Volume 3, Issue 29 March 2016 THE 1818 SOCIETY BULLETIN CONTACT US… President: Inder Sud, isud@1818alumniwbg.org Office Managers: Miren Fernandez, 1society@worldbank.org Swati Srivastava, 1society@worldbank.org Office hours: 10.00am to 4.00pm, Monday-Friday. Mailing Address: 1818 Society, P.O. Box 27388, Washington DC 20038-7388 Physical Address: MC-1 852, Main Complex, World Bank Group. Use 19th Street entrance opposite the IMF building World Bank Mail Stop no: MSN MC 1-104. Telephone: 202-458-1956 202-458-1957 Fax: 202-522-2417 E-Mail: 1society@worldbank.org, Website: www.worldbank.org/1818 Medical Insurance and Benefits : HR Service Center Ph: +1 (202) 473-2222 Fax: +1 (202) 522-2150 Email: hroperations@worldbank.org ALWAYS include your UPI Web: http://www.worldbank.org/hrs Pension Administration Ph:+1 (202) 458-2977 Fax: +1 (202) 522-1723 E-mail: 1pension@worldbank.org ALWAYS include your UPI FROM THE 1818 SOCIETY PRESIDENT’S DESK Dear Members, The Editor reminded me that it is time again to write a letter to members. My first reaction: has it been three months already? So you see, time flies when you are having fun! It has been indeed a busy three months with ongoing work on several fronts. The Board was briefed by Ms. Sharada Sunder of the Pensions Department of the launch of the retiree pension portal. I trust each of you have been notified of this and provided instructions on how to access it. We are grateful to Sharada and her colleagues for this work. This has been one of the demands of the retirees for some time and we are delighted to see it finally being launched. If you have any difficulties in accessing the portal, please do contact the pension administration folks (see “Contact us” on the login page). If you see any systemic issues and/or have any suggestions for them, please keep the 1818 office in the loop. A group led by Khalid Siraj is putting finishing touches to the “Handbook for Advance Planning by Retirees and Families.” The current version is already on the web. Although none of us plans to die anytime soon, we do recommend that you go over it with your possible survivor(s) to make sure that both you and they understand the process. Some overseas Chapters plan to translate it into their own language. A new initiative that we have started is the launch of “Members Helping Members,” where members facing specific issues may be able to tap knowledge/expertise of fellow members who may have faced similar issues and/or have knowledge they can share. More details are elsewhere in the Bulletin. I am grateful to Khalid Siraj and Paula Donovan, who have agreed to lead this effort. Pauline Ramprasad has undertaken to update the booklet on Retirement Communities that was first produced in 2004. This will require a good deal of research, but I hope that we can have this completed before year-end. Please do get in touch with Pauline if you can contribute to this work. So that you don’t think that the Society is only preoccupied with morbid matters, I am delighted that we have several ongoing and new initiatives to promote active lifestyles. You are already aware of various overseas trips organized by the Society in the last 12 months. There are trips now being planned for Iran, Spain, and Bhutan, and there may well be others if there are 1818 members who wish to take the lead. We have also launched two new initiatives: an 1818 Hiking Club led by Anis Dani and more recently, the start of Yoga classes led by Davinder Sakhuja. Both are off to a good start. Finally, I am hoping that we will have a new and updated 1818 website up and running in the next three months. This will be an important part of our continuing efforts to go fully electronic. From The 1818 Society President’s Desk Page 4 March 2016 Our Health Insurance Committee, led by Ines Garcia, has also been hard at work, making sure that we are consulted on all changes that are being proposed, and any impacts on our members, including those of our members living outside the US, are always kept in the forefront of any discussions. Finally, from time to time we get useful tips from Society members about something they found useful and/or were not aware of. I have requested the Editor to share these from time to time as he sees appropriate under the heading “Did You Know”? I am often asked by friends and colleagues how I manage to handle my new job that must be very demanding. The truth of the matter is that much of the work is really done by our very able staff – Miren Fernandez and Swati Srivastava – and a group of dedicated volunteers. It is really their work that keeps the Society running. Starting with this issue of the Bulletin, we will be highlighting some of them, so you get to know the “real workers.” I hope to highlight some of them in each issue of the Bulletin, starting with our two staff and two long-standing volunteers in this issue. With best regards, Inder Sud President, The 1818 Society MEMBERS HELPING MEMBERS Announcing a New Initiative of The 1818 Society Hello there, wherever you are! We are very happy to tell you about a new initiative of our 1818 Society called Members Helping Members (MHM). What is MHM? MHM is us—any of us who want to be involved. What is MHM for? MHM aims to be a helpful bridge between members who need some help or support and members who can supply some help or support. It is a two-way bridge: we can be both helpers and recipients if we wish. MHM’s focus is on 'basic self-care' support, connection, and information that can be provided by willing volunteers. While some types of support have to be face-to-face, others can be by telephone, video connection or email—so we can gradually build supportive links across different locations, including members of those 1818 Society Chapters who wish to participate. Until now, support for members have been facilitated by our wonderful 1818 Society office staff, and we thank them for their superb support for this MHM initiative also. MHM seeks to establish supportive connections that can be as inclusive and sustainable as possible, based on the active participation of 1818 Society members. What sort of help or support can MHM provide? In general terms, we can offer our time, energy, life experiences, company, connections, special interests, skills, or training. We can share information and connections in a more proactive way than we currently do, especially with those having either minor or major life challenges. All MHM Page 5 Members Helping Members March 2016 members are volunteers; we do not offer support as 'professionals' with 'expertise'. Rather, we have life experience, interests, capacities, time, and goodwill that we are willing to share. All support that we provide to each other is pro bono, and is not part of any business promotion of any sort. Of course, there are a few important ground rules to this MHM idea to ensure that it delivers safe and effective results: First, respecting confidentiality is essential. No connections of any sort will be made without the express permission of each person involved. Second, we will learn from experience elsewhere—the “village” concept in parts of Washington D.C., and the outreach activities by the U.K. Chapter are just two examples of ongoing efforts that can help us to learn by doing. Third, we intend to direct members to services already available where possible, and to supplement these services when we can. Finally, no one size fits all. MHM will tailor and adapt based on feedback from participants. What can I do to become involved? 1. Help us to assess needs. Whether you would like to offer support or receive support—or both—or neither, please tell us if you think MHM is a good idea or not, and why? Also please tell us (without names please) what sort of support you have provided to 1818 Society members, or you believe 1818 Society members need. This information about ‘known needs’ will help us to assess MHM’s starting place, as we seek to better support members. 2. To offer your support to MHM please also provide: Your name; email addresses, telephone numbers, usual address, and other addresses if you also spend significant time in other locations. Please indicate some of the ways that you think you could offer support to other members. Remember that this is a ‘start up’! We have no blueprint at all, and are very open to suggestions and learning. Examples below are only indicative, so please be as specific as you can: I can drive in xxx location; I can Skype or face time from xxx time zone; I am fluent in the following languages: I can visit someone who is living alone and would enjoy company; I have some life experiences that could be useful to share with others. (e.g., widowhood or other bereavement; caretaking chronic or acute illness of self or a family member; healthy living—eating, sleeping, exercising etc; the challenges of living alone; aging across countries, continents and languages…) Page 6 Members Helping Members March 2016 I would like to talk to someone about offering my support to MHM. 3. To Request support from MHM please also provide: Your name; email addresses, telephone numbers, usual address, and other addresses if you also spend significant time in other locations. Please indicate some of the ways that you would like to receive support from other members. If you have already received some support from members please tell us about this too. Remember that this is a ‘start up’! We have no blueprint at all, and are very open to suggestions and learnings. Examples below are only indicative. Please be as specific as you can: I cannot drive and would appreciate occasional transport around xxxx location; I would like help so that I could Skype or face-time from xxx location with other MHM participants; I am fluent in the following languages xxx: I would enjoy visits from other 1818 members; I have some life experiences that are challenging for me right now and I think I could benefit from support from MHM. (For example: widowhood or other bereavement; caretaking chronic or acute illness of self or a family member; healthy living—eating, sleeping, exercising etc; the challenges of living alone; aging across countries, continents and languages…) I would like someone to call me to talk about how I could receive MHM support. Direct all communications regarding MHM to: Email: 1society@worldbank.org: In the subject line of your message please write: Members Helping Members (MHM) Call the 1818 Society office at 202-458-1956 Or write to: Members Helping Members, C/O 1818 Society, P.O. Box 27388, Washington DC 20438 What will happen next? We will review the responses to this initiative: offers, requests, questions and suggestions are all welcome. We hope that you will provide your initial responses soon, so we can get a sense of the level of interest in MHM. Then based on your guidance, offers, and requests, we will decide on next steps. We look forward to hearing from you. Best wishes from the MHM launch group. Co-chairs: Paula Donovan and Khalid Siraj Members: Tom Blinkhorn, Sadia Chowdhury, Anis Dani, Evangeline Javier, Deane Jordan, Kees Kostermans, William McGreevey, Pat Neill, Pauline Ramprasad, Lesley Shneier, Paula Stone Chapter Events ANZ CHAPTER The taxation of the Bank’s pension in Australia has been a major focus of the Chapter in 2015. Unfortunately, the High Court of Australia decided to reject our appeal. The case has gone through the legal system and this is as high as it goes in Australia. At issue was whether the tax exemption of salaries and emoluments received from the specialized agencies of the United Nations (e.g., IBRD, IFC and IMF) applied to the time when they were earned while officers of the organization, or at the time they were received after the officer retired. The High Court found that the exemption only applied while the officer was employed by the organization, and ceased when the officer retired. This means that the Bank’s pension will continue to be considered a foreign pension that is income tax assessable in Australia. The present situation is that the Australian Taxation Office accepts that the Bank’s pension is an annuity, and that a part of it is return of capital that is tax free and another part is income that is subject to income tax. From a fairness point of view—not legally—this is in contrast with superannuation received from Australian superannuation sources that have been income tax free for number of years. The case must have had some merit as the Chief Justice of Australia and another judge of the High Court decided earlier on that there was a case to be heard by the Court. At the time of writing, the final settlement with the federal government on the question of legal cost of the case is still to be finalized. For matters concerning the Australian and New Zealand Chapter please contact Jo. M. Martins, at jmartins@tpg.com.au, Tel: 61 + 2 + 9973 3022. BRAZIL CHAPTER The first annual meeting of the Brazil Chapter of the 1818 Society took place on December 17, 2014 at the Jockey Club in Rio de Janeiro. With so many colleagues spread around Brazil, the group has been maintaining contact mostly via e-mail. A second meeting was held on July 21, again at the Jockey Club. The Brazil Chapter welcomes spouses and former Bank consultants to the meetings as well as Bank colleagues, still active or retirees. Maria Teresa Serra (tserra@jurea.com) BRITISH CHAPTER The British Chapter is holding its spring reunion in Winchester from May 13-15, 2016. All 1818 members and their partners are most welcome. The reunion will be based at the Mercure Wessex Hotel in the centre of this historic city. The programme includes a walking tour of the town, including possible visits to the famous Winchester Cathedral and the Great Hall with the "famed" Page 8 Chapter Events March 2016 King Arthur’s Round Table. On Saturday, there will be a boat/coach trip to Queen Victoria’s summer home, Osborne House, on the Isle of Wight. Known as the "City of Kings," Winchester is the ancient capital of England, and once the seat of King Alfred. Winchester is famous for its magnificent cathedral begun in 1079, and the venerable Winchester College founded in 1382—England’s oldest public school. The picturesque area around the Cathedral Green has changed little over the centuries. Of Osborne House, Queen Victoria said, "It is impossible to imagine a prettier spot". Further details and Booking Forms will be circulated in February. Contact Gillian Bannister, Secretary, The 1818 Society British Chapter: membership@1818bc.org.uk for further information. CANADIAN CHAPTER The Canadian Chapter welcomes new members. Any former WBG staff who have not joined are welcome to contact Jim Smith at jsmith.econ@gmail.com. Jim would also welcome help in the task of contacting other Canadians who may potentially be interested in joining the Chapter. Assistance in maintaining the Chapter and promoting its activities would be greatly appreciated. CHILEAN CHAPTER Life Certificates Upon return from the summer vacation period, in late February, Chapter activities will resume, starting with the traditional “Life Certificate & Coffee” gatherings to enable members to sign each other’s witness forms for submission to Pension Administration. The first such meeting will take place on February 25 at 10:30 a.m. at the Paul Restaurant at Isidora Goyenechea 3621, in Las Condes, Santiago. A second such meeting may be arranged in March at a place and time to be determined, for those returning to Santiago later on. Taxation Over the last year-and-a-half, three bouts of reforms were processed through Congress, leading to a major Tax Reform enacted in January 2016, aimed at: (i) generating some 3 percent of GDP in additional fiscal revenues, to finance social (mainly education) programs; (ii) increasing the progressivity of the tax system to help improve income distribution; and (iii) aligning disclosure arrangements by individuals and taxation levels of enterprises to FACTA standards and OECD levels in 2017 and 2018, respectively. The Chile Chapter tracked these changes through two meetings with a tax lawyer to facilitate review of the implications for retirees living in the country, and to enable all members to prepare themselves for the arrangements that are being put in place. Chief among them are: (i) the tax obligations based on world-wide income, and an associated one-year (2015) partial amnesty to regularize tax obligations from foreign sources; (ii) the partial move of the existing system from a civil to some elements of common law, whereby emphasis is shifting towards the primacy of substance over form in preparing tax declarations; and (iii) pursuant from the foregoing, the Page 9 Chapter Events March 2016 introduction of an element of judgment, particularly regarding practices that may be considered as tax evasion or avoidance. As the Tax Reform constitutes a major departure from past practices and does not provide clearcut criteria in dealing with the situation of Bank retirees, the legislation provides greater latitude to the tax authorities to judge intent regarding tax declarations. Accordingly, the importance of seeking proper legal advice to avoid, within reason, judicial contention, and taking proper account of legal rulings and precedents was stressed. There has already been one case on tax avoidance ruled by the Supreme Court, which starts setting criteria on how to interpret the new legislation. Publications Pablo Guerrero published a book as co-Editor, entitled Doing Public Good -- Private Actors, Evaluation, and Public Value, which can be purchased in Amazon http://www.amazon.com/Doing-Public-Good-Evaluation-Comparativeebook/dp/B010EAZFXW/ref=sr_1_9?ie=UTF8&qid=1452396301&sr=89&keywords=doing+public+good%3F Vittorio Cobo published in El Mercurio (Santiago) on January 24 an article on "The Dark External Scenario for Emerging Economies and Their Prospects http://www.elmercurio.com/blogs/2016/01/24/38846/El-oscuro-escenario-externo-de-laseconomias-emergentes-y-sus-perspectivas-futuras.aspx Miguel Schloss published in a Sunday supplement of El Mercurio (Valparaíso) on January 24, an article on “Climate Change: the Paris Agreement from Words to Deeds" http://www.mercuriovalpo.cl/impresa/2016/01/24/papel/ Duncan Campbell and Gladys Grace were the subject of a full page spread in El Mercurio (Santiago) on February 7 entitled “William Greenwood; Chronics of a British baqueano in the Patagonia of the XIX Century” (the story of early settlers in that region) http://impresa.elmercurio.com/Pages/NewsDetail.aspx?dt=2016-02-07&dtB=07-022016%200:00:00&PaginaId=6&bodyid=6 Miguel Schloss published a column in Diario Financiero of February 9 on “Corruption, How Are We Doing?” https://www.df.cl/noticias/opinion/columnistas/corrupcion-comoestamos/2016-02-08/235509.html For past publications by Chilean Chapter members, please go to the Chapter’s website at https://sites.google.com/site/1818chile/home. DUTCH CHAPTER Seventeenth Annual Reunion, September 1-3, 2016, Breda Breda is a city in the southwest of the Netherlands, more precisely in the western part of the province of Brabant. The first written historical reference to Breda dates from 1125. In 1350, the Duke of Brabant sold the Breda territory to Jan van Polanen. His daughter married Count Engelbert of the house of Nassau in 1403. This is how Breda became the residence of the house of Nassau—later Oranje-Nassau—the present royal dynasty of the Kingdom of the Netherlands. From the 14th to the 17th century, Breda was a fortified city of political and military significance, as it was a border town between the forces of the northern and southern parts of the Republic of Page 10 Chapter Events March 2016 the Netherlands. But after the 80 Years War—the Dutch war of independence—the House of Oranje-Nassau left Breda, and while it remained a military city, its development stagnated. However, in 1828 the Royal Military Academy was established, and in the second half of the 19th century, Breda developed as an industrial center of the food and beverage industry. More recently, barracks were abandoned and industry disappeared. Breda is now much more focused on the service industry, and has become a center of education and a lively student town. Breda is well known for its 15th century Gothic church, its military academy, its beautiful historic center, its dense network of sidewalk cafés, and its southern atmosphere and hospitality. We have made arrangements with the Golden Tulip Keyser Hotel in the center of Breda for accommodation. The details of an interesting program are being finalized. It will include a tour of the castle of Breda and the Military Academy, a boat tour of the city canals, and exploration of the Nassau past of the city, as well as a visit to the museum, where the history of Breda is presented. While the formal dinner will be in the hotel, we will have the other dinner in one of the taverns around the main square (less than 10-minute walk from the hotel). For further information and preliminary registration (pending full details end-March) contact Jan ter Vrugt at jtervrugt@ziggo.nl or Robert-Jan van der Lugt at rj@laovan.demon.nl. Future Reunions (dates fixed, plans tentative) 2017 – August 31 – September 2, De Betuwe 2018 – August 30 – September 1, Texel 2019 – September 5 – 7 (20 years), Hart of Holland FLORIDA CHAPTER A very exciting 2016 Chapter Reunion is planned for the Florida Space Coast, March 14-17, 2016 by Robin Broadfield. Time to join the group is now running out, but if you do wish to join us, please contact Sandra Hadler (sachadler@gmail.com) to check on room availability. Please note, we are delighted that Inder Sud will be joining us. Full details are on the Florida website, but briefly, the reunion will feature a welcome reception, two group dinners, day visits to the world-famous Kennedy Space Center, a guided eco-kayak tour on the Banana River for the energetic (or a river trip for those preferring not to kayak), and an educational visit to Port Canaveral, one of the Florida coast's major cruise embarkation points. We will stay at the Inn at Cocoa Beach (www.theinnatcocoabeach.com), a boutique hotel on the ocean with several good restaurants close by. Here’s one review of the Inn “Mornings at the Inn are always special! Follow the enticing aroma of our home baked muffins and specialty breads to find a pleasant surprise beyond the French doors – expansive beachfront, 350 degrees of water sports, sun-splashed pool, a fully equipped exercise room, massage room, steam bath. Too energetic? - just enjoy the spectacular views from your private balcony. Cocoa Beach (http://www.cocoabeach.com/) is one of east Florida's iconic surfing towns and home of the famous Ron Jon surf shop. Besides the Space Center (www.visitspacecoast.com), Page 11 Chapter Events March 2016 there are some wonderful beaches in the vicinity, plus golf, and several wildlife refuges for hiking and bird watching. The weather in mid-March is typically warm and sunny. If any of you have suggestions for future activities, would like to organize a lunch or an event in your area, please email me and I will post on our web and/or email to the group. We also very much look forward to welcoming all new 1818 Florida residents and any 1818 members who may be visiting Florida. Sandra Hadler, Chair, Florida Chapter, sachadler@gmail.com FRENCH-SPEAKING CHAPTER The Board of the French-Speaking Chapter met in Paris on January 12th as planned. The main items on the agenda were discussed. Regarding the organization of conferences on development topics in ESCP Europe Business School, the students being either in exams period or on holidays, it has been difficult to organize them at the end of 2015. Plans are made for 2016. The General Assembly will take place on March 24th in the Bank Office in Paris. It will be followed by a presentation and discussion of the book Africanistan by Serge Michailof. On February 9, Joëlle Le Vourc’h, President of the French Chapter, met Elke Kreuzwieser, member of the German-Speaking Chapter, in Paris, in order to exchange information on the organization of the 2017 meeting in Strasbourg (France) and the Alsace Wine Region. This trip will be organized jointly by the German- and French-Speaking Chapters, and will take place in September 2017. The exact date—either the first or second week end of September–will be decided after coordination with the Dutch Chapter, as some members of the German-Speaking Chapter would like to also attend the trip organized by the Dutch Chapter. Information concerning the French-Speaking Chapter is available on the website at www.1818france.org. For additional information, please contact Joëlle Le Vourc’h at jlevourch@gmail.com. GERMAN-SPEAKING CHAPTER Preparation of the 1818 Society German-Speaking Chapter's 2016 Annual Meeting, which will take place between September 2 and 5 in Kiel, a lovely city on the German Baltic Coast, are well advanced. Fritz Fischer and Nico Nissen, the organizers, have put together an excellent program. All the information on how to get to Kiel, hotel accommodation and participation fees will appear as of March 15 on the chapter website: www.kreis-1818.de. 1818 Society members who are not members of the German-Speaking Chapter are welcome to join the meeting, as well as sign up on the Chapter website. The German-Speaking 1818 Society Chapter now also has its own website at www.kreis-1818.de. Interested 1818 Society members can register. The website is bi-lingual: German and English. Page 12 Chapter Events March 2016 IRAN CHAPTER The Iran Chapter met on December 11, 2015 for a presentation on the state of Iran’s economy by Mr. Martin Cerisola, Assistant Director, IMF. Mr. Cerisola led the preparation of IMF’s recently-completed Article IV Consultation report on Iran, which was discussed at IMF’s Board on December 7, 2015. Some 30 Chapter members and guests participated in the conference including IMF’s Executive Director for Iran, Dr. Jafar Mojarrad, and the Senior Adviser to the World Bank Group’s Executive Director for Iran, Dr Farhad Nili. The discussion was of considerable interest to the participants, given the critical challenges the country currently faces and the expected significant improvement in Iran’s economic performance as the result of removal of sanctions. The presentation was followed by extensive exchanges of informed views focusing on the country’s growth potential and related policy framework. If you need any further mmfarhandi@yahoo.com. information please contact Mohammad Farhandi at JAPAN CHAPTER The 9th annual meeting of the 1818 Society Japan Chapter was held at the restaurant Tohri (Chinese cuisine) of New Takanawa Prince Hotel Tokyo on July 24, 2015 with 24 participants. After the normal reporting of activities during year 2014-2015 and the approval of budget for year 2015-2016, a guest speaker, Mr. Masato Kanda, a Ministry of Finance official currently seconded to Financial Service Agency as Deputy Commissioner for International Affairs and former Alternate Executive Director for Japan at the World Bank, gave his observations on “Present global economic/financial situation”. As Japan Chapter’s membership rules are more liberal than The 1818 Society’s rules in terms of eligibility, we always welcome new members. Please contact our administrator through e-mail: 1818societyjapan@gmail.com for details. The Japanese and English language version of the Japan Chapter’s web homepage can be found at http//www.1818societyjapan.com/. For further information and/or details, the contacts in Japan are: Ms. Y. Okamoto, Director, at okamoto.tea@gmail.com; and Mr. H. Hamaguchi, President, at harutaka_hamaguchi@kenedix.com. For the Washington, D.C. area, contact Mr. K. D. Kikuchi, HQ Liaison at kunio_kikuchi@yahoo.com. 1818 SOCIETY INTERNATIONAL TOURS The 1818 Society is organizing tour groups to Iran in April-May 2016, Spain (Basque country) in May and September 2016, and Bhutan in October 2016. For more information see the corresponding weblink on the 1818 Society homepage http://www.worldbank.org/1818society Page 13 Chapter Events March 2016 REVISED HANDBOOK FOR ADVANCE PLANNING BY RETIREES & FAMILIES Now Available On Our Website A revised version of the Handbook for Advance Planning by Retirees & Families (previously called, Handbook for Survivors of World Bank Group Retirees) is now available on our website. The revised version and its title underscore the fact that advance planning for our inevitable, eventual end of life can prevent many problems that survivors would otherwise face, and also simplify their very difficult tasks. To that effect, the revised Handbook exhorts us to think and act ahead, and it provides useful information to help us to do this. Of course, the Handbook is a 'living' document, so suggestions, questions, and comments are encouraged and can be addressed to ksiraj@1818alumniwbg.org. NOW AVAILABLE! Appointments for HR Operations Services WBG retirees can now schedule appointments for services offered by HR Operations. Pre-booked appointments save time by providing guaranteed time slots that don’t involve any waiting time. To book an appointment, please use the WBG’s HR website. Appointments are available for faceto-face services in Washington, DC or via telephone worldwide. Please note that scheduled appointments can be changed or cancelled as necessary. HR Operations will continue to provide face-to-face services without appointments on weekdays between 10:00 AM and 1:00 PM on a first-come, first-served basis. If you have any questions, please send a message to hroperations@worldbank.org. 1818 STAFF RETIREMENT PLAN GROUP Sharada Sundar and her team introduced the Bank’s new Retiree Portal to the 1818 Board. The Portal is a secure way for all Bank staff and retirees to access information related to the Bank’s pension plan. The access point can be found at https://pension.worldbank.org. It will allow all eligible users to access general information about the pension fund, as well as user-specific information about their pensions for the past five years. This includes the Monthly Pension Pay Stub, the Pension Certificate Letter, the Life Certificates, the 1099R Tax Form, the Cost of Living Notification Letter, and the Annual Pension Payroll Statements. A letter announcing the launch of the retiree portal along with a step by step instruction on how to access the portal was sent to all retirees together with the Life Certificate earlier this year. The pension team encourages retirees to access the portal at their convenience. IRAN TRIP Last Call! By popular demand, a second trip to Iran has been organized. The dates are April 26-May 9th (14 days). The tour will begin in Shiraz, and move on to Yazd, Isfahan, Kashan, Tehran, with a unique experience of spending a night in a desert caravansary. The price per person is US$2,940/for Page 14 Chapter Events March 2016 double occupancy, and US$3,870 for single occupancy (around US$210/day/person for doubles and US$275/day/person for singles). The fare covers room in best available hotels, all meals, airport transfers, well-informed Englishspeaking guide, entry ticket to all sites, and on-the-ground transportation by luxury bus. (Please note that the rate does not cover in-out airfare, and any other airfare inside Iran). As the previous time, the trip is organized by an experienced tour operator. A fellow Iranian 1818-member, Ms. Ferial Galadari (formerly with IFC) will accompany the tour. Please contact her: at fgaladari@gmail.com Disclosure: Due to recent visa waiver changes (HR158), citizens from visa waiver countries, who previously entered the US without a visa, are now required to obtain a visa if they have traveled to a list of countries that includes Iran. This regulation was passed as a security measure in the wake of the San Bernardino attacks. It does not impact American citizens, green card holders, or citizens of countries that required a U.S. entry visa anyway. The experience with citizens from visa waiver countries, who traveled to Iran and who subsequently applied for a visa, is that they received a 10-year multiple entry visa. Counterpart visa-waiver countries have so far not announced any reciprocity vis-à-vis American citizens. And, negotiations are under way to remove this requirement for Iranians and those traveling to Iran, since no Iranian national or traveler to Iran has ever committed a terrorist act in the US or Europe. FUND-BANK SKI CLUB There is only one trip left in the Club’s 2015/16 itinerary: March 5-12, 2016 Big Sky Montana and Yellowstone. The trip, which is now full, is being led by Van Pulley. It has been a very successful year for the Club and has included the following: November 5-19, 2015 - Hiking trip to Mexico’s Copper Canyon—trip leader: Frona Hall December 9-15, 2015 - early season skiing in Vail, Colorado—trip leader: Frona Hall January 22-31, 2016 - European ski trip to Andorra—trip leader: Anneli Sexton February 5-12, 2016 - Snowmass, Colorado—trip leader: Nathalie McGregor The club website is undergoing remodeling and should be up and running soon. Keep an eye on it for pictures from our trips and news of upcoming trips www.fundbankskiclub.org. THE HIKING CLUB More Volunteers Needed Dust off your hiking shoes and let’s hit the trail. The enthusiastic response from many members to the local hikes has led to the establishment of an 1818 Hiking Club. Membership by retirees has grown rapidly and more than 120 members have joined the club. The club organizes day hikes on the trails, mostly in Virginia and Maryland, Page 15 Chapter Events March 2016 and occasionally in the District of Columbia. The hikes are half day or all day outings, with 3-5 hours of actual hiking. The 1818 Hiking Club is not limited to retirees but gives preference to our members and their families. We organize at least one day-hike every month. On longer or more strenuous hikes, we include an option of a shorter hike to cater to the varied needs of our members. Four hikes have been organized in 2015 – to Maryland Heights at Harper’s Ferry; Great Falls Park, MD; Greenbrier State Park, MD; and Sugarloaf Mountain, MD. Group sizes are growing, the largest being 23 so far. One more hike is planned in March to the Three Falls Hike in Shenandoah National Park. We are seeking volunteers to help run the 1818 Hiking Club and experienced hikers to help organize our hikes. If you are interested in joining the hiking club or in volunteering to help plan and organize hikes, send an email to Anis Dani (adani@1818alumniwbg.org). CONGRATULATIONS! We are delighted to report that 1818 Alum James Bond was awarded the Légion d’honneur in the French end-of-year honors list for 2015. This honor is accorded by the French Government for merit in the service of the nation. When asked, James said that it was "no doubt because of my name". We are certain that it was because of the excellent work he did at the Bank and as part of the start-up team on the Green Climate Fund, work he has engaged in since his retirement from the Bank. Congratulations, James from all your colleagues. DID YOU KNOW? This is the first installment of what is planned as a regular feature in "The 1818 Society Bulletin" of helpful tips contributed by 1818 Society members. Whether there is a second and subsequent installments depends on YOU, so keep your tips coming! Send them to the Editor at cziegler1@hotmail.com. T-Mobile offers Bank pensioners the standard Bank discount on T-Mobile monthly bills, which runs about 15 percent of the bill's total - including all lines on the account, including family, if one can produce a copy of one's annual pension statement from the Bank. Andy Vorkink Credit Union now has mobile banking app available and functional. It allows you to deposit checks remotely. It also has a very useful feature of “alerts” that you can set for matters like low balances, deposits, etc. This feature was apparently also on the On-line banking, but I never knew this. Anonymous You can claim your Medicare premium reimbursement up to three years back. Ines Garcia Page 16 March 2016 Chapters & Thematic Groups 2015-2016 Chapters: ANZ – Jo. M. Martins, jmartins@tpg.com.au Brazil – Maria Teresa Serra, tserra@jurea.com British ― Nicki Marrian, Nickiedits@gmail.com Canada – Jim Smith, jsmith.econ@gmail.com Chile – Miguel Schloss, m.schloss@sur-invest.com Florida ― Sandra Hadler, sachadler@gmail.com French-Speaking – Joelle Le Vourc'h, jlevourch@gmail.com German-Speaking – Franz Kaps, fkaps@t-online.de India – Vaikalathur Ravishankar, vjravishankar@gmail.com Iran Chapter (DC) – Mohammad Farhandi, mmfarhandi@yahoo.com The Netherlands – Robert Jan van der Lugt, rj@laovan.demon.nl Japan – Harutaka Hamaguchi, harutaka_hamaguchi@kenedix.com Agriculture and Rural Development Chapter Shawki Barghouti, shawkibarghouti@gmail.com, Jitendra Srivastava, jitendras573@gmail.com Thematic Groups/Chapters 1818 Economists' Chapter Norman Hicks, nhicks4@cox.net Education Group Sverrir Sigurdsson, ssigurdsson@1818alumniwbg.org, Larry Wolff, larrywolff@live.com Energy Group Eugene McCarthy, emccarthy@1818alumniwbg.org Gender and Development Chapter Nadereh Chamlou, nchamlou@gmail.com, Dominique Lallement, Dominique.lallement@gmail.com Global Finance Chapter Rene Costa, renelcosta@verizon.net Governance Thematic Group Vinay Bhargava, vinaybhargav@gmail.com 1818 Society WBG History Thematic Group Chuck Ziegler, cziegler1@hotmail.com HNP Group Kees Kostermans, keeskostermans@gmail.com The Social And Environmental Chapter Anis Dani, adani@1818alumniwbg.org, John Redwood, jredwood@1818alumniwbg.org Transport Chapter Graham Smith, smith.grahamr@gmail.com Maria Margarita Nuñez, marianunez1@gmail.com Urban and Water Group Edouard Motte emotte4@gmail.com Page 17 March 2016 Thematic Group Events Each 1818 Thematic Group would like to link up with new retirees from its Group. Right now, leaders of the Thematic Groups review the list of new members in each 1818 Society Bulletin to spot newcomers affiliated with their sectors. Please help us improve on this hit-and-miss system by alerting the Thematic Group contacts mentioned below about new members affiliated with Operational Thematic Groups. 1818 AGRICULTURE AND RURAL DEVELOPMENT CHAPTER Send your feedback and suggestions to Shawkibarghouti@gmail.com with issues you would like the Chapter to share with members of The 1818 Society. 1818 SOCIETY ECONOMISTS' CHAPTER The Economists' Chapter met on January 20, at which time Shahid Javed Burki, former Vice President for LAC and former director of the China Department, shared his views on “The Global Economy Under Stress.” This discussion drew on his forthcoming book Adjusting to Global Change: Challenges for the World Community of Nations. Additional seminars are being arranged. Tentative topics include the recently released WDR 2016 on the “Digital Dividend”, the recent evaluation panel review of DEC, and a speaker on the recent Global Climate Change agreement. Announcements will be made when dates are firm. The chairman is open to suggestions for additional topics. Chapter Chair Norman Hicks can be contacted at nhicks4@cox.net. Members are encouraged— indeed, urged—to send names of potential speakers who they feel will have the capacity to enlighten a highly-knowledgeable—and engaged—audience. 1818 EDUCATION SECTOR GROUP On January 13, the Education Group had a lively discussion on the subject of “Value for Money: What do developing countries really get from participating in international assessment programs?” led by Marguerite Clarke, the Bank’s Senior Specialist responsible for learning assessments. Marguerite described current trends in international assessments, the extent to which these assessments have impacted on quality and learning, and the experience of the Bank in encouraging the use of learning assessments in developing countries. There were 14 in person attendees, half of them regular Bank employees, as well as six virtual attendees. The Bank’s Education Department graciously helped with setting up the link for the virtual participants. The subject matter led to an animated live and on-line discussion on whether and how international assessments can have an impact on learning. The record is very mixed, especially among low and middle income countries, which may lack the human and financial resources to Page 18 Thematic Group Events March 2016 reform curricula, teacher training and teacher classroom behavior based on test results. A promising trend is the development of assessments which are better tuned to the levels of achievement in poorer counties. Marguerite’s PowerPoint, as well as comments on the subject by seven education group members, can be found on the 1818 website www.worldbank.org/1818—go to “Thematic Groups,” “Education Sector,” and “Education Sector Papers.” At least three Education Group members (Helen Abadzi, Steve Heyneman, and Larry Wolff) will be making presentations at the annual conference of the Comparative and International Education Society to be held in Vancouver, March 6-10. The Education Advisory Group invites its audience to propose speakers and topics at future events. The Group consists of: Sverrir Sigurdsson (tssigurdsson@gmail.com), Marlaine Lockheed (mlockheed@verizon.net), Eluned Schweitzer (elunedrob@hotmail.com), Larry Wolff (larrywolff@live.com), Michael Mertaugh (michaelmertaugh@gmail.com), Eduardo Velez (evelezbustillo@hotmail.com), Susan Hirshberg (shirshberg1@gmail.com), Jee Peng Tan (jeepengtan@gmail.com), and Steve Heyneman (s.heyneman@gmail.com). 1818 ENERGY GROUP Happy New Year to all our members and supporters!! The recent heavy snow storm could be a reality check on Climate Change, and an early warning to us to be recognizant of the form, type and global pattern of energy consumption. During this year we plan to address some of the following energy topics: World Bank Group (WBG) Lending in Energy Oil and Gas sector-- the impact of current trends in oil and gas prices on the overall global economy, finance and political stability, particularly in oil-exporting countries; and also the future of the fracking industry, and whether the Bank should have a role in promoting fracking by lending to its member countries where the technology is viable. Energy (Power) Development-- the new challenges and opportunities in promoting access to power in developing countries; (ii) the status of power development in Africa; and the significance of renewable energy resources in promoting rural electrification and efficiency in energy utilization. Climate Change and Carbon Pricing- World Bank Group's role in promoting awareness of climate change and in the establishment of appropriate mechanism for carbon pricing and the Green Energy Fund; Nuclear Energy for Power:- The type and form of new investments in nuclear energy for power development, including a critical review of the Iran Nuclear Non-Proliferation Agreement); and potential of thorium as a future energy fuel; Food Versus Fuel—Promotion of biofuel in competition for land utilization for food production; Country Energy Strategies—review of energy development strategies of several countries, including India and China. Page 19 Thematic Group Events March 2016 We realize that this is not an exhaustive list of interesting topics/issues in the energy sector. We would appreciate receiving suggestions on issues (and speakers) to be included for discussions. We are planning at least two presentations before end-June. The first—in mid-February—will be a 'look back' at the recent Paris Climate talks by a three-person panel comprised of Dana Younger (IFC), James Bond (MIGA), and Joshua Meltzer from Brookings. We intend to arrange another presentation before end-April, which will take a critical look at India's energy development strategy. In the meantime, we continue to seek appropriate speakers (within and outside the WBG) for most of the above topics. For information about activities of the Energy Group, please contact Mike Gillette (mj_gillette@yahoo.com), Mohammad Farhandi (mmfarhandi@yahoo.com), Akin Oduolowu (oduolowu@yahoo.com); Eugene McCarthy (emcc8940@aol.com); Alain Barbu (abarbu@hotmail.com); Istvan Dobozi (isdobozi@gmail.com); or Hal Wackman hal.wackman@gmail.com. GENDER AND DEVELOPMENT CHAPTER On the occasion of March 8th, the International Women’s Day, the Gender and Development Thematic Group has the pleasure to invite interested 1818 Members to a guided tour of the National Museum for Women in the Arts. Time: March 8th (between 11-2pm) will be finalized later. Cost per person: Members US$6, Seniors US$10, non-members US$12. Maximum: 25 guests. Please pre-register with Dominique Lallement (dominique.lallement@gmail.com) and please indicate if you are a member or non-member. For suggestions and comments, please contact: Nadereh Chamlou at Nchamlou@gmail.com, Dominique Lallement at dominique.lallement@gmail.com and Mark Blackden at mblackden@comcast.net. GLOBAL FINANCE CHAPTER In the course of the last few months of 2015, our Chapter organized a series of interesting events. On November 5th, we had the pleasure to welcome Kyle Peters, Senior Vice-President, Operations, of the World Bank Group. His presentation followed a series of talks we had in the past two years with former and present WBG senior managers, including Jim-Yong Cai, former Executive Vice President and CEO of the International Finance Corporation (IFC), Bertrand Badré, Managing Director and CFO of the World Bank Group (WBG), Gary Perlin, former Managing Director and CFO of the WBG, and Michel Wormser, former Vice President of the World Bank's Multilateral Investment Agency (MIGA). Kyle praised the effort made by the WBG to follow up on conclusions of the September 2015 WBG-IMF annual meeting in Lima, particularly regarding environmental decisions and more generally the implementation of the Sustainable Development Goals in a particularly worrisome global economic context. He also explained progress made in the realignment of directorships in Page 20 Thematic Group Events March 2016 the institution, the consolidation of global practices, and the increasing level of debates amongst the WBG shareholders. We shared his concern about the unsatisfactory performance of the WBG in terms of revenues and high costs, despite good levels of commitments and disbursements. Finally, we agreed that the losses of top managers and highly qualified staff continue to be one of the main internal issues of the WBG while, at the same time, its competitiveness may rapidly erode in a global financial and development environment every day more challenging. A more complete Note on this perhaps too optimistic presentation, written by John Nellis, our Co-chairman and Senior Adviser, Public Administration and Finance, is presented elsewhere in this edition of the Bulletin. Our relationships with the IMF was further enhanced with a presentation by Zeine Zeidane and Ananthakrishna Prasad, respectively Principal Adviser and Deputy Division Chief in the Middle East and Central Asia Department, on "Islamic Finance." Our speakers explained that Islamic finance has grown rapidly, even though it is still a small share of the global finance market. The Islamic Banking segment has increased its penetration in many IMF member countries, particularly in Asia and the Middle East, while the global issuance of Sukuk—the Islamic equivalent of bonds—is expanding with remarkable speed. The essential message Zeine and Anan brought to us is that Islamic finance has the potential for further contributions in a least three dimensions. First, it promises to foster greater financial inclusion, especially of large underserved Muslim populations. Second, its emphasis on assetbacked financing and risk-sharing features means that it could provide support for small and medium-sized enterprises, as well as investment in public infrastructure. Finally, its risk-sharing features and prohibition of speculation suggest that Islamic finance may, in principle, pose less systemic risk than conventional finance. An IMF Staff Discussion Note on Islamic Finance: Opportunities, Challenges and Policy Options, available on the IMF Internet Site, will give details on the evolution and perspective of development of this promising segment of the global financial sector. Last but not least, we held our second anniversary of the creation of our Chapter in November 2013 with a lunch at the Metropolitan Club in D.C., superbly organized by Wolfgang Schaefer, our Co-chairman and Senior Adviser, Private Sector and PPP on December 17. The attendance was excellent with representatives from other sectors. We had the pleasure to welcome Inder Sud, our new 1818 Society President. As expected, he gave to us his first impressions as President, stressing that he had been impressed with the dynamism of all Chapters and Groups, as well as by the dedication of volunteers playing an important role in the administration of the Society and in the organization of special events. Regarding our Pension Fund, he stressed that, in his opinion, the Fund had been well managed and that no worry should be raised on its commitment to the payment of our pensions. This reunion was an excellent opportunity to briefly comment on our Chapter achievements in 2015 and promising continuation in 2016. Wolfgang was kind enough to offer to all attendants a visit of the Club. Indeed, the Metropolitan Club is one of Washington's oldest and most valued private institutions. Since its founding in 1863, at the height of the Civil War, it has pursued its primary goal of furthering "literary, mutual improvement, and social purposes. Page 21 Thematic Group Events March 2016 Information on the Global Finance‘s program of activities and feedback on presentations of meetings is available on our Chapter Section in the 1818 Society Internet site. You may also contact either: René Costa, Chairman (renelcosta@verizon.net), or John Nellis, Co-chairman and Senior Adviser, Public Administration and Finance (john.nellis@gmail.com), or, Wolfgang Schaefer, Co-chairman and Senior Adviser, Private Sector and PPP (Schaefer@georgetowninernational.com), or Jed Shilling, Chairman and Senior Adviser, Economic and Trade (jedshilling@verizon.net), or Catherine Kleynoff catherinekl@comcast.net. GOVERNANCE THEMATIC GROUP The Governance Thematic Group organized an event in December 2015 where Ms. Yongmei Zhou, Co-Director of the WDR 2017 made a presentation on the upcoming World Development Report 2017—Governance and the Law. The presentation discussed questions such as "Why Governance and Law Matter?" "What Forms of Governance?" and "Governance for What?" The presentation was well attended, and a lively discussion took place. Thanks and best wishes. Vinay Bhargava on behalf of the Core Group of Volunteers 1818 SOCIETY WORLD BANK HISTORY THEMATIC GROUP The purpose of The 1818 Society World Bank History Thematic Group is to foster greater appreciation for and understanding of the history of the World Bank Group, its successes and failures, and the staff who have served it. On December 3rd, Jochen Kraske—the World Bank's first and, so far, only historian, and a founding member of the History Thematic Group—spoke on the work of the Historian’s Office and the major efforts to record the Bank’s history after 25 and 50 years, and what should be done in the future with regard to the World Bank's history. He noted: "My brief involvement in the historical work related to the Bank persuaded me that this is a function that needs to be performed systematically, if only to bring into focus the often abrupt changes which occur as the leadership of the organization changes . . . The Bank remains an organization whose service to its members is constantly evolving. It is guided by a framework of principles but its actions are shaped by the demands of its clients. The workshop “Using History to Inform Development Policy,” organized two years ago, provides many examples which illustrate the relevance of historic research to the Bank’s work. It also presented in the keynote address by Devesh Kapur an excellent digest of the 50-year history and a well-focused diagnosis of what ails the Bank today." A summary of that workshop can be found here: http://wwwwds.worldbank.org/external/default/WDSContentServer/WDSP/IB/2013/08/14/000356161_201 30814130652/Rendered/PDF/802360WP0P13280Box0379802B00PUBLIC0.pdf Page 22 Thematic Group Events March 2016 Mr. Kraske's presentation can be read here: http://siteresources.worldbank.org/1818SOCIETY/Resources/Kraske_Presentation_2015-1203Web_Version.pdf On February 17, the History Thematic Group co-sponsored along with the Urban & Water Group, the Transport Chapter, and the World Bank Group Archives a panel discussion on the topic “World Bank’s Engagement with Transport in Cities: The Early Years 1972-1982”. The starting point for the discussion was a presentation by Slobodan Mitric, based on his recent research of various sources including holdings of the World Bank Group Archives into the beginning of the Bank’s urban transport program. The research is a joint history of ideas and practice in this field. Ideas are those contained in the 1975 document Urban Transport – Sector Policy Paper, the first-ever comprehensive review of urban transport issues in developing countries and of a Bank strategy to address them. The practice is reflected in some 15 investment projects approved by the Bank in the first decade of the program, featuring such initiatives as traffic management, support for cityor state-owned providers of public transport services, direct focus on poverty, and congestion charging. Slobodan has spent his entire professional life working on the subject of transport in cities. He retired from the Bank in 2003 as a Lead Urban Transport Specialist, after 25 years in active service that combined project and sector work in several regions, as well as policy development. The moderator for the panel discussion was Denis Robitaille, Director, ITSOC; the panelists were Maryvonne Plessis-Fraissard and Christine Kessides of The 1818 Society; and Georges Bianco Darido, Lead Urban Transport Specialist, GTI02. Slobdan's PowerPoint slides and a video recording of the session is posted on the 1818 Society's web site. If you are interested in joining this Thematic Group, or have suggestions for topics and presenters, please contact Chuck Ziegler, History Thematic Group Coordinator, at cziegler1@hotmail.com. Chuck Ziegler Coordinator, 1818 Society World Bank History Thematic Group HNP GROUP On December 4, 2015, the HNP Chapter together with the Alzheimer Support Group of The 1818 Society organized a very well-attended seminar on the latest developments in the prevention and treatment of Alzheimer’s disease. A presentation was made by Dr. Raya Kheirbek who specializes in geriatric medicine and is Deputy Chief of Staff at the Veterans Affairs Medical Center in D.C. Dr Kheirbeck explained the basics of the disease: how frequent it is (more than 40 million people suffer from it world-wide, and the number is increasing rapidly), how it develops, and the symptoms. Unfortunately, there are very few really promising developments in the prevention or Page 23 Thematic Group Events March 2016 treatment of Alzheimer’s. A general healthy and active life style, which is good for many reasons, may also help in preventing, delaying or slowing down progression of the disease. Given the great interest in the event, the session was recorded, and you can find a link to it on The 1818 Society’s website, together with the PowerPoint presentation (look under “webcasts and presentations”). THE SOCIAL AND ENVIRONMENTAL CHAPTER For information on the Social and Environmental Chapter contact (adani@1818alumniwbg.org) or John Redwood (jredwood@1818alumniwbg.org). Anis Dani TRANSPORT CHAPTER As planned, at the Transport Chapter's November lunch, Robin Carruthers gave a very informative presentation on the expected impacts of the Panama Canal's enlargement, as well as some thoughts on the talked-about Chinese initiative to excavate a competing canal across Nicaragua. Mid-January saw the Bank's annual two-day transportation forum, attended by a large audience of Bank staff, Transport Chapter members, and many non-Bank visiting specialists. It was timely for digesting the conclusions drawn by December's global conference in Paris on climate change and the resulting agreement among the world's governments on how to respond. For mid-February, the Chapter is co-sponsoring a presentation by member Slobodan Mitric on the Bank's early lending and policy initiatives for urban transport. Graham Smith's planned talk on high-speed rail will now take place on March 15th lunch. Chapter members have also expressed interest in field visits to transport-related sites or companies in the greater Washington area, in the spirit of earlier such visits to the corporation managing the HOT lanes on the Virginia portion of the Beltway and I-95, and expansion of the Metro. Members with such proposals are invited to contact the co-chairs Graham Smith (smith.grahamr@gmail.com) and Maria Margarita Nunez (marianunez1@gmail.com). URBAN AND WATER GROUP In parallel to our traditional sessions with technical presentations, the Coordinating Committee will organize an informal social meeting on April 1 (indeed!) of all U & W retirees who wish to meet and exchange informally. This time Amir Al-Khafaji (amir.alkhafaji@yahoo.com) is the focal point for this D.C. area event. Also, we are pleased to report the Global Practice for Water has no objection to have retirees attend this year’s Water Week; the event is scheduled for end-March-early April, without precise dates at the time we are going to press. Page 24 Thematic Group Events March 2016 For the benefit of our members outside the D.C. area, we arranged for the presentations at our last two meetings to be video-taped: “Converting Wastes into Energy” by Vijay Jagannathan, and “World Bank Engagement with Transport in Cities; The Early Years 1972-1982” by Slobodan Mitric. Links to the tapes are available on the Society’s website under “Thematic Groups”. Vijay’s presentation is in the water sector section, and Slobodan’s in the Transport Sector section. Both presentations were co-sponsored. We are always happy to welcome visiting retirees coming to Washington D.C. and having exchanges with them, whether formally through presentations or informally. The new contact person is Edouard Motte (emotte@1818alumniwbg.org). FROM THE EDITOR In The 1818 Society, we all know that we have a President, Board of Directors, and Officers. However, much of the important work of The 1818 Society is carried out by those not often seen or recognized, but who are indeed deserving of our gratitude, for without them, many of the services that we take for granted would be impossible to implement. As the editor of this publication and Coordinator of the 1818 Society World Bank History Thematic Group, I have had many good reasons to be grateful for their efforts! So, I am happy to be able to offer some brief sketches of some of these hard-working and dedicated people, written with great modesty by themselves. More of them will be recognized in the next issue of The 1818 Society Bulletin. Chuck Ziegler Editor Miren FERNANDEZ María, Miriam, Mariam…..they're all the same, as is Miren, the Basque name for “Mary”, where my grandparents were from. I am a native of Mexico, but have lived in Spain for most of my life. Although I try to go to Mexico to visit the extended family, my parents and siblings take me back to Madrid whenever possible. Our children live in different countries and yes….I do have grandchildren as well. I have been working at The 1818 Society since May 2009. I have not worked at any other unit of the Bank, and my previous experience always has been in the private sector in Spain. My work at the office is to be your connection with the Bank: answering your questions; organizing seminars, gatherings and cultural events; and trying to give you the support for any activity that you want to organize and share with other 1818 Society members. Since everybody is called by their first name, and there are no hierarchies, working at The 1818 Society has given me the opportunity of meeting a lot of interesting people and knowing about your origins and different backgrounds. Mainly, I have the opportunity to learn through you. Learning can be enriching, but people are always the sap of life, so I consider myself very fortunate! I always say that I work with the people who know most about the Bank, but with less stress than when they were active staff! We love to see you by the office, come and visit us! Page 25 From The Editor March 2016 Swati SRIVASTAVA I am the other half of The 1818 Office and am from India and moved to the US in July 2007. I am professionally trained in Organic Chemistry but have spent more than 15 years of my professional career either in teaching or in the field of information technology and people management. I have a 22 year old daughter and an 18 year old son (and of course a husband working for the Bank!!!). In my previous life, prior to my relocation here, I was a principal of a kindergarten school and a counselor to parents with young children. Coming to DC was never a part of my plan, and my husband’s sudden offer to relocate was initially upsetting, but the opportunity to live in a new country as well as to learn and enjoy the different environment got me here. I have always been passionate about people from various walks – their lifestyle and culture, their precedence, their daily miseries and challenges, as well as their pursuit of hope and happiness. While living in Delhi, a large chunk of my time was spent in helping poor women through education, communication, persuasion and advice, such as in better financial planning; standing up against discrimination; making right choices about child education; and releasing poor people from huge debt traps of money lenders. After moving to DC, I trained as a Web design professional and got involved with volunteering full time with the World Bank Family Network (WBFN) as an executive committee member and also as a member of the Margaret McNamara Education Grants’ selection committee. I started working at The 1818 Society office in 2010. I enjoy using my web and design knowledge for the 1818 website and also all the fliers and publications that we have. With my experience in project coordination, education, website management and graphic design, I have enjoyed my current role in office coordination, managing logistics, communication and organizing large events focusing on diverse themes. I love interacting with the members here as every day I get to learn something new and I never know how the day will end! Bettina FOGGIANO As a way of introduction, I am Bettina Foggiano. I am Italian and Swiss. Before joining the Bank, I worked in Switzerland for 13 years as a medical assistant for private doctors. My main responsibilities included laboratory examinations, typing reports, developing x-rays, arranging appointments, etc. At the same time, I was working for one year and a half in the evening towards my diploma as medical assistant. I joined the Bank in 1970. I started in the Communications Division as an assistant. Before retiring in 1988, I was an administrative assistant in the Brazil Agriculture Division, East Africa Region. In 1998 I moved back to my hometown, Domodossola in Piemonte, where I spend four months a year. Domodossola is a small town of about 20,000 inhabitants, surrounded by mountains. It’s a challenging place for hikers. I spend the rest of the year in Washington D.C. I became a member of The 1818 Society. When I retired, I was looking for a way to stay connected both with the Bank and my friends. The 1818 Society offered me that opportunity. Page 26 From The Editor March 2016 I come to the 1818 Society office almost every day to help out in several ways with the day-to-day administrative functions. The 1818 Society receives many queries from its members. For example, members are looking for a friend member’s address/email. Members are asking how to access Society data, the World Bank bulletin board, The 1818 Society Bulletin, not least, how to enroll in Medicare. I also help with processing new memberships; there is also filing to do, as well as collecting the office mail from the post office, and other office tasks. For variety, occasionally, I help the Book Project office. Mieko MASUDA How I Came to the World Bank I was born in the Year of the Monkey in the 1930’s, in a farming community in the outskirts of Fukuoka, the main city in the Southern Island of Kyushu, Japan. I don’t remember much about my father who was drafted, sent to China, and died there at age 36, when I was only six. He left behind his widowed mother, my mother, and five children: my older sister, myself, two younger sisters, and a brother, who was only a baby. One can imagine the hardship that my mother had, losing her husband and having to raise five young children. Things were desperate during WWII and got even worse in the immediate years after the war, when all of Japan was destitute. Fortunately, while Fukuoka was burned down by US air raids, as were virtually all other major cities of Japan, our house in the country-side was spared. But food was scarce, and starvation was a possibility. I remember my mother hauling what soil she could carry from the hills, so we could grow sweet potatoes, pumpkins and other vegetables to keep us alive. I remember eating the stems and leaves of sweet potato plants because we could not wait for the potatoes to get big enough. How my mother managed, I can only guess with gratitude, but by the time I graduated from high school, I couldn’t stand all the talk of “arranged marriage” coming my way, so I went to Tokyo for a new life on my own. I followed a friend’s good advice and learned how to type, and also learned English, which was the language of the US Occupation who ruled Japan until 1951. I had good jobs with trading companies, including an Italian one. My work was in Nikkatsu Hotel Building (now the Peninsular Hotel), which was in the heart of downtown business district, and I had my own apartment within walking distance. By mid-1960’s, I had enough money to travel overseas, and one day in early 1972, I saw a World Bank advertisement for positions at its headquarters in Washington, D.C. The World Bank’s Tokyo Office, which had opened a few years earlier, was only two blocks away from my office. I filed my application, was interviewed, and was hired. I reported to work in July 1972 as one of over a dozen Japanese secretaries hired that year. My first boss was Mr. David Bruen in the Education Projects Department. I spent most of my career with the Education Projects Department, other than a few years with the Africa Country Programs Office. Those were the days when the Bank held huge Christmas parties at the Wardman Hotel, with Mr. and Mrs. McNamara greeting everyone who came. But that would be another long story to cover the more than 20 years I spent as a Bank staff. Page 27 From The Editor March 2016 How I started to volunteer at The 1818 Society When I retired, Shirley Boskey, President of The 1818 Society at that time, asked me if I would like to volunteer. I said yes, and since 1996 I have been processing the applications for new members. I always share the job, and I enjoy what I do. The "World Bank" By Chuck Ziegler We all refer to the institution of which we are alumni as the "World Bank." But when it opened for business in 1946 it was known as the "International Bank for Reconstruction and Development," a name it still retains as a member of the "World Bank Group." So, how did it become known as the "World Bank"? One possible clue is contained in a "Remembrance" of William L. Bennett by Harold Graves (both of whom worked in what was then known as the Public Relations Department) found in the July/August 1998 issue of The 1818 Society Newsletter. In it, Graves refers to John Darby, a copy editor of the old New York Herald Tribune, and attributes to him "the invention of the term World Bank to get around the impossibility of getting the name of the International Bank for Reconstruction and Development into a headline one column wide." A plausible story! Editor's Query Answered!! Readers may recall that your editor wondered in print concerning the fate of the World Bank Stamp Club, which had been a fixture of World Bank life for more than 50 years. His sincere thanks goes to John Vincent-Smith and Nimrod Raphaeli, who kindly provided not only information on fate of the World Bank Stamp Club, but opened the door—perhaps just a crack—for the possibility of a renaissance. The (Late) World Bank Stamp Club . . . By John Vincent-Smith For almost 50 years the Stamp Club was indeed a popular and active presence in the Bank. When I arrived in 1977, the Club must have had at least 60 paid-up members. Around two-thirds of these were generally inactive; for them the attraction of membership lay in receiving twice yearly a free packet of stamps culled from the Bank's substantial, worldwide incoming mail, almost all of which was in those days liberally franked with postage stamps. No doubt these packets were often passed on to family or friends. Once the mail was opened and distributed, the Mail Room graciously allowed a handful of volunteers armed with their Bank-issue scissors to cut up the empty envelopes and haul away their philatelic booty, on an almost weekly basis. In return the Mail Room always received a Christmas gift of good cheer. The more active members of the Club, i.e., the collectors, held regular small auctions, both "live" and using written bids, usually during the lunch hour, which before the invention of "doing more with less" actually meant something in the daily schedule. Older stamps were purchased by Club officers from outside sources to lend variety to these auctions, and members could also make up their own "private lots" for sale. Twice a year the Club organized keenly anticipated parties, Page 28 From The Editor March 2016 featuring displays, silent and "live" auctions, and an excellent array of refreshments. These were very enjoyable occasions, bringing together members from across the Bank, as well as spouses and retirees. It is fair to note that the guiding nucleus of the Club was for at least two decades located in the English Translation Section of the then Language Services Division, part of GSD. However, membership was quite broad, and included senior managers, such as V.P. Warren Baum, Nicholas Carter, and others. The eventual and inevitable retirement of the stalwarts of the Club, the dwindling use of stamps on the mail, and many other changes in the Bank that tended to make it difficult for staff to find the time for "distractions", all contributed to a slow decline in active membership, and by the late 1990s the days of the Club were clearly numbered. It was wound up around the year 2000. The remaining assets were donated to the American Philatelic Society, in memory of Eric McMillan and (a little later) Nick Carter. . . . And a Possible Renaissance? I used to attend the Stamp Club's meetings which had come to an end perhaps as long as 20 years ago (I retired in 1997). I believe the person who managed the Stamp Club had passed away. If someone is willing to take the initiative to reconstitute the Stamp Club, I will be among the first to attend. And, as an expression of gratitude, I will present for auction, for the benefit of the "new" Stamp Club, a large official envelope addressed to Mrs. Barbara Connable [sic], President of the World Bank. Nimrod Raphaeli If anyone is interested in reconstituting the World Bank Stamp Club, please contact the editor at Cziegler1@hotmail.com, and he will act as a collection point for expressions of such interest. In the meantime, please find below an article from the January 1955 issue of "International Bank Notes" on stamp collecting in the Bank. STAMP COLLECTING IN THE BANK by Leopoldo Cancio Every day bulky and valuable mail, thickly covered with stamps of the highest denominations, reaches the World Bank from all parts of the world. For this reason, working for the Bank becomes doubly attractive to the staff member who is a philatelist. Sooner or 1ater, because he has enrolled in the Bank Stamp Club or by other means, the staff member will lay his hands on a mail wrapper studded with twenty-baht Thai stamps or ten-peso Uruguayan airmails which will send an intense philatelic thrill up and down his spine. The World Bank is an ideal source of these colorful stickers originating in its 57 member countries—and in many non-member countries too—and the together with amount of mail franked with stickers are avidly sought out by the 80odd stamp-minded persons in the Bank. The Bank generously hands over the stamps from its mail to our Bank Stamp Club, which periodically distributes them to the persons on its rolls. The Club has active members and beneficiaries, the latter interested only in the stamp distributions. The active members, in addition to participating in the distributions, are also willing to use additional efforts in other philatelic activities. The stamp distributions have been, at times, the source of headaches among the Bank philatelists. The supply of one-pound, ten-peso and thousand franc stamps would practically have Page 29 From The Editor March 2016 to be inexhaustible to keep everybody—including the writer—happy. Anyone who has seen an airmail envelope covered with fifteen one-pound Rhodesia stamps feels frustrated and thwarted if the best stamp in his distribution envelope is a tom U.S. ten-center. A supreme effort is, of course, made by the Club to achieve a fair distribution of the stamps, and to see that each person gets at least a "prize" item, but sometimes you just cannot please every member because there are not enough "prize" stamps to go around. However, if you wait long enough, opportunity eventually knocks at your door and your collection benefits at last from the long-sought item. Incidentally, I wish to remind non-philatelic staff members of the Bank that the Club would welcome, with gratitude, stamp contributions from their private mail. Together with the colorful stickers, the Bank receives a large amount of mail franked with those philatelically-hated time-and-money saving devices called postal meters. The Bank uses them on its outgoing mail and has at times received "official" complaints from philatelists abroad because of its indiscriminate and un-philatelic use of these devices. At one time, the Bank's Paris Office used stamps, but now it has adopted the modern technique, thus preventing us from enjoying the sight of those miniature chefs-d'oeuvre of the engraver's art: the thousand-franc French airmail stamps. There is a growing fear in the philatelic world that postal meters may eventually deal a death blow to our hobby. Before that happens, however, we shall all continue to enjoy the wonderful pastime of kings and presidents, the collecting of these fascinating tiny bits of paper which conjure in our imagination such wonderful pictures of historical events, romance, travel, adventure, and . . . even of currency and postal rates and economic inflation in the case of the more prosaic minded collectors. NEW MEMBERS We welcome the following World Bank Group retirees/alumni to The 1818 Society. Country of intended residence other than the USA has been added after their names. Jocelyne Albert Rachid M.Ghozall Tamar Manuelyan Atinc Lilibeth R. Hocson Mary Eunice S. Barroso Ron N Hoffer Fresia Betancourt Farrukh Iqbal Melvina Clarke Jean Marie Jacobson Luis Arturo Crouch Robin Kambe Marjorie Dobson Olympia Koskinas Maria M. Rodrigues dos Santos Brazil Bobo Lu Sophia Drewnowski Gwendoline McCave Chantal Foiret Annie Minazi Page 30 New members Amerette Elizabeth Minott Atish Sanyal Nancy Louise Pinto Trevor Somasundaram Maureen Pradhan John Hugh Stevenson Manorama Rani Mohankumar Sundaramoorthy Dennis Reyes Evalyne Buijten Tandon Joyce Rompas Ogba Tseghai Maria Isabel Ruiz-Galindo Sylvia Castro Vidal Houria Sammari Barbara J. Walker March 2016 Lilian M. Samson SPECIAL PRESENTATION One frequently-heard lament from Society members is that, once retired, it is difficult to obtain information concerning what is going on in the World Bank, especially in the fast-changing and challenging environment in which the World Bank now finds itself. It is therefore a great pleasure to be able to publish an account of a presentation by Kyle Peters, Senior Vice President, Operations, at meeting last November of the 1818 Society Global Finance Chapter. The editor wishes to express his sincere thanks to John Nellis, who prepared this report of Mr. Peters' remarks, and to Rene Costa, the Chairman of the Global Finance Chapter. Whither the World Bank? On November 5, 2015, Kyle Peters, Senior Vice President, Operations, of the World Bank spoke to a very well-attended session of the Global Finance Chapter of The 1818 Society. In his frank, wide-ranging presentation, Mr. Peters touched on three sets of issues: 1. The evolving and worrisome global economic context in which the Bank’s borrowers now find themselves, the resulting new pressures and demands on the Bank Group, and the steps the Bank is taking to respond to the altered context; 2. The dynamics of the Bank’s “authorizing environment,” i.e., the increasing level of debate among Bank shareholders, management and the broader development community concerning the ongoing “shareholder review,” and a more appropriate allocation of effective “voice” among the member states; and 3. The ongoing internal “realignment” of the institution. The Global Context At the recent Annual Meetings in Peru, Mr. Peters encountered considerable anxiety among the borrowers concerning the elements of the current near-global slowdown, e.g., much slower growth than normal in China, the end of quantitative easing and the uncertainty around interest rates, the fall in commodity prices, and the fall in capital inflows to developing/emerging markets. The fear is that this next or current economic phase will be more prolonged than the crisis of Page 31 Special Presentation March 2016 2008-10, and that its negative effects will be more heavily centered (than the previous crisis) in developing countries/emerging markets. The borrowers are already looking to the Bank and the IFIs in general to prepare for substantially increased demands for financial, institutional and knowledge support. At the same time, the IFIs are expected to make substantial contributions to climate change financing in support of “lower carbon growth path” initiatives. These IFI efforts will help fulfill the commitment (made at Copenhagen, in 2009) to transfer from rich to poor countries, by 2020, $100 billion US each year to help offset the costs of adaptation. The donors also expect the IFIs to assist on policy and institutional support on climate change within the affected states. While acknowledging the great importance of the climate issue, Mr. Peters noted that global approaches such as this, with their “stress on commitments ex ante,” require some extra effort to be integrated into the Bank’s traditional country-by-country approach. In contrast, the demands arising from the adoption of the new Sustainable Development Goals (which replace the Millennium Development Goals in 12/2015) “cover a lot of ground friendly to the Bank’s traditional mode of operation.” Here, and again with regard to demands to respond to the massive needs in infrastructure rehabilitation and new investment, 1 there is an easier fit with the Bank’s country support model. The implication of this first section was that more and ever-larger demands are coming to the Bank. Bank staff and management will be challenged to keep up with the needs of their clients. If management and staff had hoped for a comparatively tranquil period in which to consolidate and implement the changes from the realignment, they are most unlikely to get it. Issues of ‘Voice;’ shifts in the ‘authorizing environment’ Mr. Peters thought that the shareholder review underway in 2015-16 would produce an even more vigorous discussion/debate on the long-standing, vexing question of Bank governance: What should and could be a more reasonable division of authority between Part I and Part II countries? Following the modest reapportioning of recent years, the Part II countries now possess 47.19 percent of voting shares on the Bank’s board. 2 Few if any Part II member states’ representatives are content with the allotment, and many observers in the broader development community support their insistence on a larger voting role. Mr. Peters’ stressed the acute difficulty of resolving this issue, since the fracture lines are not simply between Part I - Part II countries but, as well, between Part I-Part I, and Part II-Part II states. “Friction is inevitable,” he said. Devising a suitable solution will be a key test for management and shareholders in the coming months. Only slightly less demanding is the question of what next for IDA? Across the board, the principal IDA donors – the US, Japan, and the northern European states -- are facing enormous budget The financial needs in infrastructure are staggering. To cite a single example: In 2013, the Bank endorsed the goal that by 2030 there would be “universal access to energy and safe household fuels,” a doubled level of renewable energy, and a large increase in energy efficiency. Mr. Peters noted that the estimated costs of achieving these goals require, in each year between the present and 2030, $1 trillion US in energy investment over and above the existing level. 2 The NGO “Bretton Woods Project” claims that after the reforms of 2010, the “78 countries actually eligible to borrow from IBRD will have only a third of voting power (34.1 per cent);” while in IDA “High-income countries still have over 61 per cent of the votes, middle-income countries have under 28 per cent, and lowincome countries have only 11 per cent. The very countries that IDA is meant to serve have the least representation.” (Bretton Woods Project, “Analysis of World Bank Voting Reforms,” April, 2010. 1 Page 32 Special Presentation March 2016 pressures. In particular, the European states are confronted with acute internal pressures – already politicized – to apply some, if not all, of their aid resources to cover the costs of the massive inflow of refugees from the Middle East, Afghanistan and Africa. Past levels of IDA contribution could be threatened. In these circumstances, said Mr. Peters, the search is on for new ways to tap resources for IDA clients. One idea, still very much embryonic, is to securitize the net present value of forthcoming IDA repayments, and perhaps issue bonds that would leverage the IDA balance sheet. Such an initiative would have to be very carefully studied and managed. Re the financial side of IBRD, there is yet another serious concern: the persistent low-interest rate environment has contributed to a situation in which IBRD revenues are below expenses and have been for a few years. The solutions are equally obvious and equally problematic: Increase prices and thus revenues, cut costs further than anticipated, or make a case for Bank expansion and a larger capital base.3 Mr. Peters discussed the push to revise and update the safeguards process, and the contentious dilemma that results. On the one hand, some shareholders and many interested external voices call for the rigorous application of existing safeguards, and the expansion of the safeguard system to new areas; Mr. Peters cited labor, especially child labor protection, rights of Indigenous Peoples, and anti-discrimination of the disabled among those under review. On the other hand, there are pressures to prioritize, simplify and speed operations, and render Bank products more competitive in the increasing number of borrower countries where the Bank is now but one of several alternative financing sources. This leads to a “complicated discussion” around balancing these tensions. The ‘realignment’ Given the hue and cry that has accompanied management’s efforts to, yet again, restructure the Bank, Mr. Peters knew he was in for some hard questioning on the issue. He thus led off this section by stating his, and management’s, set of key objectives. First, the previous organizational approach needed revision. There was a need to return to some sort of revised “global matrix.” He noted that the Bank had not reorganized since 1997 – and that the need to adjust had built up over the intervening years. For example, the Bank needed to connect the global agenda on health with the health work carried out in its various country departments. Second, one had to enhance the capabilities and quality of management; the past system was deficient, especially in ensuring that the Bank had equivalently high levels of managerial competence in country, regional and technical areas. Third, despite the acknowledged high levels of stress inflicted on staff by the need to simultaneously undertake reorganization, “a strategic staffing review,” and a cost control exercise, these actions were required to make the institution more effective and relevant. Yes, change is painful, and it should be minimized and compensated for, but it would be wrong to avoid needed change if the cost were institutional ineffectiveness. He noted that despite the stress, and despite the fact that at points in the last years some staff were unclear as to their roles and to Following the talk, Mr. Peters furnished some additional information on IBRD financing: “The Bank did broaden its menu of IBRD loan maturities and enhanced its lending headroom through the Margins for Maneuver effort. The Expenditure Review also rechanneled $400 million from operating costs to the balance sheet for lending through a mix of efficiency gains and tighter management policies. With these steps the Bank is on a course to rebalance the situation by FY 18.” 3 Page 33 Special Presentation March 2016 whom they reported, the output of the Bank was record-breaking (outside a crisis year) in the last FY: $23.5 billion committed from IBRD and $19 Billion for IDA. Mr. Peters expressed his esteem for the skills, dynamism and dedication of the vast majority of Bank staff. Q&A A flood of comments and questions followed. Many dealt with the nature and approach of the realignment. Why the haste? Do not the recent losses of so many experienced staff indicate that something was seriously misperceived? What is being done to offset this brain drain? Why does every new Bank president feel the need to reorganize, restructure or realign? Why does the Bank approach change in such a sporadic and convulsive manner? Should it not be a permanent, unfolding process as in the better private sector firms? I summarize Mr. Peters’ several responses as follows: The Bank has 1600 operations in its portfolio. It manages 400 projects a year. It undertakes an additional 1800 knowledge products a year. In terms of overall governance it is “more of a cooperative than a hierarchical firm.” Prior to the realignment, it was organized in regional and country units, with global agenda managed by a set of “Networks.” Problems of sharing knowledge and applying technical expertise in the right place, at the right time, were evident and serious. The first phase of the recent reform effort instituted 14 Global Practice groups, which then were to interact with 44 country departments. This process rapidly produced extremely high transaction costs. Moreover, as the GP groups moved from the setting-up to the working stage, it was found that several of them needed a “different type of leadership with line management authority to focus on client and technical issues.” Three Global Practice VPs, all with deep operational experience, have been appointed; they will direct the interaction of GP staff with the six regional VPs. In theory, this simplifies the 14 x 44 matrix to a 3 x 6 format. And yes, the costs to staff of all these efforts have been high, as with any reorganization, but our intentions are the best; the goal is to enhance the relevance and the impact of the institution. Questions on some more specific issues followed. For example, Millard Long noted that ex-post evaluations of Bank assistance during crisis periods concluded that large sums went to countries that, it turned out, had minimal if any need for them. He asked, has the Bank learned to better handle counter-cyclical lending? Mr. Peters answered that it is hard to determine ex ante a country’s appropriate level of financial need. At the onset of financial crises, in the face of virtually “locked up” capital markets, at least initially neither the countries nor the IFIs were sure of the situation or the way in which markets will regard a country’s degree of vulnerability. Since the issue in crises is often one of confidence of the markets, finance ministers tend to request funds in anticipation of need, as a form of insurance against potential attack.4 Mr. Long also asked, has the Bank tilted too much towards issues of financial inclusion (the subject of our Chapter’s previous session), and allowed the depletion of its skills in broader financial sector concerns? Mr. Peters acknowledged that this might be the case, and that some rebalancing might be in order. Later in the discussion he noted the dilemma of trying to prioritize: On the one hand, there is an appeal to reducing activities in order to apply the institution’s limited personnel This is similar to what Gary Perlin told the chapter in his presentation to our chapter (May 23, 2014), concerning how and why the private bank he then helped manage, Capital One, over-packed its balance sheet at the beginning of the US financial crisis. 4 Page 34 Special Presentation March 2016 and financial resources on key concerns; on the other, there is a never-ending call to address additional issues of socio-economic concern. Moreover, as in the case of broad financial sector issues, when the Bank does cut back on a particular skill set, it often finds that exiting that field was a mistake. Prem Garg noted the increase in disbursements but wondered about the impact and outcomes of the expanded operations, particularly in light of the departure of experienced personnel. Mr. Peters admitted that quality “has been a bit low,” although there has been a very recent uptick in positive assessments. He later noted the continuation of the long-standing disconnect, in the 25 percent range, between project ISR scores and ex post formal evaluations. He said the need is for assessments of operations at the design and early implementation stages, not at completion, to allow for the construction of corrective measures. (Nobody then asked Mr. Peters, was not this early-on review exactly what the disbanded QAG was supposed to be doing? With what has that unit been replaced?) Johannes Lynn asked, to what extent has the Bank taken into account the recommendations made by The 1818 Society at the time President Kim was appointed? Mr. Peters said that he had already responded to some of the issues the Society representatives raised, particularly regarding the new organization and the need to hire highly qualified staff. Finally, several people asked whether the efforts of the realignment were not simply reinventions of past initiatives? Are not the Global Practice Groups remodeled Networks? Are not Development Policy Loans renamed Structural Adjustment operations? Mr. Peters admitted some similarities but stressed the major differences: The old structures, he said, separated the technical staff – in energy, for example – working in country operations from the ones doing global advocacy work on clean energy. The new structure brings those two groups together; they make it easier for technical staff to be deployed across regions and countries where they are most needed. Regarding DPLs, they reflect a shift in approach to greater consultation with the clients. DPLs support client-driven reforms, not ones prescribed by Washington. Mr. Peters’ candor, sincerity, and mastery of the intricacies of the Bank’s policies and working environment were all in evidence. He is working hard, in a managerially difficult, most complex multi-national, multi-objective, multi-faceted organization, to ensure that the World Bank Group weathers the present storm and reassumes its role as a—if not the—leading international organization dealing with socio-economic development. This will not be an easy task. The day following his presentation came the announcement of the departure of two key World Bank Group Vice Presidents, CFO Bertrand Badré and IFC Executive VP Jin-Yong Cai (both of whom made presentations to our chapter5). Mr. Peters’ difficult job just got harder. John Nellis November 12, 2015 5 Mr. Badré on May 9, 2014, and Mr. Cai on November 7, 2014. SPECIAL HISTORICAL SUPPLEMENT January 9, 2016 marked the 60th anniversary of the official opening of the Economic Development Institute (now the World Bank Institute) in a house at 1620 Belmont Street, NW, that belonged to the wife of Eugene Meyer, the World Bank's first President, and which was also used by the Embassy of the Netherlands for a time. In those 60 years the Institute has undergone considerable evolution, but it is instructive to learn of how the concept of the Institute was viewed by its founders. This article from the October 1955 issue of "International Bank Notes" sheds some light on the subject. THE ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT INSTITUTE by Patterson H. French Early next January, fifteen men and one woman from sixteen different countries will assemble at 1620 Belmont Street, N. W., and the Bank's Economic Development Institute will become an accomplished fact. Already three of the four faculty members are on the job, the building has been leased, and (according to the faculty members) plans for the various courses and seminars are taking shape. The Bank has issued a nicely printed booklet describing the Institute, called, of course, not a “Bulletin” or a “Calendar” but in true bankers' vernacular, a “Prospectus.” The Institute is called in this prospectus a “staff-college” operated by the Bank for senior government officials of its member countries who hold important economic posts in underdeveloped areas." While it will be a center for study and training in economic development problems, it will not be a school in the usual sense. The participants will be mature people who have struggled with problems of economic development in their own countries. The Institute will expect to rely heavily on the interchange of experience through discussion either between the participants themselves or with the staff of the Bank, sifting that experience in seminars to find out what general conclusions can be drawn and what lessons for the future can be learned. Incidentally, the question whether the Institute is a school or is not a school figured prominently in determining whether it would be housed at the Belmont Street location or whether it would remain homeless indefinitely. After months of searching for quarters where the group could live and work the present building was found, a large former residence which had also been at one time the Netherlands Embassy. Then began prolonged negotiations over occupancy and zoning permits. To meet the District of Columbia zoning regulations it had to be established that the Institute was not a "school," and in the process it was very nearly ruled that it should be classed as "religious institution." This view, in the words of George Unwin, the historian, is "educative but fallacious." The faculty members maintain stoutly that they will not propagate a ready-made gospel; they even go so far as to maintain that the Bank has no such gospel. As to the financing of the Institute, a contribution to the cost of the Institute will be made by the government concerned in respect of each candidate selected. Also, the Ford and Rockefeller Foundations have made grants to cover a part of the Institute's expenses. The Bank will meet the remaining costs. Page 36 Special Historical Supplement March 2016 The first class of sixteen will be in residence for six months. Many of them are already thoroughly trained in economics and have taken degrees at Harvard, U.C.L.A., the University of London and elsewhere. They are officials of central banks, planning offices, development boards, and ministries dealing with economic and financial matters. One is the first Nigerian to hold the rank of department head; another is a State Counsellor from Yugoslavia. One is a woman: she comes from the Philippines and is Coordinator of Investments, and Technical Assistant to the Governor of the Central Bank. All of those taking part have been nominated by their governments. For the present, only the nominees of the governments of underdeveloped countries or colonial territories are being treated as eligible, but other governments and government agencies (including U.S. agencies) have shown a keen interest. Some private persons, hearing of the new Institute with equal enthusiasm applied either for posts on the staff or for admission as students. The would-be students included an airline pilot from Ecuador and a Spanish engineer. A Chicago advertising agency wrote to suggest that a deal might be concluded "to the mutual advantage of both parties! The work will include seminars, group meetings, special talks by guest speakers, and field trips. The seminars, which represent the backbone of the course, will fall into one of three groups. They will either be general and deal with the development of the whole of an economy, discussing the purpose of such development, how it can be measured, how economies have gained momentum in the past, and the factors that played a strategic part in the process; or they will deal with policies that exercise a wide influence over the whole economy such as monetary, fiscal or investment policy; or they will be limited to single sectors of the economy and to the policies by which the development of a given sector might be encouraged. The point of departure will thus move from the whole to the parts, from general forces to concrete and particular situations. It is on the working out of the curriculum that the staff of the Institute is now engaged. Director of the Institute is Professor A. K. Cairncross, who joined the Bank in July on leave of absence from the University of Glasgow, Scotland, where he is Professor of Applied Economics and Director of the Department of Social and Economic Research. Two of the faculty members, John Adler and William Diamond, have been drawn from the Bank's regular staff and a fourth member is still to be named. Although the Institute has its own headquarters and its own teaching staff, it will not be left in academic seclusion on Belmont Street. It has been located in Washington so that those taking part can draw on the accumulated experience of the Bank through personal contact with its staff. There will be frequent occasions when members of the staff are invited to give talks at Belmont Street or join in the seminars and many other occasions when they are approached by individual participants for advice on some concrete problem. These exchanges will by no means be onesided, for economic development is something about which everyone has still much to learn. The Institute can help both the participants in its courses and the Bank itself if it pinpoints the key elements in successful development. But it can do both things only if it is treated as an integral part of the Bank; this is how it was planned and this is how it will be expected to operate. IN MEMORIAM We regret to inform you of the following deaths based on information provided by the Pension Administration Division. We extend our sincere sympathy to the families. If you would like to post information about a friend’s memorial service or family contacts, use the link http://1818members.wordpress.com/in-memoriam/ or go to The Society’s website and click on the member’s area (blog) in the quick links box. Look for In Memoriam, scroll all the way down, and post the message in the comment section. Your information will appear as the first item on the page. Raquel Astorga, 89, of McLean, VA, on January 12, 2016. She was the surviving spouse of retiree Mr. Luis Astorga. Lydia Maria Ballard, 67, of Bethesda, MD, on October 21, 2015. She was the spouse of Mr. Paul Ballard. Aroon Basak, 93, of Bethesda, MD, on February 6, 2016. Mr. Basak retired from the Bank Group in 1986. Pamela Bigart, 67, of McLean, VA, on January 6, 2016. Ms. Bigart retired from the Bank Group in 2010. Marie-France Buphomene, 95, of France, on January 21, 2015. She was the surviving spouse of Mr. Yves Buphomene. Arturo Clares, 77, of Washington, DC, on December 6, 2015. He was the spouse of Mrs. Maria CastroMunoz. Carolyn Collins, 72, of Fredericksburg, VA, on February 7, 2016. Ms. Collins retired from the Bank Group in 1997. Glenda P Cunningham, 70, of Silver Spring, MD, on January 9, 2016. She was the spouse of Mr. John J Cunningham. Paul Danquah, 90, of Tangier, Morocco, on August 13, 2015. Mr. Danquah retired from the Bank Group in 1983. B. Henry De Zoysa, 93, Colombo, Sri Lanka, on November 25, 2015. Mr. De Zoysa retired from the Bank Group in 1982. Robert Jerome Esmay, 72, of Eugene, OR, on December 28, 2015. Mr. Esmay retired from the Bank Group in 2005. Margaret Gabriel, 86, of Washington, DC, on February 14, 2016. She was the surviving spouse of Mr. K. Georg Gabriel. Page 38 In Memoriam March 2016 Sandra Granzow, 76, of New York, NY, on November 19, 2015. She was the spouse of retiree Mr. James Kearns. Baxter Gray, 79, of Coral Springs, FL, on December 18, 2015. Mr. Gray retired from the Bank Group in 1991. Merlyn Hunger, 75, of Saratoga Springs, UT, on July 12, 2015. Ms. Hunger retired from the Bank Group in 1997. Irma Iriarte, 85, of Annandale, VA, on December 4, 2015. Ms. Iriarte retired from the Bank Group in 1988. James H. Jennings, 86, of Bethesda, MD, on October 10, 2015. Mr. Jennings retired from the Bank Group in 1991. George A. Kalauzi, 92, of Hifissia, Athens, on December 11, 2015. Mr. Kalauzi retired from the Bank Group in 1985. Gunther Koenig, 82, of Bethesda, MD, on November 19, 2015. Mr. Koenig retired from the Bank Group in 1988. Gerard L. Liautaud, 80, of Cannes, France, on January 20, 2016. Mr. Liautaud retired from the Bank Group in 1999. Nevine Madkour, 71, of Alexandria, VA, on August 22, 2015. She was the spouse of retiree Mr. M. Ismail Serageldin. Casimiro M. Mangoba, 91, of Ashburn, VA, on November 25, 2015. He was the spouse of retiree Ms. Gloria B. Mangoba. Charles G. Mclaughlin, 76, of Youngsville, NC, on January 31, 2016. He was the spouse of Mrs. Linda Jean McLaughlin. Robert W. McMeekin, 78, of Santiago, Chile, on January 22, 2016. Mr. McMeekin retired from the Bank Group in 1993. Giuseppe A. Morra, 89, of Washington, DC, on January 30, 2016. Mr. Morra retired from the Bank Group in 1988. Joaquin Muns, 80, of Barcelona, Spain, on November 2, 2015. Mr. Muns retired from the Bank Group in 1982. Fernando Murias, 80, of Rockville, MD, on January 7, 2016. Mr. Murias retired from the Bank Group in 1990. Page 39 In Memoriam March 2016 Frank Mwine, 73, of Los Angeles, CA, on February 23, 2016. Mr. Mwine retired from the Bank Group in 1991. Florence M. O'Brien, 91, of Chambersburg, PA, on January 10, 2016. Ms. O'Brien retired from the Bank Group in 1986. Mario Parreaguirre, 88, of Bethesda, MD, on December 27, 2015. Mr. Parreaguirre retired from the Bank Group in 1988. Gregory Plant, 87, of Manasquan, NJ, on December 16, 2015. Mr. Plant retired from the Bank Group in 1990. Gita Rao, 74, of Rockville, MD, on October 9, 2015. She was the spouse of retiree Mr. D. C. Rao. Ramon Rouco, 81, of Rockville, MD, on November 24, 2015. Mr. Rouco retired from the Bank Group in 1987. Elizabeth Schaper, 76, of Mobile, AL, on November 25, 2015. Ms. Schaper retired from the Bank Group in 1998. Gerard Seymour Schokman, 87, of Kinross, WA, on January 24, 2016. Mr. Schokman retired from the Bank Group in 1990. Loredana Sciolli, 80, of Rome, Italy, on January 23, 2016. She was the surviving spouse of retiree Mr. Gabriel Sciolli. Fannie B. Sonley, 91, of Warrenton, VA, on November 17, 2015. She was the spouse of Mr. Sonley. Safia Hassan M. Taha, 93, of Egypt, on December 6, 2015. She was the surviving spouse of Mr. Aladin Fateen. Alix Tenaille, 85, of Paris, France, on January 1, 2016. She was the surviving spouse of retiree Mr. Gerard R. L. Tenaille. John H. Thompson, 72, of Plymouth, UK, on January 19, 2016. Mr. Thompson retired from the Bank Group in 1995. Gesina B. Threlkeld, 95, of Las Cruces, NM, on December 1, 2015. She was the surviving spouse of Mr. Aladin Fateen. Rosita Maria Van Meel, 60, of Belgium, on December 15, 2015. Ms. Van Meel retired from the Bank Group in 2012. Albertus Wildenburg, 93, of Sarasota, FL, on December 3, 2015. He was the surviving spouse of Ms. Beryl Wildenburg. Responsibility Matrix 2015-2016 Board of Directors Inder Sud (President and Chair) Anis Dani Carlos Escudero Christine Wallich Damian von Stauffenberg Eugene McCarthy Hadi Abushakra Ines Garcia Lesley Shneier Nadereh Chamlou Pauline Ramprasad J. Shivakumar (Honorary Member) Secretary Sverrir Sigurdsson Treasurer Jeffrey Katz , Adrienne Guerrero Committees: Pension Health Insurance Nadereh Chamlou(Chair), Deane Jordan(Alternate member for PFC and PBAC), Ismail Dalla, Javed Hamid(PFC Member), Jeffrey Katz, Kenneth Lay, Scott B White Esq, Toshie Kabuto, Ines Garcia (Chair), Alan Siff, Carlos Escudero, Dileep Wagle, Ian Bannon, Jim Harrison, Kabir Ahmed (Mentor), Larry Hinkle, Lorraine Nagy, Pat King, Pat Neill, Raja Aiyer, Richard Stange, Tax Seminars Deane Jordan Credit Union Davinder Sakhuja Member Helping Members Kahlid Siraj (Chair), Paula Donovan Bulletin Editor Chuck Ziegler Cultural Events Farida Dossani Int. Retiree Organization Lesley Shneier Liaison Member Remembrances Frona Hall Active LifestylesZ Hiking Club Anis Dani Yoga Davinder Sakuja International Trips Miren Fernandez Retirement Communities Pauline Ramprasad