I&2 U 2 = 0 A12 = I&1 U& 1 U& 1 I&2 I&1 = 0 U& = 2 & I& I 1= 0 Z12 = 1 I&1 U& 2 I&1 I&2 U& 2 SC F12 = I&1 − I& 2 U& 1 = 0 52 F 21= U& 2 U& 1 I&2 = 0 F22 = I&2 I&1 U& 1 U& 1= H 11I&1 + H 12U& 2 I& = H I& + H U& 2 21 1 22 2 SC U& 2= B11 U& 1+ B12 I&1 I& = B U& + B I& 2 21 1 22 1 I&2 U& 1 OC U& 1 I&1 U& 2 = 0 I& = 2 & I&1 U 2 = 0 U& 2 U& 1 U& 2 I&1 = 0 I& = 2 & U& 2 I 1= 0 H 11 = H 12= H 21 H 22 I&2 U& 1 OC U& 2 U& 2 U& 1 I&1 = 0 I& = 2 & U& I = 0 B11 = B21 1 1 U& 2 − I&2 U& 1 = 0 I&2 I&1 SC U& 2 U& 2 I&1 U& 1 = 0 I& = 2 & I& U = 0 B12 = B22 1 1 It is often required to use various parameters, as long as we describe the same circuit. Thus, it is necessary to define the relations between them. Table 4.2 contains exactly that type of expressions. Table 4.2 – Relations between matrix parameters Y Z Y Z 22 Z 12 Y11 Y12 Y21 Y22 Z A H F Y 22 Y − 12 ∆Y ∆Y Y 21 Y 11 − ∆Y ∆Y Y 1 − 22 Y 21 Y 21 ∆Y Y 11 − Y 21 Y 21 1 Y 11 Y 21 Y 11 ∆Y Y 22 Y − 21 Y 22 ∆Z Z − 21 ∆Z − Z11 Z12 Z21 Z22 Z 11 Z 21 1 Z 21 Y 12 Y 11 ∆y Y 11 ∆Z Z 22 − Z 21 Z 22 Y 12 Y 22 1 Y 22 1 Z 11 Z 21 Z 11 − ∆Z Z11 ∆Z ∆Z Z 21 Z − 22 Z 21 − A A 22 A12 1 A12 A11 A 21 1 A 21 A11 H ∆A A12 A − 11 A12 ∆A − A 21 A − 22 A 21 − A12 A21 A22 Z 12 Z 22 1 Z 22 A12 A 22 1 A 22 ∆A A 22 A − 21 A 22 Z 12 Z 11 ∆Z Z 11 A 21 A11 1 A11 ∆A A11 A − 12 A11 − 1 H 11 H 21 H 11 ∆H H 22 H 21 H 22 ∆H − H 21 H − 22 H 21 F H 12 H 11 ∆H H 11 H − 12 H 22 1 H 22 H 11 H 21 1 H 21 − H11 H12 H21 H22 H 22 ∆H H − 21 ∆H H 12 ∆H H 11 ∆H − F 12 ∆F F 22 F 22 F 21 1 − F 22 F 22 F 1 − 12 F 11 F 11 F 21 ∆F F 11 F 11 F 22 1 − F 21 F 21 F ∆F − 11 F 21 F 21 F 22 ∆F F − 21 ∆F F11 F21 F 12 ∆F F 11 ∆F − F12 F22 54 Just as two-terminal networks, quadripoles can be connected in different ways. There are 5 types of their connections. They are shown in Table 4.3 alongside with the respective matrix parameters used. Table 4.3 – Types of quadripole connection Parallel-parallel Series-series I&1 I&2 &I 2 I&1 (1) (1) U& 1 U& 2 (2) U& 1 U& 2 (2) (n) n [ Z ] = [ Z (1) ] + [ Z ( 2) ] + K + [ Z ( n ) ] [Y ] = [Y (1) ] + [Y ( 2) ] + K + [Y ( n ) ] Series – parallel I&1 I&2 (1) U& 1 Parallel – series I&1 (1) U& 2 (2) U& 1 [H ] = [H ] + [H ( 2) U& 2 (2) (n) (1) I&2 (n) ] + K + [H ( n) ] (1) [ F ] = [F ] + [F (2 ) ] + K + [F ( n) ] Cascade U&1 I&1 I&2 (1) (2) (n) U& 2 [ A] = [ A(1) ] [ A( 2 ) ] K [ A( n ) ] There are a few examples of determination of a circuit matrix parameters (Yparameters are considered). Y2 I&2 Y2 I&2 I&1 I&1 Y2 I&2 I&1 U& 1 [Y] = 11 Y Y21 U& 2 Y1 Y12 (Y1 + Y2 ) = Y22 −Y2 а) U& 1 Y −Y2 [Y] = 11 Y2 Y21 Y3 Y12 Y2 = Y22 −Y2 U& 2 U& 1 Y1 Y3 −Y2 (Y +Y ) Y Y [Y] = 11 12 = 1 2 (Y2 +Y3 ) Y21 Y22 −Y2 b) Figure 4.5 –Examples of quadripoles c) U& 2 −Y2 (Y2 +Y3 ) 55 4.6 Analysis of circuitswith coupled inductors Previously considered circuits did not contain inductors mutually coupled by a common magnetic field. If there were a few coupled inductors, then voltage across each of them would depend on its own current as well as the currents flowing through the inductors nearby. This phenomenon is known as mutual inductance. 4.6.1 Magnetically coupled circuits Let us consider some special features of setting up equations for linear circuits containing coupled inductors. We also assume that there is no energy loss in inductances. M M M i1 i2 L1 L2 а) L1 L2 i1 i2 L1 b) L2 c) Figure 4.4 – Coupled inductances: а – current i1 flows only; b – current i2 flows only; c – both currents i1 and i2 flow First, we consider the case when there is a current i1 flowing trough inductor L1 while terminals of the second inductance are open (Fig. 4.4, а). Some part of the magnetic flux generated by current i1 crosses coils of the second inductor. Flux linkage (i.e. total magnetic flux coupled to all the coils of an inductor) of the first inductor we denote with ψ1 and flux linkage of the second one ψ12. Both values are proportional to i1 and respectively equal to: ψ1 = L1i1 and ψ12 = Mi1, where М is mutual inductance. M is measured in Henry (H). Mutual inductance is defined by the expression M = k L1 L2 , where coupling coefficient k possesses values of 0 ≤ k ≤ 1. In case the whole magnetic flux generated by an inductor crosses coils of another one, k = 1. In absence of any connection between inductors k = 0. 56 Similarly, in case current i2 is flowing through inductance L2 (Fig. 4.4, b), while terminals of the first inductance are open, ψ2 = L2i2 and ψ21 = Мi2. In case currents are flowing through both inductances (Fig. 4.4, c), total flux linkage of the first and second inductances will be: ψ11 = ψ1 ± ψ21 and ψ22 =ψ2 ± ψ12 or (4.10) ψ11 = L1i1 ± Mi2 and ψ22 = ± Mi1 + L2i2. Signs of summands in (4.10) depend on directions of magnetic fluxes in inductances, whereas directions of magnetic fluxes themselves are defined by directions of currents flowing through the inductances. If inductances are connected in such a way that flux linkages ψ1 and ψ21 (and consequently, ψ2 and ψ12) add, then it is called cumulative connection (“positive” sign in 4.10), otherwise it is differential connection (“negative” sign in 4.10). For convenience, when charting electric circuits containing coupled inductances, the concept of corresponding terminals is employed. Corresponding terminals are nodes in respect of which currents with the same directions generate additive magnetic fluxes. In Fig. 4.5 represents corresponding terminals for the cases of aiding (Fig. 4.5, а) and opposing (Fig. 4.5, b) connection of inductances L1 and L2. M M i1 L1 L2 а) і2 i1 i2 L1 L2 b) Figure 4.5 – Connections of inductances: а –aiding; b – opposing By deriving equation (4.10) with respect to the variable t, we obtain expressions describing relationships between currents and voltages at terminals of two coupled inductances: dψ11 di di = u1 = L1 1 ± M 2 ; dt dt dt (4.11) dψ 22 di1 di2 = u2 = ±M + L2 . dt dt dt 57 Specifically for AC circuits, expressions above can by rewritten by means of complex numbers: U& 1 = jωL1 I&1 ± jωMI&2 (4.12) U& = ± jωMI& + jωL I& . 2 1 2 2 Circuits containing three and more coupled inductors can be treated in the same way: U& 1 = jωL1 I&1 ± jωM 12 I&2 ± jωM 13 I&3 ± ... ± jωM 1N I&N ; U& 2 = ± jωM 21 I&1 + jωL2 I&2 ± jωM 23 I&3 ± ... ± jωM 2 N I&N ; U& 3 = ± jωM 31 I&1 ± jωM 32 I&2 + jωL3 I&3 ± ... ± jωM 3 N I&N ; M U& N = ± jωM N 1 I&1 ± jωM N 2 I&2 ± jωM N 3 I&3 ± ... + jωLN I&N . i u 4.6.2 Series inductors with magnetic coupling R1 R1 L1 i R2 M u L2 R2 L1 M L2 а) b) Figure 4.8 – Series connection of two coupled inductors: а – cumulatively coupled inductors; b – differentially coupled inductors Figure 4.8, a shows cumulative coupling of two series inductors. Energy loss there is represented by resistances R. According to KVL, voltage across the terminals of the network being considered is U& = ( R1 + R2 ) I& + jω( L1 + L2 + 2 M ) I& . (4.16) Z ec = Re + jωLec , (4.17) Hence, total impedance where R е = R1 + R2 ; Lec = L1 + L2 + 2 M . Expression (4.16) now can be written as: U& = Z ec I& = Ue jϕ . u Phase difference between current and voltage is: (4.18) 58 ϕec = ϕu − ϕi = arctg ωLec . Re (4.19) Complex voltage across each inductor can be expressed as U& 1 = [R1 + jω(L1 + M )] I& and U& 2 = [R2 + jω(L2 + M )] I& . Total impedance of differentially coupled series inductors (Fig 4.8 b) is Z ed = Rе + jωLed , (4.20) where Led = L1 + L2 − 2 M . Phase difference between current and voltage is ϕed = ϕu − ϕi = arctg ωLed . Rе (4.21) Finally, complex voltage across each inductor U& 1 = [R1 + jω(L1 − M )] I& and U& 2 = [R2 + jω(L2 − M )] I& . Vector diagrams beneath represent voltage across cumulatively and differentially coupled inductors L1 and L2. jω M I& U& R2 I& -jω MI& jω L2 I& U& -jωM I& R2 I& jωM I& jωL1 I& ϕec 0 I& R1 I& a) jωL2I& jωL1 I& ϕed 0 R1 I& b) Figure 4.9 – Voltage vector diagrams: а – cumulative coupling; b – differential coupling I& 59 4.6.3 Some features of analysis of magnetically coupled circuits. Decoupling inductors When analyzing magnetically coupled circuits, the Mesh Current Method is normally used, since other methods, such as the Node Voltage Method or Thevenin’s (Norton’s) Theorem, are invalid due to magnetic coupling. Yet to apply all the known methods of analysis, the circuits being considered needs to be decoupled. In Figure below (Fig. 4.10, a) there are two coupled inductors joined at a node by corresponding terminals. Figure 4.10, b shows their equivalent, obtained by decoupling the original circuit. M i2 i1 L1 i3 i1 L2 i2 L1– M L2 – M M i3 а) b) Figure 4.10 – Cumulatively coupled inductors decoupling: а – original circuit; b – decoupled circuit In case the inductors were joined in ‘opposing’ way (Fig. 4.11 a), the equivalent would be as in Fig. 4.11, b. M i2 i1 L1 i3 L2 i1 i2 L1 + M L2 + M –M а) i3 b) Figure 4.11 – Differentially coupled inductors decoupling: а – original circuit; b – decoupled circuit That such a transformation is valid is offered to check in the recommended literature. 60 4.7 Power balance If to supply some electric circuit (Fig. 4.12) with AC voltage Electric circuit u = Um cos (ωt+ϕu). Figure 4.12 – A circuit with a source plugged in It will cause current flow i = Imcos (ωt + ϕi). The period average value of power produced by the source can be estimated as 1T 1T 1T 1 ( ) ( ) ui dt = U I cos t + cos t + dt = U m I m cos(ϕ u + ϕ i ) dt + ω ϕ ω ϕ m m u i ∫ ∫ ∫ T0 T0 T0 2 T T U I U I 1 1 1 + ∫ U m I m cos(2ωt + ϕ u + ϕ i ) dt = m m cos(ϕ u − ϕ i ) ∫ dt = m m cosϕ = U I cosϕ , T0 2 2 T0 2 where ϕ = ϕu – ϕi. Pav = UI cosϕ = zI ⋅ I cos ϕ = I 2 z cosϕ (4.22) Pav = The period average power is also known as consumed power. It is defined in terms of RMS values of voltage U, current I and cosine of angle between them. Taking into account that Z = R + jX = z⋅cosφ + jz⋅sinϕ, it follows that z= R cos ϕ and equation (4.22) transforms into: Pav = P = I 2 R = U 2 G (4.23) Thus, period average power is equal to energy dissipated at resistive elements, which leads us to another definition of this value as true power, that is to say, actual amount of power used or dissipated in a circuit. It is measured in units of Watts (W). Along with the true power in the AC circuits the concept of reactive power is used. Q = UI sin ϕI 2 X = U 2 B (4.24) Hence, total amount of power can be expressed as complex numbed ∗ ~ S = P + jQ= U& ⋅ I , (4.25) 61 ∗ * Where I is complex conjugate of the current, i.e. if I& = I e jϕ , then I = I e − jϕ . Modulus of complex power is called apparent power. S = P2 + Q2 . (4.26) Reactive power is measured in Volt-Amps-Reactive (VAR); apparent power – in Volt-Amps (VA). In accordance with (4.25)…(4.23) ~ S = UI cos ϕ + jUI sin ϕ. (4.27) In other words: ∗ ~ P = Re[U& I ] = Re[ S ]; ∗ ~ Q = Im[U& I ] = Im[S ]; (4.28) ~ S = UI = S ; cos ϕ = P . S (4.29) Cosine of ϕ is called power factor. The greater cosϕ, the more efficient circuit. Power factor possesses maximum possible value of cosϕ = 1 in case of a purely resistive circuit, where P = S, Q = 0. Power balance in the AC circuits can be defined by means of Tellegen’s Theorem in complex form. Since the Kirchhoff’s Laws are valid for complex currents and voltages as well as for their complex conjugates, the following expressions are obtained: nв ∑U& k I&k = 0 . (4.30) k =1 nв * nв ~ ∑U& k I k = ∑ S k = 0, k =1 (4.31) k =1 It, therefore, can be stated that total amount of complex power consumed by all the branches of a circuit is zero. In other words, this equation represents power balance. Definition of the latter can be reformulated in the following way: total amount of complex power produced by all sources equals to the amount of power consumed in all branches: nв nв ~ ~ (4.32) ∑ S k pr = ∑ S k cons . k =1 k =1 In accordance with (4.32), the conditions for true and reactive power balance are derived: 62 nв nв k =1 k =1 ∑ Pk pr = ∑ Pk cons ; nв nв k =1 k =1 (4.33) ∑ Qk pr =∑ Qk cons . (4.34) 4.8 Source operating modes and conditions for maximum power transfer Active two-terminal network generating AC voltage (current) can be replaced by an equivalent network (in accordance with Thevenin’s or Norton’s Theorems, see Fig. 4.11). Z0 U&0 + I&0 Z0 U&0 = Z0 I&0 a) b) Figure 4.13 – Equivalent sources: а – voltage source; b – current source Where U& 0 equals to complex voltage across the source’s open-circuit terminals (Fig. 4.13, а) and I&0 is complex current flowing through the source’s short-circuit terminals (Fig. 4.13, b). The impedance of a two-terminal element . Z0 = U0 . = R0 + jX 0 is called source’s inner impedance. If to connect some load I0 impedance to a source Z l = Rl + jX l , I& U&0 + Z 0 = R0 + jX 0 Z н = Rн + jX н then question of maximum power transfer arises. According to Ohm’s Law the complex current in circuit in Fig. 4.14 is I& = Figure 4.14 – Voltage source with a load connected U& 0 U& 0 = . Z 0 + Z L R0 + RL + j ( X 0 + X L ) The true power dissipated by the load is U 02 RL . P = I RL = ( R0 + RL ) 2 + ( X 0 + X L ) 2 2 63 It is obvious that power consumed by the load reaches its maximum in case X0 + XL = 0, P η which means that Pmax X L = −Х0, then 1 η U 02RL . (4.35) P= (R0 + RL )2 0,5 Figure 4.15 shows diagram Р(Rl) (continuous curve). Its maximum function Р(Rl) reaches when RL /R0 0 1 2 3 4 5 Figure 4.15 – True power Р and efficiency η graphs with respect to load impedance RL = R0. (4.36) Thus, amount of power consumed by load in AC circuit is maximal if the load impedance is complex conjugate of the generator’s inner impedance: Zl = R0 – jX0. The maximal amount of power consumed is P max = U 02 . 4R0 (4.37) The source’s efficiency is only 50 %, since inner impedance of the generator consumes the same amount of power as the load does. While increasing Rl, average power in the load decreases. The efficiency, however, is growing. The latter statement is represented in Fig. 4.15 by the dashed line. It follows from (4.35) that maximum power transfer can be ensured only at one frequency or, at least, narrow frequency band. In communication systems the load impedance value is usually chosen to be equal to generator’s inner impedance: ZL = Z0 = R0 + jX0 . This is known as matched load. It is shown in Figure 4.16. (4.38) 64 Z0 . . U L = U 0/ 2 + U0 Z0=ZL It means that independently of frequency, the voltage in load is always half of the generator voltage. Further it is proved that it allows avoiding signal distortion when it is being transmitted by the circuit. Figure 4.16 – Matched load 4.9 Signal energy characteristics Previously a few criteria of classification of electrical signals were introduced. Here some energy characteristics are given. A signal can be estimated by its instantaneous power: u 2 (t ) 2 p(t) = s (t) = = i (t ) R , W. R 2 (4.39) where s(t) is function describing signal in time-domain. If to assume that s(t) is an instantaneous value of u(t) or i(t), then p(t) would be the amount of instantaneous power dissipated by the resistor of 1 Ω. The value of p(t) is measured in А2 Ω = V2 S = W. Signal average power over some time interval: 1 t Pav = ∫ p(t)dt , W. t 2 − t1 t 2 (4.40) 1 Often signal average power is considered over the whole signal lifetime: T 2 1 Pav = lim ∫ p(t)dt , W. T →∞ T− (4.41) T 2 Signal energy over a time interval is defined by expression below: W = Pav (t 2 − t1 ) = PavT , W·s. (4.42) It should be noted that “energy” is a concept which can be applied to signals of finite duration only. Example. Signal u(t) is described by system: 65 0, t ≤ 0; U t u (t ) = , 0 < t ≤ tp ; t p 0, t > t p . u(t) U Its diagram is shown in Fig. 4.17. The instantaneous power accordance with (4.39) is: 0 tp t Figure 4.17 – u(t) signal waveform in U2 2 p (t ) = u (t ) = 2 t , W. tp 2 The average power is: 1 Pav = tp tp ∫ 0 t 1 U2 2 U 2 t 3 tp U 2 p (t ) dt = ∫ t dt = t 3 3 0 = 3 , W. t p t p2 0 p p The signal energy over the interval [0; tp] is: W = Pav t p = U 2t p 3 , W·s. 4.10 Procedure of symbolic analysis of linear electric circuits 1 Replace all the elements of the initial circuit by their complex equivalents in accordance with Table. 4.1. 2 Calculate impedances (admittances) of passive elements in the circuit. 3 Choose optimal analysis method and set up a system of equations by means of complex numbers. 4 Solve of the equations with respect to complex currents or voltages unknown. 5 Verify the results by checking power balance in complex form or plotting vector diagrams. 6 Transform obtained vectors (complex numbers) into time-domain. Key questions 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 How to write alternating voltage or current in terms of symbolic method? What is impedance (admittance) of a two-terminal network? Write the Kirchhoff’s and nodal equations for complex amplitudes? What are coupled inductors? How to define currents and voltages for cumulative and differential coupling? Write the equations for power balance in an AC circuit. What is the condition of maximum power transfer from a source to a load? 66 Table 4.1 – Complex equivalents of elements Elements of equivalent circuits for complex amplitudes U& m and I&m Equivalents for arbitrary u(t), i(t) Relationship Schematic Relationship between Name Name Schematic symbol between I&m and U& m symbol i and u u = e(t ) does not U& m = E& m does not E& m e(t) & i I Ideal voltage m + + depend on value and Complex voltage depend on I&m , source source u direction of current i U& m U& = U e jϕ u m i j(t) Ideal current source u i = j (t ) does not depend on value and direction of voltage u Complex current source u = iR Resistance R i Resistance u L i Inductance di u=L dt u i C i=C Capacitance u Coupled inductances 1 3 i1 L1 u1 (*)2 i 2 (∗) L2 * Inductive impedance + _ М 4 u2 u1 = L1 du dt di1 di ±M 2 dt dt u2 = ± M di1 di + L2 2 dt dt Capacitive impedance Complex coupled inductances J& m I&m I&m = I m e jϕ i U& m = Z R I&m I&m ZR U& m ZL ZR = R U& m = Z Z I&m Z L = jωL U& m I&m I&m = J& m does not depend on U& . m U& m I&m m ZC U& m Z U& m 1 I&m 1 (∗ ) I&m (∗) Z Z 2 U& m 2 U& m = Z C I&m 1 ZC = jωC U& m1 = Z 1 I&m1 ± Z М I&m 2 U& m2 = ±ZМ I&m1 + Z2 I&m2 Z 1 = jωL1 Z 2 = jωL2 Z М = jωМ 67 5 NON-LINEAR DC CIRCUIT ANALYSIS 5.1 Elements and their characteristics Non-linear element is one whose parameters, such as resistance (impedance), depend on the value of current flowing through voltage or across it. It can be described by functions below i = f(u) or u = f –1(i). (5.1) Any electric circuit with at least one non-linear element in it is non-linear circuit (NLC). Non-linear elements along with linear ones can be divided on resistive, inductive, and capacitive elements. Non-linear circuit which does not contain u reactive elements is called resistive (memoryless) circuit. Schematic symbol for a non-linear element is shown in Fig. 5.1. i NLE Graphical representation of NLE function in Cartesian coordinates is known as Figure 5.1 – Schematic symbol volt-ampere characteristic (VAC, also i-u for NLE diagram). An example of NLE is a semiconductor diode. Its designation and approximate VAC are shown in Fig. 5.2, a and b. The ideal diode (valve) would be described by VAC in Fig. 5.2, c. і і 0 u - + i u 0 a) и b) c) Figure 5.2 – Schematic symbol (а), VAC of non-ideal (b) and ideal (c) diodes VAC can also be represented as a table of corresponding values of current and voltage. Classification of NLE can be performed in different ways: – upon VAC symmetry in respect of origin of coordinates; – upon VAC monotony; – upon number of terminals: two-terminals (diodes), three-terminals (triodes), etc. We suggest looking into NLE classification on your own. 68 To define NLE properties completely, the whole VAC is necessary, however its points can be individually described by static and differential resistances. Static resistance of NLE is voltage-to-current ratio at some point of VAC (Fig. 5.3, а): Rs = u1 . i1 (5.1) Differential resistance (also incremental resistance or slope resistance) is ratio of infinitesimal increment of voltage at a VAC point to corresponding increment of current: ∆u du = . ∆i→0 ∆i di Rd = lim (5.2) Evidently, differential resistance can possess negative values across decreasing sections of VAC. Often VAC steepness is used instead of Rd. Steepness is a reciprocal of differential equation. Thus, it equals to: S = di . du (5.3) Fig. 5.3, a illustrates how to calculate the NLE parameters. Also a VAC of a tunnel diode is shown in Fig. 5.3, b. Differential equation across section (и1 – u2) is negative. It should be noticed that there are 3 points in Fig. 5.3, b: 1, 2, 3, which are different in values of static and slope resistances. i i i1 i1 u1 1 u а) 3 2 u1 u2 u b) Figure 5.3 – Volt-ampere characteristics of NLE: а – single operating point on VAC; b – three operating points at the same current i1 5.2 VAC approximation The VAC of non-linear elements are obtained experimentally. To perform calculations, however, function (i.e. analytical expression) needs to be defined. This raises a problem of selecting such a function that would be consistent with a 69 reasonable degree of accuracy to represent experimental characteristic. This problem is called approximation. Piece-wise linear approximation. The method consists in replacing real characteristic by straight lines of different slopes of i = i0 + iu. Polynomial approximation. The most common math tool to use is polynomial of n-th power: i = a0 + a1u + a2u2 + a3u3 +….+ anun, where coefficients a0, a1, a2, a3 … are real numbers which can be determined according to expression 1 d ni an = , n! du n u = U 0 here U0 is an operating point. di Easy to notice that a1 = is VAC steepness at point u = U0, а2 is first-order du derivative of steepness (taken with a coefficient of 1/2!), а3 is second-order derivative of steepness (with a coefficient 1/3!), etc. Number of terms is determined by accuracy of calculation required. There are also other ways of approximation, such as or exponential, either trigonometric polynomial, either hyperbolic function approximation. 5.3 Methods of non-linear circuit analysis Analytic method consists in employing Kirchhoff’s equations. The difficulty of this approach is that equations would necessarily contain functions describing NLE. This would make such non-linear equations, which leads to certain difficulties when solving them. Example. Circuit in Fig. 5.4 contains 2 nodes and 3 branches. If the circuit was linear, then there would be only 3 equations necessary to calculate it: 1L. u1 + u2 – E = 0, 2L. u3 + uL – u2 = 0, 1 i1 – i2 – iL = 0. In addition to resistors, there is a NLE in the circuit. The approximation function iL = f(uL) needs to be defined for it. For most complicated circuits analytic solution offers difficulties, so much more effective approaches appear to be numerical methods of solving systems of non-linear equations. Graph-analytic method is employed for respectively simple circuits containing only one NLE. In this case optimal method is based on Thevenin’s or Norton’s theorems. 70 + R2 NLE ul 2c 1c Е For example circuit in Fig. 5.4 can be replaced by an equivalent (Fig. 5.5, a), where R3 R1 i 1 1 U eg = U oc = i2 o R2 = il i2 E ⋅ R2 R1 + R2 in accordance with Fig. 5.5, b; Figure 5.4 – Two-loop circuit containing single NLE. Reg = R1 ⋅ R2 + R3 R1 + R2 in accordance with Fig. 5.5, c. Reg R3 R1 il R3 R1 + + NLE Uevs + ul - Е а) R2 UOC R2 i2o b) Revs c) Figure 5.5 – Equivalent transformation of circuit in Fig. 5.4: а – equivalent voltage source; b – open-circuit voltage Uoc; c – thevenin’s equivalent To determine operating point of NLE one can use a load characteristic which is defined by two points: E 1) ul = 0, isc = eg Reg 2) il = 0, U evs = U oc . i ics il VAC OP ul u U EVS = UOC Figure 5.6 – Determination of operating point by using load characteristic The line is shown in Fig. 5.6. Intersection of two characteristics defines operating point (ul and il). Now you can verify the result by Kirchhoff’s Law: u L + iL ⋅ Reg = U eg . Having determined values of uL and iL you can calculate other variables for the circuit in Fig. 5.4. The expressions are recommended to derive by your own. 71 Graphical method of NLC equivalent transformation consists in replacing VAC sections which describe series or parallel connection of elements by a single equivalent VAC. Such a substitution is performed by summing individual characteristics of NLEs with respect to current axis (in case of parallel connection) or voltage axis (series connection). There are characteristics of non-linear elements in Fig. 5.7, а. NLE R i i ∑ ∑ NLE R i1+i2 i u u1 u2 а) i2 i1 u1 + u2 u u b) Figure 5.7 – VAC transformation: a – series connection of elements; b – parallel connection of elements. When a series connection of elements, these characteristics should be summed with respect to fixed values of current, as it is shown in Fig. 5.7, a and thus the equivalent VAC is obtained. When a parallel connection of elements, currents are added with respect to fixed values of voltage, as it is shown in Fig. 5.7, b. Advantage of this method is that such an equivalent substitution exposes influence of individual elements on general solution, whereas original characteristic shape is of no importance as well as solving non-linear equations is no longer required. A series drawback of the method is high inaccuracy of the results (15…20 %). Key questions 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 What is a non-linear circuit? What are static and differential resistances of NLE? What is VAC steepness? What is VAC approximation? What is the idea of piece-wise linear approximation? What is the idea of analytic method of NLC calculation? What is the idea of graphical method of NLC calculation? What does the accuracy of graphical method depend on? 72 References 1 Бакалов В.П., Воробиенко П.П., Крук Б.И. Теория электрических цепей. Радио и связь, 1998. 2 Белецкий А.Ф. Теория линейных электрических цепей. – М: Энергия, 1986. 3 Зелях Э.В. Теория линейных электрических цепей: Учеб. пособие. Разд. первый – Одесса: ОЭИС им. О.С. Попова, 1978. 4 Атабеков Г.И. Теоретические основы электромеханики. Ч. 1 – М.: Энергия, 1978. 5 Матханов П.Н. Основы анализа электрических цепей. Линейные цепи – М.: Высшая школа, 1990. 6 Зевеке Г.В. и др. Основы теории цепей: Учебник для вузов.– М., Энергия, 1975. 7 Воробиенко П.П. Теория линейных электрических цепей. Сборник задач и упражнений: Учеб. пособие для вузов. – М.: Радио и связь, 1989. 8 Шебес М.Р., Каблукова М.В. Задачник по теории линейных электрических цепей: Учеб. пособие для электро- и радиотехнических спец. вузов. – М.: Высшая школа, 1990. 73 PART 2 Guidelines for the laboratory works Laboratory work № 1 ANALYSIS OF AUTONOMOUS TWO-TREMINAL NETWORKS 1 Purpose of work 1.1 To analyze a few autonomous two-terminal networks (ATTN) by running their VAC. 1.2 To determine inner resistances and possible substitutions. 2 References 2.1 Бакалов В.П., Воробиенко П.П., Крук Б.И. Теория электрических цепей: Учебник для вузов. – М.: Радио и связь, 1998. 2.2 Воробиенко П.П. Теория линейных электрических цепей. – М.: Радио и связь, 1989. – № 2.11, 2.12, 2.13. 3 Quiz 3.1 Questions to check your knowledge on the topic are given in Appendix A. 4 Home task 4.1 To answer test questions. 4.2 To look over laboratory work description. 4.3 Prepare tables for VAC of ATTN. 5 Laboratory task 5.1 Measure ATTN characteristics (Fig. 5.1). The results write in respective table. 5.2 Plot respective VAC. 5.3 Determine inner resistances of each ATTN and show possible substitution circuits. Figure 5.1 – Virtual model for running volt-ampere characteristics of ATTN 74 6 Procedure of performance of laboratory work 6.1 To determine an ATTN characteristic, you need to connect respective ATTN to the circuit. To do that, point mouse cursor at the switch connected in series with the ATTN given and click left mouse button. This closes the switch. 6.2 Each ATTN is analyzed in three modes: open-circuit (o.c., switch on position “2”), with a load (switch on position „3”), and short-circuit (s.c., switch on position “4”). To choose the mode, use mouse. Ammeter A and Voltmeter V readings need to be registered in s.c. and o.c. modes. 6.3 Use your mouse to connect analyzed ATTN to load (switch on position “3”). While varying resistance value RL (to do that, use buttons “up” and “down”, next to RL), register ammeter and voltmeter readings for each value of load resistance. 6.4 Write the readings in respective table. 6.5 Similarly, analyze the characteristics of other ATTN. 6.6 According to the results you have obtained plot volt-ampere characteristics for each ATTN. 6.7 According to VAC determine inner resistances (conductances) of each ATTN and give possible substitution circuits. 6.8 In accordance with VAC determine which type of energy source is it. 7 The contents of the protocol 7.1 7.2 7.3 7.4 7.5 7.6 Topic and purpose of work. Analyzed circuit. Result table and VAC diagrams. Calculation results. Substitution circuits for ATTN. Conclusion. 75 Laboratory work № 2 ANALYSIS OF RESISTIVE CIRCUITS WITH TWO SOURCES 1 Purpose of work 1.1 To master application of Ohm’s and Kirchhoff’s Laws. 1.2 To master superposition method. 1.3 To check calculation results experimentally. 2 References 2.1 Белецкий А.Ф. Теория линейных цепей. – М.: Радио и связь, 1986.– С. 49…62, 31…39. 2.2 Воробиенко П.П. Теория линейных электрических цепей. – М.: Радио и связь, 1989.– задачи № 1.13, 1.18; № 2.1, 2.2; № 3.1, 3.2, 3.4, 3.5, 3.8, 3. 3 Quiz 3.1 Questions to check your knowledge on the topic are given in Appendix A. 4 Home task 4.1 Look over the theoretical material and answer the test questions. 4.2 Draw the circuit with two sources (given by an instructor). 4.3 Draw s circuit with a single voltage source (current sources need to be opencircuited). 4.4 Determine equivalent resistance Req with respect to remaining source. 4.5 Determine currents in all branches and show their conventionally positive directions. 4.6 Verify obtained results according to Kirchhoff’s Laws. 4.7 Draw a circuit with a single current source (voltage sources need to be shortcircuited). 4.8 Apply paragraphs 4.4...4.6 to the circuit. 4.9 Determine real currents in the original circuit (with two sources) by superposition method. Use calculation data from paragraphs 4.5, 4.8. 4.10 Check compliance with Kirchhoff's laws. 5 Laboratory task 5.1 Measure all the currents in the circuit with a voltage source only. Compare with calculated data. 5.2 Measure all the currents in the circuit with the current source only. Compare with calculated data. 5.3 Measure all the currents in the original circuit. Compare with calculated data. 5.4 Reverse direction of the current source. Measure all the currents and compare them to the results from paragraph 5.3. 5.5 Make conclusions. 76 6 Procedure of performance of laboratory work 6.1 Assemble the circuit with two (three) energy sources. To do this, point your mouse cursor to each of two-terminal networks Z1…Z6 (Fig. 6.1) and click left mouse button. The symbol of chosen element will turn into symbols R, E or J (when clicked repeatedly, the symbol is replaced by next option). While choosing sources, pay special attention to their polarity. Having finished assembling the circuit, confirm your choice by pressing button „схема выбрана”. Figure 6.1 – Virtual model to analyse multi-source DC circuits 6.2 There are entry fields in the upper right corner. Enter values of the elements (in SI) there and then confirm your choice by pressing button „Значения элементов введены”. 6.3 Automatically opens first partial circuit (with a single source), indicating directions of the partial currents whose values are shown on the right of the circuit. 6.4 To view remaining partial and general (original) circuits and to determine corresponding currents, press buttons from „2” to „6” (depending on the number of partial circuits) or „Р”. The buttons are in the lower right corner of the window. 6.5 For each circuit compare obtained results with calculations and derive conclusions. 6.6 To change source’s polarity or analyze new circuit press button „Новая схема” in the lower right corner of the window and repeat paragraphs 6.1…6.5. 7 The contents of the protocol 7.1 Topic and purpose of work. 7.2 Analyzed circuit. 77 7.3 Calculation data for partial and general circuits. 7.4 Experimental data. 7.5 Conclusions. Laboratory work № 3 ANALYSIS OF LINEAR AC CIRCUITS 1 Purpose of work 1.1 To analyze properties of RLC AC series and parallel circuits. 2 References 2.1 Бакалов В.П., Воробиенко П.П., Крук Б.И. Теория электрических цепей: Учебник для вузов. – М.: Радио и связь, 1998. 2.2 Воробиенко П.П. Теория линейных электрических цепей. – М.: Радио и связь, 1989. – С.120, зад. 7.1. 3 Quiz 3.1 Questions to check your knowledge on the topic are given in Appendix A. 4 Home task 4.1 Look over the theoretical material in recommended books. 4.2 Answer the test-questions. 4.3 Learn how to determine basic parameters of harmonic oscillation (amplitude, frequency, initial phase) by its time diagram. 4.4 Learn how to determine difference in initial phases of two harmonic oscillations by their diagrams. 4.6 Know how to represent a harmonic oscillation on a complex plane or in frequency-domain. 4.7 Know how to derive formula from time diagram. 5 laboratory task 5.1 Analyze series connection of R, L, C elements (canonical series-oscillating circuit): 5.1.1 Determine resonant frequency ω0, amplitude and effective values of voltage across elements, maximal values of reactive powers, draw time diagrams of voltages and powers. 5.1.2 Repeat paragraph 5.1.1 for frequencies ω1 = ω0/2 and ω2 = 2ω0. 5.1.3 Using time-diagrams, determine formulae and draw vector diagrams of voltages. 5.1.4 Determine impedances of the reactive elements at each frequency. 5.2 Analyze parallel connection of R, L, C elements (canonical paralleloscillating circuit, or tank): 78 5.2.1 Repeat paragraphs 5.1.1…5.1.4 choosing currents and active power as analyzed values. 5.3 For an arbitrary frequency different from ω1, ω0 and ω2 determine difference in initial phases of voltages across the elements (for series circuit) and currents through the elements (for parallel circuit), draw vector diagrams. 6 Procedure of performance of the laboratory work 6.1 Select tab „Последовательный контур” (Fig. 6.1). Now you must see a model for series-oscillating circuit analysis. There are circuit itself and formula of input current in the upper right corner of the program window. In the upper left corner there are buttons to increase (clockwise direction) and decrease (counterclockwise direction) frequency; there are also time diagrams of voltages and powers beneath (curve’s colour corresponds to element’s colour). 6.2 Varying frequency by respective buttons, you can determine resonant frequency of the circuit (voltages across the reactive elements must be equal in magnitude and opposite in sign). 6.3 Resonant frequency and corresponding diagrams should be noted in your protocol. 6.4 Set frequencies ω1 and ω2 (to do that, use buttons for varying frequency). Note corresponding diagrams of voltages and powers in your protocol. 6.5 For each curve define formula and draw vector diagrams at all 3 frequencies. 6.6 To analyze parallel-oscillating circuit, choose tab „параллельный контур”. A model similar to previous one appears (Fig. 6.2), where time diagrams present currents and active power. 6.7 Similarly analyze the circuit in respect of currents and instantaneous power in the resistor. 7.1 7.2 7.3 7.4 7 The contents of the protocol Topic and purpose of work. Results of your home task. Circuits, graphs, vector diagrams, formulae. Conclusions. 79 Figure 6.1 – Virtual model to analyze series-oscillating circuit АД Figure 6.2 – Virtual model to analyze parallel-oscillating circuit Laboratory work № 4 INPUT FUNCTION ANALYSIS (RL, RC, RLC) 1 Purpose of work 1.1 Analyze frequency dependence of linear passive two-terminal networks containing R, L, C elements. 80 2 References 2.1 Бакалов В.П., Воробиенко П.П., Круг Б.Н. Теория электрических цепей: Учебник для вузов. – М.: Радио и связь, 1998. 2.2 Белецкий А.Ф. Теория линейных электрических цепей. – М.: Радио и связь, 1986. 3 Quiz 3.1 Questions to check your knowledge on the topic are given in Appendix A. 4 home task 4.1 Learn properties of passive R, L, C elements in AC circuits. 4.2 Calculate values of the elements using the following expressions R = n , Ohm; L = n 10 , mH; C = , µF, m+n n( m + n) where m is a number of the academic group (for example TE-02, m = 2), n is a student’s serial number in the group list. 4.3 Calculate circuits in Fig. 4.1. Ug Ug L R C R 1 Ug L R 2 C 3 Figure 4.1– Analyzed circuits Formulas describing circuit 1 (Fig. 4.1): Z RL = R + jX L = z RL e jϕRL ; X L = ωL; z RL = R 2 + X L2 ; I RL = Ug z RL ; ϕ RL = arctg XL . R When carrying out the calculation, assume frequency to be equal to: 0; 0,25ω11; 0,5ω11; ω11; 2ω11; 3ω11; ∞, here ω11 is a reference frequency derived from the equation XL = R, hence ω11 = R rad , ; U Г = 10 V. L s 81 Tabulate the results (Table 4.1). Plot the frequency responses using the calculation results. Table 4.1 ω, rad/s XL, Ω zRL, Ω IRL, mA ϕ°RL Use these formulas to describe circuit 2 (Fig. 4.1): Z RC = R − jX C = z RC e jϕRC ; U X 1 ; z RC = R 2 + X C2 ; I RC = g ; ϕ RC = −arctg C . z RC R ωC Calculations needs to be carried out at the frequencies of: 0; 0,25ω12; 0,5ω12; ω12; 2ω12; 3ω12; ∞, here ω12 is a reference frequency derived from the expression XC = R, hence XC = ω12 = 1 rad , ; U g = 10 V. RC s Tabulate the calculation results. Plot the frequency responses using the calculation results. Table 4.2 ω, rad/s XС, Ω z RС , Ω IRС, mA ϕ°RС Use these formulas to describe circuit 3 (Fig 4.1): Z = R + jX LC = z RLC e jϕRLC ; 2 X LC = X L − X C ; z RLC = R 2 + X LC ; I RLC = Ug z RLC ; ϕ RLC = arctg X LC . R Calculations needs to be carried out at the frequencies of: 0; 0,25ω0; 0,5ω0; ω0; 2ω0; 3ω0; ∞, Here ω0 is a reference frequency derived from the expression: ω0 = 1 , rad/s. LC Tabulate the calculation results. Plot the frequency responses using the calculation results. Table 4.3 XL, Ω ω, rad/s XC, Ω XLC , Ω zRLС , Ω IRLС , mA ϕ°RLС 82 5 Laboratory task 5.1 Assemble the circuit shown in Fig. 4.1. Choose nominal values of the elements, generator voltage. 5.2 Vary AC source frequency f [Hz], measure and note voltmeters readings. Fill them in Table 4.1. Carry out measurements at the frequencies of: 0,25f11; 0,5f11; ω f11; 2f11; 3f11 f11 = 11 . 2π Table 5.1 f, Hz UR, V UL, V IRL, mA XL, Ω zRL, Ω ϕ°RL 5.3 Calculate the following parameters of the circuit using the expressions U U U U I RL = R ; X L = L ; z RL = g ; ϕ RL = arctg L , R I RL I RL UR Obtained results fill in the Table 5.1. 5.4 Repeat paragraphs 5.1…5.3 for circuit 2 (Fig 4.1). Use the following formulas: U U U U I RC = R ; X C = C ; z RC = g ; ϕ RC = −arctg C . R I RC I RC UR Tabulate the results. Table 5.2 f, Hz UR, V UС , V IRС , mA XС, Ω z RС , Ω ϕ°RС 5.5 Repeat paragraphs 5.1…5.3 for circuit 3 (Fig 4.1). These are the formulas to use: I RLC = U U U − UC UR U ; X L = L ; X C = C ; z RLC = g ; ϕ RLC = arctg L . R I RLC I RLC I RLC UR Tabulate the results. Table 5.3 f, Hz UR , V UL, V UС, V ULС , V IRLС, mA XL, Ω XС , Ω zRLС, Ω ϕ°RLС Using the tables plot corresponding diagrams. 6 Procedure of performance of the laboratory work 6.1 Assemble analyzed circuit (RL, RC, RLC). Click button „Выбор элементов” at the top of the computer model (Fig .1). Replace networks Z1, Z2, Z3 with corresponding components (R, L, or C). When analyzing networks RL and RC replace Z3 by short circuit. Figure 6.2 shows an example of model for RL circuit analysis. 83 Figure 6.1 – Computer model of analysed circuit Figure 6.2 – Computer model for RL circuit analysis 6.2 Choose nominal values of R, L, C components in accordance with the variant given. To do this, click „Значения элементов” button. Enter values of the elements in the window appeared. Press “OK”. Note. Use the floating-point representation of input values. For instance 5 µF becomes 5е-6 F. 6.3 Set parameters of the generator. Press button „Параметры генератора”. In opened window enter generator voltage (set one time only), frequency, initial phase (usually 0 degrees). Press “OK”. Note. Frequency of 0 or ∞ Hz cannot be set. 6.4 Take readings. To do this, click the voltmeter (ammeter) with left button of mouse. The readings will appear in opened window. 6.5 To plot the frequency responses of the circuit, carry out paragraphs 6.3 and 6.4 using frequencies from the range offered. 6.6 To modify the circuit, repeat paragraphs 6.1 and 6.2. 6.7 An approximate view of frequency responses can be observed, if pressed „Результаты измерений”. To return to the menu of circuit assembling, press „Изменить схему”. 84 7.1 7.2 7.3 7.4 7 The contents of the protocol Topic and purpose of work. Results of the home task. Analyzed circuit, formulas related to it, diagrams, tables. Conclusions. 85 APPENDIX A Test questions to laboratory works Laboratory work № 1 ANALYSIS OF AUTONOMOUS TWO-TREMINAL NETWORKS 1 What is an electric circuit? 2 What is an equivalent circuit? 3 What is an autonomous network? 4 What is an active element? Which electric elements are active? 5 What is instantaneous power? 6 What is an electric network? 7 What is a linear element? 8 What is an ideal voltage source? 9 What is an ideal current source? 10 What states Kirchhoff Current Law? 11 What states Kirchhoff Voltage Law? 12 What is a series connection of electric components? 13 What is a parallel connection of electric components? 14 Explain the substitution circuit for a non-ideal voltage source. 15 Explain the substitution circuit to a non-ideal current source. 16 What is a dependent source? 17 How many dependent sources do you know? What are they? 18 What is a passive electric component? 19 What is a non-autonomous electric component? 20 For a given node write an equation using Kirchhoff Current Law. 21 Write an equation describing a capacitive element С. 22 Write an equation describing an inductive element L. 23 Plot VAC of a non-ideal voltage source. 24 Plot VAC of a non-ideal current source. 25 How to calculate the amount of energy? 26 What is a non-linear element? 27 What units is conductance measured in? 28 What is the difference between voltage source and current source? 86 Laboratory work № 2 ANALYSIS OF RESISTIVE CIRCUITS WITH TWO SOURCES 1 What are the relationships between values of current and conductance in a resistive current divider? 2 What are the relationships between values of current and capacitance in a capacitive current divider? 3 What are the relationships between values of current and inductance in an inductive current divider? 4 What are the relationships between values of voltage and resistance in a resistive voltage divider? 5 What are the relationships between values of voltage and capacitance in a capacitive voltage divider? 6 What are the relationships between values of voltage and inductance in an inductive voltage divider? 7 What is the essence of the Superposition Method in circuit analysis? 8 What is the essence of the Node Voltage Method in circuit analysis? 9 How do we apply Thevenin’s theorem in circuit analysis? 10 How do we apply Norton’s theorem in circuit analysis? 11 What is a current divider? 12 What is a voltage divider? 13 Write the equation governing a voltage divider? 14 Write the equation governing a current divider? 15 What is self-conductance of a node? 16 Is the following statement correct: components connected in series are joined in a common node? 17 Is the following statement correct: the algebraic sum of the voltages around any closed circuit is zero? 18 Is the following statement correct: the algebraic sum of current flowing around any closed circuit is zero? 19 For a given node write Kirchhoff’s Current Law. 20 Write the equation describing a capacitive component С. 21 Write the equation describing an inductive component L. 22 Plot VAC of a non-ideal voltage source. 23 What is the graph of an electric circuit? 24 What is a graph node? 25 What is a graph rib? 26 What a cycle of a graph? 27 What is a graph tree? 28 What is a directed graph? 29 What is an undirected graph? 30 What is a planar graph? 87 Laboratory work № 3 ANALYSIS OF LINEAR AC CIRCUITS 1 What does the difference in initial phases of AC voltage and current in a resistor equal to? 2 What does the difference in initial phases of AC voltage and current in an inductor equal to? 3 What does the difference in initial phases of AC voltage and current in a capacitor equal to? 4 What does the difference in initial phases of AC voltages in L and C components equal to, in case they are connected in series? 5 What does the difference in initial phases of AC voltages in R and L, in case they are connected in series? 6 What does the difference in initial phases of AC voltages in R and C components equal to, in case they are connected in series? 7 What does the difference in initial phases of AC voltages in a RLC circuit equal to, in case UR = UС = UL = 1 V? What about currents? 8 What does the difference in initial phases of AC currents in L and C components equal to, in case they are connected in parallel? 9 What does the difference in initial phases of AC currents in R and C components equal to, in case they are connected in parallel? 10 What does the difference in initial phases of AC currents in R and L components equal to, in case they are connected in parallel? 11 What are harmonic oscillations? 12 Which units is angular frequency ω measured in? 13 How to derive voltage amplitude value from its RMS value? 14 Which units is frequency f measured in? 15 What is period of a harmonic oscillation? 16 What are the relationships between angular frequency ω and period T? 17 What is the average value of a harmonic oscillation? 18 How to calculate the amount of energy dissipated by a resistor? 19 How to determine inductive impedance? 20 How to determine inductive admittance? 21 How to determine capacitive impedance? 22 How to determine capacitive admittance? 23 What is electric resonance in a circuit? 24 How to determine circuit impedance? 25 How to determine circuit conductance? 88 Laboratory work № 4 INPUT FUNCTION ANALYSIS 1 Which way of complex numbers representation is convenient to use in order to determine total impedance of a series circuit? 2 Which way of complex numbers representation is convenient to use in order multiply them? 3 What does total voltage across a series connection of L and R components equal to, in case individual voltage across each is 2 V? 4 What does the angle between individual voltage vectors in a series RL circuit equal to, in case UL = UR = 10 V? 5 What does the angle between vectors of total voltage and voltage across the resistor in a series RL circuit equal to, in case UL = UR = 1 V? 6 What does total impedance of a series RC circuit equal to, in case R = 3 Ω, ХС = 4 Ω? 7 What is an amplitude frequency characteristic? 8 What is a phase frequency characteristic? 9 How does inductive impedance depend on frequency? 10 How does capacitive impedance depend on frequency? 11 How different are currents in a series RL circuit? 12 How different are currents in a series RC circuit? 13 How does inductive admittance depend on frequency? 14 How does capacitive admittance depend on frequency? 15 Which way of complex numbers representation is the most convenient for subtracting two values of impedance? 16 Which way of complex number numbers representation is the most convenient to use in order to determine total impedance or admittance of a RLC circuit? 17 What does the total current of parallel RC circuit equal to, in case IR = IC = = 1 A? 18 What does the angle between vectors of current in a parallel RC circuit equal to, in case IR = IC = 1 A? 19 What does the angle between vectors of total current and current trough a resistor in a parallel RC circuit equal to, in case IR = IC = 1 A? 20 What does the total current in a parallel RC circuit equal to, in case IG = IC = = 1 A? 21 What does the total current in a series RC circuit equal to, in case UR = UC = = 2 V? 22 What does the total current in a parallel RL circuit equal to, in case IR = 3 А, IL = 4 А? 23 What does the total voltage in a series RC circuit equal to, in case UR = 2 V, UC = 1 V? 24 What does the frequency ω equal to, in case XL = R = 100 Ω, L = 0,1 H? 89 25 What does the frequency ω equal to, in case XС = R = 100 Ω, С = 10 µF? 26 What does the current through a series RL circuit equal to, in case there is DC voltage of 10 V applied to it and R = 10 Ω, L = 10 mH? 27 What does the current through a series RC circuit equal to, in case there is DC voltage of 10 V applied to it and R = 10 Ω, C = 10 µF? 28 What does the phase shift between voltage across an inductor and current through a series RL circuit equal to, in case frequency is zero? 29 What does the phase shift between voltage across an inductor and current through a series RL circuit equal to, in case R = XL = 10 Ω? 30 What does the phase shift between voltage across a capacitor and current through a series RC circuit equal to, in case R = XС = 10 Ω? 31 What does the impedance magnitude of a series RL circuit equal to, in case R = XL = 10 Ω? 32 What does the impedance magnitude of a series RLC circuit equal to, in case R = 1 Ω, XL = 2 Ω, XС = 1 Ω? 33 What does the total voltage of a series LC circuit equal to, in case UL = UC = = 5 V? 90 APPENDIX B Examples of problem solution for unit 1 Kirchhoff’s Laws Problem 1 A few branches are joined in a node of an electric circuit. The currents through them are shown in Figure below. Determine current I5. I1 5A Solution I2 8A According to Kirchhoff’s Current Law: I3 11A I5 I1 − I 2 − I 3 + I 4 − I 5 = 0 , I4 3A Hence I 5 = I1 − I 2 − I 3 + I 4 = Figure 1.1 – The node being analysed = 5 − 8 − 11 + 3 = −11A. Verification: 5 – 8 – 11 + 3 – (– 11) = 0, 0 ≡ 0. Problem 2 There is an electric circuit in Fig. 2.1: R1 = 10 Ω, R2 = 20 Ω, Е = 15 V, J = 1 A. Find uj. E + R1 R2 u1 u2 Solution uj J I Figure 2.1 - The circuit being analysed Current I flows in the same direction as source current J does. Voltage drops U1 and U2, therefore, are directed as it is shown in the Figure and respectively equal to: U 1 = I ⋅ R1 = 1 ⋅ 10 = 10 V ; U 2 = I ⋅ R2 = 1 ⋅ 20 = 20 V . In accordance with Kirchhoff’s Voltage Law: 91 U1 + U 2 + U j − E = 0; U j = E − U 1 − U 2 = 10 − 10 − 20 = −10 V. Sign “–” indicates that the source polarity is opposite to that in the Figure. Problem 3 Find branch currents applying Kirchhoff’s Laws to a circuit in Fig. 3.1. Initial data: R1 = 10 Ω, R2 = 20 Ω, R3 = 30 Ω, Е1 =20 V, Е2 =10 V. For the circuit given you can set up one equation by Kirchhoff’s Current Law and two more by Kirchhoff’s Voltage Law. To do that, choose arbitrarily directions of currents I1, I2, I3, as it is shown in Fig. 3.1, and R1 I1 directions of loop-tracing (shown by dashed I2 R2 arrows) I3 E1 + u1 E 2 u Thus, in accordance with Kirchhoff’s R3 u3 2 Laws you obtain an equation set l1 l2 Node: I 1 − I 2 − I 3 = 0; + l1: Figure 3.1 – The circuit being analysed l2: U 1 + U 3 − E1 = 0; U 2 − E 2 − U 3 = 0. Expressing voltages U1, U2, U3 in terms of currents and resistances: I1 − I 2 − I 3 = 0; I1 ⋅ R1 + 0 + I 3 ⋅ R3 = E1; 0 + I ⋅ R − I ⋅ R = E . 2 2 3 3 2 Now currents I1, I2, I3 can be calculated by determinants: I1 = ∆ ∆1 ∆ ; I2 = 2 ; I3 = 3 , ∆ ∆ ∆ where 1 ∆ = R1 0 0 ∆1 = E1 −1 0 E2 R2 −1 0 R2 −1 1 R3 = 10 − R3 0 −1 0 20 −1 30 = −600 − [10 ⋅ (30 + 20)] = −1100 ; − 30 −1 R3 = − E1 [R3 − R2 ] + E2 [− R3 ] = −20 (50) + 10 (−30) = −1000 − 300 = −1300; − R3 92 1 0 −1 ∆ 2 = R1 E1 R3 = − E1 [− R3 ] − E2 [R3 + R1 ] = 20 (−30) − 10 (40) = −600 − 400 = −1000; 0 E2 − R3 1 −1 0 ∆3 = R1 0 0 R2 E1 = −E1 ⋅ R2 + E2 ⋅ R1 = −20⋅ 20+10⋅10 = −400+100= −300; E2 I1 = 1300 1000 300 = 1,182 A , I 2 = = 0,91A , I 3 = = 0,273 A . 1100 1100 1100 Verification of the obtained values is performed by checking power balance: ∑ Pk = 0 , or Рs = Рcons. − I1 ⋅ E1 − I 2 ⋅ E2 + I12 ⋅ R1 + I 22 ⋅ R2 + I 32 ⋅ R3 = 0. When substituted, currents will fit the last equation. This operation is leaved out in order to be accomplished yourself. Analysis of single-source circuits Problem 4 I1 R1 I3 I2 U1 E R3 R2 U3 U2 R4 U4 Find currents and voltages in a circuit shown in Fig. 4.1. Values of components: Е = 6 V, R1 = 5 Ω, R2 = 30 Ω, R3 = 10 Ω, R4 = 20 Ω. Solution Figure 4.1 – The circuit being analysed 1 Set directions of the currents and voltages, as it is shown in Fig. 4.1. 2 Since the circuit contains mixed-type connections, transform it into more appropriate form to deal with. Resistors R3 and R4 in Fig. 4.1 are connected in series, so they can be replaced by an equivalent resistor R34 R34 = R3 + R4 = 10 + 20 = 30 Ω. Fig. 4.2 demonstrates the circuit after this transformation. In the latter circuit resistors R2 and R34 are connected in parallel, so they can be replaced by an equivalent R234: 93 R2 ⋅ R34 30 ⋅ 30 = = 15 Ω R2 + R34 30 + 30 = U 3 + U 4 . Currents in branches can be found in R234 = The voltage U 2 = U 34 accordance with current divider equations: R34 R2 ; I 3 = I1 . I 2 = I1 R2 + R34 R2 + R34 Now the circuit becomes one in Fig. 4.3. It contains voltage source and two resistors: all connected in series. The current in the circuit and voltages across elements can be found by Ohm’s Law: I1 R1 I3 I2 U1 E R2 E 6 = = 0,3 A; R1 + R234 5 + 15 R1 U1 E R234 U 1 = I1 ⋅ R1 = 0,3 ⋅ 5 = 1,5 V; U 2 = I1 ⋅ R234 = 0,3 ⋅ 15 = 4,5 V. Currents I2 and I3 (see above) 30 = 0,15A; 30 + 30 30 I 3= 0,3 = 0,15A. 30 + 30 Voltages by Ohm’s Law I 2 = 0,3 Figure 4.3 – Equivalent circuit U 3 = I 3⋅R3 = 0,15 ⋅ 10 = 1,5 V ; U 4 = I 3⋅R4 = 0,15 ⋅ 20 = 3 V. 3 Result can be verified by checking power balance of the original circuit: − E ⋅ I1 + I 1 ⋅ U 1 + I 2 ⋅ U 2 + I 3 ⋅ U 3 + I 4 ⋅ U 4 = 0. Substituting calculated values we obtain: − 6 ⋅ 0,3 + 0,3 ⋅ 1,5 + 0,15 ⋅ 4,5 + 0,15 ⋅ 1,5 + 0,15 ⋅ 3 = 0; − 1,8 + 0,45 + 0,675 + 0,225 + 0,45 = 0; − 1,8 + 1,8 = 0; 0 ≡ 0. Thus, validity of the results is confirmed. U34 Figure 4.2 – Equivalent transformation of the circuit I1 I1 = R34 U2 U234 94 Problem 5 Superposition method R1 I1 1 I3 I R3 I4 J R2 E 2 R4 3 Figure 5.1 – The circuit being analysed I1′ I3′ R1 R3 I2′ E R2 OC R4 Figure 5.2 – First partial circuit Find branch currents in a circuit in Fig. 5.1 employing superposition method. There are the following values known: Е = 6 V; I = 0,6 A; R1 = R2 = 20 Ω; R3 = R4 = 10 Ω. Solution 1 Choose conventionally positive directions of currents, as it is shown in Fig. 5.1. 2 Assume that the source current is zero (J = 0). The source needs to be open-circuited then. Now we obtain first partial single-source circuit (Fig. 5.2). To find partial currents I1′ − I 3′ you can use results from previous task: R34 = R3 + R 4 = 10 + 10 = 20 Ω; R234 = R2 ⋅ R34 20 ⋅ 20 = = 10 Ω; R2 + R34 20 + 20 E 6 = = 0,2 A; R1 + R234 20 + 10 R34 20 I 2′ = I1′ = 0,2 = 0,1A; R + R 20 + 20 ′ ′ I R 2 34 R1 I ′′ 1 3 3 2 I 4′′ 1 R2 20 ′ ′ I = I = 0 , 2 = 0,1A. 3 1 ′ ′ I2 R2 + R34 20 + 20 J R4 SC R2 3 Assume that the source voltage is zero (Е = 0). The source needs to be short-circuited then. Thus we obtain another partial single0 source circuit (Fig. 5.3). Figure 5.3 – Second Transform circuit in Fig. 5.3 by replacing partial circuit R1, R2, R3 parallel-series connection with an 1 equivalent resistor R123: ′ ′ I ′ ′ I3 4 R ⋅R R123 = 1 2 + R3 = R1 + R 2 R4 R123 J 20 ⋅ 20 = + 10 = 20 Ω. 20 + 20 0 Figure 5.4 – Second partial circuit I1′ = 95 The current can be determined in accordance with current divider equation: I 3′′ = I R4 10 = 0,6 = 0,2 A; R13 + R4 20 + 10 R13 20 = 0,6 = 0,4 A; R13 + R4 20 + 10 R2 20 I1′′ = I 3′′ = 0,2 = 0,1A; R1 + R2 20 + 20 I 4′′ = I I 2′′ = I 3′′ R1 20 = 0,2 = 0,1A. R1 + R2 20 + 20 4 Now you can find resulting values by employing superposition principle. We assume that all the currents are directed as it is shown in the original circuit (Fig. 5.1). Partial currents of the same direction with those in the original circuit we suppose to be positive (“+” sign), negative otherwise (“–” sign). Thus, real currents equal to: I 1 = I 1′ − I 1′′ = 0, 2 − 0,1 = 0,1 A; I 2 = I 2′ + I 2′′ = 0,1 + 0,1 = 0,2 A; I 3 = I 3′ − I 3′′ = 0,1 − 0, 2 = −0,1 A; I 4 = I 4′ + I 4′′ = 0,1 + 0, 4 = 0,5 A. Negative values mean that real current direction is opposite to the one chosen. 5 Verifying the results by checking KCL (node 3): − I1 + I 2 − J + I 4 = 0. Substituting current values: − 0 ,1 + 0 , 2 − 0 ,6 + 0 ,5 = 0 . That confirms validity of the results. 1 R1 I1 I3 R3 Problem 6 Node voltage analysis Find currents in a circuit in Fig. 6.1 by node voltage approach. Use the same initial data as in problem 5. 2 I4 I2 + E R2 U10 U20 J R4 0 Figure 6.1 – The circuit being analysed 96 Solution Choose conventionally positive current directions (Fig. 6.1). 1 The circuit contains three principal nodes: 1, 2, 0. Let node 0 be a reference node. Remaining nodes can be described by the nodal equation set with respect to voltages U10 and U20: 1 G11U 10 + G12U 20 = I11 ; 2 G 21U 10 + G 22U 20 = I 22 , where U10, U20 are desired nodal voltages; G11, G22 are self-conductances of nodes 1 and 2; G12 = G21 is mutual conductance between nodes 1 and 2; I11, I22 are nodal currents of respectively 1st and 2nd nodes; 1 1 1 1 1 1 + + = + + = 0,2 S; R1 R2 R3 20 20 10 1 1 1 1 G22 = + = + = 0,2 S; R3 R4 10 10 1 1 G12 = G21 = − = − = −0,1 S; R3 10 E G I11 = = = 0,3 А; R1 20 G11 = I 22 = J = 0,6 А. Substitute obtained values in the equation set and solve it with respect to U10 and U20: 0,2U 10 − 0,1U 20 = 0,3; − 0,1U 10 + 0,2U 20 = 0,6. Solving by determinant method: ∆= ∆1 = 0,2 − 0,1 − 0,1 0,2 0,3 − 0,1 0,6 0,2 = 0,2 ⋅ 0,2 − (−0,1)(−0,1) = 0,04 − 0,01 = 0,03 ; = 0,3 ⋅ 0,2 − (−0,1) 0,6 = 0,06 + 0,06 = 0,12 ; 97 ∆2 = 0,2 0,3 − 0,1 0,6 = 0,2 ⋅ 0,6 − 0,3(−0,1) = 0,12 + 0,03 = 0,15 ; U 10 = ∆1 0,12 = = 4 V; ∆ 0,03 U 20 = ∆ 2 0,15 = = 5 V. ∆ 0,03 2 Finding branch currents: E − U 10 6 − 4 = = 0,1 А; R1 20 U 4 I 2 = 10 = = 0,2 А; R2 20 U − U 10 5 − 4 U I 3 = 21 = 20 = = 0,1 А; R3 R3 10 U 5 I 4 = 20 = = 0,5 А. R4 10 I1 = 3 The results can be confirmed by checking power balance: − E ⋅ I1 + I12 R1 + I 22 R2 + I 32 R3 − U 20 ⋅ J + I 42 ⋅ R4 = 0; − 6 ⋅ 0,1 + 0,12 ⋅ 20 + 0,2 2 ⋅ 20 + 0,12 ⋅ 10 − 5 ⋅ 0,6 + 0,5 2 ⋅ 10 = 0; − 0,6 + 0,2 + 0,8 + 0,1 − 3 + 2,5 = 0; − 3,6 + 3,6 = 0; 0 ≡ 0. As you may see the results are valid. Equivalent source (Thevenin’s and Norton’s theorems) Problem 7 Find current І3 in a circuit shown in Figure 7.1, а using Thevenin’s theorem, in case Е1 = 20 V, Е2 = 10 V, R1 = 10 Ω, R2 = 20 Ω, R3 = 30 Ω. 98 1 R1 I3 + E1 R3 R2 Rg ∗ 1 I3 I1 R1 1 R2 1 + U R3 E Uoc 1 R Lp1 R= 2 2 + E2 Eg + 2 а) b) E2 + c) Figure 7.1 – The circuit being analysed (а), equivalent voltage source (b), open-circuit voltage determination (c) Solution Consider branch containing resistor R3 to be a load and all the rest part of the circuit to be an equivalent voltage source Eg with a series resistor Rg. Thus, you transform the circuit into its equivalent shown in Figure 7.1 b. In this circuit current Eg I3 = (*). Rg + R3 To determine Eg, you need to disconnect resistor R3 in the original circuit and calculate the open-circuit voltage between nodes 1 and 2 (Fig. 7.1, c). First, find current I1 : E + E2 30 I1 = 1 = =1A . R1 + R2 30 R1 1 R2 2 Figure 7.2 – Rg determination Then U 1 = I 1 ⋅ R1 = 1 ⋅ 10 = 10 V . Loop 1 thus can be described in accordance with KVL: U 1 + U oc − E1 = 0 ; U oc = E1 − U 1 = 20 − 10 = 10 V ; U oc = Eg = 10 V . To find Rg = Rin12, assume values E1 and E2 to be zero. Hence, you obtain the circuit in Fig. 7.2. Resistance Rin12 equals to RR 10 ⋅ 20 Rin 12 = 1 2 = = 6,666 Ω . R1 + R2 10 + 20 Substituting Uoc = 10 V and Rg = Rin12 = = 6,666 Ω in expression (*) you obtain 5 C3 4 R1 e(t) + C2 1 L4 2 C5 3 Figure 8.1 – The cicruit being analysed R6 99 I3 = 10 = 0,272 A . 6,666 + 30 As you may have noticed application of Thevenin’s theorem gives the same results as other methods (see Problem 3). Dual transformations Problem 8 Describe a circuit dual to the one in Figure 8.1. Solution To transform the circuit into dual one, you need to replace all the components and sections in accordance with Table 8.1 Finding the dual circuit would be a good idea to do in stages: а) In each closed loop choose a node and number it; b) Then connect the nodes with lines so that they cross all the components of the original circuit (see Fig. 8.1). Now you have a graph of dual circuit (dashed lines); Table 8.1 – Dual values Node Loop u i 1 R L G1′ Node i u G C L L5′ 2 C 4′ C j(t) Loop L2′ L3′ 4 3 G 6′ 5 Figure 8.2 – Circuit dual to the one in Fig. 8.1 c) Now in each branch of the dual graph insert respective components and thus, the circuit obtained in the end would be dual to the original one. The result is shown in Figure 8.2. Complex amplitudes Problem 9 L1 R1 R2 L2 C1 Figure 9.1 – The circuit being analysed There is a two-terminal network in Figure 9.1. Find its impedance Z ( jω) and admittance Y ( jω) . 100 Solution ZL1 = jωL1 R1 Z C1 = If to describe the circuit in terms of impedances of its components, then it can be transformed into the one shown in Figure 9.2. All the impedances in circuit below are measured in [Ohm]. Here ZL1 and R1, ZL2 and R2 are connected in series. Thus R2 ZL2 = jωL2 1 jωC1 Figure 9.2 – Symbolic equivalent of the original circuit Z 1 = Z L1 + R1 = jωL1 + R1 , Z 2 = Z L 2 + R2 = jωL2 + R2 . Z1 Z2 Z С1 Figure 9.3 – Further transformation of circuit in Fig. 9.2 Z ( jω ) = = Z e1 ⋅ Z C1 Z e1 + Z C1 In the latter circuit (Fig. 9.3) components Z1 and ZС1 are connected in parallel and these two together are in series with Z2. Then total impedance of the circuit given can be expressed as: 1 jωC1 + Z e2 = + jωL2 + R2 = 1 jωL1 + R1 + jωC1 ( j ωL 1 + R1 ) jωL1 + R1 + ( jωL2 + R2 )[( jωL1 + R1 ) jωC1 + 1] . ( jωL1 + R1 ) jωC1 + 1 Its admittance Y ( jω) = ( jωL1 + R1 ) jωC1 + 1 1 == . Z ( jω) jωL1 + R1 + ( jωL2 + R2 )[( jωL1 + R1 ) jωC1 + 1] The expression obtained can be further transformed to a standard form Z= a + jb . c + jd This is recommended to accomplish on your own. 101 Problem 10 There is a two-terminal network in Fig. 10.1. The components it contains are: R = 50 Ω, С = 20 µF, L = 0,1 H. Find its L impedance at frequencies of ω = 0 (DC), ω → ∞, R and ω = 103 rad/s. С Figure 10.1 – Analysed circuit Solution In terms of its impedances the circuit can be described as it is shown in Fig. 10.2. The total impedance is: Z Z Z ( jω) = C L + R = Z C+Z L 1 jωL jωL jωC = +R= + R. 2 1 − ω LC 1 1 + jωL Z = C jωC jω C R Thus we obtain Z L = jωL Figure 10.2 – Circuit impedances Z (0) = R = 50 Ω ; Z (∞ ) = R = 50 Ω . Z (1000) = j ⋅ 1000 ⋅ 0,1 j ⋅ 100 − 50 = + 50 = − j ⋅ 100 + 50 ; 1− 2 1 − 10 6 ⋅ 0,1 ⋅ 20 ⋅ 10 −6 Z = 502 + 1002 = 111,8 Ом ; θ Z = arctg − 100 = −63,43о ; 50 Z ( jω) = 111,8 ∠ − 63,43 o . Problem 11 Voltage u1 (t ) is applied to a network in Fig. 11.1 u1 (t ) = 80 sin(1000 t + 40 о ), V The current through the network is i1(t) (2·1) u1(t) Figure 11.1 – Analysed network 102 i1 (t ) = 10 sin(1000 t + 85 о ), mA . Synthesize a circuit that meets the requirements given. Solution Harmonic current and voltage can be represented by their complex amplitudes o o U& m1 = 80e j 40 ; I&m1 = 0,01e + j 85 Network impedance can therefore be obtained I&m1 Z(jω) U& m1 Figure 11.2 – Impedance of the network as o o U& m1 80 e j 40 Z ( jω) = = = 8000 e − j 45 = 8000 ⋅ cos(−45o ) − j ⋅ 8000 ⋅ sin(+45o ) = o I&m1 0,01e + j 85 = 5656 − j 5656. Z = R − jX . Consequently R = 5656 Ω ; X = 5656 Ω ; X = 1 ; ω⋅С 1 = 0,17568 ⋅ 10 −6 = 0,1768 µF . ωX Thus, we may use a circuit in Fig. 11.3. R С It provides the required current at frequency ω = 1000 rad/s. Figure 11.3 – The circuit required C= Problem 12 Find currents and voltages in a circuit in Figure 12.1, in case π e(t ) = 6 cos10 6 t + ; R1 = 1000 Ω; R2 = 2000 Ω; L2 = 2 mH. 4 The answer represent in time-domain. Draw current and voltage vector diagrams. 103 i1(t) R1 1 i3(t) İ1 i2(t) e(t) Figure 12.1 – Analysed circuit 1 U& 1 E& L2 R2 R1 Lp1 İ3 İ2 R2 Lp2 U& 2 jωL2 U& 3 Figure 12.2 – Impedances of the circuit analyzed Solution Each parameter of the circuit whether it is impedance of some component or current (voltage) value can be represented with respective complex value (see Figure 6 j⋅45о 12.2). The source RMS voltage is E& = e = 3 + 3 j . Choose arbitrarily current and 2 voltage directions. The circuit contains a single source. Total impedance of the circuit j ωL2 R2 with respect to the source is Z = R1 + . j ωL2 + R2 E& According to Ohm’s Law I&1 = , U& 1 = I&1 R1 . Currents leaving node 1 can be Z expressed as jωL2 R2 I&2 = I&1 ; I&3 = I&1 . jωL2 + R2 R2 + jωL2 By Ohm’s Law, U& 2 = I&2 R2 ; U& 3 = I&3 jωL2 . 6 −3 Substituting values given, you obtain: ω L2 = 10 ⋅ 2 ⋅ 10 = 2000 Ω. j ⋅ 2000 ⋅ 2000 j ⋅ 2000 = 1000 + = j ⋅ 2000 + 2000 1+ j 2000 j ⋅45 о = 1000 + e = 2000 + j ⋅ 1000 = 1000 5 e 2 Z = 1000 + I&1 = 6 j⋅45о e 2 1000 5e j⋅26,57 j ⋅ 26 ,57 о о о = 1,9 ⋅ 10 −3 e j⋅18, 43 = (1,8 + j 0,6)10 −3 , A; о о U& 1 = 1,9 ⋅ 10 −3 e j⋅18, 43 ⋅ 1000 = 1,9e j⋅18,.43 = 1,8 + j 0,6 , V; ,Ω 104 о I&2 = 1,9 ⋅ 10 −3 e j⋅18, 43 о j ⋅ 2000 = 1,34 ⋅ 10 −3 e j⋅63,63 = (0,6 + j1,2)10 −3 , A; j ⋅ 2000 + 2000 о о U& 2 = 1,34 ⋅ 10 − 3 e j ⋅63 , 63 2000 = 2 , 68 e j ⋅63 , 63 = 1, 2 + j 2 , 4 , V ; о I&3 = 1,9 ⋅ 10 − 3 e j ⋅18 , 43 о 2000 = 1,34 ⋅ 10 − 3 e − j ⋅25 , 55 = j ⋅ 2000 + 2000 = (1, 2 − j 0 ,6 ) 10 − 3 , A ; о о U& 3 = 1,34 ⋅ 10 − 3 e − j ⋅63 , 63 j 2000 = 2 , 68 e j ⋅63 , 63 = 1, 2 + j 2 , 4 , V . Confirm the results by checking Kirchhoff’s Laws. For node 1 − I&1 + I&2 + I&3 = 0 , or I&2 + I&3 = I&1 . Substituting values: o o o − 1,9 ⋅ 10−3 e j⋅18, 43 + 1,34 ⋅ 10−3 e j⋅63,63 + 1,34 ⋅ 10−3 e − j⋅25,55 = = (−1,8 − j ⋅ 0,6) + (0,6 + j ⋅ 1,2) + (1,2 − j ⋅ 0,6)10−3 = 0. Current vector diagram is shown in Figure 12.3. Applying KVL to loop Lp1, you obtain: Im İ2 − E& + U& 1 +U& 2= 0 , or U& 1 +U& 2= E& . İ1 Re 0 İ3 Figure 12.3 – Current vector diagram Im i1 (t ) = 1,9 2 ⋅ 10 −3 cos(10 6 t + 18,43o ), A; U& 2 E& i2 (t ) = 1,34 2 ⋅ 10 −3 cos(10 6 t + 63,63o ), A; Re 0 Substituting values: o o 6 j⋅45o − e + 1,9 ⋅ e j⋅18, 43 + 2,68 ⋅ e j⋅63, 63 = 2 = ( −3 − j ⋅ 3) + (1,8 + j ⋅ 0,6) + (1,2 + j ⋅ 2,4) = 0. These operations confirm the results. Transform obtained complex values into time-domain functions: U& 1 Figure 12.4 – Voltage vector diagram i3 (t ) = 1,34 2 ⋅ 10 −3 cos(10 6 t − 25,55 o ), A; u1 (t ) = 1,9 2 cos(10 6 t + 18,43o ), V; u 2 (t ) = u 3 (t ) = 2,68 2 cos(10 6 t + 63,63o ), V. Voltage vector diagram is in Figure 12.4. 105 Checking power balance: ~ ~ S pr = S cons ; ~ S pr = Ps + jQs = S s ⋅ e jϕ ; ~ S cons = Pcons + jQcons = S cons ⋅ e jϕ ; ∗ o 6 j 45o ~ S s = E& I 1 = e 1,9 ⋅ 10 −3 e − j18, 43 = 7,2 ⋅ 10 −3 + j 3,6 ⋅ 10 −3 ; 2 S s = E I1 = Ps2 + Qs2 = 8,06 ⋅10 −3 , VA ; Pcons = I 12 R1 + I 22 R2 = (1,9 ⋅ 10 −3 ) 2 1000 + (1,34 ⋅ 10 −3 ) 2 2000 = 7,2 ⋅ 10 −3 , W ; Qcons = I 32 X L = (1,34 ⋅ 10 −3 ) 2 2000 = 3,6 ⋅ 10 −3 , VAR ; 2 2 S cons = Pcons + Qcons = 8,05 ⋅ 10 −3 , VA . When comparing results, you might see Ps = Pcons = 7,2 ⋅ 10 −3 , W and Qs = Qcons = 3,6 ⋅ 10 −3 , VAR ; S s = S cons = 8,05 ⋅ 10 −3 , VA . The task is solved correctly. Nonlinear circuit analysis Problem 13 Find branch currents of a circuit shown in Fig. 13.1. The components are: E = 10 V, R1 = R2 = 10 Ω, R3 = 5 Ω, VAC of the nonlinear resistor is defined by function i = 0,1u2, А. R 1 I 1 I 3 R3 1 I2 + E R2 INLE UNLE NLE Solution 2 Figure 13.1 – Analysed circuit Rg + Eg INLE NLE UNLE Figure 13.2 – Equivalent voltage source in the original circuit 1 Use Thevenin’s Theorem, thus replacing the circuit section containing resistors R1, R2, R3 by an equivalent voltage source (Fig 13.2). Variables Eg and Rg can be determined in the following way: the source’s voltage is open-circuit voltage 106 UOC with the nonlinear resistor extracted (Fig. 13.3). Resistors R1 and R2 form voltage divider. Hence R1 R3 1 U oc = U R = E 2 + E R2 Uoc E = U oc = 5 V. Resistance RG is an input resistance of the circuit with respect to the NLE under the condition that the source is short-circuited (Fig. 13.4): R R Rg = RIN = R3 + 1 2 = R1 + R2 2 Figure 13.3 – Circuit with nonlinear resistor extracted R1 SC 1 R3 =5+ RIN R2 0 0 10 ⋅ 10 = 10 Ω. 10 + 10 2 Voltage and current in NLE (INLE and UNLE) can be found by graphic method. Using expression i = 0,1u2 А we can plot VAC of the NLE. 2 Figure 13.4 – Input resistance determination U, B I, A i, А R2 10 = 10 = 5 V; R1 + R 2 10 + 10 1 2 3 0,1 0,4 0,9 4 1,6 5 2,5 1,6 VAC 1,4 1,2 1,0 0,8 0,6 Isc Load line OP 0,4 INLE 0,2 0 Eg 1 UNLE 2 3 4 5 Figure 13.5 – The nonlinear element’s VAC u, V 107 Thevenin’s source voltage Eg = 5 V is marked on the voltage-axis (Figure 13.5) E 5 and maximal possible current I sc = g = = 0,5 А in the circuit is marked on the Rg 10 current-axis. By joining these two points with a line you obtain so called load line, which crosses VAC at an operating point (OP). The OP coordinates are actual values of current and voltage in the NLE (INLE and UNLE). Thus, the values required are I NLE ≈ 0,3 А, U NLE ≈ 1,7 V. 3 Back to the original circuit (Fig. 13.1). It is obvious that I NLE = I 3 = 0,3 А. Applying Ohms’ and Kirchhoff’s Voltage Laws to the circuit section containing R2, R3, NLE you find current I2: I 3 R3 + U NLE − I 2 R2 = 0 , I2 = I 3 R3 + U NLE 0,3 ⋅ 5 + 1,7 = = 0,32 А. R2 10 In accordance with KVL, current I1 is: I1 − I 2 − I 3 = 0 ; I1 = I 2 + I 3 = 0,32 + 0,3 = 0,62 А. Accuracy of such a method to a considerable extent depends on graphical part accuracy. Checking power balance: − E ⋅ I 1 + I 12 ⋅ R12 + I 22 ⋅ R22 + I 32 ⋅ R32 + I NLE ⋅ U NLE = 0 ; − 10 ⋅ 0,62 + (0,62) 2 ⋅ 10 + (0,32) 2 ⋅ 10 + (0,3) 2 ⋅ 5 + 0,3 ⋅ 1,7 = 0 ; − 6,2 + 3,844 + 0,1024 ⋅ 10 + 0,09 ⋅ 5 + 0,51 = 0 ; − 6,2 + 3,844 + 1,024 + 0,45 + 0,51 = 0 ; 6,2 = 3,844 + 1,024 + 0,45 + 0,51; 6,2 ≈ 5,83 . 6,2 − 5,82 Calculation error is 100 % = 6 %, which is acceptable for graph6,2 analytic method. 108 N.F. Arbuznikova A.A. Novikov A.U. Kalashnikov A.V. Shkulipa AC and DC circuit analysis: Learner’s guide to “Electric Circuits and Signals”