Volume V Number II March/April 2016 Inside This Issue:

Hatches & Rises
Volume V Number II
March/April 2016
Inside This Issue:
Cabin Fever
Upcoming Speakers
President’s Beat
Fly Fishing 101
Fish Tales & Ales
Bar Flies
10, 11
Fly of the Month
Raffle Update
Allegheny Sports
More Upcoming
January Fly Sale
Wellness Traveler
Meet the Leaders
Membership Mend
Member Photos
Photo Courtesy Ryan Hagerty USFS
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Hatches & Rises
Mar/Apr 2016
Hatches and Rises
Penns Woods West
Trout Unlimited
PO Box 90137
Pittsburgh PA 15224
Officers & Board of Directors
Dale Fogg
(724) 759-1002
Vice President:
Walter Reinemann
(412) 963-2824
Earl Morgan
(412) 486-8558
Hatches & Rises Editor:
Ken Crawford
Program Director:
Christian Shane
Conservation Coordinator:
Tom Walsh
(412) 486-5356
Women’s Outreach:
Leah Eggers
What’s Emerging?
February 22, 2016—Bar Flies—Derek Hathazy
February 28, 2016—Fly Fishing Film Tour
Proceeds benefit Casting For Recovery
March 6, 2016—Cabin Fever
March 14, 2016—Membership Meeting
Tom Doman Penn’s Creek Guide Service
March 19, 2016—Fish Tales and Ales
Proceeds benefit Casting for Recovery
March 28, 2016—Bar Flies—TBD
April 2, 2016—Fly Fishing 101 Seminar
Wilkins School in Swissvale
Web Site Editor:
Joe Birch
(724) 816-1201
April 7, 2016—Fly Tyers Reunion Seven Springs
Chuck Buffington
April 11, 2016—Membership Meeting
Leo Vensel—PA Fly Fishing
(412) 388-1666
April 9, 2016—Pine Creek Clean Up Day
April 16, 2016—Kids Fishing Derby
April 25, 2016—Bar Flies—TBD
Additional Board Members:
Chuck Meyers
Rich Yurko
Bridget Shields
Rob Reeder
Honorary Directors:
Mac Seaholm
Rich Bujak
May 14, 2016—2nd Annual Women’s Spring
Outing—Yellow Creek Trout Club
Hatches & Rises Online is published online 5 times yearly: Jan/Feb, Mar/Apr, May/June, Sep/Oct, & Nov/Dec
by Penn’s Woods West Trout Unlimited to enhance communication among members & share information with
the public. H&R is supported by tax deductible underwriting and the group’s general fund. Views, opinions
and advice contained herein do not necessarily reflect the position of PWWTU or its Board of Directors.
Mar/Apr 2016
Hatches & Rises
Cabin Fever
Page 3
by: Dale Fogg
We have finally found a location for Cabin Fever 2016. After a search of several locations, we
have landed at the Pittsburgh Marriott North in Cranberry Township. The date is Sunday,
March 6th 2016, from 9:00am until 4:00pm. The usual venue, the Doubletree, is undergoing
renovations this winter and is unavailable.
The Marriott is a first class hotel with a nice restaurant as well. The Marriott will allow us to
maintain our level of service, however, some things may change due to the different layout.
We are excited to host Cabin Fever here this year. As always, we can always use some
volunteers to help the day go smoothly. If you would like to volunteer, please email me
dalefogg@comcast.net. We look forward to seeing you there.
Speaker Line Up:
9:30 AM—Scott Loughner
Fundamentals of Fly Casting
10:00 AM—Greg Senyo
Swinging for Steelhead and Trout
Followed by Fly Tying Demo
12:00 AM—Steve Galetta
The Big Horn River
1:00 PM—Jen Ripple
Fly Fishing from a Woman’s Perspective
2:00 PM—Todd Deluccia
Predator Fly Fishing
Followed by Fly Tying Demo
For more information, or to buy tickets, check us out
online at:
Adults—$10, Children 12 and under—FREE
Tickets Available online via
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Hatches & Rise
Mar/Apr 2016
Meetings & Events
March 14, 2016 –
Tom Doman — Penn’s Creek Guide Service
Tom has been a resident of Centre County since 1979. In August of that year he accepted a research
position with Penn State University. Relocating from Pittsburgh, the goal of having outstanding trout
streams and outdoor recreation literally ‘out the back door’ had been realized.
The first part of his service at Penn State was in Microbiology section the Department of Molecular and
Cell Biology. The latter half of this tenure was with the Veterinary Diagnostic Laboratory in Department
of Veterinary Science. There he assisted with the diagnosis of viral diseases in farm animals and
developed rapid testing methods to identify disease causing viruses. After a twenty six year career of
teaching, research and diagnostic work at Penn State, Tom retired. Since leaving Penn State, Tom has
been a fly fishing guide on area trout streams. He is the owner and proprietor of Penn’s Creek Guides, a
fly fishing guide service on Central Pennsylvania waters.
A native of south western Pennsylvania, Tom grew up in the small rural town of Rice’s Landing, about as
far south in PA as you can get without being in West Virginia. He left Small Town USA for the big city to
attend the University of Pittsburgh. At Pitt he received a Bachelor of Science Degree in Biology and
Chemistry and a Master’s Degree of Science in
Biology. After working for several years as a research
assistant at Pitt’s Medical School, the beautiful
landscape, rural life and wild brown trout of Central
PA won out. The rest is history and certainly a dream
come true.
From his college days onward Tom has been an
actively engaged in efforts to protect the environment
and conservation of our state’s cold water resources.
In concert with the National Clean Air Coalition he
worked to have Congress pass the Acid Rain Control
Amendment to the Clean Air Act and petitioned
Congress to enact the Water Quality Act of 1987.
More recently, on behalf of the National Wildlife
Federation, Tom has lobbied Congress to adopt
legislation to control carbon emissions leading to
global climate change.
Penn’s Woods West Trout Unlimited meets on the second Monday of every month from September
through May, at Grazie Restaurant in Wexford. Grazie is located off Rte 19 North in the Oxford Athletic
Club, 100 Village Club Drive. Meetings begin at 7 pm, Admission is free, All are welcome to attend!
Mar/Apr 2016
Hatches & Rise
Page 5
Closer to home, Tom is a long time member of Spring Creek Chapter of Trout Unlimited and the Penn’s
Valley Conservation Association (PVCA). Tom has served on the Board of Directors of each group and is a
past President of both organizations. Among the accomplishments Tom shared while working with Spring
Creek TU are the upgrading of Spring Creek’s classification to a High Quality Cold Water Fishery and
mandated limitations on the amount sewage effluent allowed to be discharged into the stream. The latter
action gave rise to the Beneficial Re-Use program instituted by the University Area Joint Authority.
Tom has authored a number of successfully funded grant proposals directed at improving water quality,
enhancing in-stream habitat and reducing nonpoint pollution in the Upper Penn’s Creek and Spring Creek
Watersheds. Among these are the Kline Road Project for which he was recognized with the 2009
Conservation Stewardship award; the Fencing and Agriculture BMP Initiative from the National Fish and
Wildlife Foundation; Penns Creek Assessment Implementation Strategy and Assessment of the Upper Penns Creek
Watershed both through DEP’s Growing Greener program; a Penns Creek Habitat Improvement Project funded
by the Pennsylvania Fish and Boat Commission and the Thompson Run Dike project funded by Trout
Unlimited’ s Embrace a Stream program. The dollar amount of these grants exceeds $250,000. Counting
the matching funds from other resource agencies, in-kind contributions, volunteer labor, donated materials,
etc. and the total amount is close to
$400,000. The value to our local steams
and watersheds exceeds the dollar
figure many times over.
Tom is currently working with PVCA’s
Watershed Committee, serving on that
Committee since 1999. Recently he has
participated in the Choose Clean Water
campaign, a coalition of individuals,
conservation organizations and
communities directed by the National
Wildlife Federation with the goal of
improving the water quality in the
hundreds of watersheds flowing into the
Chesapeake Bay.
Tom lives in Georges Valley; he
continues to write, work on
environmental concerns, fly fish and enjoy the beauty of the Centre Region.
Life is Good!
Become a Contributor to Hatches and Rises
If you would like to write an article on fishing, fly tying, trout, or share a picture, fishing tip, or write a short
story, we welcome your contribution. Contact Ken Crawford to discuss at kwc1537@aol.com
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Hatches & Rises
Mar/Apr 2016
Meetings & Events
April 11, 2016
Leo Vensel “Wet Flies – What’s old is new again”
Leo Vensel started fly fishing in the early 70’s and is completely immersed in the sport. He
has taught hundreds of students the fundamentals of fly fishing and truly enjoys guiding
others in the pursuit of wild fish. His passion for the sport has taken him to the American
west, Great Lakes, Florida, and the Mid-Atlantic.
He is a licensed Pennsylvania fishing guide, Fly Fishing Team USA Nationals qualifier,
Federation of Fly Fishers certified
casting instructor, and President of
the Forbes Trail Chapter of Trout
When he’s not on the water or
tying flies, Leo can be found
enjoying the outdoors, creating art,
and plotting his next adventure.
Find more about Leo on his
website www.paflyguide.com .
Sunday Feb 28th at the Oaks Theater in Oakmont, 3:00 pm.
Tickets in advance $15 at International Angler; $20 at the door.
Proceeds to benefit Casting for Recovery and the Children's Fly Fishing program.
Mar/Apr 2016
President’s Beat
Hatches & Rises
Page 7
by: Dale Fogg
This winter has been pretty good weather wise. I’ve had more opportunities to get out
than any other winter in recent memory. That is up until recently. I woke up this morning
to let the dog out and it was -6 F. The cabin fever is really starting to set in. I have tied
enough Hendrickson’s to start a small revolution, now the waiting is driving me crazy.
Fortunately we have been working on the annual Cabin Fever show set for Sunday March
6th. This year we have had to move the location to the Marriott Pittsburgh North in
Cranberry Twp, PA. The new location will give us some new challenges and new
opportunities. We have a great line up of world class speakers such as, Greg Senyo, Steve
Galletta, Jenn Ripple, and Todd Deluccia. Each of our speakers will bring a new topic to
discuss, from swinging intruders for chrome, Ripping 10” flies for the apex predator to
nymphing #20’s for picky brown and maybe even Fly Rod Crosby. All of the regular
vendors you have come to enjoy and many new faces as well. We expect another great
event this year.
We still could use some volunteers to help with Cabin Fever, so if you have an interest,
please let someone on the board know.
PWWTU really has a lot going on this year with events such as Cabin Fever, Fly Fishing
101, Women’s Outings, Bar Flies and don’t forget the monthly membership meetings,
there is something for everyone. Please stop by any event and let me know how we could
make PWWTU better, if you have questions or if you would like to share a good fishing
story, I’m all ears.
I hope to see you at Cabin Fever.
Did you know?....
In 1680, William Penn requested land west of New Jersey from the King of England for the
Quakers and on March 4, 1681 the King signed the charter making William Penn proprietor of
“the Sylvania” (the Latin word for woods). King Charles later changed the name of the region to
Pennsylvania (Penn’s Woods) in honor of Admiral Sir William Penn, the younger Penn’s father.
Penn wanted to design a colony and a government that would showcase his ideals that included
representation of the people, religious tolerance and a fair judicial system. Our chapter adopted
the name “’Penn’s Woods’ West” in 1963 to indicate we were the Trout Unlimited chapter in
Western Pennsylvania.
Cabin Fever Flea Market REGISTRATION FORM
Name of Seller____________________________________
ID Code (Initials) _________________________
Address___________________________________________ Phone _____________________________________
(Mark each item with a tag, your initials and a number corresponding to the number on the list)
Item Description
If Negotiable Sold Price
Check Below
TOTAL SALES $_____________
- LESS 20%
- $_____________
Mar/Apr 2016
Hatches & Rises
Page 9
Fish Tales & Ales
- A Fundraiser for Casting for Recovery of Western PA
When: March 19th 6:30 to 10:00pm
Where: Toll Gate Revival 3711 Butler St, Pittsburgh,
PA 15201 (Lawrenceville)
Cost: $40 per person—includes beer, wine &
non-alcoholic beverages, light fare.
Activities: great silent auction items and plenty of friends
& fish tales! Space is limited - get your tickets
soon! Capacity is set at 70 people!
Visit: www.castingforrecovery.org for more details
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Hatches & Rises
Bar Flies
Mar/Apr 2016
By: Ron Milavec
Barflies is the chapter’s fly tying night. Barflies is held at Grazie’s in Wexford starting at 7
pm (earlier if you want to grab a bite to eat) on the fourth Monday of the month, from
September through April. This is an informal session. If you are just starting out, or an
intermediate tyer, this is a great, low pressure way to learn new skills, improve your craft,
and hopefully catch more fish! And it’s FREE! Bring your tying vise, tools, a lamp (lighting
in the room is not very bright) and extension cord. If you do not have a vise and tools, you
can share mine.
We want to first take a minute and thank all the Bar Flies tyers that donated flies to the
Great Joe Kline Fly Sale! Without your contributions, the sale would not have been
successful! The chapter made over $1000 from the proceeds of the sale, which is our largest
fundraiser behind Cabin Fever.
At the January tie, Josh Miller tied several of his Competition Nymphs—The Lightning
Bug and the Sexy Walt’s Worm. For competition fishing, Josh stressed adding four turns
of lead to a bead head fly, and keeping the abdomen as slender as possible really helps the
fly get down in the water column quickly.
Derek Hathazy will demonstrate spun deer hair flies at the February 22nd tie. The selected
fly is a Zoo Cougar which is a streamer useful for targeting big meat eating Browns. Derek
works at Field & Stream, and owns the fly tying business ‘On The Fly’. He specializes in
tying streamers, and warm water flies. Tiers for March and April have not been set as this
goes to press.
Attendance has been getting better. We had over 20 people in attendance in January. Each
month, a featured tyer demonstrates a fly or tying technique. The club supplies hooks and
materials so that you can tie several of the flies. We use a video camera so that you can
follow the tying steps on the big screen.
Come on out on February 22nd
and join us for a fun evening!
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Hatches & Rises
Mar/Apr 2016
Scenes from
January Bar Flies
Josh M
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Mar/Apr 2016
Hatches & Rises
Page 12
March Fly of the Month
Light Hendrickson
Hook: Standard dry fly hook size #12-#16
Thread: Gray 6/0
Tail: Blue Dun Hackle Fibers
Wings: Wood Duck Flank Feathers, upright
and divided
Body: Sulphur or Cream dubbing
Hackle: Medium dun
April Fly of the Month
Bead-head Pheasant Tail
Hook: Standard wet fly size #8-#16
Thread: Brown or Black 6/0
Head: Copper or Gold bead, sized for hook
Tail: Three to six pheasant tail fibers
Body: Six to ten fibers from a pheasant tail
feather twisted
Thorax: Three or four strands of peacock
herl twisted
Rib: Copper or Gold fine wire
Hackle: Brown hen
Win this 12
foot Tenkara
Rod in the
(Tenkara Rods are Telescoping Rods)
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Raffle Update
Hatches & Rises
Mar/Apr 2016
by Charles Cantella
BIG NEWS! Our biggest assortment of raffle prizes
ever, has just gotten bigger!
Thanks to our friends at International Angler,
http://www.internationalangler.com, we now have a
Fishpond Westwater Guide Lumbar Pack as part
of the Tenkara prize package. This awesome pack
retails for about $140.00.
Purchase Raffle Tickets Online at:
Ticket sales have been picking up recently, and with
Payments via:
multiple people out there selling tickets, I can’t give
an exact number. But if projections are accurate, we
could sell out of tickets. There were only 500 tickets
available for this raffle, so if you want to grab a chance at one of our great prizes, you need
to act fast. Tickets will be available at all of our meetings. You can also purchase them at
International Angler 5275 Steubenville Pike, Pittsburgh PA. We will be selling them at the
Allegheny Sports Show in Monroeville as well.
Thanks again for all of your support! Please consider supporting those companies and
donors who support or chapter.
A print from Montana artist, Teshia
Gift Certificates to Dick’s Sporting Goods
Streamer package, including flies by On The Fly
Gift cards to Wholey’s Wild Alaskan Grille
Tenkara Package
Mar/Apr 2016
Hatches & Rises
Allegheny Sportsman’s Show
Page 14
by: Ken Crawford
2016 marks the fourth year that PWWTU has had a
booth at the Monroeville Sport Show. This year the
event was held from February 17—21.
We had two members speak at the show. Bill Nagle
The TU Booth
spoke on the opening day. He delivered a great
presentation on Fly Fishing for Beginners. On Saturday morning, Dale Fogg spoke on Winter Tactics for Steelhead. Thanks to both speakers for the effort! The show provides us
with a table free of charge in return for sharing our expertise.
Our female members were present in force promoting our female outreach events. As a
special event, the Allegheny Sports Show, Orvis and PWWTU teamed up to raffle off a
special Women’s Fishing Package. The package consisted of an Orvis 9 foot, 5 weight outfit, a reserved spot at the Women’s Spring Outing on Yellow Creek, a box of flies, and $100
for incidental expenses—license, waders, and other equipment.
The show team also sold leftover flies and chapter
raffle tickets, and handed out newsletters and flyers
that advertised out spring activities. We have
attended this show the past four years, and it has
been instrumental in advertising Cabin Fever,
contributing to our improved attendance the past
several years.
Bill Nagle talks about Rod Weights
A special thanks to our booth attendants: Bill Nagle,
Joe Hlista, Leah Eggers, Ron Milavec, Richard Yurko,
Rich Simmen, Sam Bacco, Julie Arnheim, Dale Fogg,
Walter Reineman, Ken Crawford, and Briget Shields.
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Hatches & Rises
Women’s Outreach—2nd Annual Spring Outing
Mar/Apr 2016
by: Leah Eggers
The 2nd Annual Ladies Spring Outing will be held on Saturday, May 14th, 2016. This year
we will be fishing at Yellow Creek Trout Club. This event features a day of fishing, lunch,
much fun and a bit of instruction for those who need some guidance. This event is free
and advanced registration is required. Please contact Leah Eggers at
flygirl_fish@yahoo.com for more information or to register.
Kid’s Opening Day Trout Derby
April 16, 2016
All kids 12 and under are invited to fish Little
Pine Creek in Shaler Township. The section of
stream in Fawcett Fields Park (471 McElhaney
Road) will be stocked by PWWTU. Opening Day
Coaches will be provided by Allison Park
Sportsmen’s Club. This section of stream was
part of a major stream improvement project
sponsored by Allegheny County and PWWTU in
Pine Creek Cleanup Day
April 9, 2016—9 AM—Noon
Our annual Pine Creek Cleanup day will be held
on April 9. Come out and join us for a clean up
day on the chapter’s project waters. We will walk
the stream, cleaning up garbage and removing
unwanted items. Meet at the ballfield across from
St. Ursula’s Church on Duncan Avenue in Allison
Park. Lunch is provided by the chapter.
Mar/Apr 2016
Hatches & Rises
Page 16
The Joe Kline Great Fly Sale was, well...
By Christian Shane
Good ole’ Joe would be proud as our Great Fly Sale netted just over $1,000 from the January
and February meetings and the Allegheny Sportsman Show in Monroeville.
With over 100 fly boxes sold (totaling over 600 flies), our chapter tiers really came through
with donations to the annual fly sale. The chapter is grateful to have so many talented tyers!
Sincere thanks to all the members of PWWTU who made efforts to donate by tying and of
course, by purchasing the flies.
Many thanks to our guest tiers—Bill Nagle, Steve Slavonic, and Bobby Heil, pictured
below—for adding their talents to the evening.
Start tying those great fly patterns for the 2017 Joe Kline Great Fly Sale!
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Wellness Traveler
Hatches & Rises
Mar/Apr 2016
by: Julie Arnheim, written December 2011
Wellness: is finding it... The Impossible Dream?
Growing up, I had no idea what 'pop' music was until John Lennon's death. The
music playing in my household was what my father enjoyed: Broadway show tunes,
good New Orleans jazz, American big band, and folk music.
To Dream The Impossible Dream from the musical Man of La Mancha was a song
often played which, looking back, I probably should have tried to listen to the lyrics
more closely. Actually, I listened, but only with my ears. Not with my mind, not with
my intelligence, not with my soul. I did not take the leap to apply these words to my
life. Why? That is left for either speculation, therapy or just 'because at that time it was
not a message for me'. The important answer today is NOW IS MY TIME TO DREAM.
I do dream about wellness, advocacy, individual rights, community engagement; for
myself, for others. I try to think and understand what wellness means, how it is
approached by various disciplines, sciences, businesses, individuals.
As the first anniversary of my father's death approaches, I am thinking a lot about the daughters he raised. Specifically, me. And
my struggling to recall the moments that should have been highlighted as "You will need this in life, pay attention!" (of course,
as a child, a teenager, a young adult - would I have paid attention if I had been told to?). What I do know, is what he taught me
about fishing; about looking around you, paying attention to the environment, the time of year, the time of day. About turning
over rocks to see the types of bugs present. Observing the top of the water, what is landing? Where are the feeder streams?
Even as I write this I am amazed at what teaching a child to fish actually can teach them:
Being present in the moment.
Teamwork and communication (being alone in the woods and in water without a partner around can be
dangerous; doubly so if you are a single and female).
Observation skills of finding the right approach to the stream.
Awareness of life cycles - not just life and death, but growth and development too.
Awareness of the environment - is the ground too dry? Too wet?
Etiquette: Who else is fishing? Where are they? When is it proper to approach and inquire what they are casting?
Knowledge of tying, casting, hooking, reeling, running, netting, measuring...
Decision making: What type of fish is this? What are the regulations? Can I keep or must I release?
And even awareness of the needs of the community and how to support and encourage others.
This past year, what seems impossible has been remembering my father before I turned age 18, when he was diagnosed with
Parkinson's Disease. This has been the hardest year of my life. I am grateful today for the ability I just had this morning to find
time for myself. For the stillness in the apartment to give me the space to write. For the flow of words from my soul. For the
awareness of what it was I needed to see in myself. For the understanding that I am a part of my father, and his lessons are a
part of me. The impact of him on my life is going to be a new layer of my emotional onion to peel and expose.
Wellness comes in many forms. My travels, experiences, and the fantastic journey of wellness is just beginning, through the vehicles of awareness, insight, listening and my father's death.
So Dad, today I am making a promise. I have a dream, maybe a seemingly Impossible Dream, but one I am going to fulfill. I am
going to find ways to help create more handicapped accessible fishing spots. Together, we did it once. It was my dream, you
took my wish to still fish with you with Parkinson's and ran with it. You organized the fundraiser, you contacted the parks
department. And together, with help from many others, today there is a place in Laurel Hill State Park for people with disabilities to park close to the stream, fish, or just enjoy the view. And in my lifetime, it will not be the last special spot for those who
can find a state of well-being, even if momentary, through fishing.
Mar/Apr 2016
Hatches & Rises
Page 18
Dale Fogg
How long have you been fishing? Who was the most influential
person in your fishing career, and why?
I have been fishing since I was a child; however I only started Fly
Fishing in 2005. I had my Grandfather’s old Pfleuger Medalist fly reel
since 1984, and finally decided to give it a try, the rest as they say is
How long have you been involved in TU?
I have been a member of TU since 2007. I first got involved by
volunteering to run Cabin Fever in 2012. After that I volunteered to
become the Program Director, and held that position until last year,
when I became the Vice President. Then in September of this year I
became the President of the Chapter.
Penn’s Woods West has over 1000 members on the roster. What
would you say to an “inactive” member to encourage them to come
to the membership meetings?
TU is all about the people. I would encourage inactive members to
come to a meeting and meet some other like-minded individuals. Our
meetings are fun, informative and a great place to talk fishing and get some tips.
What would you say to encourage a member to become involved in the leadership of the chapter?
I personally get a lot of satisfaction from being involved in the leadership of PWWTU. You will get a much
deeper understanding of the conservation work that TU does and how we can make a difference by being
involved in the leadership team.
Fishing and funny stories go hand in hand, tell us one of the funniest things that happened to you on a
A few years ago, I was fishing Elk Creek in November, it was a nice day and there were a lot of anglers in
every spot that was likely to hold fish. My fishing buddy “JB” and I decided to walk a little ways away from
the masses. On our way I spotted what I thought were some fish in an unlikely area. As I was getting some
line off the spool to cast to them, JB said the he didn’t believe me and decided that he would test the waters
before I could have time to cast and see if I was right or not. Just as I looked up, I saw JB send a large rock
into the small pool – splash! I could hear myself screaming in almost
slow motion – Nooooooo! Fish went swimming in every direction. We
sat on the rocks and laughed and waited until the fish settled back into
their holding areas and proceeded to catch most of them. We still
laugh at the Positive Fish Locating Method – works every time!
Tell us a little about yourself outside of Trout Fishing?
I have been married to my wonderful wife Georgette for 16 years, and
we have a beautiful 11 year old daughter Gabrielle. We reside in
Franklin Park Borough with our dog Buster. I am a sales rep for
Cybex, the World’s greatest commercial Fitness Equipment! I am also
an avid hunter and outdoorsman; enjoy hiking, backpacking, camping
and Mountain Biking.
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Hatches & Rises
Membership Mend
Mar/Apr 2016
by: Charles Buffington
A recent training session by Jeff Yates, Directory of Volunteer Services for the home office of
TU, pointed out the good and the bad of using email as the primary tool for Chapter
communication. It’s fast, easy, and inexpensive...who could ask for more from the sending
end. We routinely send Constant Contact messages and meeting announcements to about
1200 PWW TU members and other interested people. Our "open rate" averages around 45%
which is very good by national standards (average around 25%). So far so good...about half
of our chapter members are at least opening the message and hopefully find it interesting
and informative. BUT, what about the other half of our members and what about those for
whom we have no valid email addresses?
If you are reading this and wondering why you don't get email meeting announcements,
please think about these issues:
Our primary email address list comes from the national TU. They may not have your
email address or it may be entered incorrectly. Get online, go to TU.org and check your
email address. Correct it if necessary.
Messages sometimes end up in a "promotions" or spam or “auto delete” folder. Check
for PWWTU messages in these folders and drag one to your inbox. Future messages
should show up in your inbox.
Another way to get into the mailing list is to contact me directly:
Remember that the Web Page (PWWTU.org) has up to date information about chapter
activities. A few print newsletters are available at the monthly chapter meetings also.
Our plenteous streams a various race supply;
The bright-ey’d perch, with fins of Tyrian dye,
The silver eel, in shining volumes roll’d,
The yellow carp, in scales bedrop’d with gold,
Swift trouts, diversify’d with crimson stains,
And pykes, the tyrants of the wat’ry plains
- Alexander Pope
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Hatches & Rises
Mar/Apr 2016
Member Photos
“There’s no taking trout with dry breeches”
- Cervantes, Don Quixote
Central PA Brown by guess who?
Yes, Josh Miller, of course
Oak Orchard King Salmon….
Below—Rich Maser with a Salmon River
Salmon caught on a “Flashy Trash Fly”
...He’s seen better days
Savage River MD Photo Courtesy Josh Miller
‘Til Next Time….
…..Tight Lines!
Below—Dale Fogg with a BIG
Erie Hen
Bull Trout. Photo Courtesy Bart Gammett, USFWS